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tv   CBS News Bay Area Evening Edition 5pm  CBS  April 15, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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leading to more than two dozen arrests. >> good evening. i'm elizabeth cook. demonstrators calling for a ceasefire in gaza shut down the golden gate bridge and interstate 880 in the east bay starting right as that morning commute was just getting underway. the traffic was backed up for miles. now this was a pretty sophisticated operation. some protesters on the bridge chaining themselves to cars and in the east bay they even brought out barrels full of concrete to stop anyone from getting by. within the last two hours the chp told us those protesters could face conspiracy charges due to the coordination. wilson walker begins our team coverage at the golden gate bridge tonight. wilson? >> reporter: liz, we saw this late last year over on the bay bridge. we've seen it again now. so clearly we're involved in a little contest of cat and mouse between the protesters and law enforcement. if you were trying to cross the bridge
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here, drive up 880 today, you are simply caught in the middle. >> i'm sympathetic and i understand the cause. i do and i just wish i'd have left 20 minutes earlier. i'd have missed all it. >> reporter: just short of the bridge and a sea of cars going inwhere, one driver trying to reach family on the other side. >> i'm going to try to get through. my daughter needs me. she's got four little ones there and i'm supposed to be helping take care of them while she's working. >> yeah. i work over the bridge. so not many other options. think about the ferry. >> reporter: the hours dragged on. people started walking their dogs and striking out for supplies. >> yes. it's an uber and he's lovely. >> reporter: amongst the crowd a constant chatter about the protest that had stuck them all there. some were sympathetic. >> yes, it's an inconvenience,
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but it's also inconvenient to be a human being in gaza right now. >> stop arming israel, which i think we should stop arming israel. so i'm in support of that. >> reporter: there was also plenty of frustration. >> well, my thing, civil liberties should be protected, but there is a limit and when you have this level of a disruption to our whole transportation system, i think we need to draw a line. >> reporter: attempting to block or shut down a freeway or a state highway to protest is unlawful. it's dangerous. the highway patrol said it thought something was coming, but they did not know any specific plans. the deterrent they say should be aggressive prosecution, thus the extensive charges. >> and 236 of the penal code, false imprisonment. >> reporter: but protest organizers were very clear that this action was not the last. here is a spokesperson talking about what comes next. >> we're going to keep pushing until people pay attention. we know from our history that people's actions work and they
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won't listen to us unless we hit them where it hurts, which is in the economic region, and so we're going to keep pushing and keep disrupting. >> reporter: if you're watching this this morning or if you were stuck in it, you might have had a question about jurisdiction here on the golden gate bridge, who sort of follows up on the charges for the folks taken off this bridge? we learned that this afternoon. highway patrol has referred this to the san francisco district attorney's office. there's no federal question here. the other cases over on 880 will go to the alameda district attorney's office. from the november case we just saw all those protesters in court in san francisco with a bit of protests surrounding that. the district attorney kind of cut a deal with them. they got to pass on the charges if they do community service and stay out of trouble. someone somewhere is checking the names from today against that list you can imagine to see if they have perhaps violated some agreement if it's the same name that pops up. you also have to wonder if there's an
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escalation in the charges filed here. the district attorney's office tried to send a message with that case. highway patrol seriously seemingly trying to send some signals today they won't tolerate this. do the charges get more intense? does the prosecution become more vigorous may be a question as we go ahead here. we've seen this a couple times, hear some strong words. does anything more come out of it this time? >> yeah. and the massive impact that it had on commuters today, no question, will play a role in that. thank you. continuing our team coverage on this is itay hod live in oakland where all lanes of 880 are back open again after being shut down earlier today by demonstrators as well. itay? >> reporter: good evening. yes. i'm on seventh street. right behind me is the on ramp to 880 south. just before 7:00 a.m. this morning about 300 protesters blocked this on ramp
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essentially creating a massive, massive traffic jam. basically this was all part of a day of action called a15 as in april 15th , a coordinated demonstration across the country and internationally. the goal was to put pressure on governments to financially divest from the state of israel and bring attention to the ongoing war in gaza. drivers who were caught up in this traffic jam essentially waited for as much as five hours before chp was finally able to clear some of those protesters. we spoke to the protesters and some of those drivers to see what they had to say. take a listen. >> we specifically chose this day because of the significance around it. we will always as just a regular citizen who is not okay, we will always find other ways to speak up against how our tax dollars are being used. a pause in people's day
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is not as significant as not being able to find food. >> basically this is not fair for, you know, a lot of people going to work. they're trying to make some money and look what happened. this is just to be honest ridiculous. >> reporter: all lanes were eventually reopened around midday. we'll bring you more from some of those frustrated drivers who were caught up in the mayhem tonight at 6:00. in the meantime back to you in the studio. >> thank you. we did see police leading away some of the protesters in the east bay, but we're still waiting for an exact number from the chp. as itay mentioned, today's protests were part of a global day of action. here's the scene in new york city where several hundred protesters shut down the brooklyn bridge earlier today and in chicago protesters blocked access to o'hare international airport calling for a ceasefire in gaza. this isn't the first
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time protesters have shut down bay area bridges to call for take ceasefire in gaza. dozens of people were arrested on the bay bridge back in november while president biden was in town for the apec conference. last month protesters showed up in force at sfo. they shut down the international terminal and used vehicles to block the entrance. meanwhile the white house said today that the u.s. will not help israel in a retaliatory strike following this weekend's drone and missile attack from iran. as tensions continue to escalate, bay area residents with family in the region are hoping for a peaceful resolution. >> the real suffering doesn't happen to the policymakers, the governments, or the individuals who are spewing this very vile rhetoric. what happens is the consequences are felt by everyday citizens. >> coming up tonight at 5:30, how people are dealing with the anxiety over the unrest and family members living in iran.
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switching gears for you tonight, let's take a live look outside now. after a weekend of unsettled weather, the sun is returning at least at times today. first alert chief meteorologist paul heggen joins us with a look at the rest of the workweek. hopefully we can hold onto that sunshine, paul. >> yeah. we'll see even more the next couple days and that will help boost our temperatures. after the unsettled weekend, we did start off with cloud cover this morning. we'll doesn't our time lapse at 10:00 this morning looking over san jose and the santa clara valley. there's that deck of clouds. late morning into early afternoon, first a few breaks in the cloud cover and then abundant sunshine making its face shown and helping inland temperatures to warm up to close to normal for this time of year. we'll build on that as we head through the next couple days. current temperatures across the bay area, mid- to upper 60s inland with a mixes of upper 50s and low 60s along the bay, mid-50s along the coast. with more
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sunshine tomorrow, just a little fog to start the day, we'll warm up quickly, 4 to 8 degrees above average, upper 60s and low 70s around the bay and mid- to upper 70s farther inland. we'll fill in the rest of the map and look at the full seven-day forecast coming up in a few minutes. >> paul, thank you. after years of allegations of corruption and abuse, the federal prison in dublin is about to shut down. the fbi raided the facility last month and removed the warden. the prison has a documented history of sexual abuse. all 605 inmates currently at fci dublin will be transferred to other facilities. pretrial arguments and jury selection began today in the donald trump hush money trial. it's the first ever criminal trial of a former u.s. president. jared hill reports from the courthouse in new york. >> reporter: former president trump criticized the court as day one in his hush money trial came to a close. >> it's a scam. it's a
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political witch hunt. it continues forever. >> reporter: it's the first of four criminal trials the republican presidential candidate faces. he's required to attend the proceedings which could take more than six weeks. >> i can't go to my son's graduation. i can't go to the united states supreme court. it's perfect for the radical left democrats. that's exactly what they want. >> reporter: trump faces 34 felony counts, accused of falsifying business records to hide payments former fixer michael cohen made to adult film star stormy daniels ahead of the 2016 presidential election. trump pleaded not guilty. >> this is about election interference. that's all it's about. >> reporter: monday afternoon the first batch of 96 potential jurors entered the courtroom. more than 500 manhattan residents are there to be considered for the 12 spots. the lengthy juror questionnaire asks if they've ever attended a trump rally or if they follow the former president on social media. >> the lawyers are not really looking for the most fair and
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impartial. they're looking for the least partial. >> reporter: prosecutors asked the judge to hold trump in contempt for allegedly violating his gag order with four social media posts attacking stormy daniels and michael cohen, both potential witnesses. prosecutors want the posts removed and trump to pay a fine. they've asked the judge to remind trump he could be jailed for further violations. the former president's defense claimed he was only responding to attacks, but the judge said he did not recall an exception to the gag order. >> the judge has set aside next tuesday for contempt of court arguments regarding a possible gag order violation. still ahead, major layoffs are coming at tesla, how many workers could lose their jobs as the company's sales continue to slump. and a california congressman has a new plan to deal with those seemingly constant rate hikes from pg&e. plus oakland police were out in full force this weekend to deal with out of control sideshows, how they made sure
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participants didn't get away unpunished.
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police are looking for the shooter who killed two women on a quiet street in downtown napa. the shooting on saturday night happened on riverside drive just after 8:00 p.m. police found the women lying in the street near the clubhouse for the local sea scouts organization. a neighbor says he first heard people arguing followed by a number of loud pops and then he saw a car speeding away. >> i remember when i was a kid, you never had to worry about none of this, none of this. >> guns and drugs are everywhere no matter what it is. they're in every city. >> really i don't know why, but something's changed here in town and people are just getting more and more violent
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and more and more willing to do stupid things that cause people to lose their lives. >> police hope anyone with information on this shooting will give them a call. within the last few hours oakland police announced they have cited 52 people, towed 21 vehicles and made three arrests after a weekend full of sideshows. da lin spoke to residents and city leaders about the street takeovers. >> reporter: from west oakland to east oakland, sideshow participants took over at least six major intersections early sunday morning. police say people spun donuts, fired shots into the air and even set a couple cars on fire. some of the participants mocked parents with this sign that reads "drive like your kids live here." but the real fireworks happened at the intersection of
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high street and foothill boulevard around 4:30 a.m. as drivers were burning rubber and laughing at the cops. dozens and dozens of officers were coordinating and blocking off all the escape routes. it all unfolded in front of neighbor debbie wilson's house. >> applaud them. applaud them. they need to arrest them and keep them in there. >> reporter: the 65-year-old says the monthly sideshows near her house hurt her health. she recently had a stroke. >> i take seizure medication. i've been having strokes and seizures. so this kind of chaos, i don't need around me. it terrorizes me and it scares me. >> reporter: neighbors say it's dangerous for everyone. >> they crash sometimes really close to our house like, for example, the neighbor's on house right there, they crashed into the gate, made like a big dent in it. i'm worried like what if they crash into my house? >> reporter: as police start ticketing participants and spectators, some drivers found a narrow pathway out of the blockades. officers quickly used a patrol car to block that
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route. a short time later one driver drove a white infiniti into two police cars to leave the area. he wasn't done. that driver returned to challenge the officers. one officer appeared to fire some kind of nonlethal projectile to scare the driver away. other participants tried to leave but didn't get very far. officers arrested several drivers and cited a lot of spectators. they also impounded a number of cars. >> make them pay. we're paying. we're suffering. make them pay. >> what impressed me is they not only came, they cited those that are in the middle of the sideshows and they arrested other people. >> reporter: councilman noel gallo says typically the cops just disperse the crowds and let them go. neighbors ask why can't the cops do this every time? >> the response i get well, we don't have enough officers. well, we don't have, you know,
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enough money in overtime to pay for officers to be here. >> reporter: police say it can be very dangerous, especially when they're outnumbered by large crowds. aside from hitting police cars, some of the participants set two cars on fire, likely stolen. as for debbie, she says shut them down for her health and the health of the city. >> i'm from the old school and i'm from the south. they want to shoot and fight somebody and want to drive crazy, send them to the army. give them an ultimatum. california will get federal help to recover from this winter's storms. president biden approved a request to declare a state of emergency in nine counties, including monterey and santa cruz. governor gavin newsom says this will help bring in more money and resources for those local communities. speaking of the rain, we're finally getting a break after another wet weekend. first alert chief meteorologist paul heggen here is going to break it all down for us. it feels like every week we've had a
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new storm. hopefully we'll get a longer relief period. >> right. now that we've hit mid-april, we're into that time of spring where it's not impossible for more rain, but the storm systems tend to be fewer and farther between, generally a bit more meager in the amount of moisture they deliver. we don't have any storm systems in the near future. the extended forecast is dry. the dry pat pattern really returning today. after highs today were fairly close to normal for this time of year, we will warm up to a greater extent beginning tomorrow, but especially by wednesday and thursday. temperatures now mostly 60s, 59 degrees for downtown san francisco, the warm spots concord and san jose in the upper 60s, very close to normal for those locations, tax day today. we are going to see temperatures drop off through the evening. if you're heading out to the a's game as they begin a series against the st. louis cardinals, game time
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temperature just short of 60 degrees coasting down into the 50s, a pretty typical april evening on the east side of the bay. not a lot of fog developing by early tomorrow morning. you have to look closely to see hints of gray. the fog should not be a major factor for the morning commute. we'll see plenty of sunshine beginning as soon as the sun comes up, some high clouds floating through. those will filter the sun, not have any impact on our temperatures, which start off close to normal, mostly 40s, some of the warmest spots barely dipping down below 50 degrees. then we warm up to about 4 to 8 degrees above normal for this time of year. are let's look at forecast highs for tomorrow, up to the upper 70s in san jose and los gatos, morgan hill 77 degrees, similar temperatures inland in the east bay, upper 70s, short of 80 degrees for the warmest spots and not that warm around the bay, mid-70s fremont and redwood city, low 60s along the coast for half moon bay, upper 60s for san francisco, near 70 in oakland
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and temperatures in the north bay should be above normal reaching into the mid-70s for the most part, a few spots a little warmer into the upper half of the 70s. the ten-day temperature outlook shows a bit of a roller coaster ride. we're using san jose as the representative of inland temperatures. we'll still be above average through the weekend. near the water temperatures return to near average. the weekend forecast does look dry and then we're back into kind of a cooler pattern by the middle of next week. let's look at the seven-day forecast. we'll start with those inland locations which will get up to around or a bit above 80 degrees wednesday, a couple degrees cooler thursday. those are the warmest days, wednesday and thursday, for the entire bay area. the warmth does continue inland through the weekend and at least to start next week. around the bay the warm-up isn't quite as noticeable, but it's here tomorrow, wednesday and thursday. then you're back to
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basically near average temperatures by friday, saturday, and sunday. along the coast the warm-up will be even more again meager in terms of how much temperatures bounce up, mid-60s, hard to complain in april with temperatures hovering right around 60 degrees the end of the workweek. after so many weekends in 2024 have brought good rain chances to the bay area, it's nice to have dry weather looking ahead to next weekend. it's never too early to look ahead to the weekend. >> i love that attitude and the dry weather to boot, sounds great. thank you, paul. up next, heiress and reality tv star paris hilton testifying at california's capital today, why she is throwing her support behind a plan to reform our state's youth treatment facilities. >> the sounds of my peers screaming as they were restrained and injected with sedatives will never leave me. it's hard to imagine this still happens today in the usa, but it does and we cannot ignore it. plus the armorer convicted in a deadly movie set shooting
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learns how long she'll spend behind bars.
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if it feels like pg&e is constantly raising your rates, one central california congressman agrees. democrat josh harter has introduced a new bill that would prevent utility companies from raising rates more than once a year. pg&e has already raised rates twice this year. the company has requested a third. let's take a live look at the state capitol where media
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personality and heiress paris hilton joined lawmakers to push for new regulations for facilities that take care of troubled teens. paris hilton says this stems from the trauma she experienced firsthand. she says she was abused at a treatment facility in utah when she was just 17 years old. this proposed bill would require the department of social services to allow information related to the use of restraints and seclusion rooms to be accessible to the public. >> i want children who are experiencing this now and who have experienced it in the past, for them to know that i believe them and i'm going to continue shining a spotlight on this and fighting for this. >> this bill would only apply to licensed state treatment facilities and the goal would be to have the dashboard up and running by january 1st of 2026. the transparency is something lawmakers on both sides say the department of social services has been required to do all along. world leaders are urging
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restraint as israel weighs its response to this weekend's attack by iran. we'll speak to bay area residents with family in that region. >> every time something like this happens we all feel a collective sense of dread and fear. and thousands of tesla workers could soon be looking for a job, today's announcement from ceo elon musk. i got in trouble for growing cannabis. so
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right now at 5:30, a new mexico judge with some harsh words at the sentencing of an armorer convicted in connection with a deadly movie set shooting. as the families of the workers killed in the baltimore bridge collapse, a criminal investigation is getting underway. plus israel is considering its options after iran attacked with more than 300 missiles and drones over the weekend. president biden says the u.s. will continue to provide defensive support to israel, but raised concerns about escalating tensions in the middle east. cnn has now reported the attacks have prompted israel to delay its planned invasion of southern gaza and israeli continues to launch airstrikes on the city of rafah where more than 1 million palestinian refugees are currently sheltering. the white house is


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