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tv   CBS News Bay Area Afternoon Edition  CBS  April 11, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm PDT

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from cbs news bay area, this is the afternoon edition. right now on the afternoon edition, o.j. simpson, one of
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the most infamous football legends has died of cancer. he was 76 years old. thank you for joining us. i'm anne makovec in for ryan yamamoto . o.j. simpson, who was born in san francisco was an nfl star and a hollywood celebrity but he fell from grace during one of the most high-profile murder cases in the nation. bradley blackburn looks back at his life. >> o.j. simpson was a football star who became a media sensation. he won the heisman trophy at usc before an 11 season nfl career with the buffalo bills and the san francisco 49ers. in 1973, he was the first player to rush more than 2000 yards in a season. after retiring from the league, simpson launched a successful career as a sports broadcaster, film star and add pitch man. in 1994, the world watched police chase his white bronco on l.a.'s freeways. his ex-wife, nicole brown simpson and her friend, ron goldman, were found stabbed to death. simpson was accused of their
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murders and his televised trial became a global event. >> of course, the infamous moment at the trial but i think none of us could ever forget, was the day he tried on the glove and that the glove did not fit. >> if it doesn't fit, you must acquit. >> jury found him not guilty but his reputation was forever tarnished. in a civil lawsuit from the victims' families, he was found liable and was ordered to pay millions in damages. in his later years, his book, if i did it, garnered headlines and simpson served prison time for a 2007 las vegas robbery. he served nine years in prison before he was paroled in 2017. his family said when simpson died, he was surrounded by his children and grandchildren. >> o.j. simpson's love for football came at an early age. he played at galileo high school in san francisco and graduated in 1965. then he went on to attend city college of
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san francisco before transferring to the university of southern california in 1967. to the east bay now where, later this afternoon, officials with the port of oakland are set to vote on a controversial plan to change the name of the oakland international airport . they are considering adding san francisco bay to the airport's name, in hopes of boosting travel. they say a lot of people are familiar with the region and they fly into sfo even if they're closer to the east bay. the proposed name change is not going over well across the bay in san francisco. the city attorney wants to ground oaklands plan, sending a strong letter in opposition, threatening to sue. the argument there, that the change violates the trademark on sfo . the san mateo county board of supervisors also voted to oppose. we spoke with some travelers at oakland's airport this morning who say the name change could lead to some confusion. >> i mean, i get it. this is oakland, not san francisco. that is confusing. >> i definitely understand why they want to do it but i don't
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see a real genuine reason for them to change it. it seems a little extra in my opinion. >> some major airlines at oakland's airport support the name change, saying it would allow them to add more routes in and out of the airport. the dispute over controversial lake lane in san francisco is shifting into even higher gear. more valencia street merchants are filing legal claims against the city. they say the decision to move the street's bike lanes to the center of the road has been bad for business. they say 10 businesses are closed down since then change. >> it has diverted traffic. it has made parking less available. valencia street is now a shadow of what it was and it is worsening every day. >> the city launched the center bike lane pilot project in
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august of last year to improve road safety along the busy corridor. a report released in february showed the change had brought a major drop in traffic violations. turning to our first alert weather now, taking a live look at san jose. it is another warm and beautiful day around the bay this thursday but we are tracking a major cooldown and even some rain. meteorologist jessica burch in our virtual studio with some of the details. >> it is a warm day for us today throughout the bay area with high-pressure staying just above us. mostly clear skies in the afternoon hours today. 70s up into wine country. 60s and 50s along the coast and 80s often to our inland areas. you have a taste of everything in the bay today but no matter what, it is still a dry day for us. heading into the rest of this week, we have some big changes around the corner. let's take a look at the next seven days. as we head into our forecast, that is when the cold front moves its way in from offshore. that will bring in showers all throughout saturday
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morning and afternoon. there will be brakes at times but we will be close to an inch of rain saturday into sunday. then, we clear up . 70s around the corner as early as tuesday and wednesday for our inland areas but it is different along the band along the coast. today, we are in the 70s. we will continue to cool down into the 50s just like our inland areas by saturday. it will be widespread throughout the bay area so hold on tight to that umbrella. it will be breezy and wet but we start to see partly cloudy skies sunday evening, gearing up for a warm-up as we head into next week. a string of robberies targeting businesses across the bay area have been linked to one gained him oakland. that is not all. prosecutors say the same group also stole $120,000 worth of chanel purses remain nordstrom store down in san diego. police say they got pretty good at evading arrest over and over again until recently. our katie nielsen spoke with a local detective who was able to tie these crimes together. >> detective jenna meister has been with the walnut creek
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police department for 16 years, starting as a beat cop and working her way up. >> i really started with financial crimes and i went to detectives and worked the financial crimes desk. >> she ended up on the contra costa district attorney safe street task force and that is how some of these pieces and all the robberies started coming together. >> the detective at the task force was seeing all of these cigarette store burglaries that were happening at night. the suspect vehicles world the same. >> then, louis vuitton in walnut creek was hit last october and, you guessed it, the suspect vehicles and descriptions matched the cigarette store burglaries. that is when she knew this was all connected. >> we started really paying attention to anybody that was hitting high-end designer purse stores, high-end designer merchandise stores and cigarettes because we knew that this crew were targeting the same types of stores. >> over the next few months, she and other task force members tracked smash and grabs
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all over northern california from the peninsula to the central valley and even toward sacramento. plus, a designer handbag robbery as far away as san diego. >> it was the same thing every time, the same mo, the same vehicles. >> she says it was if they thought they would never get caught. >> a lot of the information that we gathered was offered to us i the suspects themselves. >> ♪ >> like this music video she says the suspects posted on youtube featuring a stolen jeep that was very similar to one involved in a high-speed police chase where the suspects got away. >> they kind of made it easy for us. through social media, youtube, they made the choice to share information that we ultimately used against them to hold them accountable. >> from start to finish, the entire investigation only took about four months. >> it is fun. it is the funnest job in the world to see that people are taking advantage of others and then chase them. >> one member of the three-man
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crew is under arrest right now on the other two are still on the run. still ahead at noon and streaming on cbs news bay area, new gun rules could soon go into effect. the plan to close the gun show loophole. it is a popular children's food but now they are throwing concerns over lunchables. why some are calling for the snacks to be pulled from schools across the country. taking a live look outside before we head to break. a gorgeous day. you are looking at alcatraz there and a couple of sailboats on
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in person at gun shows. nearly 80,000 licensed gun dealers are already required to do so. but this change means unlicensed sellers will have to do the same. >you could could be a private seller who goes to a gun show. and plans to expand background checks to stop the gun show loophole. the new rules would require background screenings before anyone could buy guns online or in person at gun shows. nearly 80,000 licensed gun dealers are means unlicenses will have to do the same. >> you could be a private seller that goes to a gun show and sells many guns at that gun show and conduct no background check at all. this rule addresses those kinds of sales. >> the new regulations are expected to take effect in a month. an investigation into a popular snack is raising some concerns. consumer reports asking schools to stop serving
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children lunchables. the group tested a dozen versions of the lunch kits and found several high levels of lead and cadmium. the heavy metals can cost of elemental issues, even in small doses. the study found concerning amounts of sodium as well as a chemical used in plastic packaging that is a known disruptor. public schools introduced the snacks last year but consumer reports say the government should be ensuring kids have healthier options. >> when you have these type of lead readings being linked to learning development issues, we have to rethink what we are making available in the school food program. >> kraft heinz, which owns lunchables, defended them saying many of its products are a good source of protein and that includes nutritional value should be based on a whole product rather than a single element. a wet winter caused major flooding here in california and now officials are working on a fix that not only would help prevent flooding but also put extra water to good use. down
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in los angeles, the department of water and power is working to turn l.a. into a sponge city. they are utilizing a 150 acre parcel of land to capture groundwater and is designed to replenish nearby wells and contribute to the drinking water supply. get this, it is working. >> the water we have captured for this year is enough for 285,000 households. >> water officials in l.a. say since october, the city has collected more than 23 billion gallons of water. back to our first alert weather. it looks like we will have a little rain coming down around here. at stake a live look outside the city of san francisco. here is what to expect from meteorologist jessica burch. >> it is a beautiful day with above average temperatures widespread throughout the bay. this feel similar to yesterday. for example, 80s down into the santa clara valley. 80s toward livermore. all the way up into
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one country we go, beautiful clear skies today with 70s in the forecast near napa and sonoma with 60s into san francisco, upper 60s along the coast near half moon bay. this is an interesting forecast for the next seven days. we have above average temperatures this afternoon in areas like concord and san jose but heading into this weekend's forecast, look how cool it starts to get. 50s by saturday. then, rain temperatures start to increase. we have another cold front moving in from the gulf of alaska, bringing in windy conditions friday evening, gusty conditions into the overnight hours and the rain and then suddenly cool temperatures for saturday. let's time this out. a blanket of clouds is in the forecast throughout the afternoon hours tomorrow. it is into the overnight hours friday into saturday where we see the first band of rain move in with this area of low pressure. you can see the center of it sitting just off shore. we continue to watch more rain role in from offshore all throughout the
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coastline. there will be brakes in this system, of course, but it will amount to a lot as we head into saturday and sunday. in total, we are getting close to an inch of rain all throughout the bay area. let me drop this and let's talk more about the next seven days. we now know that it will be cool and wet as we head into saturday which is so different from today. this is a reminder to take advantage of today's forecast. 80s today, 60s tomorrow. we will continue to cool down into saturday. we will see sunnier skies and early next week, 70s in the forecast around the corner. the group that launched a cleanup effort at bay area beach is now diving into something new. how their effort to protect whales and how you can help. i am so happy that after a long day, i can come home and know that i have my leg massager waiting for me. this is a compression massage for your legs, feet there be. it is
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portable, professional grade full leg air compression. again, for your legs. this will help with alleviating pain, accelerating recovery and help you fully relax. i don't know if you are on your feet all day. maybe you are working out hard at the gym. here has been complaining the most after leg day but not anymore. we both use this leg massager and the knee eating. i am someone who always has cold feet, especially in the winter months but now i know that they will be cozy. three intensities, four different modes. adjusts to your liking. comes in two different colors, black and gray and it also comes with this great back. when you're done using it, you can put away nicely, super compact and you don't have to worry about it being an eye sore in the middle of your family room. this truly is something that i love and i know everyone in my family will love. the deal is incredible. right now, 35% off on the heat massager. head
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nice to meet ya. my name is david. i've been a pharmacist for 44 years. when i have customers come in and ask for something for memory, i recommend prevagen. number one, because it's safe and effective. does not require a prescription. and i've been taking it quite a while myself
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and i know it works. and i love it when the customers come back in and tell me, "david, that really works so good for me." makes my day. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription.
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♪ >> a trio who has led the way in keeping san mateo county beaches clean is launching a whale of an idea for earth day. sharon chen has an update on some 2022 jefferson award winners. >> have any of you seen this whale? >> no. >> i think it is a sperm whale. >> that is a good guess. >> lynn adams shows students a giant skull displayed outside ocean shore school of pacifica. it is a heads up for the excitement to come on earth day. >> what is coming together is simply magic. >> we first met lynn , jim, and his wife anna garcia two years ago. they are leaders of the pacific beach coalition. its volunteers cleared more than 44,000 pounds of trash and recyclables last year off of san mateo county beaches. now,
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they are diving into a new earth day event, celebrating the whales that migrate along the california coast. >> calls attention to the biggest mammal in the whole world that threatened -- even though we had protections, they are still challenged by a lot of things. >> the west coast has seen an unusually high number of gray aware -- whale carcasses. hundreds of them washed up on shore because there was not enough food on the migratory route. an investigation recently concluded that deadly trend is over. whale fest hopes to do its part teaching people how to protect the whales and their environment. >> that is what is in their mouth. they take all the water ran and then they push it out. >> children get a preview of hands-on activities that demonstrate how whales look, feel, and live. a long rope shows their enormous size.
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>> this is copying the blubber. >> dipping a hand into water mimics their insulating blubber. >> we have someone doing whale poetry which is something i thought was unusual. >> we are going to doubletime now. >> there is even a special dance, keeping with the theme, shake your tail and save a whale. >> nova martin is already making a contribution. >> i did a big beach cleanup. sometimes i even have to go back for another bucket because there is so much trash. >> i want people to love whales. i want people to think about whales. i want people to take the next step. what are we going to do? >> beach coalition leaders hope people will leave whale fest ready to share their own tale of how to save the whales and their home. >> whale fest will be held on earth day saturday, april 20, 10:30 to 1:30 in the north lot
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of linda mar beach and pacifica. you can nominate your local hero for jefferson award online at /hero. structure coming up next, a subway station gets an unexpected visitor that sends the train service into the pony express. rockers. aerosmith present piece out the farewell tour with special guests, the black >crows >>tickets for new show dates on sale this friday at 10 a.m..
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>ryan>coming we take a dive into the revitalization of downtown san francisco. the mayor's latest efforts to fill vacant spaces. what more can be done and some of the success stories we are seeing. a race course escapes and shows up at this train station in australia, forcing commuters to stop. in its defense, it did appear to follow the protocol, staying behind the yellow line. crews eventually showed up and took the horse back to its owner. that is it for the afternoon edition today. we are
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streaming 24/7 on the free cbs news app. next newscast coming up at 3:00 and i will be back
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[ upbeat music ] >> finn: there's just no way. >> deacon: listen to me. i'm telling you that i think sheila might be alive. >> finn: deacon, you're grieving, and grief takes many forms. >> deacon: no, i'd accepted it, okay? i even had


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