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tv   CBS News Bay Area Evening Edition 5pm  CBS  April 13, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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ways, a wait and see. will there be casualties, how much of an impact is there on the ground, that will then determine the israeli response. the united states is really trying to keep israel from the escalation risk that could happen here. really trying to keep them from making this into a wider regional war. >> and, of course of , that is the president has been talking about with his national security advisers at the white house. natalie, the president convened his entire national security team, he came back early from delaware. what are they doing tonight? >> reporter: we're talking the top administration officials from the defense secretary, secretary of state, cia director, national security adviser, met in the situation room with the president as this began unfolding. he tweeted this message a short time ago, and re-emphasizing the
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message that u.s. commitment to israel security against threats from iran and its proxy is ironclad, as he told you yesterday. that is a messagethat is a mess clear from the white house ahead of this attack. it's also being echoed by congressional leaders who are starting to put out statements and post on social media, including senate foreign relations chair ben cardin, who is also cautioning iran against widening this or escalating further. >> natalie, thank you. our continuing coverage streaming on cbs news 24/7 and at cc1 test message live in the cbs news studios in san francisco i'm brian hackney.
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>> and i'm andrea nakano. we start with the breaking news. the white house says they will support israel as they defend themselveses from a drone and missile attack from iran. u.s. officials have confirmed they have already struck down some of the drones heading to israel. >> this is what the skies of tel-aviv have looked like for the past hour. israel and the u.s. both striking down incoming drones and missiles. reporters in the area say they have heard close to 30 explosions. we haven't heard if any of the drones have actually hit the city. the israeli military says it was prepared for 100 drones and 150 ballistic missiles coming in from iran. israel, jordan, and lebanon have all closed their air space. iranian officials say they will target any country that opens up their air space, allowing a counterattack from israel. state media in iran confirmed on air that today's attack is a direct response to an air strike in syria that killed seven iranian officials. two hours ago
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iran's delegation to the u.n. released the statement that you just heard with weijia jiang's bulletin, saying the matt can be deemed concluded but should the israeli regime make another mistake, iran's response will be considerably more severe. statement also warned the u.s. to stay out of the conflict. leading up to the attack, the lebanese group hezbollah said they launched dozens of rockets at israel's air defense headquarters. the group declared support for the palestinian people in gaza. despite the attacks, israel says that they have been able to shoot down some of those drones coming in from iran. >> and that is the sound of the air raid sirens going off over jerusalem. they started about an hour ago. israel is telling people to go into protect its bases. the idf says people should stay in place until they get word from the home front command. and a live look at washington, d.c., this evening. white house officials have said that president biden will not
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be talking to the nation tonight. we have been told he is in the situation room. there are fighter jets on standby. the uk has confirmed they are providing help to the u.s. forces but they are not actively shooting down drones. senator roger wicker, the top u.s. republican on the senate armed forces committee, released a statement saying we must join with israel to ensure that iran's aggression is met with resolute action and resounding strength. our shared enemies, including iran and their proxies, need to know our commitment is unwavering. today's attack is adding to an already violent few days in the region. yesterday hundreds of israeli soldiers surrounding palestinian towns in the occupied west bank after the death of a 14-year-old boy. earlier today the iranian navy seized a container ship with ties to israel, and this is a
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developing situation. coming up at 6:30, we will be speaking with congressman john who sits on the house foreign affairs mitt tee. cbs first brought you the news of the attack on air this afternoon. you can catch the latest on the updates throughout the night and on our free streaming channel cbs 24/7, on our website, and for the latest on president biden's response, tune in to face the nation tomorrow morning at 8:30. margaret brennan will be talking with john kirby from the national security council. in other news, tonight we are following the cold and rainy weather. this is what the sky looked like over san jose. you can see the wind shaking the camera and the clouds moving through. and this is what it looks like over san francisco right now. a few raindrops but definitely a lot of cloud cover out there. brian hackney is going to join us with annup date on the weather, brian? >> we'll do this quickly. i wanted to show you the latest
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on the kpix 5 doppler . low pressure continues to spin offshore. there will be a few showers tonight. there's even the possibility of a thunderstorm or two but in general while a few showers begin to unpeel over marin county under the influence of that southern flow, it looks like most of the action will be toward diminishing showers as we get into the evening hours and tomorrow that low pressure will ease south and the showers will begin to let up for tomorrow and, in fact, even through tonight. we'll have more detail whence we cover the forecast in a few minutes. here's andrea. >> thank you, brian. california's attorney general says he won't be filing charges against former windsor mayor don. the attorney general said they just didn't have enough evidence to prosecute. well, several women had accused the former mayor of sexual assault. the allegations range from threats to violence to drugging the women. they
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also say he used his power as mayor to silence them. today the women held a press conference to respond to the dropped charges and talk about the impact of the alleged assault. >> how many rape victims does it take to get a rapist criminally charged? as women we need more voices because for some sad reason 15 women saying the same thing isn't enough in the state of california. >> he has denied all the allegations and said the encounters were consensual. da lin will have more on this story coming up at 6:00. well, xart muni still trying to get riders back on board, b.a.r.t.'s weekday numbers are down 60% since 2020. and muni says they have an added problem. more people are just not paying the fare. kelsi thorud has that story. >> reporter: fare evasion is not a new problem for sfmta,
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but executive director jeffrey tumlin says they've seen a significant spike in people not paying to ride muni since the pandemic. >> when we stopped charging fares, stopped inspecting fares during covid, it's taken us a while to get our fare collection rate back to where it should be. so what we've seen is about an eight percentage point increase in fare evasion. >> reporter: to try and crack down on evaders, tumlin says sfmta will be adding dozens of additional fare inspectors. tumlin says the inspectors will rotate through every muni line in the city. >> we try to make sure that the distribution is random. we also want to make sure that if you're a low-income resident that you're no more likely to get inspected than if you're living in a wealthy neighborhood. so we make sure the distribution across the city is pretty even. >> reporter: tumlin says only about 20% of sfmta's revenue comes from fares, but with
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ridership still well beelow pre-pandemic level, every dollar counts. still, he says it's a delicate balance between hiring more inspectors and getting fare revenue up. >> it costs more to get to 100% than you actually make in fare revenue. so what we're trying to find is that optization point with fare inspector where is the cost of each new fare inspector is more than paid for through an increase in fare compliance and fare revenue. >> reporter: tumlin says his goal is to make every muni passenger feel like they're all contributing their fair share for the use of public transit. he says passengers can expect to see the new inspectors on buses and trains very soon. >> meanwhile, b.a.r.t.'s also installing new gates at eight additional stations. you can see them on the map there. the goal is to cut down on fare evasion. and still ahead here at 5:00 --. >> families in walnut creek
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opening the doors to life in their new homes. the
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well, something that never seems to go away is the housing crisis. it's been difficult, it has been time consuming, and it seems unsolvable. there's one nonprofit builder that celebrated a new development in walnut creek. >> the homes built next to the pleasant hill b.a.r.t. station will be giving hope to those willing to put in the work. john ramos has the story. >> reporter: they're still putting the finishing touches on some of these homes, but habitat for humanity east bay chose this day for a welcome home ceremony, the first one since the pandemic. it's an example of how long-term the challenge is when it comes to
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building housing and what can be accomplished with sheer determination. the spanish word for hope is esparanza, and it's a fitting name for the neighborhood in walnut creek. 23 families will move into the homes they helped build next to the pleasant hill b.a.r.t. station. janice jensen, ceo of habitat for humanity east bay/silicon valley, says these townhomes are an example of how much things have changed over the years. >> back in the day, we would build single-family homes. we don't do that very much anymore. first of all, the land prices here are so expensive. >> reporter: but habitat's workforce hasn't changed. about 80% of the project was built with volunteer labor. 40,000 hours for each house. construction manager ben grubb says it's amazing how quickly inexperienced people can learn
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the trade. >> well, you'd be shocked. in the first hour of the job, feels like a schoolhouse, right? you're teaching everyone what to do. after that, people come out, they're % want to do a good job, right? basically, we're not the fastest builders of all time, but we're thorough and do a good job. >> when they told us that we were selected, i think i felt like we had won the lottery and having to do a lot of work was something that we were looking forward to learning how to build your house, how to, you know, how to paint. elisa specialized in painting the interiors of all the home, even though she had never picked up brush before. >> now when i go into buildings and other people's homes, i notice the paint and notice they probably need a retouch. >> reporter: this new home is a real dream come true for her since her partner guillermo is
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busy full time raising their son who faces autism. >> the change for the future is so important for us. here i see a place for me and guillermo where we could grow old and take care of cecil as long as god allows us to. >> reporter: housing advocates often say the solution to the housing crisis is to build more housing, but that doesn't happen quickly. they broke ground in september of 2021 and there are still 19 homes to build. ceo jensen says just because the solution seems simple, it is by no means easy. >> incomes have not risen. costs have skyrocketed. and that creates a -- it creates a problem that is very hard to overcome. and we need better public policy. we need more funding. we need everything. >> reporter: the need is everywhere, but so is the willingness to help. all you have to do is ask the people who dream of a place to call their own. >> in all, it will contain 42
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new townhomes when completed. they will be zero net energy, meaning they will provide more energy than they use. we're going to check back in with brian with the weather, and hopefully after this little system we might have a few clear days. >> hope on. >> hope on, okay. >> well, actually, there is good news ahead for you if you want more sunshine, although, talk about back and forth and back and forth. 80s last week, and then, wham, we get hit by the cold front that moved in overnight and gave us a good amount of rain. you'll see in a minute. you can see much of it has now moved out of the bay area. it's just led to scattered showers around parts of the north bay. we'll expect scattered showers around much of the rest of the bay area as the evening wears on. closer view here shows that much of the rain now is in the central valley and south. low pressure is spinning south. showers will ease up tomorrow. and then it does look like we're going to go to dry conditions. but it
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did leave us with nearly 0.7 of an inch of rain in santa rosa. concord had about 0.33 of an inch and san francisco 0.6. we've got cloudy skies over much of the area. oakland picked up 0.4 of an inch, hayward a half an inch, in san jose almost half an inch as well. more showers overnight, we don't climb out of this quickly. it will be over -- in fact, we could get a thunderstorm tonight even as temperatures get chilly for this time of the year. boy, it is just going back and forth. the numbers in the moment in the upper 40s and lower 50s . that low will get kicked out to the east, high pressure begins to build in, and then sunshine increases. it'll be warmer on monday, and then looks like the numbers will be near 80 inland by the time we get to tuesday. tomorrow though still kind of a cool day. we start out in the upper 40s in san jose and top out in the low 60s. in santa rosa not dramatically
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different, just not quite as warm. there's a chance of a linger shower or two, especially in the north bay and in parts of the south bay. but after today the chances pretty much collapse. tomorrow there's just a chance for a scattered shower or two, and the rest of the week locks like not much so. in general, we are drying out so. an tree eya's over there celebrating, getting ready to do sports. showery conditions will ease up tomorrow afternoon, increasing sunshine. warmer on monday and tuesday. low 80s inland by the time we get to midweek. actually looks like next weekend will be dry as well so. that hasn't happened lately. overnight lows tonight will be in the mid-40s, and you had cloudy skies, so we won't get that cold. tomorrow things look nice. we'll be cloudy in the south bay and a lingering shower or two. ditto for the east bay. tomorrow pittsburgh at 61. in brentwood, 61. danville, 60 nchlts the north bay, few showers tonight. the doppler is showing we do have rain now. up around ukiah we'll
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only manage the low to mid-50s. standard sunshine after tomorrow for monday and tuesday. we'll cloud it up on wednesday, but it looks like it'll be dry through next weekend after we dispense with the showers tomorrow. monday, tuesday, wednesday increasing sunshine and inclosing temperatures. and that holds true for the east bay as well. along the coast it'll be fairly cloudy not only tomorrow but also midweek. in general the showers, they are going away so. that's why an tree ya's got a smile on her face. >> all right, thank you, brian. coming up in sports, who said the giants didn't have any power? they lit up tropicana field with their bats today. and the masters with thrilling moments with several cal bears in contention to wear the green jacket. we'll head out to - [narrator] at kpix, we're taking weather to the next level. - we can show not just what's happening at ground level, but we can show what's happening in the upper levels of the atmosphere. let's lift the clouds off of ground level and talk... - it really spotlights how unique the geography is here. - it's dynamic. it's different.
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conditions today after a windy first two days. tiger woods made the cut for a masters record 24th time but really struggled on saturday. he shot a ten over 82 and fell into a tie for 52nd place. now, one of the former cal bears, colin, went birdie four of his first eight holes. the other bear in contention, max homa, started the day tied for lead. saves par on 13. homa shot a one over 73 with seven pars. and scottie scheffler was two back after a double bogey on ten, but on 13 gets it all back there draining an eagle putt to tie morikawa for the lead. and bryson dechambeau came in tied for the lead but struggled on the back nine. that is until the final hole. the approach shot from 77 yards out goes in for that
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birdie. pulls the clovis native within four shots of the lead. scheffler leads morikawa by one. homa is two shots back, and a total of eight players are within five strokes of the lead. to baseball, the giants came into saturday homerless in their last seven games, but they woke up from their power slump today. this little giants fan wanted to see some runs this afternoon, and he will see it. san francisco up 2-1. in the fifth, lamonte wade jr. hits the ball, and this one just goes right over the right center field wall fence for his first home run of the year. makes it 4-1. wade is now hitting .368 this season. plenty of run support for ace logan webb. he allows one run and strikes out four in seven innings to pick up his first win of the season. now it's 7-1, giants, in the seventh. no doubt about this one. jorge soler crushes this one 446 feet to center. that's a solo shot
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and that soler's homer is his third with the orange and black. three batters later, estrada with his second longball of the day. two-run blast. estrada went 3 for 4. san francisco hit five homers in the game to cruise to an 11-2 win. former a's pitcher sean doolittle back in town as the members of the national coaching staff. mackenzie gore, he tossed five shutout innings and tied a career high with 11 strikeouts. he struck out the the last five batters he faced. top of the sixth inning, nats up 1-0. luis garcia with the big two-out hit to bring home their second run of the game. washington wins 3-1, and the a's still do have a chance to take the series, the third straight series with a win tomorrow. in the nba with one game to go in the regular season, the warriors find themselves back in the ten spot of the western conference playoff race after a tough loss to new orleans. the
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warriors nearly pulled off a comeback in the fourth quarter, but steph curry's game-tying three just off the mark. and the pelicans hold on to win 114-109. golden state will finish the regular season tomorrow but has accepted that they will either end up that ninth or tenth seed to play in that play-in tournament game. >> could you be resting some guys on sunday? >> oh, hell yeah. >> give me a hell yeah. >> oh, hell yeah. if you look at what we're facing, it's a gauntlet, right, and we've got to play two play-in games. and if you can win those two, then you've got game one 48 hours after that. >> time for some rest. well, college basketball just a couple days after asking tara vanderveer a question at her retirement press conference, stanford star kiki has decided to transfer. she averaged 20 points per game and was named the best power forward in the country so. stanford will definitely miss
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her and tara as well. all right, andrea, thank you. coming up, bay area kids getting the gift of new wheels thanks to the rotary club. details on the annual bike
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well, a lot of kids from san francisco's bayview neighborhood got quite the surprise with some brand new bicycles. >> it's all thanks to the rotary club's annual bike build. the club spent the morning building 150 of these bikes for the children. the club says they've conducted this bike build for nearly 15 years now. >> rotary club doing good wherever they go. quite an organization. that's it for us at 5:00. we'll see you back here at 6:00. >> and the cbs weekend news is coming up next. news updates are always available on have a good night. ♪ tonight, breaking news, iran strikes back at israel. the islamic republic takes direct aim at the jewish state as middle east tens


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