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tv   CBS News Bay Area  CBS  May 1, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm PDT

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>reporter>it's a month long celebration. of asian and pacific i'll culture. history and heritage. >yeah. >>but it's about more than food and music. the community community flexing its political muscle. and holding the powerful to account. >honestly, i really don't give who it is as long as 1 of you become the leader you claim to be >liz>hi there and thank you so much. much for joining us today. everywhere you look ap. i culture is woven into the fabric of the bay area this half hour as we kick off a p i heritage month we'll be looking at the issues facing this community and how it's celebrating its cultural pride, but 1st, let's get you in on today's news headlines. bay area worker is a rallying on the streets from made a here is 1 of the demonstrations going on right now, this group gathered at 24th and mission near the bart station in san francisco. they marched holding
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signs and palestinian flags their demands. invest in workers and immigrant communities, not the war in gaza, the demonstrators marched all the way to city hall. classes are canceled that at u c l. a down in southern california after clashes between to protest groups over the war in gaza. counterdemonstrators launched what looked like fireworks. into an encampment set up by pro palestinian protesters. meantime, in new york tents have been cleared out at columbia university. fights broke out after police removed protesters occupying a school building. bay area campus protests so far have been peaceful. very services up and running again between sausalito and san francisco. the golden gate ferry service was suspended on april 19th after damage was spotted on the sausalito pier. repairs have been completed and the pier is now declared safe. all right, let's get to our 1st alert weather now or really starting to warm up. i'm sure you felt it outside. but believe or not,
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we're also tracking the return of rain yet again. meteorologist jessica burch is timing it all out from our virtual view studio. hey, jess. >reporter>throughout the bay area today, we're experiencing war warm, dry weather for us, at least off into the east bay with 80s in the forecast today near concord in antioch 70s down into the santa clara valley, but the more coastal we go, of course, the cooler it gets today it's going to be breezy and cool along our coastline 60s in the forecast near half moon bay, we're also experiencing 60s near san francisco, close to the 70s and speaking of 70s. that's what we're going to hit all the way up into the north bay. but other than that, let's talk a little bit more about the winds. it is going to be a gusty 1. for us today along our coast. about 40 mile per hour. wind gust expected near bodega bay stretching down and a half moon bay and per friends near solano county. they were under a wind advisory, to and we still see that into the afternoon and evening hours tonight once we head into our forecast tomorrow morning, those winds will die down nicely. now tomorrow, lasting into our forecast for friday.
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we're going to see high pressure kind of stick around giving us dry weather but then a storm system approaches us as we head into our weekend forecast that will bring in what conditions will bring in cooler temperatures and, of course, some gusty conditions to match along as well. speaking of the rain, luckily, it's a short lived system that cold front sweeps in and moves right away pretty fast friday night into saturday morning, that's when we're expected to see those showers and luckily when it comes to that damp, cool weather, it really helps are pulling count. we're down to a low category once we head into our saturday forecast, but let's drop that and talk about the next 7 days. we do have some big changes in the forecast for us 80s today, tomorrow 70s into friday for our inland areas dropping down quickly into the 50s as that cold front approaches. luckily, we see a nice warm up into next week with more sunny skies right around the corner. now that's our inland areas. if you live along the bay or the coast to see a little bit more clouds in the forecast. russ just ahead of that cold front on friday, and just after that cold front as we head into sunday and monday of next week, so we'll keep you updated on that forecast as we get closer.
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>liz>yeah. the latest numbers. from the sense bureau show about 1/3 of people here in the bay area are part of the aapi community. now that's a big voting block when it comes to november's big election, and mackovic has more on the importance of the api vote and >reporter>california's population is just over 16% from asian descent, the bay area as a whole is much more like santa clara county more than 41% in san francisco. more than 37%. just last year, san francisco hosted the apec summit. the animal conference focusing on how to promote trade and investments around the pacific. so world leaders travel to the bay for that week long event, including chinese president xi jinping met face to face with president biden. yep. francisco mayor london breed just returned from a trip to china and effort to boost ties and tourism. she met with electronic companies and airline carriers. and china
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agreed to send pandas over to the san francisco zoo as the mayoral race is underway in san francisco, there was a push to focus on the city's asian vote. prominent voices in the a p i community are coming out with endorsements for london breed. and her challengers. >election. were held today. i would definitely say the city is on the upswing and we should not be changing horse. same francisco that's what we need a new leadership. when i can leadership and the time is now. >reporter>that was kit land you just heard from who just threw his support behind candidate daniel laurie in alameda county. one in 3 people is of asian descent. oakland mayor sheng thao is the daughter of monk refugees and the oakland chinatown chamber of commerce has been a political powerhouse of its own. they've held news conferences calling for increased safety measures in the neighborhood. and set up their own foot patrols to make up for a lack of police present and shame or president carl
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chan is 1 of the people behind the recall election for alameda county's district attorney. but when it comes to holding elected office, the a p i community is under represent. according to bay area equity atlas holding, just 12%. of elected positions in the bay area. list. >liz>thanks so much, well still ahead in our special ap. i conversation an asian american advocate the organization is flipping the script. how they are going from hate. to love plus, we're digging into the issues at the heart of this community to leaders joining us live in studio stay with us. >yeah.
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>>the group stop ap i hate was for in 20. in san francis. to track incidents of hate and violence against their community now, 4 years later, they are launching a new project. it's cool. spread. ap i love take a look at what they put together their stories and videos from members of the community. the group says they want to show that there are more than just victims of violent crime. they want to celebrate. strength, power and cultural pride. and ap i culture is on full display in the bay area. really year round, but this year san
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francisco's chinatown started a monthly night market. it's modeled after markets in asia with dozens of restaurants and vendors. there was a night market during the apec summits. that was so popular they decided to hold it the 2nd friday of the month. >yeah. >>those are drummers in the 46. annual nikkei met surrey festival in san jose is japantown. where thousands of people turned out for the event to celebrate the japanese american community and this is a look at oakland's lunar new year parade celebrating the year of the dragon. the spectacular parade came back last year after a 30 year. hiatus. san francisco also held its annual chinese new year parade. and joining me now is carl chan, who is the president of the oakland chinatown chamber of commerce. yes and charles zhang with the asian justice movement. thank you so much for joining us today, gentlemen. >guest 1>to see you. >liz>you know, 4 years ago, 2020 the beginning of the
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pandemic, every single day we will reporting on attacks on the asian community across the bay area men and women. it seems like every day we're being attacked. four years later. how have things changed? have they changed? in >guest 1>fact, you know, >liz>uh, because >guest 1>of the media and also the entire community coming together. were able >liz>to >>battle this, you know, api and like, >liz>you said, >guest 1>now >>it's >>about time for >liz>us >>to do the celebration. and to >liz>embrace >>the culture and so bring people >liz>back >>together. so >liz>and again, >guest 1>this is >liz>a time >guest 1>that not only to celebrate apia in 8 months, >liz>but also >guest 1>for us to come >liz>together. >>to celebrate all different cultures and have to say this country is the most diverse country >liz>but >>especially in the bay >liz>area, given the attacks on the community, though, do you feel like that has bonded people together? are you feeling the support now from city leadership? >guest 1>absolutely. i think you know when all these things are happening our entire community is it's not only in
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oakland but entire bay >liz>area. >>san francisco bay area. infection we have conference together within >liz>canada, >>us. so we all come together and remember, we're here. to heal. we're here to build. >liz>e more events like these stop or the spread ap i love love and the chinese new year parade and the parades in oakland as well and across the bay area. why are those events so important? >guest 2>important because this month is a recognition of the possibility of the unity and uplift in our community. this month is really a outshoot of the asian american. movement, which was found in the civil rights movement and it's not just about opposing things that or wrongs, but it's also about unity and uplift. >liz>ripping the script as to what's been passed 4 years. no question. where would you like to see it? go in the future. >guest 2>like to see is a true
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equality we've made progress in some respects. but in other respects, the aapi community is not well represented. either in political leaders or in viewpoint and in some respects. you know, i'll give an example in the corporate workplace, very few people know that asian americans are promoted at the lowest rate of any racial group of any racial group. so some of the challenges that we faced are really yeah. um, harkened back to the origins of the civil rights movement. we're talking about 1964. style. discrimination and we demand equality in public policy on the streets and in the workplace >liz>earlier in this newscast, we mentioned that the aapi community makes up a huge block of voters here in the bay area and across the nation, for that matter, what are the key issues that you would like to see addressed in this election? >guest 1>is important because of all these incidents happening in our community. so many of us at decided because
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many of us did not want to be voted. i mean, even though they qualify, but now that they realize that they have to be out there and having a voice being heard so many people now becoming, which is of voters, and not only that many folks have decided to do 1 thing we want to making sure that we'll have a report card for all the elected officials or people they will be running for office and making sure that they will be advocating for all of us. and remember. you know, we have come a long way and once again we want to be taking our duty and and do our citizens. responsibility and we will go out and vote. so this year you will see many of us will be out there voting. >liz>it's interesting. i mean, you've been very outspoken in your support for the recall election of d, a pamela price in alameda county. what do you want to see change in that that community, >guest 1>i think the most important thing is that we have talked about it many, many times. besides the aapi community, we have talked to everybody, you know, entire ah, in that tired seated county everyone. they're saying that there are at most party now is
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public safety. so if you can bring back the public safety, and so that our seniors can walk down the street don't be afraid. and our kids can go to school and not being you know, or on the freeway being shot that is priceless. so i think we need to do that. and to keep everyone safe >liz>today we're kicking off a p i month or we're celebrating this culture, but it really should continue. 12 months out of the year. what do you want to see how happened for the rest of this year in terms of celebrating this culture, that's so important to the bay area. >guest 2>i think this is a time for us to celebrate and unity as a community. there are so many um temptations, to fracture but where we can stand together as a movement were stronger together. i also think this is a time for us to prepare. we did see a noticeable uptick in anti asian violence during the 2016 election. we happen to see some replication of the candidates
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this time around. and so i think as a community we have to be prepared. >liz>alright, right, charles and carl. thank you so much for being here. we'll coming up in our special ap. i conversation will have an in studio taste test of what you can expect from the people of color food and wine festival and remember, you can always watch us anytime, anywhere on our streaming service, cbs news bay area catch all of our live newscast was news and weather updates throughout the day you can find us on the free cbs news app or on pluto tv. >the bay area events calendar. brought to you by broadway san jose >reporter>what's happening in the bay area this weekend from radios and boomboxes to concert posters of san francisco museum of modern art is launching a new exhibition. showcasing the art of noise. and may the 4th be with you catch star wars. the empire strikes back at davies symphony hall as the scores performed live by the sf symphony.
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>away apart, i suddenly she reminds me, i'm flying. peter >reporter>pan is flying into san jose experienced this beloved musical in a new adaptation featuring iconic songs, including flying i won't grow up and neverland tickets go on sale tomorrow at broadway. san
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>liz>well. back to our king. to ap. hair. month join me now are generous. zealous and ashley y'all from the poc people of color, food and wine festival. thanks so much for being here. >thank you for having us or so excited. >liz>so i went on your website and it looks like maybe the most fun party that's happening this weekend. tell us about it. where is it? where can people come enjoy >so it's launching? tomorrow we're opening and closing with these family meals. these beautiful family meals featuring tomorrow, palestinian family meal with dreams, calif. oranje and then saturday is the main event. so you can come on saturday to the main dish featuring 20 different chefs >liz>being >>cared with winemakers. nonalcoholic beverage brands get a taste of everything. you can stay for a cbd wind, sound bath or even the brown is beautiful after parties. we got a little bit of something >liz>forever major variety there, you know, it's interesting you're doing. talk about a lot of lots of food and wine festivals. but this 1
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specifically it's for everybody. everybody can join. but you're highlighting companies that are run by people of color. why is that? so important in the food and beverage industry right >now, you know a lot of times we are invited to these festivals and we get to be included, but sometimes it can feel like tokenization. but at this festival, we're really lifting up diverse groups, and they are the main dish. they are the ones being featured, and we get to tell their stories. >liz>they are the main dish. i like >that. >>ok, we know there's going to be wine. there's going to be fabulous food, but it's not just alcoholic. drinks that are going to be highlighted, right? we're seeing kind of this movement in non alcoholic. drinks and usually, you know a couple of years ago. you go to a festival like this, and your only option was water. >water. yeah, >liz>and that was it. but now we're seeing all these really cool things. and you're the owner >of >>brand? >>yes, >>kayla. >>she >>got it. >ok 60s, a taiwanese filipino t brand, so i was actually born and raised in taiwan. so i grew up drinking tea basically every day, and when i moved to the states for
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college, i realized i wasn't at the center of a lot of social interactions the way it was back home, so it was always been a dream of mine to kind of bring tea to the forefront to >liz>these, >>you know, social gatherings, and so it's just really an honor that gina invited us to be here. a mother poc food and wine festival. >yeah. >>i love this >cute. >>you saying more in the food and beverage industry that people are actually opting to not drink? i mean, is >that becoming >liz>really a trend that you're saying? >yes, definitely. i think with a lot of younger folks are kind of realizing that you know, there is no reason to be, you know, in a breeding ourselves every weekend. you know, i love seeing my friends, but i also love not having hangover and enjoying delicious, which is really good for you, but also options. >liz>yeah. >>cheers. >>let's >>cheers. >>yeah, this is peach gummy. >jasmine apple box. yeah. passionately. >liz>oh, this is wonderful. >q. >>and it's interesting because it's it really feels special. i mean so much about having a classroom 1 or having a cocktail is the kind of the flavors and how you feel special drinking it right. but
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this kind of >it is something special. it's not just soda, >liz>which is >packed full of sugar. >liz>you >>some healthier options like dry bars are becoming a thing around the area. people want to socialize. but maybe drinking isn't for them have options for everyone. >liz>that's fantastic. now, can you find your drink in stores >around so you can find out looks locals rainbow grocery, um, we're also about to, you know, being a lot of more chain grocery source, so we have a store locator. you can also order some drink >liz>happy list. congratulations >so much. >liz>one more quick bite about quick bite about >work >>can you can find, uhm poc food and, uh, >food >>festival. i can spit >it out. >liz>got my mouthful this wonderful drink >seafood and is our website and this is just the start. this is the beginning of this new community that we're trying to build and really bridge gaps and bring communities together because all of our cultural communities are important, but how do we come together and >liz>create >>something bigger? that we can then build together
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>liz>and you can buy tickets online or you can just show >up? limited tickets at the door? so i'd say by online because we might sell out >liz>fantastic. you can find more information on our website. thanks so much for being >here. thank you. >yeah. >>life. >>thank >>you >>afternoon. i love >it. definitely. >liz>and we'll be right back. - temperatures cooling down as we head into the weekend and stronger onshore... ah, i stepped off the coast again. - the winds are really picking up. - fog spreading farther inland. - and in the north bay, you're gonna get soaked. (water splashing) - [narrator] presenting the bay area's only virtual weather studio. next level weather. - as i lift this, you can actually see... - [narrator] on kpix and pix+. (wind blowing) it's that real. (water splashing) - let's move on to the seven-day now.
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coming up tonight on the cbs evening news. more than 100. arrested at columbia university, the ivy league school now an active crime scene being investigated by the nypd. the ongoing chaos across dozens of college campuses over the israel hamas war that headline and more on tonight's cbs evening news. >liz>san francisco has only 1 of 3 japan towns in the united states and coming up tonight at 5. we have a profile of a woman working to keep it alive and thrive. having that story and much more with ryan yamamoto and myself coming up tonight at 5. and 1 year ago we brought you the story about the rediscovery of these long lost photos. the images show the faces of japanese americans only days before they were shipped off to internment camps in 1942. now after that original story aired, several people reached out to our station, saying they believe they had recognized their own family members. and just this
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past month, 2 cousins from chicago who saw our story decided to make the journey to northern california in search of more answers about their family history. >this is our classes are grandfather. hayashi. the 1st video when my brother sent it to me. in san francisco lives in the san francisco area, he forwarded it to me and that i looked at it immediately. you spotted my mother. >reporter>there she is >spotted her and then i spotted my grandmother. >reporter>there she is, grandma >brother was surprised because he had not spotted my grandmother. >liz>such a great story tonight, a follow up of ryan yamamoto is original clyde bush photos story. yeah. thank you so much for joining us for today's conversation as we kick off aapi heritage month. we love to hear what you think. post your thoughts online using the hashtag kpi x, the cbs evening news is next right here
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on kpx and local news continues on our streaming service, cbs news bay area all see you at 5:00. >> james: hundreds of protesters arrested at american universities in the last 24 hours. >> this is the new york city police department. >> james: crackdowns on college campuses as the new york mayor blames the chaos. speak outside agitators were training and really co-opting this movement. >> james: plaza violent clashes between dueling protests at ucla. the "cbs evening news" starts now. ♪ ♪


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