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tv   CBS News Bay Area 7pm  CBS  April 19, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm PDT

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police chieafter this stunning reversal. >> plus pand adorable new residents are coming to the san francisco zoo from china as people just couldn'e more excited. >> super excited, yeah. i haven't seen a panda ever, if i remember. it'll be fun. awe, but there are still some logistics to work out. >okay, theearth day now a al celebration, but it originated right here in ifornia. the environmental disaster off the coast that led to a new green move. good evening. a vigil is underway in alameda toni to mark three years since mario gonzalez died in police custody. it is being held at scout park where gonzalez took his last breath. it comes one day after d.a. pamela price
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announced involuntary manslaughter charges against the three officers involved. he previous d.a. had cl them all wrong doing. tght we hear from mario's mother for the first time since the stunning turn of events. >> nobody can give me my son 3 back. he's already gone. @a i'm still fighting for him. >> our da lin will take us through the case how it gives by police violence. ies touched are olding a vigil to ememberds mario gonzalez. this is where fficers tried to arrest him, and this is where he died. this is the police chest cam video encounter. the previous rict attorney and a few independent investigations have previouslleared the officers of any wrong doing. d.a. pamela price would not say if there is anynew evidence. her office
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charged the three officers with involuntary manslaughter right before the third anniversary of the death and a day before the sute of limitation was set to expire. the officers are eric mckinley and james fisher. officer fisher now works for the tra costa sheriff's office. >> we are trying to rebuild trust in a system that has not always been fair to folks, particularly in alameda county. officers caught up with 021,- gonzalez in a theft vestigation. he was apparently incoherent. aft3 talking with him for nine months, the officers decided to detain him. officers say he o the ground where theyd a knee on his back. after ruggling for five minutes, gonzalez stopped breag. supporters of the gonzalez family say the criminal charges are welcominnews. >> ice would have been our loved ones never stolen. we see here, you know, the process is we're lucky, then we will get
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criminalcharges. >> reporter: amanda blanco works for courage, aequat restored a youth group for a non-profit company. she has bworking with gonzalez's mother to plan this vigil. staying with mario gonzalez's family gives me a peace of mind. >> reporter: in a statement, ison berry says officers actionswere necessary. >> what the public should know >> reporter: d.a. price had no inflce on the case. her team made the decision. it's about accountability. i don't think this was really planned out. >> reporter: attorney michael reigns represents who of the
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offices. he did not respond back for comment. >> the police chief released tstatement about the charges saying they conducted their own independent investigation into the matter and agrees with the previous d.a.'s findings that none of the officers committed behind the findingsadding the department will cooperate fully with the d.a.'s office and coted to serving our community with integriand transpncy. since taking office, d.a. pamela price reopene investigations into seven other police shootings in custody death. now to oakland where a three-car crash endedwith one cajust slamming right into e first storm. take a look at the video here. the silver car hit the side of the building. the impact so strong it damaged the infrastruc. all this happening just before 10 on 22nd avenue. no one was inside the store at the time of the crash. no word on any injuries or what caused that crash.
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the crash comes less than two weeks after announcing it will be adding speed bumps. this after numerouscomplaints about sding and dangerous driving. san francisco mayor london breed is trying to persuade macy's to stay in san francisco. earlithis year, macy's announed it will be shutting down its union square location next week. the mayor sent a letter laying o nned improvements for the downtownarea. she is willing to work with the retailer to help keep their doors open. san francisco's shopping district may be seeing a small resurgence. reporting three new stores are opening up in the mall lost a number of stores including notrom, hollister, and others. @ onto the san f.
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it is preparing for pandas. mayor london breed made the announcement today. cutevip arrivals. >> yes, very important. pandas. none of the pandas you see in our video today are the pandas at the zoo. we don't know who osted a message from her trip to beijing announcing an agrent with the wildlife conservation association of china. >> we have some cute cuddly black and white beauties coming to our city. >> no timeline there. it depends on when the panda enclosure will be ready at the zoo. planning has begun and engineers traveled to meet with the zoo engineers this week. in 1980s, the soutach rarely hostepandas from china as a part of a global tour. this is the official lease agreement for pandas to live at the san francisco zoo. guests we spoke
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w are pumped. >> it's an opportunity for everyone to see something different. obviously the animal that we would see is pretty exciti @ will give us another reason to make another trip. >> yeah, we're excited. they need some help. >> yeah, it does. this comes as the same week as the investigation by the grizzly bear that was let out of its cage. temployee safety or animal welfare at the san francisco zoo was compromsed. today the zoo did not want to go on camera to do an interview with us. evento discussthe pand china will use their giant pandas as a way to build betterlations with other countries. tnational zoo in washington, d.c. sent their two pandas back to china in ember. while we do' how they willbe transported to sarancisco, it will give us an idea. there are only about
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entire world. >> they are so cute. if they do come, we need to have a live pda cam. >> we do. >> we should lead our stories with the pandas. mean it's a win for ratings. it will give all right, san francisco canceled their official 4/20 celebration, but will people still show up? we're getting ready for earday. the environmental disaster here in california that touched off the global movement. fog has been rolling back through the golden gate bridge over the past couple of hours. plenty of sunshine to filter through. we'll see quite a bit of fog to start the day on saturday. we'll have the rest
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called off and the cityis @ask take the party somewhere else. where might they go and how big might that party get? awe, it is still not clear. of course, the 4/20 festivities have turned chaotic. some are on edge. in the meantime local merchants are scratching their headsas well. >> and to know what's going to@ >> i really have no idea. the merchant association, we all have talked about it and it looks like it's going to be sort of the same. >so there will be an adult kick ball game taking place in the area if you're intered. meanwhile san francisco is also wring up their first ever weed week with a series of cannabis events und town. earth day events gan this weekend. earth day, which is this monday, april 22, the annual celebration that honors the beginnings of the movement. elizth cook with how it all
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started with the california catrophe. >> reporter: hey mother earth. it's your day, earth day. it all began in 1969. that's when u.s. senator gayl nelson of wisconsin saw the damage caused by a massiveoil spill off the coaof santa barbara. the following year, he called for a nationwide peaceful dnstration. and environmental teaching. and that is how earth day took route. on april 22, 1970 from coast to coast, more than two million americans showed up to participate including a dine in at logan airport in boston, massachusetts rally with school kids can intending their very first protest. a call in to chicago to eliminate all fossfuel burning cars. at stanford universi a determined plea. >> it is terribly important for
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s to again involve ourselves in politics. >> reporter: earth day changed the nation, securing the political will and action that to the creation of the u.s. epa, as well as the clean water and the clean air act. now 54 years later in 2024, earth day will focus on plastics. plastic production has now grown to more than 380 million s a year. that will include hundreds of billions overplaysic it bags and the plastic beverage containers sold every year in the u.s. me than 95% of plastics in thetion won't be recycled at all. >> earth day, the most important day in the world. >> reter: this weekend in the bay area, three time grammy award winner will host the rth day jam session and open e one of dozens of events that plan to honor mother earth.
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>> earth day, celebrate your existence. in harmony with the earth, the place you live. the more you love it, the more it gives. >> reportethe first one made it clear there was enough public support, energy, commitment to chanthe environment. the hope that everday is an earth day. >> you can find plenty of earth and also on monday, cbs news bay area presents earth day, a special look at how bay area scienti and every day people are working gether to protect the planet. our earth day streaming special will air on the free cbs news app and also on pluto tv. tomorrow we're bringing you back-back specials. first 7:00 p.m. the first alert weather team will take a look baat this past winter. another era of wild weather that will leave a lasting impacthen at 7:30, a climate watch special. we will take a
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look at the species threatened by the caging planet and how scientists are protecting life on earth. for more on our weather, let's go to paul @heg weekend on tap with all these specials? >> and we have finished most of the content for those already. so now we need to release it to the rest of the world. while we're enjoyingthe pleasant kend overall, not much of a change tomorrow and almost the copy and paste forecast for today and tomorrow, though they might be a couple of degrees warmer. a greater extent for sundayand monday as the area of high pressure and the osphere will set up camp nearby, impressing the marine layer, allowing them especially further inland to warm back up to several degrees above aver for sunday and monday. looking outside at oakland, still plenty of sunshine. the foin the distance. they are kind of lurking behind the buildings downtown and ill 67 degrees right no
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cord. we will drop off as the fog is going to spread out as we should start out with the reduced visibility in much of the bay area tomorrowrning. not just inside the bay, but spreading well into the inland valleys. they should be gone by 9:00, 10:0the very latest. it will take midday as they did to back up to the coast. they should pull a little ways away. so coastal spots, you should see sunshine during the afternoon hours with plenty with the reduced influence. temperatures dropping down to a mix of 40s and 50s. a few degrees above average tomorrow as well. in fact inland, still about six to seven degrees above normal. 77 degrees there. temperatures are going to top out the warm end of the spectrum around 80 degrees in antioch on the cool end. to the coast, it's 59 degrees for the high at half moon bay. a couple degrees warmer today, but it's oakland. the north bay is not
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quite as warm, like today, the from the low to id-70s. but eil do have that warm up in stored for monday and wednay. that's when the pollen count l climb. it's high enough as you're sensitive to oak, mulberry, that you have been fering from the seasonal allergies. the highest categoriethey might drop a ittle bit by tuesday. more of a drop as we see the next chance of rain headed our way. the six to ten-day outlook center will show a decent chance of wetter than normal citions. it's a phrase that could be deceptive. normal is almost zero. if you register the rain that technically qufies, it does look like the cooler weather will stick around into the last weekend in april as well. let's take a look at your seven-day forecast two halves of the seven-da3 forecast. looking to set
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ourselves up to the weekend and start next week on monday. then temperatures will drop off. back to near average levels by tuesday and wednesday and a couple of days below average on thursday and friday and that chance for rain showers headed he way we')re phrasing just a chance for showers. it s hardly a guarantee of rain. if we do see a chance for rain visiting the b■ay area y thursday night and friday, we are not looking at much more than a trace of in. and this time of the year, every little chance of rain is a bonus, delayingthe fire to enjoy a dry weekend. >> that'll be great. paul, thank you. >if you'reheaded to wine country this weekend,u may ve to take an alternate beginning tonight. and those tesla super trucks are - temperatures cooling down as we head into the weekend and stronger onshore...
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ah, i stepped off the coast again. - the winds are really picking up. - fog spreading farther inland. - and in the north bay, you're gonna get soaked. (water splashing) - [narrator] presenting the bay area's only virtual weather studio. next level weather. - as i lift this, you can actually see... - [narrator] on kpix and pix+. (wind blowing) it's that real. (water splashing) - let's move on to the seven-day now.
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it's time to get away
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and cache in, at cache creek casino resort, to rock and to roll. to go all out or... go all in. with four stars and rising stars, northern california's premier casino resort is the perfect place... do as much -or as little- as you want. make your get away now and cache in at cache creek casino resort. police have e two arrests in connection with a deadly shooting and robbery attempt that took place in @plr popovich was targeted while followed that led to the death
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of popovich. police are looking for two suspects in sacramento. sacramento police seized more than 13 pounds of drugs that include fentanyl, cocaine, and meth. they also confiscated several guns arresting 13 peopl the one-day sweep targetedunited nations plaza >> this comes less than two weeks after they held a one-day rally in front of the main library. they say they weren't getting increasingly worried about thei safety. they wanted mre security after a growing number of volatile situations fueled by the drug anhomeless crisis. >>north bay drivers, take note. in less than two hours, there will be a major road work ject happening, shutting down westbound, highway 37 between vallejo and seres point. the closure will actually run through the weekend, all the way to early mondmorning. and then work crews will return and do the e thing next weekend.
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followed up by two more weekend hutdowns, but in the eastbound direction. four weekends in all. caltrans says the shutdowns are to make way for pavement repairs. tesla issuing another recall that affects all cybertrucks made between november and april. nearly 4,000 in all. the national3 highway officials say the vehicles have a faulty gas pedalthat can actually get stuck and raise the risk of a crash. this comes just months after tesla recalled nearly its entire fleet of vehicles because the size on the instrument panel was deemed too ll by regulators. still ahead taylor swift. 3 she drops her much awaited album. how local bars are trying to cash in.
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- [narrator] welcome to twin pine casino and hotel. feel the thrill on our exciting casino floor. indulge in exquisite dining. unwind in our luxurious hotel rooms at twin pine casino and hotel in lake county, california.
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norman, bad news... ui never graduated lfrom med school.ooms what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc?
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if you are a swiftie, you're probabbusy today listening to and analyzing taylor swift's newest album. ♪ tortured poet's department overnight. a few hours later she released another 15 tracks. as expected, she dropped plenty s are now capitalizing on the release. tomorrow night in the marina, there is actually a taylor swift pub crawl with 14 participating ba they're going to have drink specials, karaoke, even a riendship craft area. thanks so much for watching. the news continuat 8:00 on pix+we'll see you right bahere at 11:00.
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announcer: it's time to play "family feud"! give it up for steve harvey! [cheering and applause] steve: thank y'all. i appreciate that. how y'all? thank you, everybody. appreciate it. well, welcome to "family feud," everybody. i'm your man steve harvey.


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