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tv   The Late News  CBS  May 5, 2024 11:00pm-11:36pm PDT

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from cbs news bay area, this is the evening edition. now at 11:00, a massive sideshow in oakland on cinco de mayo as hundreds of people descend on a number of busy intersections. in the south bay police investigate a stabbing that happened near their cinco de mayo celebration. then governor newsom touting the state's record breaking tourism numbers from the top of the golden gate bridge, but bay area businesses are asking where's the money? we'll take a walk with a group of volunteers escorting
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schoolchildren through the tenderloin. >> good evening. i'm brian hackney. >> and i'm andrea nakano. cinco de mayo celebrations turning violent tonight after two people were stabbed near the festivities in san jose and hundreds of cars to part in side shows in oakland. >> oakland police released this picture within the last hour. one of the people arrested for taking part in the sideshow along with his impounded jeep. in san jose two people were rushed to the hospital tonight with life threatening injuries from a stabbing near south king road and lido way. police say the area was packed with cars and people leaving the cinco de mayo celebrations at the time and are telling people to avoid the area until further notice. celebrations were peaceful where hundreds of people came out to enjoy food and music. >> at the bay area's newest cinco de mayo celebration on treasure island our jose martinez was there. >> reporter: treasure island's
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boardwalk is known for its upscale drinks and area, but today it transformed into a whole fiesta for cinco de mayo. it's the sound of mexican mariachi serving us a soundtrack of the first cinco de mayo celebration at gold bar distillery in treasure island. >> a bunch of our customers said hey, are you throwing a cinco de mayo party this year and he said, great idea. let's do it. were elliott gillespie, president of gold bar distrillly, said it's a great opportunity to start new traditions just a few months into business and the atmosphere here vibrant with dozens of people gathered to enjoy mariachi music. >> as soon as we start playing, people start dance and singing to the songs. >> reporter: one of those happy customers is lisa who decided to change her usual spot to
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celebrate in the mission for an afternoon here in treasure island. >> we're here having a great time. we have listened to all kinds of music. we have the mariachis. viv amexico! >> reporter: as the festivities continue on treasure island, other parts of the bay area reported issues, sideshows in oakland particularly on 42nd and international adding a contrast and tone to the evening. the oakland police department communications division received multiple calls regarding illegal sideshow activity beginning shortly after 5:00. it's unclear how many cars were involved, but opd says dozens of vehicles and spectators were there. however, in the mission district things have been relatively quiet except for an unexpected appearance by a dinosaur. back on treasure island the music continued to entertain the crowd until at least 7:00, marking a
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successful celebration for elliott and everyone involved in the growth of treasure island these days. >> it's been incredible growth what's happening with the island and development. it's amazing. look at the scenery. look at all the infrastructure being put in and all the beautiful buildings going up. >> everything in the bay area, so people come out. treasure island known to us as well. >> reporter: elliott tells me he's committed to keep the celebration alive as treasure island keeps adding more residents every year. ♪ it was all good vibes at the beginning of the day in east san jose for their cinco de mayo festivities, tricked out cars making their way down the parade route, the city known as the birth place of the lowrider culture in northern
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california. >> lowriding is part of our culture. it's still here and alive and thriving. it's a positive thing. >> san jose reversed its cruising ban in 2022. locals say they view it as the city bringing its culture back and today was a day to celebrate that victory. >> events like that could boost tour are. in the bay area. today governor newsom said tourists spent a record amount last year in california, but not this part of california. >> according to figures from visit california, we are still $1.7 billion behind the tourism numbers we saw in 2019. da lin reports on why the southland is doing so much better. ♪ >> reporter: live jazz, warm weather, and happy visitors, this is music to the ears of pier 39 business owners. >> coming from london, just landed yesterday. >> reporter: while business activity is buzzing at pier 39, that's not the case
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everywhere. >> we're just waiting for the tourists to come and for the season to really get going and as you can see, on a sunday afternoon brunch, it's not happening. >> reporter: mack libert of pier 23 cafe says they are surviving, not thriving. in fact, he says business was down about 25 to 30% in 2023 compared to 2019. >> you need people coming through the door to survive and when they're not coming, it's hard to keep the doors open. >> reporter: he's not alone. many small businesses complain they're still recovering from the pandemic. >> i'm the oldest guy out here at 77. >> reporter: petty cab operator saying his businesses is down at least 20%. >> we've been having to work harder for less cash basically. 2019 was good. 2023, you know, the thing that has died is the international tourists. >> reporter: and that's what
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industry leaders are blaming, specifically the asian market. scott beck, ceo of san francisco travel, says only about 50% of the chinese tourists have returned. traditionally he says chinese visitors spend big money in san francisco. >> prepandemic china was our largest long haul overseas market, over $2 billion a year of spend in our market. right now capped by the governments of the u.s. and governments of china, air service is capped right now at 50% of prepandemic levels. so we can't get back to the normal what we would call normal baseline visitation because you do not have the seats in the airplanes to make it happen. >> reporter: he says l.a. has the same problem, but they see a lot more domestic visitors and the domestic visitation has pushed the southern california tourism industry well beyond the 2019 levels. experts say socal's strong rebound is what's driving up the entire state's tourism spending. even though san francisco's recovery
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has been slower. >> our record breaking tourism numbers last year, $150 billion. >> reporter: the governor made the announcement on top of the iconic golden gate bridge, the video released sunday morning. max says while tourism spending is trending in the right direction, his restaurant and san francisco still have a lot of work ahead, especially on the city's image and reputation. >> we're really hanging our hat on that it's going to be good and tourism's going to come back and people are going to want to go out and spend money. >> san francisco industry experts predict the number of chinese tourists will return to 2019 levels by 2026. other news tonight, san francisco has made a strong push in recent years to try to clean up the tenderloin bringing in more portable toilets, increasing police patrols, making more arrests, and clearing tents, but change takes quite a while. >> amid all the chaos is a vibrant community that's had to find their own ways to protect the most vulnerable and
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deliver hope, something many say the city has failed to do. wearing a bright safety vest with the words safe passage on the back, tatyana drives through san francisco's tenderloin neighborhood to its only public elementary school. she is among several adults who escort dozens of children to after-school programs. >> we have a lot of things in this neighborhood that are not safe that impact the lives of the people who live here and so this is really an intervention of saying, you know, we need this space for kids. we've expanded to seniors, people who need assistance, for residents to feel safe just walking through their neighborhood. >> reporter: long known for its brazen open air drug markets, mental illness, and homelessness, the tenderloin is also home to an estimated 3,000 children, the highest
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concentration of children in san francisco, largely from immigrant families. >> i used to so worry about kids and if something happened to the kids when i'm walking, what am i going to do? how am i going to face the families? but when safe passage come and they are a very strong organization and become like expand, that was the best. >> reporter: a group of mothers started the effort in 2008 after a child temporarily went missing. >> safe passage is a program to like protect the community, the kids, senior citizens, actually just to protect the tenderloin community. >> reporter: the program safety stewards guides the students along the cleanest and calmest routes. >> and then now when i walk through in the street, i just say thank you, safe passage, for just existing by like staying in the neighborhood, by helping us. >> all right, everybody, see you tomorrow. >> reporter: redirecting them to avoid people acting erratically or overdosing, sometimes stewards use their bodies to block the children
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from seeing things they shouldn't. >> we can have a better way by our presence, by our examples, by our positive connection with these people and i hope it will happen. i feel every year it's a little bit better and better and better. still ahead tonight at 11:00, how two sisters from chicago discovered a missing piece of family history in northern california. but first we'll get an update on road conditions up in the sierra after this weekend's storms dumped a foot of snow, caused spinouts, and shut down the main road in and out of tahoe. >> yeah. going to have some interesting context on that snow in the forecast, plus we now have to look ahead because there's another headline getting here by the end of this week, temperatures as much as 20 to 25 degrees warmer than what you did today. we'll spotlight who will feel this
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the most coming up in the forecast next.
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taking a live look out at interstate 80, roads are back open after they saw more than a foot of snow during yesterday's storm. >> chp had closed eastbound 80 near colfax because of a number of spinouts and collisions. drivers pulled over to the side of the road and had to wait it out. many of them hadn't checked the forecast. >> when i fell asleep last night, i was hot. >> it's looking like it's not safe to be out driving tonight, looking like one of those days. >> need to check in more with the weatherman. yesterday's storm was the biggest snowstorm the sierra has seen in a year. is that true? >> we'll talk about that. first we've got a lot of cold air at home. you guys are our two marin county residents. >> yes. >> did you notice the temperature today before you came in? >> it was a little chilly. >> it didn't get out of the
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60s there. novato was 66. you almost go that way. stay right there because if you could pick a number, we've got a warm-up coming. it will be noticeably different by friday. got a number you'd like? >> i will say it will be 86. >> pretty close. >> because i've been watching the newscast earlier. >> you had a cheat sheet. look at novato's number down here. it's over here. look over there. >> right there. >> you're going to the low 80s. >> i'll take it. >> brian, we didn't get sausalito on the map yet. that will come. >> it's a little chillier. >> 75. >> very nice. let's get everybody else here on the map. you guys are now free from the virtual set. that big pool of cool air which had come through the last few days, you can kind of see how quickly that leaves and temperatures will really climb as it does that. by wednesday you're back to average, but thursday and friday these are your numbers. look at the inland valleys there. there is a small concern
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for those inland valleys where you'll be in the upper 80s. another way of saying that is 3 degrees shy of 90 to add a little perspective. this is a big change from where we started out the week and where we will start the week because you'll be in the 60s tomorrow. you've got a lot of mid-80s coming your way. let's bring in some more forecast imagery on this side of the virtual set. you can see how things go from below to above average in a hurry, but there's another way to put it a little perspective on this. the national weather service has started messaging any kind of heat-related concerns using the heat risk map. see the areas in orange for inland contra costa county on friday? this is not overwhelming, but you are in the moderate category for a risk to heat-related health impacts from this. the main reason is not because of the 87 degrees on its own, but because of the big swing, daytime highs today in the low 60s. so it will be 20 to 25 degrees warmer and it's those fast transitions which usually catch people off guard. so if you're
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in those inland parts of contra costa and alameda county, start thinking ahead of maybe going easy on yourself outside thursday and friday. brian and andrea, we're talking about how yesterday was the snow west day of the season at the central sierra snow lab. here's the year. the red line shows you what the snowfall has been like all year. the deep blue line shows you what the average is. look at the last little bit on that red line. see the spike there? that was yesterday's snowfall. true, it was the biggest snowfall in a 24 hour period, but you can parse these statistics so many ways of there were storms that came through this winter that were much bigger and way more impactful than the one yesterday obviously, but none of them bracketed in 24 hours from midnight to midnight as big of total as yesterday's did. it started snowing like right after midnight and we picked up like 2 feet of snow and that all stayed bracketed just on may 4th. some of those other storms were like 3 to 4 feet but spread out over a
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couple days. you didn't get as much in the one-day period. fun with weather statistics. big picture shows us there's no more systems coming our way. i don't have any rain in this forecast. we know we're getting the warm-up. let's put that into the seven-day forecast. it is that time of year where we need to do two. here's your inland microclimate. we've talked about the warm-up towards the end of the week. next weekend temperatures start coming back down again. you get a couple days in the upper 80s inland and by next weekend we'll bring you back to the mid-80s. let's do this for the bay because you won't be near that warm for the interior of the bay. think 880 corridor, 101 up and down the peninsula. these are your numbers, warm at 80, about 7 to 8 degrees above average, and then you come back down to the mid-70s again. that is a cloud there on sunday, but it's no rain. we'll cool down, guys. we'll get back down away from those numbers which are i think going to be the warmest temperatures so far
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this year by thursday. >> when do we graduate to holding an ipad? we have to get certified for that? >> i just now graduated. >> you want to make some tubes come up and down? >> i think i will. i need to get my license for that. darren, thank you. coming up, another massive police presence clearing out a university's anti-war encampment, what it means for graduation ceremonies, including in the bay area. bottom of the hour we're going to rock. a's are more up than the giants. >> as a whole we're just vibing. >> the bay area has a national champion and while nothing rhymes with orange, there is some linage. what do you think you get from him in the bloodlines? >> speed. >> that (upbeat music) - this is the new pix+ with the only 8:00 and 9:00 pm news, the primetime edition: weeknights on the new pix+. 44 cable 12. (bell chiming)
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first game day of the month. it is a cinco de mayo night, show is going to turn orange a little bit later on. and who isn't up for a late night rock? we begin tonight with the bay area baseball team who has got it rolling, the oakland a's. i didn't study. the oakland a's playing 500 ball at the 34 games, six straight wins. how do that 35th game go today? fans were all around the colosseum for little league day. what did they say? well, the a's had already won the series against the marlins. and joe boyle , nick gordon, gordon wins that battle, crushed a first inning three run blast will waited 4-0. top six down 5-2 , fish, a former a hit


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