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tv   The Late Show With Stephen Colbert  CBS  April 12, 2024 11:50pm-12:53am PDT

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>> all right. easter bunny auditions. first up, liam neeson. whenever you're ready. >> here comes peter cottontail hoppin' down the bunny trail.
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hippity hoppity. easter is on its way. >> this time why don't we keep it light? remember, it's for children. and he's a bunny. >> do you understand what's happening here? he's hoppin' down the bunny trail. hippity hoppity. he's coming. he's an unstoppable force. measured, inevitable. eggs aren't the only thing that'll be dying tonight. >> i'm sorry. is that the bunny saying that? >> if you have to ask, you don't understand the bunny's mind-set. >> i think i do. he's a bunny bringing candy to children. >> yes, he's a bunny. but bunny who's laying eggs. he's a freak of nature. a confused, grotesque monster. there's no telling what he's capable of. why do you think he's holding a carrot, pal? >> 'cause it's what he likes to eat? >> no. by applying the bunny's certain set of skills, he can gnaw it down into a shiv. slip it between people's ribs.
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over on them. >> okay. well, um, thanks for coming in. we'll give you a call. >> well, call soon. i need -- i need the job. i'm running out of relatives to be taken. >> announcer: it's "the late show with stephen colbert"! tonight... a grift from god! first, stephen welcomes liam neeson! and fareed zakaria! featuring louis cato and "the late show" band. and now, live on tape from the ed sullivan theater in new york city, it's stephen colbert! [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ >> stephen: thanks for stopping
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by. right over there. you've got to watch out. whoo! thank you. thank you my friends and you are my friends. welcome to "the late show." i'm your host, stephen colbert. [cheering] today we've got a rare positive update on one of trump's thousands of court cases. yesterday, the judge in the stormy daniels hush money case imposed a gag order on trump. okay, that's positive! but it raises a disturbing question: how do you gag someone who speaks out of their ass? [laughter] [cheers and applause] the answer is very carefully. and if you ever thought that this avalanche of legal scrutiny would somehow shame trump from
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his nonstop grifting of the rubes, you are a sweet, sweet child, one of god's innocents, and should not be allowed in the room where daddy keeps his sharp things. because yesterday, donald trump announced a deal to endorse a $60 "god bless the usa" bible. yes! donald trump is now hawking a bible. it's just like any other good book except in the middle of this one, there's a centerfold. "wow, mary was a bethlehem 8. i wouldn't kick her out of the manger for eating crackers." this has come as no surprise to anyone. making a profit is trump's religion. as his jesus famously said: "it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle if you pay me four easy installments of $19.95! act now! disciples are standing by!" [cheers and applause] trump made this announcement on truth social, where he also&
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revealed his collaborator. >> i'm proud to be partnering with my very good friend, lee greenwood. who doesn't love his song "god bless the usa"? >> stephen: yes, who doesn't love greenwood's "god bless the usa" and his other big hits like... "thank you for blessing the usa, god." you know who really loves that song? lee greenwood. he has a different ad for this bible that says this. >> introducing the limited edition god bless the usa bible, inspired by lee greenwood's hit song and the most recognized patriotic anthem in america, "god bless the usa". >> stephen: yes! i challenge anyone to name a more recognized patriotic anthem in this entire nation. a national sort of anthem, if you will. i kid, of course. we all know it's "party in the usa." [cheering] thank you for your service, miley!
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long may you wrecking ball. i believe the "god bless the usa bible" is the best holy scripture named after a country song since the "take this job and shove it" bhagavad gita. johnny paycheck did so love shoving things. trump explained what you'll be gettin' for your 60 bucks. >> this bible is the king james version and also includes our founding father documents. yes, the constitution. also the bill of rights, the declaration of independence, and the pledge of allegiance. >> stephen: so you're spending $60 on public domain writing. "if you order now, you'll get all the lyrics to camptown races and a picture of jesus' most beloved disciple, steamboat willie." trump continued to shill. >> all americans need a bible in their home, and i have many. >> stephen: yes. it's true.
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many. he has to have spare bibles. 'cause every time he holds one, it bursts into flames. [cheers and applause] now, i'm sorry. did i... do go on. >> it's my favorite book. it's a lot of people's favorite book. >> stephen: "i love this book. i love the snake. i love jonah because... whale. i love abraham dragging his son up to the mountain for a human sacrifice. by the way, eric, wanna go camping?" a lot of bibles on the shelf. trump was sure to point out how you buying this bible would single-handedly save america. >> this bible is a reminder that the biggest thing we have to bring back america and to make america great again is our religion. >> stephen: now, i know a lot of people think that, but i'm just curious what the hell is going on with that camera angle?
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that is no way to cover an edit. jim. jim. what is going on? this is not my best nostril. if you head to the god bless the usa bible's website, you can find the frequently asked questions. and in there is this 100% real, 100% weird query. "what if my bible has sticky pages?" [laughter] this is a frequently asked question? evidently the workers at the bible factory really get excited over the word "begat." even though it just received the trump bump, the god bless the usa bible has been around for a few years now. and the reviews are in. 79% of reviewers gave it the lowest possible rating, one star. the one positive review said: "five out of five stars. sticky!
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just the way i like 'em." [applause] what's up? what's goin' on, buddy? gonna be there all night? trump's not just busy spreading the good news, he's also truthing the dumb news. a few days ago, he bragged, "a great honor to have won both the club championship and the senior club championship this week at trump international!" well, it turns out, that trump didn't win those championships fair and square. and i'll give you a oment to pick your jaw up off the floor. because it turns out sportswriter rick reilly, who has golfed with trump, says his wins are as fake as velveeta cheese. how dare you, sir? velveeta isn't fake! it's full of all-natural ingredients, like "yellow" and "rectangle"! reilly says golfers, even famous golfers, allow trump to cheat for one simple reason. >> when i've asked people, how did you let him cheat? he's cheated against tiger woods. he's cheated against dustin
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johnson. and when i asked them why did you let him cheat and take the 20 bucks, they all say the same thing: "i wanted my own story about trump cheating." >> stephen: okay. well, then that's understandable. because the only other way to get a story about trump cheating is to marry him. [cheers] oh, there's news about former rnc chairperson and drunk sorority girl waving at an oncoming train, ronna mcdaniel. in case you're unfamiliar with mcdaniel, she is... terrible. as head of the rnc, ronna repeatedly claimed the 2020 election was rigged, helped trump's campaign assemble fake electors, and even was on a call with trump when he pressured election officials not to certify vote totals in a key michigan county. happy women's history month, gals!
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it's 2024. you too can be morally bankrupt dictator-enabling douche nuggets! representation matters. well, on friday, we learned that nbc news had hired mcdaniel as an on-air contributor. no surprise, people got mad at nbc. some surprise: nbc got mad at nbc, specifically their news anchors. >> you've got to ask yourself, "what does she bring nbc news?" >> we weren't asked our opinion of the hiring but if we were, we would have strongly objected to it. >> the fact that ms. mcdaniel is on the payroll at nbc news? to me, that is inexplicable. >> don't hire anyone close to the crimes. >> stephen: wow. that is strong talk. that is tough stuff. i haven't seen on-air talent rebel like that since elmo said "the alfred p. sloan foundation
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can kiss elmo's furry butt! so can viewers like you." nbc anchor kristen welker interviewed mcdaniel and confronted her about her support of trump's promise that he will free the january 6 rioters. >> do you disagree with trump saying he's going to free those who've been charged and convicted? >> i do not think people who committed violent acts on january 6th should be freed. >> so you disagree with that. he's been saying that for months, ronna. why not speak out earlier? >> when you're the rnc chair, you -- you kind of take one for the whole team, right? now i get to be a little bit more myself, right? >> stephen: "before, i was carrying water for a fascist wannabe dictator. now i'm getting bangs!" it's fun! you know, it frames the face. well, late last night, we learned that nbc news had fired ronna mcdaniel. [applause] there she is.
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she was fired by nbc. reminds me of donald trump's famous apprentice catchphrase. >> bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, >> stephen: this is just the most recent time mcdaniels been fired. she was also recently ousted as chair of the republican national committee, which is now being run by trump daughter-in-law and stunt double for janice from the muppets, lara trump. lara and the trump team immediately fired most of the rnc staff and are making them reapply for their jobs. reportedly, they've been asking any potential hires whether they believe the 2020 election was stolen. yes. if you want to work at the rnc, you gotta believe trump's big lie. the other interview questions include: "how sexy is donald trump on a scale of hubba hubba to boi-oi-oi-oing?' and "will you give me $60 for this flag bible?" we got a great show for you tonight! my guests are liam neeson and fareed zakaria. but when we come back,
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"meanwhile"! join us, won't you? ♪ ♪ >> announcer: "the late show with stephen colbert" sponsored by progressive insurance. save when you bundle auto, home, or motorcycle insurance. visit -yeah. isn't it? well, with your home, auto, boat and rv all bundled with progressive you've got the peace of mind to really wander. yeah. yeah, i just hope it stays this way. once word gets out about these places they tend to -- -are you done? -aaand there it is. well, at least your vehicles are protected. let's hit the road. hey fam! i'm just at this beautiful lake that i just discovered. practicing gratitude, manifesting abundance. for your most brilliant smile, crest has you covered. ♪♪
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detect this: you could stay undetectable with fewer medicines. ask your doctor about dovato. ♪ all the leaves are brown ♪ john sugar. sugar: private investigator. ♪ and the sky is gray ♪ my granddaughter vanished. jonathan siegel: i need you to find her. sugar, i don't like this case for you. [gun cocking] there's more to you than meets the eye. is there? melanie mackintosh: you have secrets. they need you to stop looking.
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who's "they"? ♪ yeah, yeah ♪ ♪ california dreamin' ♪ ♪ i'm adding downy unstopables to my wash. now i'll be smelling fresh all day long. [sniff] still fresh. ♪♪ get 6x longer-lasting freshness, plus odor protection. try for under $5!
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♪ ♪ >> stephen: welcome back, everybody. give it up for louis cato and "the late show" band. [cheering] folks, i spend most of my time right over there in the news workshop, sourcing the day's finest story tweed, which i adorn with the most topical vintage-inspired braided trim, then i fill with 90% white goose down cluster to create for you the modern yet timeless moncler light beige agrobate down coat that is my monologue. but sometimes, just sometimes, folks, i strap on the shredded awning i ripped off an abandoned winnebago using some old bootlaces i stole from a sleeping hobo, then shriek at the night wearing the tattered banshee-rag of news that is my segment... >> "meanwhile"! [applause] >> stephen: stay. right there.
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right there, that soothing soothes the soul, my friend. meanwhile, our national trust in chicken institutions has taken yet another major hit because chick-fil-a is ditching its "no antibiotics ever" promise. what? you can't just make fast food promises and then break it. what's next? arby's announcing "we seem to have lost the meats." according to their announcement, it's just a tiny change from "no antibiotics ever" to "no antibiotics important to humans." um, no offense, chick-fil-a but i don't trust a restaurant deciding which antibiotics are important to me. you'd never hear a doctor say, "you have a pretty serious infection. but i'd like to get a second opinion from kyle, the assistant manager at red lobster." kyle says you have unlimited shrimp. chick-fil-a says they're being
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forced to loosen their standards because of a diminishing chicken supply. it makes sense. any economist will tell you that's just the law of supply and delicious. as deliciousness increases, supply goes down into my belly. [laughter] i will admit, i will agree with some of you that that graphic was more disturbing than funny. but my graphics team worked a long time on it and i don't want to let those guys down. they're like children. so i said let it ride. i see now... [laughter] that decision was misguided. i apologize. meanwhile, in sport, "the nfl has approved a new hybrid kickoff for next season." under the new rule, the kicker will line up on his 35-yard line with the other 10 players on the kicking team at the receiving team's 40, where the point guard
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has 30 seconds to throw the puck and yell "uno" and i'm just making this [bleep] up 'cause i do not care. meanwhile, in order to counter the issue of accumulating waste, "mount everest climbers will now have to take their poop away with them." so let me just... take everest off the bucket list. 'cause i do not... i do not want to carry a full bucket off of everest. meanwhile, in owl news, it turns out that flaco, the central park owl who captivated new york after escaping the zoo and roaming the city for months, had pigeon herpes and four kinds f rat poison in his system when he tragically died. well, at least we can take comfort knowing he died doing what he loved: eating poison and banging gutter doves.
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[applause] gotta hold that together, you know. hold the emotions in. meanwhile, if you like to eat healthy, too bad. 'cause krispy kreme doughnuts are coming to mcdonald's locations nationwide by the end of 2026. 'cause who among us hasn't polished off a double quarter pounder with cheese and then thought, "now how do i reward myself?" that looks good, i gotta say. krispy k's will hit mickey d's "using a phased rollout." which is appropriate, 'cause after burgers and krispy kremes a "phased rollout" is the only way you're leaving that restaurant. meanwhile, according to a researcher, our homes are "too clean" and should be seeded with germs, because modern cleaning products are so effective, they leave children bereft of exposure to bacteria and other germs that are important in the development of a healthy immune system. setting up countless husbands
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with a great excuse. "honey, i'd love to wipe down the counter after i cut raw chicken and wash my hands after i go to the bathroom but... i'm doing this for tyler." meanwhile, we're all familiar with dna testing kits. but you may not know that you can get them for your pets when you run out of things to buy. but there's a new investigation into pet dna testing by our own cbs affiliate wbz boston, new england's news leader, who asked "how accurate are pet dna tests? we sent one lab a swab from a human." reporter christina hager swabbed her own cheek. the company reported back that hager was 40% alaskan malamute, 35% shar-pei, and 25% labrador. which is shocking, until you see christina hager. hi, christina!
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meanwhile, everyone is okay, but a "man's appetite for soft bacon led to brain parasites" after eating bacon gave him "a parasitic pork tapeworm that took up residence in his brain." worth it. we'll be right back with liam neeson! ♪ ♪ no two bodies are the same. some pads, never got that message. but, always flexfoam did! it protects against different flows for up to zero leaks. and it flexes to fit all bodies, for up to zero feel. feel it yourself with always flexfoam.
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gallbladder problems may occur. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. living with type 2 diabetes? ask about the power of 3 with ozempic®. this is remington. ...he's a member of the family, for sure. we always fed them kibble— it just seemed like the thing to do. but ...he was getting picky we heard about the farmer's dog... and it was a complete transformation. his coat was so soft, he had amazing energy. he was a completely different dog. it's a no-brainer that (remi) should have the most nutritious and delicious food possible. i'm investing in my dog's health and happiness. [inner voice] is it menopause or something else? the menopause journey has stages. learn about yours with clearblue menopause stage indicator that tracks your fsh hormone levels combining them with your cycle data. what's your menopause stage?
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are you living out god■s destiny for your life? jack hibbs: i honestly didn■t see myself as a pastor. i had no desire to do that. joni: jack hibbs shares how god took him from humble beginnings to walking in power and purpose.
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♪ ♪ >> stephen: hey, everybody! welcome back. ladies and gentlemen, folks of all ages. my first guest this evening is an actor you know from "schindler's list," "taken," and "love actually." his new film is "in the land of saints and sinners." >> with a body count like yours, that's psychotic. >> you listen, you [bleep]. killing is no joking matter to me and i'm done with it for good but if i ever hear of you having a laugh at someone else's dying tears... i will beat you with my own hands.
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>> how many people have you killed altogether? >> stephen: please welcome back to "the late show," liam neeson. [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ nice to see you again. >> liam: they didn't tell me it was live. >> stephen: a lot of irish pride in hollywood right now. are you aware of how people are
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excited about the irish? it's led to some very interesting headlines right now. here's "the new york times." "a thirst for the irish." this one: "why all of the internet's boyfriends are irish." and this is my favorite. "it's officially hot irish guy summer." >> liam: is that from 1980 or something? >> stephen: no, it's from now. >> liam: seriously? >> stephen: yeah. this seems like a bad idea because irish guys don't do great in the summer. they really need a lot of sunscreen to have a hot summer. >> liam: absolutely. that's interesting. i wonder why. >> stephen: why? >> liam: cillian murphy. >> stephen: it's cillian and paul mescal. >> liam: paul mescal. >> stephen: yeah, exactly. yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. they are young. >> liam: kids. >> stephen: don't you hate young people? >> liam: i do, especially those two. >> stephen: young and talented, [bleep] you.
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you can have one. you have to pick one. young or talented. >> liam: they are fantastic. they are great. >> stephen: they are wonderful. we'll edit that out. you complimenting another actor, we can't have that. you know the actors prayer? >> liam: no. >> stephen: the actor's prayer. lord, please let me be good tonight on stage. but it is not enough that i succeed. others must fail. [laughter] >> liam: did you just make that up? >> stephen: no, no, that's a prayer i grew up with. you never heard the actors prayer? the most selfish prayer in the world and the truest prayer ever said. is it true that you drove a forklift for guinness. >> liam: i did. >> stephen: is that how you your driver's license in ireland? what was that like? what were the benefits? >> liam: i loved the job. >> stephen: yeah. >> liam: it was stacking pallets filled with guinness cases. and loading the lorries.
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i loved the job. >> stephen: you never know what's going to happen with an acting career, it's good to have a fallback. that's what my mom always said. learn a trade. >> liam: my mom did the same. >> stephen: did you have a fallback? was there something, you're like if this doesn't work out, definitely i'll go blank, whatever the thing was. >> liam: well, until i met a teacher, an actor. i can't remember who it was. it was years ago. he said what would you do if you couldn't act? i said well, uh... i think i would curl up and die. and he went "that's the right answer." he says anybody that says well, i could do carpentry. i could be a teacher. he said that's what you should do. so much of it is about rejection. >> stephen: people ask me what what i do if i didn't do this and i say "probably time." [laughter] we have to take a quick break but we'll be right back with more liam neeson, everybody. stick around.
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i'm a bird stuck in larry bird's attic. and i'm goin' cuckoo. what the heck. what you got larry? may the best bird win. brick. you may be a legend on the court but you're an amateur up here. heads up lar. so get allstate... save money and be protected from mayhem... me. now you're the bird stuck in the attic. ♪ hit me with your best shot ♪ bacon. bacon. bacon. introducing applebee's new whole lotta bacon burger. just $9.99 for a limited time. ♪ fire away ♪ —applebee's now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. that grimy film on your teeth? dr. g? (♪♪) it's actually the buildup of plaque bacteria which can cause cavities. most toothpastes quit working in minutes. but crest pro-health's antibacterial fluoride
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protects all day. it stops cavities before they start... crest. if you're living with hiv, imagine being good to go without daily hiv pills. good to go off the grid. good to go nonstop. with cabenuva, there's no pausing for daily hiv pills. for adults who are undetectable, cabenuva is the only complete, long-acting hiv treatment you can get every other month. it's two injections from a healthcare provider. just 6 times a year. don't receive cabenuva if you're allergic to its ingredients or if you're taking certain medicines which may interact with cabenuva. serious side effects include allergic reactions, post-injection reactions, liver problems, and depression. if you have a rash and other allergic reaction symptoms, stop cabenuva and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have liver or kidney problems, mental health concerns, and if you are pregnant, breastfeeding or considering pregnancy. some of the most common side effects include injection-site reactions, fever, and tiredness. with cabenuva, you're good to go.
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ask your doctor about switching. sometimes jonah wrestles with falling asleep... he takes zzzquil. the world's #1 sleep aid brand. and wakes up feeling like himself. get the rest to be your best with non-habit forming zzzquil. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> stephen: hey, everybody. we are back with the star of the new film "in the land of saints and sinners," mr. liam neeson. the internet has been abuzz with a story that you came close to being named james bond at one point in your career. is that true?
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>> liam: they inquired about me but they inquired about a whole bunch of actors. >> stephen: no one has ever asked me. but you had a serious conversation? >> liam: yeah. >> stephen: like you would be into it? if i asked you, would you do it? >> liam: yeah, it was after "schindler's list" and my wife and i were doing a movie down in north carolina. and i got a couple calls from barbara broccoli, the producer, one of the producers. and i said "oh, yeah, i'd be interested." my wife went "if you play james bond, we are not getting married." >> stephen: wow, why? >> liam: i guess there's bond girls and things? locations. >> stephen: there are. you don't physically actually have to have sex with the actresses you act with.
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the first method james bond. i have sex with the women and i actually kill people. >> liam: but to piss her off, she was annoying me or whatever. [humming bond theme song] oh, dear. that was years ago. >> stephen: this is very exciting. you're going to star in a new production of "the naked gun" taking the leslie nielsen part. [applause] which i think is perfect. i think it's perfect. >> liam: thank you. >> stephen: it's a "naked gun" reboot. you've had parts in others. but this is your first starring comedic role. >> liam: yeah. [laughter] >> stephen: did you get the part because your name is so close to leslie nielsen? >> liam: could be. same initials. >> stephen: save on the monogrammed towels. >> liam: i did a wee thing for
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stephen colbert a couple of times. funny things, dressed up. uh... >> stephen: oh, the rabbit? the rabbit was such a chilling depiction. >> liam: it was. >> stephen: it really got into the mind of a vegetarian killer. >> liam i don't think the audience heard. my voice was so low during that. i watched it in the dressing room. i thought ugh! >> stephen: we have speakers. we have speakers. did you hear the rabbit? [cheers and applause] don't get in character. don't snap. don't snap into character or security will take you down. well, were you a fan of the original "naked gun" films? >> liam: oh, i loved them. don't call me shirley. >> stephen: surely you jest. >> liam: leslie was terrific. >> stephen: speaking of light fare, you're in a movie called "in the land of saints and sinners" which takes place in ireland during the troubles which starts around '69, right? something like that.
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you grew up in northern ireland. what role did that period play in your life? >> liam: it started when i was like 17. 1969. >> stephen: that's kind of a perfectly dangerous time for something like that to start. as a young man, doesn't know what he's doing with his life, a lot of energy, lot of testosterone and maybe not a lot of focus, how did you stay out of trouble? >> liam: i was an amateur boxer. i started i was eight or nine. >> stephen: you were an amateur boxer starting at 8? where did you learn to box? >> liam: our local priest -- i'm having a brain fog. father alec, he started this boxing club. our town had nothing. >> stephen: what was the town? >> liam: ballymena. it's between belfast and derry. there was nothing. for the catholics, there was nothing after school and stuff.
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this great, great priest started this little boxing club. i have to say within six, seven years, we became one of the top clubs in all of ireland all because of him. >> stephen: and that sort of kept you out of trouble? >> liam: it kept me out of trouble. it did. i've boxed with kids from derry, belfast, all over. some of them who died violently. we were surrounded by violence. paramilitaries. british army. it was, yeah. maybe there's a wee bit of post-traumatic stress disorder. i don't know. i often talk about with my sisters. how do you feel about that? we kind of still don't know. >> stephen: where do you fall in the family? how many kids in the family? >> liam: three sisters and myself. >> stephen: are you the youngest? >> liam: no. elizabeth, bernadette, me, and rosalynn. >> stephen: what do they think about their famous brother?
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>> liam: we don't actually talk about films. we talked about this years ago. i said anytime i'm back i would prefer you don't ask me about movies. what was cher like, what was clint eastwood like. >> stephen: so they don't ask you that? >> liam: not really. >> stephen: i'm not one of your sisters. what was cher like? compare her to clint eastwood. what was cher like? >> liam: cher was terrific. she wouldn't sing for me but she was terrific. >> stephen: yes, and clint? what did you do with clint? >> liam: i was in his last dirty harry movie. >> stephen: good guy, bad guy? >> liam: i was a suspect but i was okay. >> stephen: okay. >> liam: one day we were doing a scene with him, a lovely actor, evan kim, and myself, and clint has this stuff to say that the audience have to hear. on wednesday you were here but on thursday you were there. it was information we had to have as an audience.
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he did this scene and turned to jack, his camera operator and jack went, clint said all this stuff. that was it. he said "evan, go ahead. liam, fine. i was my usual adequate self. let's move on." >> stephen: i would love to be on set, i would love to be on set for you and clint to see who could out-gravel each other. >> liam: i think clint would probably win. 93. he has another film he's going to direct. >> stephen: how long do you want to do this? >> liam: um... until the premiere of "naked gun," i would say. >> stephen: liam, lovely to see you. thank you so much for being here. as always, . "in the land of saints and sinners" is in theaters friday. liam neeson, everybody. we'll be right back with fareed zakaria. ♪ ♪ we live our lives on our home's fabrics. and though we come and go, our odors stay.
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♪ ♪ >> stephen: welcome back, everybody. ladies and gentlemen, my next guest is an author, columnist, and a peabody-award winning host of cnn's "fareed zakaria gps." his latest book is called "age of revolutions." please welcome to "the late show," fareed zakaria. [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪
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as i said, the new book is "the age of revolutions" right there. we will get to that more in just a moment. first, on your show, "fareed zakaria gps" you recently covered biden's low approval ratings which is just below 40%. 39.3, something like that. despite the economy doing pretty well right now, especially compared to other countries, looking at the rest of the globe, how does our economy stack against the major industrialized nations right now? >> fareed: we are doing much better than any of the other major economies in the world. to give you a simple number, in 2008, the eurozone, europe, basically, and the u.s. economies were the same size. today the u.s. economy is twice the size of the eurozone economy. if britain were to join the united states as the 51st state,
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it would be the poorest state in the union, below mississippi. so we are doing amazingly. but what has happened is, people for a while said we don't realize it, we are feeling the inflation. for the last 18 months, consumer sentiment has been going up. but biden's approval ratings still flatlined. what's really happened is our political identities are no longer shaped by economics as it used to be for so many years. they are shaped by culture, by class, by religion. by all these tribal identities. and that was part of the reason i wrote the book. because i realize this began with obama, it used to be the tightest connection in predictive polling, you view the economy, the president's approval rating always roughly the same. under obama, the stock market tripled under obama. his approval ratings didn't move much. >> stephen: in the book here,
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"age of revolutions," it spans four centuries of revolutions in the netherlands, france, britain, and the u.s. there's been a lot of revolutions. how did you choose these four? >> fareed: what i was trying to understand is, i was looking at the present and saying where are we having this cultural backlash? i realized how much change we've gone through. i looked back in the past and asked myself, what were the other big moments where you have this kind of revolutionary change? the industrial revolution, which i call the mother of all revolutions because really it created the modern world. the dutch arf an interesting case because it's the first modern country, the country that invented modern economics, modern politics. it's a tiny little country. >> stephen: doesn't seem modern because when we think of the dutch, we think of windmills and wooden shoes which is not the highest level of technology. but for its time, it was pretty cutting edge. >> fareed: became the richest country in europe and therefore in the world. in the 1580s. and for 500 years basically been among the top ten richest
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per capita in the world. it's an amazing place. i'm very high on the dutch. by the way, we are living in the city that used to be called new amsterdam. >> stephen: exactly. well, a lot of people are high on the dutch these days. beat me to the joke. you say, the subtitle for this book is "age of revolutions: progress and backlash from 1600 to the present." what would you say the main modern backlash we are experiencing right now is? >> fareed: i think it's really all around us, this identity stuff. there's a backlash against globalization. there's a backlash against the open information revolution. a lot of people are saying it's too much. social media is kind of ruining our lives. but i would say the principal one has been this one of we've really moved, think about it. we've always, through human history, some group has been
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up or down. but for women for tens of thousands of years women were second-class citizens and that has changed dramatically in the last 30 years. think about it. 10,000, 15,000, 20,000 years of history and in the last 30 years we upended the basic structure of the family. look at the right-wing reactionary movements all over the world, whether it's islamic fundamentalism, with it's christian nationalism, whether it's the ultra-orthodox in israel, they all, the principal concern is often women have gotten too uppity. xi jinping gave a speech the other day in which he said women basically need to go back to the kitchen and they need to start having babies again. >> stephen: they really need to start having babies in china because they are having a demographic collapse over there. >> fareed: i don't think the answer is the head of the communist party saying to women go back into the kitchen. >> stephen: i am not agreeing with the chairman as much as i enjoy our chinese customers. >> fareed: are you now or have you ever been a member of the
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chinese communist party? >> stephen: i am singaporean, sir. the u.n. security council passed a resolution demanding a cease-fire in gaza thanks to a u.s. abstention. [applause] the key thing is it's thanks to a u.s. abstention. what does this abstention by the united states, which we haven't done before, what does that signal to israel? what does it signal to the people of gaza? what does the world see from this? >> fareed: i think it's a big deal. it's one of the first times the united states has publicly taken a position that is different from that of israel. it's not backed israel. it's happened before. reagan got very upset with the israelis when the invasion of lebanon happened and he publicly broke with them. but it's rare. i think what it tells you is that the biden administration is deeply frustrated with bibi
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netanyahu. they have been supportive of the israeli government but counseling them to be more cautious, more humanitarian aid, more proportionate warfare. i think the most important thing here is this is in israel's best interest because what's happened is, in an overreaction to the terror attacks, israel is going overboard frankly just like we did after 9/11. biden, one of the best things biden said to israel was, learn from our mistakes. you know, donald rumsfeld once had, i wish he had actually followed his advice, but he said you've got to ask yourself, with your actions, are you creating more terrorists than you're killing by this action? that's what i would ask the israeli government. are you creating more terrorists than you're killing? [applause] >> stephen: his new book "age of revolutions" is available now. fareed zakaria, everybody. we'll be right back.
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>> stephen: good night! ♪ ♪


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