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tv   The Late News  CBS  April 23, 2024 1:37am-2:13am PDT

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i think of love. i think of support. >> now at 11:00, remembering one of the bay area's most famous religious leaders. how friends are honoring reverend cecil williams and the legacy he left behind. plus, allegations of racial profiling against jurors in alameda county. the bombshell evidence that has the d.a. taking a second look at death penalty cases. plus, drivers to the rescue as a group rushes in to race someone in a car burning on the side of the highway. from kpix, this is the late news with sara donchey on cbs news bay area. >> hello, i'm sara donchey. cecil williams was a man woven into the fabric of san
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francisco. his church became a refuge for people society left behind, and williams was instrument #58 in turning glide memorial church into a name heard around the world. the reverend served as pastor of glide for 60 years before he retired. he didn't just command the pulpit, he was a champion for people who needed the help the most, turning glide into a world renowned nonprofit, helping hundreds of thousands of people in the process. he's also known for stepping up in the aftermath of crisis. >> right on. right on. i love you too. we got to struggle with it tomorrow, and i won't -- that's the point, we got to do what? we got to do what? we got to do what? . >> pull together. >> that's it, we got to pull together, yeah. >> this is san francisco, no matter how much turmoil, we always seem to straighten it out. >> they think i'm sometimes the miracle worker, and i'm
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not. i'm just like they are. >> that was video from back in 1989. mr. williams died today, according to his loved ones. our lauren toms went to glide memorial to talk to his friends and admirers about the legacy he leaves behind. >> reporter: and inside the sanctuary here at glide memorial, members of the community have gathered to not only remember and mourn reverend cecil williams but to celebrate his life. tonight i spoke with several members of this community who smile when they think of his name, all in the effort to keep his legacy going. two rows back and facing the pulpit will always be where reverend cecil williams sat every sunday for church, as recently as easter sunday he would rejoice with his congregation to tunes led by dennis, who arrived at glide memorial 22 years ago. >> i walked into the church for
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the first time on an easter sunday. i think that i was at the -- came to the right place at the right time to get -- to realize what i needed at that time. >> reporter: dennis smiles when he thinks of williams even hours after his passing. >> i think that's the thing when i think of him, i think of light, i think of love, i think of support. generosity. i mean, i can just go on and on. >> reporter: it's a sign of the unconditional love the reverend offered, a signature of his that defined the impact of glide memorial church in san francisco as a house to be welcomed. >> you could come in drunk or high. you come in the height of your white privilege. you can come in as a single mother. you can eat a meal and come upstairs. it mattered not. >> reporter: he's been learning in the shadows of reverend williams, poised to lead from the reverend's legacy
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he says helped to guide him and others for years to come. >> i went to him and i said, cecil, they want me to fill your shoes. and he absolved me from that responsibility. he said, i need for you to be you, you know, and to understand that where you take it is where we're supposed to go. >> reporter: the legacy of cecil williams cemented inside glide memorial and forever on the streets he served. and we spoke with reverend marvin white, who's seen by many as a prodigy of reverend cecil williams, he says he has every intent of keeping the late reverend's legacy going, all while maintaining that unconditional love. >> williams died in a retirement home near glide memorial, according to his family. governor gavin newsom, who once served as san francisco mayor, released a statement saying that reverend williams embodied the values of
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unity, generosity, and acceptance, adding all of us can be inspired by his legacy, and mayor london breed released a statement saying he inspired members of the african american community to dream and serve, mentoring many to become leaders. we were there when reverend williams celebrated his 90th birthday at glide. >> i've always talked about changing the world, and i really believe that we have touched people from all over the world. >> you can head to our website,, for more on the life and legacy of reverend williams. a major bombshell tonight from the alameda county district attorney's office who says she's reviewing every single death penalty case in the county because of allegations that prosecutors may have racially profiled jurors. a federal judge ordered the review after evidence showed almada county prosecutors might have excluded black and jewish jurors in the murder case against easternest dikes. he was convicted in 1993 for the urd of a 9-year-old boy
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and the attempted murder of his grandmother. >> the evidence that we have uncovered suggests plainly that many people did not receive a fair trial in alameda county. >> pamela price's office released prosecutor's handwritten notes about those excluded from the jury during the case. one note said banker, question mark, jew. and in two other notes, prosecutors wrote jewish about potential jurors and also wrote no way and must kick, too risky. this note says one juror with the juror candidates is a pro affirmative action and the prosecutor wrote, quote, says race is no issue but i don't believe her. and in this note, prosecutors wrote short, fat troll in their description of another potential juror. pamela price's office says they are reviewing cases that go as far back as 1977 and are reaching out to people impacted by each
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of the cases. the state hasn't executed a prisoner in since 2006. governor newsom issued a moratorium in 2019. there are 640 prisoners on death row, the most of any u.s. state. tonight on the uc berkeley campus, protesters pitched tents in the plaza as a way to speak up on the war in gaza. >> this place is very, very symbolic, and now we are just reclaiming it for palestine. >> this is part of the gaza solidarity encampment movement which has swept college campuses across the country. demonstrators are camping out and demanding the college divest from companies that have ties to the israeli military. perhaps the most high profile of these protests is unfolding across the country at columbia university in new york. the school has canceled in-person classes and police have arrested dozens of protesters there after they camped out in the heart of campus. we talked to students in the middle of it all. >> i consider myself a very
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brave person, but i won't deny that i've been physically intimidated and harassed. >> i've felt like this is not a welcoming environment. i think it's a very difficult time for a lot of jewish students. >> reporter: over the weekend the protests turned rowdy, disturbing video shows protesters harassing jewish students. amid all this a rabbi linked to the university urged jewish students to stay home, saying recent events at the university have, quote, made it clear that columbia university's public safety and the nypd cannot guarantee jewish student's safety. >> palestine is almost free. >> reporter: this is the center of columbia university, what they're calling the gaza solidarity encampment, and an occupation here at the school as they want certain demands to be met by the school in terms of their support of israel. why is it important for you to be
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out here, sleeping out here? >> yeah, just to show solidarity with the students that have already been arrested and, obviously, the people in gaza. >> i'm jewish. a lot of the focus has been on, like, you know, supporting jewish students who have been facing anti-semitism, but there has not been a lot of focus on, you know, palestinian students who have been, you know, feeling anti-islamic sentiments. >> back here in the bay area, people gathered for the first night of passover. the festival of freedom commemorating the emancipation of the israelitis from slavery in ancient ejipt. >> the jewish people are celebrating the holiday of freedom, and nothing will be able to get in the way of us celebrating our heritage, our history, our tradition, and our religion. >> the fact that we can still meet and gather as a community,
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i think that's a sign of strength, and that's eventually what brings us all hope. >> they hired private security for tonight's events. passover continues through nightfall of april 30th. sometimes first responders are not the first people to rush in during an emergency, and this group of drivers didn't need a badge or equipment to jump in and save someone from a burning car. and this went viral when the city tried to build a toilet with a lot of people asking is the throne made of gold? let's hear it for our not $1.7 million bathroom. >> the celebration for the toilet that only forced the city to drop a couple hundred thousand bucks. a southerly surge sent fog back along the coast this afternoon, and we've seen that fog moving around a little bit through the evening. this is the view from salesforce tower as the sun went down. cooler temperatures the next couple
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days. details coming up in the part in forecast.
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this video of an unbelievable rescue might have you believing in humanity again. a suv struck a light pole, burst into flames in saint paul, minnesota. the car was pinned against the guardrail. the person inside was trapped, but these drivers raced in and started working feverishly to try and free the trapped driver as the fire grew bigger and bigger. they struggled to open the door, but they finally managed to pull the driver out through the window just before the car was fully engulfed. the driver was taken to the hospital but
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released a statement, said the good samaritans are the reason he's alive today. one family is lucky to be alive after a 16 wheeler crashed into their home in stanislaus county while they were sleeping. >> felt like i got hit by a truck. >> that's because he kind of did people woke up to a loud bang. next thing they knew, the crash had happened. thankfully, no one was gravely injured. authorities say an suv driver ran a stop sign, collided with a semi, causing it to lose control and crash into the duplex. you may remember when san francisco's plans to build a toilet made national headlines. it was estimated to cost $1.7 million. the thereon ended up costing the city far less but still hundreds of thousands of dollars. it's here, it called for a big celebration. our da lin was there. >> reporter: it's a celebration fit for the most infamous toilet, one that
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almost cost the price of a house. >> noe valley, let's hear it for our not $1.7 million bathroom. woohoo. >> reporter: event organizers decided to have some fun with it. everything toilet themed. even this band renamed to american standard, at least for the day. >> we couldn't get toto here. >> reporter: leslie crawford organized the toilet bowl celebration at noe valley town square. >> when everybody laughs at you, you got to take the power back and laugh at yourself. >> reporter: the city announced the poop it got when they announced the price tag. people thought it was the perfect example of government waste. >> it's preposterous, because the plumbing was already in the ground when they built this place out. >> i thought it was a little ridiculous myself. everybody did. >> yeah, that's crazy. >> reporter: a private company ended up donating this prefab bathroom, but the costs still
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added up to $200,000. the city says union workers had to connect the plumbing and do a bunch of other stuff to get it ready. i asked the folk who is used it how did it go? >> i'm flush with excitement they have a bathroom now. it's a ten out of ten for me. >> it's a relief. and we can relieve ourselves when we have to go. we don't have to go to the restaurant. >> lovely, very clean. >> it was spacious and clean and wonderful. >> it is a relief to be able to go finally. >> reporter: and leslie is happy there's no more bathroom jokes about san francisco, at least far short while. >> this is a great ending for our story. >> bathroom is about 50 square feet, meaning with its $200,000 price tag, it came out to about $4,000 per square foot. all right, expensive. okay, talking about weather, another really nice day. a little bit windy out there, though, paul. >> wind has been kicking up and delivering cooler air to the entire bay area courtesy of a storm system that's way out over the ocean but is close
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enough to squeeze the atmosphere and reduce the weight of the atmosphere on top of us. yesterday and today at least to start the day, an area of high pressure, the big h, just a hill of air squashing the marine layer. that has shifted farther and farther to the east. we have seen that marine layer expanding ing vertically. that storm system doesn't have a lot of moisture to work with, so clouds the extent of what we're going to see the next couple days. morning clouds giving way to a mix of clouds and sunshine in the afternoon. could change thursday night boo friday. we'll talk more about that momentarily. not seeing fog from the mark hopkins hotel. it is going to spread out as we head through the rest of tonight. temperatures have dipped into the 50s everywhere. hardly any variation. 54 degrees the cool spot in livermore. 57 degrees right now in oakland and san jose as the least cool spots on the map. we'll only drop a few more degree into the lower half of the 50s by early tomorrow morning, which is slightly
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above average for this time of year. but we're not going to warm up a lot compared to where inland temperatures got today. the cooldown only sends us back to near average temperatures. we can hand l that. 73 degrees in antioch. around 70 for concord and livermore. upper 60s down the peninsula in redwood city. upper 50s along the coast at half moon bay, and your temperatures coastal you're not going to change much over the course of the next several days. low to mid-60s in san francisco and oakland, and also mid-60s for much of the north bay. not quite as mild as other inland parts of the bay area because the fog and cloud cover is more reluctant to leave the north bay valleys. the warmest temperatures the past couple days been associated with a high pollen count, and we'll still be this the medium high category tomorrow, but the change in air mass does bring
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an air mass in that has less pollen in it. we do have that at least outside chance of a few showers thursday night into friday. it's lower than a 50/50 chance of rain if you do manage to see a shower paying you a visit, it's not going to amount to very much. futurecast optimistically assessing less than 0.1 of an inch for the entire bay area. really it's more of a scattered shower pattern. nothing more than a few sprinkles on the windshield. does look like a bit of snow adding up in the sierra. few inches of snow thursday night through the daylight hours on friday. not enough to significantly impact traffic but enough to freshen up the ski slopes for late april and early may skiing. take a look at the seven-day forecast which is back to a normal april look. temperatures topping out inland in the upper 60s and low 70s, a dry weekend is in store for us. even if we get that a chance of showers thursday night into friday, it is out of the way. plenty of sunshine mixed with fair weather clouds saturday and sunday. temperatures running close to normal. for the second
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weekend in a row dry weather will prevail. it's been over six months since we've had two consecutive dry weekends. we will definitely take it as we head into the last weekend of april and as we round the corner into early may, temperatures normal for the new month. vern? >> straight ahead in sports. wait until you see these game deciding shots tonight. and guess who has a winning record at home?
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all right, vern, we've been talking about the impact reverend cecil williams had on san francisco with the news he died today. it's only fitting ting --. >> every human being deserved to be treated with love, dignity, and compassion, the giants will forever be grateful for his friendship and generosity throughout our many decades in san francisco. we ask that you please join us in a moment of silence in honor of reverend williams. >> obviously, his impact reached far beyokd just his church just to the entire bay area but certainly an icon in san francisco. and you were just telling me you knew him also. >> yeah, well, you spend a lot of time near the area, you build a friendship. so, reverend and i, we go back a long time. and he's a guy that opened his heart and his doors for everybody. and when i would
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need him for a divine intervention element in my sports story, he would just drop what he was doing and he would play along. he was like that. and i was with him at his house near your hood the night that mohammad ali died. he told me about how ali was hitting on his wife. and he was just playful like that. reverend cecil williams, man, we will miss him, but he is with his wife janice right now. >> yeah, absolutely. lots to talk about tonight in sports. not just honoring reverend williams, obviously, he was watching over the giants game. the spirit of reverend cecil williams hovering over the giants tonight. and a one-time new york met cracked a smile against his former team. don francisco, the don was out there. dons baseball just signed a family friend of mine. san francisco loaded them up in
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the second and nick ahmed shot this pitch off the shortstop's glove. two giants came in. starter keaton wynn was filthy. six striektout strikeout, six innings. and michael conforto faced his former team. first pitch swinging and that was not coming back. a solo six-inning job, his fifth for the year. giants won it 5-2. they got a record of 4-2 in their last six games. a's were in new york. yankees manage aaron boone minding his own business and he got thrown out. home plate umpire thought a fan yelling from the stands was enough to toss boone. j.p. sears had it going. juan sew to, aaron judge, giancarlo stanton all went down swinging. six shutout
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innings. top of the ninth, still scoreless until zach went yard. he had never been to yankee stadium before. he hit a two-run homer, his third big fly of the year. won it by the 2-0 score. that snapped a three-game losing streak. nba playoffs, eastern conference. wait until you see this knicks/sixers outcome. philly had the ball and the lead but on the inbounds they lost the ball with 30 seconds to play in the game. former warrior dante divincenzo for the lead. no. but they got second chances. devin when sow won it 104-101 a 2-0 series lead. out west, peyton manning got a show. lakers and nuggets game two. 90 seconds left. lebron james, steal, and slam. lakers up three. james scored 26. now tied at 99-99. final seconds.
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jamal murray over anthony davis for the wind. denver erased a 20-point deficit and beat the lakers for the tenth straight time, 101-99, and the defending champs have a 2-0 series lead. the sun will shine tomorrow, game three is thursday, and this time it's in l.a. >> yeah, at sea level. that was crazy. that was a wild game. >> man. >> yeah. >> that's -- that was -- i mean, we screamed in the sports office when that shot went in. >> yes, yes. onions for some and fists for others. >> yes. >> vern, thank you. an 18-year-old on a mission to break a world record by becoming the youngest person to fly solo across all seven continents. ethan has planned this since he was 13. he's hoping to raise a million bucks for saint jude's children's hospital for cancer research. >> couple years back my cousin
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who was 18 at the time he was diagnosed with stage four hodgkins lymphoma. >> he tried the flight six months ago but his plane's engine failed. thankfully, he was okay. that was fixed, he was able to replace it. >> at the end of the day, it's okay to be delusional. it's okay to set big goals. and it's okay to dromobig. but when you big dream, and when you set big goal, you have to be willing to sacrifice to accomplish what you want. >> he hopes to start his journey next month. he thinks it'll take him a couple months to finish. so paul, flying solo is impressive, what about wrangling a gator in the streets? >> differently impressive. yes, different skill set when we saw another florida man story, which my producers love, we had to bring you in. >> you know me so well. >> yes, an eight-foot long gator was loose in the streets of jacksonville. then a barefoot man showed up, took matters into his own hands to wrangle the thing. >> is that why matt's not at
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work today? >> yes, confirmed not to be matt lively. this man is actually a licensed alligator trapper known as the blue collar brawler. yeah. >> they have nicknames? >>, no it's a thing. he didn't have his equipment on him because he was at a hockey game, so he used his bare hands. >> and just pounced on it. >> yep. >> okay. >> feel like this is something they teach you in school over there. >> good for you, sir. >> put it on his business card. no thank you. >> nope, nope, nope. >> they also say never approach a baby bear, because mama could be close behind. these people, they didn't get the memo somehow.
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okay, even if you are not someone who finds themselves very often out in the elements, you're not a camper, you're more of a city dweller, this should be common knowledge. >> yes. >> never get in between a mama bear and her cubs. >> there's a reason that's a well known idiom. >> no, no. >> right. >> i feel like this is something that is relatively obvious, but this group of bright minds in north carolina thought never mind that, let's take a selfie. they actually pulled two baby bear cubs out of a tree to take pictures with
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them. >> man. >> mm-hmm. >> oh. >> come on. >> that's not going to end well. >> play stupid game, win stupid prizes. >> a bystander started recording this video at an asheville apartment complex. one of the bears bit the people taking pictures and they dropped it. >> good. oh. >> both cubs escaped. one of the bears was eventually found lethargic and frightened, now being treated and is recovering. >> yeah. man. >> where's the mama? >> well, the thing is, the mama is probably, even though she's not in this video, was probably not far away. and that is exactly why you don't do things like this. just no fear, no hesitation at all. >> just, oh, i kind of wish mama had been a little closer. >> yeah, well, you know, those shorts wouldn't have been in tact for much longer. >> they would have been full. >> i hate to say, that's the kind of story you would hear from florida. >> i know. >> yeah. >> this time in north carolina, but yes, we've all learned our valuable lessons. i didn't
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need to be


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