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tv   CBS News Bay Area 7pm  CBS  May 2, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm PDT

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>> okay, they are not exactly what you would call cute. they do have a crucial role in our eco system and that is not all. >> we would not have coffee, chocolate, tequila without bats, that should be enough. this is cbs news bay area with juliette goodrich. good evening. it has been two weeks now that anti-war tent encampments started popping up at colleges across the nation. the bay area is home to a handful of them. the newest one at campus of the university at san francisco. unlike around the country local protests and the response from schools have been peaceful until now. in what could be a sign of rising tensions a fight broke out at the uc berkeley campus. it was all caught on video. >> reporter: the students living in the protest encampment here last night say the fight was small. it is one of the first reported incidents since this encampment was built. >> we are getting close to me
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can you please step back. >> hey! [ screaming ] >> reporter: video of the moment a fight broke out on uc berkeley campus. the woman who shot this video who wants to remain anonymous said in a statement to cbs news bay area that she was with a group of pro-israel students standing across from the plaza with an israeli flag. she says someone grabbed their flag and it led to this fight. she said it was terrifying and that some protesters followed their group until they reached the police station. uc berkeley divest coalition is part of the campsite. he was there and the person that grabbed the flag was not from the protest. >> we mostly did not engage. we had one person who i never seen at the camp. none of us knew who disappeared immediately after. we are shot sure who
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this person is, just grabbed a flag. >> reporter: the injuries that happened in the scuffle are small compared to what is happening in gaza. >> bloody nose and one of our protesters got punched in the eye. 40,000 people have been killed. we are seeing it on our phones, people limbs are gone. so, again, like i want to reemphasize this is not about us. >> reporter: he said with finals and summer break looming there is no time line for how long the camp will stay and they are taking things day-by-day. they are going to continue to demand that uc berkeley divest from israel. but uc put out a statement that the university system as a whole will not do that. and the university stance on the encampment has not changed. in that statement the university says they are urging everyone to avoid getting involved in pointless conflicts. as long as the protest remains nonviolent it can stay. now to southern california. cleanup crews spent much of the day picking up the ruins of an
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encampment cleared overnight. you can see the tents and supplies and other tents left behind outside of royce hall. officers issued order thes for protesters to leave. then around 3:00 this morning they moved in. they ripped apart the metal barricades and plywood that was erected around the encampment. most left on their own, others resisted. the police used flares and flash bangs one confrontation was caught on camera during a reporter's live shot this morning. [ screaming ] . >> quite the dramatic scene. you can see a protester on the ground while the police pushed back the crowd. in another much calmer scene you can see protesters with their hands zip tied behind their backs. 200
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people arrested. they are among 2,000 campus arrests in the past two weeks nationwide. in sacramento, california leaders weighing in on the protests, specifically republican lawmakers, calling for strict action against students and the administration. they are saying students who are found guilty of committing violent acts during protests should lose grants and the university administrator should lose state funding. >> i think what the president said you do not get to destroy property and commit criminal acts on campus. no, that is not free speech. >> governor newsom's office says they deployed state law enforcement to college campuses and gop lawmakers say whatever money is spent to restore order should be cut from administration funds. on to the seat of richmond. it made a bold move to express the support for gaza. in fact, the council voting to divest with companies that do business
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with israel. among them air b&b, caterpillar, and any company that manufacturer and develop weapon. >> we have people who are invested in war. they don't care about you, they don't care about me, all they care about is profit. there divestment is to break that chain so we can invest in people and not in war. >> richmond has $600 million to make in investment. it would only impact 7% of that. hayward is the only other city that has taken similar measures. stay with us for more coverage on the fallout for the war in gaza. we will bring the latest updates on air and on our website. now, to one of california's biggest challenges, building enough affordable housing. wisdom is building single-family homes just is not going to cut it
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anymore. so, the community is trying something new. residents are not exactly thrilled. we have more on why they are not thrill snrood to ease the housing crisis many communities are turning to projects with greater density, apartments, town homes, high-rises, but, that sometimes leads to clashes with older established neighborhoods where people just don't want massive high-rises plopped down in the middle of their community. that is exactly the story that is unfolding in the town of los gatos. >> i am more concerned about the height that is proposed. seven stories, that is tall and out of character for the town. >> reporter: jeff fox says high-rise apartment complex would tower over his home and neighborhood and offer a bird's-eye view into his backyard leaving him no privacy what so ever. >> i believe in more housing. i believe that we should have more affordable housing. but i do believe we should preserve the character of our
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neighborhoods. >> reporter: fox has lived in this quiet neighborhood for 25 years. he and many of his neighbors are deeply concerned about the plans to build a seven story apartment complex on the backside of their homes. according to the application submitted to the town in march, the complex would have 238 apartments. 47 of which would be affordable or 20%. >> i am concerned about the privacy of the neighbors on this side of the street. >> reporter: she lived on benedict lane for 51 years, loves the tree lined streets and single-family homes and fears that all of that charm will be dwarfed by a giant complex if it is built. >> i think it is a little massive considering it is supposed to be a town and not a major city. >> the developer submitted its application under senate bill 330 that streamlines the approval process statewide if a project already meets the city's zoning and design regulations. neighbors fear that is going to tie the town
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council's hands forcing them to green light a project that will overshadow the homes they lived in for decades. >> it is one thing to be three stories, four stories like they built in campbell. but seven stories? that is, that is, you know, just way too high. >> we reached out to the mayor and town council and they sent us an email respectfully and flatly decline >> they don't want to get in the middle of it right now, not with a reporter >> they feel like their hands are tied a little bit. >> you feel for the residents that live there for a long time and you know we need new housing. >> reporter: it will be on the other side of their fence. >> all right, thank you. the police are investigating after a rolling gun battle. it happened at 7:30 this morning in east oakland. you can see the debris in the road and a car towed away. we spoke to a man who said that
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his wife and daughter were in that vehicle. >> my wife was on her way to drop my daughter off at school and was caught in the middle of a gunfight/high-speed chase and they t-boned her. people have no regard for other people. i mean they literally jumped out of a car, jumped into another one, my daughter and wife were stuck in the vehicle, they could not get out. someone had to break the sun roof open to get them out. >> he is pretty calm for what happened i must say. luckily no one was injured and so far no arrests have been made. many of us may think they are scary. i do. they play an important role. now california scientists are on a mission to track them. be aware of text messages alerting you about an overdue fast track bill. a scam that is making its round to dupe drivers. >> beautiful weather across the bay area once again cloud free
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conditions except for a little fog. it is remaining along the coast this evening. we will be seeing a big change in the weather as we head into the first weekend of may. i am
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. they have been called spooky, sinnister, but bats play a role in maintaining a healthy eco system in california. our warming climate is harming their populations, how researchers are tracking where they take flight to help them better thrive. anne makovec reports. >> reporter: they sleep during the day, hunt at night and, well, often terrify people. there is nothing creepy about what bats do for the environment. >> they are not only cute but they do these amazing roles like for our eco system. >> a bat biologist at ucla. without bats life would be far less enjoyable.
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>> we would not have coffee, chocolate, tequila without bats, that should be enough. fruit depend on bats for pollination. disburse seeds, pest mat role, eating mosquitoes, wasps and flies and reduce wildfires by gobelling up bark beetles. there is trouble ahead. bats are declining around the world due to loss of habitat, pollution, and extreme weather events caused by climate change. >> it is daunting. i will be honest with you. daunting knowing these are all of these factors that are leading to their declines and a general ap athy. >> it has been very exciting. >> senior environmental 69tive with the california department of fish and wildlife. his team is tracking bats by attaching small radio transmitters on them. >> this type of technology is really useful in helping us
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answer questions about how animals might be impacted by climate change and the effects of climate change. >> each red arrow is a transmitter on a bat, the most common bat in california. the technology shows where the bat is traveling and how they are behaving. chaotic weather patterns can change when bats migrate. that can impact habitats and food. >> the way animals move is very much depending on how the climate is behaving. >> reporter: there are 25 known bat species in california. they provide billions of dollars worth of pest control for state farmers the lope is to learn how to preserve the creatures as the planet continues to warm. >> oh, gosh. it is dinnertime. here is california's state bat. okay. the pallad bat, they are social bats, found in the deserts, woodlands, forests, let's just stay on this shot. for more information on california bats by building a bat house, okay, next story. [ laughter ] >> let's go to paul in weather
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n. that story, paul, did they have you at tequila? >> no. [ laughter ] >> bats and tequila. who knew. >> not my flavor. woodlands, forests and in juliette's car, for her to discover later on >> thanks a lot. beautiful temperatures, 59 degrees downtown cooling off quickly to the lower 70s still in concord and santa rosa. the numbers will continue to drop but only to what is normal for this time of the year. clear skies, fog along the coast as we head on through the rest of the night. heading through the mix of upper 40s and 50s by early friday morning and one more day of mild weather. temperatures topping out four degrees above normal. middle 70s for the valley. 76 degrees in san jose. the warmest locations we will get up to around 80 degrees. exactly 80 in antioch. and lower 70s for redwood city. we will try one more day. stalled out in the upper 50s. another chance to
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make it. middle 60s for san francisco, above 70 for oakland. mostly 70s in oakland. santa rosa was in the 70s. the wind will kick in earlier in the day. take a look at the weather pattern how things will change. heading into the weekend. there is a winter-like storm system on the way. bringing rain but colder temperatures and, gusty winds as we head into the first half of the weekend. let's track the winds every six hours, we will start at 11:00 a.m. tomorrow and 5:00 p.m. on saturday. the breeze will be noticeable by friday afternoon, gusts in the 20-30 mile-an-hour range. the strongest occurs saturday afternoon and evening after the rain has likely moved out. behind the cold front driving the rain the winds will gust up into the 30-40 mile-an-hour range making the cold temperatures feel even colder. now, let's talk about
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the rain. not going to see the cloud cover really to speak of for most of the day tomorrow. the clouds will be approaching as the sun goes down tomorrow evening. then, here comes the rain. starting to move into the north bay before the sun comes up on saturday. the window for the most widespread and the heaviest rain will be about six hours or so from about sunrise, saturday morning through about midday. this will be a quick mover. there will be pockets of heavy rain embedded within this. not lasting long enough to lead to flooding potential, but it is a bit out of the ordinary for early may. lingering off and on showers heading into saturday afternoon. even those will quiet down heading through saturday night. total rainfall on the low end of the scale. the rain shadow location, a quarter inch to half an inch of rain. not bad for may. most of the bay area, falling in the half an inch to quarter of an inch of rain. higher elevation spots could get 1 inch of rainfall. an entire may's worth of rain falling during those six hours. and, we will
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be talking about snow in the sierra. future cast models are showing 10-20 inches of snow adding up. there may be that much snowfalling but it will not accumulate. the ground is warm this point of the season. a lot of it will melt on contact. 4-8 inches of snow. likely, up to a foot on the taller peaks. it is enough to mess up traffic on u.s. 50 and i-80. difficult, not impossible but challenging heading through the weekend. if the return of winter-like weather does not have you turning cart wheels it will not last long. cool on sunday and warming back up to near average temperatures on tuesday and above average by wednesday and thursday. inland spots back in the upper 70s and lower 80s around the bay, a return to near average and then above average temperatures,next week. really, just one raw day on saturday. it will feel like early february. and then getting back to what is typical
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for this time of the year. taste of summertime, warmth or lack of chill along the coast with the temperatures in the middle 60s along the coast by next thursday. joules? >> we will take >> -- jules? >> we will take it >> fast pass says do not fall for it. the scam going in emails. . coming up at the top of the hour on the prime people edition, we are out on the streets of san francisco for the first ever first thursday block party. will it be the thing that gets more people to visit downtown?
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. fast track customers may see more and more scam texts. here is what one of these scam text look like. this one was brought in by our anne makovec asking her to pay a fake balance using their attached link. do not go for it. she didn't either. fast trac is warning people to be aware. if you did make a payment transport to your bank or credit card company immediately. the bay bridge will, once again, shine bright after 14 months in the dark. the bay
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lights will return. the nonprofit illuminates says it raised $10 million to bring the insulation back. the lights were turned off last year because of the cost to maintain them. the bay lights are expected to return in spring next year. stephen colbert lovingly said this local vegan cheese taste like feet after a food competition went sideways. we will hear their side of the story and try it out for ourselves, really?
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it is going to be a different kind of cinco de mayo on sunday. the police plan to take part in the city's annual low rider parade with a low rider of their own. there is the community's second low rider parade on cinco de mayo since the city lifted the decades long ban on cruising in 2022. tonight, at 11:00. a vegan cheese played right here got national attention from being booted from a cheese competition it was supposed to win. then, it became a punch line on the late news with with stephen colbert. so, we wanted to try the cheese out ourselves. and asked the east bay company for their side of the story. >> stephen colbert show. i love the way to describe the cheese. it taste look foot. [ laughter ] >> makes it sound so good. foot. this world famous chef clearly does not think the cheese tastes like foot. watch
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the full story at 11:00 on the late show with sara donchey, will we have it and sara try it? we will see. s y tuned.
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announcer: it's time to play "family feud"! give it up for steve harvey! [cheering and applause] steve: how y'all? how's everybody? yes, ma'am. heh heh.


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