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tv   CBS News Bay Area Evening Edition 5pm  CBS  April 9, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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cruising past the building.
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fair for us to do a lot more than recommended books. she has been working in the san francisco library system for more than 30 years. over the years, things have become worse and she fears someone will get hurt. >> we could fill the library with the incidents. >> reporter: there were a stack of reports all from the past month. she works as a branch manager at the children's library. they bargained for a guard back in 2022 after an incident that could have become a tragedy. >> i will never forget it. what bank she said it was a normal day, after school let out in the library was filled with small children. >> i thought half dressed man, clearly mentally unstable wielding a weapon. he was walking around cussing at people and threatening to stab
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them. >> she called security. responders didn't show up. the burden to get rid of the man and keep the children safe fell on her. >> they were sitting on the floor and he was threatening with a weapon. >> i feeling that strong sense of duty stepped between the man with a weapon and the children. he was aiming right at my chest. i said no thank you. if he hadn't left i may not be standing here today. >> reporter: she is one of several residence camping on the street. she said workers shouldn't be specifically concerned about people experiencing homelessness. someone in her situation who's trying to use the library should be allowed to do so. >> i salute them. they are
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tying to stimulate their mind. >> reporter: a spokesperson said security incidents are down 14%. she said the conditions on the street are keeping families away. >> i know people that will not bring their children to this library. i am a parent and it breaks my heart. i don't even want to bring my children to the library. >> the workers say it's not the end of their effort. they will continue . >> other libraries have also been dealing with safety concerns . back in february, antioch hired private security to patrol outside the branch on west 18th. they also planned to upgrade fencing and add security cameras. following a developing store in oakland. a police chase involving a stolen car led to several crashes. a
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large police presence near a u-haul van that crashed into the side of the building. you could see a black sedan with major damage. police won't confirm which vehicle they were chasing. they say the suspect collided with multiple cars before crashing and then taking off on foot. the suspect was then taken into custody. firefighters were busy battling a garage fire. it happened on montclair avenue in cleveland street. it is about one block from cleveland elementary. chopper was over the scene is firefighters was putting out remaining flames. you can see lots of smoke coming out of the roof of the garage. crews say that is where the fire started and then flames spread to the home next
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door. a balcony was destroyed. no reports of any injuries. a new audit finds california's response to the crisis is lacking in results and accountability. the audit found california spent $24 billion to fund 30 programs over a five-year period. the number of people on the streets jumped to 171,000 people. that accounts for one third of all homeless people in the country. the real problem, the state is not consistently tracking whether programs are actually working. the audit reports the number of beds and people using services in the system might not be accurate. the state senator requested the audit last year after touring the homeless encampment. the biggest issue is the lack of transparency at all levels. >> how much of each of our dollars is actually getting to the end user. it was difficult
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to determine this audit. >> of the initiatives, found only two of them are cost-effective. when that converts hotel rooms and one that provides housing related support. it also looked at san jose and san diego and found both cities did not have plans to track spending on the homeless. city leaders to ask a preliminary approval to new restrictions on homeless camps and rvs. one ordinance would begin enforcing the ban on tents within a certain distance of schools. another would allow the city to tow large vehicles from areas where they pose a risk. the final vote is set for next month. katie nielsen will have reaction, coming up . chevron reporting flaring at the richmond refinery. they said it's what they call a level 1. the lowest in severity. they say it will not have impact help life. chevron
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blamed and upset in the processing unit and said it still investigating. turning to the first alert rather, a live lookout tied. it was a gorgeous spring day. temperatures reaching the 70s and much of the bay area. a lot of sunshine and here's a look at people enjoying the weather. tomorrow inland spots could be reaching the 80s. darren peck has been telling us we are not finished when it comes to the rain. everything is spot on. we can visualize the atmosphere with each afternoon getting warmer. temperatures taking the job. we are approaching 80 today. tomorrow we break that barrier.
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redwood city 81. just look around. 80s for everybody. you stay here. the city you will have to settle for the 70s. low 70s and the city. spectacular. the north bay will do it as well. just for comparison, i'm going to lose these numbers and show you how much cooler the numbers will be by saturday. go ahead and take another wide view. pick out your part of the bay and everybody goes down to the 60s. it will rain. it will be widespread raiment comes through. when we get back together, we take a look at how the system is put together and why it hasn't sights set on saturday. and historic ruling on abortion in arizona. the
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supreme court revived a 160-year-old law from the civil war era, criminalizing nearly all abortions. we have reaction to that decision that confirms one of the strictest abortion laws in the country. >> the supreme court turn back the clock ruling that the state can enforce a law criminalizing and abortions, except to save the mother's life. that law was passed before arizona was even a stated before women have the right to vote. >> i refuse to allow extremist prosecutors to use the span to lockup women and doctors seeking or providing needed healthcare. >> reporter: it takes effect in 14 days. advocates have been collecting signatures for a ballot measure. >> in november we will make history when arizona voters overwhelmingly vote to restore abortion rights and reproductive freedom. >> the issue was already front-end center in the up
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coming election. >> the states will determine by voter legislation or both and whatever they decide, must be the law. >> reporter: monday, donald trump announced he supports the state rights on the matter. some conservatives criticized the former president for stopping short of a national band. other republicans back the move. >> the fact is, he knows and i know it is consistent with the majority of american people. >> the gop has a long game. >> the smoke screen is a disguise for a republican strategy and plan. >> reporter: the campaign responded to trump, releasing an ad about a texas woman that made headlines for being denied abortion services after a miscarriage. she said she may not be able to get pregnant again. it is a hot topic. abortion
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will be on the ballot in states like november -- florida, maryland and new york. second date has been set for a ground offensive and roff appeared the city is home to more than 1 million refugees. a nurse from the east bay just arrived in the bay area. after spending several weeks helping with humanitarian efforts. >> working with mass casualty incidents. coming up, we will speak about why previous experience in disaster zones could not prepare her for what she encountered. a group of state lawmakers announced a package of bills aimed at cracking down on retail theft. the bipartisan legislation would expand tools
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for police to arrest people for shoplifting. it would allow prosecutors to combine the value of stolen property across multiple tests to charge someone with a felony. another would give the chp more resources at railroads to fight cargo theft >> it was just a few weeks ago. it shows how emboldened folks are. we are not holding people accountable. >> we have given the tools to fight this. when they use the tools, they are very successful. >> right now the package includes seven measures with five or so more being added. not clear when the vote will be held. there is a push to rename a san francisco post office after dianne feinstein. it is the post office on stewart street downtown. alex padilla and laphonza butler oppose the bill think feinstein is a towering figure in the history of the state and nation.
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first republic bank will soon be closing its remaining bay area locations. last year, j.p. morgan chase acquired first with public which is one of three banks to fail in 2023. chase said the remaining branches will close on may 24. 25 in the bay area. 10 of the locations will be remodeled or rebranded . the others will shut down entirely. we know the a's are leaving oakland but the future in vegas is not a sure bet . the growing backlash against spending taxpayer money on the new stadium on the strip. >> they are not a major league team. they abandon the city. new concerns about the safety of boeing jets. what an engineer has to say about what was happening on the assembly line. what we are learning about this houseboat you might have noticed floating in the bay.
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we should know whether there will be a recount in the south a congressional race that is now a tie. today is the deadline to request one. it is the race to replace the congresswoman and asked you. sam mccarter was heading to the contest. the santa clara supervisor and evan low both finished the primary would be exact same number of votes. the two candidates indicated they are satisfied with the results and plan to compete in a three-way race for the congressional seat . the rules allow them or any voter to request a recount. it could cost up to half $1 million. a key hearing in the effort to move to vegas. teachers union wants to give voters a chance to weigh in on the public funding bill. the money
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could be better spent on education. a judge previously ruled against the group called schools over stadium setting the petition did not have enough detail. today, a hearing was held to consider the appeal. the a's will play at the oakland coliseum to the end of the season. reggie jackson had strong thoughts about the move on a baseball podcast. >> i am so disappointed as to the way the fisher family interactive with the city and let the team go to shambles. they are not a major league team. they have abandoned the city. faxed the a's announced that deal to move to west sacramento until the stadium is completed in 2028. if you happen to be
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walking along the water in san francisco, you might have wondered what is going on. a houseboat floating in the bay. our chopper through over that boat today. definitely got the attention of a kayaker that paddled closer to check out the home. as for why it was in the bay, the san francisco standard reported that the home was being towed to san rafael after a years long battle that forced a community of houseboats to relocate. you can tell it is trying to do just that. whatever you are doing around the bay, really good weather. it was glorious. >> we will be warmer tomorrow and the day after. the city already did a big job. right on the verge of 70 in san francisco is when you notice that warm. everyone is going
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up a few more degrees. we looked up at the top. as nice as the numbers will be -- there is a significant cooldown. let's look at the storm that's responsible. in addition to the swing in temperature and the drop, there is rain. widespread rain. let's find the storm and do our best to get a handle on how it will come together. today is tuesday and we are looking at a forecast for rain on saturday. that is one day beyond the high-resolution ability to depict it. right now we can go this far with high-resolution and high certainty. the challenges the storm will be another of these. it will get cut off from the track and nothing to steer it along. it will wind
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itself up off the coast. watch what happens. we lose a bit of resolution but we can still track this. even if it's not crystal clear, there is a high degree of confidence that is what things will look like. when we get better result resolution, you will see it as tightly wound up. the leading edge is that initial cold front. you get that first steady band of rain. that will be saturday morning. as we go through saturday morning, you can see it now. we are still before sunrise. saturday morning is widespread and steady. that it will turn to scattered showers. fortunately, it looks like it will stick around into sunday. it has slowed down . now we have to keep a chance for scattered showers for the second half of the weekend. it doesn't look like a lot but it looks like we will have rain. both days will have rain. here is the other challenge, how
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much rain are we talking about? we are going to look at two forecast models. this one has done a little bit better. we could get close to 1 inch. concord or santa rosa. if we look at that other model, it doesn't have the high-resolution. the ensemble is maybe a bit better of a gauge. it takes many forecast models and takes that median and the more responsible way to forecast. the caviar, the other model is doing better almost all winter. we will see. things are starting to change. taking on more of a spring driving affect. that could have an impact in the way these things play out. we will have more as we get closer. weather half an inch or an inch, it is going to rain.
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leftover showers on sunday. then into monday and tuesday, we will start to warm up . not low 80s warm but we will be back in the 70s. they are the first parents in the u.s. convicted for a school shooting. they learned their fate. reaction to the sentencing. >> the remorse has nothing to do with taking accountability. more e bikes are coming to the east bay. hundreds
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new allegations against
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boeing coming from an engineer turned whistleblower. the faa is investigating claims about assembly defects. he observed shortcuts resulting in drilling debris being left in interfaces and the formation of composite process. the allegations will be heard by a senate committee later this month. boeing strongly denying it. straka court ruled that california can keep enforcing tougher restrictions on car emissions. california requires manufacturers to reduce emissions by 34 percent between 2017 in 2025 and is looking to ban all new gas powered cars. the petition against it was brought against california by oil companies and some republican-led states. emergency repairs are getting underway on the scenic stretch of highway one. a big chunk of the roadway crumbled into the ocean during heavy rain. crews are drilling small
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vertical anchors in the southbound lane of the highway. no word on when the repairs will be finished. a long-term fix could take years. the mayor of berkeley took a ride to celebrate and e bike expansion coming to the east bay. it is part of an expansion of the bike share program run by lyft in the ntc. two dozen new docking stations to oakland. berkeley and emeryville. officials said the expansion would encourage people to use other transportation. >> they are strengthening that value proposition. overall, it is a healthy way to add that to their lives as well. many of the docking stations -- writers can access them using lipper card.
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as the administration calls for a halt to the fighting in gaza, israel announcing plans to move forward with a major offensive. coming up , we will hear from a nurse that risked her own life to help those caught up in the crisis. >> i knew that whole time. it's a situation -- a major dam removal project is underway near the border. a key role in restoring the salmon population. it makes me feel great. we're gonna hear from the rookie plainly unexpected role in the push for the playoffs.
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for the first time in the u.s. two parents heading to prison for school shooting carried out by their child. a push to ban the death penalty. a new challenge from groups . more than six months after militants kidnapped 133 hostages. families met with kamala harris at the white house. >> u.s. has been involved in talks to free the hostages including eight citizens.


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