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tv   The Late News  CBS  April 12, 2024 1:52am-2:28am PDT

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f0 now at 11:00, from humble bay area begins. >> i feel if i make it, that would be a good example for other kids. >> to a spectacular fall from superstardom. >> i think i saw o. j. simpson on the freeway. >> tonight o. j. simpson leaves a legacy as complicated as the life he lived. plus, one police officer to protect 3,000 people? sounds like a pretty awful ratio, and for one bay area city, it is reality. and if the customers aren't coming to you. >> the out flux of people from this area in particular has made foot traffic dive to maybe a quarter of what it was.
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>> go to them. the strategy that has one long time san francisco business crossing the bay from the city to the town. from kpix, this is the late news with sara donchey on cbs news bay area. hi, i'm juliette goodrich in for sara donchey tonight. if you're old enough to remember 1994, you probably remember where you were and what you stopped doing to watch o. j. simpson lead police on the most watched pursuit in history. it was a shared experience for about 95 million people well before social media and in the infancy of the commercial internet. a pilot, who choppered over the chase for the news, even argues that the spectacle gave birth to reality tv. >> with a flip of the switch, we had almost 100 million viewers around the country and parts of the world watching
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this infamous slow speed pursuit. this surreal spectacle on television. >> later, america watched rivetted as o. j. went on trial for the deaths of nicole brown simpson and ron goldman. and in the end, 105 million people stopped to tune in for the verdict of not guilty. today his family announced o. j. simpson died at the age of 76 after battling prostate cancer. and as our wilson walker reports, the football player turned fallen star leaves behind a complicated legacy that started right here in san francisco. >> it's something that when you can say two letters, just say o. j., just say o. j., people know who you're talking about. around the world. >> reporter: for timothy allen simon, the letters o. j. are more than the san francisco sports hero who became notorious. he knew simpson from
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the time he was a child. >> i'm a native of san francisco, and o. j. is maybe one of the most famous natives of san francisco of all times. i've known his family my entire life. >> reporter: he says the story of o. j. is one that changed this country. it was at first the fairy tale success of a young man famously from the city's poorest neighborhoods. >> right now i'm trying to make it. i came from a pretty rough neighborhood around here. >> i mean, it was tough. it was tough. life is tough. so when we say a tough community, i hope your viewers don't necessarily view that as because of the zip code necessarily. >> i feel if i make it, that would be a good example for other kids out there. >> you know, not out of wealth or opulence or with a silver spoon, but the belief if you apply yourself and work hard that you can become something great, and he did. >> reporter: and then there are
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the other chapters of the simpson story. the chase, the murder charges, and the trial of the century. >> i would say maybe the trial of two centuries. in the fact that it's still as vivid in the minds of those who witnessed the trial. i think this is an important point, that it created an industry within media itself. >> reporter: a media frenzy surrounding a trial that would run right through america's racial divisions. >> not guilty of the crime of murder. >> reporter: and the reaction to the verdict in simon's mind, another part of a long complicated story that has rivetted the nation and challenged it. >> he was acquitted by a jury of his peers. which means that he's innocent. but yet much of america, and i would include, no offense, media decided well even though he was acquitted, we're going to make the determination that this man is guilty. and that is
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un-american. if we're going to call ourselves american, we should stand true. we should be devoted to that concept, that construct of our jeffersonian democracy. >> two years after his acquittal, a civil jury found simpson liable in a wrongful death suit and ordered him to pay the brown and goldman families. simpson eventually go to prison, serving nine years in nevada for an armed robbery of sports memorabilia from a hotel he claimed was his. and in vegas today, people were already snapping up o. j. collectibles that will likely be worth more with his passing. before his fall from grace, he was a celebrated nfl player that spent most of his career with the bills before finishing up with the niners. vern is joining me now with more on his legendary career that really started in the bay area. >> i remember talking to former giants announcer joe angel, who
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was o. j.'s quarterback at galileo. i'm all excited like joe, what was it like playing with o. j.? and joe, as he typically does, he down played it, not drawing attention to himself, he said it's all right. i just handed the ball off a lot. his speed and agility at gal was apparent from the jump. no matter what sport in high school that he tried. one of those guys who could just pick up anything and be good at it. and news of him traveled fast. he got on usc's radar. by the time he got the city, everyone knew he was going to sc. won the heisman in 1968 and was the overall number one pick in the nfl draft by the bills. he was the first back to rush for over 200 yards in a single season. then the endorse. s came rolling in. number one pitch man in corporate america while he was still playing. and the 49ers
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gave a lot of draft picks to trade for him in 1978. he was the man in the 1970s playing a 14-game schedule. that was o. j. simpson. >> quite the career. then go from that to obviously what happened later on this life. how was that for you, personally making that pivot from him being a hero, from you growing up watching it, being a sports journalist, to then having to pivot to kind of cover the accusations and the courtroom trials? >> i'm sad, i'm hurt, a little angry all at the same time. he was my guy as a kid. i wore number 32 because of o. j. simpson when i was a running back playing in the 1970s. and so to go from that to present day, my adult life looking back, thinking of what happened
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in 1994. it just, hmm, it just hits you. >> yeah, a lot of conversations today about that. bittersweet. all right, thank you, vern. we posted more video interviews from o. j.'s early football days on our website. now developing news out of the north bay where the search has been suspended for a child swept away in the russian river. firefighters got a call just before 5:00 this afternoon that two kids had gone missing in the cold rushing waters. they were able to save one, a 15-year-old. we're told the child who is missing may be as young as 10 years old. search teams spent hours today scouring a stretch of river in forestville with divers and drones with no luck. >> the water is moving very fast. it's at a high level. if you're not an experienced swimmer, we earn urge you not to swim in the river right now. we know the temperatures are up and it draws people to the river, but we caution everyone to be careful.
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>> the river is also full of debris making it extremely dangerous. the sheriff's office will be back out at daybreak tomorrow. now to antioch, a city of about 115,000 with just 39 police officers walking the beat after a racist texting scandal that put nearly half the department on leave. they're left with about one officer for every 3,000 people. that's nearly five times more people than an officer in oakland is responsible for. san francisco and san jose also have tighter ratios. and all of those departments say they need help too. andrea nakano looks at what people in antioch are doing until it arrives. >> reporter: if you look at the number, crime stats for the first months of this year haven't gone up too much, but there are slight increases in
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burglaries. business owners who doing what they can to protect their stores before reinforcement arrives. david works at j. j. aquarium in old town antioch. he says he feels safe with his pup rex by his side, but businesses are continually getting hit by thieves. >> it's been a big struggle with our neighbors being broken into a few times, the back door being kicked in. and local law enforcement don't have any access or capability to help us. >> reporter: the antioch police department is short 35 sworn officers according to the mayor. of the 80 officer, only 39 are on patrol. the worst part is the criminals are fully aware the police department are understaffed. >> they know. they know when there's cops o■ut, they know where the cops are and where they're not. and they take advantage of it. >> reporter: the mayor says at least on patrol, the department is only one officer short, but
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it's the investigative and traffic divisions where the shortage is noticeable. he says 20 candidates have been hired since they started offering the $30,000 incentive program, but they still have to get through the police academy. >> we just don't feel safe. we just need more officers, and i don't see that happening any time soon. >> reporter: for now, antioch has hired private security officers to patrol the downtown area, plus residents have noticed chp officers pitching in, especially to put the brake on side shows popping up in town. residents realize change may not come as fast as they hoped, but david isn't giving up on antioch. >> i'm not giving up hope. there's still officers in antioch that care about the community, and i feel like they got rid of the bad stuff. >> so right now there is still no timeline on when the officers could be back on patrol. a long time san francisco
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business has given up on convincing its customers to come on back. >> the demographic all moved to oakland because it's so much cheaper. >> so instead, they plan to follow. plus, a woman rolls her car down a ravine, and wait until you hear what she told her rescuers in mid-air. and we're getting close to this rain that's coming in on saturday, so we're pulling out a lot more detail on it. we'll look at the big picture, but then we'll start getting specific and start using the latest short range model to see how much of saturday will have rain on it. the forecast coming up. and the internet is buzzing about the rock star
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>> it's san francisco's latest effort to change the flavor of the mid-market area. a massive new food hall just opened adjacent to the new ikea. it's a two story face with nearly a dozen food and drink options from nordic inspired concepts to local vendor, and even a cooking school. meanwhile, a long time san francisco business is leaving the city for the town. they tell our jose martinez the customers aren't coming to
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them anymore, so they're going to the customers. >> reporter: it's been 16 years since the monk's kettle started selling craft beer on 16th street in the mission. but now the manager says it's time to say good bye. >> pretty sad to be leaving, actually. but just, you know, the way that the business has been going in the mission these days with the media doom loop cycle and the perpetuation of that, and then like the out flux of people from this area in particular has made foot traffic dive maybe a quarter of what it was. >> reporter: he's been the manager here for the last three years and says in an attempt to save the business, they've decided to move to oakland basically chasing their customers. >> all the customers that used to live here, all the regulars and stuff that used to live here. all the artists, the musicians and stuff that the demographic used to be all moved to oakland because it's so much cheaper. they're pushed
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out because of the tech pools. but they left and the rent is still up. >> reporter: one of the regulars is christian lester who's been coming here a few times a week since they opened in 2007. >> i was surprised. not surprised because business has been mad. there are times me and him are the only people here. he has three customers in a day or something, something ridiculous. so i feel, i feel sad for that. i'll still go over there. >> reporter: especially because he likes the new location in oakland's rock ridge neighborhood. >> the neighborhood there is really growing. there's a lot of families, younger families there. there's a lot of, well almost five times the foot traffic that there is here. it's a very vibrant area. >> reporter: and for now they'll keep serving beer here until june while getting ready
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to open the new place in oakland in the fall. meanwhile, san francisco confirms it will be firing a lawsuit across the bay at oakland over its airport renaming plans. oakland's port commission voting unanimously today to ad san francisco bay to the airport's name with a second and final vote set for next month. they say it will help put oak back on the map attracting more travelers and flight routes. san francisco says it would infringe on the sfo trademark. the port of oakland said sfo can't lay claim to the geographically descriptive term san francisco or claim exclusive rights to san francisco bay. they went on to say they'll do everything they can to ensure clarity for travelers about where oak is. all right, there's new video out of north bay where a rescue team saved a woman that
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rolled her car down a steep ravine. she had this to say to her rescuers. >> i'm so sorry for all this trouble. >> no, no trouble at all! >> yes it is! >> from a friendly conversation as you're being rescued. i think the rescuers were troopers, they were so kind to her and she so kind to them. there you two. good thing it wasn't raining, darren. yes, would have been a very different rescue on saturday. saturday everything changes. tomorrow things change. just a quick review on this. this was a fantastic day. look what we did for daytime highs. a lot of 80s on here now, especially in the inland valleys. in the south bay, look at the numbers. san jose into the mid-80s. quick transition. let me show you where we'll be on saturday. it's going to be very different. a lot of numbers not getting out of the
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50s. so a very different scenario for saturday. let's start tracking the timing on the run. we're getting close now. we now have the highest quality resolution for the short term models to look at. so let's start getting a little more specific on this system. you can see how it's put together going into saturday. large area of low pressure off the coast. we get it in two phases. there's the widespread steady rain early saturday morning. then there's the center of the storm pack here. that's where the thunderstorms are. that will be saturday evening. let's come in for a closer view and pick out some of the detail on how it starts. you might notice showers as early as friday night in the north bay by 10:00. but it's really once we get to midnight that the widespread steady rain moves over most of the bay. then we'll take it from that point and just let it play through the morning. you can see some upticks here. intensity picking up as it goes across the bay. now we're looking at later in the morning, and now we're into the 5:00 hour. we're starting
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to see the main band just clear the east side of the bay. we're not done with the rain, but by this point, between midnight and 5:00 a.m., that's when some of the more widespread steady rain moves overhead. then we get into a slightly different phase. saturday late morning into the afternoon and look what happens. isolated scattered hit and miss showers showing up. that's through much of saturday. and when we switch and go longer range, watch what happens saturday night. saturday night, we get closer to the center of the system, and the widespread nature of some of the showers and thunderstorms start to pick up. saturday night could be a more active period. we still need a little more time on that point. it was outside the range of the high resolution forecast model. we might update the time frame a bit. the saturday morning time frame, though, is virtually locked in. the timing has been pretty nailed down and not a lot of changeth in
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models. we keep a chance of showers through sunday. more time on sunday by far when you're not getting rained on than when you are. but adding it up for the whole system thanks how much we get just for saturday, and then put the sunday rain on, you can see the totals go up to about an inch in places. doesn't look like we're breaking records there for the one-day rainfall total on saturday, but we're not that for off, actually. and those rainfall totals, by the time we're done with the two days, should be enough to pretty much almost get us to what the total average is for the month of april as a whole. so just some things to kind of put this in perspective. this is a decent little rain maker. by next we're, we're certainly done with the rain by monday. then we just start warming back up again. we'll be in the low 70s by wednesday and thursday. vern, back to you. straight ahead in sports, shot making at the 2024 masters which opened for business
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today. speaking of shot making, have you seen the golden state warriors? wait until you hear what they've done the last ten games.
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you may remember pizza rat.
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just one of new york's notorious residents that just seems to be multiplying. there's also subway rat and new york marathon rat. and then there's baseball game rat. you know your city has a critter problem when they seem to be at every big event. now city officials are trying something new, rat birth control. two rats have the potential to reproduce 15,000 more rats in one year. >> boy, those are potent. >> save us from this one! snakes and rats i don't like. >> i've been told we have to live with them. >> all right, all right,. >> that's the way it is. >> but 15,000? >> 15,000, that would be low attendance for a warrior game! standing room only now the next two games. >> true. >> in fact, the next time you see the warriors out for dinner, have what they're having. 9 and 1 in their last
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ten games. they made an epic push for playoff seeding. at portland. murray there for the tip. blazers made the warriors work for it tonight. up 3. the dubs needed offense, so curry from deep. and under five minutes to go. golden state up 1. curry again. this made it 90-86. looney 9 points, 11 rebounds. looney steals the ball. inbounds. led to a fast break. podziemski the lay up and foul. the warriors won the game 100 to 92 and finish the regular season 25 and 16 on the road. to the standings vern! with a win tonight and loss by
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sacramento, the warriors are in a three-way tie with the kings and lakers with two regular season games left. they host the pelicans tomorrow. give me golf. legends, 88-year-old player hit it on the screws to open the tournament. tiger woods, first tournament since february. at 11, he displayed his short game. look, within a foot of the cup to save par. woods shot 1 under through 13 before his may was suspended for dashness. dechambeau was doing his thing. nailed his sixth birdie and leads by a shot. they finish the first round in the morning. switching to baseball. a's alive and kicking at the defending world series champ
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rangers. top of the seven, downtown seth brown! his first homer of the year gave oakland a 1-0 lead. that was enough for pitcher j. p. sears. did not allow a hit into the seventh. six and a third shut out innings with five strike outs. he and three relievers combined to throw a one-hitter. a's have won four of their last five and host washington tomorrow as the giants are at tampa. you know what's better than working with you tonight? >> what's better? >> i get to do it tomorrow! >> and we have a fun story! vern, thanks. vern, you know, you're a rock star, did you know that? but would you ever rock leather
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if you're wearing leather pants in public, you're probably a rock star. but people will notice if you wear them to the gym and talk big time. but if you happen to be the coolest guy alive, people will love it. here's more on the lenny kravitz fashion choice that broke the internet. >> reporter: even superstars like taylor swift work out in athletic clothes. workout or wipe out, but not lenny kravitz. he posted himself pumping iron in leather pants, wearing a mesh top, sun glasses and boots inspiring comments like my man never breaks character. full time rock star. the video gave one guy an excuse. reasons why i haven't started working out, one, i don't own any leather pants. kravitz lifted weights to his own music dressed to go direct
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from the gym to the stage. not since lenny ripped his leather pants on stage and accidentally exposed his privates in 2015 has his leather given such pleasure. >> did you see the footage where his pants split? >> yeah, you think i can get that? >> it's on youtube. >> reporter: at least he wasn't totally depantsed like this woman. and unless you think the weight lifting video was purely staged, it spawned a surge in images of lenny's abs. especially impressive as he's about to turn 60. nothing leather about lenny except his pants. as one fan noted, the man is even immune to chafing. >> how did they take his likeness and put it over my body? >> that's what i was


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