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tv   CBS Morning News  CBS  May 3, 2024 4:30am-5:01am PDT

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rain and severe flooding. the captain of the dive boat "conception," which caught fire in 2019, killing 34 people on board, was sentenced to four years in prison thursday. jerry boylan was found guilty of seaman's manslaughter last year. and for the first time ever, the national and state teachers of the year were honored with a state dinner at the white house thursday night. the 2024 national teacher of the year is missy testerman, a second grade teacher from tennessee. for more, download the cbs news app on your cell phone or connected tv. i'm carissa lawson, cbs news, new york. it's friday, may 3rd, 2024. this is "cbs news mornings." rising tensions. pro-palestinian protests reach a boiling point on college campuses as police make thousands of arrests nationwide, and president biden speaks out on the unrest for the first time.
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severe storms. at least one tornado touches down in texas while other parts of the state are dealing with rising rivers and extreme flooding. a fiery tanker crash on one of america's busiest highways. the damage, detours, and details on when it will reopen. good morning, and good to be with you. i'm anne-marie green. we start with the tensions on college campuses around the country and violent clashes with police. more than 2,100 people have been arrested during the pro-palestinian protests. new video out of portland state university shots extensive damage and graffiti after police cleared out the library. president biden finally condemned the violence that has broken out at some of these protests. cbs' jarred hill now from new york. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. you know, this is one of the first quiet nights that we've had on this issue in quite a while.
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but while some of these camps have been cleared, protesters say that their movement is not over. police at portland state university in oregon cleared out protesters who'd occupied the school's library since monday. more than 20 arrested. police video shows officers pushing through makeshift baricade and searching the building. outside a car drove into a crowd. people started pelting it with objects before the driver sprayed something out the window and ran away. earlier chaos at ucla cleared an encampment. more than 200 taken into custody. heavy equipment was later hauled in to help with the cleanup. >> order must prevail. >> reporter: in a last-minute address, president biden spoke out as people have gathered to criticize israel's war against hamas. >> vandalism, trespassing, breaking windows, shutting down campuses. none of this is a peaceful protest.
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>> reporter: protesters at the university of minnesota voluntarily started taking down their tents after the university agreed to let protesters address the board of regents about their depends that the school divests from israel. >> i think that it's great if the university and protesters can make some agreement. >> reporter: in manhattan the da is investigating after the nypd says an officer accidentally fired their gun during the sweep of hamilton hall at columbia university. no one was injured. >> so you know, the mayor of new york city has talked about outside agitators co-opting these protests. he didn't initially provide proof, but police have released information about that. >> reporter: that's right. we have data, but we don't completely know the context of some information. here's what we do know -- according to nypd arrest data, nearly 40% of those taken into custody between columbia university and city college here in new york were not students or otherwise affiliated with the
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schools. that means they weren't faculty or staff. now at columbia the number is smaller, that's about 30% of the people were not affiliated with the university. but what we do not know at this point is how many of those off-campus folks were inside of hamilton hall or in the on-campus encampment. the conversation about the outside agitator, we know there have been a number of students who said these were student movements. but the question is really what was the involvement of anyone who was not affiliated with these schools. >> yeah. definitely. thank you very much. >> thanks. turning now to the weather, and things are going from bad to worse in parts of the south. severe storms hitting texas and spawning possible tornadoes. video from anson and hawley show funnel clouds. the hawley school district said homes were damaged. flooding is the big problem in other parts of the state, though, where mandatory evacuations were ordered and millions of people are on alert for flash flooding. cbs' omar villafranca reports from hard-hit southeast texas. >> reporter: parts of
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livingston, texas, waterlogged after overnight storms soaked the southeast texas town. up to eight inches of rain fell in some areas leaving homes and businesses looking like lakefront property. we tried to get to livingston but couldn't. heavy downpours drenched major highways and slowed traffic during the morning commute. we could only get as far as cold spring, 17 miles away. the main road in town is shut down. we found residents taking horses and even pet pigs to drier, higher ground. >> about an hour and a half ago it was about waist deep in my backyard. >> reporter: luckily vanessa russell's home is on stilts, but her confidence is not high after she found out the dam across the street was open to relieve the swollen lake dumping millions of gallons into her neighborhood. >> it's horrible. do not move to a flood plain ever. >> oh, no way. >> reporter: further east in college station, a woman tried to drive through a flooded
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parking lot. >> okay. that got bad very quickly. >> reporter: she abandoned her car once the water became too deep. >> she is okay. that is the important part. her car maybe not so much. >> reporter: in northern houston this neighborhood also washed out. people there walking through water that reached to their knees. houston's mayor, john whitemire. >> it appears the worst is yet to come. >> reporter: omar villafranca, cbs news. >> reporter: donald trump's so-called hush-money trial resumes this morning. yesterday jurors heard about secret phone recordings and celebrity gossip from stormy daniels' former attorney, but the day started with another hearing on more potential gag order violations. the story from cbs' robert costa. >> reporter: former president trump already fined $9,000 for violating a gag order could be penalized again as judge juan merchan this morning considered four additional violations. >> this judge, he's totally
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conflicted, has me under a gag order. >> reporter: prosecutors cited several examples. including this about future witness michael cohen. >> caught lying on the trial. >> reporter: on the stand stormy daniels' former attorney who testified how he negotiated a $130,000 payment from cohen to pay stormy daniels for her story before the 2016 election. >> and you had sex with him? >> yes. >> reporter: davidson acknowledged testing with a "national enquirer" editor writing, what have we done? he replied, oh, my god. asked to clarify the text, davidson told the jury there was an understanding that their activities may have assisted trump's campaign. trump has denied any wrongdoing and denied knowing details about the payment. today the prosecution played an audio recording for the jury in which cohen tells davidson that trump hates the fact that we do -- we did it. davidson testified that was a reference to the payment to daniels. trump's lawyers, meanwhile, tried to paint davidson as a
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serial extortionist of celebrities, citing alleged deals related to lindsay lohan, charlie sheen, and hulk hogan, and that he did the same with trump. >> they're doing a good job at showing sort of the seedy, dirty underbelly of this world that keith davidson peddles in. this is what this man does for a living. it's his bread and butter. >> reporter: trump falsely claimed he's not able to testify due to the gag order. that is not true. the gag order only limits what trump can say about the jury and witnesses. robert costa, cbs news, new york. now to the middle east. hamas says that it is sending a delegation to egypt to continue cease-fire talks. it's a sign of progress after months of stop-and-start negotiations. the key sticking point -- hamas demanding a complete withdrawal of israeli troops from gaza and permanent end to the war. israel wants to see all remaining hostages home safe. we've returned one of the
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israelis believed to be a hodge is dead. kibbutz be-eri announced dror or was kibbutz announced dror or was killed and his body being held in gaza. his wife was also killed in the massacre. two of their children were taken hostage but were released during the temporary cease-fire in november. and the u.s. state department confirmed hamas managed to seize the first aid shipment that entered gaza through the reopened crossing that's the crossing along the northern border with israel that humanitarian groups have been pleading for months to open. officials say the u.n. has recovered it. coming up, part of a major east coast highway shut down. the fiery crash that's causing a huge traffic jam. and the assault case against cowboys quarterback dak prescot takes a new turn. ens cowboys quarterback dak prescot takes a new turn. smile! you found it. the feeling of finding psoriasis can't filter out the real you. so go ahead, live unfiltered with the one and only sotyktu, a once-daily pill for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, and the chance at clear or almost clear skin.
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zyrtec allergy relief works fast and lasts a full 24 hours so dave can be the... deliverer of dance. ok, dave! let's be more than our allergies. zeize the day with zyrtec. (♪♪) when life spells heartburn... how do you spell relief? r-o-l-a-i-d-s rolaids' dual-active formula begins to neutralize acid on contact. r-o-l-a-i-d-s spells relief. the nation's busiest highway will be closed for a few days in part of connecticut after a tanker filled with gasoline burst into flames under a bridge.
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officials say the tanker carrying 8,500 gallons of fuel was involved in a three-vehicle accident yesterday on i-95 in norwalk. the governor says that the bridge will need to be demolished and replaced. there were no serious injuries, though. no criminal charges against dak prescott, and the captain in a boat tragedy learns his punishment. those are some of the headlines on the "morning newsstand." the "los angeles times" reports the captain of a scuba dive boat that caught fire killing 34 people were sentenced to four years in prison by a federal judge. 70-year-old jerry boylan was convicted last year of criminal negligence for his role in the 2019 disaster. the boat was anchored off california's santa cruz island when it caught fire and sank. 33 passengers and a crew member died. relatives of the victims held up pictures of their loved ones outside the courthouse. "the atlanta journal constitution" says a small plane crashed into a residential neighborhood in
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georgia killing the pilot. it went down after takeoff at an airport in augusta. officials at augusta university identified the pilot as jason mckenzie, the associate director of philanthropy. no one else was hurt. the plane clipped a tree, hit power lines, then crashed between two homes before bursting into flames. no word on what caused the crash, though. "the fort worth star telegram" says the dallas police department is no longer pursuing alleged sexual assault claims against cowboys quarterback dak prescott. a woman said he violated her in a vehicle in the parking lot of a strip club in 2017. he denies the allegations. police investigated, but there's not enough evidence. prescott and the woman have sued each other. he claims she tried to extort him out of $100 million to keep her from going public. still to come, going a over -- going ape over a medical first. what an orangutan did to his wound that has scientists talking.
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here's a look at the here's a look at the forecast in some cities around the country. ♪ in what they are calling a first, scientists in indonesia are reporting they witnessed an orangutan in the wild directly applying a medicinal plant to heal a wound. now the ape was seen chewing on leaves from the plant, spreading the juices onto an open wound, and then using the chewed plant as a bandage. researchers say they watched the injury heal within a month. a major beef recall to tell you about, and a bumpy road ahead for peloton. here's carissa lawson with today's cbs "moneywatch." >> reporter: a winning day on wall street as stocks rallied thursday ahead of the april jobs report coming out today. the dow surged 322 points. the nasdaq climbed 235, and the
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s&p 500 added 45 points. more trouble for peloton. the fitness equipment maker is laying off 400 workers, and the ceo, barry mccarthy, is stepping down. it's the latest attempt to get the company spinning in a better financial direction. the incumbent surged in popularity during the pandemic but struggled in a non-quarantine world. if you bought ground beef at walmart recently, check your refrigerator or freezer. nearly eight tons of ground beef sold at walmart stores nationwide have been recalled for possible e. coli contamination. the meat solutions produced the meat on april 26th and 27th. so far no reports of illness fleas. if you have any throw it away or return to walmart for a full refund. and artists from universal music group are heading back to tiktok. the social media platform struck a new licensing deal with umg that ends a dispute over roylties.
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music from umg artists like taylor swift, lady gaga, drake, and billie eilish were pulled from tiktok or muted due to the legal battle that lasted three months. that's your cbs "moneywatch" report for this friday morning. i'm carissa lawson, cbs news, new york. up next, cbs unveils its fall schedule from "ncis" to a new sitcom starring damon wayans. we will have a sneak peek. sitc wayans. we will have a sneak peek. ♪♪ treat yourself to rich, ghirardelli chocolate and luscious caramel. ♪♪ experience ghirardelli caramel squares. in a bag and a bar. makes life a bite better. type 2 diabetes? discover the ozempic® tri-zone. ♪ ♪
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here's a look at the forecast in some cities around the country. ♪ please welcome your national teacher of the year -- missy testerman! [ cheers ] >> dr. jill biden honoring the 2024 national teacher of the year and other fellow teachers from around the country at the first-ever state dinner for teachers. the first lady, who has been teaching for more than 30 years herself, thanked the educators. cbs has shows for fall and spring. many fan favorites like "tracker" will return, and several new shows will debut including one with oscar winner kathy bates. lauren pozen has the lowdown. >> reporter: stars of comedies and dramas hitting cbs this fall came out to celebrate thursday night block party style. each show part of cbs
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community of entertainment including new monday night sitcom "poppas house" starring damon wayans and damon wayans jr. >> new york city -- >> reporter: the elder plays a legendary talk radio host who finds himself still parenting his adult son. >> every father's dream is for his son to inherit the family business, and our business just happens to be punchlines. >> reporter: another newbie to the cbs neighborhood, kathy bates as "matlock." a re-imagining of the classic series will air thursdays. she plays a brilliant lawyer who rejoins the work force in her 70s. >> it really shows starting over, having a second chapter with a career or in life. >> yeah. i mean, i certainly wasn't expecting to get this offer at my age. so i'm -- i'm thrilled that the opportunity came along. >> reporter: many of the less favorites are staying in the lineup including "the neighborhood." that is going to air on mondays. also, "tracker," about the reward thrill-seeking loner who
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travels in his air stream will air on sundays. "tracker" launched in february and is the most-watched primetime series of the broadcast season. and finally, cbs staple "ncis" gets an origin story. mark harmon originated the role of leroy jethro gibbs in 2003. he'll executive produce and narrate gibbs' early years as a special agent. >> right now everything is golden. >> reporter: "ncis origins" will be on monday nights and the lineup starts this fall. lauren pozen, cbs news, los angeles. coming up on "cbs mornings," tv host marc summers on his off-broadway show. f-broadway sh. then add the whoa! of listerine to your routine. new science shows listerine is 5x more effective than floss at reducing plaque above the gumline. for a cleaner, healthier mouth. ahhhhh. listerine. feel the whoa! try killing bugs the worry-free way.
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i don't want to risk ending up in the hospital with pneumococcal pneumonia. that's why i chose prevnar 20®. ask your doctor or pharmacist about the pfizer vaccine for pneumococcal pneumonia. thank you for joining us this morning. we made it. it's friday. may number three. >> yeah. so let's get it started. [ screaming ] >> rising tensions at uc berkeley' encampment after days of peaceful protesting. will it change how the university has been approaching the protests? it's lick dublin. it's really -- it resembles dublin and resembles how green we are and resemble os you are scenery. >> reporter: overcrowded school district for one of the bay area's fastest growing cities. i feel like it's been a long time


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