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tv   The Late News  CBS  April 28, 2024 11:00pm-11:35pm PDT

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f0 from cbs news buy area, this is the evening edition. some san francisco black leaders are saying there's an outbreak of racism in city schools. >> our grandchildren are being left behind, and we're tired of it. we shouldn't have to fight like this. and concrete barricades and violent confrontations. the latest from protests taking
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over college campuses and the response from students in gaza. and how do you attract customers if they're afraid to come to your town? what oakland leaders say they're doing to help struggling businesses. at 11:00 on this sunday night, we're live from the cbs studios in san francisco. the ncaa held a special meeting at third baptist church to hear about children facing racist attacks at school. andrea nakano has the story. >> the school did not call me or the parent for hours. >> reporter: paulette brown has been fighting fiercely for her children and grandchildren for most of her life. in 2006, her only son was murdered in san francisco, and she is still looking for justice. now she's battling what she feels is racism within the san francisco unified school district. >> what do we do about this school district that's continuing to fail our children? >> reporter: brown says her
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grandson, marcus ross, was kicked off a play structure and had to transfer schools due to safety. >> our children are being left behind. our grandchildren are being left behind. and we're tired of it. we shouldn't have to fight like this. >> reporter: she wasn't the only one. other families had their own stories to share. >> he was unfortunately approached by a, an old man that threatened him. >> reporter: the president of the san francisco naacp chapter says this is the third time he's hearing of situations like these. >> we've lost over 40,000 blacks from the city since 1970. and it's because of subtle and sometimes overt bigotry and racial attacks. >> reporter: those at this
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meeting say it's bittersweet to know they're not alone. >> it's just so much on us, and we don't have a lot of support. so with this happening here, we can all come together as one and deal with the school district and maybe we'll get somewhere. >> reporter: this is talk of possibly filing a class action lawsuit against the district. parents say it's critical to affect change to ensure their kids can grow and learn at school without fearing for their safety. >> the school district responded with a statement saying racism and bigotry have no place in our community and will not be tolerated. we take any report of racism very seriously and activity work to implement anti-racist practices across our schools and in our community. anti-war protests continue at college campuses, and they continued throughout the weekend. in the bay area, demonstrators set up encampments along white plaza at stanford over the past few days. protesters say they're not leaving until the
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university agrees to divest themselves of any programs with an economic benefit to israel. meanwhile up north, students set up barricades around the cal poly humboldt campus. >> it's different than regular life behind the barricades. it's safe. a lot of community. we hang out, talk, eat together. it's a very comfortable space to be in. >> down in southern california, a different scene. anti-war protesters clashed with a pro-israel group. lauren posen has the details. >> reporter: thousands of demonstrators converged on the ucla campus for a fourth day sunday. >> we're here to support palestine. we think what's going on is injustice. >> for years we have been saying. >> reporter: but just before
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11:00, fights broke out between protesters supporting israel and pro-palestinian demonstrators in dixon plaza. they came to campus for a rally to show support for jewish students. >> it was arranged in advance. we had permits. >> reporter: barriers to separate the sides were breached. passion erupting on both sides as they came face to face single game record here in los angeles, those are terrorists. here in la, can you believe this? >> reporter: demonstrators were confronting one another. >> i just want the other side to actually look into our arguments. i feel like the other side isn't really listening to anything. they just call everyone hamas supporters and terrorists. >> reporter: things intensified even more as demonstrators and supporters started to push, shove, and scream at one another. >> and here we have a marauding band with pushing, shoving thugs, profanity that is now
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rendering the entire space unsafe. >> reporter: university officials say they won't step in unless they feel students are in danger. ucla issued a statement on the violence staying in part, ucla has a long history of being a place of peaceful protest, and we're heart broken about the violence that broke out. >> and the protests are not going unnoticed by palestinians in rafah. they're showing gratitude on the side of their tents which they now have to call home. the handwritten messages are thanking students in america for their support. and there's mounting pressure on israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. thousands of israelis are stepping up their protests as anger grows over the government's failure to bring the hostages home. today president biden and netanyahu spoke on the phone. the two discussed the release of the hostages. and secretary of state blinken will travel to the region again this week for continued ceasefire and hostage talks. meanwhile, new polls
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showing a tight race for the white house. skyler henry has more on what voters say is on their minds. >> donald has had a few tough days lately. you might call it stormy weather. >> reporter: amidst the jokes and jabs at the annual white house correspondence dinner, president biden detailed his perspective on the stakes for the upcoming election. >> eight years ago, you could have written it off as just trump talk. but no longer after january 6th. >> reporter: former president trump responded on his truth social platform voicing his displeasure about the event and calling biden an absolute disaster. with a little more than six months to go before the election, new cbs news polling out today shows a very tight race in three battleground states we surveyed. pennsylvania, wisconsin, and michigan. states that helped biden win in 2020. but registered voters say the impacts of inflation are looming large in their minds and add they aren't seeing an
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improvement in a post-pandemic economy in their respective states, sparking a downward trend for the president and an advantage for trump as biden trails in the polls with voters when asked whether which candidate quote understands the needs of concerns of people like you. an edge he once held in the summer of 2020 when voters were asked the same question. former president trump is looking to pick up on that momentum in those battleground states. because his new york hush money trial has a recess on wednesday, he'll hold rallies in both wisconsin and michigan before being back inside the courtroom on thursday. and we'll have more news on that as it develops in the upcoming week. for now, coming up at 11:00. >> customers won't come if their cars are being broken into. >> what businesses in oakland are doing to get people back into their stores. and later, no outside outlet, no problem. how it just got easier to change an electric car.
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and it was another day where the wind was kind of a factor, and it made it feel cool, and it's not going away. we have two more days like this where wind speeds will be in the mid-20s. then, by the end of the week, quite different. i'll show you a nice warm up if that's your thing. the forecast is coming up.
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welcome back. now to oakland where despite concerns over crime and empty office buildings, a study found that the amount of foot traffic in oakland was up by over 20%. da lin talked to small businesses trying to get foot traffic in the doors. >> reporter: at this downtown oakland bar, it's wine with a twist. >> women only make up 5% of the industry, and people of color make up probably 3%, and black producers make up 1%. and the wine industry is a multibillion dollar industry. so what i wanted to do was reverse engineer the industry and provide retail space specifically for the underrepresented wine makers and give them a platform to my audience. >> reporter: business owner alicia says all the wines in her tasting room are made by women and people of color.
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>> i wanted to bring the wine country to oakland. >> reporter: coco noir opened in december of 2022. alicia says business initially got off to a very strong start. >> with the crime it has, my business has decreased in sales. but it's slowly trending upward now that, you know, the spring and summer is coming. >> reporter: as oakland celebrates and kicks off small business week, many owners say the biggest challenge is crime. some experienced repeated burglaries and robberies. >> it has impacted my business in a sense that customers are afraid to come to oakland, so i've had to invest thousands and thousands of dollars in marketing to get people to come. >> reporter: leads say they hear them and are working to reduce crime. they're hosting free classes and networking events. this workshop on sunday focused on digital marketing. >> i'm someone that's getting started, so i'm very new. i'm trying to figure out what
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social media platforms to leverage. how to get your content out there. >> i'm working on growing my business. i'm working on my website. i want to improve my social media presence. >> i'm more the artist and less the business person, but because it's my business, i have to do it all and where all those hats, so i came to learn more about what goes into those. >> reporter: many here say they chose to invest in the city, and despite the challenges, they still believe in oakland. >> what adds color and vibrancy to the city is actually the small businesses and the people behind the businesses. >> reporter: alicia agrees and says thriving businesses is a reflection of a thriving city. >> increased safety, invest in security. i think that's number one. i think safety is the ultimate concern because customers are not going to come if their cars are being broken into. >> reporter: business owners continue to urge people outside of oakland to come shop and dine here. some businesses will even reimburse lyft and uber rides with a purchase.
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>> as for how other cities are faring when it comes to foot traffic, in san francisco, visits to downtown dropped more than 21% over the past year. but san jose saw a jump by about 28% in the same time frame. other news, tattage grill is a few blocks down from the station in the heart of downtown san francisco and celebrating 175 years in business. the oldest continuously run restaurant in the state. it's great stuff. local leaders gathered at the grill in celebration of the milestone. >> it's part of the lore of san francisco. it is old school. it still has booths. but it doesn't dwell on nostalgia. it's still a relevant restaurant today. >> it really is a great place. at today's event, mayor london
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breed declared april 28th tadich grill day. darren, have you been? >> i've been a couple of times. it has a great feel. >> it's an old world feel, but as aaron peskin said, it's still contemporary. and we had great weather this week and even more ahead? yes, by the end of the week near 80 for the many inland spots. but the next three days we're locked in a pattern. it's a little windy in the afternoon. for some it's a lot windy. as we see the forecast imagery, that's for the next two afternoons. both monday and tuesday, the winds pick up in intensity along the coast. we'll use the virtual map just to do a little comparison. if we take today's numbers, these are the wind speeds where we maxed out in the afternoon. you can pick out your part of the bay, but we're pretty much all doing the same thing. it's like 25 miles per hour gusts in general. that means, when we go into the daytime highs like we did today, if you look at where
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we were, um, for today's daytime highs, you notice that we're pretty much sitting at like the 70s for most locations. there's not really a big difference here in terms of any kind of a warm up because you have a wind chill factor you have to take into consideration with numbers like these. it will feel a bit cool because of that. but if we look ahead to friday, just to show you where we'll be by the time we get there, we'll be looking at daytime highs for the inland valleys into the low 80s. low 70s today, but by the time you get to friday, you do low 80s and no wind. we'll really calm the wind down in a noticeable way so you'll have a really nice feeling end of the week for thursday and friday. let's take a look at the forecast imagery and get an idea on how things play out after that. the wind kind of gives us a little bit of a break by wednesday and thursday. and if we look at the long range forecast, just to see if there was even the slightest hint here we might get a chance of rain in the
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long range forecast, we don't. we can play it through may 7th and don't see anything show up here with the possibility to change this. really it's just a matter of staying cool and breezy for the next three days, and then a little bit of a warm up for the end of the weekend. and yes, by next weekend we'll cool down again. but i don't see any rain materializing here. not this weekend, and not from now through the first solid week of may. that's where the accumulated rain will fall for now through may 7th. we're really in this bubble down here. we started looking at this last night, and it hasn't changed much. let's get into the seven-day forecast, and i'll show you how things will progress from herement nice warm up by the end of the week, but i mentioned the cool down by the weekend. look at the numbers going from 82 degrees on thursday and friday all the way back down to 69 on saturday and 70 on sunday. the clouds increase, so you can see the days, the weather inside the tubes here showing you it's
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not going to be a sunny, clear, and beautiful second half of the week. but no rain in there just yet. i just don't see enough confidence that the noticeable cool down will come along with any rain. the numbers for the bay play out like this. by thursday and friday, mid-70s. still have to cool down to the mid-60s by the weekend. back to you. >> thank you, darren. firefighters in high demand here in california, and departments are working to recruit more women into the field. this weekend the berkeley fire department hosted a special camp to give young women a hands on demonstration of what it's like to be a firefighter. it's called the first in fire camp. about three dozen women showed up for the event. >> when i was younger i thought about it because i thought that's going to be me, and then it died, but now it is me. >> women make up only 14% of the berkeley fire department staff. the annual fire camp for
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women recruits was started back in 2017 as a way to create more interest in the profession. and still ahead at 11:00, the announcement making it easier for drivers to charge their electric cars in california. and how soon you'll be able to travel from las vegas to la on a high speed train. the latest on the $12 billion project. bottom of the hour, the 2024 nfl draft is in the books. what now for the 49ers? >> fire pick. >> fire pick, no lie. >> can't lie. >> the raiders got a shipment from the wine country. >> everyone was hooping and hollering. >> guess who's second place in the nl west? >> we've been spotty. and a salute to a bay area baseball man who's taken longevity to a whole other level. >> it's a wonderful feeling. i'm glad i'm still here. >> that and more coming up on
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(upbeat music) - this is the new pix+ with the only 8:00 and 9:00 pm news, test test test. club puzzle
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took over building in tokyo but this time was just a projection. godzilla took over a building in tokyo for the monster's 70th anniversary. the projection over 300 feet tall. it will also make an appearance next weekend. it's 70 years after the original debut and still attracting fans to the movies. the new movie brought in 7.2 million. the top movie was the tennis drama challengers starring oakland native zendaya. brought
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this is game day on kpix and cbs news bay area. last game day of the month. april 28th. what is up with the 49ers? the second generation , a once in a niners uniform. a salute to the oldest living former major leaguer , the marin county roots. and did you see that fan hit by a home run? let's begin with tonight, the giants at the 29 games in the mix after four series wins this season. if you're feeling it, cut it loose . here is san francisco starter he didn't win, fellow has been on fire, struck out the side in the


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