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tv   The Late News  CBS  April 19, 2024 1:37am-2:13am PDT

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[cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ i was like shaking you know, i was so scared. when i first reached out to jacoby and meyers. i didn't know if i had a case or not. as soon as i got a hold of my attorney, she was very, very nice, very kind. because of jacoby and meyers, i don't have that pressure to worry about a medical bill or things like that. if i know of any accident, i'm like, call jacoby and meyers, they'll help you.
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now at 11:00, his death in police custody led to protests, calls for justice, and a multimillion dollar payout, but the officers once cleared in his death could now face prison time. and a lawsuit against a south bay school district painting a horror story of abuse. the woman claiming her former teacher sexually abused her as a teen and forced to her have an abortion. >> the school district failed to protect her. they protected him instead, and they need to be held accountable. one airline is calling the oakland airport by a new name the san francisco airport has been trying to squash. and the san francisco zoo
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set to get -- for the first time in decades. from kpix, this is the late news with sara donchey on cbs news bay area. >> almost three years ago to the day, mario gonzalez was pinned to the ground in an east bay park. the police officers trying to arrest him held him town for minutes before he fell unconscious and died. the three officers were cleared of wrong doing, but they're now facing felony charges that could land them in prison. . >> reporter: this is a case that was already review bid former district attorney nancy o'malley and charges were never filed during her term, but current district attorney pamela price had said that she wanted to review this case when she took office and she handed
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out this complaint that was filed today. >> hey, hey, no it's not that. >> reporter: this happened in april of 2021. officers were looking into a case of a possible theft in the area as they tried to question mario gonzalez it led to a scuffle. and the 26-year-old man was forced to lay face down on the ground. family members spoke out after the incident wondering how this can happen to their loved one. >> there was no reason to detain him, let alone kill him. the apd took a calm situation and made it fatal. >> reporter: the three officers now face involuntary manslaughter charges that can carry a sentence of up to four years in state prison. >> this is not a great day for the city of alameda, for county of alameda, or for the family of mr. gonzalez. >> reporter: price says these charges came about after her public accountability unit had a second look at the case. she wouldn't say what the pau found to warrant these charges
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being filed three years after gonzalez's death. >> i can't comment on that. i can't comment on that. the matter is pending before the court, and so the details of how the pau came to this decision and particularly what my predecessor did. >> reporter: michael, who represented gonzalez's now 7-year-old son, won an $11 million settlement in a civil case against the city of alameda. he couldn't do an on-camera interview but told us these are appropriate charges. he added after the civil judgement he handed over his case in a bow that had the evidence needed to pursue criminal charges. while d.a. price made the announcement, she says e had nothing to do with the decision to prosecute officers and will continue to wall herself off from this case, another matter she couldn't elaborate on. >> it was a decision that i made. sit a technical matter, and i'm not able to speak on it at this time.
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>> we were expected to hear from the family of mario gonzalez tomorrow. even though price seems to be distancing herself from this desis, it is happening amid a recall effort to remove her as d.a. we asked a professor of politic, james taylor, to try and read the political tea leaves about what this message sends. >> unless i'm misreading her, she's doubled down on who she originally was that prompted the recall by charging these three officers. she's on the wrong side of the recall forces. so in that light i think she's suggesting she's ready for a fight, and she's willing to fight, and this is almost a middle finger to her opposition and to those that would disagree with her. >> now it is up to the alameda county board of supervisors to decide when to hold a recall election. all right, we have some developing news overseas tonight. israel has carried out a military strike inside iran,
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according to cnn. iran's air defense systems were set off after explosions near a military base. this video shows these flashes of light in the sky near the city. well this comes on the heels of the drone and missile attack on israel, one that started concerns about an all-out regional war. back in the bay area, a former south bay high school student is seeking justice more than 20 years after she says she was sexually assaulted by a teacher. that teacher, 56-year-old shawn thomas, was arrested last month, and this week the alleged victim filed a complaint against the school district. as our amanda hari reports, the victim claims she went to the school 's dean for help, and the dean witnessed the abuse, she says, but did nothing. >> it has impacted every facet of her life. >> reporter: lauren is the attorney representing the
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victim in this case. she says she met the victim about a month ago. since then she learned everything about her case. >> she was 15 years old. she did something very brave and something that took a lot of strength and courage and she reported it. she was very clear about it, that mr. thomas was having sex with her at 14 and 15 years old. she was a freshman in high school. this is 2003. >> reporter: she was given lehigh school yearbooks from the victim. there's a photo of the suspect, shawn thomas. he was both a teacher and a coach. in the staff and administration section, a photo of his wife at the time, sarah thomas, listed as a dean. that's who the victim says she reported the abuse to. >> she said i can't believe you did this to me, after everything that i've done for you. so that is why most people
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remain silent, because they're not believed. and they're victim blamed. and that's exactly what happened here. >> reporter: in the criminal complaint, some of the sexual encounters happened on campus, in thomas' portable classroom, and in a store ang room in the boy's locker room. the complaint says they were once caught in the act by the dean. in a statement to cbs news bay area, the district did not say whether sarah thomas is still employed by the district, but a sarah thomas is still listed on the staff directory. the district did say there is a different leadership in place now than there was in 2002/ 2003, and they're taking these allegations seriously and cooperating with the investigation. she says when doe was 15 she became pregnant with thomas' baby, and he forced to her abort it. >> what a burden for a child, and she was 16 weeks by the time she was able to actually bring herself to do it, but he insisted that she do it. she really didn't have a choice. >> reporter: doe's sister
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spoke to us by phone. she asked to have her voice distorted to protect her identity. >> for so many years my sister thought it was her fault. she felt so much shame and guilt, especially after being forced to abort her child. thomas blamed her so she blamed herself. she is now for the first time after 20 years coming to the realization that she was just a child. the school district failed to protect her. they protected him instead. it wasn't right, and they need to be held accountable. >> reporter: thomas was arrested on march 8th by san jose police. at the time of his arrest, he was still working at lehigh school and los gatos high school. she questions why they protected thomas over protecting a child. >> he was an esteemed coach. it was a prestigious program. he was coach of the year multiple years in a row. you wonder were
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they protecting the image and reputation of that program and the school. >> shawn thomas is charged with rape and sexual assault of a minor, and based on thetorian's investigation, they believe there could be more victims. last night we first told you about the proposal to change a major san francisco intersection after a crash at a bus sheltser there last month killed an entire family. the sfmta just released this plan to change the three-way crossing at ulloa street and west portal avenue and force drivers not to cut across. the agency says it's safer for pedestrians, but some business owners there aren't thrilled with this plan. one salon owner told us today they already don't have enough parking for clients and this will make it more difficult for drivers to reach their street. >> it's going to hurt all of us. i can tell you almost every business owner in this area is against it. >> but sfmta says the existing street design is over 100 years old and their changes would
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prioritize people trying to head to the commercial district rather than people cutting through the neighborhood. the changes could come as early as this summer. the san francisco city attorney admits this about the city's latest lawsuit. >> we do think that this litigation is a waste of taxpayer resources. >> why he says the city has no choice but to sue over the oakland airport's name change. and it's official, giant pandas finally coming back to one bay area zoo. another unseasonably mild day for most of the bay area, including another spectacular sunset as with looked down from mount diablo a few hours ago. through the rest of tonight a deeper marine layer going to spread quite a bit of fog inland across the bay area. we'll track how long that's going to last and its impact on temperatures in the first alert forecast. >> paul, thank you. and a football star needed a metal detecter after this super bowl ring mishap. but he didn't lose it at the beach or
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in a field. try the snack table. tonight -- >> new york, new york, the city that never sleeps unless you're donald trump in a courtroom. >> --
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san francisco is following through on its plans to try and squash the oakland airport's name change, adding san francisco bay to the name. but as our anne makovec shows us, it may already be too late. >> reporter: neither of these airports is in san francisco, but they both claim the right to use the name. and now it's up to a federal court. >> we do think that this litigation is a waste of
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taxpayer resources. if oakland had chosen to engage with us, we would not be here. >> reporter: while officials with the port of oakland say they're just trying to clear up confusion over their airport's location, which sits on the san francisco bay, san francisco city attorney david chu says it could cause travel chaos. >> we are concerned about travelers who are going to miss their flight, suffer economic loss. we're concerned about the reputation damage to the bay area when it comes to the travel experience. >> reporter: at least one airline has begun using the new name on the flight reservation system, which chu says means sfo has already suffered economic harm. >> the name that they have chosen appears to be intentional to divert travelers that would otherwise be going to sfo. >> reporter: in a statement, the port of oakland said the renaming does not infringe upon sfo's mark, we will vigorously defend our right to claim our spot on the san francisco bay.
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we are standing up for oakland and our east bay community. but san francisco has owned and invested in the federal trademark for san francisco international airport for 70 years. and while the legal wrangling begins, the court of public opinion is already in session. oakland vice mayor rebecca kaplan posting recently, how about if we call ours sunny side of the bay, and they can call theirs millbrae, which is where sfo is actually located. >> at the same time san francisco mayor london breed's trip to china has delivered a win for local animal lovers. the city's zoo will soon be home to giant pandas. breed made the announcement from beijing. still no word on when the pandas could arrive, but the san francisco zoo last hosted giant pandas in the mid 1980s. that panda residency only lasted a few months, but the mayor's office says over time zoo attendance shot up four times above its usual level. all right, i know that part of town tends to be a little foggier than the rest, but we
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had a nice, sunny day in this city again, once again, until the fog crept in, paul. >> the fog is going to be much more of a phuoc or the in the forecast for just the next couple of days and then likely again by the middle of next week. we do have some changes in store in the short term because things are rearranging themselves in the atmosphere. a little ripple has moved through, and that is reducing the weight of the atmosphere on top of us. really it's just the weight of air overhead that's been squashing the marine later past few days. now that there's less atmosphere over us, the marine lay ser deeper and spreads farther inland. closer to typical april weather for tomorrow and saturday. another area of high pressure, another hill of air is going to build in by sunday and monday. that means temperatures warm back up. how much they warm up depend whether you're along the coast or farther inland. we get into the details on that momentarily. you can see the fog in the distance. not too widespread yet. that'll change later tonight. temperatures in the 50s across the board. 52 in oakland and san francisco to 59
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degrees in concord. those numbers aren't going to change a whole lot. the fog is going to become quite a bit more widespread and quite a bit thicker. futurecast indicating reduced vis bts for most of the bay area to begin the day tomorrow. a little extra time on the way out the door not a bad idea. inland, the fog is going to retreat quickly, except for the inland valleys of the north bay. it'll take until midday for the fog to retreat to the coast, but it will. a lot of sunshine in the afternoon being filtered through high clouds. temperatures drop to a mix of 40s and 50s early tomorrow morning. close to or maybe slightly above average for this time of year, and then once the fog retreat, temperatures are going to warm up. another mild day for most inland parts of the bay area, climbing up into the mid to upper 70s in the santa clara vallow. 77 degrees in san jose. one of the warmer spots across the entire region. the warmest spot 78 degrees far inland in antioch. most inland temperatures in the east bay in the middle portion of the 70s as well. low # 30s for fremont
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and redwood city. san francisco touched 70 degrees today. tomorrow no such luck. only low 60s. back to almost exactly normal high temperatures in both san francisco and oakland. in the north bay, here's the impact of that fog lingering just a little bit longer. your temperatures won't be quite as warm as other inland parts of the bay area, but you'll still make it up into the low 70s, and that is not bad at all for the middle of april. now while the temperatures are going to drop a little bit, the pollen count is not. in the medium high category again on friday and into the highest category saturday and sunday and again on monday without any rain to wash that stuff out of the atmosphere. you're going to be sniffling and sneezing a little bit, especially if you're sensitive to oak, mulberry, or grass pollens. there are rain chances farther down the line. we don't have rain in the seven-day forecast. we had a chance on wednesday when we talked about 24 hours ago. that looks like it's going to hold off a little bit longer. but the six to ten-day outlook which takes us through the last weekend in april paints a chance of wetter than normal
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conditions for most of the western u.s., including the bay area. that would also be associated with the prolonged stretch of cooler than normal weather. that is visible in the seven-day forecast. so let's take a look at the seven-day outlook. inland we do have a couple of warmer days in store by sunday and monday reaching to or above 80 degrees. back to below average temperatures beginning by wednesday and thursday. it's a roller coaster ride around the bay, just more of the -- instead of the bigger ups and downs. sunday and monday are the warmest two days in the seven-day forecast. then that drop is going to be noticeable closer to the watt we are temperatures running below average for the whole region wednesday and thursday with cloud cover. there's an outside chance of a shower wednesday and thursday, but for the most part the only moisture we're going see is coastal drizzle. any significant chance of showers, a, doesn't look that significant, b, would hold off until next thursday night into the following weekend, sara? >> paul, time to plan. thank you so much. any nba game is something
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of a gamble, but one player took that way too literally. why he was booted for life. and straight ahead in sports, show's over for your bay area nhl franchise. sharks put another season on ice. and the giants tonight, even the skipper said it, as good as we've played all season.
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for the first time in decades, a basketball player has been thrown out of the nba
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for gambling. toronto raptors backup jontay porter was just banned for life for illegally betting on games and giving confidential inside information to other bettors. jericka duncan shows us how his ban is putting a spotlight on ethical issues that sports betting creates for athletics. >> the open three. >> reporter: the allegations against jontay porter were blatant. an nba investigation found porter gave a bettor information about his own health status prior to a toronto game on march 20th. a bettor placed $80,000 on porter not hitting certain in-game milestones. porter left the game after just three minutes, claiming he felt ill. the bet was frozen because of the unusual activity. porter was also found to have placed 13 bets on nba games, including bets on his own team to lose, although he didn't play in those games. the league's collective bargaining agreement forbids any player who directly or indirectly wagers money or
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anything of value on any game or event. yesterday commissioner adam silver took the rare step of banning porter from the league for life, writing there is nothing more important than protecting the integrity of nba competition for our fans, our teams, and everyone associated with our sport. >> go draft kings, y'all got the most ways to bet on nba players. >> reporter: but if you watch any basketball game these day, betting content is everywhere. the nba even has official sports betting partners with ads on nearly every broadcast. commissioner silver supports a regulated betting market. >> i think at least, you know, legalized structure, there's transparency. >> you had to be concerned that the access that betting has now to basketball would lead to something like this. >> reporter: joe is a senior nba writer for the athletic. he says the nba betting deals are here to stay but that the
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league needs to be more vigilant. >> major corporations don't typically cut off a pipeline to millions of dollars, so i think it's going to continue. it's just a matter of what can they pursue to make this a little easier to manage. >> okay, so the players association, vern, had something to say about this. they say that player, obviously, have to follow the gambling rules but that porter deserves due process. at this point he cannot appeal, which means he probably will never wear an nba uniform again. we were just talking about it's so exceedingly hard to get this far, to get into the nba. there are so many players in the d league who would kill to be in this position and to see that thrown away over a couple tens of thousands of dollars doesn't make a lot of sense. >> i don't know this guy. i don't know what motivated this guy. he's 24 years old. i don't know what compelled him to do what he did, but he was caught red handed. he bet on 13
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games. three against his own team. and he bet on himself. he reported his injury to a bookie who made a parlay bet where if it came through it would have been like a million dollars in earnings. that was red flagged, and that's how he was caught. and that's how he was bounced from the league. i wonder how his older brother feel, michael porter, who played in the nba for the denver nuggets. you think he's proud? no. here's a guy that's 24 years old that's banned for life and will never play again. and then years from now he'll look back and go, yeah, i really made a mistake. i kind of ruined that part of my life. >> and the message this sends to other players still in the league. >> but we live in a country where we forgive but not forget. ten years from now there's going to be some documentary out there. >> might be. >> after he straightens himself out not playing in the nba, but whatever he's doing, he straightened himself out, and america will understand, okay, he has become contrite to his
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actions. >> perhaps, one would hope. >> but we are responsible for everything we do. >> and we've got more sports to talk about. >> absolutely, yeah. here's some guys that are responsible for what they did tonight. two hour, 12 minutes p poof, it was over. giants pitching strong. defense strong. offense, a four-run eighth put it to bed. in fact, the diamondbacks unravelled a little bit. logan webb, what an outing to start this four-game series, five strikeouts. an outing where he retired 19 straight hitters. dusty baker used to always say he had his stuff tonight. he induced 13 ground ball outs including suarez. seven shutout innings for webb. gave us just two hits and the bullpen had his back. now, the giants led just 1-0 going into the eighth and in front of the jung hoo lee fan club they bruth good vibes from behind the plate and the bats came alive. wilmer flores cracked a pinch-hit. eighth
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inning, bases loaded double. two runs scored, and the next hitter was mike yastrzemski. and he brought home two more. a four-run inning did it. giants now 9-11. won the game 5-0. game two of the series is friday night. now we pivot to the nhl. the san jose sharks rebuild project. they were the only team in the nhl with less than 20 wins. long night for cooley in net for the sharks. it was all calgary flames to end this season. they put 37 shots on goal. adam opened the scoring. blake coleman here. and then they scored three more in the second. oliver coolington here. followed by kevin rooney. fitting end to a tough season for the sharks. calgary won the game 5-1. the sharks finish the season with a record of 19-54-9, last in the league, obviously, but possibly first in the nhl draft. it was not too terribly
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long ago that they were always the sexy pick to go deep in the playoffs, not anymore. it could be not next year, it could be the year after that before they go out and start making noise. >> yeah, all right, well, fan, sharks fans are loyal, they're hanging on. >> pack them in. >> vern, thank you. tonight frustrated ticketholders are left in the dark waiting for information about whether sacramento's soul bloom festival is happening. it's scheduled to happen in two weeks, but now the county says that the venue, discovery park, is just not ready to host a major music festival. and a form for vendors on the festival's website says the event has been postponed until the fall. but ticketholders say that message has not been passed on to them. >> to have no communication or any social media updates for months on end, you know, it's kind of concerning. >> the lineup for this looked good too. the county says the park is still flooded from the
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winter. festival organizers have not responded to requests for comment. you would think a super bowl champion would treat their ring with extra care, so why
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the kelce brothers have both won super bowls, but it
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appears only one of them still has the ring to prove it. retired philadelphia eagles center says he lost his super bowl ring during a live fan event last week. the brothers held a live show at the university of cincinnati. they had crazy games and challenges, and one of them had people digging through a pool of chili to find replicas of jason's super bowl ring, but the actual ring was in there, and now he can't find it. kelce said people sifted through the chili, even used a metal detect we are no luck. he thinks the ring is in a landfill somewhere. he's filed an insurance claim. or, i don't know, but could someone who was competing accidentally have grabbed the real one? >> years from now, there's going to be some pile of metal, hey, look at this here. >> in cincinnati they, put noodles in their chili. >> i say there should be beans, you say definitely not.
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>> real chili does not have beans. >> there should be multiple kinds of beans in the chili. >> re


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