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tv   CBS News Bay Area 7pm  CBS  April 30, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm PDT

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opportunity. >> it is a brand-new fitness craze inspired by military training. >> you can rock on a dog walk, you can rock in between your kids baseball games. >> so, what exactly is it? vern puts on the backpack and gave it a try. >> this is cbs news bay area with juliette goodrich. thank you for joining us at 7:00. if you are at the local post office or they come to your home to deliver your mail, postal workers are part of our neighborhoods, you may know them by name. recently they have become targets of for thieves. some cases attacked on the job. right now the postal service is trying to fill 600 positions, it held a job fair today. amanda caught up with jada an applicant who is holding out for a new career
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despite the occupational hazards. >> reporter: managers with the united states postal service say they are looking to hire as many people as possible. they say they are understaffed. meaning many people have to work overtime, leaving them tired and possibly more at risk. >> we are hiring. >> help us out. >> it is a good job that you have had for a long time >> stopping by the postoffice to send out a pack when she stumbled on the career fair. she took her chances >> i was told there are a lot of opportunities for career advancement. i have a good relationship with the carriers in my community. i figured it would be a good wait to get some work experience and like be connected to the community. >> reporter: she is looking for a job that has the potential to become a career. that working for usps fits the bill. right
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now, post office operation manager says they don't have enough staff to work efficiently and working to fill hundreds of positions for essential employees >> we have a lot going on. mail handler, clerks, custodians and carriers. we are hiring right now. [ screaming ] . >> reporter: there is surveillance video from an alleged robbery that took place in oakland last month. usps says the suspect did not take any mail just the postal keys. those keys can be used to open potentially thousands of mail boxes. they try to give their employees training to hopefully avoid becoming victims of mail theft >> when we hire people that is the first thing we do. we make sure they know about safety, they have training, we make it a point to be with the new carriers every day for the first two weeks and then after that, every week until probation. >> reporter: usps says mail theft is a federal and state
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crime. they offer a $150,000 reward for information that leads to the arrest of a suspect in these types of cases. but, she says she will not let these incidents stop her from pursuing a career with usps. >> i hope that my life is not like, you know, be effected by it. but i think, it is something that like you have to assess risk with anything that you do. i think it would have to be a fluke sort of thing. >> reporter: applicants can still apply on usps website. they are hopeful if they can get more people hired soon so the people they already have are not overworked. >> amanda, thank you. in response to the thefts and the attacks the postal service rolled out a number of changes including higher security mail boxes and electric locks to prevent the need for those keys that thieves are often after. >> all right, happening right now the oakland city council is
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meeting right now. one pressing order of business, approving a contract for oakland's new police chief. so, when all is said and done floyd mitchell could make $350,000. he was introduced to the oaklanders at the end of last month. no word a month later when he will be sworn in. meanwhile, the county supervisors just voted to approve the final signature count on the recall campaign against da price. now the supervisors have to vote on when this recall will be held. they are set to meet again on may 14th to decide to hold a special election or put the recall on the ballot. we heard from both sides ahead of today's meeting. >> this is where the supervisors are meeting today. it is also where both sides, supporters and opponents of the recall rallied and protested ahead of the meeting. both
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sides demanding different things. [ crowd chanting ] . >> reporter: it was a war of words in the plaza outside of the administration building. supporters of district attorney pamela price, attempting to drowned out a rally boy those wanting to remove her from office >> you guy his your chance. this is our press conference. this is for the victims. the victims are here. please stand for the victims. [ crowd chanting ] . >> that shows you right there. and so are we. we are the people as well. >> reporter: current district attorney pamela price called on the board of supervisors to block a recall election that could possibly take her out was office. >> we are calling upon the board to reject this illegal effort, thisil funded effort,
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this misguided effort. >> reporter: current da price questioned the recall campaign from fundraising to signature gathering and even how the county registrar managed the process. >> the registrar is trying to conduct an illegal election. i don't know what his motivation is. >> reporter: as far as the motive for the recall, she says it is because she is the first black woman to hold the office >> this is not about public safety. it does not appear to have a basis other than racism. >> i am african american, my name is first on the recall petition. line number one, my name. >> dprks risham is a member of the recall effort. today they were calling onsetting a special election to let voters decide if price should stay in office. >> we are not going to wait eight months for a recall opportunity. we are not going to do it.
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>> reporter: a special election in august would cost $15-$20 million. the other option is to put it on the november ballot during the general election. >> i don't care about the money i care about the justice. i care about other people behind me getting their justice, too. >> obviously tensions running high on both sides today. now, if the supervisors allow the recall effort to go forward and if the da is recalled, supervisors will be the ones to appoint a new da until the next general election. now, price's office requested a formal investigation into the funding of the recall campaign. california's fair political practices commission says they will investigate as the agency does wherever a request of this sort is made. all right, let's go to new york. the police have been given permission to enter columbia university to put an end to the ongoing protest on campus. students were alerted by the university to shelter in place and avoid the campus until further notice. arrests have been already made as
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demonstrators locked themselves into a campus building, renaming it heinz hall in honor of a 6-year-old palestinian girl who died in gaza three months ago. they smashed the buildings, the windows there, boarded furniture against its doors. the university says students occupying the building will face expulsion. it is no longer a debate about students reasons or cause but their actions. all right, so, let's take you now to new york where you can see just outside where the new york pd moved in on the columbia university. you can see, let's see if i am looking at live pictures right now. umbrellas there, actually. what we were looking at earlier was the officer seen driving an emergency service unit to reach a window of the hall. right now it looks calm in this live picture but we have seen dozens of officers some in riot gear entering the building through a window. students were seen brought out in handcuffs,
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unclear, though, right now, how many arrests have been made at this time. again, nypd moving in. from these live pictures, obviously, people with umbrellas in hand. we are going to continue to follow this and have cameras on the scene throughout the evening as well should there be more developments on this. all right, here in california, san diego is the latest college to join the nationwide protest. students walked out of class into a rally this afternoon. demands that the university cut financial ties with israel and acknowledge the war in gaza as genocide. meanwhile, across the bay. protests on college campuses are still going strong and have been relatively peaceful so far. some of the universities have said they will respect student's rights to peacefully protest and work to keep them and the rest of their campus safe. >> those bead bandits, stealing a col-- those bee bandits that
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stole a colony. if they get caught they will not get off easy. a brand-new workout, oh, yes, inspired by the military. vern glenn puts on a back expak shows us what rucking is all about. >> still plenty of sun slight out there. sun goes down at 7:59. last pre8:00 sunset until the middle of august.
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. welcome back. the biden administration plans to ease restrictions on marijuana. they could reclassify the drug as a lower risk substance. they could recognize the medical uses of cannabis. it would not legalize marijuana outright for recreational use. it would move
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marijuana from the current classcasion as classification to a category 1. it is not clear what you it would mean for the state where pot is already legal for recreational use >> there is some speculation that the dea or some other federal agency might come out with guidance for states about how their state legal markets would be treated under these new federal laws. but really we don't know and will not know for awhile. so, the dea proposal would be the biggest policy change in more than 50 years. coming up at 8:00 on pix plus. we talked to a local dispensary about how the policy could be a big boost for businesses on the ground. >> all right, there are so many
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beautiful spots to go. vern glenn went out rucking. >> 3, 12, miles a hike is not enough. >> what do you do? >> i tell you what i will do right now, turn my microphone on. how about that. that is a letter better. i will start over again. you are pretty loud -- [ laughter ] but i am holding it. [ laughter ] >> this is live tv. >> it is on. so, while you are getting your microphone. i will show you. >> okay. fine. fine. television history, folks. it is a calorie burn? >> absolutely. absolutely. back to the queue card. jules what do you do if 3-5, 12 miles of a hike is just not enough? you can work on your glutes, attack strength, stamina. as the trainer tells us you can do it
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all if you know how to ruck. >> reporter: every morning, fitness trainer shows up with the urge to ruck. >> you can ruck on a dog walk, in between your kid's baseball games, you can ruck as you are waiting for your kids, ruck with a friend. >> with backpacks, weighted with water, they march, they ruck through some of the most scenic landscapes, burning more calories than they would in a normal hike. so, this, this is rucking. conditioning, related to the military. that is where the term comes from. >> marching every friday night, 12 miles, full pack in the pitch dark. >> reporter: this is a much better pace >> bring your knees up a little bit. a little march. it is okay
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if it slows you down. it is not for the weak. >> i guess you have to work yourself up to it. >> good, you do, you do, good mental preparation. >> one finger this way is fine. you really, really want it to be tight. you want the weight to be on the hips. you are doing are for weeks and then you will realize you are stronger, walking faster, core is stronger, i am stronger. >> i have been rucking three times a week for two weeks. >> you are hooked >> yes. >> i bet you have no standing problem. >> i do, my heart is always beating. my heart is always beating. >> why am i going to pay someone to take me on a hike? we live in marin county, beautiful everywhere. i get it. but i will say you got to try it. >> meeting new people, friends supporting each other. that really is, that really is the magic of rucking. >> all right, so, here is a
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ruck back . it is filled with waterlogs that are weighted. 10-20% of your body weight. if you are in her class, along the way, she will stop and have you do these ruck lifts like that with each arm and you get a huge, huge workout. >> i am telling you, this is a thing. [ laughter ] >> i hear you. all right. on to our weather. >> look at the curls. >> my goodness. let's toss it over to you, paul, for our weather >> look at that, five pounds, 10 pounds >> how many can she do while we are doing weather. >> great weather for outdoor activities ited and plenty of sunlight shining down. heading through the rest of the workweek. we will stay dry through the workweek. that will not persist going into the weekend. temperatures warming up beginning tomorrow, warm start for the month of may. gusty winds will kick in. onshore breeze at the coast. offshore inland. the wind
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converging on the bay area. a cool unsettled weekend in store for us. focus on the winds, a wind advisory in effect from 11:00 through 5:00 tomorrow evening. vacaville, the wind gusts, 30 miles an hour. then, the winds will calm down even for the wind advisory expires and the off shore winds would leave us with elevated fire threat, the fuels containing good moisture. we will add a little bit heading through the weekend. clear skies over head. temperatures, mostly in the 60s. although it is down to 58 degrees right now. falling, clear skies, no blanket of clouds, no warmth in the ground. a couple degrees below average. closer to the 40s by wednesday morning, taking a look at tomorrow's forecast highs, warming up nicely, 6 or 7 degrees inland, upper 70s. mostly lower 80s inland in the
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east bay. the temperatures running about, the same, 7 degrees above average, middle 70s and in the peninsula and redwood city. lower 60s for half moon bay. we do not lose the influence. your temperatures are going to remain cool. getting up close to 70 degrees, though n san francisco, middle 70s for oakland and a mix of 70s and lower 80s on the map. inland, the north bay, 80 degrees exactly in napa by tomorrow afternoon. let's take a look at the 10-day temperature outlook for san jose. including a little bit of a roller coaster ride. 70s for the next few days, 80 degrees on thursday. a big drop. 10-15 degree drop across the bay area from friday to saturday. that is just below average temperatures for the weekend. climbing back to closer to normal heading through the first week of may. the cooler pattern, a good chance of rain heading our way. especially on saturday. the long-range forecast data was all over the place 24 hours ago. now, the forecast models are coming
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together on a wet scenario for saturday. light to moderate rain showers to pass the time of the year getting heavy rain. still, possibility of lingering showers. sunday, be flexible. rainfall amounts, modest. less than a 10th of an inch. half an inch expected in the higher elevations of the mountains. most of us picking up 1/10th of an inch of rain heading through the weekend. keep you updated as the weekend gets closer the cool down, the showers, several days away. warmer weather for the next few days, 80 degrees inland, mix of upper 70s, 80s. only in the 60s, inland, heading into the 70s for the next three days, only the lower half of the 60s on saturday. the temperatures will be cooler as we head into the weekend for areas along the coast the temperatures dropping down into the middle 50s. some reason, bait side forecast did not show up. one more time here for good measure. make sure we get
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everybody included. there are the temperatures, upper 50s around the bay for the first half of the weekend. regardless of the numb - [narrator] behold the new churro twists at round table pizza, our most decadent dessert, baked in a flurry of cinnamon sugar and paired with a sumptuous caramel dip.
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an odyssey of flavor just- - enough fine words. this feast cannot wait! - right. available for a limited time only at round table pizza.
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. a follow up to the bee heist, that has a woman stinging mad. 30,000 bees in all, including the queen. >> i heard someone say, oh,
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yeah, free bees, and a moment passed and i heard a dog closed. >> it was just about before a honey tasting. whoever took them, stealing even a hive or
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so you may recall seeing a rat-shaped hole on social pleadia. after a lot of complaints, the beloved viral sensation is gone. >> all of this for a rat imprint. >> lais a mazing, crews were outside removing a slab of concrete where the hole stood. poured in a new one. guess what, it might go
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announcer: it's time to play "family feud"! give it up for steve harvey! [cheering and applause] steve: how y'all? how's everybody? i appreciate that. thank y'all. thank you, everybody. i appreciate that. thank y'all. yeah, i do. well, welcome to "family feud," everybody. i'm your man steve harvey. [cheering and applause]


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