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tv   The Late News  CBS  April 27, 2024 2:06am-2:35am PDT

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unger-looking, soft and sexy skin, just return the bottles, even if they're used up and empty, and we'll give you your money back. (female announcer) with our 60-day money-back guarantee, you have an incredible two full months to see results on your own skin. and keep all the gifts, a $145 value, as our thank you for trying crépe erase ultra. (male announcer) you won't find this limited time offer anywhere but on television, so don't miss out. go online, call, or scan the qr code and order now. (female announcer) this has been a paid presentation for crépe erase ultra, sponsored by bodyfirm. f0 now at 11:00, you hear it all the time in the bay area, don't leave stuff in your car. but it seems like a local congressman didn't get the message. where he got bipped in the bay. plus.
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>> oh my god. i miss this. it's so good to have it back. a famous east bay barbecue joint makes a big comeback after burning to the ground. and we join treasure hunters on a scavenger hunt through the city and catch the moment one struck gold. >> it's the coolest thing ever. plus a windy day across the bay. >> it was so strong it was stinging my eyes. >> and at the ball park. when things should calm down. from kpix, this is the late news with sara donchey on cbs news bay area. hi, i'm sara donchey. a lot of times rain in the bay area can be hit or miss, but when it's windy, it seems like it's windy everywhere. maybe windier some places than others, but it definitely felt windy today in the bay area. >> yeah, a lot of gusts over 40 miles per hour. it will get your attention, move you around on the road, move around the patio furniture. >> yes, struggle. some of the
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tower cameras were shaking tonight for hours. you hear it a little bit there. the wind was whipping at this park in concord where some people told us it was really making their allergies worse. that's another thing i know you struggle from. you have the medicine on deck. >> always. >> winds this strong make for interesting baseball conditions. >> it's always interesting for night time games at oracle park, but when the wind is this strong. >> very interesting. >> it gets extra interesting. >> yeah, some fans on the way to oracle tonight felt the wind. andrea nakano was there too. >> reporter: the wind whistled through san francisco with gusts of more than 30 miles per hour. it didn't stop a mom and her daughter's daily stroll by the bay on wheels. >> super windy. it was a fight to get over here. but i guess we burn more calories. >> reporter: nessa picked up roller skating as a young child
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and passed on the skill to her daughter hope. it's a way for mother and daughter to bond, but this isn't the typical leisurely skate. >> we're used to it around the piers, but today it's like the wind is coming from every direction. you have to get low and skate much harder. >> reporter: you can see the trees whipping around in the wind and the scaffolding shaking in mission bay. many giants fans bundled up to enjoy the night at the ball park. >> i'll be okay because i have a sweater. >> reporter: jackson and his family tried to get a photo to remember the outing, but it wasn't the most pleasant experience. >> we were taking a picture, and, you know, it was so strong that it was stinging my eyes. >> reporter: it definitely was breezy, slightly uncomfortable, but it made for a memorable outing. a time for families to bond doing what they love. >> i feel like we've got a lot closer just doing something together every day. >> all right, paul, break it
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down for us. will we be hearing the wind this weekend or get a break? >> we get a break. >> nice. >> there's always some wind, especially in san francisco. but we'll return to normal april wind levels as we head into the weekend. the decrease in wind speeds has already started to kick in. let's look at the peak wind gusts we experienced earlier today. we're looking at live from mount diablo, which is a spot with a higher gust earlier in the day. the highest gust 57 miles per hour at big rock. 53 miles per hour around fairfield. 47 miles per hour along the coast of san francisco, and along 45 miles per hour for both the airports in oakland and at sfo. couple of spots where the geography tends to funnel the wind more effectively and results in higher gusts around the region. fun times landing at those locations earlier this evening. but now the winds are calming down. the strongest sustained wind is 22 miles per hour at sfo. 21 miles per hour on its heels at half moon bay. otherwise the winds have retreated to the 5 to 10 miles per hour range, and only a
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couple of spots reporting any higher gusts, sfo and half moon bay. still around 30 miles per hour. that's a far cry from the 40 to 50-mile an hour gusts we had earlier today. when the wind is this strong, it's dispersing a lot of pollen and mixing it to a good depth in the atmosphere. now that the winds are calming down, all that stuff is going to get dragged down by gravity and get concentrated where we have to breathe it. so the pollen count is going to continue to climb throughout the weekend. by the time tuesday rolls around, we'll be in the highest category for the pollen count. we have a warm up kicking in as we finish up april and head into may. more on that in a few minutes. the protest movement that's swept college campuses across the country is still going. 33 pro palestinian protesters at indiana university were arrested. things here in the bay have been peaceful without the mass arrests here than we've seen
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at other college protests. but at cal poly the protesters have essentially taken over the school. the school is now closed through the end of the semester. there's a growing tent encampment. the university claims protesters have been trying to break into other buildings and there's been vandalism and theft across campus. with just a few weeks left in the school year, the administration decided to make school entirely remote. over in oakland, a texas style barbecue joint grew up from a neighborhood success story to getting national recognition from the new york times to the michelin guide, and even experts in texas. but everything came to a halt in november right before the holidays when horn barbecue burned to the ground. but today people were lining around the block for their big comeback. they're starting fresh in an area that's also needed a big boost. our wilson walker was there. >> i love you.
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>> love you too. >> see you again soon, all right? precious cargo. >> reporter: tim clark came from a half hour away to get this cargo. he was among the first customers at horn barbecue's new location which relaunched with a line at the door. >> the the king, the beef rib, look at that thing. holy moly. oh my god. i missed this. i missed this so much. it's so good to have it back again. >> we've stayed committed to the city, and, um, the city has definitely shown up and showed love for us. we're humbled by it. >> reporter: it's been an up and down ride for name sake chef matt horn, but his restaurant and brand are now planted in downtown oakland where there's a chance to draw foot traffic. >> swan's market comes right down into 8th, and there's great food and restaurants all around town. >> reporter: i asked you if downtown oakland might be doing better than downtown san
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francisco, and you said yes? >> i did say yes because to me, living here, downtown oakland is more homelier. san francisco seems so business-like. everything is rushing and hurrying. >> reporter: oakland certainly faces its challenges. it's office vacancy rate is high. the amount of space, however, is much smaller. and in recent decades, oakland has placed a significant amount of housing downtown. another possible explanation for that reported increase in activity here. >> and then they built up downtown, so that made it even better to me personally to me. >> reporter: got more people here. >> yeah, yeah. it's smooth to me. >> yeah, man, we brought our
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michelin plaques. the others we weren't able to recover, but we were able to bring it over. >> reporter: and now horn barbecue becomes another destination for the foot traffic and one more piece of what it takes to make a downtown recovery. >> the restaurant isn't just serving up the staples from the original horn barbecue. they'll also have hamburgers and fries and dishes from matt horn's other restaurant matty's old fashioned. and oakland's small business week starts on sunday. clothes don't make the person, right? that's what they say. congressman adam schiff certainly hopes that's true after last night when someone broke into his car and stole his luggage ahead of a big fund raising dinner. he had to sport some much more casual outfits. his press secretary telling the chronicle that the congressman was unphased by the burglary. and while this certainly doesn't help the city's reputation, the latest numbers
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from sfpd show car break ins are actually down 35% compared to last year. something else san francisco has a reputation for, its insanely steep hills. you might have watched this scene from the princess diaries. >> brake! brake! look out! >> well, that didn't exactly happen in telegraph hill, but this did. this bus didn't make it up the hill before getting stuck. the road had to be shut down, but first responders were eventually able to roll the bus back. still ahead, imagine looking up in the sky and seeing something like that. where twisters left a trail of destruction, and extreme weather is also threatening an animal that gets a bad wrap. bats. but turns out. >> we wouldn't have coffee, chocolate, or tequila without bats. >> reporter: why expert says it's more important than ever to protect them.
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plus, when you think scavenger hunt, you're probably thinking middle school birthday party. try this instead. >> it has to be somewhere over here. >> the items worth thousands of dollars that full grown adults were scouring for all
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tonight people in part of nebraska are picking up the pieces of twisters tore through suburban omaha and did damage to hundreds of homes and buildings there. paul, we're even hearing reports that people had to be rescued from collapsed buildings and that one tornado tore for miles through farmland and into neighborhoods. >> yeah, i was looking at damage reports from earlier, and it's likely once they assess the damage tracks that we'll see long track tornadoes of 50, 60, 70, even 90 miles possible. those are incredibly long-lived and destructive storms. and it looks like tomorrow is going to be another day of a significant risk of severe weather through the middle of the country. we usually just focus on the bay area or california, but today if you have friends of family that live in the middle of country, make sure they're paying attention to the weather tomorrow. it's a higher risk of severe weather through the heart of tornado alley. wichita, up through oklahoma
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city and tulsa, and just southeast of wichita damaging straight line winds, very large hail, and more long track tornadoes all possible. makes you thankful to live in a generally calmer part of the country. we are going to see calmer conditions kicking in as we head into the weekend. not nearly as windy saturday and sunday, and temperatures will start warming up and the calm weather pattern is going to continue as we head into next week. the next storm system missing us way to the north which is typical for late april and early may. we had gusty winds earlier, but the skies cleared out and we have passing clouds throughout the weekend. hints of moisture staying well to the north. fully sunny skies sunday and most of the day monday. a few high clouds, but really nice weather for the last weekend of april and last couple of days of april early next week. the winds already backing down. showed you that earlier. that trend will continue overnight. pretty calm conditions to start the day saturday. and while the winds
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pick up, which is typical for late april, it's more typical. strongest around bodega bay and half moon bay. but inland gusts staying below 20 miles per hour. that's definitely what we're used to this time of year. looking down towards oakland, temperatures in the low to mid-50s across the board. we're only going to drop a few more degrees throughout the rest of the night, but closer to normal high temperatures, low temperatures and high temperatures as we head into the weekend. mid to upper 40s to around 50 degrees to begin the day. but we do warm up with that full sunshine overhead. temperatures within a degree or two of average by saturday afternoon. around 70 in san jose. a mix of upper 60s and low 70s in the santa clara valley. inland east bay mostly 60s around the bay. 67 in fremont. just a couple degrees cooler down the peninsula. several degrees cooler along the coast, but more sunshine in half moon bay, and that brightens things up. makes it feel warmer. low to mid-60s in san francisco and oakland, and a mix of upper 60s and low 60s inland and the north bay. add a
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up couple of degrees for sunday. the first three days of may we'll have temperatures several degrees above average, but it's not going to last that long. the 8 to 14 day outlook from the climate prediction center taking us beyond the seven-day forecast shows a return of a cooler than average pattern as we head deeper into may. that's associated with the potential for wetter than normal conditions. not usual something we associate with may weather. let's look at the seven-day forecast and we'll take a look at the inland parts of the bay area first where temperatures warm to the low to mid-70s this weekend, but the real warm up kicks in for the first few days of may close to 80 degrees wednesday, thursday, and friday. the warm up noticeable closer to the water. temperatures around the bay should get into the low 70s for three or four straight days, beginning already for the last day of april, but especially wednesday, thursday, and friday. even along the coast,
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while you're still going to be cool over the weekend. the sunshine will be nice to see, and then you'll have to wait a few more days for temperatures to make it further into the low 60s by wednesday, thursday, and friday. and there's no rain in the seven-day forecast for the first time since early october we're looking at two straight dry weekends. cbs news bay area presents project earth, the path forward. they've been called spooky and sinister, they live in caves, lots of people are afraid of them. bats. and their species are under threat from climate change. they actually impact everything from alcohol production to fruit. >> reporter: they are mysterious, only come out at night, and are most often associated with scary things. but there's nothing creepy about what bats do for the environment. >> they're not only cute, but they do these amazing roles like for our ecosystem. >> reporter: joseph is a bat
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buy -- biologist from ucla. over 300 species of fruit depend on bats for pollination. they help disperse seeds and also play an essential role in pest control saving formers billions a year in crop damage and pesticides. >> bats can eat half their body weight in insects per night. >> reporter: it's just the lemon and avocado trees have a bat detector. >> they can alter the insect communities that exist here. batscan exert a suppression impact on insects just by flying around and existing. >> reporter: rachel, an assistant professor of global change biology at cal poly pomona and her students are working with ranch manager michael sullivan. >> i'm learning more about how they improve the systems we have here. >> reporter: for all the good they do, bats are declining around the globe due to loss of
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habitat because of development, extreme weather events caused by climate change, and disease. >> it's very daunting knowing that there are all these multitudes of factors leading to their declines and a general apathy by just regular people towards bats. >> reporter: for scientists, the hope is to reshape the narrative around the misunderstood creatures and focus on the vital things bats do for us. >> you can protect bats by planting a bat garden if you feel so inclined and install a bat house. that's commitment. staying out of caves will also help. in san francisco, i can check that box. the the athletics are about to leave the bay area in the dust, but that isn't stopping some die hard fans from taking their protest movement on the road from oakland to the capital. ahead in sport, the niners added two more players via the draft and we meet the first round selection. and the giants most exciting win of the season right after the brea
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a big fireworks show in the sky over oracle tonight in san francisco to celebrate the giants' win against the pirates. matt will have more on that one in a bit, and it was exciting. attempts to keep the a's in oakland have been a swing and a miss. they're not even staying in the bay, they'll play in sacramento next season. but some true a's fans haven't giverren up the fight for the owner to sell the team off. tomorrow they take the fight on the road. they'll stage a boycott at sutter health park in the capital city. it will take place at a minor league game between the
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river cats and the las vegas aviators. >> hopefully we get an opportunity to talk to local media up there and let them know exactly what they signed up for. they're just being used by john fisher and the mlb as a steppingstone to go to vegas. >> they expect at least 70 people to make the trip and protest. a's fans are true to their team. no one is disputing that. we've had a lot going on in terms of the draft. everybody is watching, waiting the see what their team will do. how did the niners do? >> i'll say this, no one is protesting their draft selections so far. that's good news. san francisco had major holes they needed to fill in the draft, and they've gone three for three on filling those. >> with the 64th pick in the
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2024 draft, the 49ers select renardo green. >> spice adams, he's a famous meme and former player. green was selected with the last pick of the second round. he only had one interception in his college career, but he had 13 pass break ups last season with the seminoles. niners traded up in the third round to take kansas offensive lineman dominic puny. he didn't allow a sack last year. 49 everies also introduced first round pick ricky pearsol out of florida friday. he started his career at arizona state. he's also pretty familiar with new quarterback. he and purdy played each other in high school, and he got a call from purdy earlier on friday. >> reporter: what was the conversation you had this morning, and how excite are you that a couple of arizona guys will take the field together? >> yeah, man, we played against each other in high school. he put it on us, i'm not going to lie. but i'm just glad i'm on the other side of things now
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and we get to play together. it will be exciting. >> very familiar name on day two. luke mccaffrey, the younger brother of christian mccaffrey drafted. many thought he'd end up with the 49ers. prom night via mccovey cove at the ball park. and kyle harrison with his best start of the season striking out seven in six shut out innings, but left the game scoreless. still no score in the ninth. pittsburgh loads the bases against doval with one out, but doval gets reynolds to ground out, ends the inning. he's pumped. san francisco then gets two on in the bottom of the ninth, and they all come home. walk off patrick bailey. his second career game ending homer. giants win 3-0. they're 6 and 3 in their last nine. they're heating up. the a's in baltimore.
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oakland tied the game in the ninth to force extras. top of the tenth with two outs brent rooker doubles into left. trying to score from first. he beats the throw home to give the a's the lead. oakland then would bring in their flame throwing closer mason miller. with the tying run at third, miller strikes out henderson on a 102 miles per hour fast ball to end the game. a's win their second straight 3 to 2 the final. couple of wins for the bay area teams. niners hoping to select a few more winners on saturday. they currently have six remaining picks, four of those in the fourth and fifth rounds. and reminder, niners have drafted a couple of good guys on the third day. george kittle, brock purdy who famously plays quarterback for the 49ers and saved sara donchey and her dog from a coyote. >> everybody keeps talking about that. proud of you for getting through the segment
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with your voice. >> a little tough right now. >> it sounds great. matt, thank you. normally you see kids doing this at birthday parties, but these adults channeled their inner child to go on a scavenger hunt. but they weren't searching for candy and toys. they were searching for things worth thousands of dollars. did you guys ever go on scavenger hunts as kids? >> yeah, it was just a long time ago. >> my older brothers probably would have not made that fun for me. >> well, it's normally a kid thing, but adults did a treasure hunt of their own
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through san francisco today for rare coins. rare coins. not like chocolate coins. >> like wonka. >> no, these were the real deal. the most expensive ones were $2,500 each. i'd be jumping in too. da lin joined them combing the city for clues. >> reporter: as couples are posing and photographers capturing, treasure hunters are frantically searching at the iconic palace of fine arts. >> we even climbed way up here. >> reporter: about a dozen people looking at every possible hiding spot under the dome for a valuable coin. here's the clue posted by the organizer. >> found the bill. >> reporter: this woman and her boyfriend were visiting from chico and had no clue about the scavenger hunt until they saw a father and son team searching. >> he was looking for something, and we were like what are you looking for because we thought he lost
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something. he said we're looking for a gold coin, so we started looking. >> reporter: a coin collector came up with the hunt for national coin week. part fun and part history lesson about the importance of san francisco and producing coins. >> we got together 11 coins worth 10,000 dollars all together and hid them in 11 different neighborhoods throughout san francisco. >> reporter: five gold coins, five silver coins, and one copper. the copper penny and gold coin with worth 2500 bucks each. >> they're all made here in san francisco. san francisco, we're the king of mints. we've had three. the first one was in 1854, second one was 1870, and the current one out in the castro district has been making coins since 1938. >> reporter: seth and his team put up 11 pictures as clues on their instagram page exactly at 12:00 noon open to the public, free. >> it has to be somewhere over
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here. it has to be. i don't know, i'm going to find this thing. >> reporter: at 12:21 p.m., a scream of excitement. the college student who came to san francisco for a thursday night concert found it. they were supposed to go back to chico right after the concert, instead they got a hotel and now a piece of treasure. >> it's like the coolest thing ever. and it's so, like, it looks pretty old. and it's really big. i was convinced it was behind one of the pillars. i came over here and climbed over here, and it was right there. i almost thought it was trash. i thought it was trash for a second, and it wasn't trash. >> reporter: brii and indy went to the coin shop to thank they and receive the history on their treasure. >> this was struck in 1910 in san francisco and it's called the indian $10 gold piece. it's a very famous u.s. coin design. >> these are actually called
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eagles. there's a $20 coin that's a double eagle. >> reporter: the value of the coin is $1,100. brii says it more than covers their trip. >> i'm honestly at a loss for words. i've been since i found it. this is 1100 that i wasn't expecting to get today. >> was brock purdy -- >> is he fencing old coins? >> i mean, that looked -- >> i mean, he's mr. irrelevant. >> his job must not be paying that well. >> we just both at the same time said is that brock purdy? >> it's not. >> the coin business offered brii $1,100 cash to buy it back on the spot. she


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