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tv   CBS Weekend News  CBS  May 4, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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far, far away. chewbacca and r2d2 visited to greet some of the kids. a memorable day for them, and including their own lightsaber. >> nice. >> yeah. those are tricky toys because kids want to play with them and the next thing you know they're broken. >> you would know being a parent. darren and i have no clue. >> use the force, andrea. >> see you back here at 6:00. >> good night. captioning funded by cbs tonight, dangerous storms strike deep in the heart of terrifying scenes in the lone the damage already catastrophic. rivers rising to record levels. and it could get worse in the hours ahead. >> we going right here? >> we'll have the latest. catastrophic flooding and high water rescues. i'm jana shamlian in texas.
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we are along for the riled. gaza cease-fire talks intensify in egypt. >> in one of the biggest anti-government rallies since october 7th. israel says it will not send a delegation to cairo for talks with hamas until the militant group responds to its proposals plus, as college graduations begin, some are met with protests. trouble today at the university of virginia. and disruptions in michigan two florida teens turned themselves in after being caught on camera dumping garbage into the ocean. and later, she was the majesty of the seas, "the queen mary." her reign ending in california. why it is once again full steam ahead. >> there's a soul other ships don't have but "the queen mary" has. >> announcer: this is the "cbs weekend news" from washington with adriana diaz. good evening.
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i'm ed o'keefe in tonight for adrianna. we begin in texas where there's a brief break in the rain but a flood watch across the third most populated part of the country. some areas of texas have seen 12 inches fall in recent days, triggering mandatory ee vax asians. the governor has issued evacuation orders for almost 90 of the state's 254 counties. several storms could produce large hail and spawn large tornados. houston especially has been swa swamped and that's where we find cbs's jana s. good evening. >> reporter: good evening to. you we were with first responders as they put themselves at risk with floodwaters here still rising. relentless floodwaters rising in southeast texas, even amid a break in the rain. but no rest for first responders. >> this neighborhood has not
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seen the worst of it yet? >> no, and that's the sad part. >> reporter: we joined deputies on an air boat making rescues around the clock. >> this is the worst i have seen, second only to hur kay harvey. >> reporter: lieutenant david jasper says this neighborhood has been under mad torrey evacuation order for days, and yet we met people refusing to leave. they could take you to a shelter. >> no, ma'am, i got my truck over on the other side of the street. >> reporter: this family decided time had run out to stay in their flooded home. deputies ferrying them to dryer ground. as sheriff of the nation's third largest county, ed gonzales told me the danger still exists. >> it is a beautiful day, a sunny day, but yet the water can be very treacherous. more water is on its way as well with more rain. >> reporter: but tonight encouraging news about the texas family seen in this now viral video. >> get in the car. >> please. >> get in the car. >> please, god. help. >> reporter: rescued by a storm chaser after a tornado levelled their home. they're recovering. casey lambert credited the power of prayer.
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>> and i tried to just embrace my family and my thoughts were, well, at least we're together. daddy says i kept praying through the whole thing. >> reporter: and back here in the flood zone, this is the launch area, one of the launch areas for the boats that they put in the water to make those rescues. it is work that is going to continue into this evening, but, of course, gets much more dangerous after dark. ed. >> janet shamlian, thanks to you and your team. there is severe weather tonight in other parts of the country beyond texas. let's bring in meteorologist paul goodlow from our partners at the weather channel. >> well, ed, the month of may is typically the rainiest month for most cities across the state of texas, but i tell you what, to cities picked up perhaps two or three times that amount of rain in the first couple of days of may. that is leading to a lot of flooding. every single triangle is a river here in eastern, southeastern texas in minor, moderate or
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major flooding and more rain is to come. storms are developing this evening, keep pushing overnight. definitely concerned about the houston area for more rain coming through throughout the day on sunday. but wait, there's more. winter storm warning towards the west. the sierra is at 5,000 feet, yes, some snow there but the same system pushes eastward and, yes, may is also the most active month for severe weather including tornados. we will have the triggering mechanisms for monday, tuesday and wednesday for more severe weather to come across some of the aim areas devastated the last week or two by tornados monday, a tld. tuesday, a threat. from the plains, texas and the ohio valley, be weather aware this coming week. ed. paul goodloe of the weather channel. thank you. now overseas we have heard this several times before in recent month but tonight there's fresh hope for at least a temporary peace in the middle east. that's because cia director bill byrns is in cairo where mediators are trying to reach a new hostage and cease-fire deal
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between israel and hamas. cbs's ram io inocencio with the latest. >> reporter: we are told that the end of the warm will come and israel is united to achieve all of the war objectives. as we saw tonight the country is far from united. the fear from some families of those still held hostage by hamas is that the destruction of the militant group could mean the death of their loved ones. tonight, supporters of those captive rallied for their peaceful release and against prime minister benjamin netanyahu's vow to invade rafah. this is one of the biggest anti-government pro-cease-fire rallies since october 7th. israel says it will not send a delegation to cairo for talks with hamas until the militant group responds to its proposal. the cease-fire that may suspend this bloody war, now nearly seven months on, hinges on a
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swap for hostages. the pause would reportedly be weeks long. for every one hostage hamas releases, israel would release a larger number of palestinians held in israeli jails. aviva siegel wants that cease-fire to happen. her american husband keith is in hamas's hands. >> he's been there too long. lying on a mattress on the floor. been starved. >> reporter: siegel knows what her husband is going through. she too was held hostage by hamas but released after 51 days. >> i said, i'm going to keith to say goodbye, and i gave him a hug and i said, please, be strong for me and i will be strong for you. >> reporter: and the white house late friday stressed it cannot support the threat of rafah. >> we haven't seen a comprehensive plan. >> reporter: without israel having a plan to protect civilians, more than 34,000 people have been killed in gaza so far sats its health ministry, run by hamas. and more people still die each
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day. if not from israeli strikes like this family today in rafah, then by conditions turning more dire each day. while life implodes in rafah and across the entire gaza strip. cease-fire negotiations for today have ended and with no developments. that's according to a senior hamas source close to the talks in cairo. ed, that source added tomorrow a new round will begin. >> let's hope so. ramy inocencio in tel aviv tonight. as for how the biden administration is tracking the talks, let's turn to natalie brand at the white house. natalie, good evening. >> reporter: good evening, ed. the biden administration has been focused intensely all week on pushing for this cease-fire hostage release deal. the secretary of state saying that would be a way to move things in a different direction as pressure grows politically within the president's own party. a new letter signed by nearly 90 house democrats urges the administration to look into potentially restricting certain
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weapons transfers to israel over concerns prime minister netanyahu has restricted the flow of humanitarian aid into gaza in violation of federal law. public sentiment is also weighing on the white house faced with growing college demonstrations and youth leaders and arab american muslim community members voicing deep frustration with the administration's handling of israel and gaza. nationwide a new poll shows nearly four in ten americans say the u.s. is doing too much to support israel in its war with hamas, up from about 30% in january. now, next week president biden is scheduled to meet privately with the king of jordan as arab nations have pushed for a cease-fire, and on tuesday the white house says he will be speaking out against rising anti-semitism at the holocaust memorial museum here in washington. ed. >> natalie brand at the white house. thanks. college graduation season is underway amid ongoing protests
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on several campuses. cbs's amanda starentina was in los angeles good evening. >> reporter: good evening. this is the time when college students are typically celebration by frustration and fear mark the end of the school year. tensions escalating at the university of virginia with troopers in gas masks and riot gear making arrests. protesters are removed as police dismantle the encampment by force. an emergency alert posted by security calls it unlawful. a campus crackdown at the university of michigan with this overnight clash between police and demonstrators. that heavy security in stadium aisles as well today for graduates at the university's commencement ceremony. pro-palestinian protesters paraded through the graduating class. amid all of this campus unrest -- >> we are still here. we are still fighting and we are
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going to be fighting until our demand are met. >> reporter: graduation season is underway with ceremonies today at a indiana university and uconn. but for many grads there may be no pomp and circumstance. columbia university's may 15th celebration could be in jeopardy. that would be another sting for the graduates who already missed out on their 2020 high school celebrations because of the pandemic. columbia president acknowledged the disappointment for these covid generation students. >> for those of you who are seniors, you are finishing college the way you started, online. >> reporter: unc has cancelled its traditional commencement ceremony. instead, a trojan family graduation celebration will take place thursday at the historic l.a. coliseum, but the class of 2024 will have to share the stadium space with previously booked events. ed. >> amanda starrantino in los angeles. thanks. to florida where two teens caught on camera dumping buckets of trash into the ocean off boca
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raton turned themselves in. video went viral. the 15 and 16 year olds went to police friday. they face third degree felony charges. in the annual meeting for shareholder warn buffet, the so-called oracle of omaha and berkshire hathaway laid out what is supposed to happen once he is gone. he said greg abel, who has been overseeing much of berkshire hathaway, will make investment decisions as the ceo. buffet turns 94 in august but signalled no plans to go yet. berkshire hathaway has about $189 billion in cash and an equity portfolio worth about $860 billion. we learned today of the death of artist frank stella. his large-scale minimalist black paintings that took the art world by storm in the 1950s. later he created colorful works that seemed to repudiate his youth. frank stella died in new york city. he was 87. still to come on the "cbs weekend news," we take you to a
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high school where all 130 seniors have been accepted by colleges. caitlin clark shows fans and fellow players she is ready for the big time. but first, a faded queen gets her crown back. why did i keep missing out on this? before you were preventing migraine with qulipta? do you remember the pain, the worry, the canceled plans? and look at me now. you'll never truly forget migraine but qulipta reduces attacks making zero-migraine days possible. it's the only pill of its kind that blocks cgrp and is approved to prevent migraine of any frequency. to help give you that forget you get migraine feeling. don't take if allergic to qulipta. most common side effects are nausea, constipation and sleepiness. learn how abbvie could help you save. qulipta, the forget-you-get migraine medicine. this week on chewy, shop all your pet's favorites and get a $30 egift card. enjoy more savings on more food, more toys, and more treats. more of everything they love, delivered right to your door. only with chewy.
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not-so-benign neglect dimmed her majesty and she became a royal burden. now as we are shown, she rains again. >> the queen mary approaches her final resting place at long beach. >> reporter: to great fanfare in 1967, the queen mary makes landfall for the last time in long beach, california. today, the majestic ocean liner sits proudly at the port. >> there's a soul here that other ships don't have. but the queen mary has it. >> reporter: everette hoard has been looking after the ship. he's the closest thing to its heart. >> she is the closest thing to a living being i have ever commanded. >> reporter: the queen mary is a floating museum. >> the farewell party for the 1,200 passengers. >> reporter: once the playground for the rich and famous, transporting hollywood royalty and actual royals. winston churchill took trips from the ship, guided from this
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bridge. >> this is the automatic pilot right here. >> reporter: but her reign almost came to an end, after decades in port, the mighty ship fell into disrepair and was in danger of sinking. >> the queen mary is a lucky ship. i believe the ship has a bit of bit of a kiss on her. >> reporter: perhaps it kept her afloat. like other iconic ships, queen mary with the opulent art deco interior made the transition from a luxury liner to a critical military asset during world war ii. >> all 2,000 port holes and windows were quickly blacked out. all running lights were extinguished for the next six years. >> reporter: in 1947 the queen mary resumed passenger voyages, but with air travel becoming popular the ship would be retired. the city of long beach bought it in 1967 to be a waterfront tourist attraction. >> give the old queen a tremendous welcome. >> reporter: but decades later the pandemic shut down the queen mary, and in 2021 the city of long beach took control again to save it. >> we evaluated the options to
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scrap the queen mary and the cost of fully restore it and the cost to protect it, and we ultimately made the decision as a city council to give the queen mary another shot. >> reporter: a new partnership with evolution hospitality would revive the deteriorating ship and even turn a profit. >> the ship does everything it can to create these fun and exciting things to do, and then once we make money we put it right back into the ship. >> reporter: the liner's grandeur is attracting new generations of fans. >> i want "the queen mary's" legacy to be one of beauty, splendor, heroism. >> reporter: so now it is up to the queen's visitors to keep the legacy alive. as long as they keep coming, "the queen mary" will endure. tom wait, cbs news, long beach, california. still ahead on the "cbs weekend news," hooping it up. she was a star in the ncaa. can she shine in the pros? >> you cannot give her any space to get the shot up. is
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basket before a sold-out crowd in arlington, texas, home of the dallas wings. she scored 21 points but it wasn't enough to keep her team from falling to the wings, 79-76. this is may 4th, the unofficial celebration of all things "star wars." >> i'm luke skywalker. i'm here to rescue you. >> aren't you a little short for a storm trooper? >> this clip from the film's 1977 trailer the year it debuted in theaters. what started in a galaxy far, far away is now a worldwide phenomenon. people of all ages -- >> may the 4th be with you. >> always. >> yes, even president biden an actor mark hamill joining the fun. hamill, who is now 72, also made a surprise appearance at the white house briefing on friday. even this reporter from his head to his toes is a big fan of "star wars." you're never too short to be a storm trooper. next on the "cbs weekend
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"weekend journal" cbs's knoll brennan takes us to a school in suburban chicago that isn't satisfied with anything less than 100%. >> reporter: graduation day is weeks away. >> justin anderson. >> reporter: but this class of 2024 -- >> quinten cherry. >> reporter: deserves to be called out early. >> benjamin hunt. >> reporter: it is tradition at southland college prep high school in richton park, illinois. >> i was like, oh my goodness. >> reporter: and for seniors like lundyn williams. before they accept diplomas they celebrate acceptance. >> yes, i have been accepted to 43 different schools and i applied to 51. >> reporter: lundyn may have the most to choose from, but every student can mark their college on a map. the entire graduating class accepted. at this point it is practically expected. >> michael childress, attending stanford university. >> reporter: this year makes 11
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in a row for the graduating class at the predominantly african american high school. >> every single class at southland has been admitted to college. can you give yourselves a round of applause for that? >> reporter: a streak of excellence unbroken by a pandemic. >> but it was a difficult two years. >> reporter: instead, seniors are on track to set records. >> and the amount of money rises each year. >> reporter: the class has amassed $50 million and counting in scholarships. >> lundyn williams! attending quincy university. >> congratulations. >> the class of 2024 is all in! make some noise for that. >> reporter: the future is bright for these seniors. and a class that's all in deserves all-out celebration. kn noel brennan, cbs news, richton
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park, illinois. good way to end things tonight. that's the cbs weekend news for this saturday. first thing tomorrow, "cbs sunday morning." then it is "face the nation." margaret brennan's guests include south dakota governor christie nome who is releasing a controversial memoire. i'm ed o'keefe in washington. thanks for watching. good night.
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's effort alert meteorologist. >>


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