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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 5am  CBS  May 6, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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from cbs news bay area, this is the morning edition . thanks for joining us this morning. it is monday, may 6th. waiting for the tourists to come in the season to get going. as you can see on a sunday afternoon brunch, it is not happening. >> business owners, where are the customers and the governor says tourism is golden at the same time. people need assistance, residents need to feel safe walking through the neighborhood. >> the area creating safe areas in the tenderloin. mexican culture and
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community pride. how something that was once outlawed as the center of celebration. and icon in baseball is celebrating a big day. happy birthday, 93, to willie mae. good morning, everybody. nice to have you with us. >> thanks for joining us. grab your coffee and come on in. >> do you mean my entire craft? we all need it. let's take live look outside on this dutiful monday morning. friday was great, saturday i woke up and all that rain that jessica forecasted was there, all day long in the east bay. what kind of weather are we going to get this week? >> we had a mixed bag of everything over the weekend. rain, sunshine, all within saturday alone. it has been gusty over the weekend as well. i was supposed to go fly a
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seaplane in mill valley on saturday. but due to how gusty it was and the rain, we ended up changing plans and flying over the bay instead. look at the blue skies we experienced yesterday. we will continue to see that trend in the bay area into the work week. let's take a look at what is going on. we are warming up into the 60s near san francisco and redwood city. after that cold front swept through it left us with cooler temperatures. but we have a very big warm-up in the forecast, 60s all the way into napa, sonoma, stretching into santa rosa as well. a big change in the forecast as we start to dry up and warm-up as we head into this week. we are going to talk about those rain chances coming up in just a bit. it looks like the graphics decided to freeze. but for now, i will send it back to
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you. taking a look at the roadways, toward the bay bridge, westbound, toward san francisco, traffic is moving along with no delays. a pretty easy commute. there is a trouble spot on 680 south bound, dublin interchange as you work your way south, a crash is blocking two lanes. unusually slow for a monday at 5:00 in the morning. so give yourself extra time. altamont pass, you are starting to see some brake lights. as you work your way into the ultimate from tracy. speeds are down to around 28 miles per hour. travel time, 44 minutes as you work from the dublin interchange, excuse me, the 205 to the dublin interchange. a time for a look at some stories. cinco de mayo turning violent after two people were stabbed near the festivities. both victims were rushed to
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hospital last night. one of them, a juvenile who is expected to survive. an adult male is still in critical condition. they were stabbed near south king road. police say the area was packed with cars and people leaving the celebrations at the time. in oaand and number of sideshows took place on busy with helicopters as they were d already expecting cinco de mayo burnoutsthey couldn't get to every car but oakland policedid release this picture of one of the people arrd for reckless evading and taking part of a sideshow on international boulevard yesterday evening. oakland is trying to get more international tourists by changing the name of the airport. the port commission is set to make their controversial final vote this thursday. the name in question him at the san francisco bay/oakland international airport. in an
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initial vote last month, voters were in favor of the change. they hope that the boost -- change of the name will boost tourism in the area. there is pushback. san francisco has filed a lawsuit in federal court to fight the name change. let's continue talking tourism, governor gavin newsom stood atop the golden gate bridge saying that tourism numbers are up. he is talking about california as a whole but it is not so golden for the bay area. tourists spent $2.7 billion less in 2023 then four years ago. 14 million for san francisco county, which is a slight downward. counties that see the most is spending have not yet made those pre-pandemic numbers. santa clara county is almost back to pre-pandemic levels, with tourists spending about 7 billion. so we know that
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we've got work to do. often stories like these are just numbers without basis. but not here at cbs news bay area. we have a story of business owners who say they are still struggling. or whether unhappy visitors. this is music to the ears of pier 39 business owners. >> we are coming from london. >> business activity is buzzing at pier 39 but that is not the case everywhere. >> waiting for tourists to come in the season to get going. as you can see on a sunday afternoon brunch, that is not happening. >> matt of the pier 23 cafe says they are surviving, not driving and says his niece was down about 25% to 30% in 2023
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compared to 2019. >> you need people to come through the door to survive. >> many small businesses complain they are still recovering from the pandemic. the owner of san francisco deluxe tours tells me that his tour bus business is down about 40% in 2023 compared to 2019. >> and the oldest guy out here at 77. >> patty says that his business is down at least 20%. >> we've had to work harder for less cash. 2019 was good. 2023, the thing that has died is that international tourists >> that is what they are pointing to, specifically the asian market. only about 50% of the chinese tourists have returned and traditionally he
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says chinese visitors spend big money in san francisco. >> pre-pandemic china was our largest overseas market . over $2 billion a year spent in our market. right now, capped by the governments of the u.s. and china. air service is capped at 50% of pre-pandemic levels. we can't get back to the normal baseline visitation because we do not have the seats in the airplanes to make it happen. >> he says l.a. gets a lot more domestic visitors and it has pushed the southern california tourism way beyond the 2019 levels. so cal and the strong rebound is what driving up the entire state spending. >> last year $150 billion. >> the governor made the announcement atop the iconic golden gate bridge. the ceo pier 39 says they have been fortunate that they are sales were flat compared to 2019. >> the convention business is
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still down and we expected to be down and that really rebound until 2025. >> he says while tourism was trending in the right direction, san francisco still has a lot of work ahead, especially on its image and reputation. >> we are hanging our hat that it will be good in tourism will come back. >> local experts say the number of chinese visitors will likely return to the 2019 levels by 2026. >> let's talk about workforce solutions. leaders pushing small businesses and this week mom-and-pop shops will get events to get people in the doors. fort hall starts at 5:30 today and they sweeten the deal is with djs and dance collaborations, food and drinks. college students are in the bay area continue to protest on local campuses, demanding a cease-fire on the war in gaza
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and asking their schools to divest from any company with economic ties to israel. more than 2000 demonstrators have been arrested in recent weeks after weeks of on campus protests, thousands of graduates and families gathered at boston's fenway park for the 2024 commencement ceremony. one person was detained for disrupting the ceremony on sunday. meanwhile in los angeles piece -- please clear this solidarity encampment on sunday morning. the university close the campus and warn protesters of arrest but later said the protest has been shut down peacefully without any arrests. you see a lot of people doing the cleanup. they are having an event at the l.a. coliseum that will happen later this week. as of right now
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we are not aware of any planned disruptions to local commitments. berkeley is next weekend, sonoma state is the next weekend and sf state is after that . all three campuses have active pro-palestine encampments. the protests, amid a deal for a cease-fire in gaza. there were new attacks on sunday targeting routes to get humanitarian aid. the cia director and the israeli prime minister are set to meet later today. sunburn is on the rise. >tfxw mic and here is a live look from san jose increasing the risk of skin cancer and melanoma. still ahead, what signs to look for to take the right precautions. donald trump back in a manhattan court room. what you
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both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪ may is skin cancer awareness month and today is melanoma monday. skin cancer is the most common type of cancer but also one of the most preventable. early detection is key, even one
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blister during childhood can raise risks of developing melanoma later in life. >> skin cancer in its earliest stages is very curable. melanoma at its earliest stage has a 99% cure rate. >> doctors recommend everyone should be doing had to do toe itself check. as always, use preventative measures like sunscreen to reduce risks of melanoma. let's look live over interstate 80 in truckee. a major snow over the weekend. more than two feet hitting the slopes. let's bring in jessica burch. this is the kind of weather that brings skiers and snowboarders to the mountains. that's why i felt a little bit of a chill in marin county. >> for several hours in the morning both directions of interstate 80 were shut down. chp had to close eastbound 88 near colfax because it had a
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number of collisions. many drivers just hadn't checked the forecast. >> it came out of nowhere. when i fell asleep last night i was hot. >> it doesn't look like it is safe to be driving. it's one of those days. >> the snowstorm may have passed its peak with the national weather service said keep an eye out for the road conditions. back in the bay area, that same system that brought in plenty of snow, brought plenty of rain for us. now we are starting to see drier conditions. we will continue to see dry conditions into this week's forecast. starting off nice and cool considering the fact that it was a cold front that swept through the bay area. leaving daytime highs in the 60s in san jose with the exception of enya, all the way up near san francisco,
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61 into this afternoon. we will continue to see 60s in the north bay, dry conditions also. not a drop of rain as we head into this week's forecast. we have high pressure moving in that will warm us up and dry us up a lot in the bay area. and the wind was pretty gusty over the weekend, they will start coming down into this week. the 60s that we have today in areas like san jose will warm up into the 80s, close to the 90s in the santa clara valley and the east bay into our friday forecast. as that system moves in, it might come as a surprise just as the snow did. this might be shocking for some of us. so take it slow, this is one of the first big warm fronts we will experience and it will last into next week's forecast. the national weather service mentioned that this will definitely last into
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midmonth. so taking a look at the next 6 to 10 days, above normal conditions, not only here but stretching into the pacific northwest, too. so does that mean we could see some rain? there is still a chance but over the next seven days we are relatively dry. we will continue to keep a close eye on that. taking a look at what is going on in the bay area, we continue to see drier conditions. saturday forecast is in the past and we will continue to warm up with the sunshine into this work week's forecast with upper 80s just around the corner. let's talk about the roadways. if you are getting ready to hop on some freeways and bridges. most of it is positive. 880, no delays, the peninsula looks pretty good. we have a hotspot on the southbound side of 680 as you work your way south coming out of the dublin
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interchange. down to six miles per hour. pretty busy commute because of that crash. blocking two lanes. making that ride extra slow for everyone. in the meantime, if you have the option, stick with 84, but it is getting a little slow there, too. over to 680, 880 can be an option as well. if you are a super commuter and you are going from tracy to the altamont, that is already busy. no crashes but certainly a lot of brake lights. no metering lights on the bay bridge, traffic moving along pretty well. not seeing any issues across the golden gate bridge. the time is 5:19. and you are seeing footage of one of the greatest baseball players that ever lived. we are celebrating willie mays 90th -- 93rd
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birthday. >> taking a live look at oracle park. there is a willie mays statue. we will be >> tech: does your windshield have a crack? trust safelite. this customer had auto glass damage, but he was busy working from home... he scheduled with safelite in just a few clicks. we came to his house... then we got to work. we replaced his windshield... ...and installed new wipers to protect his new glass. >> customer: looks great. thank you. >> tech: my pleasure. >> vo: we come to you for free. schedule now for free mobile service at ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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a new era of baseball is hitting the oakland community. you can purchase tickets to see the oakland bowlers in action for any of their home games. they paused sales for a bit to implement a new ticketing system but the website says there are now lower ticket fees and a better interface. the first game is scheduled for june 4th at their newly announced park. uc berkeley softball wrapped up their regular season this weekend with a loss to oregon state but still won the three-game series. >> they had to the pac-12 tournament next week and vern glenn spoke with one of the players whose future is looking bright, and orange. >> reporter: good has been great for cal pitcher ryan. he is looking to make a mark with the program. her grandfather made a mark to the world 56 years ago. in orange, she has been aware
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since the sixth grade. >> i borrowed a book from one of my teachers and she was like, this is your grandfather. my mom talk to me and ran me through what his name means. >> when your teacher reacted like that, did those b zip become a's? >> numbers don't lie. this is a top 20 team. and orange says this february tournament was a turning point. cal players chose to kneel during the national anthem. six of pairs players were verbally harassed with racial comments. >> that could have been the point in the season that divided us but i feel like it brought us closer. we went on a very hot run after that .
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>> cal won the next 11 games, 16 of 17. through it all, orange kept thinking what grandpa said. >> you have to stand for what you believe in and you have to know what you're standing for and always stand for it regardless of the repercussions that come with it. >> i think she is on the right path. i tell her, just realize wherever you go, you have this cloud over your head. >> what you think you get from him in the bloodlines? >> speed. >> i would have thought confidence. >> his confidence is that a whole other level. he has out of this world confidence. >> it's amazing. you just look at the bloodline and what he was capable of doing in his athletic career and now which he is doing and the history behind all of that. what a remarkable family.
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>> vern glenn gets to meet all these interesting people. we are also celebrating the birthday of san francisco giants legend willie mays, 93 years young, the oldest hall of famer. he had humble beginnings, joining the birmingham black barons and two years later the new york giants assigned him and now we know how the story goes, 24 time all-star, and two-time national league mvp. not to mention he is number six on the all-time home run leader list with 660 home runs. the time right now is 5:26 and this morning we are highlighting bridge builders keeping youth safe in one of san francisco's neighborhoods. here is a live look outside before heading to break. looking at that ferris wheel, ready to
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topping off in the 60s and the bay area. waking up this morning to a beautiful sunrise. later this afternoon we will not even hit the 70s. it kind of lingered into our saturday afternoon and left behind our impacts. we have low 60s in oakland, all the way into san francisco. upper 50s near half moon bay. the whole peninsula kind of feeling the same set up. into the north bay, a similar trend, with 60s in the forecast. we will continue to see a nice warm-up into this week. and this might come as a surprise for some of us if we are not prepared. take a look at these numbers. 60s today, 70s by tomorrow. kids that are heading out to play at recess will be dealing with some really warm conditions if they live near san
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jose, throughout the east bay. you know your microclimates better than a lot of people. coastal areas, holding on tight to the 50s and 60s. inland, getting close to the 90s. so it is important to pinpoint the forecast now. the wind is light today compared to what we had over the past couple of days. yesterday was easy as can be, and the wind will become heavier, 20 miles per hour, but dry and warm into this week's forecast. no rain in sight, as of now and we will continue to keep you updated on this forecast. let's talk about the roadways. starting with a live look, you can see our mapping system, everything is moving along well on the peninsula. zooming in here, checking that sensor data for traffic heading out of dublin, a crash this
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morning, south bound 680 in pleasanton that is causing a pretty big backup into the dublin interchange. two lanes are blocked until further notice. if you are coming out of tracy, onto 580, it is a busy right, if it takes you from the dublin interchange to 680, you can use 84 instead. a bridge toll plaza, not too bad, the metering lights were just turned on a couple of minutes ago. thanks to a $70 billion budget deficit, the governor is making some cuts. some services could be on the chopping block. services like a crisis counseling program that got about 5000 calls last year, those could be cut . the san francisco mayor is working to create entertainment zones from the french street in california
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sacramento. >> in our collective minds we have an idea and vision but we have to share that at the table. whatever it is , it will be spectacular. >> entertainment zones were made possible after a bill by scott weiner past last year. still some localities to get through before it can move forward but the mayor's office says they are committed to the idea. protesters in richmond took to the sea yesterday on kayaks. they want the city to cut ties with the oil company and work toward climate justice. the we also saw palestinian flags out there as well. the bodies of three surfers have been identified by their appearance. a week after they were reported missing, two australians and one american found in a remote well according to police. three suspects are in custody. the police say they
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shot the surfers to steal the tires on the truck and allegedly dumped the bodies in the well. a fourth body that had been there much longer was also found with them. donald trump's hush money trial entering its third week today. prosecutors are slowly building their case toward star witness michael: who we know is trumps lawyer and fixer in chief. >> reporter: donald trump received a warm welcome at this sunday's formula one race in miami. the former president seemed in high spirits walking along the track and waving to spectators. but it is the hush money trial that most people are watching, entering its third week . last friday, a former white house official and top aide set the stage in manhattan. she sat feet away from trump as she offered an insider view of
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the chaotic moments of the campaign. the video showed the former president talking about grabbing women in their private areas without their permission. at one point she broke down in tears while testifying that the 2016 campaign strategy was deny, deny, deny. another key witness on the docket is chump hope for more attorney, michael cohen. he will be questioned about payments made to stormy daniels. the former president said they were made to protect him from a false allegation that cohen did so out of the kindness of his heart. telling the court that it was out of character for cohen but cohen's credibility will likely be called into question by the defense. he previously pleaded guilty to lying to congress in 2017. the open-air drug market in
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the tenderloin has caused issues for students walking to and from school. the city has tried cleaning the area in recent years, and now some bridge builders are helping kids navigate the streets. >> reporter: wearing a bright safety vest with the words safe passage on the back, tatiana strives through san francisco's tenderloin neighborhood to its only public elementary school. she is among several adults who escort dozens of children to afterschool programs. >> we have a lot of things in this neighborhood that are not safe, that impact the lives of the people who live here. this is really an intervention, saying, we need this space for the kids. it has expanded to seniors and people who need assistance, for residents to
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feel safe walking through their neighborhood. >> long known for its open drug markets, mental illness and homelessness, the tenderloin is also home to an estimated 3000 children, the highest concentration of children in san francisco, largely from immigrant families. >> i feel so worried about my kids. if something happens, what will i do? when safe passage came, and it began to expand, that was the best. >> reporter: a group of mothers started the group in 2008 after a child when temporarily missing. >> it is to protect the community and the kids. basically just to be a protector. >> the program guides the students along the cleanest and calmest routes. >> now when i walk through the street, i say, thank you safe passage, by just existing,
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staying in the neighborhood and helping us. >> reporter: redirecting them to people acting erratically, sometimes stewards use their bodies to block children from seeing things that they shouldn't. >> by our presence and our examples and our positive attitude with these people, i feel like every year it is a little better and better. >> the safe passage program is part of the tenderloin community benefit district, a nonprofit funded in part by tenderloin property owners. they also attend other community events. david begnaud is sharing some feel-good stories from
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reviewers, starting with this one. about a generous tip that made a profound impact on a baristas life. >> reporter: it was the social media post that went viral. >> the $200 you put in that note today, it allows me to spend mother's day with my mom. and i appreciate you so much. >> reporter: hear the story of courtney crawford, the paris start in little rock arkansas that was so touched by a customers random act of confidence -- kindness. >> i need to thank you personally. >> reporter: we need your help to do that. all part of our new segment airing on monday on cbs mornings. >> you can see david story right here on cbs news bay area. don't be surprised if you happen to see driverless cars across the peninsula. the plan to expand these. we will show you how cinco de mayo was celebrated across the bay area.
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here is a live
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the virus that causes shingles is sleeping... in 99% of people over 50. it's lying dormant, waiting... and could reactivate. shingles strikes as a painful, blistering rash that can last for weeks. and it could wake at any time. think you're not at risk for shingles? it's time to wake up. because shingles could wake up in you. if you're over 50, talk to your doctor or pharmacist
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about shingles prevention. sometimes it takes a different approach to see the difference you can make around you. ♪♪ ♪♪ with capella university's game-changing flexpath format, set your own deadlines and access coursework any time. imagine your future differently with capella university. >anc2 mic>it's time now for your money watch report. it's the 1st day of the rs a time now for your money watch report. it is the first day of the rsa conference. the four-day cybersecurity event welcomes industry leaders, academics, government officials
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and newbies alike. 40,000 people are expected to attend and today speakers include ceo kevin mantia. the driverless company is expanding its service from san francisco to sunnyvale. for now the rides will only be given to employees from the city down to the border of san mateo. he the fall guy was number one at the weekend box office, earning $28.5 million. below industry expectations. the star wars prequel took the number two spot with just over $1 million in time for its 25th anniversary. the tennis drama challenger slipped to third place with just over $7 million. a lot of you celebrated thinker tamayo over the weekend and we could not have asked for better weather in san jose. this parade filberts the birthplace
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of the writer cars in california. john ramos has that story. >> reporter: you may be aware that thinker tamayo celebrates mexico's victory over france but in san jose, they celebrated another victory, this time in the battle over lowriders. as the parade moved down king road in east san jose, it was clear what this place is famous for and larry couldn't be happier. >> this is our lowrider culture. this is east side. this is epic. this is it right here. you are in the mecca. >> reporter: lowriders, the flashy hydraulic works of art dominated the parade that ended at the corner of king and story road. known as the center of the universe for the chicano car
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culture in northern california. also has been the center of tommy's family life. he's been years building his chevy impala ss convertible, sometimes having to choose between paying the light bill and the chrome bill. >> for me, it is personal. i built it for me and my family. people have always tried to bite off of me but i can't let this one go. >> it may be hereditary because every member of the family has built their own car including tommy's daughter. >> i grew to love it. that is why i decided to build my car. that way i can be rolling with my dad. >> these cars have come to represent family as well as latinx culture. but some in the community saw the cars as a threat and cruising was banned in the 1980s, driving a wedge
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between the city and the latino residents. >> i feel like they took our culture away and now they are finally allowing it to come back. >> in 2022 the city reversed the ban on cruising and as the lowriders gathered it felt like there was a chance that some fences were being mended. >> i think the relationship between the culture is starting to come about with the police. they are understanding that a lot of these guys that have these cars are not out doing bad things. we've got jobs and businesses. >> back out at the parade larry was feeling hopeful about the future. >> it is part of our culture. it is still here and still alive and thriving. it is a great thing, a positive thing. >> and now east san jose, the mecca of lowriders, gets to celebrate a victory of its own.
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>> similar scenes at the bay area cinco de mayo celebration on treasure island with the mariachi band. many came to celebrate at the gold bar distillery. it was transformed into a lively fiesta for cinco de mayo for the very first time. >> we are here having a great time. we are listening to all kinds of music . >> this marked a successful celebration for everyone in treasure island. the distillery says they are committed to keeping the celebration alive as the island keeps adding more residents each year and it is a great opportunity to start new traditions for a new business. >> we should have mariachi every
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morning. >> thank goodness they got that sunday whether or not saturday. it would have rained on that parade. it was raining and it was cold. as we take a live look outside, thankfully, that is gone and we can all prepare, look at that sunrise. we may even get some scorching temps? >> absolutely. some big changes in the forecast. i want to start with something that happened in the lower part of the state. the storm system that brought in lots of floods and even left a five-year-old boy dead, happened just over this weekend. in harris county, officials say hundreds of people and pets needed rescuing. the storm turned the city of clifton into a kind of island. today it is pushing across kansas, oklahoma and other surrounding states.
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let's take a quick look at what is happening here in the bay, we are dealing with clearing up conditions and warmer conditions day by day. beautiful weather into this week's forecast. to the point where we will see sunny skies and summerlike weather as early as friday. 80s right around the corner for us, especially in our inland areas. some passing clouds in the forecast today. daytime highs are still sitting in the 60s. 60s are widespread throughout the bay from napa all the way to the east bay with the exception of antioch, topping off at 70 degrees. into the santa clara valley, very similar set up. right around the corner, these 60s will be warming up into the upper 80s, close to 90 in areas like san jose. near antioch and into the wine country region, too. that happens as high
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pressure moves in from offshore. taking a look at condition today, just a dry, mild and a little bit cool day throughout the bay area with 60s in the forecast, light winds this morning, about 25-mile-per-hour at tops, expected by dinnertime. other than that, try into this week's forecast, which is a good treat for us. right around the corner we will see high pressure continue to move in, warming us up into the 80s, and keeping it's really dry. this will be widespread throughout the next 6 to 10 days. climate prediction center showing above normal conditions and drier than normal conditions when it comes to the rainfall outlook. lots of changes around the corner. we will continue to see warming conditions, like i keep mentioning. saturday, it was the cold front that swept through,
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but look at the contrast, upper 50s to upper 80s with just about 6 to 7 day period. let's talk about the roadways. as you get up and out the door, it is about time to grab that coffee and get going. toward the bay bridge, already getting busy, westbound commuters heading into san francisco, brake lights are building. give yourself some extra time. that backup, not quite to the foot of the maze. but we know that will change in the next 20 to 30 minutes. a few brake lights on the upper deck into the city. another headline this morning is the right south bound 680, a couple of cars are tangled up, two lanes are still blocks, backing up to the dublin interchange. it is unusually slow. we don't see these kind of brake lights until later in the morning, but it is because of this accident. 84 is backing up as well. so pretty slow
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commute there. that could affect your right if you are a super commuter. so do plan for that. maybe consider using 880 if that is an option. san francisco youngsters faced off in the kids games this weekend. the fastest runners and longest jumpers got to compete against each other at the former home of the raiders and the 49ers. some of the kids said they were inspired to pursue track and field once they got into middle and high school. >> it is a good time. we thank our sponsors, we get the kids out. doesn't cost them anything, get parents involved. they run track, meet new friends, and everybody has a good day. >> the activity leak was founded 65 years ago to give kids an alternative to delinquency. they've got an arts program, several different sports and arts as well, all free of
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charge. the queen of pop making history once again, the record-breaking concert that brought in millions. look at the sun as it comes up, just beaming off of those buildings in san francisco. if you spit blood when you brush, it could be the start of a domino effect. new parodontax active gum repair breath freshener. clinically proven to help reverse the four signs of early gum disease. a new toothpaste from parodontax, the gum experts. >> tech: does your windshield have a crack? trust safelite. this customer had auto glass damage, but he was busy working from home... he scheduled with safelite in just a few clicks. we came to his house... then we got to work. we replaced his windshield... ...and installed new wipers to protect his new glass. >> customer: looks great. thank you. >> tech: my pleasure.
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don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ♪♪ show off to the world. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent. deep down, i knew something was wrong. since my fatigue and light-headedness would come and go, i figured it wasn't a big deal. then i saw my doctor and found out i have afib, and that means there's about a 5 times greater risk of stroke. symptoms like irregular heartbeat, heart racing, chest pain, shortness of breath, fatigue, or light- headedness can come and go. but if you have afib, the risk of stroke is always there. if you have one or more symptoms, get checked out. holding off on seeing a doctor won't change whether or not
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you have afib. but if you do, making that appointment can help you get ahead of stroke risk. contact a doctor and learn more at >anc2 mic>well, brazil's high temperatures do stop. moderna. from celebrating. the last show of her latest tour, and same goes for her fans, brazils high temperatures didn't stop madonna from celebrating her last show in her latest tour. >> according to the rio city hall tourism, about 1.6 million people flock to the copacabana beach to attend the concert. it easily breaks her previous concert attendance of 130,000 fans. >> check that out. that is the road all along copacabana beach. a sea of people. to give you an idea of how massive this show
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was, 18 sound towers were spread all along the beach to make sure everybody could hear the hits. firefighters also sprayed water on fans and gave out tricking water. temperatures were about 82 degrees late into the night. authorities stepped up to calls after a man died of heat exhaustion last year and it taylor swift concert. that is one way to close out a tour, but donna, bouncing back as she has done many times, from a health crisis. the time right now, 5:57. governor gavin newsom is celebrating the states record-breaking tourism numbers. but it is not so golden specifically for the bay area. coming up at 7:00, we will talk to two actors from the popular cbs sitcom, the neighborhood. they will give us a preview of tonight's season finale. here is a live look outside
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before we head to break. we will be right back. picket line. you got to go go to the gas station up the street, but you got possible, so give me some coffee. that is all the way down the lake avenue.
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