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tv   The Late News  CBS  May 3, 2024 11:00pm-11:36pm PDT

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f0 now at 11:00, swat teams, a suspect with a gas mask action and flash bangs in the middle of a bay area highway in the middle of rush hour. more on the hours long pursuit that finally came to an end. plus, officers shot as they tried to help a mother and her children. and an east bay mcdonald's infested with rats. that's why the workers say they walked off the job. what the owner says he's doing to make things right. and remember these three in they're part of san francisco
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cinema history. from kpix, this is the late news with sara donchey on cbs news bay area. hello, i'm sara donchey alongside paul heggen. okay, we made it to the weekend. we're here. we were in this period of time where we were hitting rainy weekend after rainy weekend and finally broke free. >> yeah. >> and now we're back! >> we're back. in may of all times. >> so rain tomorrow. >> yes, but we'll have some sun peaking through the clouds, so -- peeking through the clouds, so not a total washout. tomorrow morning does look like a washout. let's look at how things are going to change, evolve over the next 24 hours or so. the next thing you'll notice is an increase in cloud cover across the bay area. that's in the process of starting to happen already. those clouds will continue to roll in as we head through the rest of tonight. but they're not going to be dropping any precipitation on us. it's just a blanket of clouds present as we head through the overnight and early morning hours. it is
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just before sunrise that we'll see the first wave of rain moving into the north bay. so we'll look at the total rainfall forecast for various communities around the bay area, and also the arrival time of the rain. santa rosa likely to pick up almost an inch of rain moving in a couple of hours before the sun comes up. the rest of the bay the arrival time is closer to 7:00 a.m. for san francisco and oakland. a later arrival time inland and the east bay. livermore, antioch, 8:00 to 9:00 in the morning. it will be a fairly evenly spread rain event for the entire bay area. a half inch to inch of total rain across most of the region. later to arrive in the south bay and santa clara valley. around 9:00 to 10:00. but even the rain shadow spots likely to pick up a half inch of total rainfall. there are also be gusty winds making it feel even colder. here's what we expect for temperatures tomorrow. livermore is an example of inland parts of the bay area in the upper 70s today and only will be in the upper 50s
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tomorrow. that's the average high temperature in early january. not early may. but look what happens as we head through the rest of the ten-day outlook. up into the 80s by the end of next week. this is a wild ride we're in for starting with a big drop in temperatures tomorrow. we'll look at futurecast hour by hour coming up in a few minutes. >> okay, paul, check in with you then. thank you. friday rush hour in the bay area is usually a little lighter than the rest of the week, but tonight grid lock after a pursuit that spanned multiple counties and ended up as an hours long stand off. the whole incident kept law enforcement agencies across the bay area busy for most of the day, and the swat operation that followed played out in front of our cameras. and this information just came about five minutes ago. the chp said they were wrong when they said the suspect had died. in fact the the suspect shot himself, but medical teams were able to revive him. he's now in critical condition from the hospital. andrea nakano shows us what happened during the stand off. >> reporter: this is the scene tonight. traffic still very
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slow, and it's a parking lot on eastbound 80 after a pursuit led to a stand off on the highway. instead of waiting hours on the road for the traffic to move, colleen nann decided to just wait it out on the side of the road. >> unbelievable. this is not your typical friday night. >> reporter: this after a wild chase through four county. california highway patrol officers trying to slow the toyota down with spike strip, but the driver navigating around them. this all started in santa rosa where a woman reported someone had shot into her car. she gave officers a description of the car, and that car was spotted and that's when the pursuit began. it came to an end near cordelia where the swat team cornered the suspect and a stand off began. in a joint effort with the fairfield police department, officers smashed the back window of the car to get a better look inside. police even deployed several flash bangs, but with no
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effect. chp telling us the man had a gas mask with him in the car. officers eventually discovered that the driver had shot himself. police used cpr right away, and the suspect was taken away in an ambulance. while all this was going on, drivers left parked on 80 wondering what was going on. >> people were rolling down their windows saying ma'am, do you know what's going on? i said i don't know. maybe cal trans is working on the road. i kept asking siri, and she didn't have any answers for me. >> reporter: officers in santa rosa say that the woman in santa rosa was not hurt, and they do not believe that the suspect and victim knew each other. investigators are now looking into what led up to the shooting in the first place. >> and as of tonight, the suspect has not been identified yet, but we will keep an eye out for updates. the san jose police department says two of their
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officers were shot while putting their lives on the line to help a father and her three children. tonight one of the officers is out of the hospital. the other is in critical condition, but is expected to survive. this all happened last night during a gun battle at a motel. as our da lin reports, the suspect tried to escape by jumping out of a third floor window. >> reporter: san jose police surrounded extended stay america on san ignacio avenue after a gun battle erupted. investigators say the 33-year-old suspect shot two officers. at least one returned fire. a hotel guest heard some of the gunshots from his room. >> it sounded like a pow, pow. >> reporter: four times? >> yeah, about four times, yeah. >> reporter: silas says responding officers told him to shelter in place. >> stay in your rooms, be safe. just stay in. >> reporter: officers say they responded to a domestic violence call thursday night around 10:30 on the third
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floor. >> a mother and children were sheltering on the other side of a thin motel door from a known man who recently committed violence on them. >> reporter: the acting san jose police chief paul joseph says the mother already had a restraining order against the suspect. it's unclear if the mother and the children were living at the hotel to stay away from the suspect or how he found them. the department released a couple of photos taken from the officers' chest cams. police say the suspect walked away from the hotel room when he saw the two responding officers. when the officers tried to talk to them, they say he reached into a bag, pulled out a gun, and shot the officers. >> the suspect fled, running from the officers while continuing to shoot multiple rounds at them. at least one officer returned fire and struck the suspect. >> reporter: they say the suspect jumped out of the third floor hallway window. back up officers arrested him nearby. they say the suspect also sustained life threatening injuries. he's stabilize in critical condition. >> when officers contacted the mother and children hiding in the hotel room, it became
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apparent that their lives were likely saved by the responding officers. in the room was a survivor of a recent domestic violence attack. we learned the suspect had an arrest warrant for that domestic violence incident. also hiding in the motel room were three children ages 8, 10, and 15. >> reporter: the acting chief says they recovered a stolen hand gun used by the suspect. they say he has an extensive criminal history. as for silas, who's staying at the hotel to receive routine cancer treatment at a nearby hospital, he's glad the family is safe. >> shootings and that sort of thing is becoming prevalent. that has to stop. >> police say the officer leased from the hospital has been with the department for three and a half years. the officer still hospitalized has been with the force about a year. in san francisco police
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busted an illegal gambling ring in the tenderloin. police also found drugs and paraphernalia. they made multiple arrests, including the man they suspect ran the operation. police also found a loaded gun as part of that search. tonight a mcdonald's franchise owner confirms they had to call pest control at one of their oakland restaurants. the california fast food worker's union claims that workers actually walked out on strike because the restaurant was infested with rats. [ chanting ] >> the california fast food union posted this video of workers picketing the mcdonald's location on jackson street near 14th and downtown. the union posted online they were reporting the infestation to cal osha. we reached out to the union, but didn't hear back tonight. we also reached out to mcdonald's corporate. they gave us a statement from the owner operator saying it's important for him his employees
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have a safe place to come to work, and when they became aware of the issue they contacted pest control and continued to work with them. coral reefs are dying off at an alarming rates, and now a group of scientists is taking a biblical approach to try and save them. and a one-two punch of major weather emergencies slamming the south. where they are digging out and drying out. and like father, like daughter. where these two were caught in a chugging contest reminiscent of a college frat party. >> it's me. mrs. doubtfire is a part of san francisco cinema history, and if you ever wondered where are those kids now, well we have the photo you've got to see. ♪ ♪
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a lot of people in parts of texas and louisiana are dealing with severe, even catastrophic flooding which in and of itself is incredibly difficult. but that's not the only weather emergency they're facing. >> reporter: stewart white has lived at his central texas home for about a year. he can now check tornado close call off his list. >> we watched a tornado touchdown right behind our house. >> reporter: he worries about his neighbors who he fears was
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in the twister's path. the tornado also rolled through the town of holly, damaging a number of homes and businesses. no relief friday for the same region as forecasters track severe storm alerts stretching from southern texas up to federal nebraska. >> it's running. >> reporter: as if the threat of tornadoes wasn't enough, torrential rain and widespread flooding from submerged part of the state over the last 24 hours. >> i wasn't that worried until today. >> reporter: some homes along the banks of the swollen san jacinto river now only accessible by boat. >> hopefully this is the end of it. >> we learned the twister that hit central texas destroyed 30 homes. communities across the south and midwest have been picking up the pieces from twisters for weeks now. the national weather service says the u.s. actually had had 300 tornadoes in april. that's the second most on record for that month. we'll talk with paul about the severe weather in a moment. but first, scientists are
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sounding the alarm about the world's coral reefs. scientists say rising sea temperatures are fueling a fourth bleaching event, expected to be the most extensive on record. and one aquarium is taking a biblical approach to try and save them. >> reporter: these corals are struggling to survive. sweltering heat is bleaching reefs worldwide. scientists warn some coralling risk dying out completely, never to return. to save them, scientists at this zoo in the netherlands created a sort of noah's ark. >> it's very important to keep these corals. as it's going not very well in the wild. >> reporter: divers tend this 2.1 million-gallon underwater garden, home to 14 endangered coral species collected from the wild. >> it's a matter after quarantine of finding the right conditions to keep the corals and start to grow them. but
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it's a slow process. some grow slow, and others grow quite fast. >> reporter: researchers closely monitor the aquarium's temperature, salt content and light. >> we tested behind the scenes what works for these corals, and we kind of know where to place them and how to keep them. >> reporter: while also preserving them for future generations. all right, we have a lot of weather to talk about locally, obviously, with the rain heading our way. but paul, as you saw in the report from a few moments ago, people in the south are really dealing with quite a lot in the way of tornadoes. what's going on there? >> just a pattern that's been stuck in place and producing thunderstorm outbreak after thunderstorm outbreak. they migrate around a little bit, but looks like another five or six consecutive days of significant severe weather threat through the middle of the country. around here our weather isn't going to be anything like that, but it's not going to be convenient for the first half of the weekend.
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the winter-like storm system diving towards the bay area is going to send rain, wind, and cold temperatures into the bay area for the first weekend of may. the rain is moving into the north bay even before the sun comes up. we see the first showers hitting the ground in the pre-sunrise hours of saturday morning. spreading over the rest of the bay area after sunrise and throughout the rest of the morning. the yellow and orange indicates pockets of locally heavy downpours. not lingering in one particular location long enough for a flood threat, but any flood prone areas could collect water quickly on saturday. this moves across the bay area quickly. it's already moving out by early afternoon, and we'll be down to a few lingering showers by the afternoon. even breaks in the cloud cover showing up. how much rain we talking about? in general, a half inch to an inch of total rainfall. that will be a consistent theme across the entire bay area. a little less in the rain shadowed spots. little more in the higher
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elevation spots and along the coast. but it will be pretty evenly distributed across the entire bay area. and in the sierra, it will be evenly distributed snow. 10 to 20 inches falling, but not necessarily adding up because the ground is warm at this point in spring. a lot of this will melt as it hits the ground. likely about five inches around lake level at tahoe. some peaks could pick up a foot of snow, and the levels drop to around 4,000 feet through the progression of this cold storm system. right now it's the fog. temperatures retreated to the 50s. as the clouds move in, the number might actually climb by a degree. we start in the low to mid-50s across the entire bay area. the thing is, we're just not going anywhere from there as this cold air moves in. let's look at tomorrow's forecast highs. and they're only going to be in the mid to upper 50s to around 60 degrees. 60 in san jose. it will be the
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warm spot. 10 to 15 degrees below average in the santa clara valley. 15 to 20 degrees below average inland east bay with highs only in the 50s. around the bay we're only 5 to 10 degrees below normal. upper 50s in san francisco, not much warmer in oakland. and even though the rain stops in the north bay first, likely by late morning, your temperatures will only warm to the upper 50s as well. sunday we start to build on temperatures a little bit, and sunday the wind won't be as much of a factor. the winds are going to be gusty throughout the day. as the rain is moving through, the cold front driving that will squeeze the atmosphere and produce gusty winds. they'll pivot into the afternoon and become west-northwesterly. gusts into saturday evening, and once the sun goes down, the winds start to back down. sunday will be the less rainy, certainly, drier half of the weekend, and also the warmer half of the weekend. but that doesn't mean it's actually going to be
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warm. temperatures labor day -- inland only reaching the mid to upper 60s sunday. and then back to normal on monday and above normal tuesday. into the 80s by thursday and friday. just a wild ride over the course of the next seven days. the ride isn't quite as wild, but still noticeable around the bay. temperatures back into the low to mid-70s wednesday, thursday, and friday, and even along the coast you're in for a few days of above average readings as well. we should finish the work week, the first full week of may with above normal temperatures for everybody. it does look like next weekend will not bring any storm systems to the bay area. back to typical mid-may weather at that point. >> yeah, it's something for everyone, as you say when it's one of those roller coaster forecasts. paul, thank you. okay, this is the kind of activity most parents don't encourage their kids to do, which is why this drinking contest is getting national attention. matt? >> best bump into the sports ever. the oakland a's are leading the sports cast because something special is brewing across the bay. plus, the
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giants looking to get the job done against the phillys. could the bats finally provide a spark? stick around. (upbeat music) - this is the new pix+ with the only 8:00 and 9:00 pm news, the primetime edition: weeknights on the new pix+. 44 cable 12. (bell chiming)
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so not that i asked for matt's approval, but i knew he was going to like this story. >> i know i'm going to like it. >> yes, a former nfl player's daughter beat her dad at his own game. taylor luen had just chugged a beer at a hockey playoff game on the jumbo tron. that's when his daughter did the same thing almost, and she made the crowd go wild. >> reporter: it turned out to be a dad and daughter chugging contest, and dad seemed overjoyed that his kid was such a pro. former nfl offensive
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lineman taylor luwan was introduced on the jumbo tron at the stanley cup hockey playoff in nashville. he chugged a beer then dumped it on his head. that's when his daughter began imitating him with her water. chugging and chugging. and the longer she chugged, the more excited her dad got until she finally came up for air and he lifted her up in his arms. most folks thought it was awesome. that was the best daddy and daughter moment ever. though a few were put off. this is pathetic parenting, cringe fest. there's absolutely nothing cute about teaching your daughter to chug a drink. tell that to clark griswold who tried to bond with his son in the desert over a beer, and his son ended up chugging the whole can. taylor lewan tweeted the whole way home my daughter was
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talking about how legendary it was. the nashville predators hockey team said like father like daughter, and the nfl said taylor lewan is out chugged by his daughter. dad chugged for 3 seconds, his daughter chugged for 12. as one commenter raved, future life of the party. >> all right, i mean we have to be hydrated. >> yeah! >> and as a parent it's really hard sometimes to get your kid to drink water. >> that was good parenting. >> yeah, that's what i have to do, then that's what i have to do. i know we have to pivot to the a's, and i want to tell you something first. but what could be the last game at the ball park in oakland. >> yes,. >> the tickets are starting to go, and they haven't cheap, so if anybody's interested in going to the game, i think it's against the rangers in
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september, i think they're going quickly, and i think maybe they're opening up other sections that aren't normally open. >> here's the thing, i told you in march the a's would be just a game and a half back of first place at the beginning of may. no one would have believed me, but that's right where they is it inching closer and closer to 500, and getting hot. reigning nl batting champ found out just before first pitch tonight that the marlins had traded him to san diego. so get out of the dugout, go join the new team. j. p. sears on the mound for oakland. he allowed just four hits and struck out six in six and a third shut out innings. then brent rooker blasts his sixth home run of the year. that's 440 feet and good for a two-run shot that. made it 2-0 location. then in the ninth, the a's bull pen had the scoreless streak end at 30 innings. tie run at the plate. sanchez grounded out to end the game. oakland wins
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their fifth straight 3 to 1. they've won 7 of 8 and are just one game below 500 at 16 and 17. giants and philly. patrick bailey had to leave the game early with blurry vision. that was troublesome. scoreless top of the second. estrada doubles and brings home two for the first runs of the game. then jordan hicks, he had not allowed more than two runs in a start this season. but in the third, marsh's single makes it 3-2 philly. hicks lasted just four innings. in the ninth, giants trailing 4-3. tying run at second. philly fans nervous, but alvarado ends it. philly wins 4-3. san francisco is 1 and 3 on the road trip and fall to 15 and 18. mavericks and clippers game 6. oh, yeah, this is in dallas if you couldn't tell. mavericks up 20 in the fourth. irving, the fade away three and
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the foul. he scored 28 of his 30 points in the second half. mavericks win the series and will face top seeded oklahoma city in the second round. in the east, cavaliers star donovan mitchell battling a knee injury against the magic, but played through the pain and scores on the runner here to end the third. put cleveland up 78-73. mitchell finished with 50, over half the team's points. orlando now leading by 3 with three minutes left. the and one. he had 27. magic win 103-96 and force a game 7 back in cleveland on sunday. last night the bucks were eliminated by the pacers. pat beverly threw a ball at fans in the stands not once, but twice. why? because the fans chanted at the bucks bench cancun on three signaling you're about to go on vacation. so he felt like he needed to chuck a ball twice. one time drilled a woman
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in the head. he was called out by dramond green. that's when you know you've gone too far. i can't get over it. >> yeah, the commenters on other networks had choice words today. >> likely the end of his sorry career. >> we'll see what the fines have to say about that. all right, matt, thank you. even if you watch mrs. doubtfire all the time for the san francisco nostalgia, you probably haven't kept up with the child stars of the film. the new pictures of them just released 30 years later.
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all right, matt, this movie was made before you were born, which shocked me. i know, it shocked me. >> oh boy. >> i know, i know.
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>> grandpa. >> we're talking about mrs. doubtfire. >> yes, i've seen it. i've seen it. >> all right, well, we just heard something about the cast that might make some people feel old. >> daddy? >> yeah, honey, it's me. >> classic! that scene was filmed at bridges restaurant in danville. the three kids are all grown up and just had a reunion after 30 years. mara wilson shared the p icture. they reunited for the brotherly love podcast with lawrence's brothers and talked about how
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robin williams was always going off script. lisa, who played the oldest said she got kicked out of school in canada for taking too much time filming the movie. williams wrote a letter to the principal asking him to reconsider. she said the principal framed the letter but still expelled her. the home is still a big draw for tourists. >> guys, it's a house. >> don't ruin it! >> co >> pizza hut is offering goodbye pies to help soften the blow of a prevalentine's day breakup. >> basically the restaurant will send your boyfriend or girlfriend a free hot honey pie to break the news that you are dumping them. >> here at pizza hut, we're surprised at how many people have opted to sever relationships using our goodbye pies. that's why we are expanding our menu tlp


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