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tv   CBS Morning News  CBS  April 10, 2024 4:30am-5:01am PDT

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cutting corners on safety. a boeing engineer says the company dismissed safety concerns while building its 787 and 777 jets. boeing has calleled the claims inaccurate. the president and first lady welcomed japanese prime minister fumio kishida and his wife to the white house on tuesday. the u.s. and japan will hold a summit today followed by a press conference and a state dinner. and beyoncé has made history again. she is the first black woman to top the billboard country albums chart with her new album, "act ii: cowboy carter," reaching number one. for more, download the cbs news app on your cell phone or connected tv. i'm shanelle kaul, cbs it's wednesday, april 10th, 2024. this is "cbs news mornings." more trouble for boeing. another whistleblower comes
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forward accusing the aircraft giant of shoddy work. what the company is saying. terror plot foiled. an idaho teenager accused of planning to attack churches in the name of isis. the warning from the head of the fbi. and spring storms. another round of nasty weather is moving across the south threatening to bring tornadoes, flash flooding, and damaging winds. well, good morning, and good to be with you. i'm anne-marie green. those stories in a moment, but we are going to begin with the fallout from that abortion ruling in arizona. the state's top court reinstating a 160-year-old near-total ban on abortion. the law dates back to 1864 on the books since before arizona was a state and before women had the right to vote. cbs' jarred hill is joining us from new york with more this story. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. this ruling makes the blue trending state home to one of
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the most restrictive abortion laws in the country. now comment and criticism are coming in from across the political spectrum. abortion rights is sparking a new fight in battleground arizona. in a 4-2 ruling yesterday the state supreme court said a law from 1864 that bans nearly all abortions except to save the life of the mother can be enforced. the penalty for doctors -- two to five years in prison. >> it is a dark day in arizona. >> reporter: arizona's democratic governor katie hobbs is calling on state lawmakers to repeal the 160-year-old statute, and the state's top prosecutor is vowing not to enforce it. >> no woman or doctor will be prosecuted under this law as long as i am attorney general. >> reporter: the order which was put on hold for two weeks pending challenges in lower courts would do away about a -- with a 2022 state law that bans the procedure at 15 weeks. anti-abortion rights activists praised the ruling. >> it's always a good decision to protect life.
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>> reporter: even some prominent state and national republicans have come out against it. >> the ruling was asinine, but it's up to arizona to fix it. >> reporter: president biden called the law dangerous and cruel. >> to stop bans like this, we need a united states congress that will restore the protections of roe v. wade. >> reporter: arizona's planned parenthood says it will continue to provide abortion services up to 15 weeks, quote, for a short period of time, and abortion rights advocates say they have enough signatures to possibly get it on the ballot this november. while the courts said that the law won't begin for two weeks, it could be about two months before it goes into effect based on an agreement in a related case. again, anne-marie, arizona voters could end up weighing in on this in november along with voters in a number of other states on similar measures, as well. >> there are several initiatives out there. thank you so much. parts of the south are under a threat of severe weather this morning. a cluster of severe storms
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moving out of texas will head eastward. the greatest risk is in louisiana, mississippi, alabama, and the florida panhandle. there could be tornadoes, heavy rain, large hail, flooding, and damaging winds with 75 mile-per-hour gusts. there could also be other scattered severe storms across the south today. parts of that same area were battered last week by deadly storms. the faa is investigating a boeing engineer's claim that the company dismissed his safety and quality concerns during production of its 787 and 777 jets. whistleblower sam salehpour says he observed boeing taking shortcuts that affected the structural integrity of its dreamliner planes. he also says he faced retaliation after making his concerns known. he's supposed to testify next week in front of a senate subcommittee. and last month another boeing whistleblower who raised concerns about the production standards was found dead in his truck in south carolina from an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound.
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in a statement, boeing called salehpour's claims inaccurate and do not represent the comprehensive work boeing has done to ensure the quality and long-term safety of the aircraft. president biden is not holding back his criticism of israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu calling his handling of the hamas war a mistake in an interview with univision. >> i think it's outrageous that those three vehicles were hit by drones. what i'm calling for is for the israelis to call for a cease-fire, allow for the next six, eight weeks total access to all food and medicine going into the country. >> well, his comments come as vice president kamala harris met with family members of american hostages, assuring them the u.s. is doing all it can to bring their loved ones home. this morning in gaza, palestinians gathered among the
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ruins for eid al fitr, the holiday marking the end of ramadan. cbs' debora patta reports from tel aviv. >> reporter: rafah has become a tent city of mostly women and children who have been running from war for months. once again they fear the worst as israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu doubles down on his plans to invade rafah despite the u.s. warning that would be a mistake. huriya sought refuge with her nine children after her husband was killed in an israeli air strike. what hurts me the most, she said, is i've lost my dignity. i feel humiliated here. but after six months of war, in they are forced out, where do they go to next? the israeli defense force has mostly withdrawn from southern gaza allowing residents to return to khan younis.
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but this is not the home they remember. the destruction everywhere so complete it is unlivable. everything is dead, this woman said. across this wasteland there are also still more than 100 hostages including americans being held who have now spent more than half a year in captivity. their family members met with vice president kamala harris once again pleading for their release. >> what we have heard is that there is a deal on the table right now that all of the parties agree to and are willing to work with. we are waiting now, and the world waits, for hamas to get to yes. >> reporter: secretary of state antony blinken has said there is a serious offer on the table and that the ball is firmly in hamas' court, while national security adviser jake sullivan says he's spoken with qatar's prime minister and urged him to ge a response from hamas as
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son as possible. debora patta, cbs news, tel aviv. an 18-year-old idaho man is due in court today accused of planning a terror attack on churches in the name of isis alexander mercurio was arrested saturday, one day before the fbi believed he'd planned to carry out deadly attacks in his hometown of coeur d'alene. according to court documents he was planning to use makeshift flame throwers, a machete, and other weapons found in his home. it comes days after federal law enforcement agencies issued a bulletin warning of threats on public gatherings including houses of worship. >> the potential of a coordinated attack here in the homeland is increasingly concerning. >> investigators say mercurio was in contact with fbi inform radio -- informants posing as isis supporters. emotions ran high in the sentencing of the first parents in the u.s. to be held criminally responsible for their
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child's school shooting. a michigan judge sentenced james and jennifer crumbley to at least ten years in prison after the family members of the victims got to have their say. here's cbs' andres gutierrez. the blood of our children is your hands, too. >> reporter: one by one family members of the four students killed at oxford high school addressed james and jennifer crumbley just before they were sentenced. >> you have failed your son, and you have failed us all. >> and while you were running away from your son and your responsibilities, i was forced to do the worst possible thing a parent could do -- i was forced to say good-bye to my madisyn. >> reporter: the crumbleys were found guilty of involuntary manslaughter this year. injuries founding -- finding they willfully did not prevent the shooting in 2021 and opening fire. they asked for leniency and forgiveness. >> i am sorry for your loss as a result of what my son did. >> we were good parents.
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>> reporter: the judge sentenced them to a minimum of ten years in prison minus time already served. >> these convictions confirm repeated acts or lack of acts that could have halted an oncoming runaway train. >> reporter: during their trials, prosecutors painted the couple as absent parents more concerned with themselves than their son's mental health and accused them of gross negligence for buying a handgun as a present for ethan four days before the shooting and then failing to secure it. craig schilling, father of justin, said the families have been waiting for this moment. >> i feel there was some justice. for sure. sentence was appropriate, and i'm glad that we received that. >> reporter: criminal defense attorney joe tamburino believes this case will set a precedent for other parents. >> if your child is expressing the same type of behavior, the same type of mental state, attitude that ethan crumbley was expressing, you must do something about it. >> reporter: the judge said she hopes her decision will act as a
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deterrent to prevent future school shootings. the crumbleys will be eligible for parole in under eight years. andres gutierrez, cbs news, pontiac, michigan. coming up, disturbing school bus video. an aide is seen beating a child with autism. and later, train company settlement. how much norfolk southern has agreed to pay following that toxic ohio derailment. derailme. ♪ ("good feeling" by flo rida feat. atr) ♪ this is a hot flash. (♪♪) this is a hot flash. (♪♪) but this is a not flash. (♪♪) for moderate to severe vasomotor symptoms due to menopause... veozah is the first and only prescription treatment that directly blocks a source of hot flashes and night sweats. with 100% hormone—free veozah... you can have fewer hot flashes and more not flashes. veozah reduces the number and severity of hot flashes day and night. for some women, it can start working in as early as one week. don't use veozah if you have cirrhosis,
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severe kidney problems, kidney failure, or take cyp1a2 inhibitors. increased liver blood test values may occur. your doctor will check them before and during treatment. most common side effects include stomach pain, diarrhea, difficulty sleeping, and back pain. (♪♪) ask your doctor about hormone—free veozah... and enjoy more not flashes. auntie, you can't put that right in the dishwasher. watch me. with cascade platinum plus i have upped my dish game. i just scrape... load... and i'm done. in that dishwasher? in that dishwasher. only platinum plus is packed with more dawn to remove up to 100% of grease and food residue. get the highest standard of clean, even in your machine. clean enough for ya? yeah. scrape, load, done. cascade platinum plus. dare to dish differently. reverses damage? what like from sleeping in my makeup?
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reverse visible skin damage with a world-first peptide technology. whose got damage? besides all of us. don't regret, just reverse. you really think you can get me to like dark chocolate? without a doubt. won't it taste bitter? not this dark chocolate. mmmm... it's delicious! i told you it wasn't bitter. from the lindt master chocolatier. discover excellence. expect delicious. a school bus aide was caught on video beating a student. and a double murder was -- double murderer rather was executed. those are some of the headlines on the "morning newsstand." "the st. louis post-dispatch" reports missouri executed a man for the 2006 murders of his cousin and her husband. brian dorsey was put to death yesterday by lethal injection after the u.s. supreme court rejected two separate bids to intervene. more than 70 current and former corrections officers had urged missouri's governor to commute dorsey's sentence arguing he'd
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been rehabilitated. his lawyer said dorsey was in a drug-induced psychosis when he committed the killings. the "chicago tribune" says police body cam video shows officers killing dexter reed in a barrage of bullets that the mayor called deeply disturbing. >> open the door! [ gunfire ] >> a police oversight agency released the video yesterday showing plain clothes chicago officers firing nearly 100 shots after pulling reed over for allegedly not wearing a seatbelt last month. the oversight agency says preliminary evidence shows reed fired first hitting an officer in the wrist. the officers are on administrative leave pending the outcome of the investigation. and "the denver post" says a colorado school aide was arrested after video showed her beating an autistic child on a school bus, according to police. the disturbing video shows kiarra jones hitting the 10-year-old boy last month as
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she sat next to him on the bus transporting special-needs students. she was fired the next day. the boy's mother had complained about bruises on her son. parents of children who rode the bus say they think the abuse was taking place for months, and that there are other victims. still to come, salty words for lunchables. why a group wants the popular lunch kit off the school menu. if advanced lung cancer has you searching for possibilities, discover a different first treatment. immunotherapies work with your immune system to attack cancer. but opdivo plus yervoy is the first combination of 2 immunotherapies for adults newly diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer that has spread, tests positive for pd-l1, and does not have an abnormal egfr or alk gene. opdivo plus yervoy is not chemotherapy, it works differently. it helps your immune system fight cancer in 2 different ways. opdivo and yervoy can cause your immune system to harm healthy parts of your body during and after treatment. these problems can be severe and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you have a cough; chest pain;
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shortness of breath; irregular heartbeat; diarrhea; constipation; severe stomach pain; severe nausea or vomiting; dizziness; fainting; eye problems; extreme tiredness; changes in appetite, thirst or urine; rash; itching; confusion; memory problems; muscle pain or weakness; joint pain; flushing; or fever. these are not all the possible side effects. problems can occur together and more often when opdivo is used with yervoy. tell your doctor about all medical conditions including immune or nervous system problems, if you've had or plan to have an organ or stem cell transplant, or received chest radiation. your search for 2 immunotherapies starts here. ask your doctor about opdivo plus yervoy. a chance to live longer. these new menu items at panera are perfect tens. they're also each under $10. more new sandwiches and salads, more in every bite and more new options under $10. come taste the new era at panera. (grandpa vo) i'm the richest guy in the world. more in every bite and more new options under $10. hi baby! (woman 1 vo) i have inherited the best traditions.
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(woman 2 vo) i have a great boss... it's me. (man 1 vo) i have people, people i can count on. (man 2 vo) i have time to give (grandma vo) and a million stories to share. (grandpa vo) if that's not rich, i don't know what is. (vo) the key to being rich is knowing what counts. here's a look at the forecast in some cities around the country. ♪ here's a look at the forecast in some cities around the country. ♪ a two-story home was seen making its way along the san francisco bay to a new location. the floating home complete with a white picket fence had to navigate around alcatraz island on its way to sausalito.
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it was part of a group of houseboats that were forced to relocate by the state of california. parents, listen up. why you may want to think twice before serving your child lunchables, and a settlement over that toxic ohio train derailment. here's shanelle kaul with today's cbs "money watch." >> reporter: the markets didn't move much tuesday as wall street prepares for a key u.s. inflation report. the dow lost nine points, the nasdaq gained 52, and the s&p 500 was up seven points. norfolk southern has agreed to a $600 million settlement over the east palestine, ohio, train derailment. if approved by the court the payout will resolve all class action claims within a 20-mile radius from the derailment. the company says it doesn't include liability or fault. "consumer reports" says this popular snack box isn't so healthy, finding troublesome levels of lead and sodium in lunchables. the prepackaged boxes of deli
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meat, cheese, and crackers sold by kraft heinz and some others has now been linked to an increased risk of some cancers. kraft heinz defended its product calling lunchables a, quote, good source of protein that offers nutrients through meats and cheeses. and check out this makeover for scrabble. mattel is unveiling this double-sided board that features both the classic word-building game and scrabble together, a new rendition designed to be more accessible and easier to play. this version is available now but only in europe. that's your cbs "money watch" report for this wednesday morning. i'm shanelle kaul, cbs news, new york. up next, the case against alec baldwin. the new allegations revealed in court documents ahead of the actor's "rust" shooting trial. actor's "rust" shooting trial. (vo) you might be used to living with your albuterol asthma rescue inhaler, but it's a bit of a dinosaur, because it only treats your symptoms, not inflammation.
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treating both symptoms and inflammation with rescue is supported by asthma experts. finally, there's a modern way to treat symptoms and asthma attacks. airsupra is the first ever dual-action rescue inhaler that treats your asthma symptoms and helps prevent attacks. airsupra is the only rescue fda-approved to do both. airsupra is an as-needed rescue inhaler and should not be used as a maintenance treatment for asthma. get medical help right away if your breathing does not improve, continues to worsen, or for serious allergic reactions. using airsupra more than prescribed could be life threatening. serious side effects include heart problems, increased risk of thrush or infections. welcome to the modern age of dual-action asthma rescue. ask your doctor if airsupra is right for you. [♪♪] there's a way to cut your dishwashing time by 50%. try dawn powerwash dish spray. it removes 99% of grease and grime in half the time.
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it cleans so well, you can replace multiple cleaning products. try dawn powerwash. here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. can neuriva support your brain health? mary, janet, hey!! (thinking: eddie, no frasier, frank... frank?) fred! how are you?! fred... fuel up to 7 brain health indicators,
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including your memory. join the neuriva brain health challenge. here's a look at the forecast in some cities around the country. ♪ luke combs leads the nominations for the 2024 academy of country music award with eight nods that includes the first-time nomination for tracy chapman. his cover of her song "fast car" is up for song of the year which recognizes
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songwriters along with artists. megan moroney and morgan wallen closely follow combs with six nominations each. new mexico prosecutors filed new paperwork saying actor alec baldwin contributed to making the set of the movie "rust" unsafe. this after the actor's team tried to get the case against him dismissed in the fatal shooting of cinematographer halyna hutchins in 2021. prosecutors said baldwin has repeatedly changed his story about the events and had absolutely no control of his own emotions on set. >> hope it's good enough for little bridget. >> i'm king of the world! >> and bridget jones is returning to the big screen. renee zellweger and hugh grant are set to reprise their roles in "bridget jones: mad about the boy," due out next year. we'll be right back. boy," due out next year. we'll be right back. feeling sluggish or weighed down? could be a sign that your digestive system isn't at its best. but a little metamucil everyday can help. metamucil's psyllium fiber gels to trap and remove the waste that weighs you down
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only to gain it all back. with golo, i have completely transformed my relationship with food. no shots, no medicine, no surgery is gonna help me with that. whether you need to lose 10, 20, 50, or over 100 pounds, lose it the right way with golo. there it is... that feeling you get when you can... du more with less asthma. it starts with dupixent. dupixent is not for sudden breathing problems. it's an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma. and can help improve lung function for better breathing in as little as two weeks. dupixent helps prevent asthma attacks... and can even reduce or eliminate oral steroids. can you picture it? dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. get help right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new or worsening
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joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines, including steroids, without talking to your doctor. who knows what you can do when you du more with less asthma. ask your doctor about dupixent. the most prescribed biologic for asthma. thank you for joining us this morning. it's wednesday, april 10th. >> so let's get it started. >> she was cat called by one of the residents living here in -- >> we don't really have


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