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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 5am  CBS  April 19, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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feel the power of osteo bi-flex®. taken every day, it's clinically shown to improve joint comfort in 7 days, with significant improvement over time. ( ♪♪ ) altogether now. friday. the word of the day. good morning, everybody. thank you for joining us. it's april 19th. >> let's get this fri-yay started. >> there was no reason to detain him. let alone kill him. the a pd took a calm situation and made it fatal. >> officers charged in the custody death of mario gonzalez. embattled alameda county district attorney pamela price, does what she said she would do in reopening the case. we do think that this
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litigation is a waste of taxpayer resources if oakland had chosen to edge gauge with us, we would not be here. >> lawsuit off the ground. san francisco gets legal over an oakland plan to brand the east bay airport with the name san francisco legal eagles feel is protected property. 4/20 is on in san francisco. there's for mings to do and more things to do than ever before. >> what's ahead for the weekend and the changes that could have you finding other options. ♪ and taylor swift surprises with another album. why music writers call it daggers wrapped up in a lullaby. that's how you start a friday. i'm nicole zaloumis and you know, i was not a big swiftie like i thought she was good and i kind of like this secret album drop. maybe because my 5-year-old is listening to her more. i don't know. she's growing on me. >> tortured poet that she is. all right, daggers wrapped in a lullaby. that's a tease. i'm
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reed cowan, nice to have you with us this morning. hopefully pour the orange juice and coffee. just don't mix them together. listen, it's going to be a beautiful weekend. so just get outside and enjoy this place we call beautiful bay area. and let's talk to jess right now to sign on the dotted line there. >> absolutely. and by the way, i feel like that's a thing. orange juice and coffee. >> oh, yeah. >> is it? orange juice and cereal. that's a thing. >> you mean mix it together? >> yeah. i feel like i have heard people do that before. >> i don't know who you are talking to but they need some help. >> in the next weather hit. somewhere, somehow i know that's a thing. but anyways lets take a look at this weekend's forecast. it's beautiful and it's warm and it's dry. we have great weather heading into this weekend. and just like this week, we've been above average pretty much every single day. so we're getting a little bit closer to normal heading into our day today. and into our forecast tomorrow. but high pressure is silicetting offshore and that's going to keep us relatively try early next week. another warm-up in
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the forecast for us heading into around monday and tuesday. soaves in our inland areas will return and we'll continue to see 60s and 70s along the peninsula. and along the bay shoreline. and speaking of that, let's actually take a look at the daytime highs today. it's a beautiful day to get out there and get some fresh air, if you want to check out a new trail, i have been saying it all week, this is the week to get out there and enjoy any outdoor activity. the pollen count is now in a medium category a little bit lower than where we were at earlier this week and winds are still light from the north sweeping in. more on that coming up in a just a bit. we're expecting 50s near half-moon bay but then still warming up in the 70s in areas like livermore all the way down into san jose. big changes in the forecast for us next week. like i said we have the more of a warm-up right around the corner and when is the next chance of showers? well, i'm going to time that out for you coming up because rig now looking at the long-range models and well, it's still going to be dry for quite some time which is okay. we're well above average for the rainfall season. for now over to you.
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let's check the roadways here. no not a lot of problems so far. here's a live look at the toll plaza, a pretty easy commute coming from all the approaches westbound, 80, 580, even 880, metering lights, they're also off at this hour. but those should turn on within the next 30 minutes and you know this picture is going to change. now if you are taking 880 early this morning to the san mateo bridge, right now take a look. things are moving pretty easily here, no delays as well. all the lanes are wide open in both directions on golden gate bridge and so for those of you coming out of marin county, making your way towards san francisco it is smooth sailing. reed? all right, so let's get right to what looks to be a major escalation in the middle east. israel has fired a barrage of missiles and drones on iran following the attack on israel over the weekend. the u.s. official describing this retaliatory attack as limited. they say no nuclear targets were hit. iran is also doing some work this morning. they say they are downplaying it. saying that they shot down what they called just mini drones saying this is just a normal
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friday in iran and in fact they're showing images on tv saying people are out and about already in their morning. many experts say showing this steady as she goes response by iran on a normal friday as they're calling it might be part of a broader strategy to minimize and de-escalate. >> that seems to indicate that iran is seeking to step down off the ledge, minimize the impact to the attack. and perhaps walk back down the escalation ladder from here. >> well, president joe biden did not want escalation and we are getting our first indication and look of u.s. response this morning. that is secretary of state antony blinken meeting with some meet -- some leaders in italy this morning. he was asked whether israel gave iran any warning. he declined to confirm any knowledge about that. but meeting with those leaders of other nations this morning, blinken not blinking. he is saying the u.s. is not involved in any offensive operations. reed, looking live now at scout park in also plea da. the mother of mario
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gonzalez is planning on attending a vigil tonight after new charges were filed against three alameda county police officers over her son's death. three years ago today, mario gonzalez was pinned to the ground in that east bay park. the officers trying to arrest him held him down for several minutes before he fell unconscious and died. his death prompted protests and calls for justice and last night, alameda county district attorney pamela price announced new charges against the officers involved. here's andrea nakano. >> hey, hey, do me a favor mario. >> reporter: this happened in april of 2021. officers were looking into a case of a possible theft in the area as they tried to question mario gonzalez it led to a successful and the 26-year-old man was forced to lay facedown on the ground. family members spoke out after the incident wondering how this can happen to their loved one. >> there was no reason to
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detain him. let alone kill him. the apd took a calm situation and made it fatal. >> reporter: the three officers now face involuntary manslaughter charges that can carry a sentence of up to four years in state prison. >> this is not a great day for the city of alameda. for the county of alameda. or for the family of mr. gonzalez. >> reporter: price says these charges came about after her public accountability unit had a second look at the case. she wouldn't say what the pau found to warrant the charges being filed three years after gonzalez's death. >> i can't comment on that. i can't comment on this. the mat receiver pending before the court. and so the details of how the pau came to this decision and particularly what my predecessor did. >> reporter: michael haddad who represented gonzalez's now 7-year-old son won an $11 million settlement in a civil case against the city of
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alameda. he couldn't do an on camera interview but told us these are appropriate charges. haddad added after the civil judgment he handed over his case in a vote that had the evidence needed to pursue control charges. da price had nothing to do with the decision to prosecute the officers and will continue to wall herself off from this case. another matter she couldn't elaborate on. >> it was a decision that i made. it is a -- technical matter and i'm not able to speak on it at this time. >> reporter: two of the officers remain on paid administrative leave with the alameda police department. the other has left for another agency. >> so what is this meaning to the effort to recall price as da? we asked usf professor of politics james taylor for his take. >> unless i'm misreading her, she's doubling down on who she originally was by charging these officers, she's on the
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wrong side of the recall forces. so in that -- light, i think she's suggesting she's ready for a fight. and she is willing to fight and this is almost a middle finger to her opposition and to those that would disagree with her. >> it's now up to the board of supervisors to decide when to hold a recall election. well, nicole the man accused in a mass shooting at two forms in half-moon bay will face a judge today. chunli zhao maintains he's not guilty of seven counts of first degree murder and one count of affeldted murder. he opened fire after getting into some sort of a dispute with a supervisor. get this, they found it was just over a $100 forklift repair bill. after the deaths of an entire family at a bus shelter in san francisco, our community may finally see some solutions. the sfmta just released this plan you see here on the screen to change the three way crossing at west portal avenue and force drivers to not cut across. the agency says the
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move in the west portal area will protect pedestrians but there's some business blowback to tell you about this morning. complaints about how this could affect parking for customers in the area. in fact, this salon owner tells us the change would make it difficult for drivers to come in and go to her business and cross that street. >> if that's coming, then it's going to hurt all of us. it's going to hurt all of us. i can tell you almost every business owner in the area is against cigarette the existing street design is more than 100 years old and changes would prioritize people trying to head to the commercial district. >> if this goes through, you will likely see the changes coming in the summer. time right now #:10 in the morning. it is friday everybody. over the weekend we all have an opportunity to reset and take better care of our earth. an opportunity not only to have gratitude but live gratitude every day for earth day ahead. shawn? >> reporter: reed, good morning. we're here inside
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golden gate parking talk about 4/20. not the usual celebration people are expecting and we'll explain what you still can do over the weekend. and here's a live look outside before we head to break. this is the camera that's situated in the east bay on top of beautiful mount diablo. as we say good morning to all of you waking up in the east bay. and it is going to be another warm, sunny, happy >> tech: cracked windshield? schedule with safelite, and we'll come to you to fix it. >> tech vo: this customer was enjoying her morning walk. we texted her when we were on our way. and she could track us and see exactly when we'd arrive. >> woman: i have a few more minutes. let's go! >> tech vo: we came to her with service that fit her schedule. >> woman: you must be pascal. >> tech: nice to meet you. >> tech vo: we got right to work, with a replacement she could trust. we come to you for free! schedule now for free mobile service at >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ did my legs shrink? i can move them. i mean, i knew alaska airlines' premium class
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had extra legroom but this... this feels different. okay. crazy idea. on the count of 3... i'm going to try and cross my... ohhhhhhhhhhh boyy that's nice. woooooo! ( ♪♪ )
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if you have heart failure, entrust your heart to entresto. entresto helps improve your heart's ability to pump blood to the body. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto for heart failure. novartis may help you save on your prescription. all right, taking a live
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look at san francisco right now. the gray you see in the clouds, we have confirmed to our very astute scientist who happens to be our director that's not a cloud from hippie hill. really i promise. let's talk about that though. first ever san francisco weed week is a series of events to build on annual celebration of cannabis on april 20th. or 4/20. but unlike years past let's be blunt. not an official 4 clash 20 celebration at hippie hill. that will drive cannabis fans to dispensaries around the bay. shawn chitnis is live this morning at golden goat park with more on their outlook for the industry. that park might be feeling a little bit lonely this weekend, shawn. >> reporter: hey reed, good morning. no low-lying clouds out here as of right now. and while we don't expect to see the large crowds that we have seen in the past, 4:20 at hippie hill. there should be still plenty of people out here and as you said they were not able to have the event as they normally do because of
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financial reasons. those are affecting the industry as a whole. but talking to those involved in san francisco weed week, they are feeling good and they are optimistic about the years ahead for their industry. joseph snow says it's an exciting time for a new cannabis business like his to showcase their products and help develop their brand during san francisco weed week. >> there's definitely a lot of saturation but because we bet on quality and we didn't bet on quantity when it came to our production, for us it hasn't affected us quite the same. >> reporter: joseph says his company snow till is able to create a higher quality cannabis grown indoors by using a better soil that makes the plant healthier. >> it is definitely very competitive and cut throat but i think sometimes in those environments, some temperature best products really do come out and stand out. >> reporter: many people where used to seeing the large crowds inside golden gate park on 4 clash 20, this year the event won't happen. weed week hopes to give cannabis lovers and the city a chance to see what else the industry has to offer with
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events all week long including on 4/20. like the art as big as made up of cannabis bags open every day. >> there's the huge forward movement we've never had before. we're excited to see how this ground swell of like public support and people understanding how powerful the plant is, is literally transforming the world. >> reporter: business leaders say the momentum to legalization and new advances in how they use the plant are only adding to the energy for weed week. but financial challenges aren't just affecting the organizers of hippie hill on 4/20. the industry as a whole has its struggles in this economy. >> every day is a still a battle for it. we're in the middle of a market correction. i think by the end of this year, you will see a lot of brands disappear and a lot of brands really establish themselves. >> reporter: weed week hopes to be a boost to neighborhoods likeso ma by bringing more people out during the day to meet growers and other industry professionals and in the evenings for cannabis parties. >> there's more things to do
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and more maces that go on that are before. >> reporter: lower prices and higher quality products where the promise of those who grow the plant and believe it has a bright future in san francisco and beyond. all right, so while there's no official event here for hippie hill at 4:20, san francisco police telling us they're going to be increasing staffing through the city storm. recs and parks department has created an event they will be having here they are calling a day of play. a chance for families to get together and play a variety of sports. reed, back to you. >> i have never hit a volleyball in a cloud. [ laughter ] shawn chitnis, thank you so much. >> that sounds like the start of a poem that only reed cowan -- would write. well, this weekend cities all over the bay will be celebrating the planet and honor of earth day. tomorrow, there will be live entertainment and crafts and more at the san francisco
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zoo's earth fest. for oakland's earth day the higher ground neighborhood core is planting trees and enjoy exhibits and entertainment at ox bow commons on earth day napa 2024. there's also a community cleanout. and on monday, cbs news bare presents earth day, a special look at how bay area scientists and everyday people are working together to protect the planet. our earth day streaming special airs on the free cbs news app and on pluto tv. and tomorrow, we're bringing you back-to-back specials, first at 7:00 p.m., the first alert weather team is going to take a look back at this past winter. another year of wild weather that will leave a lasting impact around the bay area. then at 7:30, a cbs news climate watch special. we take a look at the species threatened by a changing planet and how scientists are protecting life on earth. so jessica, some really fascinating specials that we can look forward to here. absolutely. and i'm just going to tease ahead right now
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and actually talk about one of the ones that i participated in. it had to do with atmospheric rivers that we had in year. and i want to dive into that just a little bit more. we had over 51 atmospheric rivers hit our west coast throughout this past season. it was a very, very active season. bringing in plenty of rain widespread but was interesting enough is last year, we felt the impacts a lot more because a lot of those storm tracks were a lot more south close to san francisco. stretching down into l.. a. this year? well, they tended to be a lot more northward. so areas like the pacific northwest got hit a lot heavier but that's not to say that it's still not helping out the drought. i mean, california in total after that season is completely out of drought conditions. we're just 5% dry and you can see the range and locations of that down closer to yuma or stretching all the way up just north of shasta county and siskiyou county actually. so lots of changes from this winter season alone. heading into early spring. and now we're in the middle of spring and it definitely feels like it outside. gosh, we have
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had such beautiful weather this week. dry conditions all week long. not a drop of rain in sight and i was actually telling some people earlier, this kind of makes my job a little bit boring without crazy active storms but also very engaging too because what we can do is look at our long-range models and there's still a slight chance of showers as we head into early next week. mid next week actually. there's a system sitting well offshore out in the pacific that will bring in cooler weather for us into next week. but for now, we're still sitting little bit above average. for example, upper 70s once again near areas like livermore and fremont. low 70s today all the way down near fromont actually and upper 70s near livermore and down into the santa clara valley, just like yesterday, we're holding on tight to above average temperatures with partly cloudy skies in the forecast this morning. we're waking up a little bit of the haze near san jose that will start to clear up in the afternoon hours but we have some big changes in the forecast heading into next week. i'm excited to dive into that because we cool down a little bit. we see more clouds rolling in. and i'll have more on what that means for us right around the corner. for now over
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to you, reed. all right, ill take it from here, jess. we have an accident over in pleasanton on southbound 680 to report. chp is saying only the left lane is open. clean-up in the area can take until 6:00 this morning. so we're going to check back in to see when more of those lanes will reopen for you commuters. let's check in with our supercommuters over at the altamont pass. traffic is slowly starting to pick up for those coming out of tracy to get you on to 580 and you are going to see some brake lights here. but once you drive towards livermore, the roads are wide open. time now 35:20. straight ahead, what will happen to the warriors during the off-season? when they return, will the team look the same? up on the roof. as the drifters once sang. this is the view from our roof at the beautiful glistening lights of the bay bridge. maybe add that to your play list this morning. as you get ready for a beautiful weekend. it's 5:21. we'll be right back.
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dupixent helps prevent asthma attacks... and can even reduce or eliminate oral steroids. can you picture it? dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. get help right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines, including steroids, without talking to your doctor. who knows what you can do when you du more with less asthma. ask your doctor about dupixent. the most prescribed biologic for asthma. now taking a live look from san jose. you will have to wait until october for more sharks' hockey. the season is officially over. they were the only team in the nhl with less than 20 wins. since making it
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to the western conference final in 2019. the sharks have the worst record in the league. let's take you to calgary where the sharks wrapped up their season last night. it was a long night for los gatos native cooley in net. calgary put 37 shots on goal compared to just 17 for san jose. and calgary wins, 5-1. now let's take a live look over at oracle park. where the giants will play game two of their series with the diamondbacks tonight. first pitch there is at 7:15. and the giants showed last night why they can be dangerous in the nl west with their ace logan webb delivering a gem. he tossed seven scoreless innings against arizona and only gave up two hits with five strikeouts and he even retired 19 straight hitters at one point. the giants led just 1-0 going into the 8th but bats came alive for a four run inning and san francisco goes on to win 5-0. they're now 9-11 on the season. so now let's take a live
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look at chase center. it's a little blurry here. but behind there, i promise you, is chase. it's still stinging the warriors' season is already over. general manager mike dunleavy and the front office have a lot to talk about this off-season like will free agent klay thompson be back with the dubs. >> there's nothing that would make me think he wants to go somewhere else or we don't want him back. for that reason i think we can make something happen but it's a deal. both sides have to be good with it. but i think hopeful and optimistic. >> there's tremendous value in the three of them being warriors for life. it matters that kobe was a laker for life. i think it would be incredible if the three guys could play their whole careers here. >> that's what you call planting the seed. he's staying. listen. klay has been in the conversation of is he going to go and be a star for another team and another franchise? he's a star here. he may not be the main guy. but
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klay is the type of permit i act like i know him really well but he has the type of personality where he can kind of take that backseat to steph. to draymond on any night and there are nights where he is the star. and so the opportunity cost is happiness. staying here with the warriors. >> don't you feel like this formula was really cemented with stockton to malone out of utah? i remember, i grew up in the days and the whole thing about chemistry and the mix and blend of players. i think there's something to it. >> i mean when something is working, why mess with it. we all have bad days and off seasons. right? >> come on. stay. >> that's good. a new chant. >> hashtag. all right, time now 5:26. in our next hour mark willard from 95.7 the game is going to join us, i can't wait to hear his take on what the warriors is going to do. >> better have the dog behind him. we need to see what the dog is doing on friday. from dogs to doolittle pandas, flossing their teeth on bamboo on a friday. it's all
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about your dental health this morning. is there going to be a boon from beijing? in the form of a bear. mayor london breed thinks so. when you might be able to see pandas in san francisco. then here's a live look outside before we head to break. we'll be right back. (♪♪) i'm getting vaccinated with pfizer's pneumococcal pneumonia vaccine. so am i. because i'm at risk for pneumococcal pneumonia. come on. i already got a pneumonia vaccine, but i'm asking about the added protection of prevnar 20®.
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a perfect day for a family outing! shingles doesn't care. but shingrix protects. only shingrix is proven over 90% effective. shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingrix today. it is 5:30 on a friday morning and good morning,
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everybody. as you head in to 4/20 weekend once again. we've confirmed that cloud is not what you think it is. >> well, and we have confirmed, jessica, that oj and coffee is a thing. give us the details. reed doubted you. >> earlier we doubted you. i said look, oj and coffee you don't mix those because then you brush your teeth and it's gross but now you say what? >> it's a thing, thing, we googled it afterwards and we found out it's called what? oj espresso. we call it. espresso -- it's a thing. i mean, there was all these names oj sunshine. >> okay. so what you are telling me is i need to order an espresso shot to the studio. >> mix it with reed's orange juice and cheers to great weather, jess. absolutely. beautiful beautiful weather for us as we head into this weekend's forecast. it's still dry and it's still warm and we're sitting above average into the afternoon. a little bit closer to normal today compared to the past couple of days but i think it's worth noting that if you
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have any outdoor activities, this weekend, you are just dealing with some of the best weather we've had so far this year. partly cloudy skies as we wake up with a little bit of the haze just near the santa clara valley. we're waking up to the 40s and 50s and we're going to warm up in the 70s later into this afternoon. 70s off in the east bay. 60s near redwood city. and we're going to warm up in the 0s along the coastline near half-moon bay. 60s near san francisco. it's interesting. we've had a little bit of high pressure system kind of move in this week warming us up above average. it's starting to move away right now but we have another system moving in that's going to bring in more warm weather for us into early next week. more about that. high pressure is going to continue to build in just into our monday forecast. returning the 80s into pockets like san jose and concord into antioch and then once we head into late next week, suddenly a cold front returns into the bay area. that's going to bring in a lot cooler weather and also bring in a chance of showers in the forecast for us. we were talking about this earlier. we've had such an active
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season so far. i mean, over 51 atmospheric rivers hit the whole west coast. more on that coming up in a bit and how it impacted us in the state you know, drought and then on top of that, all the reservoirs too in the state as well. over to you. nicole. all right, thank you, jessica. i do have some traffic updates to get to that really are affecting your commutes this morning. all lanes currently closed in pleasanton for those of you wanting to take southbound 680. this is a little past the bernal avenue exit. caltrans crews are sweeping up some gravel from a spill that happened earlier this morning. chp is trying to have all the roads cleared by 6:00 a.m. taking this drive, maybe take the residential roads and some back roads which will save you more time and -- pack your patience as gianna would say. a lane is blocked on southbound 280 in san francisco. keep your eyes on your surroundings. as this is due to a stalled vehicle to avoid any further accidents over there. reed? all right, nicole. how is
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this for a legal headline? san francisco versus oakland in a courtroom near you. the cities by the bay clashing over oakland airport's plan to add san francisco bay to its name. san francisco doing what they said they might. they're suing. and anne makovec reports some feel despite the suit, the plan may already have taken off. take a look. >> reporter: neither of these airports is in san francisco. but they both claim the right to use the name. and now it's up to a federal court. >> we do think that this litigation is waste of taxpayer resources. if oakland had chosen to engage with us, we would not be here. >> reporter: while officials with the port of oakland say they're just trying to clear up confusion over their airport's location which sits on the san francisco bay, san francisco city attorney david clou says it could cause travel chaos. >> we are concerned about travelers who are going to miss their flights. have -- mishaps.
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suffer economic loss. we're concerned about the reputational damage to the bay area. when it comes to the travel experience. >> reporter: at least one airline azores has begun using the new name an the flight reservation system which david says means that sfo has already suffered economic harm. >> the name they have chosen, appears to be intentional to divert travelers that would otherwise be going to sfo. >> reporter: in a statement, the port of oakland said the renaming does not infringe upon sfo's mark. we will vigorously defend our right to claim our spot on the san francisco bay. we are standing up for oakland and our east bay community. but san francisco has owned and invested in the federaltrademar k for san francisco international airport for 70 years. and while the legal wrangling begins, the court of public opinion is already in session. oakland vice mayor kaplan posting recently -- how about if we call ours sunny side of the bay? and they can
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call theirs millbrae? which is where sfo is actually located. >> all right, anne, thanks for the update. also the update on the hush money trial against former president donald trump. a jury is seated and 12 new yorkers will determine the fate of the indicted former president for the first time in american history. jarred hill reports from new york the next step is to find six alternate jurors. >> reporter: a jury of seven men and five women have been chosen to decide the fate of former president donald trump in his manhattan criminal trial. though not without a little courtroom drama. judge merchan excused one previously seated juror, a nurse, who said she could no longer be impartial adding quote, aspects of my identity have already been out there in public. also dismanagersed juror number four after it emerged someone with the same name was onceallegedly raped. >> then have a problem with a juror that can cause a mistrial. >> reporter: the judge has now
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ordered members of the press not to report on the physical appearance of the jurors. >> whole world is watching this new york scam. >> reporter: outside of the courtroom thursday, trump showed off a stack of favorable nudes headlines while railing against the judge. the manhattan da, and the proceedings. >> it's a shame. and i'm sitting here for days now. from morning till night. and that freezing room, freezing. >> reporter: prosecutors claim trump has violated the judge's gag order more than seven times. pointing to his social media posts. the judge will hear arguments on that next week. time now for a look at this morning's other top stories. governor newsom is announcing new plans to get people off the streets. his new housing accountability unit will push cities to meet state housing targets or be held accountable. this comes after a recent audit failed the state failed to track whether $24 billion in homeless funding actually worked the state is also giving
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more money to help local governments on state property into temporary and permanent housing. on monday the supreme court is slated to hear a case that will directly impact how cities can address surging homeless populations. the justices will weigh arguments in an oregon case involving the homeless. and bans on where they play sleep. whether laws that punish homeless people for camping on public property are cruel and unusual. the state's housing crisis comes down to the same issue that we've been facing for years. cities just aren't building enough new housing units. california set a goal to build 2.5 million homes by 2030. but he says right now, we're on pace to fall well short of that goal. >> don't need me to tell you the crisis that we're in. when it comes to homelessness and when it comes to housing unaffordability in the state of california. we're in a full state of crisis. full state of emergency.
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>> ban that adds that the state will also focus on making sure renters are protected from unlawful evictions or discrimination. and with that, we begin celebration of community bridge builders and everyday heroes this time in foster city. we see and celebrate first responders and so did seven survivors at a very special ceremony here. these people say because of the first responders that serve on our streets, times of need, they're allye. and thankful. listen. >> i just wanted to say that i would not be alive here without first responders. so two great people happened to be there at the right time. >> she was there. she got up and she grabbed that aed and she saved my life. >> beautiful. makes us all remember that it's important to say thank you. fire officials credit a chain of helpers working together to get these life-saving endings.
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get ready for pandamonium. san francisco mayor breed's trip to china has delivered a win. soon the be home to giant pandas. the san francisco zoo last hosted giant pandas in the mid 1980s. and they are so cute, reed. >> yes, they are. time right now 5:39 in the morning. elon musk says he's sorry. what's behind this rare apology and who he's saying he's sorry to. ♪ maybe we should just change friday to taylor swift day. we knew taylor swift was releasing a new album today but she had an extra surprise for fans. plus, how the world of education may help you become a certified swiftie.
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we're looking for adults 45 and under to be in our hpv vaccination ad. sound like you? nah...not me. in a relationship. if you're sexually active and unvaccinated, it could still be you. i'm too old if you're under 45, you're not. for most people, hpv clears on its own. but for those who don't clear the virus, it can cause certain cancers. wow... gardasil 9 is a vaccine given to adults through age 45 that can help protect against certain hpv-related cervical, vaginal, vulvar, anal, and certain head and neck cancers, such as throat and back of mouth cancers, and genital warts. gardasil 9 doesn't protect everyone and doesn't treat cancer or hpv infection. these diseases may have many causes. your doctor may recommend screening for certain hpv-related cancers. routine cervical cancer screenings are still needed.
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you shouldn't get gardasil 9 if you're allergic to the vaccine, its ingredients, or yeast. tell your doctor if you have a weakened immune system, are pregnant, or plan to be. the most common side effects include injection site reactions, headache, fever, nausea, dizziness, tiredness, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and sore throat. fainting can also happen. help protect yourself against certain hpv-related cancers. talk to a doctor or pharmacist today. it's time now for the money watch report. hyundai motor company is the latest major brand to pause its advertising on x. formerly twitter, due to anti-semitism. an ad from the automaker reportedly appeared next to an anti-semitic and pro hitler post. a spokesperson says the company is speaking with x directly about the brand's
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safety to ensure that this issue is addressed. the head of business operations at x said the company has since suspended the account that was related to the ad. meanwhile, the owner of x elon musk is apologizing after he said some tesla employees received incorrect severance packages. the employees had recently been laid off. the tesla ceo said the company is making sure the problem is corrected immediately. earlier this week, musk announced tesla is preparing to lay off at least 10% of its global work force. all right, listen up. if you have tickets to sacramento's soul bloom music festival. there's something you need to know. a question whether the quest value will actually happen. t-minus two weeks until the first act and there's major confusion this morning. the festival's website telling vendors that the event has been postponed until fall. however, ticketholders are saying that's news to them. leaders up north say discovery park is just not ready to host a major music festival. ticketholders just want to know how to plan
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their summers. >> to have no communication or any social media updates for months on end, you know, it's kind of concerning. >> so what's wrong at the park? apparently it's still flooded from winter rains and we reached out for you to festival organizers but so far, no response. ♪ ♪ swifties rejoice. taylor swift has released her latest album "the tortured poets department" and a major surprise for her fans it's actually a double album with 31 tracks. it features post malone and rock band florence and the machine. this is the singer's 11th studio album. >> what do we think of the cover. >> i think it's -- i know, getting us ready for the weekend. what do you think of the cover? >> i just don't like when she like cut her face off. >> why don't you like that? >> i don't know. just this whole conversation about i don't know. how we portray bodies of women and when you cut the face off it depermizes
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and just puts the focus on the body. >> what? >> many gender role classes i have been in. i don't love that. i want to see her face and eyes and impact. >> i was just looking at like the outfit and i thought it looked great and i like the black and white and thought service sexy. >> sorry. deep questions 5:45 in the morning. >> i'm glad you brought that up. i don't know if -- >> and depressed you. >> i don't know if 10, 12-year-olds are thinking that. >> wake them up. let's have the conversation. >> i like the black and white though and kind of reminds me of madonna. like a g rated. back in the day. >> very tortured poet. >> okay. taylor swift's cultural impact goes far beyond her music and record-breaking tours. it's now entering get this, college classrooms. joeling kent went to uc berkeley to find out more. >> reporter: only work if i have a good product to market. >> reporter: you might not expect a business school course to begin like this. ♪ >> reporter: but at uc
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berkeley, taylor swift is not just a tortured poet. she's a case study in how to build an empire. >> taylor swift is a phenomenon and her tour has essentially like revitalized so much of the economy and boosted the local economy everywhere she goes. >> reporter: undergrad sophia. taylor's version. >> her song writing ability is what gives her her competitive edge in the industry. >> reporter: to 44 fellow students. >> taylor is so strategic and all the things she does. when you think of a bland that's all they ever want. they want loyal customers and that's what taylor has. >> there's a reason top institutions are studying that. they know this is like a trend. >> reporter: universities nationwide are teaching the swift effect in departments from english to political science to gender studies. >> welcome to the eras tour. >> reporter: swift's successes and failures are part of the syllabus. like the battle to regain control of her master recordings. >> we've also learned about some of the implications she's
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had on legal issues such as artist rights and ticketing legislation which has been really impactful as well because that's not something you see every day. >> reporter: still, we wonder with so much tuition on the line. >> how did your family react. >> my parents were superthrilledded and my mom took me to 1989 concert. >> they were like you have to take this class, if it's not now, never. right? >> reporter: and swift now has some students thinking even bigger. >> incredibly fearless in the ways in which she doesn't mind taking creative risks. to me it's like -- climbing the corporate ladder and end up as the manager in five years. >> reporter: you think you might take more risks a la taylor swift because of this organization? >> yes. >> reporter: i'm doing a little research here on the album cover. >> because you know, i think there's -- a broader -- >> forget the classroom. >> a broader discussion, that was great too. but the underwear, the high waisted
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briefs that swift is wearing. are -- $790 for those -- underoos. >> can i say that on tv. >> on "people" magazine a whole article about the album cover. instead of more like the stylist and the approach to why we dressed her like we did. >> more power to you taylor. more courses apparently. taking a live look outside on this friday morning. and old man like me just needs to go for a walk after that just in time for earth day. nature putting on a show in iceland. >> absolutely take a look at the stunning time lapse video behind me this morning showing a volcano in the southwest iceland region erupting with the northern lights as a backdrop. just stop and dear at this for the rest of the day. a volcano chaser captured the image. the blue-green flashes and the volcano spewing ash in the smoke. the volcano on the peninsula has been active for 28 days. wild to think about. and wild to see too. that
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imagery is just absolutely stunning. back here in the bay area, we go now. it has been a beautiful dry, mild week for us. we have every opportunity to head out there and just take advantage of the forecast. because we've been dealing with some of the best weather so far this year. some of the warmest weather too. gosh, we hit the 80s again this week. all throughout our inland areas. like antioch and concord and stretching down into the santa clara valley and that's thanks to high pressure sitting just offshore, today we're a little bit closer to average and that's in just a second. that will be the case for us tomorrow with some passing clouds in the forecast for us. and then more high pressure returns into the bay area by early next week. that warms us up once again and that continues our little dry break. now it's a big dry break we've had for some time and that is going the last as we head into next week as well. keep a close eye on that though because we have a little bit of a system moving in that could potentially bring in a splash of showers to the north bay by late next week. but let's focus on the weekend. this is one of the first beautiful stretches of weeks we've had where weather is dry and wind
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are light and of course temperatures are above average. we're sitting in the 70s today near livermore. fremont upper 60s near redwood city. and for the friends stretching down into the santa clara valley just like yesterday still about five, ten degrees above average in the 70s in the afternoon hours and see the live look right now? all throughout the santa clara valley. this is painting a good picture what we can expect in the afternoon. mix of sun and clouds throughout the afternoon hours today. we'll continue to see that trend into our weekend forecast. and so let's talk about the weekend. right around the corner gosh, we have a little bit of cooldown as we head into next week and by late next week notice the 60s returning into the bay area. but we still have high pressure moving in first bringing in sunnier skies for us sunday and monday. so lots of changes in the new york city and continue to update youen that and for now over to you, nicole. all right, jess coo, we need to get our commuters caught up on some dicey traffic out there. checking back in on southbound 680 in pleasanton. the road is still closed between bernal avenue and the sunol road exit. you can see
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this is become one of the main hotspots this morning. take the roads back on residential areas is probably the best bet. if you are headed towards san jose i mean, just you know, find different ways to get to where you need to go. because this is not the way. we also want to take you over to highway 84 as well. overall the roads you can see a bit of brake lights on southbound 880 in hayward now between the tennyson and industrial boulevard exit. and a little bit -- pardon me -- little bit more slow conditions -- not 4/20 for me. it's called seasonal allergies, reed. appearing on the maps as more people head out the door on this friday morning. ♪ i left my heart in san francisco ♪ you can just close your eyes and picture the trolley cars right? it is one of the
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soundtracks of san francisco. tony bennett. leaving his heart and art collections from a nothing dims my light like a migraine. with nurtec odt, i found relief. the only migraine medication that helps treat and prevent, all in one. to those with migraine, i see you. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. don't take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. it's time we all shine.
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talk to a healthcare provider about nurtec odt from pfizer. did my legs shrink? i can move them. i mean, i knew alaska airlines' premium class had extra legroom but this... this feels different. okay. crazy idea. on the count of 3... i'm going to try and cross my... ohhhhhhhhhhh boyy that's nice. woooooo! ( ♪♪ ) oooh! i can't wait for this family getaway! shingles doesn't care. shingles is a painful, blistering rash that can last for weeks. ahhh, there's nothing like a day out with friends. that's nice, but shingles doesn't care! 99% of adults 50 years or older already have the virus that causes shingles inside them, and it can reactivate at any time. a perfect day for a family outing! guess what? shingles doesn't care.
5:55 am
but shingrix protects. only shingrix is proven over 90% effective. shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. shingles doesn't care. but shingrix protects. ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingrix today.
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♪ ♪ dixie bets the co-founder of the legendary southern rock group the alman brothers has died at the age of 80. his longtime manager says betts passed away at his home in florida yesterday. betts wrote and song on the group's biggest hit "rambling man." the allman brothers were inducted into the the rock & roll hall of fame in 1995. ♪ climb halfway to the stars, the morning fog ♪ hey, i see you out there dancing in your bathrobe. your slippers. legendary artist tony bennett left his heart in san francisco and right now you hear his voice in his home. many of the love treasures now we can tell you were left to sell at a new york auction. we're talking about hundreds of the artist's paintings and his watches and even letters
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from presidents and other historic figures up for sale. and a huge piece of history was a letter from the reverend dr. martin luther king jr. thanking tony bennett for entertaining protesters during that history making change making selma to montgomery march. >> the best thing about that letter is we not only have the envelope with some of his math equations where he's doodling on the envelope like we do, only it's martin luther king jr.'s envelope but we also have the postscript in his hand saying how great it was to see him. >> bennett sold more than 50 million records worldwide and won 20 grammys before passing away last summer at the age of 96. just quintessential night out in san francisco. right? >> i adore tony bennett and i don't know it reminds me of my father. and i don't know if it's because they're the same age. or used to listen to that music. like with my father. but every time he sings and of course san francisco, going to university of san francisco, born and raised here, but every time he sings there is just
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this peace that is brought to me. >> he was a true gentleman until the very end. time now 5:57. it's game time, reed. where are the warriors going to go from here? will klay be back? mark willard from 9 7 ♪♪ when you have moderate—to—severe eczema, it's okay to show off. with dupixent, show off your clearer skin and less itch. because you have plenty of reasons to show off your skin. with dupixent, the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, you can stay ahead of your eczema. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema to help heal your skin from within. many adults saw 90% clearer skin. some even achieved long—lasting clearer skin and fast itch relief after first dose. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection.
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the pragmatic, calculated kind of boring. moving to boca? boooring. that was a dolphin, right? it's simple really, for nearly 160 years, pnc bank has had one goal: to be brilliantly boring with your money so you can be happily fulfilled with your life... which is pretty un-boring if you think about it. thank you, boring. ( ♪♪ ) feel the power of osteo bi-flex®. taken every day, it's clinically shown to improve joint comfort in 7 days, with significant improvement over time. ( ♪♪ ) thank you soft for joining us this morning. it's friday, april 19th. >> friday. say it again? oh. >> friday word of


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