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tv   CBS News Bay Area Evening Edition 5pm  CBS  April 30, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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spring is in bloom. if you think it is worse this year, you are not alone. we have climate change to think. a study found the allergy season is 20 days longer than it used to be. the pollen count can give an idea of the conditions. right here, there are three certified stations. nothing in the north day or along the peninsula. the reporter showed us how a hyper local pollen count could help us manage symptoms better. atlanta is known as the city in the forest. it was on one of the legendary high
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pollen days when dr. lou started peeling off. >> i couldn't breathe. >> the professor that studies environmental health was still until he got the diagnosis. because of pollen. something that is getting worse. because of the warming temperatures. it is torture. >> the symptoms are exacerbated by the amount of pollen in the air that is determined by a daily pollen count. single to double digits is low. the 1500 range is high. anything beyond that is an off the chart day like recently. >> in april the pollen count was extremely high, reaching 8740. that is the third-highest
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day since they started counting this in 1991. >> so many people don't realize what we do. >> technicians remove the grain and then under a microscope , they count each one. >> sometimes i forget the impact of pollen count had -- pollen count has. >> it is considered the most accurate but it is also expensive. that is part of the reason there are fewer than 90 patients across the country. some states don't even have one. >> the monitoring is sparse. new technology can automatically count pollen and provide hyper local data. >> it is portable and ai driven. it has the ability to
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provide real-time monitoring. >> it won't replace hand counting but it will give you more information about what is floating around the neighborhood. >> we will be able to make a more reliable forecast hour by hour. that can help a lot of people. scientists are working on ways to measure the allergens which is what causes the symptoms. right now tracking the levels is too expensive and time-consuming. let's check in with paul heggen. tracking pollen can be challenging. >> it is frustrating for a number of reasons. the results are publicly available or at least not easily. we have to
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rely on open source data. both can have wildly different versions of what is happening. we are making the forecast on a nightly basis and there are a number of things we evaluate. first is time of year. how dense is that vegetation. wind speed and direction. how is it dispersing. is the wind mixing it through the lowest 3000 feet or is it allowing it to settle toward ground-level. the big one is location which is especially challenging. let's look at our map. i want to show you what we are talking about with the change in direction. the onshore breeze will not have as much pollen as further inland. there aren't plants that are blooming at least into the atmosphere clear. tomorrow will be a perfect example. the
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offshore wind is helping the denseness well closer to the coast the -- will be there. we have to average things out across the area. we have conflicting reports. today's pollen count was in the medium category. -- said very high. it does look like we are going to see the medium-high for at least the next three days. one of those fact there is a good chance of rain in the forecast. it has hit me pretty hard. i tend to buy that estimate of very high. that is probably the best open source site.
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for more stories and how it is impacting your day-to-day life, look for the project earth section. following what could be an historic shift, the potential reclassification on the federal level. the proposal could recognize the medical use. and then some has less potential for abuse. it would not legalize it outright for recreational use. it would move it from the classification of a schedule one drug alongside things like heroin and lsd to schedule 3 that ketamine and some anabolic steroids. i spoke with the regulator who said it is not clear what this could mean where it is already legal. >> there is some speculation
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that the dea are some other agency might come out with guidance about how legal markets would be treated. we really don't know and we won't know for a while. >> the proposal would be the biggest policy change in more than 50 years. president biden called for a review of federal law . there is a long process ahead once it gets through the dea needs to be reviewed by the office of management and budget and the public comment period. a big vote happening that could set the date for the recall election of pamela
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preis. the board of supervisors are taking public comment right now on that final signature count. if it does move forward, recall could move to a special election or to the november ballot. katie nielsen heard from both sides. this is where the supervisors are meeting today. it is also where both sides , supporters and opponents, rallied and protested. both sides demanding different things. it was a war of words. supporters of pamela preis, attempting to drown out a rally by those wanting to remove her. >> you have had your chance. this is our press conference. this is for the back rooms. we
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stand for the victims. >> the people are here, people are here, the people are here. we are the people. >> so are we. >> reporter: pamela preis called on the board of supervisors to block a recall that could possibly take her out of office. >> we are calling on the board to reject this illegal effort and ill funded effort and misguided effort. >> reporter: d.a. price questions the legality from fundraising to signature gathering and even how the county registrar managed the process. >> the registrars trying to conduct an illegal election. >> reporter: as far as the motive, she said it is because she is the first black woman to hold office. >> it is not about public safety. it does not appear to
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have a basis other than racism. >> i am african-american and my name is first on the recall petition. >> reporter: she is one of the founders of safe, the group that organized the recall effort. they were calling on the board of supervisors to set special election as soon as possible. >> we are not going to wait eight months for a recall opportunity. a special election in august would cost $15-$20 million. the other option is to put it on the november ballot during the general election. >> i care about the justice and other people. tensions running high. if the supervisors allow the recall effort and if the d.a. is recalled, supervisors will be the ones to appoint a new d.a.. stuck is into the funding
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of the campaign. the commission said it will investigate as the agency does whenever requests of disorders made. and a monthly auto allowance. people in custody after a pursuit involving two vehicles. this black suv was speeding past cars near the oak when there court. the driver got out of the car and abandoned the suv. both people got into a white station wagon and drove off to another neighborhood. that is why
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police tracked him down and made an arrest. we are working on details. coming up, it beekeeper is hopping mad after her hives were stolen. >> i heard somebody say hey, freebies. >> they heard a car door close. >> why she said it was a big loss for the whole neighborhood. police are dozens of people arrested at cal poly humbled, after pro-palestinian protesters forced the campus to shut down. since last week, protesters occupied two buildings. the university released a response saying they have no direct investments in israeli companies or any current ties with israeli universities. tensions continue to rise at columbia university where
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students have taken over a building on campus and renamed it heinz hall. is in honor of the palestinian girl that was killed in gaza. it was a hard deadline for students to leave campus or face suspension. meanwhile, counter protesters tried to break into a pro-palestinian encampment. witnesses say the protesters came with megaphones and speakers to wake up demonstrators which escalated into pushing and shoving. antony blinken is in israel to discuss the latest proposal. comments from benjamin netanyahu could with the talks in jeopardy. lincoln recently met with arab partners where he pushed hamas to accept israel's latest cease-fire offer. hours before he landed, angela netanyahu announced israeli forces will invade roff a call regardless of the deal. the biden
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administration pushed israel to not invade southern gaza. more than 1 million palestinians are in roff for. they may have been refugees. the mass shooting in half moon bay highlighted the poor living conditions that many farmworker's experience. we meet the woman fighting to give them a safe place to's day. now there is a bomb drop. hebert is on the loose. how this animal is evading attempts by officials, trying to capture it. you wouldn't know that i have hepatitis b. i don't have visible symptoms yet. the warning by health officials about the rise of a contagious disease and the group of people likely to contract hepatitis b.
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investigators are trying to figure out what sparked this fire. it broke out overnight near sunset any street not far from the bark station. this commercial building under construction, it appears no one was inside when the fire started. the car fire causing backups. you can see that smoke pouring out of the vehicle on the westbound span of the bridge. no word on the cause. may is national hepatitis awareness month in san francisco. officials are raising the alarm of hepatitis b. it is a viral infection that attacks the liver and can cause acute and chronic disease. it can spread through contact with body fluid and also be passed from a mother to the baby. experts say the infection impacts asian americans
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disproportionately. some people don't even know they have it. >> you wouldn't know that i have hepatitis b. i don't have symptoms yet. i am a bay area native resident . i grew up in san francisco and they work in silicon valley. i found out when i got a medical screening in college. most likely it was transmitted from my mother to me at birth. if i wasn't tested , i wouldn't know. >> the best way to prevent it is to get vaccinated. there urging people to get tested. the california population is growing for the first time since 2020. 67,000 more people moved to the state and left. the total population is more than 39 million people. paul heggen joining us now. a beautiful day . i'm embracing
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the sunshine. full sunshine after last week's cloud cover. the breeze is going to be a factor over the next couple of days. let look at what you need to know through the week. we will remain dry through the rest of the work week.'s that will change into the weekend. warm temperatures and lower humidity and an offshore breeze over the next 24 hours. the onshore breeze along the coast. the wind will converge's in many cool and wet weekend. not the kind of weather we usually associate with early may. first let's talk about the wind. the wind will be noticeable but not that strong. the advisory goes into effect at 11:00. elsewhere in the central valley as well. they pickup toward morning. the
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darker shades indicate 30+ mile-per-hour dusting and 26 miles per hour around fairfield. the wind should back down to the afternoon but it will still be a noticeable breeze. right now, the wind is onshore. the flag is standing up but not ridiculous. temperatures in the 60s and 70s. 61 to 76 in santa rosa. everybody's temperature is within a few degrees of normal. we do have a warming trend that will kick in. game 2 of the series against the pirates, plenty of sunshine. first pitch 6:40. temperatures dropping into the 50s through the course of the game and we will drop down to a mix of 40s and 50s by morning. mostly 40s. the mild
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location sting in the 50s. temperatures warm up, especially away from the water. temperatures in the low to mid 70s around the bay. low 60s along the coast. a nice departure from the upper 50s. upper 70s and low 80s further inland with similar temperatures thursday and again on friday. then everything changes. looking at long-range data, these models were not agreeing with each other. now they have converged . they both depict a good chance of showers moving in. the difference is how long it will last and how long the snow will linger. the american model keeps that going through the day on sunday. we will refine those details. sunday looks like the dryer half but still be flexible. the total rainfall will vary inland to about half an inch in the high elevations. pretty typical for one of these systems. we
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will start with san francisco and oakland and then a big drop kicks in friday into saturday. 10 or 12 degrees drop across the bay area. the first weekend will feel like the middle of march. then a chance for lingering showers sunday. sunday does not look like a washout. we will look for indoor alternatives but be flexible and ready to adjust. we should dry out into next week. i want to enjoy the next three days. the bear that does not care. we are going to show you the mischievous juvenile creating a show for spectators while also creating problems for rangers and animal control. we don't want him in anymore trouble. we will have the
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the wildlife care network said they are in an emergency response mode. in just a few days the center rescued dozens of sick pelicans across santa barbara and ventura county beaches. they say the birds are emaciated and dehydrated. >> bay, and six of the required nursing care. a little concerned that it is potentially a similar event to the one in 2022. we had a few hundred pelicans that came into care. >> experts believe it is too early to say what is causing it. hebert on the run leaving officials on a bit of a chase as lori perez reports, authorities hope it will head back to the mountains.
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>> reporter: this is the video of a black bear swimming inside the buoys. it was one of several stops as it gallivan to in first did in the early morning running through neighborhoods and yards. making its way down to the park where emerged from the storm drain and ran up the first of several trees that it would hide in throughout the afternoon, all while attracting a clap crowd of locals, eager to see their wild visitor. >> i wanted him to experience it. >> you see things on the news and that is so close to home, i think i will go. >> reporter: it moved from tree to tree every few hours. when it did, use their horns and paint guns to try and push it further toward the mountains. it was likely stressed and anxious from the attention.
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they tried to tranquilizer but were told the shot went wide. this will be a learning experience for sure. local say they hope it learned its lesson. >> we don't want him in anymore trouble. coming up , meet the beekeeper that had a hive stolen. hear the frustration, becoming the latest bit some. there is a structure that you can take what you want without consequence. the effort to provide farmworkers with safe and affordable housing is now meeting resistance. tagalong as he introduces us to the latest fitness craze.
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donald trump held in contempt at his criminal trial. the punishment and what could come next. starting tomorrow families could face a tough decision. pay no more for the internet or lose access. theft on decline. that is little consolation to a beekeeper that felt a sting in her heart. she also spoke with the man that tracks down b
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