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tv   The Late News  CBS  May 2, 2024 1:37am-2:13am PDT

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[cheers and applause]
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now at 11:00, what do you do when your insurer breaks up with you. >> i called my broker, and he said he canceled. that's it. >> thousands of people are learning the hard way. tensions explode and objects go flying. the violence that led riot police to rush in at a protest on a california college campus. and a flat footed -- that's off a political roller coaster. we've seen videos of lawlessness in the city of oakland, but tonight new numbers show which crimes seem to be going down. from kpix, this is the late news with sara donchey on cbs news bay area. >> hello, i'm sara donchey.
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there is nothing easy about being a homeowner here in the bay area. we all know how expensive homes are here, and then there's the matter of insurance. many people live with the risks of wildfires in particular. so much so that major insurance companies are pulling out all together, leaving people high and dry when it comes to something they desperately need. all state and farmers have completely stopped selling new policies in california. now california's largest home insurer, state farm, has announced it's not renewing roughly 30,000 policies in the state. according to the chronicle, orinda is being impacted the most by that. more than half of state farm policyholders in orinda will lose their coverage. 1,700 policies in total, the most of any zip code in the entire state. our andrea nakano spoke to some of the people tonight who say they've run out of options. >> reporter: tom holland has lived in orinda for 15 years. his home is tucked in the beautiful hillside where he
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takes daily walks with his two dogs. after paying more and more each year for homeowners insurance, he just found out his policy won't be renewed. >> so i just called my broker and he said you're canceled. so that's it. >> reporter: he's one of many state farm policy holders to lose their insurance. >> i think it's been slowly coming at us for five years. >> reporter: holland says he used to pay about $3,000 a year. that has steadily increased to roughly $8,000. >> honestly, it was not a shock, because it's been a known issue. and also our premiums going up like 30% to 60% a year for about five years. >> reporter: this comes as holland and many of his neighbors have been taking steps to mitigate fire risk. >> this is our home. the fire department has ordinances and we meet all of them. >> reporter: yazmin lee also found out travelers insurance wouldn't be renewing her
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policy after 18 years. she spent countless hours trying to find a new carrier. >> got a list of people that could potentially insure me. i was on next door, on facebook following all the leads, especially after the state farm here in orinda hit pretty hard. people were definitely looking for carriers. but nothing panned out. >> reporter: lee even looked into the fair plan, created by the state, but the policy wouldn't begin to cover the cost of rebuilding her home. >> state needs to step it up. the reality is we have homes, we're living here, they need to be insured. we need to be given some option, and it looks like fair is just not a viable option for many. >> reporter: holland is trying to stay positive about finding another company to insure his home but know it's going to cost him more than ever before. >> the price goes up and maybe the actual coverage goes a little down. >> reporter: state farm released a statement on this matter. it said it had to make tough and necessary decisions not to renew policies for the
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long-term sustainability here in california. >> so you heard andrea reference this in this story, homeowners can still buy coverage with the california fair plan. that's what was referenced there. it's known as the insurer of last resort. it's known to be expensive and rates continue to go up as well. an election meant to decide the two front-runners for a bay area congressional race turned into a political roller coaster. almost two months ago we were there on primary night when it looked like joe simitian was going to face off against former san jose mayor sam liccardo for the district 16 house seat come november, but it became quickly apparent that things weren't going to be so simple. the race was a flat footed tie between simitian and assembly member evan low. it's something election workers in santa clara and san mateo counties had never seen before. after a recount of more than 182,000 ballots, low came out on top
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with just a handful of votes. now he's going to face off against liccardo to secure the seat of retiring congresswoman anna eshoo. liccardo for congress accused low of undermining the process. low told us this. >> well, it's important to remember that we must thank our dedicated workers at the registrar voters, and if anything, this election shows that every vote certainly does count. so make sure that we register to vote and we have to continually have faith in our electoral process. >> simitian tweeted out tonight that he lost and he concedes the race, adding that he trusts the process and accepts the results. we are hearing now that the uc berkeley administration has started negotiating with pro-gaza protesters who've been camped out there for more than a week. according to a report, the student-run publication says protest organizers met
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with the university chancellor yesterday to talk about their demands and possibly ending their encampment. tonight we asked the university about that report, but they told us no comment. protests have stayed peaceful at berkeley since they began, and so far there have been no arrests, but it is a completely different story across the country and here in california. this was the scene at ucla tonight, and we're seeing a huge police response because of this. so that was early this morning. fights broke out between protesters and counterprotesters at ucla. some, as you saw, even throwing fireworks. one group was trying to tear down protester's barricades. objects were being thrown left and right. riot police swarmed the campus two hours after the violence broke out this morning. one student said he feared for his life. >> a cone was thrown at my face which has left an injury on my upper right forehead. another counterprotester grabbed a wooden block and slashed the bang of my head. i want to take
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a moment and serve as a reminder for why this exists. i had the ability to go to a hospital last night. currently in gaza there are zero fully functioning hospitals. >> columbia university in new york city was one of the first major college encampment protest, and tonight we're seeing new footage of the moment police moved in and arrested hundreds of protesters. new york police in riot gear used flash bangs to breach a building tuesday night that had been barricaded. they cleared the building in about two hours and arrested about 280 protesters overnight between columbia and nearby city college of new york. the nypd plans to stay on columbia's campus until may 17th. that's two days after graduation. viva, viva palestine. >> hundreds of workers took off work this may day to march in support of workers with many saying they are struggling to keep up with the high cost of
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living and say they deserve better. >> i'm struggling to pay rent. i'm struggling to take my daughters out of the city to have some times together, to have picnic, it's very hard to do it. and someone is going to say we give you whatever wages is good for the city, but it's not enough. >> many of these demonstrators tied their march with the protest against the war in gaza saying the oppression here and abroad are part of the same fight. all right, let's talk a little bit of weather. paul, we've been enjoying really nice dry, warm weather even if it gets windy here and there. it sounds like that could change this weekend? >> the dry part and the warm part going to change this weekend. so enjoy the nice weather pattern we're in for the next couple days. a nice start to the month of may, including a beautiful sunset as we look towards the golden gate from salesforce. sea haze floating through the golden gate. look at that view as the sun went down this evening. we are seeing above average temperatures once again on thursday. temperatures running about five to seven degrees above normal, so a mix of upper
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60s and low to mid-70s around the bay. the one spot that doesn't get in on it, along the coast, in the low 60s. the good chance of rain heads our way. of course, because it's 2024 right as we head into the weekend. another good chance of rain friday night into especially saturday, but diminishing quickly. sunday looks like the drier half of the weekend, 10% to 20% chance of a couple of lingering showers early sunday morning. the outdoor plans pushed them to sunday. it's going to be cool out there, but at least we should be drying out. in addition to the rain, temperatures are going to feel more like president's day weekend as opposed to cinco de mayo weekend. we'll take a look at that part of the forecast in a few minutes. >> all right, paul, thank you. some really incredible images coming out of the south. storm chasers get dangerously close to tornados. and you may have heard some oakland residents say they don't feel safe in the city they love anymore, but tonight some good news in the fight against crime. >> if there's no hope, what
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are we doing? >> the trend that people are hoping isn't just a fluke. and a man goes running when the floors start shaking. the california quake caught on camera. plus, you can call this guy the great cheese ball man. >> balls, balls, balls. >> oh. >> he's so good at eating them he drew a huge crowd. tonight -- >> least favorite smell. >>
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that customer took off
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running from the southern california convenience store when it started shaking. security cameras in corona caught the moment a quake hit the inland empire this afternoon. the quake was centered between riverside and orange counties. as you heard, there were a couple of broken wine bottles but no major damage reported here or elsewhere. back here in the bay area we've been closely following the impact of gun violence in the city of oakland tearing families apart and in some cases making certain people afraid to leave their homes. at the same time we just learned robberies are up 11% in the first four months of the year compared to last year, but tonight there are some good signs. violent crime is down citywide. it dropped by 33% compared to last year. there's been a 50% drop in burglary and theft and a 17% drop in homicides. our katie nielsen took a closer look at what the city is doing differently and whether people in oakland are taking notice. . >> we had a couple break-in,
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and it doesn't seem like it's really safe here, you know. >> reporter: jonathan perez says they're lucky no one was inside when it was broken into twice since the beginning of the year. >> i feel like it happens so regularly over time that we're not scared of ate as much. we just kind of expect it somehow. >> reporter: according to new data released by the oakland police department, violent crime rates are down in the first part of the year, and according to city leaders, it's all thanks to reimplementing the ceasefire program. >> as we continue to move the strategy along, it not only historically has reduced homicides and shootings but it has also led to pretty significant reductions in all crimes. >> reporter: dr. holly leads the city's office of violence prevention and has been working to revive the ceasefire program. it was hugely popular in the early 2000s during the height of the gang violence in oakland. it's a multipronged approach to identify those most likely to commit violent crimes, then they bring in community leaders to talk to those at high risk of violence
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to reduce the possibility of retaliatory shoot examination other serious crimes. >> the folks that are at the center of group and gun violence in this city are also heavily involved in other crime, including robbery, including burglaries, including car break-ins. >> reporter: while crime rates have come down on paper since the beginning of the year, many like jonathan say they don't feel that much safer but hope things will continue to move in the right direction. >> if there's no hope, i mean, what are we doing? you know, u just hope that things do get better and i like to keep a positive attitude always. >> another part of the strategy is to continue some of the violence interruption programs that the oakland police department, the new chief will be overseeing that once he's sworn in late they are month. paul, check this out, storm chasers caught two tornados touching down in the texas panhandle this evening. they formed near the town of clarendon. paul, in another
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career -- earlier in your career, you said you were a storm chaser, right? >> yeah, i did that when i was in graduate school, when i was much, much younger and still doing research. it's been busy in tornado alley. tornados in iowa, nebraska, this week kansas, oklahoma, now texas. some of the same spots that had huge wildfires a couple of months ago. our weather is much calmer and quiet weather is going to prevail. things shift into the weekend. the arrival of a winter-like storm system is going to bring much colder temperatures and a good chance of rain into the bay area. so savor the warmth that's still going to be in place for the next couple of days for most of the bay area. right now temperatures are backing down to a mix of 50s and 60s. 55 in livermore to 63 degrees in concord. not a whole lot of variation. and there won't be by tomorrow morning. a mix of a few upper 40s and a lot of low 50s. in general, these numbers running a couple degrees above average for the second day of
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may. temperatures tomorrow afternoon well above normal. let's take a look at forecast highs running five to seven degrees above average. as i mentioned, close to 80 in san jose. close to 08 in livermore. into the low 80s for the warm spot across the entire bay area in antioch and around 80 degrees in concord. not that warm around the bay, but not bad for may 2nd. 76 redwood city. half moon bay, 61 degrees. it's above average. it count, but not as far above average as other parts of the region. close to 70 in san francisco, not bad for early may. a few low 80s in the north bay. 81 for a high temperature in napa. as we head closer to the end of the workweek and into the weekend, things are going to shift abruptly. still a warm day on friday. we're looking at the ten-day temperature outlook for livermore, and we just drop off a cliff from close to 80 degrees friday to only 60 degrees for a high temperature on saturday. that's the average high temperature in early february. now, it's a relatively brief little cold snap. we're going to start climbing already on sunday.
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it's cool for the second half of the weekend. we should be back to near average temperatures by tuesday and wednesday and back to above average temperatures by the end of next week and the following weekend. that doesn't help us out this weekend when a good chance of rain is going to make its way across the bay area. over the next couple of days, sunny skies ahead. clouds fitter in the sunshine every once in a while. more substantial cloud cover doesn't start to happen until the sun is going down friday evening. then we track the approach of the rain moving into the north bay before the sun comes up on saturday morning. and this is going to be by may standards fairly impressive event. some bursts of heavier rainfall, moderate rain, that orange feature is a narrow cold frontal rain band the forecast models are picking up on. something we usually associate with january storms. that's going to march quickly across the bay area. the heaviest rain is going to fall from sunrise through midday saturday, and then we're into lingering showers as we head through saturday afternoon. so how much rain are we talking about? this is the latest from
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the weather prediction center. these numbers are higher than they were even earlier today. on the high end of the spectrum around one inch of total rainfall in the santa cruz mountains around ben loman. for the month of may, that's impressive. 0.25 of an inch to 0.5 of an inch on a widespread basis. more as you get closer to the coast and more in the north bay, specifically the coastal ranges of the north bay so. a wet, cold, and breezy first half of the weekend. there's going to be wind gusts over 30 miles per hour as the cold front moves through. there's the outside chance of a shower for the second half of the weekend, but i don't think it's anything you need to plan around. the temperatures gradually return to closer to average. by tuesday and wednesday we're back into the mid-70s inland. back into the mid to upper 60s around the bay. along the coast because you're not as warm the next couple of day, you don't have as far to fall. mid-50s over the weekend and then a slow climb back up to around 60 degrees as we head into the middle of next week. and there
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is that warm-up for the following weekend. delayed gratification is the name of the game, vern? all right, paul, straight ahead in sports, how the a's have the upper hand on the giants. and i am still trying to figure out how kyrie irving pulled off this play. his lone highlight, his best highlight tonight in the nba playoffs.
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this van just hit me out of nowhere. i thought i was dead. after the accident, i was in a lot of pain and i decided that i needed to get an attorney because i could not work. i called jacoby & meyers they had their own dream team for every need, every area. they took care of me like a queen. i would recommend you call jacoby & meyers they really went to bat for me.
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it was telling you that i have been kind of honed in to playoff basketball, like it or love it, take it or leave it -- >> that's what you got me for. >> that's what i've got you for. >> to bring you in on what's going on. >> bring me into the baseball world, please. >> giants have only played 31 game, the panic button's over there, so we're not -- >> we're not -- >> we're not even there yet to hit it. family affair in the giants/red sox series, and i'm not talking about the yastrzemskis, brothers fleming. as for the aforementioned yastrzemski, mike laid down a perfect bunt. no play and a run scored. that tied it, and the yas family loved it. now 3-2, boston. duran down the right field line. it allowed dalton jeffreys to score. put that down for a triple. now, when is
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jorge soler's bat coming alive? right at rafael devers. look how he felt about it. he's hitting just .211 this season. red sox won 6-2. san francisco's record fell to 14-17. you ever touch a stove or a cooktop and just too hot? that's how the a's feel. shea langeliers, too much bat. watch out for flying wood. sent teammates scrambling. oakland's tyler nevin enfuego against the pirates. had his fourth straight multihit game and nine-game hitting streak. a's started ross stripling. rocking and dealing. pitched six shutout innings, allowed just three hits. stripling got his first win in a couple of years. oakland won it 4-0, finished off a sweep. they're 15-17, better record than the giants. a pivot to the nba playoffs. you want to see some of the best of kai reirving,
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sara? right here with the dallas mavericks. skills against the clippers. took that third quarter give me that, and this is what happened. kyrie irving circus performer at the l.a. clippers. dallas rolled by 30, 123-93, and the mavs have a 3-2 series lead going back to texas. and to soccer. bay fc came all the way back from 2-nil at home against portland, but in the 78th minute, stanford alum u.s. women's national team star sophia smith did it with her left leg. her second goal of the match. the thorns won it 3-2. bay fc has lost three straight. fell to a record of 2-5. now they are better than that. they got time. bay fc has 19 games left. so no panic button to hit there. >> i was going to say, we're bringing this full circle. you can't panic when it comes to baseball. bay fc can't panic yet. and we're not panicking when it comes to playoff basketball. the dubs are out,
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the lakers are out, but we're seeing pretty good basketball being played. >> one word, namaste. >> i'm not going to mention all the times i walk by and they're screaming. that's for another broadcast. i have seen it, though, you should know. vern, thank you so much. people love watching food challenges like how fast you can eat the monster burrito, but we haven't seen one like this exactly. a masked man took it upon himself to eat an entire tub of cheeseballs with a very impressive audience. >> eat those balls, eat those balls. >> yeah. mm-hmm. you heard that right. we hear from the man being called the hero we needed.
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- temperatures cooling down as we head into the weekend and stronger onshore... ah, i stepped off the coast again. - the winds are really picking up. - fog spreading farther inland. - and in the north bay, you're gonna get soaked. (water splashing) - [narrator] presenting the bay area's only virtual weather studio. next level weather. - as i lift this, you can actually see... - [narrator] on kpix and pix+.
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(wind blowing) it's that real. (water splashing) - let's move on to the seven-day now. i don't know why we always talk about food at the end of the show, but we seem to. >> because we're hungry. >> it's making me hungry. >> he has like a no snack policy after the show. >> i know, but it's hard. >> especially when you talk about this. actually, hold your horse, we have talked about our fair share of competitive food challenges. nathan's famous hot dog eating contest comes to mind, which usually proves to
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be challenging viewing. who could forget the philly chicken man who spent 39 consecutive days of eating rotisserie chickens. when it came time to eat the 40th bird, he did it to the delight of many people, performing -- can we say that -- in front of a crowd at an abandoned pier. a perfect venue for an event like this. now he has competition as a man in new york has had his own impressive stunt to share with the world, eating a container of cheese balls on a random afternoon in union square park. >> oh, those cheese balls. >> reporter: the caped crusader of cheese balls. >> cheese ball man, cheese ball man. >> balls, balls, balls. >> reporter: cheese ball man's goal? to eat 700 balls in just under 30 minutes, washing them down with water. in front of a crowd of hundreds of spectators in new york's union square
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park. why cheese ball? >> i had one and i was like, this food is quite fantastic. >> reporter: but this was not so much a food eating challenge as it was the creation of an absurd and anonymous superhero with cheesy hands. >> this was your destiny. >> i had to do it, you know, so many people were counting on me. so despite hurling up in my mouth a little bit, i kept it down and i made the people proud, i think. but if not, sorry. >> reporter: he had a garbage bag handy in case his stomach rebelled, but he downed his 699th cheese ball and then his 700th. crowned with a hat like a traffic cone -- >> can i shake your hand? can i shake your cheese hand? >> are you sure? >> yes. >> will you run for president? >> reporter: at 22 he's too young for a presidential run, but his campaign to whip up interest in cheese ball man was impressive. >> i went home a hero. >> reporter: showered with,
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what else, cheese balls -- but are you going to stick with the cheese ball theme? >> i mean, i have to. would i be pretzel man? would i be asparagus man? that's ridiculous. >> reporter: besieged by autograph seekers, a fan from canada paid homage. both corny and cheesy, sealed with a burp. >> yeah. >> eat those balls, eat those balls. >> i feel like i smelled that through the tv. the burp. >> i'm not as concerned about him as i am the people who showed up to watch that. >> well, you know, i mean, it's like that or scroll. >> okay. >> you still -- you're picking scroll? >> yeah. >> i wonder how chili chestnut feels about that right now. he's the hot dog king. >> yeah, i know, with the hot dogs they have the water, which is the nastiest part. >> dipping the bun in the water. >> the cheese balls i couldn't watch the hands get all caked. i couldn't imagine somebody
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going -- >> what's the roof of his mouth like? >> i don't want to know. >> just raw. >> one of the many questions i don't want to answer. okay, remember the philly chicken man, he doesn't seem that worried that cheese ball man will steal his thunder. he tweeted out it wasn't a rip off of what he did because the guy didn't eat cheese balls for 40 straight days. but chicken man also claims the cheese ball man pulled it off during a party and everyone who came there to see him eat chicken was there just to see him go to war. >> okay, my man has not been to war. eating chicken -- >> is a little different. >> there's a few, like, the venn diagram, they're separate circles. >> we had to show you the guy in new york because it just seemed -- >> the accent, very on top of it. >> you can't do that because your fingers are so caked with cheese mud. that's sick. >> cheese product. >> yeah, cheese product. >> because there's no actual dairy product in there.
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>> vern's not going to eat now for a week. thank you for watching. the late show with


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