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tv   The Late News  CBS  April 11, 2024 1:37am-2:13am PDT

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now at 11:00, police say this crime ring was so fearless i they made a music video about their exploits. but they probably do care now that she has. >> they kind of made it easy for us. >> new images of an entangled whale. bay area marine scientists are racing the clock the find. and this bay area man nearly missed the chance to watch his kid grow up. >> i was dead for 20 minutes and came back. >> reporter: but thanks to these guys he will. >> they don't get enough
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gratitude. from kpix5, this is the late news with sara donchey on cbs news bay area. and, good evening, i'm juliette goodrich in for sara donchey tonight. they are known as the f everyone gang and when you see how they operate it is clear to see why. this quarter million dollar heist is just one of the crimes they are charged in so that company can probably handle a financial blow like that without too much pain. not so for about 20 mom and pop smoke shops and liquor stores they are accused of smashing their way into, in the bay. some more than once. some say these guys are so brash and so confident they even made a braggy music video. our katie nielsen spoke to a detective who decided to throw the gang's name right back in their face.
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>> reporter: detective jenna has been with the police department 16 years. >> i started, i went todetectives. >> reporter: she worked on the safe streets task forces and that is how these pieces started coming together. >> the detective there was seeing all of these burglaries happening at night. >> reporter: then louie baton was hit and the suspect vehicles and descriptions matched the cigarette store burglaries. that is when she knew this was all connected. >> we started really paying attention to anybody who was hitting high end designer purse stores. high end designer merchandise stores and cigarettes because we knew this crew were targeting the same types of stores. >> reporter: the next few months she and other task force members tracked smash and grabs all over northern california from the peninsula to the
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central valley and even up toward sacramento. plus, a designer handbag robbery as far away as san diego. >> it was the same tame every time. the same vehicles every time. >> reporter: she says it was as if they thought they would never get caught. >> a lot of the information that we gathered was offered to us by the suspects themselves. >> reporter: like this music video think says the suspects posted on youtube featuring a stolen jeep similar to one involved in a high speed police chase where the suspects got away. >> they kind of made it easy for us just through social media, youtube. they made the decision to share information we used to hold them accountable. >> reporter: from start to finish the entire investigation only took about four months. >> oh it's fun. it is the funnest job in the world to see that people are taking advantage of others and then,
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chase them. >> tonight, one member of the crew is under arrest. the other two are still on the run. the hits keep coming for a popular oakland donut shop that just got rob for a fourth time in less than a year, this time, one of the suspects just hopped over the counter at colonial donuts while another ripped out the cash register in a third swung around a golf club. this happened march 1st and the owner told us she is worried she won't be able to staff her store if thieves keep targeting them. in oakland, one car was stolen for every 30 residents last year. the chp recovered over 400 stolen vehicles in their latest crackdown in the city and around the east bay. so the state has been bringing in chp officers to help crack down on crime and the agency says over the past eight weeks, they have made over 180 arrests
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and seized dozens of firearms linked to crimes. meanwhile, police in san jose seized nearly 150 pounds of pot in a bust on an illegal marijuana sales operation in addition to the cannabis. they said they also found about 100 grand in cash. and three pistols at the location near 101 and east santa clara street. tonight, one man is under arrest. police in los angeles say social media posts paint a disturbing picture of an astrology influencer who carried out a murderous rampage against her own children and partner before killing herself. as tom wait reports, she had over 100,000 followers and her accounts were full of doomsday messages ahead of monday's solar eclipse. >> reporter: danielle johnson seen here for the first time since carrying out her horrible
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rampage. killing her baby and nine-year-old son and her boyfriend. before killing herself. >> to do what she did the way that she did it? yeah. it is just awful. >> reporter: along with johnson's photo, we are getting our first look at her life on social media which plies say is a focus now of the investigation. on friday, just two days before her killing spree, johnson posted on x, wake up, wake up, the apocalypse is here. everyone who has ears listen. your time to choose what you believe is now. on her website, johnson described herself as an astrologer and energy healer. she appeared obsessed with the eclipse posting about it multiple times calling it the epitome of spiritual warfare and urging people to pick a side as the world is changing and she reposted antisemitic
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images. >> we didn't realize how mentally unstable she was. a lot of antisemitic remarks calling hollywood execs pedophiles. >> reporter: detectives are reviewing all of johnson's posts but right now, they are not connecting the eclipse and her online rants about it to the murders. >> i feel so bad for the infant. and especially for the daughter that survived it. >> reporter: johnson's rampage began early monday morning at her woodland hills apartment complex. detectives said she got into an argument with her boyfriend, 29-year-old jalen allen chene which ended in her stabbing him to death. then she took her two daughters, an eight month old baby, and nine-year-old, and took off down the 405. she stopped her suv in clover city and pushed her baby daughter and nine-year-old out onto the freeway. the infant was hit and killed. the nine-year-old who witnessed the horrific stabbing survived with only minor
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injuries. johnson kept driving. she ended up in rodondo beach where she slammed into a tree at 100 miles per hour during the impact. which they are investigating as a suicide. >> oh, it's horrible, horrible. >> absolutely. so according to the la times, johnson and cheney lived together more than three years and had no history of domestic violence. johnson's nine-year-old daughter is now with child protective services. so we do have new video tonight of that gray whale that is cruising up the bay area coast with its tail trapped in netting and buoys. so what you are seeing now, this is drone video. just got a great view of the pacific area. while the sun was out. the marine mammal center said it was too foggy and windy out there to spot it today. so scientists said the whale has been hauling that stuff for 400 miles after getting entangled somewhere in southern california. so, right
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now, they are trying to get a satellite tag on it so they can keep track of it while they figure out a plan to free it. a team with the marine mammal center spent all day today searching from daly city to point reyes and no look. they worry the weather won't be any better any time soon with some stormy weather moving in for the weekend. they are asking anyone at the coast to keep an eye out just in case. first the whipping winds, then the tornado moves in. the trail of destruction across the southeast tonight. and, an east bay man says he was dead for 20 minutes but two paramedics just wouldn't give up. at trying to bring him back. >> just taking advantage of the beautiful gift they gave me from their hard work. >> it is the emotional reunion and the message the man they saved is sending tonight. and if you didn't get a chance to make the most of
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today's 80-degree temperatures, 70 in the city, you get another chance tomorrow in fact. and it will be about a degree or two warmer and then that is the end of that. by the time we get toward the end of the week, there is a significant drop in temperatures, a big pool of cold air is about to spill out of the arctic our way. and it is also bringing rain with it. we will look at the details on saturday's rain coming up in the forecast after this. and straight ahead in sports, well, it's 11:09 and stanford women's basketball head coach is still retired and guess who scored more runs today than they did in the last four games? spoiler alert! they wear orange and black. and when you feed your pets, do they ever act like they have never eaten before? when in fact it has been a few hours? well, the way that dog is slurping, you would think he just emerged from the desert.
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well, the winds were so wild in louisiana today, you would think a hurricane was slamming ashore. it's not. but some spots along the gulf coast did see tornadoes in addition to torrential rain and flooding. and here is a drone's eye view of the damage. the rbut at one point, thousands lost power. six hours to the west, an ef-1 tornado flattened a shopping center in suburban houston. when it was coming people inside a bar had just moments to escape.
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>> we heard a lot of wind pick up and everything started shuddering. >> and this highway near mobile, alabama became completely submerged with water, pouring into the causeway and leaving some drivers stuck. bring you back here to the bay area. half-moon bay life guard just got a nod from the governor's office. here is why. for helping to save a father and son from rough surf off francis beach. luke was on duty last month when the 12-year-old was swept away trying to retrieve a skim board. so when the boy's dad tried to paddle after him on a surfboard, he got stuck as well. polenchuk went and got both of them without a wet suit. the governor's office told him quote heros like you represent the best that the golden state has to offer. by the way, luke plans to enroll
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in an emt training program this fall. seems like he is off to a good start. speaking of heros, one east bay man is showing his gratitude to the men who gave him a second chance to see his kids grow up, he told our andrea nakano it started like a day like any other when he suddenly dropped dead. >> reporter: there were hugs and tears at headquarters in livermore. a truly emotional moment for dave raymond. this was the first time a patient stopped by to say thank you. >> you are the first to come by. to have that opportunity to say . >> reporter: they helped save jason's life five months ago.
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the 53-year-old went into cardiac arrest. and came very close to leaving his wife and their two kids. just 12 and 13 behind. >> i was dead for 20 minutes. and i came back. they don't get gratitude. they don't get it enough. and, i recognize that. and i needed to be here to thank them. >> reporter: he is a former bart police officer. he knew he had a heart condition, but admits he didn't take the best care of his health. but after getting a second chance to watch his kids grow up, he is not taking anything for granted anymore. >> there are efforts, you know. it means something to me. their efforts means i'm taking full advantage of the moment. that my life span will be way longer than it would have been because i'm living better and just taking advantage of the beautiful gift they gave me from their hard work. >> reporter: as an ex-military officer, dave raymond dave jeff a challenge coin as a symbol of the bond these men will share for the rest of their lives.
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>> speechless. grateful. and, i hope people learn that it takes a team. and we are just part of it. >> reporter: that team gave one of the most valuable gifts of all. these first responders will just say it is part of their jobs. >> it doesn't make a difference who you are. what you believe in. the color of your skin. we are human. life is precious. >> reporter: they are real life heros as they try to save one life at a time. >> the paramedics told andrea jeff's wife started cpr herself. it was something she learned to do as a life guard and a skill they encourage everyone to pick up. wow, from
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that, let's go to darren peck. >> that is a definition of the gift that keeps on giving. we will spend most of this visit talking about that system. which is bringing rain here on saturday. a pretty good amount, by the way. not just for april really but for any time of year. more on that storm with the majority of this forecast coming up in just a second. the first thing i want to do is talk to you about tomorrow. because tomorrow it is not going to rain. tomorrow there are two things we need to address. first thing in the morning it will be a bit foggy. we had a little bit of this, this morning. we will probably have more tomorrow. north bay valleys. you will have your issues. the city down the peninsula. certainly out along the coast, coast side, down through san mateo county are a couple of places that are likely to experience some of the fog tomorrow but it should be limited. it won't last long. it will be gone by late morning. then the real story of the day tomorrow, is how warm we will be. so, if you are will be a bit foggy in the morning in the north bay, we will make
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up for it near the afternoon. the city will be close to 70 degrees tomorrow. you will hit a lot of low 80s inland. in the south bay. trivalley. this will be a little bit warmer than today. it is also going to be the last one like this. friday is already 10 to 15 degrees cooler than this. but friday is not realty the mayor change. let's get a closer look at the storm. we have looked at how it is coming out of the gulf of alaska. watch the initial line of that rain. look at the time. that is saturday. just after midnight. from 12:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m., that big swath of rain will move over. and after sunrise, we are already done with that and it will be on again off
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again scattered showers. let's watch a little more closely. we want a slightly better handle on what that looks like close up. pick out your part of the bay. we are close enough to this thing now, we have a fairly high degree of confidence we are locking this in in terms of timing and placement wednesday night. this is saturday, there could still be adjustments on this. if this system will change at all, the trend has been to slow it down. most of the rain in that storm falls before we wake up saturday. then on saturday through the rest of the day, on again off again scattered showers hit and miss. notice how we had to lose some resolution to go through the second half of saturday and sunday. we are still waiting
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for more clarity on this. but there has been consistency. second half of saturday, scattered showers on and off. sunday, a few leftovers. and then, if we look at the rainfall totals, we are getting close to an inch out of this. the majority will come through the first wave scheduled to come through early saturday. stay on top of that forecast with us. we know very well how important the timing for rain is. on a weekend. all right, here is the seven day forecast. if we have two rainy tubes, we know saturday is the rainier of the two. look at next week. we'll be done. we may not be going back to the low 80s again. but we'll be in the low to mid 70s and that is still a little above average. here is where vern. we have one of your not top five after the break. not. well then, stick around for sports. especially if you love the giants. and who water skis, plays bridge, the piano, won over 1200 games as a basketball
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coach? huh?
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all right, a show off move. that's a show-off move. i know. ended with a real ally-oops in chicago last night. so call that play. >> so you have the chicago bulls in white. the new york knicks. uh-oh, turnover. the bulls, they try to throw the ball off the back board and
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dunk it but it did not work out. the knicks won anyway. but hey, this happens. the guy, break away off the back board. trying to catch it and dunk it. he was going for the same thing. >> did the other guy get hurt? >> yeah, this one. came up a little lame there. >> man down. >> man down indeed. >> zero points, lots of regrets and the knicks win the game. >> the crowd ended up leaving the game disappointed because this was the chicago bulls crowd. >> it could have been so perfect though. >> yeah. had that gone in, it would have been oh wow, did you see that? >> okay, now, college basketball. is that what we are talking about? >> college basketball is exactly what we are talking about. and we are talking about one particular coach. guess who is hanging it up while she is on top? hall of fame division one's all time winner men or women, at three time national
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champion tava vandervere. 38 years of stanford, 45 years of coaching. accolades like that? we could just take the rest of the sports cast reading them all off. she retired today and she told me she is leaving the women's game in great shape. >> the way you are leaving this sport, more eyeballs are on the women's game than ever before. if someone tapped you on the shoulder and said this would be happening ten years ago, would you say you're crazy? >> i think it should have happened 20 or 30 years ago. i think we have had great players and great teams and you know, now, finally, i think whether it is true, you know, fans are there. they are in the stands. teams are selling out and we had great fans this year. great support of our team this year. and the product is getting better. you know? younger girls are learning to play. and it
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has been exciting. so, i feel like i'm leaving the sport better than i found it. >> former player long time assistant kate pay takes over the stanford program. all right, so giants business. what is better than six runs scored in a game? how about seven? down 1-0. got center fielder young all twisted up at the wall. one of three runs scored that inning. three for three. raises average to 332. one time reliever was looking strong as a starterment he allowed one run on four hits. hicks has allowed two earned runs and three starts this season. san francisco won the game 7-is. giants record of 5-8, at tampa bay friday. how about the tampa giant
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stripling? as in oakland. the rangers saw to that. garcia blooped one. no one could get it. that scored two rangers. which won the game 6-2. four game losing streak. the as now record of 4- 8. if they handle their business thursday. speaking of thursday, jules, first round of the masters. you and i are shooting a little fun one tomorrow. >> getting ready. >> we'll leave it at that. >> but folks you will love it. >> you are. >> as soon as jules gets done with me. >> i like your jacket by the way. >> would you like to borrow it? [ laughter ] >> all right. thank you vern. okay, this next story brings a whole new meaning to the term abandon ship. someone did. right in the middle of a boston rail platform. transit police took this photo of a commuter train sliced right down the side of the little row
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boat. whoever left it there gave them the slip. so, if you hate the sound of slurping, i'm sure you are going to
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i was like shaking you know, i was so scared. when i first reached out to jacoby and meyers. i didn't know if i had a case or not. as soon as i got a hold of my attorney, she was very, very nice, very kind. because of jacoby and meyers, i don't have that pressure to worry about a medical bill or things like that. if i know of any accident, i'm like, call jacoby and meyers, they'll help you.
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all right, so thank you for the jacket. i was cold. by this point, we pretty much all have been part of a zoom call that has been interrupted in some sort of hilarious or embarrassing way. correct? >> yeah. >> from a wardrobe malfunction
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on camera to a bodily function over an unmuted mic. has that happened to you? >> not that bad. >> one central valley woman is going viral for how her dog just stole the show. >> reporter: most dogs slurp, but eleven-year-old bella slurped her way to viral fame. >> she just romped over and started slurping out of the dog bowl. >> reporter: california resident dawn was on an important work from home video call. >> and my mom told everyone to be quiet. then she started slurping. then she just kept going. >> reporter: kept going so long, that dawn's daughter jessica started recording it. >> you are hearing my dog. >> reporter: commenters were in awe. is it her first time
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having water? that bowl does not look big enough to hold that much water. of course it could have been much worse if it weren't just water. remember jack the new jersey pooch who got into his owner's bailey's and vodka? >> come on. let's go. >> reporter: unlike jack, bella could still pass a field sobriety test. still. >> that is one long slurp. >> i know. i think she had just woken up from a nap. >> reporter: the pitbull probably had a little dry mouth. commenters had solutions. >> remember to empty water dish before next meeting. >> there's a good idea. >> reporter: at least bella. >> it's water, you like it. >> reporter: didn't require instruction. nobody has to hold bella's tongue. >> you are hearing my dog. >> that's funny. >> that's my dog. >> the dog is like what? what? just wagging his tail.
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>> exactly. >> i mean also, the dog's water dish is right next to the office. that is


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