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tv   The Late Show With Stephen Colbert  CBS  April 18, 2024 11:35pm-12:38am PDT

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people sifted through the chili, even used a metal detect we are no luck. he thinks the ring is in a landfill somewhere. he's filed an insurance claim. or, i don't know, but could someone who was competing accidentally have grabbed the real one? >> years from now, there's going to be some pile of metal, hey, look at this here. >> in cincinnati they, put noodles in their chili. >> i say there should be beans, you say definitely not. >> real chili does not have beans. >> there should be multiple kinds of beans in the chili. >> real chili is made of bris >> president biden's approval rating has dipped among younger americans. 43% of americans aged 18 to 29 approve of the president's
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performance and that's down from the 5% in february. >> to reach out to younger americans, the biting campaign has hired a youth interpreter. >> for more than 40 years our republican friends have promised the best way to grow the economy is from the top-down. >> trickle-down economics is delulu, short cane. sauce, no cap. >> things that families really need from schools and hospitals. >> announcer: it's "the late show with stephen colbert." tonight... the jury is out! and daniel ratliff! plus, stephen welcomes... sandra oh... and reid scott! featuring louis cato and "the late show" band.
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and now, live on tape from the ed sullivan theater in new york city, it's stephen colbert. [cheers and applause] >> stephen: i hope i didn't wake you up, thanks for being here! thanks, ladies and gentlemen, welcome! welcome one and all, my fellow americans to the weights show, i'm your host, stephen colbert. [cheers and applause] it's day three -- is this day three? because wednesday was off. day three of the hush money trial here in new york, new york, the city that never sleeps, and less you are donald trump in a courtroom. they are still in the process of jury selection and in that process the defense and the prosecution, by new york law, have a limited number of jurors they can strike without cause, which came as news to
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donald trump, who yesterday truthed, "i thought strikes were supposed to be unlimited when we were picking her jury." yes, strikes, famously unlimited. that's why umpires yell "strike three, you're... at the start of a beautiful journey because it's one... two... three... four... five... six... will be right back... seven. i think he is mixing up strikes with unlimited breadsticks. they had a really productive day today. matter of fact, right before i came out here to do the show, we learned that a full jury has now been picked for donald trump's new york trial. [cheers and applause] plus, one alternate has been seated too, so 13. also known as a stormy dozen. this doesn't mean they are done, right? they are not done yet because they still need five more alternates and they could still
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lose the jurors that they got because remember, when we went to bed last night there were seven confirmed jurors and then this morning, that number went down to six, then down to five. ♪ five jurors confirmed on the case ♪ ♪ five jurors confirmed ♪ ♪ take one down ♪ ♪ threaten his family ♪ ♪ four jurors confirmed ♪ ♪ on the case! ♪ [laughter and applause] so why -- why. why were they removed? i'm not entirely sure but juror number two told the judge that in her life i figured out she'd been selected and then started trying to influence her. that frustrated the judge, who admonished the press for reporting juror descriptions and give this example. "there was really no need to mention that one of the jurors had an irish accent." that's true. that detail allowed me to positively identify him as the lucky charms guy. [laughter] "they are after me home address!" so the judge says now we are no
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longer allowed to mention anything about what the jurors look like, but he did not say anything about hobbies. according to "the new york times," there are a lot of hikers in the jury pool, someone who enjoys woodworking, and someone else who likes fly-fishing. oh, i love the fly-fishing in manhattan. i mean, i get up at 5:00 a.m. when the light is just right, i head out to the large puddle on the corner of 38th and tenth and -- ten and two. yesterday i caught a band-aid this big. i threw it back, obviously. while he was in new york, trump took some time off from the courtroom to pretend to be president again because yesterday he met with polish president andrzej duda. ♪ who is sucking up to trump ♪ ♪ doo-da doo-da ♪ that's right. how long do they meet? oh, all the doo-da day? [laughter] you've got to find your fund
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where you can, these days, folks. just the latest in a series of strongmen who visited trump recently. earlier this year he met with the right-wing populist president of argentina javier milei as well as hungary's viktor orban. and who can forget this very cordial summit with skeletor and the ghost of jeffrey epstein. "i was never on that airplane!" [laughter] that's skeletor. skeletor doesn't want to be associated with him. this is yet another reminder that in this election are democracies on the line. which is why pollsters are asking voters the critical questions like "do americans think trump or biden would win hot dog eating contest?" personally, i don't know but i think we just found a new great debate format. "i'm wolf blitzer, our first question is for president biden. sir, given the escalating crisis in the middle east, would you rather fart out of your mouth or talk out of your butt?"
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"could i take that one, wolf?" [laughter] the results of the pole are as unsettling as the contents of a hot dog. 58% backed trump in the dog-down while only 13% went biden. in the middle of a stressful court case, this must be so comforting news or trump. "mr. president, there's going to be weeks of humiliating testimony about your sexual infidelity, but i wanted you to know you did just win a pulsing you could swallow much more pureed hog anus." [laughter and applause] really? okay. hog anus rarely gets applause. it wasn't just -- no! [applause] for the love of god, don't come down to my level. it wasn't just vital questions about ingesting processed meats,
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there were answers on other major issues such as "trump would beat biden at having a poker face." oh, yes, he is a master of deception. "a lot of people, a lot of people are saying i have the perfect hand. they are saying it's a queen, a seven, a four, a two of clubs and a holographic squirtle pokemon card... all in!" in another big win for the ex-president, pollsters determines that trump would have a significant lead over biden when it comes to fighting a medium-sized dog. i believe that. we already know he can dominate a lapdog, because i've seen him with lindsey graham. [cheers and applause] really? lindsey graham fans to biden did come out on top in three categories. teaching a beginners cooking class, housesitting for a long weekend, and changing a baby's diaper. kind of tells you everything you need to know about the
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selection. "i would trust biden with all the tasks that require care and empathy but i'm going to go wih a guy who could body slam a poodle for a picnic table." those polls show just how detached from reality the 2024 election has become, but with an unhinged opponent, all biden has to do is go out there and make normal relatable statements. unfortunately, yesterday he claimed "cannibals ate my uncle." [laughter] okay... that's either a very unusual story or another one of biden's folksy phrases like "i guess i woke up on the wrong side of cannibals eating my uncle this morning." "well, you know you can't they can omelette without accountable eating my uncle." this has to be a misquote, right? the president of united states certainly would never go out on camera until a long, mumbling story about his actual uncle being devoured by cannibals in world war ii, right to
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>> my uncle, he became an army air corps before the air force came along and he got shot down in new guinea, and they never found the body because they used to be -- there were a lot of cannibals, for real, in that part of new guinea. >> stephen: that is a crazy and tragic story, though if true, it is hard to blame the people of new guinea for turning cannibal, because there is so little meat on their country's pigs. [laughter and applause] turning to international news, an australian man took the largest pumpkin grown in the country this year and paddled it down the river. take a look. here he comes... and... yes? oh, hell yeah! there he is! i have officially found the coolest guy in australia. sorry, the wiggles. as far as why he wrote his punk and on the river, the man said
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his only real motive was to have fun and make people smile. well, yeah. kind of assumes that. can you imagine if his motive hhad been literally anything else? "i'm trying to find my daughter who's been taken! have a very particular set of skills. unfortunately if they are finding, carving, and growing pumpkins. she's a goner." here is something i rarely say. there is interesting news from connecticut, where two vultures that were feared to be dying were in fact just too drunk to fly. but the vultures to the right thing. instead of flying drug they called and ubird. [laughter and applause] i like in the graphic. go back in the graphic. i understand the vulture hailing the ubird but there's a vulture
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driving it too. that doesn't seem safer. the staff at the local bird sanctuary discovered the vultures were unable to balance or stand and determined the birds were drunk after they ran every test. i would love to see those tests. all right, touch your beak with your wings. all right, now recite the alphabet backwards. steen! okay, you are drunk. rescuers determined that the vultures had consumed something that was fermented enough to cause to be her intoxication after dumpster diving. to which rudy giuliani said "thanks for swinging by, fellas!" [laughter and applause] rudy is close -- the vultures had finally recovered, rescuers said, they only need fluids to be tucked in overnight and then fed a big breakfast the next day, answering the question that has plagued ornithologists for
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years. ♪ what do ya do with a ♪ ♪ drunken vulture ♪ ♪ what do ya do with a ♪ ♪ drunken vulture ♪ ♪ what do you do with a ♪ ♪ drunken vulture ♪ ♪ feed him a big breakfast ♪ we've got a great show tonight! my guests are sandra oh and reid scott! when we come back, puppies. join us, won't you? [cheers and applause] usa♪ ♪
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it's time to get away and cache in, at cache creek casino resort, to rock and to roll. to go all out or... go all in. with four stars and rising stars, northern california's premier casino resort is the perfect place... do as much -or as little- as you want. make your get away now and cache in at cache creek casino resort.
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♪ ♪ [cheers and applause] >> stephen: give it up for louis cato and "the late show" band! [cheers and applause] >> that's it! hey! [laughs] >> stephen: okay. [cheers and applause] thanks, everybody. we've got to go incredible guests tonight. we have a wonderful actress who i don't speak too often enough in my opinion, sandra oh will be out here. [cheers and applause] and a really funny actor, i loved him in "veep," he's in a new movie "the idea of you," right now.
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mr. reid scott will be out here in a moment. [applause] if you know me, you know i love everything about dogs and i'm not going to change no matter how much my doctor tells me to cut down on the kibble intake. it's my number one source of bone meal, which is why i so love my segment "rescue dog rescue," where we help find homes for real rescue puppies and i am proud to say that so far we have a perfect record of every single dog we feature getting adopted. [cheers and applause] really successful. it's a successful program. way more successful than my previous segment, "comedians in cars with cobras." so i'm excited it's time to announce another "rescue dog rescue" brought to you tonight by simparica trio. [cheers and applause] welcome to "rescue dog rescue." here's how she works.
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we show you some adorable puppies that are actually up for adoption through north shore animal league america and to make it even more adaptable we will tell you flattering lies to make these puppies more appealing. if only there was a celebrity guest who could help me. >> hello, stephen! [cheers and applause] >> stephen: oh, my god! oh, my goodness! thank you! daniel radcliffe! [cheers and applause] what on earth are you doing here, daniel? >> i heard you have puppies and i'm actually casting for an all dog version of our current broadway play "merrily we roll along." >> stephen: what is the dog version called? >> it's called "merrily we roll over." >> stephen: really? >> no, that's insane, i'm just showing you that i can lie about dogs. >> stephen: you are a natural,
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let's do this thing. up first... this little fella. this is felix. felix is currently earning his phd at boston university. but don't worry, he's studying ethnomusicology, so he's never gonna move out. >> all right. hello! hello, come here. come here! this is dakota. dakota knows how to use the toilet just like a human. she grabs her phone, then disappears for 40 minutes. [laughter] say hello! >> stephen: up next, hello, beauty. this, ladies and gentlemen, is abby. abby always remember where you left her glasses. what's that, abby? what's that? they are on my face? she did it again! >> okay, hello. hello! meet denise. denise is what we in the theater
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world call a triple threat. she can sing, dance, and fire a crossbow. she's actually not a great actor, but i would not say that to her face because, you know, the crossbow. >> this here -- oh, this beauty, this is agnes. agnes is a certified intimacy coordinator. so if she's in the room when you and your spouse are making love, that's a tax-deductible business expense and also quite awkward because she pays close attention, and she will have notes. >> all right. this is the edge from the band u2. no, not a dog named the edge. this is literally the edge from the band u2. you don't believe me? and ask yourself, why have you never seen the two of them in the same place before back >> stephen: up next is a very
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special slightly older dog, this is barney. barney is a michelin star chef excited to cook for you each night and don't worry if you have a nut allergy, he no longer has any. [laughter] >> and this, this is harry pupper. he -- is a powerful wizard. i'm sorry, i read that wrong, he's a powerful wizzer. you will want to put a pat down for him. >> stephen: that does it for "rescue dog rescue." all of these dogs are up for adoption through north shore animal league america. had to their site or scan the qr code for more info. it you can see daniel radcliffe on broadway in "merrily we roll along." now extended into july! we will be right back with sandra oh!
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>> announcer: "the late show" with stephen colbert, sponsored by b-17, for winning protection, go with simparica trio. simparica trio is the first chew with triple protection. whoa fleas! and ticks! (♪♪) intestinal worms! whoa! heartworm disease! no problem with simparica trio! this drug class has been associated with neurologic adverse reactions including seizures. use with caution in dogs with a history of these disorders. for winning protection— go with simparica trio. hi. i use febreze fade defy plug. and i use this. febreze has a microchip to control scent release so it smells first-day fresh for 50 days. 50 days!? and its refill reminder light means i'll never miss a day of freshness. ♪
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target circle is free to join... and you get dealser miss automatically?reshness. i love automatic! hey, wanna see a trick? sometimes i eat the barcode stickers! love my job! hi, i'm david, and i lost 92 pounds on golo. i noticed within a week that the release supplement really knocked out my sugar cravings. i didn't feel the need to go to the store for candy, or go through the drive-thru after work. i feel so much better these days, and i have golo to thank for that. what is cirkul? cirkul is the fuel you need to take flight. cirkul is the energy that gets you to the next level. cirkul is what you hope for when life tosses lemons your way. cirkul, available at walmart and i'm a bird stuck in larry bird's attic. and i'm goin' cuckoo. what the heck.
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what you got larry? may the best bird win. brick. you may be a legend on the court but you're an amateur up here. heads up lar. so get allstate... save money and be protected from mayhem... me. now you're the bird stuck in the attic.
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♪ ♪ [applause] >> stephen: welcome back, everybody!
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[cheers and applause] folks, my first guest tonight as an actor you know from "grey's anatomy," "killing eve," and "the chair." please welcome back to "the late show" sandra oh! [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ [cheers and applause] >> what an amazing audience! thank you so much for that greening! live. live audience! >> stephen: live audiences are lovely. it's lovely to see you, don't see you nearly enough but you are not in new york nearly enough. people know you from the tvs and from the movies, but you are here in town off broadway right
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now. >> yes, to do a live show. i'm here -- we just started rehearsals like this week, i'm on my third day but i'm doing a play at the atlantic theater directed by sarah benson and it's going to preview in late may and open in june. please come. >> stephen: sure, i would love to. theater is a totally different beast because it's one continuous performance for an audience. what is the feeling like different for you as a performer to do that as opposed to the stop and start of tv and film? >> it's just like this, honestly. i walked on stage, i feel you, right? and that kind of dynamic, it informs everything and it propels everything. whether it is a drama or comedy, it just energizes you and it's like i'm short -- this is why you do it too.
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>> stephen: a live audience, yeah. >> it's great. [cheers and applause] >> stephen: there's you, there's the audience, but there's another character in any new york space, and that's the city itself. how do you like living in new york and -- do you get to walk to work? >> oh, my god, this is the dream. this is the dream, you just picture me here, i am like eight years old, i'm in a small town in canada -- yes. all right, canadians! and all and want to do -- i never really thought that i -- i was like i didn't know what los angeles was, i didn't really care about television or film. all he wanted to do was be in new york and be a theater actor, so coming up the subway and i have my lunch and i feel so good walking to rehearsal, it's great, it's the dream, i love it. >> stephen: what are we making for lunch, what are we packing? >> okay, do you want to know? i always have my yogurt, my nondairy yogurt and i always have peppers, maybe a papaya.
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>> stephen: sliced peppers? it sounds very healthy. >> i'm obsessed with eating like all the time -- it has to be healthy because, you know, you are using your brain and also all the feelings are going on and you are burning a lot of energy. >> stephen: the instruments. >> [laughs] yes! >> stephen: i went to theater school. the instruments. exactly. while we are on canada here for a second, can i ask your question about you all? because i'm from the south and people think we are polite. >> you are. >> to >> stephen: but we say things like really passive-aggressive what press bless your heart. canadians have the reputation for being really nice, are they actually really nice? >> we are. but no one can say sorry quite like the canadian and to make it mean like many, many things, which is like sorry, which is like i hate what you just did but i'm not going to say anything. that's kind of like sorry. >> stephen: that's
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passive-aggressive. that's "bless your heart." >> we really are like that. >> stephen: i like you guys. >> i'm glad, we are a likable people. >> stephen: i say we don't build a wall. >> [laughs] you went to theater school. >> i did. >> stephen: do you remember any of the stuff? >> two totes totally tied try to talk to -- two toads totally tired try to talk to tisdale. >> stephen: admits the missed with fiercest frosts -- [bleep]. against the post and still insists he sees the ghost. like that winter mike >> did you just call that up? >> stephen: i just made it up. no. >> theater school. >> stephen: in montreal, was the sin french or were you in
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english? >> the national theater school so it was half french and i was in the english department english department. a-determiner >> stephen: they didn't make you do stuff in french. >> no, but was great, i don't know if anyone is familiar with montreal, one of the best canadian cities so to be exposed to the whole culture was great. >> stephen: the reason i ask about the french is because i was threatened with arrest in montreal for the montreal theater festival, i was putting up posters for our play all around and they were in english. >> really? and they were like no. >> stephen: they had to be in both english and french and they were only in english and the policeman followed me around the city and saw that i took everyone down. i guess there's no other crime. >> that is quite québecois. >> stephen: when you are up in canada i understand you did clown training? >> sure, you must have done that too, right?
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we did a lot of mask training and we did a lot of clown. >> stephen: i know there is rednosed clown and white face clown, which one were you? >> we did rednosed. and actually that was one of the little tools i used -- i did this comedy with awkwafina called quiz lady and so in my training fort as i was trying to figure out the characer -- because it is such brought comedy and i was like okay, i've got to figure out how i've got to figure out how to do it and i have a friend of mine who teaches clown will you help me with the nose to try to figure out the broad reaches of the character -- >> stephen: so you rehearsed with the clown nose. >> so you basically rehearse into just trying go as far as you can go. i don't know if you guys no, basically like in rednosed training, you are up on stage and then your teacher is the director and they will just ask you simple things to do. it's like move that piece of paper. my clown -- my clown, all she did was cry. all i did was cry. all i did was cry so you don't know what is going to come but
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also it would be like move that piece of paper... [crying] but like weeping. weeping. >> stephen: i love it. i love it. that's funny to me. is this the same thing? is this the same project you did this for? this is you and awkwafina the great paul reubens right there. you may know him. as pee-wee herman. >> that was our first day of shooting. >> stephen: were you friends with paul? yes. jen d'angelo, a writer, she put this whole part that had to do with paul and i remember thinking to we have paul did paul agree to this and it was like okay, i guess i will just text paul and say and i send you something, is that okay, and he is just so great, he read it immediately and said hey, i will come and plate that she came to play the first day and it was such an honor and a privilege to have him on our film and, i mean, just so great.
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>> stephen: and i understand that was the last thing he did. >> yes. >> stephen: lovely. we have to take a quick break but don't go anywhere, we will be right back with more sandra oh, everybody. [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ shopify helps you sell at every stage of your business. so you can sell it online, take it in person and go big. like a million orders big. whatever the stage, businesses that grow grow with shopify. no two bodies are the same. some pads, never got that message. but, always flexfoam did! it protects against different flows for up to zero leaks. and it flexes to fit all bodies, for up to zero feel. feel it yourself with always flexfoam. frizz. dryness. breakage. new dove 10-in-1 serum hair mask with peptide complex. fortifies hair bonds at a molecular level. helps reverse ten signs of damage in one minute. keep living. we'll keep repairing.
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♪ ♪ [cheers and applause] >> stephen: we are back with
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the star of "the sympathizer" on hbo, sandra oh. you have just announced you are in an upcoming comedy that's called "good fortune" with a disease i'm sorry, seth rogen, kiana reeves. you've done spy thrillers, dramas, would you like about comedy? and you don't actually have to like anything, i'm not trying to put words in your mouth. it could just be for a paycheck. >> no, it isn't! comedy gets through i think the quickest. comedy is -- >> stephen: it you know when it is working. >> and it is the equalizer. there are certain things, drama that might work for some people but i think comedy works for everybody and it's just -- it's just i think the clearest way in for you to not only entertain, but to break people's hearts. like right on the edge of comedy is tragedy, you know, so even with the clown thing or masking
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like that, i like the broad parts of it because there's things like brought comedy like sci-fi, big sci-fi or big fantasy, you are working on these real large edge -- archetypal edges. >> stephen: making big choices. >> big choices but i think that it goes into a very, very deep place that has to do with a primordial kind of sense of storytelling. you don't know why from so far away someone with a mask when they turn this way it makes you, but i really think it does. >> stephen: i agree. [laughter] now you are in an hbo miniseries called "the sympathizer" based on a pulitzer prize-winning book by the same name, were you familiar with the book before? >> i wasn't but the showrunner don mckellar, he's a fellow canadian and a collaborator of mine, i've done lots of projects. >> stephen: for people who haven't read it, what's it ab about? >> it's like a political spy
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thriller and it calls this -- follows this character called the captain, the vietnamese communist spy right after the war in vietnam through his exile as a refugee in los angeles. >> stephen: and we have a clipper here, do you need me to set this up? >> no, let's just watch it. >> stephen: you are in bed, anything else? we are going to sell some tickets. >> my character is very much revealed, yes. >> stephen: all right. >> i think i'm falling in love with you. though you sneak. you stole my confession. listen, if we couldn't -- get involved -- >> aren't we already involved? >> emotionally involved, i'm 46 years old, i've done things my way my whole life, i am not about to change now. fall in love at your peril because the only kind of love i believe in is free love. in other words, stuff is free.
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[cheers and applause] >> stephen: no one's ever said that to me. sandra, lovely to see you, thank you for being here. new episodes of "the sympathizer" air sundays on hbo. sandra oh, everybody! we will be right back with reid scott, stick around! contracts. ice switch to t-mobile, , latest 5g phones, free.
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[cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ >> stephen: hey, everybody, welcome back! ladies and gentlemen... [cheers and applause] you know my next guest from "veep," "the marvelous mrs. maisel," and "law & order." his new film is called "the idea of you." >> were you in italy? >> i was. i was in venice. >> right on. stepping up to the plate. nice. thing is, he said that you guys were kissing and holding hands and, i mean, that would just be like mind-blowing if that were true. >> [laughs] yeah, that would be mind- mind-blowing. he is a client, he's been by the gallery. >> okay, well, i'm sure we can all agree that any relationship with the 24-year-old world-famous pop star would be
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crazy on like so many levels. >> i'm not really interested in relationship advice from you, daniel. >> stephen: please welcome back to "the late show" reid scott! [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ >> thank you! >> stephen: this is fun for me to have you back because nobody knows you are actually back. >> that's right. >> stephen: because almost exactly a year ago, you came on to talk about the final season of -- you are playing sort of a johnny carsonesque character. >> based also a little bit on someone you know. >> stephen: dick cavett. we got together to talk about the role, which was a joy. >> it was incredible. >> stephen: hearing him tell
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old johnny carson stories. >> i got to interview stephen colbert and dick cavett, which is an absolutely just dream of mine, so that was very cool. >> stephen: so we actually talked about all of that year ago and no one ever saw it because right after our interview, for a tape that was supposed to play later in may, the writers strike happens, so we jettisoned that tape into the heart of the sun. [laughter] >> where it belongs. >> stephen: it's too bad because it's beautiful, it's amazing. in the middle of the interview when that fire alarm went off. >> i did what i could. >> stephen: and you save that baby dropping out of the balcony? if only we could legally run that tape. >> my only regret was that i could only save that one baby. because so many babies -- >> stephen: it was baby night at "the late show," i don't know why we had a date night. big news is that you have recently joined "law & order." okay -- [cheers and applause] what's your characters name? >> vincent riley.
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>> stephen: are you captain, lieutenant? >> detective first grade. >> stephen: sorry, detective first grade vincent riley. there you go. it was -- you know, it's a classic, it's an iconic show, everybody has watched it and almost everyone who has been on it. if you are an actor in new york, 22 seasons, it -- i was even on. i was a murderer -- spoiler. i was the killer in one of the criminal intents, were you ever as a young actor -- >> i never got a chance to do it. all of my friends were actors at the time, it was this rite of passage, you wanted to do law law &"law & order," one of the "law & orders," it eluded me, i never got it, it was kind of the show that got away, so 23, 24 years later, it came back around. >> stephen: okay, so what did -- how did you get the call? >> it was interesting, right after the strike ended i -- i don't like to read the trades
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too much. >> stephen: me either. i don't care about show business. >> you don't read the news. >> stephen: ratings, none of that means anything to me. >> but i happen to read that an actor was leaving "law & order" and i don't know why, because i had sort of lost track of the show over sometime and i just knew, i said they are going to call me for this in three days later my agent called and said hey, sort of lightning bolt out of the blue, a job has come up and i said "law & order"? they said how do you know that and i said i have no idea but it all came together so fast and it got to say really feels meant to be because i'm having a blast being back here in new york, the cast is fantastic, the crew is fantastic, like you said, it's an iconic show, i am running around new york city with a gun and a badge, i'm like a big kid. >> stephen: do you feel at this point like you could fight crime? >> oh, yeah, the crime is not going to fight itself. >> stephen: who was leaving that you thought they are to put me in that but?
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was it waterton or >> when sam walks off into the sunset, on the next call, right? >> stephen: viewer member the first time we met at the emmys many years ago? >> short-term amount. >> stephen: we were at a party, a lot of you "veep" people were there and stood in a doorway so you would have to walk by me. do you remember what i yelled? >> you screamed i have no soul! >> stephen: which is a classic downline. that's not my favorite line. my favorite dan line is "amy, the gates of hell have opens, and you are my plus one." [laughter] what i love about the show and i said this to julia emma you get a sense that that is not an actual extreme of a portrayal. i've interviewed a lot of people from washington and you guys seem nicer. did you get to meet your counterparts on the show? >> we got invited to the white house press correspondent's dinner, which you are familiar with as well
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and a genleman came over to me and said rolling stone to this article about all of the real-life counterparts to "veep" or who they thought might be the counterparts and your guy is here, would you like to come meet him, and i said sure. in and we walked over and the guy turned around and he was just straight out of central casting. it was perfect. he was just a buttoned up prick that i wanted him to be anti-looked at me up and down and said "i guess i get it" and just walked away. >> stephen: is a true the cast still gets together? you guys have a -- what's it called where you exchange resins? >> the white elephant. we do have a white elephant party. we got very close as a cast, yeah, we still have it. we were supposed to host at this year but i'm here doing "law & order" so i couldn't do it but years past, i think it was during covid julia hosted
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and it was probably our best of the bunch, but there was a very embarrassing moment for me. our u.s. familiar with white elephant? how it works? so this particular year my wife and i that gifted a paragon, like a massage done. and i loved it, i said wonder if there is a price appropriate version of this that i could find. >> stephen: because there's a cap? >> it was like 50 bucks or something so i go on amazon and i find one and i'm like this will work, great. and i send it in, we sent all the gift to julia's house and we are on zoom and she's behind her -- she draws her number one on at the head and she gets to go first so she reaches behind her and she picks my gift and i'm like this is going to be great and she opens it up and looks at it and says "wow, it's a... what is this? and tim simons, who plays jonah is at home and he's googling all the presents and he says "reid... is not a?" and i'm like no!
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no, no, it's a personal massage device, just like it says on the box! and i turned beet red, everyone is laughing. i felt a little bit better because someone in the cast stole the gift, which means they wanted and i felt completely reprieved at the end when brad hall, julia's husband, stole it back and julia said you know why he stole it back? because he's a gentleman. >> stephen: reid, it was great to see you. thank you for being here. b12 premieres may 2nd on prime video. reid scott, everybody. we will be right back. [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪
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[cheers and applause] >> stephen: that's it for "the late show"! stick around for "after midnight" with taylor tomlinson! good night! [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪


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