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tv   CBS News Bay Area Evening Edition 5pm  CBS  April 25, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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have gone the way of the dinosaur, but now there's a sequel in one bay area town. we'll meet the pair behind this unique new idea. from cbs news bay area, this is the evening edition. we begin in san francisco where parking enforcement officers say they are under attack and they are also afraid it's only going to get worse. >> good evening. i'm ryan yamamoto. >> and i'm elizabeth cook. their cries for help come as the city plans to issue a whole lot more tickets in the coming weeks and months. our amanda hari spoke to workers about the violence they face on a daily basis. >> reporter: these parking control officers say they've always felt at risk while doing their job, but since the sfmta announced they'll be cracking down on parking enforcement, they feel like they have an even bigger target on their backs.
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>> it's very stressful. i have anxiety and it's scary. >> san francisco on a union town. >> reporter: dozens of parking control officers with the san francisco municipal transportation agency took a break from enforcing the city's laws to rally and fight for themselves, including mishan snakesnader. she says two years ago she had an experience she'll never forget. she placed a parking citation under someone's windshield wiper and drove away thinking that interaction was over. she was wrong. >> someone got upset because they got a ticket. so he followed me about two or three blocks, waited for me, punched the window and it cut my eye. >> reporter: the glass from the enforcement vehicle's window cut her face and her eye. she couldn't work for ten months while she recovered. >> i thought i was going to lose my eye. >> reporter: she says sfmta is pressing charges, but the case
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is still pending. she did think about leaving her job. >> i thought about just doing a desk job, but i was like i'm not going to let him win. so i initially went back out, but i'm still apprehensive to this day. >> reporter: trevor adams, the president of the parking control officers union, says she's not alone in her experience. >> we deal with everything from objects being thrown at us all the way up to physical assaults, threats made on our lives and our families. >> reporter: sfmta said in a statement they prioritize their employees' safety and that safety incidents are down 48% since 2018. they say the officers get deescalation training, self-defense tools, and have access to a dispatch center that communicates directly to police. but adams says they're calling on sfmta to do more. >> i would like sfmta to include us in the conversation
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more realistically, actually go ahead and hear what they have to say. >> reporter: he says the parking control officers didn't know about the intensive parking enforcement sweeps recently announced by the sfmta director. >> it was kind of shocking to me because, you know, we do have forums where we can meet with the mayor and with our leadership and never once have we been, you know, brought into that conversation. we found out on the news just like everybody else found out. >> reporter: the announcement and the upcoming sweeps makes both adams and shakesnader even more concerned for their safety. these sfmta workers say while they continue negotiating their contracts, all options are still on the table, including possibly striking. >> sf residents have been reporting this month the crackdown on parking violations has even penalized folks for parking in their own driveways. the problem is that the end of the cars often block parts of the sidewalks and this has been
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an issue primarily in the western neighborhoods, including the sunset and richmond. a plan to remove parking spaces to boost street safety in one san francisco neighborhood has been met with a fierce backlash. >> i wanted to know who is in charge, who made the decision. >> in a few minutes the heated debate in the wake of a tragic crash that killed a family of four. i'm anne makovec with more details about a deadly crash in pleasanton last night. today police confirmed that four people died after a car slammed into a tree. it happened around 9:00 p.m. on foothill road near stoneridge drive. here is a live look at foothill road. skid marks on the road and crime scene tape is still up at the scene. the road was closed all night and part of today, but it is now reopened. investigators are still trying to figure out why the car crashed. it was the only vehicle involved. police say two of the people who died were children and at least one was a
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student in the pleasanton unified school district. we heard from a district spokesperson today. he said they are providing counseling for students on campus. >> it's tragic. i don't know how else to put it and we understand the human impact that it has on our families. so we want to do everything that we can to support them. >> this is not the first team tragedy has struck on foothill road. it is a dangerous stretch where drivers are known to speed. most recently in 2019 a crash on christmas night killed twin teenage brothers and their friend. their vehicle also slams into a tree. our juliette goodrich spent the day at the scene of that crash in pleasanton. she's going to have a live report at 6:00. all we want is peace! all we want is peace! >> this was the scene yesterday on the usc campus. officers used rubber bullets and tear gas to disperse the crowds
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demonstrating against the war in gaza. police say more than 90 people were arrested. then today usc officials canceled the university's main graduation ceremony. similar pro palestinian protests erupted on campuses across the country. at ucla protesters began erecting tents with a sign that read "ucla says free palestine." at the arizona university students held a solidarity march and at princeton two students were arrested. here in the bay area uc berkeley students entering their third day taking over a portion of sproul plaza by setting up their own tent city, but more on how campus movements have been shaping up all across the country, here's danya bacchus. >> reporter: dozens of pro palestinian demonstrators remain camped out in new york city with a deadline to disband fast approaching. >> we are calling upon columbia university to divest, disclose, and provide amnesty for all students and faculty.
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>> reporter: the school's president has said the university will have to consider alternative opposites for clearing the area if ongoing negotiations fail. >> if you look at the actions of the police department, we have this handled. we do not need the national guard. >> free, free palestine. >> reporter: on the campus of ut austin where riot police showed up wednesday, a small group of jewish protesters held a separate rally thursday to make their voices heard. >> i hear their side and i understand that, but when they start attacking the religion and the ethnicity and not the country, that's when it becomes an issue for me. >> reporter: law enforcement has been stepping in to quell campus demonstrations coast to coast, including university of southern california where over 90 people were arrested yesterday. overnight over 100 were taken into custody at emerson college in massachusetts and four officers injured. >> my friends were talking about how they witnessed like some students get forcefully dragged out of the tents and then beaten. >> reporter: earlier today at
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emory university atlanta police were seen handcuffing people with zip ties who trespassed onto the school and breaking down tents. still more are popping up just as quickly on other campuses as students stand in solidarity with those at columbia now at the center of a growing movement. to our north the campus of cal poly humboldt county has been closed for the w■eekend. earlier this week pro palestinian protesters occupied several buildings and managed to fight back police trying to clear them out. demonstrators are now holding their own programs and discussions and yesterday members of the california faculty association held a teach-in. >> i'm incredibly, incredibly proud of my students. this is precisely what we educate students to do, right? to use their voices to intervene in the world and to fight to make the world a better place. >> supporters of the protesters have been providing resources to the demonstrators, handing out food and blankets.
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mourners gathered today at the national cathedral in washington to remember the seven volunteer workers who died while giving aid to gazan refugees. ♪ the seven men and women only a food delivery mission when their convoy was hit by an israeli drone. the group worked for a philanthropist jose andres, who had a special message for their families. >> but i promise you we will not forget what they did for the hungry and for the world. their example should inspire us to do better, to be better. >> israel received backlash from all over the world following the attack. two officers were dismissed after the deadly mistake. the u.s. supreme court heard arguments today on whether a former president is immune from criminal prosecution. former president donald trump's attorney argued the threat of prosecution would
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impede a president's ability to make important decisions at crucial moments. three hours of questioning touched on the difference between official and unofficial acts and whether impeachment should play a role. analysts say the question of immunity will not have a simple yes or no answer. >> i absolutely do not count to five, meaning five out of the nine justices, on either extreme position, on either that there's no immunity or that there's absolute immunity. >> normally the court would take a couple months before issuing a ruling, but the special counsel has to speed up the process to be able to go to trial. in the meantime trump was in new york this morning for his hush money trial. he's accused of falsifying business records to cover up a payment to porn star stormy daniels. tabloid publisher david pecker testified for the jury saying he worked with trump during the 2016 presidential campaign by buying stories and then quashes
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them. trump greeted reporters at a construction site before going into the hearing and said pecker is a very nice guy. prosecutors say that's a violation of the judge's gag order. >> they've taken my constitutional right away with the gag order. that's all it is. it's election interference. this whole thing is election interference. so the polls have just come out and i just got another sample. we're leading every swing state by a lot and we're leading the nation by a lot. >> trump will be back in court friday when pecker returns to the stand. still ahead, a community divided over changes proposed in the wake of a tragic crash that killed a family of four. >> a horrible accident. changing that is not going to change this. >> i see this proposal as a compromise to make it safer for everyone. and an announcement for new york where harvey weinstein has been overturned, the governor with some harsh words in his
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response. you have to stand what you believe in and know what you're standing for. >> the family of a bay area icon carrying on his legacy, how the granddaughter of olympic legend john carlos is following in his footsteps on and off the field. another day with a lot of clouds over the bay area, but also some gusty winds, some gusts over 30 miles an hour this evening and it's going to be flat out windy on friday, tracking those hour-by-hour gusts and a warmer weekend in the first alert forecast.
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let's take a live look from san francisco where the city just hit the highest retail vacancy rate on record. the main culprit? union square where more than one in five retail stores are sitting empty according to real estate giant cushman wakefield. the overall retail vacancy rate in the city reached nearly 8% the first quarter of this year. five weeks after a crash killed four family members in san francisco's west portal neighborhood, the city is already looking to make changes
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to protect pedestrians. as jose martinez shows us, some in the neighborhood worry the change is happening too fast. >> all of this parking on west portal avenue. >> reporter: long time west portal resident cynthia skinner wants the city to pump the brakes on the proposed traffic safety plan allowing her and her neighbors more time to gather information. >> i wanted to know who was in charge, who made the decisions. i haven't received that information yet. how did this come about so quickly? >> reporter: pat dunber who has called west portal home for two decades fears the city's rush into a decision spurred by the tragic death of a family of four. >> the accident happened right there, very sadly, a horrible accident. making that -- changing that is not going to change this. it's not going to stop a poor woman from whatever reason. they haven't even released the report yet on why
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the accident happened. so smta has not finished their study on the accident and yet they're putting out this proposal. >> reporter: a spokesperson for sfmta says the agency hasn't made decisions yet and this is just an opportunity to hear from the public. >> we're in the process of collecting feedback from members of the community and based on that feedback we'll take a look at the proposal and see maybe that there's some things we need to change that maybe we didn't know about or maybe they're sharing with us. >> reporter: a key aspect of the project is the elimination of all left turns in the intersections defined by west portal avenue. ulloa street, lenox way and claremont boulevard in order to protect pedestrians. that's why these folks believe the changes will support safety. >> i support the proposal as a compromise to full on closing that main drag which i think
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would be ideal, but i see this proposal as a compromise to make it safer for everyone to use west portal. >> reporter: in the meantime cynthia says it's still a neighborhood navigating the shocking grief of the family's death while trying to understand if the city's plan would, in fact, make them safer. >> sfmta officials are reminding people this is just a draft proposal. there's still time to make changes. san francisco city officials along with giant's team leaders celebrating the opening of the city's newest park, china basin park, which lies across from oracle on the opposite end of mccovey cove. the five-acre park offers a number of attractions, including a sprawling lawn, central plaza, an area for dogs, and new connections to the bay trail and more. expectations are running high. >> we're really looking forward to very shortly to have in this park movie nights and fitness and music classes and
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food trucks and all of this activating. >> the park is part of a larger mission rock neighborhood development that includes a number of soon-to-open high rises. it was a good day to stop and smell the flowers as we hit about the midpoint of california's wildflower season. it was opening day for the new iris garden in union city. that's part of east bay regional parks. the garden boasts close to 2,000 varieties of irises. i don't know about you, paul. i see those flowers and they're so beautiful to look at, but if i started smelling them, i'm going to start sneezing a little bit. >> a lot of bit. >> it's worth it, though, because they're so beautiful. april showers bring may flowers. >> some of us enjoy the view of those flowers from inside a pane of glass. to be in it, we need to medicate appropriately. once our temperatures start to warm back up this weekend, the pollen count will climb again. right now we see a mix of a lot of clouds and sunshine in san
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jose. let's look at what you need to know as we get closer to the weekend. we'll see a lot of clouds heading through tonight and first half of tomorrow, possibility of some drizzle, maybe a passing shower, few and far between, very few and far between. we return to normal april weather for the last weekend in april and a little warm-up kicks in away from the water the first half of next week. let's check out futurecast. you'll see a lot of gray and not a lot of green. a lot of clouds out there tonight and first half of tomorrow. the showers largely remain offshore or during the day tomorrow largely running through the central valley. let's wind the clock forward once the sun comes up and there's the possibility of a passing shower, some patchy mist and drizzle, but chances are lower than 20%. we're mainly going to see clearing skies during the afternoon and evening and plenty of sunshine will be with us heading into the weekend. the winds will be more of a factor than any rain chance.
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the winds are noticeable. showed you the wind gusts before the commercial break, some over 30 miles an hour now. those on will relax and then it picks back up midday tomorrow, some 35 to 40-mile-an-hour gusts by friday afternoon, just short of a wind advisory threshold. it will move you around on the road a bit and try to rearrange your patio furniture. looking outside now, another patch of blue sky visible, only 57 in san francisco, the least cool spots in the mid-60s in concord, san jose, and santa rosa running 5 or 6 degrees below average. temperatures later tonight drop down to mostly the low 50s and coolest spots upper 40s. we'll end up about 3 to 6 degrees below average for high temperatures tomorrow for one more day of cool weather, mid-60s for high temperatures in san jose, low 60s in los gatos and mid-60s for morgan hill and antioch topping out
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just below 70 degrees. there's only about a 12-degree difference between the warmest location inland and the coolest spots along the coast, 57 degrees for half moon bay. san francisco barely touches 60 degrees tomorrow and with that breeze and cloud cover the first half of the day, it will feel cooler than these temperatures, maybe mid- to upper 60s for the north bay. the ten-day temperature outlook for san jose does include that warm-up next week. we'll use san jose as a representation of other inland parts of the bay area. we do climb to the upper 70s, maybe close to 80 degrees by tuesday and wednesday. then it's back down the other side of the temperature roller coaster to near average temperatures heading into the first several days of may. let's check out the seven-day forecast. we'll start with the inland parts of the bay area. we'll go for it and forecast one day of 80-degree highs. it's going to be a mix of upper 70s and low 80s. then a retreat to normal temperatures
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by thursday next week. at least we get to enjoy another dry weekend. the warm-up will be noticeable around the bay, but it's more of a gentle ride on the roller coaster, low 70s for high temperatures monday and tuesday. along the coast you won't see a lot of difference in temperatures, although you should get up to or maybe a little bit above 60 degrees by tuesday. you'll see more sunshine breaking through a little earlier in the day. that should brighten moods a little as we get the last days of april feeling like what they're supposed to, maybe a little bit of a warm spell on the last day of the month on tuesday. >> you know you live in san francisco when you get excited about 60 degrees like it's ail warm-up. summer is here, baby. it's 60. >> just in time for the may gray. >> thank you, paul. be kind, rewind, how the spirit of blockbuster video is making a comeback recreating a sense of community and
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nostalgia. >> as a kid i would spend hours in the video shore. and a strain of ( ♪♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪
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it's a feast of film in san francisco this week. today marks day two of the san francisco international film festival. screenings are being held in the arena presidio neighborhood and berkeley and it runs through sunday. back in its heyday blockbuster video had 9,000 stores globally -- we all went -- and had 65 million registered customers. >> these days only one store remains, believe it or not, in oregon whose motto is till the bitter end, but as our itay hod reports, the blockbuster saga is now getting a sequel. >> reporter: if you're one of the last holdouts to own a vcr, you may want to dust it off as
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blockbuster is making a comeback. well, sort of. thomas and tony are the owners of the traveling museum, a vintage store in venetia. recently they took their huge selection of dhs tapes and dvds and launched the town's first ever free blockbuster. think one of those lending libraries, but instead of books they're filled with old movies. >> we've got gidget, you've got mail, seven years in tibet. >> reporter: since then the old newspaper box painted in blockbuster's iconic blue and yellow colors has quickly become the hottest ticket in town. >> when i was a kid, i would spend hours in the movie stores picking up boxes, reading the reviews. >> reporter: kristen, a business owner, remembers hitting her first blockbuster store when she was just a child. fast forward to today, she's back at it. >> there was one summer where i
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must have rented five from blockbuster every week. >> reporter: it's not just in i i here. it all started when the first box was set up in los angeles. he says this blockbuster reboot is a plot twist he never saw coming. do you even know how many of these boxes are out there? >> it's hard to put an exact number on it, but we have over 200 locations in the u.s., canada, mexico, the uk, and australia. >> reporter: but not everyone's on board with this idea. dish, the company that owns the brand, recently sent brian a letter asking him to stop using their trademark. while he says he's barred from discussing details, he was able to tell us this much. >> is it something that can be stopped? >> reporter: thomas and tony say these blockbuster stands
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are a reminder to be kind and rewind, not just the tape, but life itself. >> this takes us back to being 5, 6 years old again at home, you know, watching the same tape over and over again. >> reporter: hitting play on nostalgia by thinking outside the box. >> free blockbuster's website shows a number of locations in the bay area, including san jose, oakland, rohnert park. i guess you have to have a vhs machine. >> you have to dig it out of mothballs, but can you remember going to blockbuster and looking at the covers. >> it was a thing. >> going to get a snack. >> was so upset when they were soldout and you had to wait till next weekend. >> you waited for the new releases to come out. you hoped you could get one of the four that they had. those were the days. i miss them. >> i do, too. up next, accusers of harvey weinstein want a new trial
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after his rape conviction was overturned today, why everyone from alleged victims to governor newsom is blasting the decision. >> this today is an act of institutional betrayal and our institutions betray survivors of male sexual violence. it's good to support soccer wherever i can and the burritos are good. so it's a win/win. >> from the kitchen to the
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