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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 6am  CBS  April 19, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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the pragmatic, calculated kind of boring. moving to boca? boooring. that was a dolphin, right? it's simple really, for nearly 160 years, pnc bank has had one goal: to be brilliantly boring with your money so you can be happily fulfilled with your life... which is pretty un-boring if you think about it. thank you, boring. ( ♪♪ ) feel the power of osteo bi-flex®. taken every day, it's clinically shown to improve joint comfort in 7 days, with significant improvement over time. ( ♪♪ ) thank you soft for joining us this morning. it's friday, april 19th. >> friday. say it again? oh. >> friday word of the day.
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>> let's get it started, people. >> there was no reason to detain him, let alone kill him. the apd took a calm situation and made it fatal. >> officers charged in the custody death of mario gonzalez. embattled alameda county district attorney pamela price does what she said she would do in reopening the case. we do think that this litigation is a waste of taxpayer resources. if oakland had chosen to engage with us, we would not be here. >> lawsuit off the ground. san francisco gets legal over an oakland plan to brand the east bay airport with the name san francisco legal eagles feel is protected property. 4/20 is on in san francisco. there's more things to do and more places to go than ever before. >> weed week? san francisco. what's ahead for the weekend and the changes that could have you finding other options. ♪ and taylor swift surprises with another album. why music writers call it daggers wrapped up in a lullaby. and a black
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and white photo of swiftie wearing $750 underpants and a ysl top. that's how you start a weekend. >> that is a way to start a weekend and an expensive understood wear. good morning, everybody, i'm reed cowan. and i think mine are like $5.99. >> oh my gosh. are we -- divulging too much on this friday morning? well, here's the thing. you are going to be in your underwear outside this weekend because it is going to be hot. not a lot of layers here in the bay area. it's going to be a beautiful weekend yet again. i mean, we've had day after day. jessica, is this going to continue like do we actually have any sort of rain or bad weather in the forecast? >> wait, i think nicole's neighbors are going to be watching her close this weekend. [ laughter ] right? no. and first things first no, nicole. second things second, elaborate on that, reed. >> we were just talking about the underwear comment. how -- we're all going to be going
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out well, reed is going to be going out shirtless and gardening in his beautiful weather. >> oh reed. i'm sure your neighbors going to love that. >> call the police a quick look at what's beginning on outside. >> at least you are going get a tan. we are expecting mostly sunny skies in this weekend's forecast and the haze still over the santa clara valley and partly cloudy skies above us. we are off to a cool, mild start with another day of above average temperatures. just a little bit more mild compared to yesterday. yesterday we were still talking about 80s down into the santa clara valley and off in the east bay. this afternoon now we're having 70s in the forecast for us which you are not going to notice too much of a difference. so this beautiful spring almost summer-like weather for some of us here in the bay area, based on which microclimate you live in is going to continue as we head into next week's forecast. making your day-to-day life really convenient and making myday-to-day life not as exciting. i love the active storms we were just dealing with earlier of course but it's nice to kind of finally take a break from all of that
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active weather right? i mean we had 51 atmospheric rivers hit the whole west coast this season. it has been a busy season and now we have a lot of high pressure building its way in. heading into early next week. just like what we have this week and that's going to keep us dry and warm and it's going to keep the storm track away from us. we're going to be left with beautiful weather to get out there and find some new activities outside. maybe check out gardening liable reed is going to be doing this weekend. now as we head into next week, there's a slight, slight chance of showers in the forecast for us. but that doesn't happen until late thursday, friday of next week. so i'm going to have more on that in a bit. other than that enjoy the dry week ahead of us. i want to catch you up on something that really presented a problem about an hour ago. in pleasanton, for those of you wanting to take southbound 680, all lanes are currently closed between the bernal avenue and sunol road exits. so we have caltrans crews currently out there sweeping up some gravel that was a spill from an
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accident earlier this morning but chp mentioned they're going to try and get this open this hour. we're going to check back in but right now, you see a lot of red there before these lanes are reopened. so it's going to be a really slow drive for those of you heading towards the south bay. some other brake lights can be seen over on westbound 80 and emeryville approaching the bay bridge. for those entering san francisco so as gianna would say, reed, pack your patience on this friday morning. all right, thank you so much. right to what looks to be a major escalation in the middle east. israel has fired a barrage of missiles and drones on iran. following iran and their firing uniserial over the weekend. a u.s. official describing this as retaliatory act and saying it is limited. no nuclear targets hit in iran. meanwhile, iran just downplaying the strike there telling their people they shot down what they call mini drones and they're showing video on television there in iran. saying it's just a normal friday everybody. people watching this mideast experts say this response by
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iran might be part of a broader strategy to sort of minimize this and de-escalate. >> that seems to indicate that iran is seeking to step down off the ledge, minimize the impact of the attack and perhaps walk back down the escalation ladder from here. >> president biden didn't want this escalation and we're now getting the first indication and look u.s. response this morning. secretary of state antony blinken is in it little right now and he was asked whether israel gay iran any warning about this. and she declined to confirm any knowledge of that. he is meeting with the leaders today and he is not blinking about this. he says here's your headline from the united states. we are not involved in any offensive operations. nicole? well, let's go closer to home. to scott park in alameda. comes after new charges were filed against three alameda county police officers over her son's death. three years ago
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today, mario gonzalez was pinned to the ground in that east bay park. the officers trying to arrest him held him down for several minutes before he fell unconscious and died. hi death prompted protestst and calls for justice and last night, alameda county district attorney pamela price announced new charges against the officers involved. here's andrea nakano. >> hey, hey, do me a favor, mario. >> reporter: this happened in april of 2021. officers were looking into a case of a possible theft in the area as they tried to question mario gonzalez. it led to a scuffle and the 26-year-old man was forced to lay face down on the ground. family members spoke out after the incident, wondering how this can happen to their loved one. >> there was no reason to detain him, let alone kill him. the apd took a calm situation and made it fatal. >> reporter: the three officers now face involuntary manslaughter charges that can
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carry a sentence of up to four years in state prison. >> this is not a great day for the city of alameda. for the county of alameda. or for the family of mr. gonzalez. >> reporter: price says these charges came about after her public accountability unit had a second look at the case. she wouldn't say what the pau found to warrant these charges being filed three years after gonzalez's death. >> i can't comment on that. i can't comment on that. the matter is pending before the court. and so the details of how the pau came to this decision and particularly what my predecessor did. >> reporter: michael haddad, who represented gonzalez's now 7-year-old son, won an $11 million settlement in a civil case against the city of alameda. he couldn't do an on-camera interview, but told us these are appropriate charges. haddad added, after the civil judgment, he handed over his case in a vote that
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had the evidence needed to pursue criminal charges. while da price made the announcement, she says she had nothing to do with the decision to prosecute the officers and will continue to wall herself off from this case. another matter she couldn't elaborate on. >> it was a decision that i made. it is a -- technical matter and i'm not able to speak on it at this time. >> reporter: two of the officers remain on paid administrative leave with the alameda police department. the other has left for another agency. >> so what does this mean@effort to recall price as da? we asked usf professor of politics james taylor for his take. >> unless i am misreading her, she's doubled down on who she originally was that -- prompted the recall. by charging these three officers. she's on the wrong side of the recall of -- forces. so in that -- light, i think she's suggesting she's ready for a fight. and she is willing to fight and this is
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almost a middle finger to her opposition and to those that would disagree with her. >> it's now up to the board of supervisors to decide when to hold a recall election. well, the man accused in a mass shooting at two farms in half-moon bay will face a judge today. hundredly saw maintains he is not guilty of seven counts of first degree murder and one count of attempted murder. investigator says he opened fire after getting into a dispute with the supervisor over get this. just a $100 forklift repair bill. after the deaths our community might finally see some solutions. here's the headline this morning. the sfmta rust yes leased this man to change the three way crossing over at ulloa street and west portal avenue and force drivers to move quite possibly will protect pedestrians. there's though some business blowback as we went out to cover this story. some complaints about how this could affect parking
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for customers in that area. one salon owner told us the change would make it difficult for drivers to reach the street where she works. >> if that's coming, then it's going to hurt all of us. it's going to hurt all of us. i can tell you almost every business owner in this area is against it. >> well, the counterpoint from traffic bosses is the existing street design is more than 100 years old and the changes prioritize people trying to head to the commercial district rather than people cutting through the neighborhood. if this goes through you will see the changes in the summer. time right now 6:10 in the morning. it's friday everybody. and over the weekend, we all have an opportunity to reset to take better care of the earth. it's an opportunity not only to have gratitude but live gratitude every day. shawn? >> reporter: reed, good morning. we're here at the robin williams meadow inside golden gate park where normally, we see a large 4/20 celebration but not this year, we'll explain coming up. here's a live look outside before we head to break on this
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friday. just waking up, and you are headed out the door, you have one more day and then the weekend is here and it's going to be a great weekend here
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did my legs shrink? i can move them. i mean, i knew alaska airlines' premium class had extra legroom but this... this feels different. okay. crazy idea. on the count of 3... i'm going to try and cross my... ohhhhhhhhhhh boyy that's nice. woooooo! ( ♪♪ ) taking a live look at san francisco. this weekend wraps up the first ever san francisco weed week. and it's a series of events to build on the annual celebration of cannabis april 20th or 4/20 but this
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year won't be an official 4/20 at hippie hill. organizers just couldn't get the money to put the event on. so it might drive cannabis fans to dispensaries around the bay. and i have a sneaking suspicion some people still will end up there. shawn chitnis is live this morning at golden gate park with more on the outlook for the industry and shawn, i just kind of wonder if for nostalgia sake people won't still show up a little bit. >> reporter: hey reed, good morning. well, at least right now. we have robin williams meadow almost all to ourselves. but yeah, i think you are right. we know that san francisco police are planning for that. they are actually going to be upping their staffing this weekend for a variety of 4/20 event throughout the city. but let's talk about what is happening here. there won't be able to have that event because of financial reasons and we know the industry as a whole is having some challenges as well. they might say that it is in transition. but still those who love cannabis say that the years ahead are looking good. joseph snow says it's an exciting time for a new
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cannabis business like his to showcase their products and help develop their brand during san francisco weed week. >> there's definitely a lot of saturation, but because we bet on quality and we didn't bet on quantity when it came to our production, for us, it hasn't affected us quite the same. >> reporter: joseph says his company snowtill is able to create a higher quality cannabis grown indoors by using a better soil that makes the plant healthier. >> it is definitely very competitive and cutthroat, but i think sometimes in those environments, some of the best products really do come out and stand out. >> reporter: while many people are used to seeing the large crowds inside golden gate park on 4/20, this year the event won't happen. weed week hopes to give cannabis lovers and the city a chance to see what else the industry has to offer with events all week long, including on 4/20. like this art exhibition made up of cannabis bags open every day. >> there's this huge forward movement we've never had before. so we're excited to see how this groundswell of like public support and people
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understanding how powerful this plant is, is literally transforming the world. >> reporter: business leaders say the momentum toward legalization and new advances in how they use the plant are only adding to the energy for weed week. but financial challenges aren't just affecting the organizers of hippie hill on 4/20. the industry as a whole has its struggles in this economy. >> every day is still a battle for it. we're in the middle of a market correction. i think by the end of this year, you will see a lot of brands disappear and a lot of brands really establish themselves. >> reporter: weed week hopes to be a boost to neighborhoods like soma, by bringing more people out during the day to meet growers and other industry professionals and in the evenings for cannabis parties. >> there's more things to do and more places to go than ever before. >> reporter: lower prices and higher quality products were the promise of those who grow the plant and believe it has a bright future in san francisco and beyond. and so what we do
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know is that officially there will be an event here that's in partnership with the recs and parks department. they're calling it a day of play a chance to play volleyball and kick ball but reed as you say, some people may not get the message and show up here, police are prepared for that as well they say. back to you. >> all right, thank you so much shawn. and good luck to the dog playing frisbee right there behind you. [ laughter ] we love seeing that. well, this weekend cities all over the bay will be celebrating the planet in honor of earth day and tomorrow a live event and crafts and more at the san francisco zoo's earth fest. for oakland's earth day the higher ground neighborhood development corps is planting trees and enjoy exhibits and entertainment at ox bow commons for earth day napa 2024. there's also a community clean-up. and on monday, cbs news bay area presents earth day. it's a special look at how bay area scientists and everyday people are working together to protect the planet. our earth day
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streaming special airs on, the free cbs news app and on pluto tv and tomorrow we're bringing you back-to-back specials. first at 7:00 p.m., the first alert weather team takes a look back at this past winter. another year of wild weather that will leave a lasting impact around the bay area and then at 7:30, a cbs news climate watch special. we take a look at the species threatened by a changing planet and how scientists are protecting life on earth. jessica, two really important specials to watch. i mean, climate change, the species that are affected and then of course locally what you guys had to deal with. especially during that winter season which is just unforgettable when it comes to some of the atmospheric rivers that we experienced. but interestingly enoughnyny you watch it tomorrow, please do. i dived really deep into the atmospheric rivers we had this season alone and it was a very active season. we might have not noticed too much here in the bay area, on our day-to-day, but up into the pacific northwest, i mean, in
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total, the whole west coast had over 51 atmospheric rivers that impacted all of us and one way or the other. but really the storm track this year was a lot more to the north. close to seattle all the way down into portland as well. but hey, that rain still helped us here in the bay area. here all throughout the state of california. we are out of drought conditions and we still have about less than 5% of dry conditions in the state. but this is such improvement and i mean last year we had an amazing rain season. this year, we got a repeat of that. we're above average here in the bay. and that's the reason why i could say this so casually. we can finally enjoy this dry break and we actually don't even have to worry about it. still above average for the rest of the rainfall season so far here in the bay area and high pressure sitting just offshore keeping us nice and warm and dry as we head into the rest of the week, better yet dive into the forecast for us throughout the afternoon today. we're going to be sitting a little bit above average thanks to that system still mix of sun and clouds in the forecast throughout all the day today. so it's not going to be the most sunny day for all of us in the bay area. for example, our coastline are see a little bit more cloud
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coverage compared to some of inland areas like the santa clara valley behind me there. but it's also worth noting that we are still sitting above average for our daytime highs. and it is going to continue to stay warm as we head into next week. so 70s down near san jose. we'll actually turn into 80s as early as next monday and taking a look at the inland forecast stretching into next week, notice how these 70s quickly turn into 60s once -- actually better yet 70s turn into 80s real fast and then drop off in the 60s late next week. but a slight chance of showers in the forecast for us as early as thursday into friday. but we'll keep a close eye on that for now over to you, nicole. all right, thank you, jessica. so let's take a look at the roadways here and get a look at different views of the bay area. we look at the bay bridge. and the metering lights are on but look at that. traffic you know, is bunching up here and there. but usually when the metering lights are on, we see a lot more congestion. so slow speeds continue as commuters make it across the upper deck. we're seeing a bit of brake lights on
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westbound 92 on the san mateo bridge. okay, this looks more normal for a friday morning at 6:21. caltrans did close a lane in order to help a stalled vehicle on the right. so that's making traffic even worse here. for now, a bit slow as you make your way towards highway 101. time now 6:21. straight ahead, what will happen to the warriors during the off-season? and when they return, will the team still look the same? we'll be right b hi, i'm tali and i lost 85 pounds on golo. i started golo because i was diabetic and my a1c and cholesterol were high. the minute i started taking the golo release, i knew it was working. i was not hungry, and i did not have any cravings. since losing weight with golo, i'm healthier now than i've ever been, and my doctor is thrilled. golo is so much more than weight loss, it's gonna give you your life back.
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now taking a live look at oracle park. where the giants will play game two of their series with the diamondbacks tonight. first pitch 7:15. and the giants showed last night why they can be dangerous in the nl west. with their ace logan webb delivering an absolute gem. he tossed seven scoreless innings against arizona only giving up two hits with five strikeouts. even retired 19 straight hitters at one point. the giants led just 1-0 going into the 8th inning but their bats came alive and san francisco goes on to win. 5-0. well, it's still stinging the warriors' season is already over. general manager mike dunleavy and the front office have a lot to talk about
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this off-seasonlike the big question will free agent klay thompson will back with the dubs. >> for that reason, i'm hopeful we can make it happen. but you know, it's -- a deal. both sides got to be good with it. and we'll work through that. but i think -- you know, hopeful and optimistic. >> i do think there's tremendous value in the three of them being warriors for life. it matters that kobe was a laker for life. that -- that's meaningful to the laker franchise and i think it would be incredible if the three guys played their whole careers here. >> like 99.9% sure that klay thompson is staying. i just -- >> you have a feeling. >> well, i used to you know, host a radio show with ric bucher who's an nba analyst and we had this discussion for years ability klay thompson and where he fits in to this nba landscape. sure he could be the bigger star somewhere else but just seems like the type. he's happy. they're successful. yes, they had the off year and it was embarrassing and how they lost to the kings but that's life. he likes playing
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with draymond and he likes playing with steph. this is the warriors' identity and when you are happy like why would you mess it up? he has not indicated he's not happy. >> i want to talk to his agent and say come on what's really happening here? i think soon enough for sure. time now 6:26. our next half hour, we're going to find out what mark willard has to say. willard from 95.7 the game is going to join us with his take on what the warriors will do. and a potential boon from beijing. when you mine able to see pandas in san francisco. here's a live look outside while you floss your teeth. look outside everybody and look up. it's a beautiful day. we hope you -- know that you are a part of all
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6:30 in the morning and look at that gorgeous view everybody. it is friday. you made it to whatever you faced this week. and now we can start planning our weekends and i think that's a message in the sky for all of us. it's going to be a good one. all right, let's bring in jess. jess, so beautiful that shot. >> it really is. so much so that i actually have it pulled up behind me. let's dive into this. as the sup starts to rise over the santa clara valley, we are waking up to that blanket of clean of thin clouds that will bleed off as we head into
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this afternoon. but it's worth noting it is beautiful. just above that cloud layer if only you can see it from below. as we wake up we're going to see that sunrise continue to build over the bay area. warming us up into the 70s later today. near san jose. and los gatos. we're actually warming up into the 70s off in the east bay near livermore all the way off into antioch too. 60s in the heart of san francisco. 60s in the heart of oakland and across the bay bridge. and notice we're underneath that cloud layer and definitely gloomy right now for many of us here in the bay. i'm going to drop the temperatures and i want to talk about what's happening for us as we head into this weekend. and then into early next week too. because there's some big changes in the forecast. taking a look outside right now, and little tiny area of low pressure sitting just over us and our temperatures are near normal but we're still sitting gist a little bit above average today. lasting into our forecast tomorrow and then we get a little bit of a warm-up even more so as we head into next week as high pressure continues to build in from offshore. that's the big reason why we've been dealing with dry weather this week. warm temperatures this week and of course just a beautiful
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opportunity to get out there and get some fresh air, now heading into next week let's pick on san jose real fast. notice a bit of a warm-up and then a big cooldown down into the 60s on thursday. that's what i'm keeping a close eye on right now and the reason why is because it's a cold front moving in and there could be a chance of showers with it. but right now, our models are still trending relatively dry. more on that coming up in a bit. for now over to you, nicole. >> how dare you say the word, showers, jess? to the traffic, all lanes now open on southbound 680 in pleasanton. this is after commuters dealt with a semihighway closure in order for caltrans to just clean up that gravel spill. that stemmed from an accident earlier this morning. slow speeds still tracked here as they recover from sitting in that standstill traffic. it was miserable. let's also get a check in with our supercommuters at the altamont pass. if you are planning on taking westbound 205. it's a bit heavy as you get on to 580. a normal scene for those of you coming out of tracy just to get to livermore there. reed? well, how is this for a
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legal headline in the morning? san francisco v. oakland in a courtroom near you. the cities by the bay are clashing over the plan to add san francisco bay to its name there on the signs in oakland and san francisco as promised they're suing. and anne makovec is though looking into this. the plan for oakland may already have taken off despite the suit. >> reporter: neither of these airports is in san francisco. but they both claim the right to use the name. and now it's up to a federal court. >> we do think that this litigation is a waste of taxpayer resources. if oakland had chosen to engage with us, we would not be here. >> reporter: while officials with the port of oakland say they're just trying to clear up confusion over their airport's location, which sits on the san francisco bay, san francisco city attorney david chiu says it could cause travel chaos. >> we are concerned about travelers who are going to miss their flights. have -- mishaps. suffer economic loss. we're concerned about the
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reputational damage to the bay area when it comes to the travel experience. >> reporter: at least one airline, azores, has begun using the new name on their flight reservation system which chiu says means that sfo has already suffered economic harm. >> the name that they have chosen appears to be intentional to divert travelers that would otherwise be going to sfo. >> reporter: in a statement, the port of oakland said the renaming does not infringe upon sfo's mark. we will vigorously defend our right to claim our spot on the san francisco bay. we are standing up for oakland and our east bay community. but san francisco has owned and invested in the federal trademark for san francisco international airport for 70 years. and while the legal wrangling begins, the court of public opinion is already in session. oakland vice mayor rebecca kaplan posting recently -- how about if we call ours sunny side of the bay? and they can call theirs millbrae? which is where sfo is actually
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located. >> oh. so fascinating to see this play out. meanwhile, an update on the hush money trial against donald trump. a jury is seated and 12 new yorkers will now determine the fate of an indicted former president for the first time in american history. cbs' jarred hill reports the next step is finding six alternate jurors. >> reporter: a jury of seven men and five women have been highwayen to decide the fate of former president donald trump in his manhattan criminal trial. though not without little courtroom drama. judge merchan excused one previously seated juror. a nurse, who said she could no longer be impartial adding quote, aspects of my identity have already been out there in public. the judge also dismissed juror number four. after it i merged that someone with the same name was once arrested for allegedly ripping down conservative politicalposters according to prosecutors. >> you don't want to go through six weeks and all the expense of this and then have a problem with a juror that can
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cause a mistrial. >> reporter: the judge now ordered members of the press not to report on the physical appearance of the jurors. >> whole world is watching this new york scam. >> reporter: outside of the courtroom thursday, trump showed off a stack of favorable news headlines while rail against the judge. the manhattan da, and the proceedings. >> it's a shame. and i'm sitting here for days now. from morning till night. in that freezing room. freezing. >> reporter: prosecutors claim trump has violated the judge's gag order more than seven times. pointing to his social media posts. the judge will hear arguments on that next week. it's time now for a look at this morning's other top stories. governor newsom is announcing new plans to get people off the streets. his new housing accountability unit will push cities to meet state housing targets or be held accountable. this comes after a recent audit found that the state failed to track whether $24 billion in homeless funding actually worked. the state is also giving $200 million to
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help local governments move people in homeless encampments on state property into temporary and permanent housing. on monday, the supreme court is slated to hear a case that will directly impact how cities can address surging homeless populations. the justices will weigh arguments in an oregon case involving the homeless and bans on where they may sleep. dispute involves whether laws that punish homeless people for camping on public property are cruel and unusual. california attorney general rob bonta says the state's housing crisis comes down to the same issue we've had for years. cities just aren't building enough new housing units. california set a goal to build 2.5 million homes by 2030. but he says right now, we're on pace to fall well short of that goal. >> you don't need me to tell you the crisis that we're in. when it comes to homelessness and housing unaffordability in the state of california. we're
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in a full state of crisis, full state of emergency. >> bonta adds the state also focus on making sure renters are protected from unlawful evictions or discrimination. well, look at this. we are celebrating community bridge builders and everyday heroes, this time in foster city. you know, we see and celebrate you first responders and so did seven survivors at a very special ceremony. the people who are here say that they are alive because of those who serve on our streets at times of need. and they're thank. listen. >> i just wanted to say that i wouldn't be alive here without first responders. so the two right people happened to be there at the right time. >> she was there. she got up and she grabbed that aed and she start -- she saved my life. >> fire officials credit a chain of helpers working together to get these life-saving endings. all right. get ready for
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some cuteness. it is pandemonium. san francisco mayor breed's trip to china delivered a win everybody. the city's zoo will soon be home to giant pandas. breed made the announcement from beijing. no word yet on when the pandas could arrive. the san francisco zoo last hosted giant pandas back in the mid 1980s. >> that's a bare area, bay area bounce-back. elon musk saying i'm sorry. what's behind what is likely a rare apology to some former employees in his work to make it right musk style. plus. ♪ ♪ maybe we should just change friday to taylor swift day. okay. so we knew taylor swift was releasing new album today. but shed a an extra surprise for fans. plus how the world of
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time now for the money watch report. hun day motor company is the latest major brand to pause its advertising on x formerly known as twitter due to anti-semitism. an ad from the automaker hyundai reportedly appeared next to the
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anti-semitic and pro hitler post. a spokesperson says the company is speaking with x directly about brand safety to ensure this issue is addressed. the head of business operations at x said the company has since suspended the account related to the ad. the owner of x elon musk is apologizing after he says tesla employees received incent severance packages. they have recently been laid off. the tesla ceo said the company is making sure that the problem is corrected immediately. now earlier this week, musk announced tesla is preparing to lay off at least 10% of its global work force. and starbucks is taking new steps towards sustainability. the megacompany coffee chain debuting its cold drink cups that contain 20% less plastic than previous ones this month. starbucks says the move is part of its commitment to cut its carbon, water and waste footprint in half by 2030.
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this off-season is going to be different. it's their first time. i think that i have really felt -- like there's -- there needs to be, you know, some change. but i don't know what it is. >> it is game time and that was warriors head coach steve kerr on willard and dibs on 95.7 the game. dubs' season ended on monday. but joining us now is 95.7 "the game" host mark willard. good morning to you, mark. first things first, reed had a request for your dog. is your dog there? i see a stuffy little animal behind you and what is the dog's name. >> yeah, that's -- that's that' penny. yeah, there she is. there she is. and i -- like i have no idea that she was such an attention hound. whenever i come on with you guys i don't have to ask. she gets right in the position. >> reed -- reed is working on
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her contract right now. it's okay. you will get a certain percentage at some point. so what is the dog say about klay thompson? is klay going to be back next season with the warriors? >> yeah. the dog is barking a little bit. meaning this -- this is very, very fluid. and i don't want to get too into the weeds on the whole finances because it's -- it's and kind of boring and difficult to understand. but put it this way, if the warriors are going to have klay thompson back he does fit financially but probably also means there's not room for another big trade and another big star to come in. so the warriors have been very clear. they want him back. however, he has been less than forthcoming with exactly what he wants this off-season. he's said a few times he wants to be back but not firmly. he turned down reportedly two years $48 million at the beginning of the season. i don't think an offer is going to go up from that at
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this point. so would he now take it? there are questions i feel like this really could go either way. >> oh. the drama and intrigue. all right. let's talk baseball now. the giants made a big move at the end of the off-season as we know signing blake snell there and he's off to a slow start. getting roughed up in his return to tampa. so are we worried if you are giants' fans? >> no worries at all actually. this is very, very predictable in a way. first of all, blake is now a notorious slow starter. he works his way into the season very slowly. he does this a lot. he did it last year. and then eventually won the cy young. double with that, the fact that he of course missed pretty much all of spring training because the giants didn't sign him until just right up against the start of the season. just about a week or two before the season started. so in theory, that slow start may get extended even more this year. i would expect him to work his way into things and -- and start getting
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back to himself here pretty soon. but some patience is going to be needed. >> all right, football now. we are less than a week away from the nfl draft. and there's still some trade buzz for the 49ers' wide receiver brandon aiyuk. >> i feel better about brandon being on the niners this year than i do ant thompson being on the warriors next year. however, however, this one also fluid. what i would say is you mentioned it. draft a week away. if brandon is still on the team when we get to the -- the first round of the draft, i think you feel comfortable that this plays out the same way samuel did previously. where, you know, both sides are jockeying a little bit. yes, there's some frustration. i think with the -- the contract offers that have probably been exchanged, but the 49ers have shown the track record to work this out and most importantly, they are incentivized. they do not want to trade brandon. they would like the extend him and keep him.
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>> okay. so it's a good thing you guys have nothing to talk about on your show right now. in regards to -- sports. okay, so it's something we debated earlier this week. a lot of outrage over what basketball star caitlin clark is going to make in her first year in the wnba. $76,000. so what needs to happen here for women to actually make anywhere close to what nba players making. >> anywhere close to nba players is probably, you know, that's not going to happen. it's a completely different business structure with different revenue and all of that. so that's all that i would say. what needs to happen is two things. first of all, just a lot of time because stuff like this takes time. it takes a fight. but it also -- there would have to be a complete rise in popularity for that to change also. now caitlin is going to do fine with endorsements the same way she did with nil in college. don't worry about her eating.
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she is a seven figure person but at the same time i think this really brought to light a surprise to people that salaries are what they are in the wnba. that's the rookie max. but even the veteran max only about quarter million dollars. that's what the top paid player in the wnba is making. >> it's wild. thank you mark. you can listen to willard and dibs from 2:00 to 6:00 today on 95.7 the game. have a great weekend. walking your dog. in this beautiful weather. >> twice a day. every day. thank you nicole. all right, reed? >> 10% for the dog. hey, now taking a live look outside on this friday morning. and man, there's 100% beauty out there in the sky. jess has the forecast. >> there she is, that's that sun we were hoping for and now this afternoon, that sun is going to really help break apart the cloud layer still kind of filling the santa clara valley this morning. a little bit of haze along the foothills that clouds layer is a little bit more dense and besee that hay long the coastline too. but hey today a mix of sun and
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clouds in the forecast for us. that's perfect as we head into a beautiful dry stunning weekend. we're expecting 70s today and anywhere from livermore down into los gatos. 60s along the peninsula heading into the afternoon. on the inland side. at least near redwood city and san francisco. on the coastal side, 50s are expected for us today and notice behind me, it's cool and it's cloudy near the bay bridge. that's the trend for us this morning. there in san francisco. stretching over into oakland where daytime highs today are sitting in the 60s there and 60s and 70s kind of trickled in back and forth all the way up into the north bay. from petaluma over into santa rosa. we've been talking about the forecast all week long. and how mild it's been for us. but also how warm it's been too. i mean, we had 80s in the forecast for us this week. and we're going to get more of that as we head into early next week. as another area of high pressure moves its way in from offshore. keeping us dry and keeping us warm and honestly just giving us this beautiful spring-like forecast. while many people across the states are still dealing with very, very active weather. so like i mentioned the big weather story for us honestly is just a
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little bit of a warm-up. at least for now. as we head into the next fever days or so. by monday we hit the 80s in areas like san jose again and then a cold front from offshore, that will bring in more clouds and cooler weather next week and so there's lots of changes around the corner and we are here to keep you updated with that. on a die like today, if i could pull up the 7 day, here we go. 70s in the forecast for us throughout most of the inland areas and we see a repeat of that tomorrow. 80s returning by sunday. monday as well and then cooling off quick next week. more on that in a bit. for now over to you, nicole. all right. thank you, jessica. dicey situations that have happened throughout the morning. now it's getting busy out on the roadways this morning. chp is reporting one lane is blocked due to a crash on eastbound 80 in san francisco. we can see some of those slow speeds stemming from that area. as many people are getting off the bay bridge. over on southbound 880, traffic is starting to pick up as well
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between san lorenzo anddownen the city. but a stop and go conditions close to the 6:00 hour. and now jumping on over to southbound 680 between pleasanton and sunol, slow stretch of traffic begins as a crash appears near the sheridan exit. ♪ ♪ swifties rejoice. taylor swift has released her latest album "the tortured poets department." and a major surprise for her fans. it's actually a double album. with 31 tracks. it features post malone and rock band florence and the machine. this is the singer's 11th studio album. would we say this is the hottest cover? not a square feetty and i don't know all the previous covers but that one is you know. >> i think she just looks like she's selling bed sheets. >> oh you do? okay. >> she's selling you know linens and things. >> i was looking for travis in
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the photo and only saw taylor. >> under the bet. i dropped my choi isn't. just get it for me. >> making her breakfast. >> yeah. >> and bringing it in. >> it's his era too. >> shirtless. taylor swift's cultural impact goes far beyond her music and record-breaking tours. it's now entering college classrooms. joe jo ling kent went to uc berkeley to find out more. >> reporter: to begin like this in a business school course. but at uc berkeley, taylor swift is not just a tortured poet. she's a case study in how to build an empire. >> taylor swift is a phenomenon and her tour has essentially like revitalized so much of the economy and boosted the local economy everywhere she goes. ♪ >> reporter: undergrad sophia and mia teach artistry and entrepreneurship. taylor's version. >> her song writing ability is what gives her her competitive edge in the industry.
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>> there are to 44 fellow students. >> so strategic in all the things she does. when you think of brand that's all they ever want. they want loyalty loyal customers and that's what taylor has. >> there's a reason top institutions are studying that. they know this is like a trend. >> reporter: universities nationwide are teaching the swift effect in departments from earning accomplish to political science to gender studies. >> welcome to the eras tour. >> reporter: swift's successes and failures are part of the syllabus. like the battling to regain control of her master recordings. >> we've also learned about some of the implications she's had on legal issues such as artist rights and ticketing legislation which has been really impactful as well because that's not something you see every day. >> reporter: still, we wondered with so much tuition on the line. how did your family react? >> my mom took me to 1989 concert. they were like you have to take this class. you know, if it's not now, never. right? >> reporter: and swift now has some students thinking even bigger. >> she's incredibly fearless
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in the ways in which she doesn't mind taking creative risks to me it's like a -- climbing corporate ladder, the manager you know in five years. >> reporter: you think that you might take more risks a la taylor swift. >> sure. >> reporter: because of this course. >> yeah. >> reporter: a course taylor made for success. >> oh my goodness. and now we're going to sing along. here we go. you start. >> i don't know any of her music. >> i don't either. >> do tony bennett? i left my heart. >> okay maybe. cue the music. ♪ i left my heart? in san francisco ♪ from taylor to the tones of tony bennett. quintessential right? left his heart in san francisco but also his art to and auction house. more on what's happening there. straight ahead.
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did my legs shrink? i can move them. i mean, i knew alaska airlines' premium class had extra legroom but this... this feels different. okay. crazy idea. on the count of 3... i'm going to try and cross my... ohhhhhhhhhhh boyy that's nice. woooooo! ( ♪♪ )
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♪climb halfway to the stars, morning fog ♪ i mean, that's excellence on your screen. and in your ear and in your heart this morning.
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you know, tony bennett always left his heart in san francisco but many of his treasures were left to be sold at the new york auction house. paintings and watches and even letters from presidents and historic figures up for sale. and get this. a huge historic piece that could be in a museum right? a letter from the rev reasoned dr. martin luther king jr.. a simple thank you note saying thanks for entertaining the protesters during the history making selma to montgomery marches. >> best thing about that letter is we not only are the envelope with some of his math equations where he's doodling on the envelope like we do only it's martin luther king jr.'s but also the post scrip at the end in his hand saying how great it was to see him. >> tony always inspires so many conversations. not only did he sell more than 50 million records worldwide, just 20 grammys right? but he had a life of purpose and you know, even our producer adam is getting texts from his dad in the big apple this morning about tony bennett. we say good
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morning. it's mark. right adam? your dad mark. we say hi to you mark and we hope you have some great tony moments this weekend. >> which one is your favorite song? do you have favorite. >> i left my heart in san francisco. but i also -- everybody should google the moment -- he fought alzheimer's and he -- he had such grace during the journey. but when he recognized lady gaga and called her by name on stage. >> fly me to the moon. reed. coming up on pix+ 44 cable 12, earth day events are scheduled this weekend around the bay area. we have details on that and a kpix special. set to air on monday. a caregiver stands accused of killering friend with poison eye drops but she insists she's innocent. we're going ♪ there are the trumpets. welcome to "cbs mornings" and hello to our viewers on the west coast. we see you. i'm gayle king. >> tony il


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