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tv   CBS News Bay Area Evening Edition 530pm  CBS  May 3, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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we're following breaking news at 5:30 tonight, a police standoff that's lasted over an hour in fairfield shutting down i-80 at the 680 interchange. >> it's right now peak commute time. this is what eastbound highway 80 looks like right now, interstate 80 traffic backed up for miles and those delays are stretching all the way back to the bay bridge right now. our anne makovec is in the newsroom, keeping a close eye on the standoff. it looked like there was a little movement inside the car. >> yes. we can see a person moving inside the vehicle. we don't know what they were doing. we've been watching these live pictures as they're happening, as you have at home. this started before noon with a freeway shooting on 101 in windsor near santa rosa. the hunt for the shooter went on for hours and that standoff is underway as we speak. let's go live to that scene now, i-80 in
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fairfield. it is closed both directions. in that silver sedan there is a person accused of shooting into an suv this morning. a woman was driving that suv. she was not injured, but her window was shot out. they tracked that suspect's vehicle license plate and then found the car at around 2:00 p.m. with the driver in it near rohnert park and from there the chase is on. here we are 3 1/2 hours later. you can see this law enforcement standoff continues right under that overpass. there's a heavily armored vehicle. the chp had their drone up over the area. so they are proceeding with caution now as this standoff continues in fairfield. they're wanting to make sure that this ends peacefully with no injuries to the suspect or any bystanders. again, they are planning their moves very carefully. our chopper watched the chase earlier this afternoon down 580 on the richmond-san rafael bridge with several cop cars on the tail of
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the civil toyota corolla as they drove through the north bay eventually moving east. the driver avoided spike strips as it went through petaluma and finally stopped there in fairfield near 680 by the cordelia junction. that is when the officers lined up a few yards from the car and again, that is where they are right now with all eastbound lanes closed. as ryan mentioned, traffic backup right now and as we zoom into the larger bay area, this is affecting things for miles, of course, right in time for the evening commute, live look at traffic conditions. anybody heading between the bay area and sacramento now should reconsider doing that. no timeline on when the lanes will be reopened. eastbound lanes, they're closed at green valley road, westbound lanes closed at sassoon valley road. let's go back out live to the scene. this is in solano county. on the right-hand side of your screen you can see the large
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law enforcement presence that has grown the past hour or so. this is near fairfield and the cordelia junction. they're giving the suspect vehicle you see there some space as they try to figure out what they're doing. they're waiting to move in on that shooting suspect, that person again in the silver sedan presumed to be armed. we are going to continue to watch this as it continues, not only the standoff there in fairfield, but also the traffic backups that this is causing all around the bay area. we'll continue to bring you updates on this newscast. >> thanks, anne. hopefully this ends peacefully. in san jose final preparations now underway for the city's big cinco de mayo celebration this weekend. >> one of the businesses taking part in the festivities has a remarkable story. he's a filipino palestinian american. his el halal amigos restaurant is a melting pot of foods, flavors and cultures. the idea
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came about when he was working in a san jose taqueria but couldn't eat most of the food. >> i was going to food trucks and ordering a cheese quesadilla. it was terrible. a lot of cooking i did at home to help fill that void and a lot of people were telling me man, you're really good at this. >> the restaurant will hold a big celebration for cinco de mayo featuring discounted food, music, and dancers all day long. about 100,000 american immigrants of daca status will soon be eligible for healthcare under the affordable healthcare act. right now documents who came to the u.s. as children are legally allowed to live and work in the country, but starting in november thousands will be able to enroll into certain healthcare plans. this is the biden administration's latest effort to codify daca into regulatory policy, an effort that has stalled in congress. president biden will award 19 people with the presidential
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medal of freedom and there's some familiar names on that list. that includes former house speaker nancy pelosi. the medal of freedom is the nation's highest form of honoring civilians. also receiving the medal of freedom, stanford swimming legend katie ledecky, the world record holder and gold medalist, believed to be the first swimmer to receive this honor. up next, the usda launching a new urban agricultural center in one bay area city, how it will help residents growing fresh fruits and vegetables right where they live. the a's have one big bright spot amid all the doom and gloom over leaving the town. we'll meet the rookie closer taking major league baseball by storm. >> it's been a coming out part of sorts i'd say. >> i call him
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we're staying on top of breaking news on that standoff along i-80. we took a live look at that situation unfolding.
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you can see now things have drastically changed. there are two armored cars by law enforcement officers now pinning in that silver toyota with the suspect inside. there's also several officers in tactical gear on one side of that armored vehicle looking ready to basically take over that car. we're going to some b roll now. this is a chase because we're afraid to show you what possibly may be a shootout on live television. this is where it all started, that silver toyota evading arrest that started in santa rosa making its end into fairfield, cordelia junction area where that standoff once again is now taking place. it's now pinned in once again between two armored vehicles and tactical officers are now in place, looks like they're going to try to end this. this is video also earlier where that silver toyota came to a stop. >> both sides of 80 in the area are completely closed down,
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traffic backed up to the bay bridge. this is happening in fairfield near 680 by the cordelia junction, but it's on interstate 80. if you are traveling to sacramento tonight, don't do it. you may want to rethink your plans. we'll continue to follow this breaking development. once again, this is video from just earlier this afternoon of that silver car, the standoff that has shut down both sides of 80 over by the cordelia junction. this is in fairfield headed towards sacramento. we'll keep you updated on this. in san francisco officials are celebrating the opening of a new service center expected to help farmers in the area grow their business and their produce. the center will help farmers receive loans, apply for disaster recovery assistance, as well as risk management programs. this is just one of two service centers opening up in california in support of the usda's urban agriculture initiative with another one opening up as well
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in los angeles. >> we know that there's desert island, food island insecurity. this falls into that. we want to make sure we limit that as well. >> the service center will help strengthen the region's farming infrastructure. coming up in sports, the nba playoffs are heating up. we got some drama last night as two more teams were eliminated. plus there's been a lot of negativity surrounding the oakland a's
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- temperatures cooling down as we head into the weekend and stronger onshore... ah, i stepped off the coast again. - the winds are really picking up. - fog spreading farther inland. - and in the north bay, you're gonna get soaked. (water splashing) - [narrator] presenting the bay area's only virtual weather studio. next level weather. - as i lift this, you can actually see... - [narrator] on kpix and pix+. (wind blowing) it's that real. (water splashing) - let's move on to the seven-day now.
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staying on top of breaking news, this is live pictures of that standoff along i-80 and the cordelia area. things have drastically changed as that car is pinned in by two armored vehicles and on the right side you can see several officers in tactical gear. >> on the other side of the freeway as well you see a bunch of police officers and officers outside their vehicles. we have noticed officers in the past couple minutes have backed off just slightly. we don't know if this has ended or where we are in this standoff. again, this is backed up traffic for miles. this all started earlier today where police were chasing down a suspect who was wanted for shooting inside an suv and it continued to this area on 80 by the cordelia junction. this is near 680. this is in
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fairfield. traffic we are told is backed up on 80 all the way to the bay bridge because of this. >> this is a chase that started all the way in santa rosa, lasted for more than three hours. this is video of that chase that started earlier today, but once again, that standoff looks like it may be coming to an end very shortly as police have now moved in, pinning that car on both sides with armored vehicles, officers in tactical gear ready to make their move inside. we will continue to follow this breaking development, updating you online and on air and actually we'll have much more coming up at 6:00 p.m. with juliette goodrich. let's move on to weather now, paul. a drastic change in our weather from today, warm and gorgeous, and you're telling me it's going to be cold and rainy tomorrow? >> yeah. we're talking about a 20-degree temperature drop the next 24 hours for inland parts of the bay area. this very winter-like storm system is getting closer. it's going to send clouds into the bay area tonight, rain across the bay
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area tomorrow morning, gusty winds all day and cold temperatures will charge in as well. let's focus on the rain to begin with and futurecast shows that moving into the north bay before the sun comes up tomorrow. the most widespread and heaviest rain will fall between sunrise and early afternoon as the heaviest rain isn't going to last too long in any one spot, but it will drop a half inch to an inch of total rainfall and then we're down to a few lingering showers tomorrow afternoon into tomorrow evening. things will quiet down the second half of the weekend even though sunday will be cool. let's look at how much rain we expect. we'll start with the north bay where the rain arrives first, a half inch to about three-quarters inch of rain, forecast model estimates. they give us a good idea of the range of possibilities. generally we're in the half to 1 inch rain, higher amounts along the coast, half moon bay closer to 1 inch, half inch for san jose. even the rain-shadowed spots looks like this is a system capable of overcoming the terrain barriers. in the sierra it's a winter storm warning in effect
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from midday tomorrow through 8:00 a.m. sunday, talking about 5 to 12 inches of snow, seems like a random range, usually round it off. 5 inches at lake level around tahoe, over 12 inches at some of the peaks. travel will be difficult along u.s. 50 and i-80. we start off tomorrow morning in the low to mid-50s and don't go anywhere from there. here's tomorrow's forecast highs which aren't a lot warmer than tomorrow's forecast lows, only 60 degrees in san jose. that is the warm spot, temperatures 12 to 15 degrees below average in the santa clara valley, closer to 20 degrees below average inland in the east bay, mid- to upper 50s across almost the entire bay area. for context, and i put these numbers on the map, how far below average they are, the number below the city names, but it's more instructive with this system to tell you when these numbers are the average highs, what time of
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year we expect mid- to upper 50s and it's early january when this is normal, not early may. it's going to be breezy throughout the day as well. it's going to be breezy overnight. a look at our wind gusts over the next 24 hours, the computer model rearranging itself, as do my vocal chords, excuse me, wind gusts up to 30 miles an hour. let's look at the seven-day forecast and we'll show you the warm-up that kicks in heading through next week. i'm hoping the rain washes some pollen out of the air, to be frank, 70s inland tuesday and 80 degrees plus wednesday, thursday, friday, rapid turnaround, not quite as wild of ride on the temperature roller coaster around the bay, but back to the 70s by wednesday, thursday, friday next week and back up into the middle portion of the 60s along the coast. be prepared for a wet, cold, and windy start to the weekend tomorrow. guys, take it away. a check of what's ahead at 6:00, we switch over to
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juliette. >> we're following the breaking news in the east bay, late developments on the interstate 80 standoff. in the past few minutes law enforcement were using armored vehicles to move closer to the car and a suspected wanted man in connection with a shooting in the north bay appears to be closer to resolution. we'll have more on the traffic impact and what police are doing at 6:00. plus there's a new plan to bring life to vacant storefronts in the south bay, how this could be a big break for some budding entrepreneurs, a lot to cover at 6:00. but first let's go to matt in sports. >> thanks, jules. last night the indiana pacers knocked out the bucks to claim their first playoff series in ten years, but the thing everyone is talking about is milwaukee guard patrick beverley who still had time to promote his podcast after the loss. >> you subscribe to my pod? >> do i subscribe? i do not. >> you can't interview me,
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then. no disrespect. >> he was dead serious, wouldn't let that espn reporter interview him. it was a tough look for beverley. here he gets into it with pacer fans behind the bench, threw a ball into the crowd at fans not ones, but twice, but the incident happened because of a fan taunting the bucks huddle saying cancun on three. hard to think of a better expert on these matters than draymond green who child in on his podcasts. >> you can't keep starting the season suspended. i know i'm not anyone to say anything about a suspension, but i'm going to say it. pat, you can't keep having these moments the end of these losses. you're starting to look like the kid that grabs the ball and says, i'm going home. i can't play. we're out of here. we're leaving the park. it's my ball. come on, pat. >> draymond green, star, patrick
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beverley, scrub. a hot start this spring has put this man's name on the match. >> good night, mason miller slams the door shut. >> lighting up a radar gun near you is a's rookie mason miller. >> it's been a coming out party of sorts i'd say. >> i call him mason aka moses because when he walks into a room, the sea parts. >> he is mowing down the best hitters in the bigs. >> the best eyes, the best approaches, best bat to ball skill, these people are going to be embarrassed and undressed. they'll be rendered children in the batter's box. >> this was never the plan for miller. he was a d3 baseball player with an e.r.a. in the 7s, something his friends still remind him of. >> my buddies pull me back to earth like hey, remember when you were at williamsburg and i had to double up you or something like that. >> after a few successful seasons and transfer to a d1 program, the a's drafted him in the third round in 2021.
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>> the difference that a couple years has made for me has been crazy. >> now he's right at the top of the charts in saves and strikeouts amongst closers. >> that's who he has become already in a very, very early, brief big league career. he is appointment television. >> his unlikely path has given a's fans something to cheer about in a season filled with jeers. >> now their story lines for these fans to follow, to fall in love with that allows them to escape some of the other realities that are surrounding the organization. so when you know you've got a locked in ninth inning that you can pretty much bank on and set your alarm for, you do that. >> he was actually a starter the end of last season. they moved him to the pen to preserve his arm. obviously the move worked out well. if you want to say anything else, you have to subscribe to my twitter or else we just can't talk. >> i do subscribe. >> okay, yeah. any questions, go ahead. >> subscribe. do i have to pay
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for it? >> yeah. >> matt. >> thanks, matt. still ahead at 5:00, vegan beats out dairy, the controversy surrounding a - lift the clouds off of... - virtual weather, only on kpix and pix+.
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it seems like every day there's a new plant-based food product on our shelves. >> some of them are starting to taste a lot like the real thing and then there's cheese, which is tricky i will say. dairy
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eaters who tried vegan cheese seem to be less than sold on it, but one company in berkeley seems to have the vegan cheese thing down, so much so they may have outperformed all the dairy-based submissions on a major competition until their vegan cheese was mysteriously disqualified. >> climate foods is the company in question. we sent our andrea nakano to take a bite alongside a world famous chef and while she did, she got the company's side of the story about the cheese causing a big stink in the dairy industry. >> reporter: climax foods in berkeley works to create a tastier, healthier, and kinder cheese. this bleu cheese was about to take home the gold. >> i got an email in january that we were not just finalists, but winners. >> reporter: but then came a technicality that climax
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founder and ceo oliver zaun doesn't know about. >> two weeks ago they changed their website to stay now it also has to be grass-certified and then we were excluded just a week or two before the competition which is a little bit, i guess, confusing is maybe one way to but it. >> reporter: grass-certified translates to generally regarded as safe by the fda. the ingredient that became the center of the controversy is cocum butter that comes from the seeds of a cocum tree and is not grass-certified. >> if it would have been a requirement, we could have given them another version of the cheese that uses cocoa butter, which is one of the versions we have. >> reporter: this controversy made the rounds on "late night" with stephen colbert bringing much needed humor to a disappointing situation. >> i love his way to describe the bleu cheese. it has to taste like foot. >> reporter: although this cheese is the available for retail yet, it is being used in one of san francisco's finest
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restaurants. the chef and owner domonique cren said she grew up on bleu cheese just like this one in france. >> i knew it was going to win because i literally if i was blind and i couldn't see anything, give me a test, i would tell him this is an amazing bleu cheese. >> reporter: with domonique's vote of confidence i put my taste buds to the test. i don't know how you did it. but you have the green kind of moldy marbling inside. >> the mold grows in the same way. >> reporter: yeah. it really does kind of hit you on your palate in the back of the nose when you have it just like a regular bleu cheese. climax foods is constantly working to come up with the perfect scientific recipe to create the next best cheese. the goal is to make a product that tastes just as good as dairy cheese at
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an affordable price. oliver zaun doesn't want to fight with the dairy industry, just co-exist. >> whatever happened, we were disqualified. i don't want to blame anybody. i just want to offer consumers alternatives. that's it for the news at 5:00. cbs news bay area with juliette goodrich starts right now. >> thanks so much. we want to get to breaking news, a traffic nightmare seriously for the friday evening commute, police now cornering a shooting suspect on interstate 80 in fairfield. both directions of the freeway are still shut down. the delay is stretching all the way to the bay bridge. minutes ago police made their move on the suspect vehicle. also a san jose police officer in critical condition after responding to a domestic violence call at a motel, what we've learned about the moments leading up to a gunbattle. >> you could go to this call a thousand times and nothing ever goes wrong and the 1,001 time is this one. a new batch of


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