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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 6am  CBS  April 9, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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er you want to be. like #1 chef dad, cookin' up a free, hot breakfast for the entire family at a comfort hotel. mom made this. umm, i... added the garnish. stay twice and get a free night when you book direct. >> tech: at safelite, we'll take care of fixing your windshield. stay twice and get a free night but did you know we can take care of your insurance claim? that means less stress for you. >> woman: thanks. >> tech: my pleasure. have a good one. >> woman: you too. >> tech: schedule today at >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ ( ♪♪ ) feel the power of osteo bi-flex®. taken every day, it's clinically shown to improve joint comfort in 7 days, with significant improvement over time. ( ♪♪ ) and we thank you for joining us this morning. it's tuesday, april 9th. >> let's get started.
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>> i feel like what we did with the band-aid, even -- you know, saving hopefully saving lives. >> a bay area nurse building a bridge into war-torn gaza. how she keeps her mission above politics and people-focused. it just seems like it would put a higher burden of proof on the realtor to show their potential clients that they're really good. >> i think this is going to be ultimately good for innovation. i think it will be good for competition. >> realtor reckoning? a big change about to hit your hometown real estate agent in july. how a major move could affect the housing market. they're a 4a team. they're not a major league team. they have abandoned the city. >> mr. october not mincing words about the organization he came up with. the a's with their sights set on sin city, but where's the [ cheering and applause ] money? and uconn, go as crazy as you like on a tuesday morning. the back-to-back champs on
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college basketball's biggest stage. good morning, everybody. i'm reed cowan. and congratulations to everybody celebrating that win and no matter whether your team got in or not, wasn't it fun? >> i'm nicole zaloumis, i didn't do great either. in the middle of the park. i kind of like to fly you know, under the radar. i didn't want to be too good at march madness. >> you didn't want to be liz cook. >> i just feel like middle of the road with my -- >> where your thing. liz cook is walking around golden gate park this morning and don't you know who i am. >> that's the prize there for you liz for winning. time off work. let's take a live look outside on this tuesday morning. beautiful as the sun is rising on what's promising to be a beautiful day in the bay area. go on a hike or run and maybe even get on the boat. >> oh my gosh yes, sailing
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would be awesome today. to add to that also seeing clear skies for any outdoor activities so whether you are just a stroller around the neighborhood or whether you go all out and hike to the top of mount tam. i don't know. whatever you may be doing today is going to be a gorgeous one fors and a live look once again down into the santa clara valley with a gorgeous sunrise. of course bundle up too. it's cold out there right now. i'm going to show you the daytime highs in just a second it's going to be beautiful and above average. but i also want to start off with the fact that it's dry out there today. and tomorrow. we're seeing clear skies and with that, our pollen count is real tvly high. today and tomorrow in the medium to high category that continues to be the case into the thursday and friday setup too. if your loved ones or yourself if you are sensitive to allergies of course take it slow out there. the high temperatures this afternoon are very similar to yesterday. and i'm not sure if i mentioned this yesterday but yesterday we were sitting above average and we're continuing to warm up as we head all the way into our wednesday and thursday forecast too. so here's some examples. concord and san jose, i want to show you the rest of bay area real
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quick from santa rosa over into petaluma. in the mid 70s there. upper 60s near san francisco. putting us about five degrees above average and off in the east bay 70s all throughout this afternoon. and we're going to continue to warm up into the 80s in areas like livermore and down into san jose. throughout the rest of this midportion of the week at least. but another thing i want to mention too. once we head into late portions of this week, well, now we're talking about a chance of showers right around the corner for us and that moves in friday and more about how that's going to impact us but for now over to you, nicole. thank you, jessica. start by taking a live look at the golden gate bridge this morning. and more cars wheeling on in although it's an easy drive coming from marin county into the city. at the bay bridge, metering lights are now on as we begin to see a bit of a buildup there just after the toll plaza. traffic will continue the next couple of hours during peak commuting time. and a quick check over at hayward. the san mateo bridge, smooth conditions in both
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directions. a few more cars than when we last checked but ever all a nice drive to start the day. all right, we want to update on a story with you fist reported last night at 11:00. watching for hotspots this morning in hayward at a warehouse fire. you can sigh flames and smoke shooting orange and black into the sky. crews got the call just after 9:30 last night and as soon as they got to the building, the fight went into defense mode. crews' main focus was to keep the fire have freding to other buildings. now this morning we're looking lye at the aftermath. this is over theory pallider and hall roads. you can see the openings and those large openings to that warehouse. and they are singed and burned right there. the building as you can see there housed an insulation business and it looks like west coast insulation. no word on how bad the damage is inside or what caused this. but luckily, no injuries were reported. crews will be there today trying to mop up those hotspots and looking for what caused the fire. looking live over san francisco and the big question
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this morning, since when did library employees need security guards just to get in a building full of books. >> safety is the demand of library workers fighting blight on city blocks in san francisco. and in response, a rally by public library employees demanding safer streets outside where they work. they complain about drug addicts and homelessness right outside the doors and say it makes their job of being libraries unsafe in the community. that rally starts t noon at san francisco's main library. after the death of the father of two in the tesla, 11th hour tesla agreed to settle a lawsuit over its self-driving technology. so here's the background on this story. a man named walter huang died on highway 1501 in mountain view in 2018 when his model x slammed into a concrete median. investigators from the national transportation safety board found his tesla was on autopilot for almost 20 minutes. tesla blamed the driver claiming his hands were off the steering wheel for six seconds playing a video game on
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his phone. huang's family acknowledges he was distracted. but argued tesla was at fault for falsely marketing autopilot as self-driving software. so far no word on the terms of that settlement. get a good last look at this and other first republic banks. the location looking live right now is just one of 25 locations in the bay area that will close next month. you know, last year, we know this. jpmorgan chase acquired first republic which was one of three mid-sized banks to fail. the closures are slated for may 24th. that banking giant tells us they'll reopen ten locations in our area but they will be jpmorgan or chase branches. sometimes we get lucky to share in an event that reminds us all where we are in the universe. people traveled far and wide to certain parts of the nation for a front row seat to the solar eclipse. its path of the totality didn't quite make it here to the bay but we
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have definitely got a partial viewing. oakland's chabot space and science center know what is it means so they held a viewing party for all to enjoy. normally quiet on monday mornings but yesterday, a soldout crowd filled the plaza all to see the breathtaking sight. and there were all sorts of devices to look up safely. like telescopes that remain 99.9% of light. that was outside. inside, stunned visitors watched the total eclipse being televised. >> feels so powerful. right? and feels magical almost. and the aura is really beautiful. >> i just feel lucky to be alive to see all this beautiful stuff. in this world. >> astronomers say this really is a lucky time for us because the moon is slowly moving further away from earth. and at the same time the sun is getting bigger meaning we hit the sweet spot. meanwhile,
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students and possible future scientists gathered at stanford for the unique sight and we can't tell how happy they were. the smiles on the children's faces and curiosity physically sparking in their eyes. >> i have never seen an eclipse before. this is my first time in person. >> what do you think. >> i think it's really cool and i'm really excited. >> it looks so cool. how the moon is in the sun -- the moon is in the sun. >> the same excitement came from students who want to make a living studying space. saying they hope people can stay inspired to learn more about planetary sciences. reed? i cope going back to the video out of mazatlan. mexico. look at the time lapse as you saw during the liv stream yesterday. it was the first stop in the path of totality when the eclipse hit its absolute peak and this is another cool view that made history. to bloomington, indiana where this shot looks like a plane flew right into the eclipse. check out the kem trails there. there it is
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again. absolutely stunning. and then let's go higher up into space. this is another view higher up of things that made millions of us look up and have that shared human experience. this is the view from the international space station. it shows the moon's shadow making its way across north america. hey if you want to relive those moments where the moon upstaged the sun, in the bay area, our special coverage is on youtube all you have to do to find that show is search cbs news bay area and by the way we have even for eclipse coverage on to remember what it looked like in cities along the path of totality. and teachers if you are watching out there and you want to talk about it with your students, just pop up some of the videos and you are more than welcome to have that in your classrooms to show your students. >> yeah, you and anne and jessica hosted the special ellipse show yesterday. i don't know how jess made that shot happen in front in the plane. >> oh, it was jessica in there? >> jessica burch. >> she let the kem trails out right on time. >> proud of you for using that. look at you reed. >> what's in a trail? i need to bring her on and ask her
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about that. mayor breed taking the push for a bay area bounce-back to the state capitol. what she's asking for from state leaders to help fix some san francisco issues. and later the a's saying good-bye to oakland and they really need the plans in sin city to come to life. but a court challenge in nevada by teachers could cause the a's to have
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welcome back. looking live at san francisco and a sobering reality. you see office buildings there. they are a headline this morning. according to a commercial real estate firm, 36% of the city's office space sits empty and unused. by the way, that's an all-time high. some people blame the postpandemic rise of remote work. but mayor london breed wants to turn all of this empty office space into something people can use. and she says it can be anything but office spaces. one small downtown business tells our kelsi thorud they're looking for a fix and the fix can't come soon enough. >> reporter: sajj mediterranean has been here at the corner of pine and belden in the financial district since 2018. manager nancy madrigal says when they first snagged this location, they were ecstatic. >> this is store number four.
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so it was pretty busy. >> reporter: nancy says they would have lines out the door during the weekday lunch rush but then, of course, the pandemic hit. >> it's definitely not the same as before. [ laughter ] >> reporter: nancy says even all these years later, since the peak of covid, the crowds just aren't coming back. >> out of the five days, we might have two good days. >> reporter: sajj isn't alone. so many businesses continue to struggle, especially those downtown. the trend towards work from home has gutted many high-rises in the area, taking away a huge chunk of these restaurants' clientele. that is why mayor breed and several other city officials are pushing the state to pass laws that will make it easier to turn those vacant spaces into housing or other mixed use venues. president and ceo of the san francisco chamber of commerce rodney fong says he's fully on board with the mayor's vision.
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>> i think covid taught us not to necessarily put all of our eggs in one basket and san francisco has the luxury of being able to try to diversify itself, which i think the mayor, by going to sacramento, is trying to do to expedite and create incentives for people to take chances and be creative in this great downtown. >> reporter: back at sajj, nancy told me she too likes the idea of getting more people back into downtown and just hopes those people will visit her restaurant as much as those did before. >> improving either housing or more work offices around the area will improve our business a lot. now taking a live look outside on this tuesday morning. and breathtaking really. we live in such a beautiful place. and we're in for a beautiful day today. jess? it sounds like we can't say the same though for our friends in the south. >> absolutely. take a look at
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this video. check out what texas has been dealing with all week. the hail was coming down hard yesterday. and this guy in mesquite, texas got pummeled while trying to just throw a cover over his car. now tornadoes and heavy winds were in the forecast all throughout that region as well. and the storm system is supposed to continue into the forecast today in that area. they're likely to see even more hail and possible flooding as well so we're going to keep a close eye on that but some active weather there. meanwhile, take a look at what's behind me right now. clear skies and mild conditions and that's what we're waking up to in the bay area this morning. as we head out the door. get some fresh air and dive into a beautiful forecast with daytime highs today sitting above average. now it's a dry day today and it will be beautiful and warmer tomorrow. lasting into thursday. but i want to advance futurecast a little bit and zoom very far out because here's san francisco right here and i want to show you what's happening around the corner. this storm system that we're watching coming in from the north is very similar to last week's cold front. remember when we were talking about 80s for easter sunday?
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and warm sunny skies and then suddenly last week turned into 50s and chilly conditions and breezy as can be? there is happening for us again this week and here's the science behind the reason why that's happening. this trough of low pressure is diving down and it's bringing in more showers for us heading into friday, saturday and a little bit of sunday's forecast too. that area of low pressure circulating in a lot of rain just from offshore. and we'll see some really good impacts from it too. i mean about a half inch of rain expected from santa rosa down into areas like the santa clara valley as we head into the forecast this weekend. so big changes around the corner. but from now until that cold front moves in, the air is still dry as can be and actually going to be in the medium to high category when it comes to the pollen count. so just keep that in mind. the daytime highs today, it's warm and i mean in our inland areas especially. we're talking about upper 70s already near concord and over into antioch and 60s near san francisco down into half-moon bay that. you can see just and difference from half-moon bay stretching all the way over into areas
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like the santa clara valley you can't see half-moon bay right there but we're sitting in the low 60s. we're expecting upper 70s near san jose. let me show you the next seven days because we are still in the warm-up like i mentioned and not close to the cold front just yet. that's not happening until late friday night. early saturday morning but look at the contrast in the forecast this week. i mean just like last week you are going to be able to get some suntanning in this afternoon. i mean, even tomorrow with some just partly cloudy skies. and then suddenly you are grabbing that umbrella and that jacket ready to go for saturday's forecast. it's going to look a lot different around the corner but we're here to update you with the rainfall totals too. for now over to you, nicole. all right, thank you, jess and overview look at the bay area roadways. not much happening so far this morning. which is always nice to report. a few trouble spots though. small sections of southbound 880 and san lorenzo and hayward are dealing with a bit of slow reactions on the roads as well as highway 4 in pith burg. even slower speeds bumper-to-bumper traffic there. and for our supercommuters at the altamont pass, an extremely slow drive
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for you. especially with this accident that chp has now reported near the grant line road exit. going westbound. all right, time right now 6:19 in the morning. uconn is on top of the college basketball world. there's a lot of excitement there. the amazing feat for these young men and their coaches and supporters and we're going to look at how we finished in the bay area team bracket. we'll take a final look with the end of march madness. then look at the golden glow outside everybody. we hope you have a
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welcome back. looking live at oracle park. the giants are ready to bounce back for game two against the washington nationals tonight. rookie lefty kyle harrison takes the mound against the nationals' gray and it should be an exciting match-up. first pitch 6:45. well, fans got to see two-time cy young winner and one of the biggest off-season signings blake snell do his thing. a promising start but unfortunately he ran into trouble in the 2nd inning. back-to-back walks and few mistake pitches down the middle
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got the ball rolling for washington. ato get them home was the tough part. 0-10 with runners in scoring position. washington takes the series opener, 8-1. well, las vegas teacher organization wants to make sure the a's stadium doesn't cross home plate. today is their day to get their say in court over a $380 million public funding bill for the a's' new las vegas ballpark. here's essentially their argument. that millions of dollars shouldn't be spent on a stadium. but rather on education in their state. the group is called schools over stadiums and their name says it all. that group lost the early battle when the judge sided with the a's, saying the group's referendum petition that was submitted to the judge left out details for potential signees to make an informed decision. so kind of a technicality there. but for months since, schools over staid jumps has been trying to appeal that ruling. today the organization has their chance to argue that decision and see if it will hold. they also said if the original ruling is upheld, they have backup plans. they plan to file a lawsuit declaring a bill that paved the
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way to passage of public money to help pay for the stadium unconstitutional. we'll be watching this one closely. and you know who's especially steamed over the a's' sin city move? the legend himself. reggie jackson. former a's' outfielder went on the show podcast to break down what he calls an embarrassment to major league baseball. listen to this. >> i'm so disappointed as to the way the family has -- the fisher family -- has interacted with the city and just let the team go to shambles. i mean, they're -- a 4a team. they're not a major league team. they have abandoned the city. >> i appreciate reggie's honesty. >> uh-huh. he's invested right? somebody who has a history with the team. i want to listen to him and the fans. >> he has nothing to lose. you know, some people would home back in his case he's angry and he's upset. and he's calling it like it is. >> right. i would love to talk to john fisher in real life.
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i'd love to have a conversation with him. >> put it out there to the universe. john? come on the show. we'd love to have you. >> we'll be nice. all right, to men's college basketball. uconn became the first team to win back-to-back national championships since the florida gators did it back in 2006 and 2007. purdue's big man zach edey made big moments count and led all scorers with 37 points. but uconn's defensive prowess was on full display. the huskies, they won every game in the tournament by more than ten points. and including this one. 75-60 the final. with that said, why don't we take a look at the final results from our kpix tournament leader board? liz cook, just -- dominated. she is cooking as the was would say. in first place by over 30 points. how about this though? i'm proud of max darrow. >> me too. >> he was able to just push himself up there out of nowhere. sneaky max. and then gianna, you know, she's just solid in third place.
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congratulations to our podium winners. i'm not on the podium. i'm a little further down and just waving to everyone on the podium and i think you left the building. >> yeah. i'm in what we call the upside down right? just sort of channel that streaming show. "stranger things." i'm in the upside down which means i'm winning. just flip it upside down. >> got an a. for effort. thank you for participating. participating -- here's is a little participation medal for you. time right now 6:26. want to sell or buy a house this summer or beyond? stay tuned because there was a seismic settlement. how it could affect you and the bay area housing market ahead. then a bay area bridge builder serving the wounded in war-torn gaza. her
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i was like shaking you know, i was so scared. when i first reached out to jacoby and meyers. i didn't know if i had a case or not. as soon as i got a hold of my attorney, she was very, very nice, very kind. because of jacoby and meyers, i don't have that pressure to worry about a medical bill or things like that. if i know of any accident, i'm like, call jacoby and meyers, they'll help you.
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6:29 in the morning. good morning, everybody. taking a live look over there towards treasure island. and then across the water to our friends in the east bay. good morning to you as well. that golden glow coming up over the beautiful mountains. and any place more beautiful than the bay area to wake up in? i think not. jessica burch, what a pretty day we had yesterday. with the partial eclipse. takeout the eclipse, have the same day back. >> exactly. ditch the eclipse and we have the beautiful weather right? and that was the case yesterday. and definitely the case today. as we head out the door i want to talk about the reason why we have such
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nice weather for the beginning of this week at least. high pressure sitting just offshore bringing in the winds from the north and continue to see that be the case for us with some breezy conditions into this afternoon. but that high pressure system slowly moving its way off into the east and what's happening is this trough is moving in of cold, dense air, it's that low pressure system sitting just offshore. and by friday, heading into saturday, we're going to be seeing a big change in the forecast for us. i'm going to dive more into that in just a minute but before we get there let me show you what's happening for us today. throughout the bay area, we're actually waking up to 40s and 50s. but later today we're topping off in the 70s upper 70s off in the east bay. and we're also seeing upper 70s down into the santa clara valley. where that sunrise is already so beautiful. this is just live look from our black mountain cam overlooking the santa clara valley from los gatos over into san jose. half-moon bay, we're sitting in the upper 60s today. and later this week, we're all going to be sitting in the -- excuse meloer 60s this week. we're going to be sitting in that as the area of low pressure moves in from the north. it's a cold front
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moving in from the gulf of alaska and as that settles in friday, saturday and sunday, it continues to wring out more rain for us all throughout those days and we're going to continue to see cooler temperatures develop too heading into this weekend's forecast. so i'm going to talk about the rainfall totals coming up in just a bit and i'm going to let you know how cold it's expected to -- be in your local communities. but for now, nicole, over to you. all right, thank you, jessica. more commuters are out on the roads as they make their way into work on this tuesday morning. check it out here. metering lights are on at the bay bridge. and we can see all those commuters dealing with bumper-to-bumper traffic. as they make their way to the toll plaza. another view here on the upper deck of the bridge as we can see the tiny cars on the left and entering the city there. conditions are also picking up over on the richmond-san rafael bridge. westbound 580 drivers only dealing with making it past the toll plaza as they can cruise on over the rest of the bridge.
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. well, israel-hamas war entering the seventh month after hamas killed some 1200 people on on the 7th and that took hostages. that prompted israel to strike back which this morning global leaders to call for a ceasefire and a release of hostages. today vice president kamala harris will meet with families of americans taken hostage by hamas during that october 7th terror attack on israel. and yesterday, pope francis met with israelis who have lost loved ones in gaza and the pope has called for an immediate ceasefire in the war and the release of all hostages and full access to humanitarian aid. meanwhile in gaza, israel's military has withdrawn from a place called khan younis is. to find the city reduced to rubble. some bay area helpers saw the images and stepped up and decided to get up and go to gaza for help. fairfax nurse sandra adler shared with our jose martinez what she saw there.
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>> reporter: sandra adler is back to her day job as an emergency room and pediatric nurse for kaiser permanente east bay after completing a two week mission in gaza. >> i feel like what we did with the band-aid, even, you know, saving, hopefully saving lives, but, you know, in the bigger picture, again, it was just a tiny drop. and of what we could accomplish in the two weeks that we were there. >> reporter: she tells me she and her team saw more than 150 patients a day. during her time in southern gaza, the work was difficult. >> we were at a trauma stabilization point in khan younis. and working with a lot of mass casualty incidents. a lot of pediatric trauma. >> reporter: so was getting to gaza in the first place. her journey started in germany with training on how to work in a hostile environment. and from there? >> we went to cairo where we procured some additional supplies. medical equipment. we
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brought 32 crates with us of mostly medical supplies and medicine. and spent -- it was about a ten hour trip getting to the border and crossing over and then getting to our home base in rafah. >> reporter: sandra is no stranger to this type of work. she's been in disaster zones in places like syria, mexico, and panama. but says this deployment was the toughest. >> the artillery fire that we heard definitely increased over time. i'd say the last five days it was coming closer to rafah, but consistently through my time there, we heard shelling. >> reporter: she says one of her dearest memories is this picture with nana, a little girl who visited her brother every day while he was receiving medical attention, but the saddest one was -- >> was leaving my colleagues, you know, there, you know, that here i knew the whole time that i had a way out. but this is -- a situation that, you know,
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they can't leave. you know. this is a situation that they're enduring day after day after day. >> well, sandra worked with the nonprofit emergency response organization to get into gaza. by the way this was the 12th humanitarian mission. she'd like to go back if and when she can. keeping an eye on the race for the 16th congressional district in silicon valley. today is deadline for any voter to request a recount in the race which we might see considering the two second place candidates ended up in a tie. we know former san jose mayor sam liccardo is heading to november's contest. but santa clara county supervisor joe simitian and assembly member evan low both finished the primary with the exact same number of votes. if the two candidates are satisfied with the results, they'll compete in a three way race for the congressional seat. if not, they or any voter can request a
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recount. but the recount though could be costly. because there's no sure bet that the numbers will end up in either candidate's favor. taking a live look at san jose where this afternoon, the city council will vote on new rules that would limit where people can park their large vehicles and rvs overnight. the rules would also prohibit people from setting up encampments within 150 feet of the school. supporters of the new policy say they will make roads and schools safer. while critics say they are criminalizing homelessness. in sacramento, a new crackdown on smash and grabs and shoplifting sprees is on the way. senate public safety committee will hold a hearing today increasing penalties for organized theft rings. this part of a bipartisan package of bills targeting the fentanyl crisis and retail crime called working together for a safer california. and looking live at oakland. secretary of health and human services xavier becerra is heeding here. he's
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calling for inclusion in clinical trials and expanding health care to mend decades of disparities. meanwhile a big question this morning, could oakland end up getting sued by san francisco? what a story this is. san francisco attorneys sent a strong message trying to stop oakland's airport from rebranding. so here's the background on this one. the port commission will vote this week on a proposal to add san francisco bay to the oakland airport's name. well, not so fast says san francisco. saying that that change aamounts to a trademark infringement and could confuse travelers who think they're going to one place and end up somewhere else. in a statement the back and forth continues. the port of oakland blamed a lack of geographical awareness for the airport's struggles and added the new name would bring more flights that would benefit the regional. a recently settled class action lawsuit will change the way real estate agents are paid commission. that is raising questions about the housing
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market in the summer. kenny choi explains how the industry navigates that shift. >> reporter: hari iyer has been searching to buy a family home for the first time. and learning a lot about the process along the way. >> patience, you know. and it's -- it's kind of terrifying when you see these home prices and you got to be really strategic about how you choose things. >> reporter: iyer is renting in san francisco and works in tech. he started the journey with his agent before new rules are slated to go in to effect in july. they include requiring a buyer and agent to negotiate and sign a commission rate agreement before the search even begins. >> it just seems like it would put a higher burden of proof on the realtor to show their potential clients they're really good before having a chance to walk through the home with them and really showing them, you know, what it's going to be like and show their abilities at that moment. >> reporter: michael annunziata is co-founder of north point real estate and is representing iyer. he's also the listing agent for this telegraph hill
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condo. the traditional model has been to include 5% to 6% commission to be split between a seller's agent and buyer's agent with a seller paying the cost after the deal closes. >> the main challenge i'm seeing will be will we be able to communicate the value i provide as a buyer's agent up front? >> reporter: the new model will allow sellers to opt out of paying the commission for the buyer's agent, but that doesn't mean all realtors will do that. >> having a well represented buyer in a transaction is often at the seller's advantage to getting to the closing table. >> reporter: many, including annuniziata, believe offering to pay the buyer's agent even after the new rules kick in could attract more buyers and ultimately help close deals. housing analysts are trying to determine whether these shifts will impact the price of homes. >> it's not going to be a huge change to what folks are paying out of pocket for a home in the bay area. >> reporter: louis mirante is vice president of public policy on housing for the nonprofit bay area council which
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represents some of the largest employers in the area. >> i think this is going to be ultimately good for innovation and i think it will be good for competition with a slight downward pressure on real estate prices, but nothing huge. >> reporter: it's uncertain if future data will paint a clearer picture as housing prices are impacted by numerous factors, including shifts in supply and demand. what is clear for buyers like hari iyer is the need for a proven agent well before a commission agreement is signed. >> as a buyer, i'd put more -- way more stock into word of mouth and referrals and recommendations. >> reporter: his months-long search in san francisco could soon be coming to an end. >> i feel like i'm a lot more informed right now about how i'm going through this thing. and when the right home comes along and i know i'm going to be patient here and mike is coaching me through this thing. at that moment, we can move very quickly. >> reporter: the new realtor rule changes are opening new doors in the art of closing a deal. >> well, national association
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of realtors recently agreed to end landmark antitrust class action lawsuits by paying $417 million in damages and eliminating rules on commissions. that's where the whole thing started. nicole? time now 6:41. millions of americans could soon save thousands of dollars in student loan repayments. if president biden had his way. well, the relief and challenges ahead in this morning's money watch report. it is earth month. but some hotels are now leading when it comes to sustainability and they're doing it year-round. not only at peak travel seasons. we're going to take you there
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- [announcer] our world is constantly changing, and every day stanford medicine advances our understanding. our world class school of medicine and adult and children's health systems work together, expanding what we know and sharing what we discover, to make breakthroughs both possible and accessible.
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stanford medicine, advancing knowledge, improving lives. (gentle music)
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it's time now for the money watch report. president biden has unveiled anew plan to bring debt relief to millions struggling with student loans. it targets runaway interest, canceling debts for borrowers who owe more than the original loan amount, and people who took out undergraduate or graduate loans 20 years or more years ago. the president says he expects legal challenges. last year, the u.s. supreme court struck down his first plan. gas prices have soared in the past month. and the statewide average it now hit $5.35 a gallon. that's up 25 cents cents in just this past week and nearly 50 cents higher than this time last year.
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california is also the only state above the $5 mark. >> so if i take those four reasons. one, tensions in the middle east and the war in ukraine, second, we see summer demand going up anyways, we don't have transportation with pipelines running through the state, and we have a very high gas tax. >> so here are the latest gas prices for the bay area. # dollars 63 per gallon in san francisco. $5.51 in oakland. the national average is $3.59. caltrans is expected to start emergency repairs today to a scenic stretch of highway 1 in big sur. after a portion of the highway as you can see here just collapsed into the sea. crews plan to start drilling vertical anchors in the southbound lane of the highway near the rocky creek bridge. a large chunk of the road crumbled into the ocean during those heavy rains on easter weekend. and it left more than 1,000 people stranded
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and no board on when the repairs will be done. and it's time now for a look at what's coming up later on "cbs mornings." gayle king is live from new york. good morning to you. is the band back together? you have been all over the country this week on different assignments. >> i know. nicole, what a time we had yesterday. we had never tried anything like that before. i was in austin as you know and nate was in arizona. tony was in indianapolis. you know, three different big stories and three different locations. we never tried that before but guess what? it worked. so i was really excited but we're all -- nate will be back tomorrow. here's the story that we're talking about today. party time in connecticut. uconn make history winning back-to-back national championships for the first time in 17 years. nate was there for that amazing game and in fact he's still there. we'll talk to uconn head coach dan hurley today. and country superstar maren morris will join us live in the studio talking about in new children's book to teach kids about how friendship and independence. and she says
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she's working on some new music. ill like that part. and latin rocker holds the record for the most grammys and la kin grammies combined. he tells lilia luciano who's got one of the best names on tv about the heavy metal music that was a huge inspiration even though he didn't understand the words. how'd that work? we'll see you guys at 7:00 a little over ten minutes from now. back to you. >> enjoy the roast of your tuesday. well, laverne fell in love with eclipses when he was a teen in high school back in 1963. he traveled to maine to witness the first solar eclipse up close and ever since then and maybe you feel this way after yesterday he's been hooked. the texan has seen a dozen eclipses from prince edward island in 1972 to nebraska in 2017. he views each one through a very special solar eclipse telescope he built himself and this year, he viewed lucky number 13.
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>> all those total -- there's a diamond ring. look. it turned out -- almost perfect. as good as any of them that i have ever seen. >> so after traveling all over the country and the world to see solar eclipses, the lifelong astronomy buff was thrilled to have one here. he has no plans to stop looking up anytime soon. beautiful. and it does sort of get in your bones and in your blood after i saw it yesterday, i was like oh. next time i do want to travel and see it in real life. >> you are hooked. >> i'm hooked and i have a friend who traveled to indiana yesterday. a meteorologist who lives in las vegas. kevin, he traveled to indianapolis yesterday and he texted me. >> you want to go to europe and live along the coast. >> europe has one in two years. >> a total in two years. >> i'm pretty sure we just talked about it yesterday. >> on assignment reed cowan. >> can i expense that? >> all right. guys let's take a quick look pat that's going
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on with similar from yesterday and today. it's our forecast. minus the eclipse of course. high pressure is still sitting off here, clear skies along the california coastline. the temperatures are above average thanks to the system moving offshore but that's going to continue to move south and the trough of low pressure will dive inment if you are wondering what does that mean? it's another cold front. remember last week? for example. on easter sunday. where a sunny and warm and we kicked off last week with warm conditions. this is literally a repeat of that. and here's the reason why that same storm system well, a similar storm system i should say, is moving in from the gulf of alaska. and that dives its way down into the pacific northwest and then eventually just offshore from us heading into our friday forecast. all the way into saturday and sunday. so rainy skies are expected for us heading into the beginning portion of this weekend. gusty conditions too. and of course chilly temperatures just like last week. remember when that cold front came in and it was just cold and brisk along the coastline and even for our friends in our inland areas i had people from richmond saying
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things like gosh, i live here because i don't want to have coastal weather. and sure enough that's what it felix. it's going to be a repeat of that later this week and about a half inch of rain from that exact system. but let's drop this real fast and actually want to talk a little bit more about what's happening for us this afternoon because it's beautiful for us. i don't know what's going on with the monitor. it's beautiful for us this afternoon. we're talking about sunny skies again the sun starting to rise behind me over the beautiful bay bridge from san francisco and oakland. upper 70s and lower 70s and some lower 60s along the coastline but that's pretty much been the case all week. in the east bay we go we're catching close to the 80s already in areas like san jose up into concord and watch what happens as we head into the next seven days. we will continue to warm up even more into our thursday forecast. and i mean tomorrow as well with 80s right around the corner for us. and then we actually cool down quick once the cold front settles in. down into the 50s by saturday with rainy skies like i mentioned gusty conditions too. so exact replica of last week and all honesty and luckily it clears
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up and dries up heading into early next week. nicole? lest talk about the freeways right now. as you get ready to head out the door, and it's getting a bit busy on southbound 880 from san lorenzo to union city. southbound 680 in pleasanton, they have had on and off traffic throughout the morning as many are avoiding taking niles canyon road. sing they're dealing with controlled one way traffic. the south bay is actually looking nice and quiet this morning. we have not seen a lot happening on the radar so far throughout the early morning hours and easy drive around there. we'll check back in if anything starts to pick up. spirit airlines says it's delaying airbus aircraft deliveries set to start next year and as a result spirit will furlough about 260 pilots effective september 1st. the budget airline is trying to cut costs after a federal judge blocked a proposed merger with jetblue earlier this year. well, it is earth month and you know, just about every hotel you check into these days
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offers information about their sustainability efforts. but some are going much further in their missions to improve the environment and their surrounding communities. in? morning's travel tuesday, wendy gillette reports on a couple of private island paradises doing just that. >> reporter: a wine bottle into crushed into pieces of glass and thanks formed into stools and cement products at six senses in the mall denvers. reverse osmosis makes water from the indian ocean drinkable. served in recyclable glasswortings. tailors sew staff uniforms and coconuts are ground down to create oil used in the spa. chickens reduce food waste and a garden produces vegetables, mushrooms and herbs. >> if you can grow it yourself, then you help reduce the carbon footprint. >> reporter: the sustainability efforts don't stop there. ten marine biologists work out of a new hub. taking on local education, conservation, and
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research projects. >> to help set policy and guidance in the maldives for how to protect the marine environment. >> reporter: in french polynesia, protecting the marine life including sea turtles and whales is also a big part of the legacy left by the late actor marlon brando at the resort where we also stayed for a special rate. >> marlon's vision was to receive visitors on -- on his island. who would have a positive impact on the environment. >> reporter: guides take visitors through the wildlife and nature and culture in the area. the nonprofit society also hosts researchers. alongside the luxuries favored by the famous are sustainability projects including an organic garden, water treatment plant, and turning crushed glass into the island's roadways. the resort has more than 4700 recyclable solar panels. which help power the property along with a deep
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ocean water air-conditioning system. it pipes water from 3,000 feet deep to cool much of the resort. travel advisor michelle from mclean, virginia recently visited with her daughter. >> what's left for the next generations. >> reporter: even these islands there's so much to preserve. >> survey from the vacationer conducted last year shows more than 80% of americans consider sustainable travel as very or somewhat important to them. so people are starting to get it. time now 6:54. the 14-year-old boy is thankful for life after a ki
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>> tech: cracked windshield? schedule with safelite, and we'll come to you to fix it. >> tech vo: this customer was enjoying her morning walk. we texted her when we were on our way. and she could track us and see exactly when we'd arrive. >> woman: i have a few more minutes. let's go! >> tech vo: we came to her with service that fit her schedule. >> woman: you must be pascal. >> tech: nice to meet you. >> tech vo: we got right to work, with a replacement she could trust. we come to you for free! schedule now for free mobile service at >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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let's take a look at some hotspots around the bay as you get ready to head out the door on this tuesday morning. slow conditions on southbound 880 from san lorenzo to union city. southbound 680 in pleasanton have had off and on traffic throughout the morning as many people are avoiding taking that niles canyon road. since they're dealing with controlled one way traffic. the south bay is actually looking nice and quiet this morning. we've had no reports of any incidents out there on the roads. traffic slowly starting to appear with the yellow lines
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meaning slower than usual suppose. april is donate life month and a 14-year-old boy raised a flag at the santa clara county hospital where he received a life-saving kidney transplant. courtesy of a total stranger. jackson fell of turlock was diagnosed with a genetic disorder of the kidneys in 2022. he needed a transplant before they failed completely. when sarah best of sacramento saw his story on social media, she stepped in to offer one of her own. they had their surgeries at stanford in december. and they were supposed to reunite monday but sarah got a flat tire and couldn't make it. that didn't stop jackson from letting her know how she changed his life. >> thank you for the chance of life event and then i -- really enjoy being back to normal and able to run faster than i used to. >> well, jackson was also able to thank sarah somewhat face-to-face over a zoom there and the entire family you can tell is just so grateful and
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thankful. and his opportunity to thank her and unfortunately, it wasn't in-person, reed. i mean, what's the luck of that? getting a flats tire. >> but boy you can see it in his eyes the kiddos who receive the organs are -- you just know that they have a purpose on this planet for sure. coming up at 7:00 honoring real life rosies at the national's capital. the celebrations planned this week for world war ii rosie the riveter heroes. and if you feel like concert tickets getting more and more expensive, you are not alone. how an east bay lawmaker wants to tackle ticketmaster's control of ticket prices. let's go outside right now. we hope to see you over on pix+ 44 cable 12. we're going to be talking about all things that matter


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