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tv   CBS News Bay Area 7pm  CBS  April 10, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm PDT

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woodstreet encampment was cleared and some that lived there are not better off >> someone told me this is how i was going to spend my retiring years i would of laughed.. >> it was certainly the day to splash around in the fountains. enjoy the heat while you can. change is coming. this is cbs news bay area with juliet good rich. juliette goodrich. san quentin is still home to some of the toughest criminals in california but behind the walls, opportunities for redemption and purpose all thanks to puppies. we have been following an impactful program that allows inmates to train service dogs. tonight, he takes us inside the prison for puppy school graduation. day to day life for the residents of san quentin can be
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simple. this cell is his bathroom, kitchen, bathroom, living room. it is where he makes his life, for now at least, because nearly 10 years ago he took a life >> i committed a murder that is why i am in prison. >> reporter: instead of letting life pass him by he spent the past year helping bring new life to strangers on the outside. we met ben and windel a year ago when he became one of the first puppy raisers. he is a part of a program where select incarcerated involves raise puppies to be service animals, they will pair them with people with disabilities for free. san quentin officials see it as a rehabilitation tool for some inmates. he sees it as a way to give back to a community he took from >> there is no good that i can do that will make up for the harm that i have done. i might not be able to take it back but i can dedicate my life to
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continuously changing. trying to be a better person. and on this day, he and several others stood before a crowd to be recognized for the good they have done. and to see their puppies off. the first of what will be many graduating classes of the san quentin puppy raising program. >> changing lives through the power of human/k-9 bond. we are very much looking at a program not only here but throughout the state. >> reporter: on stage, benit demonstrated the commands and skills he and his peers taught windel. in the crowd, a vietnam veteran whose first service dog was prison raised who happens to be benoit's grandfather. >> this is the difference in someone's life that you can
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make. >> reporter: on stage alongside his grandson he says his service dog helps with day to day tasks but his dog helps feel connection. >> the prison program brings a lot to the table. not just for what it does to the inmates but for us as recipients of the service dogs smoovment what he noticed over the last year the program is helping his grandson grow. >> it definitely made a big difference for him. he, he sees what he is capable of doing. >> reporter: a year ago we met another incarcerated puppy raiser, aaron ramsey. >> it taught me a lot of compassion and awareness. >> reporter: thability to experience joy inspired him to want to do more good. >> this program gave me a lot of responsibility, taught me about accountability, working with others. we are breaking ground here at the san quentin rehabilitation center. >> san quentin used to be called the death house, right?
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it gives you insight into what can happen if enough people put their heads together to try to do something for the better. >> reporter: after numerous handshakes and a moment of gratitude, this unusual but powerful day at san quentin came to a close. but a new chapter is beginning for beniot. he is starting from scratch, once again. with a new puppy named margaret. >> it is a great responsibility to know that like, what i teach her now she will hold for the rest of her life. >> reporter: he knows this opportunity is a privilege. >> hey, little ahead. >> reporter: he can not change the past but by doing this he can make the future better for others for people like his grandfather. he hopes more people outside of the prison walls can see and appreciate that. >> use us. like we literally don't want anything in return but just to have the joy of this dog. in return we will give you so much more. we will give it our heart. and, we are going to try to change as many
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lives as possible. >> reporter: puppies providing a powerful purpose in a place once only known for punishment. >> k-9 companions says the puppies have a 10% higher success rate of becoming a credited service dog when they become service dogs, they place them with people in need free of charge and will follow up for life. san quentin is undergoing a transformation of its own. it has been renamed the rehabilitation center the new name is part of the governor's efforts to empty the prison's death row and refocus on inmate are rehabilitation, education and job training. on to our weather. a beautiful day to flash around in the fountains of san jose. only one more day to enjoy it. darren peck is here with all of the details. >> another way to think about that is, you get another day just like this! [ laughter ] >> it will be 2 degrees in general warmer tomorrow than
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today was. so, we will use the virtual map. a beautiful view out of our windows of this day. these are tomorrow's day time highs, take a look around. northbound going to the 80s, 74 in nevato. that will be a close call. hitting 70 in the city today. i think you could tomorrow, it will be close. either way, just as nice there today as it was tomorrow, tomorrow as it was today. [ laughter ] a lot of people hanging out in the parks. in the lower 80s. look at the tri-valley, that is, the day you get tomorrow, that is fantastic. let's show you the change. a pool of cold air about to spill down our way. the next few days, afternoon high shows up after us. that is coming and gets here for saturday. it is not just the colder air. day time highs, by the way, in the upper 50s on saturday, how is that for turn around? it comes along with rain. when we go back to the source for that and watch this, you can see the system quickly develop and then make a hard
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left turn and bring widespread rain here for the first part of saturday. we get back together again in complete forecast we will pick the story up from right there. i have high-resolution there. >> like to see the high-resolution, darren, thank you. it has been a year since oakland cleared the largest homeless encampment of a freeway overpass, the city close today to build affordable housing and helped relocate the people that live there. two former residents tell us that they are still struggling to survive. >> reporter: once home to more than 200 people, the wood street encampment is a shell of what it once was. ford says he helped build it. >> at first it was nothing. we watch today grow into something phenomenal. it is sad. >> reporter: he says they cultivated a community. it saved his life. >> meant the world to me at the
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time. i came out here to commit suicide but instead i found the community that is standing behind me. nothing i would not do for them. they turned other people's garbage into their homes. since he was evicted a year ago his life deteriorated. >> since then i have been arrested. my addiction picked back up. it is embarrassing to say but being transparent helps me along the way. >> reporter: now his community is spread out. many are struggling. they have seen about a dozen people who once lived on woodstreet die since the eviction. vicki baker is another former woodstreet resident, struggling to get by. >> they expect miracles. we are not capable of that. but if we can't be here where can we be? >> reporter: baker now lives in an rv with all of her pets on willow street, a block from wood street.
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>> somebody told me this is how i was going to spend my retiring years, i would of laughed. >> reporter: she says she does not feel safe anymore. does not leave her rv after dark and she wishes this was not her reality. >> i did not choose this. some people have. it was not my choice. i would of loved -- [indiscernible] >> to have anything available for us. >> reporter: ford walked through what is left of the street disappointed by what he saw. >> reporter: the blight you see it sickens me. what are we going to do with it? a lot of it is illegal dumping. >> reporter: ford says the city does not provide the encampments dumpsters to dispose of his waste. he wished the city let them keep the encampment. they were providing community and mutual aid for those experiencing homelessness. >> we did reduce the numbers for arrest. we did see a decline in addictions, we did provide things for people to
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do. >> reporter: caltrans cited safety concerns for their reason for closing this encampment. people who used to live here is a they are less safe now. >> dozens of former wood street campers have been given temporary housing as part of the cabin program. 25 people offered permanent housing placement with eight accepting so far. college basketball's winningest coach calls it a career. how stanford's tara vandeveer talked about
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. today women's basketball coach officially announced her retirement after winning more games than any college basketball coach in history. vandeveer's career went four
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decades. vern glenn was there to listen to her speak. >> you know what she said at the press conference. there are more people in this room than we had at our firsthand full of games in the first season. now, overflow turnout. can't you see her chiseled into history. 14 final fours, olympic gold. she can and did walk away from that today with her head held high. >> i honestly have to pinch myself to say wow, what, what a ride. >> reporter: when she took the job in 1985 her own father did not think he would hear his daughter say those words. >> i called my father to tell him i was leaving ohio state to take the stanford coaching job. he proceeded to tell me that it
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was an impossible to win at stanford and that the job was a graveyard job. after more about how crazy i was to consider stanford, i interrupted him to tell him that i had taken the job. he hung up the phone and told my mother she will be unemployed, coming home and living with us in three months. >> reporter: 45 years as a coach, last 38 with the cardinals. winning more games than any basketball college coach in history, men or women. >> my father was right about one thing, the stanford job involved digging but instead of a graveyard job it has been a gold mine job. >> reporter: her final game as coach was an epic overtime win against iowa state in the second round of the ncaa tournament back on march 24th. >> we could not play another game in maples. if this was my last game, damn there is fun. sometimes it is, you are ready. i just felt i am ready. i never
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thought i would be. i kind of just, you know, just felt like maybe i would kind of just keel over on the bench. but, you know, i just. because i love it. i love it. i love it. >> long time assistant takes over as coach. i did an interview with tara after that presser. that first game that she attends as a fan she says is going to be tough just to sit there and cheer. >> yes. >> she, she, she is going to have to have incredible restraint. yes, t-dog. >> all right, vern, thank you. let's head to san jose where the police have a new suspect in an arson investigation. two accept vat fires set in the bathroom of the san jose state campus library. happening just over a week apart from each other. both fires were put out without any injuries. all right, we have been talking about the warm weather. a gorgeous evening, we will go to darren peck now on more on what to expect in the days
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ahead. >> i am going to spend this entire visit talk both rain and the cool down. before i jump headlong into all of that, just one more look. that is today, that is exactly what tomorrow is going to look like. these numbers on the floor are what tomorrow is going to feel like. in the lower 80s. a fantastic day tomorrow, now that we covered that, let's get into the details on what is coming our way from this next system. we will say good-bye to the temperatures for tomorrow. we will go up to the gulf of alaska. that is part of the reason why this system will bring our day time highs into the upper 50s. when you watch it develop, go south. this is where we left off. the band on the widespread rain as we get into the early hours on saturday. like the predawn darkness. that is really when the bulk of the rain will come through with this one. and then by sunrise. it will pass, then, in the afternoon, on-again, off-again scattered showers pretty much throughout the rest
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of saturday afternoon. one more look at that, we will step it down for a closer look. there are interesting details that show up on here. it is not just that you can see the widespread rain when you look at it this way and pick out the time there, we are looking at 1:00, 2:00 a.m. as we play it forward, that is still pretty much before sunrise when the bulk of the rainfall, watch what happens as this line of heavier rain moves off to the east. seeing snow show up right there. and that is late morning. so, cold enough snow level gets down to probably 3,000 feet. not a lot of snow. probably going to get a dusting of snow on mount hamilton. then, saturday afternoon. so, after that, widespread steady rain has moved off to the east. watch the center. you can see the counterclockwise rotation to this as that comes onshore. that is where we are going to be for saturday afternoon and sunday. that rotation it is important because it shows us the best point where we are right in the middle of the system that is where there is typically more instability.
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more scattered showers, and a few scattered thunderstorms and yes, on sunday, we are still kind of in it. right there as we get towards sunday afternoon and evening. finally leaves, we are done. so, unfortunately we have to keep a chance of scattered showers going through sunday afternoon. should not be a lot of rain on sunday. the bulk of what will fall here, that is a descent amount of rain. speaking of saturday, just a review on what it will feel like. we started out looking at the day time highs on the virtual map for tomorrow. a lot of 80s on here, put on saturday's day time highs and the contrast is stark. 50s like upper 50s but still. 50s. so, you are getting two days here in the lower 80s. by, saturday, you get to the weekend when you are finally free, you know, if you are a monday through friday. to get out and enjoy this. it is gone, it is like we whiplashed right back into winter. especially when you consider the fact that we are going to get light snow
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on the mountains. let's put it in the seven-day forecast. starting off by taking a look at inland parts of the bay area first. you will see the temperature swings and you will see it. sunday got rain on it. sunday's rain does not look impressive. you should get plenty of breaks on there. by next week, we will be back in the 70s. day time highs, maybe not getting all of the way back up to the 80s lie today. but that is still placing us a couple degrees above average actually by the time we get there. >> all right, thank you. you will join me in the studio with more to tell us how darren made someone's dreams come true today. it is time for feasting with family and
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. across the bay area today, celebrations to mark the end of the muslim holy month of fasting. it is all about enjoying time with family and friends and feasting on delicious foods. that is just what happened in san jose today. there was a huge turnout for the annual festival at the fairgrounds. during this time muslims exchange gifts and give back to their communities. in san francisco, the day started off with a prayer on the tennis courts of saint mary's rec
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center. while it is a time of celebration the war in gaza was still on the minds of many. still ahead, what is on your bucket list? for one sweet woman it was hanging out with darren peck. she got to do just that and check it off of her list. we will show you, next
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. so, what is on your bucket list? i have to think about mine. this evening we made an item on someone's bucket list come true. i should clarify, saying darren peck made that come true. 96-year-old nana. we
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will show you video. she is from pleasanton, a huge fan of darrens, it is making you blurb. she watches him any chance she can. her wish was to meet him in person. she got a front row seat in the 3d weather center to watch darren. she loves the new editions, she was joined by her moment who used to teach media communications at harvest park middle school. i think they were fully enthralled by all of this. meeting their celebrity bucket list. how does that make you feel? >> all i did was show up to work today. in terms of fulfilling someone's wish list this was all you. you had lunch with them last week >> they have been asking for years to talk and meet you. so i just said let's just make this happen. so, thank you for taking the time. what was their question that they were curious about when they talked to you? >> they seen the promo where we
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make the set look real and i get water thrown on me? >> and here is water right now [ laughter ] >> thanks for watching us and the
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announcer: it's time to play "family feud"! give it up for steve harvey! ["family feud" theme playing] [cheering and applause] steve: how y'all? how's everybody? i a


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