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tv   CBS News Bay Area Evening Edition 530pm  CBS  May 6, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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right now at 5:30, more bay area homeowners facing a huge jump in the cost of insurance while others are losing coverage entirely, new developments on a growing statewide crisis. and if you can't live without your favorite spicy condiment, you may want to stock up. there could be another shortage of sriracha.
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governor newsom announcing california's tourism industry fully bounced back from the pandemic, making that announcement while standing high atop the golden gate bridge, but the bay area's recovery is lagging behind our neighbors to the south. >> according to visit california, tourists spent $2.7 billion less across the bay area compared to four years ago and that includes 14 billion from tourists in san francisco county which is a slight drop. santa clara county is actually almost back to prepandemic levels of tourist spending at 7 billion and san mateo inching up, too, only 100 million off. da lin spoke to some local business owners who say they are still struggling despite the improving picture statewide. ♪ >> reporter: live jazz, warm weather, and happy visitors, this is music to the ears of pier 39 business owners.
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>> we're coming from london. we just landed yesterday. >> reporter: while business activity is buzzing at pier 39, that's not the case everywhere. >> waiting for the tourists to come and for the season to really get going and as you can see, on a sunday afternoon brunch, it's not happening. >> reporter: mack libert of pier 23 cafe says they are surviving, not thriving. in fact, he says business was down about 25 to 30% in 2023 compared to 2019. >> you need people coming through the door to survive and when they're not coming, it's hard to keep the doors open. >> reporter: he's not alone. many small businesses complain they're still recovering from the pandemic. the owner of san francisco deluxe tours tells me his tour bus business is down about 40% in 2023 compared to 2019. >> i'm the oldest guy out here at 77. >> reporter: petty cab operator corral nunick says business is
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down at least 20%. >> we've been having to work harder for less cash basically. 2019 was good. 2023, you know, the thing that has died is the international tourists. >> reporter: that's what industry leaders are blaming, specifically the asian market. scott beck, ceo of san francisco travel, says only about 50% of chinese tourists have returned and traditionally he says chinese visitors spend big money in san francisco. >> prepandemic china was our largest long haul overseas market. over $2 billion a year of spend in our market. right now capped by the governments of the u.s. and governments of china, air service is capped right now at 50% of prepandemic levels. so we can't get back to the normal, what we would call normal baseline visitation, because you do not have the seats in the airplanes to make it happen. >> reporter: he says l.a. gets a lot more domestic visitors
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and it's pushed the southern california tour are. industry well beyond tourism industry well beyond the 2019 levels. >> our record breaking tourism numbers, last year $150 billion. >> reporter: the governor made the announcement on top of the iconic golden gate bridge. the ceo of pier 39 says they've been fortunate. their sales were flat compared to 2019. >> the convention business is still down and for '24 we expect it to be down and really not rebound until '25 and beyond. >> reporter: mack says while tourism spending is trending in the right direction, san francisco still has a lot of work ahead, especially on its image and reputation. >> we're really hanging our hat on that it's going to be good and tourism's going to come back and people are going to want to go out and spend money. >> reporter: local experts say the number of chinese visitors will likely return to the 2019 levels by 2026. >> now the recovery in wine
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country has been slightly stronger than the rest of our region. in sonoma county tourism is up compared to the year before the pandemic and in napa county tourist spending has returned to just about prepandemic levels. another insurance company announced it's jacking up rates in california by an average of 15%. this will impact about 320,000 policyholders. travelers insurance is the sixth largest property insurer in california. that increase will go into effect in mid-june. in a statement the company tells us the rate hike is necessary when factors the risks that customers are now facing. attention shoppers, changes could be coming to your nearest grocery store. a new state bill could force grocery and drugstores to remove those self-checkout machines unless they follow certain rules. that includes having an employee monitor the self-checkout lanes and customers will be limited to really ten items or less. the proposal comes as cities across the bay area deal with
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brazen thefts at stores and pharmacies. >> as a grocery store worker, my workers and i have witnessed firsthand the reduction of staffing due to self-checkout and increase in workplace violence as a result of theft, retail theft. >> the bill is supported by organized labor unions and imposed by business groups, including the california chamber of commerce. if you love srirachi, you might have to find a new hot sauce. wong fong foods are halting production until after labor day. their red jalapeno chili peppers are not red enough. the company says their chilies are too green and it's impacting the color of their product. the federal women's prison in dublin now all clear of inmates just weeks after the feds announced they are closing that facility. this comes after at least eight employees, including a former warden, were charged with sexually abusing inmates. officials say all inmates have either been
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transferred to other prisons, released, or transferred to community placement following through a thorough assessment of each inmate. three surfers, including an american, found dead in mexico, the latest on this investigation and the warning about international travel. >> once we leave the soil of the good old usa, things are not always equal. plus the bay area sports hall of fame will welcome five new members
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when migraine strikes, do you question the tradeoffs of treating? ubrelvy is another option. it works fast to eliminate migraine pain. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. allergic reactions to ubrelvy can happen. most common side effects were nausea and sleepiness. ask about ubrelvy.
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a judge in donald trump's criminal trial is warning the former president he could face jail time if he continues to violate a gag order. judge juan marchan found trump in contempt a tenth time, this time for
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comments he made about the jury in an interview last month. the judge fined trump $1,000 and noted that since fines don't appear to be working, the next step could be jail time. trump is charged with falsifying business records in connection with payments to his former lawyer michael cohen made to adult film star stormy daniels ahead of the 2016 election. today a comptroller testified about his role in arranging payments to cohen. police in mexico now have three suspects in custody in connection with the murder of a san diego man and two brothers from australia. carter evans has the investigation and what we're learning about those victims. >> reporter: mexican police say 30-year-old american jack carter rhoad and australian brothers jake and callum robinson were found shot and killed friday after going missing late last month in baja, california, mexico. authorities said sunday evidence points to three suspects who appear to have
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attacked the tourists after a carjacking attempt. their burnt up truck was found on a nearby farm last week. the local prosecutor theorized the thieves likely wanted their truck's tires but said the men resisted. on sunday their families officially identified the bodies which were found dumped into a remote 50-foot deep well. the three men were on a surfing trip near the popular coastal city of ensenada but were camping in an isolated area outside of town. >> going to remote destinations sometimes is great, but in certain situations that can work against you where there's nobody around to be able to help you in case of emergency. >> reporter: former lapd detective kevin coffey says traveling internationally can be a risk. >> once we leave the soil of the good old usa things were not always equal. so having to deal with some of these ramifications can be challenging sometimes. >> reporter: police say they're questioning three suspects in
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the case. >> the u.s. state department encourages citizens to keep friends and families aware of any international travel trips and to come up with a plan in case of an emergency. boeing getting ready to launch humans into space, this as they face criticism about recent defects on their airplanes, how the company is responding about safety concerns. straight ahead in sports, on location, embarcadero, the site of the bay area sports hall of fame, the 2024 class being enshrined. we'll check in in just a jiffy. coming up tonight on the cbs evening news, one of the largest hospital bankruptcies ever that could leave millions of patients in limbo, our new reporting, part of a nearly two-year long cbs news investigation, that and more tonight right
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choice hotels is a family of brands with a hotel for any traveler you want to be... like a craft cocktail connoisseur at the cambria hotel bar. uh-huh... uh-huh... or mr. "tackled the inbox" so it's room service time at a radisson hotel! ohh, effervescent. uh, excuse me! sorry, can i just uh... oh, selfie? yeah. c'mon on in! oh! ah, no. i just wanted to order. ohhh. uh, coming into the bar.
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book direct at where travels come true. gonna write this down right quick.
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. the devastating floodwaters in texas have claimed at least one life. the body of a 4-year-old boy was recovered near fort worth on sunday. that comes as powerful storms prompted evacuations across the state. scientists warn the storm could shift north from texas into oklahoma, nebraska,
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and kansas. >> you see video like that, it makes you so grateful to live here in northern california where yeah, our weather is a little unusual, but we don't have to deal with that. it can be turbulent but nothing compared to what tornado alley has been dealing with the past several weeks and it's another one of those days today, a rare high risk of severe weather for parts of oklahoma and kansas. we'll start the weathercast there. usually we focus on our weather, but this is the big national story. severe tornadic thunderstorms ripping across northern oklahoma and that band of storms continues up into northern kansas and even nebraska getting into the action again, multiple tornado warnings in effect as we speak and some confirmed tornadoes on the ground. it's going to be a long night for those folks. around here it's nice outside, temperatures a little below average, 71 degrees in santa rosa, the warmest location, only 60 in san francisco, 57 degrees for half moon bay. later tonight our temperatures will drop off, but we'll experience a warming trend the
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next several days. high pressure will be taking over in the upper levels of the atmosphere. there's going to be more atmosphere on top of us and the weight compresses the air at ground level and warms it up. the position of that area of high pressure means offshore winds pick up towards the middle of the week. the northerly winds help to not only warm things up, but dry the atmosphere out a bit. we'll check humidity levels momentarily. temperatures tonight dropping down to the 40s, maybe clinging to 50 degrees in san jose. high temperatures tomorrow do return to what's normal for early may, low 70s in san jose, los gatos and morgan hill, low to mid-70s inland in the east bay with temperatures around the bay 60s and low 70s, 71 degrees down the peninsula in redwood city, along the coast upper 50s for half moon bay, not losing the onshore influence just yet, on wednesday the offshore winds will develop, low to mid-70s inland of the north bay as well, just the beginning of the
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warm-up that's going to kick in over the next several days. as that warmer air mass moves in, it's going to squeeze the atmosphere and result in gusty winds beginning already tomorrow. we're tracking wind gusts from 11:00 a.m. tomorrow through 5:00 p.m. wednesday. the presence of these orange and red tiles indicate gusts in the 20 to 30-mile-an-hour range, but also gusts in the 30 to 40-mile-an-hour range. that coincides with a drop in humidity levels, so focusing on the north and east bay where that typically tends to be a bigger problem, the fact we had rain a couple days ago will help mitigate the fire threat, but humidity levels will be 10 to 15% tomorrow and more widespread in the 10 to 15% range, a noticeable decrease and noticeable wind gusts throughout the day wednesday as well. the warm spell is really just getting started. the six
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to ten-day outlook shows a good chances of above normal temperatures carrying us right to the middle of the month and the eight to 14-day outlook shows a good chances of warmer than average temperatures sticking around a couple weeks. now that we've broken out of the wintertime pattern, we'll see more changes as we head through the next seven days. temperatures continue to warm up into the 80s inland wednesday, but really into the 80s by thursday, friday, saturday, possibly touching 90 degrees for some of the warmest spots inland saturday. it's not record setting, but certainly above normal for the middle of may. temperatures around the bay, a couple days in the mid- to upper 70s, some spots flirting with 80 degrees by thursday and friday, beginning to cool down a bit as the onshore breeze returns this weekend. temperatures along the coast, similar pattern, warming up a couple days, close to 70 for coastal parts of the bay area thursday and friday, potentially even warmer if the offshore wind is strong enough to deliver the warmer air all
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the way to the coast. i don't think we completely lose the onshore influence for parts of the coastal bay area. it's an unprecedented sitdown as ceasefire protests continue at san francisco state, inside the discussion between protesters and the university president and why both sides walked away feeling encouraged. meet the very first miss chinatown. she's 99 years old, her story coming up. >> the news at 6:00 in about ten minutes. let's head to vern who is out live for a look at sports. >> reporter: good evening, everybody. we are at the embarcadero hyatt for the enshrinement of the bay area sports hall of fame. we go to the san jose sharks, patrick marleau, already in the san jose sports hall of fame, but
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tonight he's in the san jose sports hall of fame. chris wondolowski from the san jose sharks, three time super bowl champion john taylor, former stanford swimmer and eight time gold medalist jenny thompson and long time giants general manager, brian sabean, who noticed a big difference between him and the rest of the class. >> these halls are for top athletes and people at the top of their craft in the sports they're in and lord knows i didn't score a touchdown and i didn't kick a goal or win a swim meet. that's special to me. i'll never forget my time here. >> reporter: where do you keep the rings and at some point maybe when nobody's looking, take one out? >> i did bring the '14 ring. i don't wear them that much. i don't think it would go over well with the yankees since they haven't won since '09, be kind of rubbing it in. >> reporter: what a segway to baseball and the giants. the best thing i can say about them
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is that they are done playing in philadelphia. how about the major league debut of this young fellow, mason black? 24-year-old called up for his big league debut. he fooled bryce harper for his first strikeout and the family section loved it. back at four punches, but in the fifth they got to him. harper was not going to miss, his second three-run homer of the series. black gave up five runs in 4 1/3 innings. matt chapman did not enjoy the city of brotherly love, one of his eight strikeouts in the series, three today against zack wheeler. he went 1 for 15 in the series. phillies won 6-1 today and that is a four-game sweep as the road trip continues tomorrow in colorado. and now as we move on to the warriors and the wnba and they introduced their new
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general manager today and, boy, got work cut out for her as she had been with the new york liberty and now she's got to completely reverse roles and get ready for the golden state warriors new wnba franchise and she had these words today. >> my parents have always told me to call our elders by mr. and mrs. so i call him mr. >> we're going with joe. >> so, joe, parents, you see it's joe, okay? him and i are people who have that same spirit. winning is the foundation of this organization. so why not us? and it will be us. >> awesome. >> reporter: new era, new beginnings for the wnba franchise for the bay area. that is some kind of task and excitement. we got eight months to wait for that one as we send
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you back in studio. >> it's coming at a good time. women's basketball is going through a renaissance. >> it's huge. it's fantastic. talk about that winning culture, i'm sure she'll bring it. >> thanks, vern. still ahead at 5:00, boeing's starliner getting to launch people into space at a time when they're under intense scrutiny over the safety of its passenger jets, how the company is responding to critics? >> there's one priority, to do this safely. - lift the clouds off of... - virtual weather, only on kpix and pix+.
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tonight boeing will launch its first flight to space with a crew on board after years of delays and a few stumbles. >> mark strassmann has more from florida where boeing's reputation will be on the line. >> reporter: tonight the atlas 5 rocket will lift off with its most precious payload yet, people. >> it's a different deal. it's the real deal. >> reporter: 170 feet up the launch tower at pad 41 we met ron fortson, head of launch operations here. he showed us where starliner's crew will climb into space history. >> that's exactly where they go to strap in. so this is the last stop before they head up to space. >> and liftoff. >> to be the ones on the
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pointed end riding and leading the planet, wow. >> reporter: butch wilmore and sunita williams, two of nasa's most seasoned astronauts, will take starliner on a test drive to the international space station. the goal? certify starliner works the way it's supposed to, so nasa can begin annual crew flights to the space station. nasa wants redundancy and hired both boeing and spacex a decade ago. boeing is under great pressure to perform after costly and deadly setbacks in its commercial aviation business and more costly setbacks in developing starliner to fly people. the spacecraft is more than seven years behind schedule, stung by problems with flight software, jammed valves, and parachute safety concerns. setbacks have cost the company more than $1 billion. >> there's one priority, to do this safely. >> reporter: mark nappy, the program manager. >> i have confidence they are
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doing everything properly. >> tonight's launch is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. from cape canaveral space force station in florida. >> you can watch the live coverage on nasa's youtube channel. that's it for the news at 5:00. cbs news bay area with juliette goodrich starts right now. >> thank you. at 6:00 as protesters clash with police on college campuses across the u.s., it is a much different atmosphere today at san francisco state. >> we're looking forward to continuing to have these conversations. >> a sitdown unlike any other, ceasefire protesters camping out sitting down face to face with the university's president. >> democracy is messy. it's ugly. if it can't play out on a university campus, then the u.s. is doomed. >> the demands they discussed and why both sides left the conversation feeling hope. plus she was a beauty queen and a trailblazer. >> i was surprised. >> and she's learned a lot in
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her 99 years. >> i find myself just like everybody else. >> meet the oldest living miss chinatown coming up. and the brain trust behind a highly anticipated new pro sports franchise continues to take shape. >> i'm just really excited to collaborate. this is cbs news bay area with juliette goodrich. >> good evening. thanks for joining us at 6:00. we have some major developments tonight in the middle east. the day began with hope, people dancing in the streets of gaza as hamas announced it accepted a ceasefire deal brokered by egypt and qatar, but that hope was quickly dashed. israel rejecting the deal saying the terms are nowhere close to meeting its demands. at the same time israel ordered palestinians living in rafah in southern gaza to evacuate immediately as the idf prepares its assault on the city. let's me


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