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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 5am  CBS  April 18, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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hi there, thank you so much for joining us. it is thursday. almost friday, april 18th. >> so let's get it started. >> i took great pride in them. and then when i started noticing they were down, i was very traumatized. >> the days are getting longer, but it's getting darker around lake merritt in oakland. people want these lights to feel comfortable but thieves are making it difficult. remembering our history, remembering the survivors and remembering those who perished is an incredible way for us to remember who we are as a city.
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how resilient we are as a city as we continue to move forward today. >> a day of reflection, 118 years since san francisco's great earthquake of 1906. now it's my turn to step up. and i know with our staff and our team, we all have each other's back and we're excited about doing what we do which is to roll up our sleeves and get to work. >> big shoes to fill. new women's basketball head coach kate paye is ready for the challenge at stanford. and you might call it a dream job, an opportunity fit for an ice cream lover. i'm sure that's going to spark a lot of interest for a lot of people. i'm gianna franco. if you want to eat ice cream all day that might be the job for you. >> i love that idea. good morning, everybody i'm reed cowan and two scoops of all of you. >> did somebody say ice cream? i feel like as soon as my 5-year-old wakes up she's going to be like ice cream, you get that for breakfast? a good day to do that as we take a live look outside on this thursday morning. maybe you can grab yourself a soft serve and sit on that ferris wheel and
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enjoy the beautiful weather that the bay area has to offer. especially today, jessica. temps are going to be high. oh, absolutely. and by the way, who put a salt and straw by my house? that's just dangerous and every way shape and form. all right guys let's take a quick look at what's going on outside. it's another dry, warm day for us here in the bay area as high pressure starting to move a little bit to the south and we're still left with temperatures well above average all throughout the bay area. been a nice week for us and i mean goodness gracious mix of sun and clouds and daytime highs all throughout the bay all above average and we're about six degrees above average today near san francisco in the upper 60s and 3 degrees today near san jose and even warmer than yesterday. one of the warmest days so far this year and it's been beautiful this week. i will say this though. because of how dry it is. the pollen count is still high. keep that in mind for any outdoor activities that you have today. and if you are trying to figure out why the kiddos are having that scratchy throat or the little bit of a cough, that might be the reason why too. now here's what it's looking like throughout the rest of the
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bay area. 80s this afternoon near antioch and we're expecting upper 60s near san francisco. low 60s down in half-moon bay. along the coast we're going to see a similar setup to yesterday. more cloud coverage and a little bit more of the coastal breeze impacting us giving us the nice cool temperatures. but hey, there were still surfers out there yesterday regardless. and they were loving the weather and we're loving it all throughout bay area. and as we are heading into a very spring-like week. we're halfway through the week you know and as we're wrapping up, actually we're past halfway through the week and as we wrap it up continue to see dry conditions into this weekend's forecast. lots of changes around the corner as we head into next week though and i'm going to time that out for you coming up in your first alert forecast. for now g, at least it's dry out there on the roads. >> you know, that's always good news when we have dry roadways for the morning commute. but not a lot of problems here jess. live look here at the bay bridge toll plaza and so far easy commute this morning coming off all the approaches, even 880. now taking 880 early this morning to the san mateo bridge, right now things are moving at limit with no delays. and the golden gate bridge, all lanes open
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both directions off to a great start out of marin county working your way over into san francisco. and travel times, seeing only brake lights along 580 in the altamont pass. that's in the next report. all right gianna. in oakland this morning you arewaking up to news of a deadly police shooting. happened at a home on 16th and aideline streets on west oakland. the suspect shot during the arrest and the officers involved we hear from sacramento law enforcement. so here's what we know at this hour, oakland police say they were at the home to help arrest a homicide suspect and they say a man came out, pointing a gun and police were forced to fire. this has been an active scene as you can see in the video right now. well before sunup. and still a lot of details to flesh out for you. but for now, the officers involved are reportedly on customary administrative leave. well, across bridge now to san francisco. where district attorney brooke jenkins and remembering this and she has a request for you this morning. if you were one of the hundreds of people who were stuck at the golden gate bridge during monday's protests, you need to file a report with the
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california highway patrol. why? well, the da says you could have been the victim of false imprisonment and your story has to be on record. jenkins eyeing 26 people arrested during the protest that shut down the bridge for hours in both directions. but says she needs to see reports filed to consider charges. meanwhile, we know hundreds in the east bay were also stuck because of protests that shut down 880. similar theme here from the da. pamela price there says she needs information from the chp before we will all know the fates of the 12 people arrested during that protest that happened the same day as the golden gate bridge protest. price in fact expressed support forthright to protection but also said protests cannot come imperil public safety. a follow-up to the protest that happened at google headquarters in the form of sit-ins that led to arrests. google telling us this morning they have fired all 28 workers who led dozens of employees to
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protest inside offices. not only here in the bay area, but also on the other side of the country in new york. san francisco protest was in fact live streamed and you see that video right there. the employees sat in protest of google cloud project nimbus and the contract with the israeli government. police arrested nine on charges of trespassing, nicole? well, time now for a look at this morning's other top stories. the san francisco sheriff's department is lifting the lockdown at a city jail. the facility on 7th street has seen a spike in violence and so has the jail in san bruno. a partial lockdown is still in place at that facility. it's expected to be lifted sometime this week. in our next half hour, sf sheriff miyamoto will join us to help drill down on what's happening. jury selection continuing today in former president donald trump's criminal trial in new york. seven jurors were seatedden tuesday and there are five more to be chosen. opening statements could begin monday and trump is accused of
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falsifying documents to hide cover up an alleged affair. now to new turmoil for house republicans. senate democrats just voted down articles of impeachment against homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas. slamming the move as a political stunt. now embattled house speaker mike johnson is setting up a vote on separate bills to fund aid for ukraine and israel despite objections from members of his party. g? taking a live look at the fountain on market street in san francisco. city leaders and those preserving the history of first responders are commemorating 118 years since the great earthquake of san francisco. a wreath will be laid here dedicated to the memory of late senator dianne feinstein and those who died 118 years ago. now in less than an hour, a guiling ceremony will be held at dolores park school and fire hydrant. the one that helped fight all the fires following the quake. now
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the light poles around oakland's lake merritt are green and over 100 years old but unremarkable you'd never guess that they are actually a hot commodity for thieves and as cay fee nielsen reports they are so desperate for copper some thieves are actually digging them out of the ground and it's creating a big problem for the city. michael lives only a few blocks from lake merritt and works from home most of the time. which is why he comes down to the lake sometimes twice a day. >> sunshine a little bit of nature and then the people and i really like being around the people and makes me feel like just kind of part of the community. >> reporter: but recently he and others who regularly walk or run around the lake have noticed some of the light posts and string lights are missing. >> i think i would feel more comfortable if the lights were up and also my wife likes to run really early if the morning. generally more concerned about her. lighted spaces always seem safer. dark spaces just seem like places you can get away with stuff more. >> reporter: there are 126 lamp
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posts holding up more than 4,000 string lights that wrap around the more than three mile lake. they were first installed in 1925 and affectionately called the necklace of lights. >> the lake is our crown jewel and i remember when they put up the lights and service so beautiful and i love driving by it. and it's -- it's magical. >> reporter: maureen is volunteer with the lake merritt breakfast club. a community group that cares for the lake and the necklace of lights. >> i took great pride in them. and then when i started knolling they were down, i was very traumatized. >> yep. >> reporter: oakland public works employees were out at the lake putting up temporary poles and lights. the city says a total of ten original poles are damaged or missing. and some of the poles cape town when trees fell on the lights during recent storms. others were vandalized. cut off at the base and wires have been ripped out or damaged from 34 curb electrical boxes possibly to steal the copper. >> well, in order to replace them the city has to have them
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custom made at a price of about $15,000 apiece. nicole? time now 5:09. rescuing a pooch. the animal rescue you won't want to miss in san francisco. and she's replacing a legend but ready to create her own legacy. hear from new
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latos fountain in san francisco on market street. city leaders as we see every year and those preserving the history of first responders are commemorating 118 years since the great earthquake here in san francisco. a wreath laid to honor the late senator dianne feinstein and those who died in the quake and also we're seeing one person being honored who was a famed florist here in the area. in about 15 minutes, there'll be a ceremony at 20th and church streets near dolores to paint a hydrant gold. it provided crucial water to put out the many fires during the destruction. it was a rough day on the trail for a pup in san francisco. who went over the side of a cliff and needed to be rescued. this happened last night at fort funston. the fire department says two dogs fell off the cliff. one of them got back up okay but the other dog a belgian malinois named otis needed rescue team to help. crews were able to get him into a special harness and then just as the sun was setting, they were able to hoist him up the side of the cliff there and
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back to safety. thankfully, the dogs and the rescuers are all okay. and jess, you have another animal rescue overseas though. oh my gosh, nicole, check this out. it was a cat hanging on for dear life. it was clinging on to the car door during flash flooding in dubai. video shows police pulling up in a boat bringing the cat to safety. and dubai is in a clean-up mode right now after being hit by a rare torrential storm that usually -- usual hot and dry climate is the last place that you'd expect to see a storm like this. and you know what? sometimes in those climate zones things like that happen. it's always interesting watching monsoon season in areas like nevada and arizona where they are used to the dry active weather and then suddenly just like that, a couple of weeks of heavy rain really changes the forecast and that is stateside. to see videos like that it is wild and sad and we wish them the best. as they start to recover in that. now back here in the bay let's take a look at what's going on for us. we talked about this earlier but i want to dive into it one more time.
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daytime highs heading into this afternoon are going to be sitting well above average. all throughout the bay. today is the day to get out there and get some freshish and find a new activity and maybe outside or if you want to just hunker down and relax, well, luckily we have some more dry and warm weather into the rest of this week too. just not nearly as much as today. what i mean by that is high pressure is sitting directly off the shoreline right now. chase if you don't mind zooming out a little bit going to kind of paint this picture for everybody. high pressure offshore. winds from the north all throughout bay area and to add to that that's the reason why the daytime highs today are once again sitting in the 80s in areas like antioch and livermore. with upper 60s close to san francisco. we still have that nice coastal breeze along half-moon bay and pacifica. giving us a little bit more mix of sun and clouds and to add to that low 60s in the forecast but let's head down into the santa clara valley real fast. this is the live look currently as we're waking up this morning and heading out the door. cool, mild, it will be a partly cloudy day as we kick off the day and we'll see more sunshine into this afternoon
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with low 80s in the forecast near san jose and upper 70s near los gatos. now looking at the next seven days, there's some changes in the forecast for us. we actually have rain as we head into next week's forecast. but i really want to put some emphasis on sunday and monday. sunny skies around the corner for us and 70s in the forecast and that's the weather that we like. next wednesday, that's when we have some changes and i'll have more on that coming up in just a bit. for now g how are the roads looking out there? so far, so good, jess. we're actually holding pretty steady with not a lot of delays this morning. for anyone making that ride on especially the bay area bridges. live look here at bay bridge and so far, so good. no brake lights or issues and in fact, that ride as you work your way westbound coming out of the east bay over towards the span over here towards the bay bridge. it's actually pretty quiet this morning. so no delays easy commute and if you are getting up early you have plenty of time to navigate most of the freeways and bridges. that includes the ride across the san mateo bridge. where traffic is pretty light. we traveled right now heading over towards 101 and in the golden gate bridge, we're not seeing a lot of issues or delays. in fact, everything
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pretty clear out of marin county heading into san francisco this morning. you can see across the span there, good news is not seeing a lot of fog or anything like that to slow you down either. now i want to talk about our travel times. checked in on 580 through the altamont pass. you do have a busy commute coming out of tracy. getting on to 580. travel times sitting at just about 40 minutes. but pretty normal on a thursday and everything else in the clear. reed? all right, thank you so much. coming up on "cbs mornings" watching your wallet and protecting you from thieves. stealing money directly from your bank account. anna warner investigates the millions of dollars stolen from people scammed. >> from being so frustrated and losing sleep, my life has just basically been destroyed from this. can't recover. $48,000 is a tough nut to recover from. >> that would hurt anybody. we're lucky enough to have anna live with us this morning. take us from the beginning. how does this happen and what happens? >> reporter: so itically
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happens is you get a text or a phone call that purports to be from your bank is says perhaps, hey did you make a $75 transaction in las vegas this morning? and you say no. you didn't. your phone rings and they're talking to you and they say okay i need to verify your identity to make sure it's you. you get a text message from the bank. a sting of four to six numbers and the person on the phone says read the numbers back to me. what they're really doing is they need the codes or the information to wire transfer money out of your bank account to them. tens of thousands of dollars. that's how it starts. oftentimes these are repeated transactions as they basically con people into thinking that it's the bank calling them. it's the bank that you are talking to. eventually these victims find out it was not the bank. but at the end of the story here, most of them are not getting their money back. because federal laws are not strong enough on governing wire transfers. >> almost like the trojan horse of hey, we're here to protect
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you. they're at gates of your bank account right? but they're really there to hurt you. so let's talk about the laws. what is happening where lawmakers are concerned to protect all of us? >> reporter: so you know, the complaints about wire transfer fraud have been rising over the past number of years and they've really gone up a lot. because the scammers have discovered it's a great way to steal money from people. and the victims don't have enough protections. so now the senate banking committee in a letter we obtained exclusively is asking the four major banks t biggest banks in the country, what are they doing to try to stop these scams? how many people, how many other customers have reported being victims and how much money has been lost? these are figures that we really have not seen for specifically the four top banks before. so it will be interesting to see when the banks provide that information to the banking committee and basically the senators are saying, look, we need to make people whole and we can't just have a lot of people who lose
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their life savings and they have no recourse then. banks have said almost, we're not responsible for covering these losses. because you the consumer provided information. but you were conned. you know, consumer is saying oftentimes i was conned into provoiding the information. i'm a victim. now the senators are speaking up and saying okay. we really need to look at this. ask a lot of hard questions and see whether something in the law can be changed. >> as you amplify the message, certainly senators and their constituents are listening. see the full national report at 7:00 right here on kpix. well, time right now 5:19. it will feel weird at first not seeing tara vanderveer on the sidelines but kate paye is ready to take over at stanford. here's a live look outside on the thursday morning before we head to break. this is our camera that is situated on treasure island. it's one of my favorite views as it says good morning to us broadcasting live for all of you on what makes to be a gorgeous thursday. we'll be right back.
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we're looking for adults 45 and under to be in our hpv vaccination ad. sound like you? nah...not me. in a relationship. if you're sexually active and unvaccinated, it could still be you. i'm too old if you're under 45, you're not. for most people, hpv clears on its own. but for those who don't clear the virus, it can cause certain cancers. wow... gardasil 9 is a vaccine given to adults through age 45 that can help protect against certain hpv-related cervical, vaginal, vulvar, anal, and certain head and neck cancers, such as throat and back of mouth cancers, and genital warts. gardasil 9 doesn't protect everyone and doesn't treat cancer or hpv infection.
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these diseases may have many causes. your doctor may recommend screening for certain hpv-related cancers. routine cervical cancer screenings are still needed. you shouldn't get gardasil 9 if you're allergic to the vaccine, its ingredients, or yeast. tell your doctor if you have a weakened immune system, are pregnant, or plan to be. the most common side effects include injection site reactions, headache, fever, nausea, dizziness, tiredness, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and sore throat. fainting can also happen. help protect yourself against certain hpv-related cancers. talk to a doctor or pharmacist today. if you feel like things don't add up right now... you're not alone. rent is up, and every family outing costs an arm and a leg. well, we want to help. so when prices go up, we find new ways to go low. and now, we've lowered the price on hundreds of your favorite products. designing something beautiful is easy.
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designing something beautiful with great quality for a low price? that's a different story. it's why we're here. that's a promise. not a promo. now to a big story in the basketball world this morning. toronto raptors' center porter is now banned for life from the nba. this, after reports he bet on nba games and an investigation found that porter also gave insider information to gamblers. limited his
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participation in games for betting purposes. and even bet on his own team to lose. wow. the investigation is still ongoing. well, a round of applause, stanford formally announced kate paye as the new head coach of the women's basketball team. the legendary coach announced herd retirement last week. paye worked as vanderveer's assistant for 17 seasons already and knows the drill. our vern glenn spoke with her yesterday about her excitement. >> reporter: is your head spinning right now? >> it's been a wild 24 hours. vern, yeah. certainly i know it will be a lot different and i feel extremely well prepared for it but i know i have a lot to learn. fortunately really excited that all the staff is coming back. we all love stanford. we love being here. we love working with the student-athletes and our team. you know, i have had the opportunity to watch like her take over. now it's my turn to step up. and i know with our staff and our team, we all have each other's back. and we're excited about doing what we do which is to roll up our sleeves
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and get to work. >> 17 years she's just kind of waiting and learning and observing. and now it's her time to shine. i'm happy for her. >> stepping in. >> i think she'll do a wonderful, wonderful job. all right, so now to a couple of lucky young fans at the giants' marlins' game in mimi. a kid caught a foul ball and then he does the unexpected. e gives the ball to his baby sister. take a look. >> might have to now. there you go. >> oh. that's excellent. >> that's beautiful. >> the kid worked hard to catch that baseball. you can see him dart over to the stairs to snag it. barely beating a couple of other contenders there. but ultimately, giving the ball to his little sister and mom and dad look very pleased. >> i feel like your boys would do that. for your daughter. >> they do. so sweet to her. i mean they're siblings right? but stuff like that, just to see that little girl's face light up. you know she's going to appreciate it even more. so he worked hard and she gets the fruits of his labor. >> very, very sweet. that sibling love. very cute.
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well, it is a:25. and celebrating 156 years of making miracles. the big day at the sfspca. also preserving history 118 years since san francisco's great earthquake of 1906. . and let's open up the doors and open up your windows today. here's live look outside on of the beautiful and iconic golden gate bridge and look at all the commuters, gianna, making their way over already at 5:25 in the morning. we have your traffic (♪♪) i'm getting vaccinated with
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and right now on cbs news bay area at 5:28. 118 years later we remember san francisco's 1906 earthquake. that 7.9 quake caused lots of devastation and more than 3,000 people were killed. now this morning, city leaders and first responders held a commemoration event at lotta's fountain on market street. residents use the place as the meeting point in the aftermath of the quake. a wreath was laid in the spot dedicated to the memory of the late senator dianne feinstein and those who died in the devastation. now following the ceremony, there were still be a procession and the gold painted fire hydrant on 20th and church streets near dolores park. it will be repainted gold. that was reportedly one of the few
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that still supplied water at the time to fight the fires after the quake. and on this day, a reflection, we want to know that many volunteers work very hard -- we do know that lot of volunteers work hard to put together this commemoration and honor those who have contributed to the preserving of that history. shawn chitnis has some historic photos that can help us appreciate that time in san francisco. >> reporter: scenes from more than a century ago offer a snapshot into the destruction that consumed san francisco in 1906. from a major earthquake and the fire that started soon after. >> i'm born and raised near san francisco. and i love our first responders and i love our history of san francisco. and this was a great way for me to contribute back to the city and keep the history of our first responders all the different departments, alive. >> reporter: david cruz is with the guardians of the city. an organization that preserves the history of first responders in san francisco. >> remembering our history,
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remembering the survivors, remembering those who perished, is an incredible way for us to remember who we are as a city, how resilient we are as a city, as we continue to move forward today. >> reporter: and as events this week mark 118 years since the 1906 earthquake and fire, reminders of the impact on the city can be found everywhere. including the san francisco elk club lodge number 3. it was destroyed in 1906 and rebuilt at the location it stands in today. a place at the time to help house survivors. this week, it hosts ceremonies to honor those who helped to protect pieces of that history. [ bell dinging ] and even welcomes artifacts that remain a part of the collection. these events help david to remember the 1989 loma prieta earthquake which has a lasting impacten him. >> i lived here and i was a young child and it was a scary moment for me. and that's what i think about if -- when the next one hits, what our community is going to look
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like. the type of support that they're going to need and how we're going to continue to rebuild san francisco. >> reporter: the ruins of the city captured in photos like these serve as a window into the tragedy at the time. but volunteers like david with the guardians hope history provides just as powerful a visual for all of us to be prepared in the future. >> all right. changing gears now. heading into our forecast this morning, it is still another warm day and just aid of us but for now as we wake up it's off to a cool start. clear skies over the santa clara valley and later today if you live over san jose or los gatos. a repeat of yesterday. more upper 70s and low 80s throughout the santa clara valley. in the east bay we go, antioch and livermore good examples of above average temperatures to. a warm day for used today. high pressure just off shower and giving us dry weather all throughout the week's forecast and temperatures remaining just a little bit above average too with 70s up into wine country. and 70s all the way along our
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peninsula close to redwood city too. let's pick on san jose again for the next couple of days we'll see a little bit of a dip in temperatures not by much. by monday next week it's still dry and it's still warm and then a cold front returns into the bay area by late next week. bringing in some showers. potentially by wednesday. and that's the big reason why as we take a look at the weather headlines, areas like the bay, or along the coastline at least, we're still seeing a little bit of the patchy fog this morning. as we wake up. it will start to clear up into this afternoon and we'll just see some passing clouds into the thursday and friday forecast. and then daytime highs are going to stay above average even as we head into next week. now as we head into late next week, i'm going to show you the long-range models coming up in just a bit. there's a chance of showers but that's not until wednesday. and it looks like in the north bay first. for on that coming up in a bit. for now over to you, g. let's talk about the roadways right now as you grab the coffee and get out the door. you are good to go, we're seeing a lot of nice conditions for our thursday morning commute. or as i like to say friday eve yes, the weekend is almost here my friends and so far, so good on the 880 ride you just saw there in oakland.
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taking 880 through hayward to the san mateo bridge starting to see slight uptick in volume. the amount of cars on the roadway. but that westbound commute which is where we see the bulk of traffic. it's actually looking pretty good overall. still no delays at the bay bridge toll plaza. even the approaches are all clear so far. reed? thanks gianna. live cameras if oakland this morning after a deadly police shooting. this happened at a home on 16th and ad eline streets in west oakland. the suspect shot dead during an arrest. the officers involved from sacramento law enforcement. so here's what we know at this hour. oakland pd say they were at a home to help arrest a homicide suspect. they say a man came out with a gun and police were forced to fire. and this has been active scene since before sunup and still many details to find out for you. but for now, the officers involves are on customary administrative leave while they investigate. new information this morning also about several members of a family killed in a weekend crash in the central valley. and there's a hero story. amidst this tragedy to tell you about this morning.
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and it involves the community's youth who jumped in risking their own lives. but first, let's go back and tell you what happened. the driver of a minivan carrying a family from livermore lost control. the van rolled. and burst into flames on highway 121. four died. but inside the flames, three survived because as you see here in this video, helpers jumped in. people ran from their homes. got out of the cars to help. including a group of high schoolers. they were wearing their formal wear headed home from prom. because those helpers jumped in three children were pulled from the flames alive. >> there were three. right? i think it's three that survived and they would not have survived if everybody had not jumped into action. when they did. >> those three children saved will grow up without a mom and a dad and grieving the loss of two siblings, 12 years old and 4 months old but also growing up they owe their lives. knowing that they owe their
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lives to other youth and community members who pulled them from the wreckage. look at this. a waymo car torched in san francisco's chinatown and you remember the flames and the smoke there. get this, this morning, police say 14-year-old suspect is to blame. that car torched during lunar new year festivities back in february. nobody inside the car. nobody was hurt. but police will not give many more details other than to say they believe this 14-year-old is to blame. they did say they found evidence at the juvenile's home and so to that point the juvenile probation department is now handling it. this and they will determine if that teen will be arrested. on capitol hill, school leadership in the hot seat at a hearing on anti-semitism on the campus of columbia university in new york city. the ivy league school habitat center of some of the most intense campus demonstrations over the israel-hamas war. during wednesday's grilling the school's president admitted more can be done to protect jewish students. abortion access is already a hot topic for campaigns. and it's only heating up. after
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the recent ruling in arizona that up holds a 160-year-old law banning nearly all abortions. supporters and opponents rallied outside the arizona state capitol yesterday in response to the republican controlled house failing to once again regress a repeal to the law. >> 30 ayes, 30 nays, the ruling of the chair is upheld. >> the ban prohibits abortions except to save the life of a pregnant person. abortion providers could bepunished with up to five years in prison. >> it's time to repeal this abhorrent 1864 abortion ban. >> some of us believe that abortion is, in fact, the murder of children. >> abortion rights advocates say they've gathered enough signatures to put an initiative on the november ballot that they're hoping will allow abortion access in arizona's constitution. well, governor newsom says california is ready to help people from arizona in
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need of reproductive health care. and here in the bay area, the threat to abortion rights has inspired people to get involved in some creative ways. itay hod introduces us to two women who are using their baking skills to fight for a woman's right to choose. >> reporter: in the heart of san francisco, nan wiener is stirring up more than just flour and sugar. >> i am making what's called 86 proof chocolate cake. >> reporter: a retired magazine editor, she's always loved baking. but for the last two years she's been dusting off her old cookbooks for a good cause. >> there's many things i care about and work on and follow. but i thought this is the one. >> reporter: in june of 2022, nan watched as the supreme court overturned roe v. wade ending the right to abortion
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upheld for decades. at that very moment, she knew she had to rise up and do something. along with longtime friend zoe stricker, she started neighborhood bake sale. donating the money to organizations that support abortion rights. >> the response was unbelievable and people were just so excited. and we sold out. >> reporter: that is when they decided to turn their half baked idea into a full blown cottage business. called my bakery, my choice. after securing the permits, they began taking orders from customers from all over the bay. with 100% of the proceeds going to vetted organizations that support abortion rights. >> nice. >> reporter: today, they're donating $750 to a nonprofit in tucson. after the arizona supreme court upheld an 1864 law that bans nearly all abortions. but even though they've given more than $10,000 so far, they're not
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looking to sugarcoat things. >> we were asked recently you know, what's your vision for the future. and i was like my vision is that we don't have to exist. >> reporter: barbara grove drove here all the way from marin county to pick up a dessert for her family. the fact it's helping women's rights is just icing on the cake. is the cake sweeter because you know where the money is going? >> i feel better about eating the calories. [ laughter ] >> reporter: fighting for women's right to choose, while hoping to "bake" a difference. >> oh your turn of phrase. >> i know. looks amazing doesn't it? if you'd like to learn more about my bakery my choice, we posted a link on their website -- on the story on g? >> that cake did look really good too. right, the san francisco spca does a lot of work to help animals get back on their paws. they're continuing that effort today. their 16th 156th anniversary by launching the
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first ever giving day. the spca says giving day intends to invite the community to help support them. so they can give more access to veterinary care and help find dogs and cats their forever homes. city supervisors also acknowledging their hard work, yesterday they passed a resolution honoring today as sf spca day. all right, time right now is 5:40 in the morning. want the earn thousands of dollars just driving around, taking selfies and eating ice cream? there's a help wanted sign and a hearty treat when we come back. plus. -- ♪ ♪ joining forces for an ultimate concert and you can see it
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did my legs shrink? i can move them. i mean, i knew alaska airlines' premium class had extra legroom but this... this feels different. okay. crazy idea. on the count of 3... i'm going to try and cross my... ohhhhhhhhhhh boyy that's nice. woooooo! ( ♪♪ )
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it's time now for the money watch report. boeing whistleblowers testify before congress that the aviation giant put profits over safety and discourage workers from voicing their concerns. one witness said he saw workers jumping on sections of a 777 plane to get components to align during assembly. the faa is investigating those claims. boeing has come under scrutiny after a door plug fell off a 737 max 9 plane mid-flight earlier this year. the company
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denied the whistleblower's claims and says it's cooperating with the congressional probe. google is planning to lay off more employees and relocate some of them overseas. this is according to business insider. the layoff wills impact finance and real estate workers with plans to relocate roles to some hubs that the company is investing in. like india, ireland, and mexico. in january, google's ceo said more layoffs were coming but would not be as severe as last year when 12,000 employees were let go. another hit for homeowners. struggling to get coverage in california. two more companies are ending home insurance coverage here. this is according to the "chronicle." the transpacific insurance and tokyo marine american insurance companies are the latest to stop insuring homes in the state. nonrenewal notices will be going out to 12,000 policyholders starting july 1st. and almost up this morning. if you have a ford, another
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recall. this time for more than 450,000 bronco sport suvs and maverick pickup trucks. federal regulators say that the vehicles may fail to detect a low battery charge which could lead to engine or power loss while driving. the recall affects model years 2021 to 2024 for bronco sport suvs and years 2022 and 2023 for maverick pickup trucks. reed? all right, we've got the scoop on a sweet summer gig. the american dairy association looking to hire a chief ice cream officer to drive through the state of pennsylvania. just eat the ice cream and put it over social media. they will pay you $5,000 and here's the catch. you have to be 18 years old and a u.s. citizen with a valid license and an insured personal vehicle and i would also assume not lactose intolerant. >> you have to live in pennsylvania apparently. right. >> i'd move for that. >> would you. >> $5,000. >> for ice cream. >> i mean, for 18-year-old they're like $5,000? i'm rich. >> unlimited ice cream. do they
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pay for the gas so many questions and details. >> if you are lactose intolerant you will have plenty of it. >> sounds like a fun -- that's funny. >> gianna is on two second delay. she's like wait, what? did he just say that really? >> i was just thinking i don't like ice cream. >> what? yes. no. >> gelato. >> frozen yogurt. >> greek yogurt. with berries. >> i can go that. but yeah like pink berry i can handle. >> i don't eat it but i love it. what do you not like about it? it's sugar and milk and fantastic. >> i don't want to describe what i don't like. >> tell us. >> sorry. if you are eating breakfast. i feel like when you eat ice cream almost -- it almost becomes mucusy in your mouth. why are we talking about this now? jessica, to you. a live look outside this morning. because bet you jessica loves
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ice cream. the weird gross flavor. >> sugar and cream and happiness. >> pink berry i love. >> jess, you didn't think you would have to transition from the word mucous. >> you asked. >> on a thursday. >> we're going to restart this. g, what else can we toss to? >> allergy season speaking of clearing our throats. guys, i didn't want to talk about the pollen count right now. i wanted to talk about -- [ laughter ] >> bye reed. oh jess. >> okay. >> take it away, mucous. >> a quick look at what's going on right now. that's what happens when you don't like ice cream. just kidding. this is what's happening for us here in the forecast as we heainto the next couple of days. continue to see warm dry weather all throughout the bay area and occasional passing clouds at times and really heading into the weekend not too much of a change in the forecast for us. a beautiful dry weekend ahead of us which is just a nice treat and taking a look at the long-range models, i mean, from here all the way into the weekend, we're seeing dry skies. mild temperatures into early next week and no chances of rain
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until early -- mid next week. by wednesday, where we're seeing a light chance of showers in the forecast. and if that were to be the case, it'd be up in the north bay first sweeping down to the south bay into the afternoon hours that day. but that's still seven days out. and i think it's also worth noting that we are so above average for our rainfall versus average this year. from all the rain that we've received from the atmospheric rivers it's actually really helped the drought monitor too. currently sitting in great conditions all throughout the state. all throughout the bay. and as we take a look at the bay area, this afternoon, we are talking about warm, beautiful weather to go out there and play in. i mean i was just flying yesterday over the hills and it was green and it was luscious and it's beautiful. and we all know that in our local communities. for those who have lived here in the bay for decades or i mean the past five year alone you know this is a good season. especially compared toolless year where we were dealing with over 200% of average for the snow pack up in the sierra and over into the bay we had plenty of rain too from all the atmospheric rivers. and this year we're getting a repeat of that. and it is beautiful out there. so
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take advantage of your local communities and all the outdoor activities and down into the santa clara valley today we're sitting in the 70s and the 80s. and we're going to continue to hold on tight to the 70s and 80s throughout our inland areas into next week. by tuesday, and wednesday, that's when that cold front starts moving in. that's when we could have a light chains of showers in the north bay and a similar trend for the friends along the bay area too. so from san francisco across the bay bridge behind me over into oakland, 60s and 70s around the corner for us and for now over to you, g. all right, jess, thank you. let's talk about the roadways right now. and we are starting to see that backup building as you work your towards the bay bridge toll plaza. look at this. not getting too fun now as we're seeing more and more cars out there and now the metering lights are officially on. pack the patience a little bit making the ride from the east buy bey commutes into san francisco. it's thursday and getting closer to friday, traffic patterns change a little bit. little bit more lightly traveled today and tomorrow. so that's good news. as you commute. it's not too bad once you get across the span over into the city. and getting there, you can see 80 is clear. 880 and that 580
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approach. not seeing any brake lights or issues there. all right, here's where we have some stop and go conditions for supercommuters. it's already busy for you anyway right? making that ride westbound out of tracy getting on to 580. well, adding to that a new crash reported westbound near grant line. so look at all the red. speeds under 25 miles per hour and not a lot of information. no word yet if any lanes are blocked but things back up in the area anyway as everyone kind of bottlenecks off 205 getting on to 580. and nimitz freeway both directions is moving nicely right now near the coliseum. ♪ ♪ audio caffeine for your morning. a hot name in pop right now. charlie sxc and troy sivan are teaming up again this time for the sweat tour. both previously worked on songs together and they out the this
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21 city run as a testament. they'll be at chase center october 20th. troy. i think you are a rock star. you too. the people in charge of the 2024 nfl draft he really is a rock star. one what am i saying? anyway. 2024 nfl draft, a week from today. enlisting the help of something called the scare force. this is harris the hawk and yahtzee the falconment i love the word falcon. they're on scene in next several days to scare away smaller birds who let's just say are sort of indiscriminate in where they relieve themselves. translation, they want to keep other birds from pooping on the building that will be seen on screens worldwide. >> it's fun to come in and have to dissect what we have going on. we try different -- different methods of bird control. and finding out what works. it's been cool to really get to be a part of the draft and a part of the city that we love. >> well, the birds mean business. they are literally the swoopers scaring the poopers be when they do, they
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reach up to 100 -- intimidating miles per hour and this is not unusual. if you remember our itay hod shared the story of pacman who's helping scare pigeons away at the b.a.r.t. station in el cerrito. >> i wonder if that's a preview the falcons will have a good draft. >> eagles. >> like the birds. >> that's where my mind goes. [ laughter ] >> you are like themes. >> all right. time now 5:52. an act of kindness. why an uber driver might call this athl ♪♪ when your child has moderate—to—severe eczema, it's okay for them to show off. show off their clearer skin and noticeably less itch with dupixent. because children 6 months and older with eczema have plenty of reasons to show off their skin. with dupixent, the number one prescribed biologic
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by dermatologists and allergists, they can stay ahead of their eczema. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema to help heal your child's skin from within. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ♪♪ show off to the world. ask your child's eczema specialist about dupixent. >> tech: cracked windshield? schedule with safelite, ask your child's eczema and we'll come to you to fix it. >> tech vo: this customer was enjoying her morning walk. we texted her when we were on our way. and she could track us and see exactly when we'd arrive. >> woman: i have a few more minutes. let's go! >> tech vo: we came to her with service that fit her schedule. >> woman: you must be pascal. >> tech: nice to meet you. >> tech vo: we got right to work, with a replacement she could trust. we come to you for free!
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all in one. to those with migraine, i see you. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. don't take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. it's time we all shine. talk to a healthcare provider about nurtec odt from pfizer. well, the grind goes unnoticed to most eyes. but there are some that do recognize it. and that's what happened with one uber driver in san antonio who says he unknowingly picked up spurs' player jeremy sew han and after talking with him about how he drives uber as an extra form of income to provide for his three kids, the forward tipped him $200. >> and i went back and tell him that you know, i didn't want to take it from him and he said, don't worry about it man. go buy your kids some
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basketball shoes. super happy. just overwhelmed name. just happy about the fact that it was an experience that will never happen again. >> the original ride only costs $8 and took about five mine. i like people thatch it and they give it. >> extra mile kindness. even if you are not rich. >> clearly made his day you know and seeing his cute little one right there on the lap and obviously you have a hard working dad who deserved it. very cool. a college acceptance letters pour in, it's time for families to get real and make decisions that could have long-term implications. i'm going to chat with cbs news business analyst jill schlesinger about paying for tuition. and the violence we've seen at our san francisco jails raising a lot of concerns. we have asking the questions to san francisco sheriff paul miyamoto who will join us live in studio. let's get a live look outside and take a peek out the window this morning at the gorgeous view. you see a little
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bit of that orange kind of hovering over the hill tops and mountain tops there across the bay. we'll be right back on this thursday morning. - [announcer] our world is constantly changing, and every day stanford medicine advances our understanding. our world class school of medicine and adult and children's health systems work together, expanding what we know and sharing what we discover, to make breakthroughs both possible and accessible. stanford medicine, advancing knowledge, improving lives. (gentle music) a perfect day for a family outing! shingles doesn't care.
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