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tv   The Late News  CBS  April 13, 2024 2:22am-2:51am PDT

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. . at this point the whale will be pulling the boat. bay area restaurants are getting creative to solve their staffing problems. we met one robot helper and learned. >> now leave me alone, i have work to do >> not to push her buttons. from kpix this is the late news with sara donchey on cbs news bay area. hello, i'm juliette goodrich in for sara tonight. we got our first taste of summer all weeklong. now, dare sen here to dash our hopes of a sunny saturday. not your fault. it seems like the storms kind of wait until the weekend. >> it has been that way a lot this wint near this one is coming in term. most of the rain is focused on saturday. we
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will talk about sunday a little bit. it is saturday rainmaker. we are leading the showers on live first alert doppler. a lot of green messiness over the valley, the radar on the over sensitive mode. it is overreading all of that stuff. let's put it in future cast. cleans things up a bit. that is the reality of the situation. as we play it forward we don't get into that rainband until after midnight tonight for the most part. we have seen a few light showers in the north bay already, it is after midnight, especially here between 2:00 a.m. and about say 7:00 a.m. that is where we will have the line march across the bay. notice it drops a little bit in hamilton. more on the no later, what we are concerned about is the back edge of the line. finally clears the east bay. by the time we get to 9:00, 10:00 tomorrow. then, an opening. pause it here in a second. we got most, at most, half an inch of rain. more in places. and, most of that will have come
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between midnight and 7:00 a.m. step outside at 10:00 a.m. the rain is done. it will appear that way. it is not. back here the center of the system is waiting to come in with phase two. then, that will be on-again, off-again scattered hit and miss showers, there will be a lot of time in the middle of saturday you are not getting rained on. don't forget as we get into the evening there will be an uptick. isolated showers, occasional thunderstorms going through the evening. we will put totals on all of that and look ahead to sunday. sunday has its chance of showers on here as well. not super impressive. still a chance for light rain on sunday. we will clear it all out coming up in the full forecast in just a few minutes. for now, back to you. >> the people that run first fridays are thrilled the rain stayed away. it is finally back after three months. as andrea nakano shows us it is more for
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businesses struggling to be alive >> it is not just the financial struggles put the strain on the event. organizers his to push back for the second friday this month because of the weather. there were fewer vendors and people than usual. those that are here are grateful that this event is back. >> reporter: thrilled to set up shop at first fridays in oakland. >> this is the most successful first friday we ever done anywhere before. yes. we do a lot of events this one for a short amount of time it is on a monthly basis it brings in huge revenue for us. >> reporter: that revenue is critical for small bees, seven years ago he took over the tamale business. he says he works from 4:00 in the morning until 10:00 at night preparing his tamales and selling them at events like first fridays. >> every week it changes. depends. sometimes i am cooking myself, it depends how i feel
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that week what looks good. what fresh vegetables, i cook it up. >> reporter: he is not a trained chef. his inspirational story again on the streets of afghanistan. >> i left home, afghanistan when i was 11 years old. hi to go to different countries on my own with no parents, no family. so i have no option but to learn how to cook to survive. >> reporter: the story of survival is one that many oaklanders can relate with. roy lewis says it brings in new customers, every dollar that comes in helps these businesses keep their doors open. >> you can not stop. we are invested in this. all of these people are invested in it. you can not turn back. >> reporter: friday's organizers are continuing to fund raise to keep the event going. the plan is first fridays will be held throughout the rest of the year. >> a lot of people were having
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doubts and did not think we would come back. we knew we were, stronger than ever. >> reporter: the resilience of the community can be found on every block. his secret ingredients has always been to never give up on his dreams. >> took over the business i told my wife, my business partner i said hey, listen, we got to stick together and work hard. don't worry about anything else, keep pushing it, keep pushing it t. is going to happen as long as we serve our customer quality products and keep the customers happy, they will come back. they exactly back. and, it is working now. >> reporter: first fridays suffers another blow this week. the nonprofit that runs it says someone broke into their office and stole equipment. organizers say the event costs $35,000-$4,000 $45,000 a month and vendor fees do not keep it
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going. across the bay in san francisco, chinatown merchants were doing their own business at the night market. organizers hope the showcase of chinatown culture and cuisine will remind people how much local shops have to offer. >> a lot of the low income and senior it is personal. we don't have enough young people. they don't want to spend money. so, people come in to spend money. >> the event has been such a hit it will be held on the second friday of every month. seven years ago the san francisco police department took on a series of sweeping reforms in the wake of a racist text messaging scandal. several high profile shootings. today they announced they met every goal and tauted a 65% drop in use of force between 2016 and 2022. wilson walker spoke with an activist who has been
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pushing for reform from the very start. >> my name is felicia jones, i am the founder of wealth and disparity in the black community and the founder of justice for mario woods coalition >> for felicia jones the ceremony was a milestone in a journey that started years ago. having been pushed for greater accountability for the police since the shooting of mario woods in 2015. >> even though it may be a world stage in regards to the super bowl, it has to be a world stage for justice. >> reporter: nearly a decade later here she was leading a cheer in a room full of police officers marking what everyone agrees is a step and not a finish line. >> it is not perfect. we have finished. >> san francisco police say they have essentially finished all 272 reforms recommended by state and federal justice departments. mayor london breed in an election year and the chief of police described it as
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a milestone accomplished inspite of headwinds. >> we not only continue to push forward with this and made it happen we did so during a challenging time after a global pandemic where we saw crime start to skyrocket. >> you make the adjustments to keep the balance there. what the voters voted for it is is achiefable. our policy still has to provide guidance for us to do things in the spirit of what this reform initiative is all about. >> reporter: jones says it say day to mark progress in an effort that does not end for san francisco or any other city. >> we are doing better than some. as an activist the work continues. it is not perfect. but the work continues. >> in a statement the public defender's office says it difficult to celebrate the
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milestone when sfpd still disproportionately stops searches, uses force on people of color. when officers represented by the police union resisted reforms intended to reduce racial bias. an update to a story we first brought you as it was breaking last night. searchers say they do believe they recovered the body of a missing teen swept away in the russian river. a marine unit with an under water camera recovered the body late this morning. no word on the victim's age or identity a second teen who briefly went missing in the water was able to get out on their own. tonight, time is running out for a gray whale cruising up the coast entangled in fishing gear. it was first spotted off of orange county three weeks ago. it passed pacifica earlier this week. researcherred have not seen it since. they say it is only getting skinnier. >> the whale with the entanglement on it can not dive successfully to forge for food.
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gray whales feed on the bottom seafloor and get down there they can to do that >> kathy george from the marine mammal center says her team has been on whale watch and has a plan of attack for the next time they spot it. >> we will motor up in our small boat to where the whale is and we will grab ahold of the buoys and the line connected to the buoys coming off of the whale. we lift our engine up out of the water so at this point the whale will be pulling the boat with several people on board. small inflatable boats and we walk hand over honed that line to get as close to the whale as possible. and then we have special tools that we use that we can either reach out by hand if we are close enough or we have poles to connect together to get the distance that we need to reach where that entanglement is and start cutting at the >> you can help save this whale if you happen to spot it. call
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877-sos-whale. they make firefighters pretty nervous because they can do this. the fire at a bay area apartment sparked by something many of us use every day. a concord restaurant is becoming an attraction. not just for the food but for one of its workers. >> i am leaving for delivery. >> futuristic. >> that is kind of crazy. >> also, good rosie the robot be the future of the service industry? later on in sports, the warriors, well, after tonight we now know where they stand beyond the regular season. we also have a pretty big golf tournament to talk about, vern and i, not quite the
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. firefighters say a lithium ion battery sparked a fire that did $10,000 damage in a apartment building. it set a mattress on fire in a second floor unit at the complex of 85 and 237. no one was hurt. firefighters had to cut open some walls to the residents are out for awhile. lithium ion batteries are a growing concern for firefighters because they can burst into flames in a matter of seconds. in fact, check out
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this garage explosion in southern california. lithium battery was blamed for a fire that burned up a garage in walnut creek last year. scooters, e-books, laptops all run on the batteries, best advice unplug them overnight and do not charge them near a door you might need as an escape route. the labor shortage that got going during the pandemic is hitting the pandemic industry the most. we show you one solution that is straight out of the jetsons. >> here at the cajon restaurant in concord, something is cooking and it is not just in the kitchen. >> we walked in. we saw moving around. very exciting to see. >> i am leaving for delivery. >> meet rosie the robot. she has been working here for the last two months now. she already is a favorite among
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customers. >> rosie is cute. >> i like rosie. >> futuristic. >> that is kind of crazy. >> waitress says from the moment rosie was powered up. >> i am leaving for delivery. >> reporter: not only has the service gotten better so have the tips >> people are excited to see her. a lot of my customers call her by rosie now. >> we have over 40,000 units deployed now. >> reporter: the company behind rosie says the robot can delivery food, pick up dirty dishes and run promotions on its screen. it can not actually take orders but that is just a matter of time. >> the applications are pretty varied. kind of for whatever you can imagine there is a way to fit rosie in there. >> i am rosie. >> the best part, she is never sick, she is always on time, and for the most part, does not have an attitude. >> the meal you ordered has arrived. >> officially called lucky by
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the manufacturer. she got her nickname rosie because she reminded customers of another futuristic robot. >> rosie, you are worth your weight in leftovers >> thank you. >> no longer the stuff of science fiction, server robots are becoming popular. and while they are seen as an answer to the growing labor shortage in the food industry, some worry they are doing more harm than good. >> i think that is an extremely dangerous road to take. >> reporter: the lead organizers at rock the bay. a restaurant workers advocacy group. the robots could decimate much-needed restaurant jobs. >> a lot of folks see food service just as an easy, simple job that you do on time. for a lot of us, it is a way of life. >> the company says that the robot is only there to support humans. meanwhile, waiters say they are not too worried, at least not yet. >> a lot of people still need
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that human interaction. >> welcome to our restaurant. >> why it may be hard for some people, rosie the robot is here to stay. just don't push her buttons. >> now leave me alone, i have work to do. >> leave her alone. so, she is sassy, that rosie. she is not cheap. no way. they sell for $15,000 or rent rosie for $799 a month. all right. let's head over to our weather center. rose is not over there. darren is. he is going to fill us in on the weather. >> let's get caught up on this rain which is just now knocking on the door. you can see it back there on first alert doppler. we will start there and go to the virtual map to see how things will feel. remember the 80s? that was then. more like upper 50s tomorrow. let's track the timing on it. we looked at it at the top of the newscast.
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now, the radar look messy. most of the stuff inland is not there. it is on the clearer mode. it is way over reading right now. that is the rain that matters the most. that is when we get into the predawn hours, a couple hours away, really. 1:00 a.m., two clock a.m., we will see the showers overtake the bay. it will go that way all of the way through 7:00, 8:00 in the morning. not heavy downpours, it will be moderate, steady rain that keeps going. it will have time to add up. half an inch to 3/4s of an inch of rain. mainly in that window of time. first wave, seeing the clearing. now, want to get into the second story here. watch the increase activity towards the evening. a few more showers crop up. for saturday, once we get passed like 10:00 in the morning there will be a lot of time when you are not getting rained on. but, as we get to the afternoon and especially here in the early evening we get close to the center of the system where it comes onshore rather and more energy and you will see the
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action go up a bit. maybe an isolated thunderstorm in that. then, it will calm down for sunday. and, you will get breaks of blue sky. sunday, we still have to deal with some stragglers. left over showers here that could come through the bay area really anywhere here we go through, a batch, none of that amounted to much. so, sunday it will be a much better day if we are looking for ways to plan your weekend. sunday, the majority of the day no rain. the rain that does come on sunday should be fairly short-lived and pretty light stuff. here is the total. that mainly is showing you how much rain we are going to see primarily for the totals coming in for saturday morning. so, we will pick up about an inch or so in the wetter spots. not bad. so, the other thing about this is, with temperatures cooling as much as they are if we use saturday's day time highs on the map these are all 50s. so, readjust. i mean, you
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just live through two days. yesterday. thursday and wednesday we were in the 80s. today, we cool down to the middle 60s. you kind of started the readjustment. going down another five or six degrees for day time highs let's squeeze in san jose a little bit. getting back up to the forecast imagery now. we want to take a look at these hills. but, let me get down for that part of the south bay there where we are going to see a little bit of light snow. we will see that with the last few systems, this one does not look super impressive. watch what happens on the future cast down there. we get a dusting of snow that shows up there. the primary time frame for that it is going to be that late morning line of steady rain. that, that most likely falls tomorrow between about 4:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. for that. and yeah, you can get a little bit of loma preieta. and, there will be rain and snowfalling for the north bay
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as well. that will go through, does not look like we will get much more than that. so, let's get into the seven-day forecast now. there is a big turn around next week for the days right in front of me now. by thursday, we will be back to 80 degrees. it will be spring all over again. all right, back to you. she turned into vern! [ laughter ] straight ahead in sports how was tiger woods spending the weekend? no clear cut leader at the 88th master's. and guess what bay area big league team has a better record than
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. vern and i were talking about life's game plan. >> now, the warriors, i will give you this, draymond green became the first player in the history of the nba to record a double double without attempting a single shot. 12 rebounds, no assists. the warriors, outscoring the warriors, steve kerr said it tonight. turnovers killed us. new orleans caught fire in the second quarter. held by 9 golden state turnovers, cj. now, walked into a three. one of 10 triples by the pelicans, led by 15 at the half. move ahead to the fourth. and the give away. led by the lay-up. pelicans up by 7 over five
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minutes left. warriors not done, a minute left, they have the offense, he scored a 33, cut the deficit, to three. 20 seconds left. and mr. fadeaway. curry came down with it. they are down three. they absolutely needed a three. curry. no, no, no and new orleans hung on and won 114-109. damaging loss for golden state in the play in race. so, to reset, warriors drop to 10th in the west tied with sacramento and now one game behind the lakers doves could move up in the standings and he could be arresting players. pivot to baseball, blake snell, on base in tampa. tied one in the third. rays,
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ed, doubled into the gap. ramirez, all of the way from first, tampa went ahead 2-1. jump to the 9th. same score, san francisco had a runner at third and one out. could not get him in. he flew out and that was the ball game, tampa won the game, giants regular, 5-9, 0-10 with runners in scoring position. a's at home. i like paul blackburn. six in the third shutout innings against washington. he has not allowed a run in three shots. game went into extras, tied at one, bottom of the 10th, butler, dangerous with a bat in his hands. matt came on down and dove for the winning run. the a's walked it off. final of 2-1, they got a record of 6-8, they won five of the last six. i change my voice. success round in the master's. for awhile he was carrying the
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leaderboard. you will see tiger woods play the weekend. nice chip at 6. made the cut for master's 24th straight time. he was playing alongside max homa, look at him see and figure out the line here. this at the fourth green. 103 in the top 10. he is 6 under, tied for the lead and world number one player scottie scheffler. i believe we will explain a certain local master's event >> coming up. >> i can't wait. >> vern and i are not on par with the pros >> no we are not. we had a minimaster's of our own at thrive city. you have the next commercial break
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. hello, friends, we hope you join us this week for a round of the master's. the music helps. thank you. >> here is the inside story. jules and i, we went to thrive city, each year, thrive city by the warriors, they host a golf day on the first round of the master's. >> yes. >> so we thought we would put a spin on it for the second straight year by having our own little thrive city master's. >> i don't know who i am playing today. i hear they are pretty good. dope know anything about them, whoever it is they better get ready to come in second.
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>> ladies and gentlemen, this is the 2:00 group. please welcome from mill valley, california, vern glenn. [ cheers and applause ] >> and from pleasanton, california, juliette goodrich. >> juliette goodrich? [ applause ] ♪ [ applause ] [ applause ] >> she is giving him a run for his money.
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>> is it too much to ask to hit a straight putt? [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> you schooled me. >> you know, i was in the zone. i want to thank my sponsor. and, my family, are and you. >> well, all that is left is the ceremonial green jacket. >> all right. 2024 thrive city master's champion juliette goodrich. >> such an how honor >> congratulations. >> thank you. >> it is a tradition unlike any other. >> why did you have to spit water when you
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