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tv   CBS News Bay Area Evening Edition 5pm  CBS  April 19, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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ario gonzalez who died while ago. his death sparked protests and calls for justice and police accountability. the last night alameda county district attorney pamela price announced three of the officers involved in his death have been harged with involuntary manslaughter. our da lin is live at the vigil with the very late da. >>reporter: ryan, the family omario gonzalez and organizers are setting up this vent right n, the vigil. it starts in about 13 minutes at 5:30 p.m. now this is also the location just across from walgreens and the south shore shopping center here on alameda, this is where officer tried to detain mario gonzalez and where gonzalez died. now the d.a. is saying that te's enough evidence to move forward with charging those officers. poe chest cam video of the
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mario gonzalez encounter. the previous district attorney and a few independent investigations have previously wrongdoing. d.a. pamela rice would not say if there's any new evidence. her office crged the three officers with involury manslaughter right before the third anniversary of theath and a day before the statute of limitats was set to expire. the officers are ric mckinley, cameron leahy and james fisher. cer fisher now works for the contra costa county sheriff's office. trust in a system that has not ays been fair to folks, particularly in alameda county. >> repo: on april 19, 2021, officers caught up with nzalez in a theft ht up with investigation. he was apparently incoherent. after talking with him for nine minutes, the officers decided to detain him. officers say he resisted, so they took him down tthe ground where an officer placed a knee on his back. after struggling for five minutes gonzalez stopped breathing. supporters of the
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gonzalez family say the news. l charges are welcome - >> justice would have been our loved ones never would have been stolen and we see here the process is civil settlement first and then if we're lucky, we will get criminal charges. >> reporter: amanda blanco orks for courage, a youth restove justice nonprofit. her brother dedo was also killeby law enforcement. the officers were never charged. evening's vigil. >> i still carry a lot of rage in me, but i put it into energy and faith and hope and actually seeing this with mario's family does give me a beam of light. >> reporte a lawyer who representsofficer leahy says this is all politics as d.a. statement allison berry a - actions while taking mr. 's reasonable, ecessary, nd e lawful. >> what the should know is i am walled off from the case. i
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will not be participating and have not particited in the ultimate decision about the she had no influence on the case. her team made the decision and her supporters say it's about holding everyone account. >> she ran her campaign on lice accountability. i don't think this was really planned out. i don't think it's fake. it's nothing to be played with. this is a real live situation. someone's life was taken. >> reporter: attorney michael3 rains represetwo officers. we did reach out to mr. rains but did not hear back from him today. as for the vigil, that's set to starat 5:30 p.m. we're supposedly going to hear fromario gonzalez's mother edith and she will speak and react to the news as well. we'll keep you posted. for now live in alameda, back to you, ryan. >> k you very much, da lin reporting live for us this evening. in the meantime the alameda tatement about the charge saying they conducted their own independent investigation o
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this matter and agrees with the previous d.a.'s finding that of the officers created at any criminal or policy misconduct, that he stands behind those findings and the departmenwill coopate fully with the d.a.'s office and is committed to serving our community with intety and transparency. robbery attemptlast month in pleasant hill at the woodcreek apartment complex near highway 680. police say the victim, peter popovich, was targeted while making deliveries to cannabis distributors. a shootout followed leading to of the gunmen. the other one suspects fled. police say investigators arrested two suspein sacramento. a man accused in last year's mass shooting at two ms in half moon bay was back in court today. chunli zhao ounts of first degree murder and one count of attempted murder. today the judge agreed to a temporarsealing of the grand jury indictment. zhao is
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due back in court in august. well, a rally outside of the federal prison in dublin demanding the release of inmates. the prison is set to close in the wake of investigation into rampant sex abuse and demonstrators say things are only gettingworse there. anne makovec is here with more on the rally and what's next for that prison. 3 anne. >> yeah. monday the federal bureau of prisons announced they would close the womená prison in dublin. advocates say chaoshas unfolded there since thannouncement, tratizing prisoners who have alre been subjected to abuse. the dublin prison solidarity coalition protested along the route where buses have transferred inmates to other facilities. the prison has been dubbed rape club by inmates and guards. since 2021 at least eight employeeshave becharged with sexually abusing inmates. five pleaded guilty. twere convicted at trial, including a former warden. today we heard from a woman who says she knows a
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prisoner on the inside. >> she's called saying,you know, they're screaming at them. they're being asked to just up and pack all of their ings into one small bag, just feels they're being punished after they've already been victimized and, of course, like the unknown. they feel like in therethey don't have anyone aating for them.3 >> meantime san quetin prison is in the process of clearing out death row raising a concern about moving some inmates to other cities. some death row inmates are being relocated to chino institution for men. people say the prison is right in the middle of town making a transfer a safety concern. they are pointing to three high profile prison escapes in that then resulted in several murders. oh, gosh, these priso murder, rape, atrocities that
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you wouldn't even want to know about. >> governor newsom has m priority of his administration, prsing last year to reshape the prison into a facility focused on rehabilitation. as for what is going on at the women's prison in dublin, we reached out to the federal bureau of prisons and have not yet heard back. >> thanks, anne. 4-20, the unofficial holiday celetion
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>> there definitely is a lot of saturation, but because we bet on quality and didn'bet on quantitwhen it came to our production, for us it hasn't affected us quite the same. >> reporter: joseph said his any snow till is able to create a higher quality nabis grown indoors by using a better soilthat makes the plant healthier. >> it is definitely very competitive and cut throat, but i think sometimes in those >> reporter: while many people are used to seeing large crowds 4-20, this year the event won't happen. weed week hopes to get cannabis lovers and the cita chance to see what else the industry has to offer with nts all week long,including on 4-20, like thiart exhibition made up of cannabis
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bags open each day. >> there's this huge forward movement that we've never had ore and so we're excited to see hois ground ell of like public support and people understanding how powerful this plant is literally transformi3 the world. >> reporte business leaders say the momentum toward legalization and new advances in how they use the plant are only adding to the energy for weed week, but financial challenges aren't just affecting the organiz of hippy hil 4-20. the industry as a whole has its >> every day is still a battle for us. we're in the middle of a market correction think by the end of this year you will see a lot of brands disappear and a lot of brands really >> reporter: weed week hops hopes to be a boost to neighhoods like soma and in the evenings for cannabis parties. >> 4-20 in san francisco, >> reporter: lower prices and higher quality products are the and beyond. hose who love this
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coming up tonight at 6:00, we'll talk to neighbors near hippy hill who are worried that thosehuge crowds are still going to show up tomorrow. man county may be one step closer to building new housing for low income families. developesubmitted alication to build an all affordable housing complex. the site is at the marinwood plaza but that project has several hues to go through, including an environmental cleanof chemicals from a formdry cleaning business. tesla issuing another recall order that impacts all cybertrucks made between novembeand april. nearly 4,000 highway officials do sale the vehicles have a faulty accelerator pedal warning it could get stuck increasing the risk of a collision. tesla is laying off more than 10% of its
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workforce, 14,000 employees. elon musk blaming economic conditions. still to come, details on the news that china is sending some of its prize giant pandas to the san franco zoo. but first, what we know about the man who lit himself on fire in front of the courthouse where donald trump's hush money tal is taking place. but first, how a catastrophe in california helped spark earth day. as expected, we started off with a lot of fog and low cloud cover across the bay area, but gradually the sunshine broke through and by midday we saw plenty of sun, even right over the bay and san francisco,
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this monday is earth day. the annual celebration honors the begins of the modern environmental movement. eleth cook gives us a look at how it all started with a california catastrophe. >> reporter: hey, mother earth, it's your day, earth hat's when u.s. senator
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gaylord nelson of wisconsin saw the damage caused by a massive oipill off the coast of santa barbara. the followin year he called for a nationwide peful demonstration, an environmental teach-in, and that's how earth day took root. on april 22nd, 1970, from coast to coast more than 2 million ameans showed up to participate, including a die-in at logan airport in boston, massachusetts, a rally in manhattan with school kids attending their very first protest, a call-in in chicago to eliminate all fossil fuel ing cars, and at stanford el university, a determined plea. >> terriblimportant for us to begin to involve ourselves in politics so that we can turn >> reporter: earth day changed the nation. it securedthe political will and action that led to the creation of the u.s.
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and clean ir acts. now 5 water years later in 2024 earth day will focus on plastics. plastic pction has now grown to more than 380 million tons a year. that includes hundreds of ions of plastic bags and plastic beveragecontainers sold every year in the u.s. more than 95% of plastics in the nation won't be recycled at all. >> earth day, the most important day in the world. >> reporter: this weekend in bay area three time grammy award winner fantastic negrito sustainable market at thrive , one of dozens of events that plan to honor mother earth. >> earth day, celebrate your existence. get in harmony with the earth, the place that you ive. the more you love it, the more it gives. >> reporter: the first earth
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day made it clear there was enough public support, energy, and commitment to change the environment. the hope, that every day is an earth day. >> on this earth day here's a novel way to cut down on % plastics. it's a new kind of disposable cup and on monday it will be available for the first time in the u.s. and in the bay rea. the couple is created with 3d printing using only clay, water, and salt. it's made by a bay area startup cal guide star. the idea, it is reusable. once you're done it, you can toss it into the garbage and it disintegrateas a dust. it sold through a partnership with verve coffee and can be bought at three verve coffee shops in the bay area beginning monday, including the one in downtow san francisco. pretty neat. a new study finds same sex couples face a higher risk to climate change compared to of - e study, it may have to do with vocation. it says lgbtq
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couples often live in coastal areas, large cities, pls with poor infrastructure and fewer resources. when it comes to san francisco, the study found the county has the second highest portion of same-sex behind the district of t - columb switchigears, first alert chief meteorologist paul heggen joining us now and i had a chance to go outside for a walk, a little bit cooler today. >> definitely near the water tatures have taken a bit of a tumble. we'll bounce back through the second half of the weekend into early next week. things continue to shift in the% upper levels of the atmosphere. that drives what happens down here at ground level. a near repeat saturday. it's still going to be coolish near the water, especially along the coast, but temperatures may be a couple degrees above average for san francisco and oakland and more of a warming trend the second half of the weekend barely noticeable along the oas
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significantarmer around the bay and farther inland. let's look what's happening now and as we look to the west of the mark hopkins hotel, 59 degrees in san francisco, 61 oakland, 64 degrees in santa rosa. that fog was stubborn throughout mid-70s and now low 70s as of 5:00 p.m. the fog spreads back out the rest of tonight. futurecast shows the fog in the brighter shaof white. the higher clouds have a duller shade of gray. the fog goes back up to the coast, plenty of sunshine in the afternoon which allows temperatures to warm up to near or slightly above average, a mix of 40s and 50s on the map early tomorrow morning and temperat climb almost exactly where they were, intoe mid-and upper 70s in the santa clara valley and inland in the east bay, antioch up to 80 degrees, low 70s around fremont and redwood city
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of, upper 50s along the coast half moon bay, a couple degrees warmer for san francisco andkland, 66 and 69 degrees respectively, and the fog will bemore stubborn in the north bay valleys which is why temratures will top out in the lower half of the 70s. everybody warms up the second half of the weekend. sunday and monday and a big monday to tuesy and the coolest days will be thursday and friday. that is associated with the next rain chance that's heading our way. it's n a significant rain chance, 30 to 40% chance range by thursday night friday,t this time of year that's kind of typical what we see whenever we get a modest rain chance headed our way. we'll keep an eye on it. it'literally the last day of the seven-day forecast. inland temperatures warm up the next few days and the transition happensright wheri'm standinwe drop down to near or slightly below average temperatures in the last full week of april,
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similar ride around the bay, just not quite as sharp with the ups and downs, low to mid-70s sundand monday and 60s tuesday through the rest of next week, hardly any change up the coast.'ll see more sunshine sunday and monday, but teratures only a couple degrwarmer and you retreat to the upper 50s as we head through next week and everybody has a chance of showers a week from today, doesn't look like it will amount to much more than a few hundredths of an shocking scene outside donald trump's hush money trial in manhattan today, what weknow about the person who lit himself on fire. later what will be of u.shina relations now that san francisco will be the next city to receive these giant pandas?
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witnesses describe a horrific scene outside the criminal courthoin himself on fire. ihappene n set- whilecourt was in session for whilmer presidenrump's hush r money trial. bradley blackburn has the very latest from new york and a warning, this video in this story may be disturbing courthouse where jury selection cour being finalized in former presidetrump's hush money trial, witnesses saw a manpower liquid over his head and set himself on fire. >> the male, he takes a couple steps while he's on fire, then eventua falls onto a police arrier and falls down to the >> reporter: officials rush to extinguish the flames. the man was loaded onto a stretcher and taken to a nearby hospital in critical condition. law
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orcement officials say there is no ongoing threat to public safety. with the magnitude of what's going on around right eassess our srity with our federal partners >> reporter: the chaos added to an already tense scene in into court trump railed against- a gag order limiting what he can say publicly about potential witnesses. >> the gag order has to come ofeople are allowed to speak about me and i have a gag order just to show you how much more unfair it is. >> reporter: prosecutors accuse trump of already violating the order seven times and they'd like him fined. heg on that is set for next weehis week lawyers chose 12 new yorkers who will decide whether trump falsified business records to hide an alleged affahead of the 2016 election. the jury women. among them, a salesman, an intment banker, lawyers, and a speech therapist. >> this jury is going to be in a fish bowl under a microscope. we will be watching their body ighing, taking notes, rolli
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their eyes. do tlook bored?olli >> reporter: legal experts say this jury could be the most closely watched jury in histo as they judge whether trump is guilty on 34 felony counts. >> opening statements in this case are expected to begin monday. pe say theburned man is 37 years old. he's from florida. he was throwing pamphlets with conspira theory propaga in the air before the fire. his in the hospital listed in critical condition. coming up at 5:30, wha3 the largest carbon capturers on the planet. then how a brief moment of kindness changed the life of a widower who said he had no reason left to live. what we know about the giant pandas as
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right now at 5:30, scientis3 temperatures mean for the worlforests and the efforts now underway to try to protect them. >then the people impacted the most by climate change making their voices heard, what they're demanding to protect their future. mayor london breed announ some special guests ll be following her back from china, when we might expect to see the giant pandas at the san francisco zoo. all this week leading up to earth day we've showed you the education, creativity, and the heartof people trying to protect life right here on earth, this as average
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temperatures get warmer. david schechter shows us how one scientist wants to learn what it could mean for our forests all around the world. > reporte research, that'one way to hink of this plot of puerto an forests strung with high voltage lines. >> hi. i'm tanna. >> reporter: dr. tanna wood is a research ecologist with the u.s. forest servicewho studies how tropical forests will respond to climate change. >> how can we get into this indow into a future warmer world hundreds of years into the future? >> reporter: those black panels are electric heaters nning 24/7 warming up this plot of the jungle by 7 degrees fahrenheit. she says worse case scena that's how much warmer it could be on earth by thend of the century if we keep heat trapping carbon from our cars, factory, and power plants. this experiment was interrupted by hurricane maria in 2017 and ever since the plants in the heated section úd
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leaves, stunted growth. this looks totalldifferent. >> we have ben to notice that the forest has become shorter nd shorter has time has gone on. so you can visibly see that the forest is experiencing stress under these conditions. >> reporter: when trees and healthy trees and soil absorb more carbon than what's being released, but woo is finding their abilityo keep doing thamight be in jeopardy. her te measurements of the forest, recording the growth of plants, looking underground at the health of the root system and this device records how much carbon the soil' releasing. we saw a major increase in the - amount of carbon dioxide coming out of these soils. >> reporter: her experiment is showing us rising temperatures cause forests to release more carbon. more carbon in the atmosphere causes the planet to get warmer and the cycle


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