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tv   CBS News Bay Area  CBS  April 15, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm PDT

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major traffic issues across the bay area today as pro-palestinian protesters take over interstate 880 and the golden gate bridge, bringing the commute to a screeching halt. >> this is a major city. people trying to get to work. >> plus new fallout for an east bay women's prison rocked by sexual abuse scandal. the criminal trial against former president trump gets underway. why this case is making history, and why selecting jurors could be a major challenge. thank you so much for joining us today, i'm elizabeth cook. we begin with that major commute disruption around the bay area. chances are you were impacted by it in some way. hundreds of
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pro-palestinian protesters shutting down traffic for hours. anne makovec has been following the latest developments. >> this all started during the morning rush hour where it is all cleared up this afternoon. but it extended for hours as the protest part of the plan, economic disruption across the country referred to as a-15. let's begin in the east bay. the chopper was at the scene as demonstrators took over the southbound lanes of i-880 and blocked off the seventh street onramp in west oakland. earlier in the day on the northbound side, protesters were blocking traffic by chaining themselves to concrete filled barrels. they hung a banner that said 8:15 economic blockage, free palestine. traffic on 880 was backed up for miles at one point when they started to go through the open section of the median, heading south. as you can imagine, took crews a while to get the demonstrators free from the barrels. this is video of the chp getting the last protest or off the roadway. you can see they were handcuffed
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before being taken away. all northbound lanes reopened shortly after. all lanes of the golden great bridge are back open today after pro-palestinian protesters shut down the southbound lanes of the bridge for more than four hours. this also started during the busy morning commute at around 8:00 a.m. bringing traffic to a halt. crews returning cars by one by one on the northern end of all of this trying to ease the congestion. we may have seen a few protesters being detained. chp officers, securing one person there and leaving several off the bridge. they said 28 protesters have been arrested. our wilson walker was on the san francisco side of that bridge. >> things are back to normal almost immediately. as soon as the cars were cleared from the golden gate bridge. the disruption, however, a solid five hours. >> i got to pay bills, so it's tough, you know, it's tough. there is a lot of frustration. and it doesn't make me sympathetic, i could tell you that much. >> whether you were in a car on the bike, it did not matter.
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you were getting over the golden gate bridge this morning. this is what ultimately happened on the southbound lane side where they started to turn people back around. getting them back, presumably for a drive across the bay bridge and for san rafael to get to marin. we did speak to one of the organizers here who say it was a disruptive event, of course. there will be more. >> we are going to keep pushing until people pay attention as we know from our history, that people's actions work. they won't listen to us unless we hit them where it hurts, which is in the economic region. so we're going to keep pushing and keep disrupting. >> one interesting question coming out of this is a jurisdictional one, right? who manages the cases that are going to come off the bridge here. it's not like the bay bridge. pretty cut and dry. they went to the district attorney's office. it is not so clear in this case with the golden gate bridge and the federal authority here in the presidio, one thing that we will wait to see after yet another large-scale protest here in the bay area.
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other news headlines we're following new fallout involving the troubled women's prison in dublin. the federal bureau says they plan to shut it down. comes after the fbi raided the facility last month. the prison has a documented history of sexual abuse. all 605 inmates currently at fci dublin will be transferred to other facilities. jury selection now underway in donald trump's hush money. the first ever criminal trial of the u.s. president, the former u.s. president from facing 34 felony counts for allegedly falsifying business records. in an effort to cover up a hush money payment to adult film actress stormy daniels before the 2016 election. trump has pleaded not guilty and now one of the main questions, will the judge be able to find an impartial jury. >> the defense is very interested in seeing if they could show that through the jury selection that they can't really get people who might be
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fair and impartial. they will continue to move for a change of venue. >> prosecutors today asked the judge to hold trump in contempt for allegedly violating the gag order in recent social media posts, attacking stormy daniels and michael cohen. the judge will hear arguments for that next week. tesla plans to lay off more than 10% of their global work force. that's according to electric transportation news electric, ceo elon musk notified employees, citing the need to increase the productivity, coming with the lower demand. tesla reported a sharp drop in vehicle deliveries in the first quarter. we reached out to tesla for comments and not heard that list. thank you so much. turning now to our first alert weather after a weekend of rain. we are finally seeing mostly sunny skies across the bay area. let's get a check of our forecast. here is meteorologist jessica burch. hey, jess. >> reporter: it's a cool day in the bay area with 60s for
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us, all the way off to the east bay. now we have the cold front that went through the bay area. that gave us rainy skies, gusty conditions, daytime highs well below average. we are starting to recover from that though. these daytime highs are going to get quickly replaced with some 80s around the corner in the inland areas like san jose, hitting 81 degrees by wednesday, heading into thursday with partly cloudy skies. kind of like what we would have today. over the next couple of days, this will be an interesting forecast for us with these partly cloudy skies continue to fill the bay area with the clear nights ahead of us, but no rain in sight. high pressure as it moves its we into the bay. it will warm us up. that's the case for us heading into the afternoon today. lasting throughout the week, which is kind of wild to think because we have had an active spring season so far. we came out of a wet winter, which really helped. when it came to rainfall verses average, we are sitting 117% above average. even better numbers down in the
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santa clara valley for the daytime highs that will hit the 80s with the nice dry break. it's worth noting as we head into the forecast this week. 70s by tomorrow. 80s into our wednesday and thursday forecast. light winds all week long. then suddenly we're talking about sunshine heading into this weekend's forecast at least for the inland areas. once along the bay, it's still cloudy and a little bit cooler too. daytime highs are peaking in the 70s as we head into our wednesday forecast. we cool down into the 60s with partly cloudy skies still sticking around. the white house is reiterating the u.s. commitment to defend israel following iran's unprecedented air assault into israeli territory over the weekend. israel's military says they have intercepted more than 300 iranian missiles and drones late saturday. it was a five-hour attack. the majority of the weapons are believed to have been launched from inside iran's territory. more than a
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thousand miles away. now as the world awaits israel's next move, iranians here in the bay area worry about their safety of their loved ones as well in the middle east. andrea nakano has that story. >> reporter: it is not the first time karim has seen these images from the middle east as they know it won't be the last. >> every time something like this happens, we all feel a collective sense of dread and fear. >> reporter: kareem is the director of the center of the studies at san francisco state university. it's been difficult for her to not think about the unrest and her family members living in iran. >> the bottom line is there's a day after these confrontations and the real suffering doesn't happen to the policymakers, the
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governments or the individuals who are spewing this rhetoric. the consequences are felt by the everyday residents. >> reporter: they have been dealing with conflicts for decades. with the iranian american community of northern california feels nothing is going to change until there is true democracy in iran. >> the real problem is that the root cause of these unrest in the middle east is the iranian regime, which is what they call the export of revolution. >> reporter: the iranian americans say they need the united states as help for change to happen, but not in the way some suspect. they want action through diplomacy, not weapons. >> the u.s. will need to side with the people of iran and recognize the right to what they have to confront them inside iran on their own and it
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is the political tool that the u.s. will have in providing that support. >> reporter: the end of peace is to be perceived, it is vital for the u.s. to set an example and be consistent with the way that it observes international and humanitarian law. >> i think if you keep supplying arms to a country like israel without holding them accountable for the way it's impacting the civilians of gaza. you can't expect people to understand that you're interested in peace. >> reporter: for the people living in the region and those with relatives there, they can only hope peace will prevail instead of the use of force. still ahead sideshows take over major intersections. callers are even set on fire. the wild scene at oakland and how they all came to an end. plus seven years after san francisco police vowed to make sweeping reforms. the
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department says it has reached a significant milestone. but not even will agree. - [narrator] at kpix, we're taking weather to the next level. - we can show not just what's happening at ground level, but we can show what's happening in the upper levels of the atmosphere. let's lift the clouds off of ground level and talk... - it really spotlights how unique the geography is here. - it's dynamic. it's different. as i lift this, you can actually see it in real-time. this is shaking it up for me as an meteorologist. - [narrator] the bay area's only virtual weather studio. next level weather. only on kpix and pix+.
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but, this is a limited time offer! for over 20 years, sunsetter has been the bestselling retractable awning in america! call now for this free awning idea kit packed with great awning solutions. plus, get this $200 discount certificate to get your sunsetter for as little as $799. there are so many incredible styles to choose from. get a custom-built awning, without the custom-built price! turn your patio into an instant oasis. add led lighting for evening enjoyment. call now for your free awning idea kit, local dealer info and $200 discount certificate. “life is better under a sunsetter!” a chaotic scene in oakland where sideshows, gunshots, car fires took over the street sunday morning. as da lin reports, it all ended with a big response from the police.
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>> reporter: from west oakland to east oakland. sideshow participants took over at least six major intersections early sunday morning. police say people spun donuts, fired shots into the air, and even set a couple of cars on fire. some of the participants mocked parents with this sign that reads drive like your kids live here. the real fireworks happened at the intersection of high street and foothill boulevard around 4:30 a.m. as drivers were burning rubber and laughing at the cops, dozens and dozens of officers were coordinating and block off all the escape routes. it all unfolded in front of neighbor debbie wilson's house. >> i applaud them. i applaud them. they need to rest them and keep them in there. >> reporter: the 65-year-old says the monthly sideshows near her house hurt her health. she recently had a stroke. >> and i take seizure medication. i've been having strokes and seizures. so this kind of chaos out, i don't
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need around me. it will terrorize me and it scares me. >> reporter: neighbors say it is dangerous for everyone. >> they crash, sometimes really close to our house. like for example, the neighbor's house right there, they crashed and they made a big dent in the gate. what if they crash into my house? >> reporter: as police started ticketing participants and spectators, some drivers found the narrow pathway out of the blockades. officers quickly used the patrol car to block that route. a short time later, one driver drove a white infiniti into two police cars to leave the area. he wasn't done. that driver returned to challenge the officers. one officer appeared to fire some kind of non-lethal projectile to scare the driver away. other participants would try to leave, but didn't get very far. officers arrested several drivers and cited a lot of spectators. they also impounded
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a number of cars. >> we are paying and suffering. make them pay. >> what will impress me, they not only came, but they cited those in the middle of the sideshows, and they arrested other people. >> reporter: they say typically the cops just dispersed the outside and let them go. neighbors asked why can't the cops do this every time? >> the response i get, well, we don't have enough officers. well, we don't have, you know, enough money in overtime to pay for officers to be here. >> reporter: police say it could be very dangerous, especially when they are outnumbered by the large crowds. some of the participants set two cars on fire, likely stolen. as for debbie, she says shut them down for e her health and the health of the city. >> i'm from the south. and they need to fight somebody and to drive to the army. to give them the ultimatum. seven years ago the san francisco police department took on a series of sweeping
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reforms in the wake of the racist text message scandal and several high-profile shootings. now we know it has met every one of their goals, and touted a 65% drop in use of force between 2016 and 2022. wilson walker spoke to an activist who has been pushing for reform from the very start. >> my name is felicia jones. i'm the founder of wealth and disparities in the black community. i'm also the founder of justice for mario woods coalition. >> reporter: for felicia jones, the ceremony at city hall was a milestone in a journey that started years ago. having been pushing for greater accountability for police. since the shooting of mario woods in 2015. >> even though it may be a world stage in regards to the super bowl, it will have to be a royal stage in justice. >> reporter: nearly a decade
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later, here she was leading a cheer in a room full of police officers, marking what everyone will agree is a step in not a finish line. >> it is not perfect. but we have finished. >> reporter: san francisco police say they have essentially finished the justice department, mayor london breed in an election year and the chief of police, describing it as a milestone accomplished in spite of head winds. >> not only do we continue to push forward with this work and made it happen, but we did so during the challenging time after a global pandemic where we saw crime start to spy rocket. >> you make the adjustments to keep the balance there. like prop e and what they voted for, it is achievable. but our policies will need to provide guidance for us to do things in the spirit of what this initiative is all about. >> reporter: jones says this is a day to mark progress in an
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effort that does not end for san francisco or any other city. >> we are doing better than some. as the mayor said, and as the chief said, you know, as an activist, the work continues. it is not perfect. but the work will continue. let's listen in. >> and then i'll take any questions after that, okay? so california highway patrol was actively engaged in deescalation of multiple, simultaneous protests in the bay area this morning. working alongside our law enforcement partners in the bay area. offices worked to clear lanes as quickly as possible. officersresponded to each locations and determined protesters utilized various devices intended to impede their ability to remove protesters. included in these were 55 gallon drums filled
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with concrete and rebarb. resources from the chp officers across the bay area as well as our allied agency personnel to include the oakland police department, san francisco police department, alameda county sheriff's office, and golden gate bridge patrol responded to each incident and evaluated what was needed to remove the devices to take those involved into custody. at approximately 6:15 a.m., protesters blocked northbound e-880 at embarcadero. officers had to contend with eight 55-gallon drums filled with cement, rebarb, and heavy duty chains attaching protesters to the drones. the first lanes were reopened at 10:00 a.m. with all lanes being reopened at 1:15 p.m. seven protesters were arrested at this location. at
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approximately 7:55 a.m., protesters blocked the u.s. 101 southbound on the golden gate bridge. officers had to contend with numerous, excuse me, numerous vehicles, with chains, concealed with pipes, connecting the drivers and passengers outside of the vehicles. and all lanes were reopened at 12:15 p.m. and 26 people were arrested at this location. at approximately 8:15 a.m., protesters blocked i-880 southbound at 7th street. the group grew to approximately 300 protesters on foot, on the freeway. the first lanes were reopened at 12:30 p.m. and all lanes were reopened at 1:00 p.m. five protesters were arrested at this location. the various charges being filed
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are as followed. 4:07pc, unlawful assembly. 4:09 pc, remaining at an unlawful assembly. 2,800a of the vehicle code. refusal to comply with the lawful order. 22 500k as in king of the vehicle code, unlawful to stop on a bridge. 1:48a1, resisting and delaying an officer. 21960 of the vehicle code, unlawful for a pedestrian to be on a freeway. 182a of the penal code, conspiracy to commit a crime. and 236 of the penal code, false imprisonment. we have reached out to the alameda county district attorney's office along with san francisco district attorney's office, and are working with them in order to file these charges. this was a complex operation and the california highway patrol made everett to get lanes open as quickly as
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possible. as calls came in for service, we deploy personnel accordingly to each event. our team was able to successfully complete the devices and the protesters utilized. while minimizing the risk of injury to the public. >> our friends from the california highway patrol on the protest that really brought the entire morning commute to a standstill this morning. it all started at 6:15 initially on 880. then another group of protesters blocked off the golden gate bridge about 8:00 in the morning. pose of those lanes of both the bridge and reopened by about 12:30 this morning. but of course a nightmare for - lift the clouds off of... - virtual weather, only on kpix and pix+.
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biden has approved governor gavin newsom's request to declare a state of emergency to help the ongoing recovery efforts in nine counties including monterey and santa cruz. the governor says this will help bring in more money and resources for local
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we will have continuing coverage of the freeway protest for you tonight at 5:00 right here on kpix. cbs evening news is next. local news continues in our streaming service, cbs news bay area. i'll see you at 5:00. ♪ ♪ 's be on the first criminal trial of the former president gets underway. >> trump is not above the law. >> norah: jury selection begins in the case of the people in new york against donald trump. though potential questions jurors are being asked and how many have already been dismissed. >> nothing like this has ever


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