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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 9am  CBS  April 22, 2024 9:00am-9:31am PDT

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today. we focus on mother earth and people. in the bay have been sell. all week. this earth day we learned about how the celebration started right here in california. plus governor newsom is taking aim at alabama, his abortion related ads now airing but 1st we begin in new york city with breaking news. this is a live
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look outside the new york county courthouse. former president donald trump is inside right now for his hush money, trial. that presumptive republican presidential nominee is accused of falsifying business records related to a so called hush money payments. during his 2016 campaign. opening statements. began this morning. trump denies any wrongdoing and claims the trial is politically motivated. cbs news jared hill has the latest from manhattan. >>former president trump again claimed to be the victim of a witch hunt as he entered the courtroom ahead of opening statements in his historic trial. what's going on right here should never be happening. it's a very, very sad day in america. trump faces 34 felony counts of falsifying business records. he's accused of using his former lawyer, michael cohen, to funnel payments to adult film star stormy daniels in their opening statement, prosecutors said trump quote orchestrated a criminal scheme. to corrupt the 2016. election. trump denies any wrongdoing.
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this is their most important day. besides jury selection. and cbs news legal analyst rikki klieman says there's a reason studies have shown many jurors make up their minds during opening statements. if you hear a persuasive story and then you hear another. persuasive story. you make a decision. as to which 1 you believe. and if you get invested in that belief it takes a lot to knock you off. former national enquirer publisher david ... is expected to be the prosecution's 1st witness and 2 testify at about alleged catch and kill scheme to purchase and prevent the circulation of negative trump stories. because he has to be here for the trial. the presumptive republican presidential nominee has largely been sidelined from the campaign trail. i'm here instead of being able to be in pennsylvania. and georgia. and lots of other places campaigning the trial is expected to last several weeks. >nicole>time now for this morning's top stories, the marine mammal center is working
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to figure out what killed a 40 ft gray whale that washed ashore at an alameda beach. the whale was found floating off robert crown memorial state beach on saturday responds collected initial samples and say they plan to tow the carcass to angel island for inspection this week. the marine mammal center says it is the 1st will casualty of the year in san francis. bay. the oakland police department is mourning the death of a former officer. officer jordan's wingate died saturday from injuries that he suffered in a crash while on duty in 2018. the 1 that creek native joined opd. as a cadet back in 2013. and was awarded rookie of the year in 2018. back in august of 2018 officer wingate was responding to a car. a call when his patrol suv crashed with another car. and then hit a parked semi truck near the port of oakland. the injuries forced him into medical retirement. in 20. the department says. wind gate is the 55th. oakland police
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officer. killed in the line of duty. and sacrum. governor newsom is taking aim at another republican state. he just announced legislation to make it easier for people in arizona to get abortions in california. yeah. it would offer abortion providers in arizona equipped route. a quick route to get licensed. in california. and starting today, newsom plans to run new ads in alabama. where lawmakers are trying to criminalize people. who helped miners leave the state to get access. to abortion. newsom was behind a similar ad that ran in tennessee. time for a look across the bay on this morning, this beautiful monday morning. look at san jose san francisco. oakland clear skies throughout darren i'm picking up with big >
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ahead to late tonight, but more importantly, into tuesday morning. when the marine layer comes back, so we're going to wake up on tuesday. it's going to look different than today already. gray skies from the marine layer kind of made great for most of us and that onshore breeze is going to be the start of a noticeable cool down. so when we use the virtual map again to put on tuesday's daytime highs about 10 degrees lower, so instead of 80s today, tomorrow you got to settle for 70s. this is not super cold. is not by any means. it's not like a cold snap at all. but it is a big change. in a cooler direction, which is going to stand out. you're going to notice things have changed already. by the time we get into tomorrow afternoon as this system comes through and brings the onshore flow back and brings our temperatures down when we get back together again in the complete forecast, it's not just the return of the onshore flow. there's a system on the other side of the pacific. that's going to try and bring us a little bit of rain. by the end of the week more on that coming up in the full forecast in just a bit. >nicole>all right. thank you,
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darren. well, it is earth day and the annual celebration. honors the beginnings of the modern. environmental movement. elizabeth cook explains how it all started with a california catastrophe. >>mother earth. it's your day earth day. it all began in 1969. that's when u. s senator gaylord nelson of wisconsin saw the damage. caused by a massive oil spill off the coast of santa barbara. the following year, he called for a nationwide peaceful demonstration and environmental teaching. and that's how earth day took root. >>april 22nd 1970 from coast to coast. more than 2 million. million americans showed up to participate. including a die in at logan airport in boston. massachusetts. a rally in manhattan. was school kids attending their very 1st protest. colin in chicago, to
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eliminate all fossil fuel burning cars. and it's stanford university. determined played >>earth day changed the nation. it's secured the political will and action that led to the creation of the u. s. e p a. as well as the clean water and clean air acts. now 54 years later in 2024. for earth day, will focus on plastics. plastic production has now grown to more than 380. 0 tons. a year. that includes hundreds of billions of plastic bags and plastic beverage containers sold every year in the us more than 95% of plastics in the nation. will be recycled at all. >>this weekend in the bay area 3 time grammy award winner fantastic new grito. will host
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an earth day jam session. and open air sustainable market at thrive city. it will be 1 of dozens events that plan to honor mother earth. >>the 1st earth day made it clear there was enough public support. energy and commitment to change the environment. the hope. that every day is an earth day. >nicole>and starting today, a new earth friendly cup will be available at several bay area coffee shops. its 3 d printed and uses only clay water and salt. is the creation of a barrier startup called gaia star. it's reusable, but if you toss it out its bio it's also going to be available starting monday at 3 verve coffee shops here in the bay area that includes the 1 in downtown san francisco. the white house is
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empty on this earth day as president biden travels to try and virgin. who unveiled $7 0 in grant funding for solar power under the inflation reduction act, it will affect nearly 1 million low income households there. he'll also announced the applications are now open to join the american climate core training program. popular with youth climate groups. biden will be speaking from virginia's prince william forest park. the site was developed by president franklin delano delano roosevelt's civilian conservation corps on which the american climate court is modeled. and in the spirit of birthday atherton, hosted an event this weekend to show off the benefits of using environmentally friendly lawn equipment. it was old school versus new school. competition for oh, gentle lawn care pitted this flock of sheep from uc davis against a new lawnmower from husqvarna. the more acts like an outdoor roomba cutting grass automatically using a gps
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sensing tower. the advantages is that it doesn't make almost any noise here, and it will find its way back to the charging. station when the battery gets low. >>with robot you kind of a couple of days a week, 34 days a week. no cost because we're running out of battery, and they do no damage. in fact, the lawns are much healthier. >nicole>meanwhile, the sheep can also graze on hilly terrain. but this was a popularity contest. so it wasn't a surprise that the sheep's cuteness helped them win the majority of the votes. and be sure to tune in tonight at 4 and 10 for our cbs news bay area earth special, we're going to look at how scientists and everyday people here in the bay area are working together to protect the planet. earth day streaming special airs on kpix dot the free cbs news app and overall. pluto tv. a south based scholar returns to her roots next, her return to the junior college campus, where she once studied before.
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>nicole>let's get you caught up with what's hap? here. at home. around. the bay today on major road in the north bay is back open this morning. now it's a little earlier than planned. it was originally scheduled to reopen today and all weekend long, westbound highway 37 was
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shut down between alejo and sears. point for pavement repairs. caltrans says to expect another shutdown for next weekend that will be followed up with 2 more weekend shutdowns. but in the eastbound direction and san francisco is tenderloin is bringing back the residents food and cooking contest. the event was put on pause after the covid pandemic, but now locals will be able to feature diverse foods from different cultures in the middle east. central and south america and asia. you can attend the contest at the tenderloin family housing on turks street today at 5 p.m.. is this 1 of the kickoff events for the annual i love tenderloin week. today. a south based student takes off to england's prestigious cambridge. university. but before today's trip she took time to celebrate her humble, higher education roots in san jose, len here's len ramirez. >>political
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changed. this is this is exactly how it was. mohan. this was a quiet homecoming to a place that nurtured her love of learning the library had evergreen valley college in san jose. i really liked the public policy section. um i love looking at books about history. about the world, you know, experiencing all of that from inside the library. was a high achieving students from a very young age. and she dual enrolled in college when she was still in middle school. i remember just being super young. super intimidated by, you know all the cool college students around me. i came here for a spanish class, actually, because i was really interested in learning. spanish and it wasn't you know, it wasn't available to me academically in the k through 12 system at the level that i wanted to learn. also wrote for the students. newspaper, including this editorial on why the college should save a service learning program from budget cuts. from evergreen. she went on to get a b a in political science from uc berkeley and a master's in international. policy from
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stanford. and this week she leaves for the university of cambridge and england, where she will work on her phd focusing on nuclear policy. and human rights. changes. i absolutely love it. i was walking around earlier. and come back and give back to the veasey. and meet with the current interim president, dr denise no, olden in her staff. it's just such an honor to know that even see evergreen valley college but played a part in preparing her to go on to do the things that she's doing. now she's just outstanding role model for us. and staying in touch with us and letting other students know what's possible. when you take advantage of the opportunities that are here. says going to community college and taking the required courses for free gave her the credit and the academic freedom. to pursue bigger ideas when she would transfer to the top universities. later. i think the community college system in california is 1 of those incredible, incredible. organizations and systems that really changes so many people's lives. and so i'm really glad to be able to say my journey
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started here. a love of learning and helping hands along the way. for janani. and many, many more. >nicole>yeah. let's go live down to the nation's capital, where the us supreme court is set to hear a case that could redefine how communities across the country are able to address homelessness. it's a hot button issue in communities across the bay area and the entire country. now it all comes down to if local jurisdictions site people for sleeping in public, even if there's not enough shelter beds. available to them. liberal and conservative elected leaders have joined forces to back the complaint. streaming at 930. you're going to hear from homeless advocates. who say it's just a way to punish people for being poor. yeah. we're >
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we start out today it's much grayer. but there's a little more to this. it's not just that the marine layer ■builds in. this is 1 of those strong. what we would call a southerly surge. watch what happens in another perspective. got a weekly area low pressure right here. watch it. pull up the marine layer with some rain. in mixed in. it's going to be enough of a death to the marine layer were likely going to get some missed out of this along the coast tomorrow morning. so tuesday starts out not only with the marine layer but also with perhaps 1/100 of an inch of rain or 207 inch of rain. certainly for any of the coastal hills, probably the east bay hills and definitely along the coast. this is a notable change. it's going to be definitely cooler for daytime highs tomorrow. we looked at that in the last visit. it's going to be about 10 degrees cooler, in fact, from today to tomorrow, with that influence of the marine layer, so that starts to cool down that light misting rain is 1 way we're going to get some light rain. this week. not much. the other way is from a separate system, which comes our way from across the entire
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pacific and shows up here by the time we get to late thursday into friday, not a lot to this. and as we look at this going into friday morning, that would be the most likely timeframe if we're going to get any light rain out of this it comes through in the 1st half of the day on friday, and then it's out by saturday. let's put some totals on that, because there's really not a lot to it. if you look at the numbers we're only getting about 1/100 of an inch of rain. but it's about 100 or 200 of an inch of rain in general coming through on friday morning. not big but certainly some light rain past. and that becomes the focus as we get towards the end. of the week. so let's get into the 7 day forecast. and you can see how things change from monday's 80. yeah. tuesday's 70 then we pretty much stay there. the temperatures don't change a whole lot and thursday and friday there's like a drop of rain in there. so it wouldn't be much but we'll be tracking it as we get closer to it, and we'll have updates. over the rest of this week. >nicole>car trouble. well, you're not the only 1. high prices are pushing many people
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away from the car market. we're going to have what it what makes a medicare supplement insurance plan, like an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan from unitedhealthcare a good choice for people on medicare? it's smart for you to have now... i'm 65. and later on, for the future you... i'm 70-ish. it's really smart. hey, looking good. you made a great choice for us. with this type of plan, see any doctor or visit any hospital that accepts medicare patients.
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there are no networks. your healthcare future will have more freedom. i kept our doctor. and when i needed a specialist. no referrals needed, right? bingo. in fact, see any doctor anywhere in the u.s. really smart to have when you travel. when i visit this little cutie in arizona my plan goes with me. ahhh...grandkids. i can't wait. don't worry about surprise medical bills, either... you'll know up front about how much your care will cost. and knowing your expenses makes planning your financial future easier. i'm glad my husband and i can use our savings to do the things we want to do. i'm glad i don't have to shop for a new plan every year. that's right. once you enroll, your coverage is guaranteed for as long as you keep this plan. have questions? call unitedhealthcare now to talk with a licensed insurance agent or producer. they know a lot about what makes these plans smart now and really smart later. or just ask for this free guide. benefits and rates in one place so it's easy to compare options.
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year to year, 94% of members renew their plan. and medicare supplement plans with the aarp name are the only medicare supplement plans endorsed by aarp... meeting the high standards of service and quality. so give unitedhealthcare a call today. and set yourself and your future self up with an aarp medicare supplement plan from unitedhealthcare. [dogs bark] winnie! look at you! thanks again for looking out for me. hey, we're in this together. an aarp medicare supplement plan from unitedhealthcare. smart now, really smart later. >>it's time now for your money watch report. us stock. ended last week. with another mixed close. as chip industry stocks took a dip, so let's see where the markets are right now on this monday morning in the green up 107. points tesla has
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slashed the price of its full self driving system from 12,000 down to $8000 now the move came days after tesla also cut $2000 off of its models. y x and s vehicles. the price of the new cybertruck stays the same, though, but nearly 4000 of those have been recalled due to an issue with the accelerator pedal. federal regulators say it can become stuck and pose a crash risk owners can contact tesla for a free repair, but overall drivers are facing some of the stiffest. costs in a generation used car prices. are 25. higher than 5 years ago and for new cars, it's not much better last month, the average price of a new car was just under $47,000. and the average new car payment was north of $700. yeah. according to edmunds finance also in march, the average interest rate for a new car loan more than 7% for used cars. it was nearly 12%. >>20,000 vehicles dead if you
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want $20,000 vehicle, you're buying a used car. what will it take for prices to turn around? in the end if consumers don't buy prices will come down. >nicole>yeah. now. that's not to mention the cost of insurance. the latest consumer price index shows a 22% increase over this past year. it's called panda. diplomacy. next we have an update on wednesday and franciscans can
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a live look now at san francis. where we have an update on the 2 giants. pandas. coming to the san francisco zoo, according to the associated press, the black and white beauties are expected to arrive next year, and we cannot wait. well after returning to the city on friday, may mayor london breed officially announced sfs participation in china's panda diplomacy. program right now, only 4 giant pandas currently in the us and all of them are at the zoo in atlanta. a pair of pandas will also be sent down to san diego. well, that's going to do it for the news at 9 coming up next year is the drew barrymore show. author. cristina ferrare is whipping up a tasty dish from her cookbook for more local headlines, including the weather. join us on our streaming service, cbs. news bay area
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we love being outside, but the sun makes our deck and patio too hot to enjoy. thanks to our new sunsetter retractable awning, we can select full sun or instant shade. it's 20 degrees cooler and you get protection from harmful rays and sun glare. when you call, we'll rush you a special $200 discount certificate with your free awning idea kit! you'll get your sunsetter for as little as $799.
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but, this is a limited time offer! for over 20 years, sunsetter has been the bestselling retractable awning in america! call now for this free awning idea kit packed with great awning solutions. plus, get this $200 discount certificate to get your sunsetter for as little as $799. there are so many incredible styles to choose from. get a custom-built awning, without the custom-built price! turn your patio into an instant oasis. add led lighting for evening enjoyment. call now for your free awning idea kit, local dealer info and $200 discount certificate. “life is better under a sunsetter!” local dealer info and $200 discount certificate. well, hi, everybody, and happy earth day. and i'm here with our drew crewer and sustainability expert, danny seo. but danny, we're surrounded by all this trash-- banana peels, carrot tops, potato skins. danny: ah, ah, ah. these are things we normally throw away. but guess what, i can make a delicious meal out of this, believe it or not. - out of this garbage? - yep. - so it's good for the earth. it's good for our wallet. you're turning tasty trash into extra cash. hey. - i know. yum, yum.


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