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tv   CBS News Bay Area Evening Edition 5pm  CBS  May 7, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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the last four years after california launched a controversial program to convert hotels into housing for the homeless. the question is did it work? we'll hear from the participants. now i use the information i have to go back to educate my communities. it is possible to believe in yourself. we begin in the town, better known as oakland with the newest baseball team is getting ready to make its debut. good evening, i'm ryan yamamoto. >> i'm elizabeth cook. crews have been hard at work building the new ballpark for the oakland ballers. the facility is really starting to take shape. we are proud to announce that cbs news bay area has reached an exclusive partnership with the ballers, where we will bring you all nine of the team's friday night games throughout summer. >> the ballers will make their home in west oakland where they have taken a lot of work to make it suitable for
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professional baseball. a look at the difference in just a month. on the left is what the park looked like when the work got started. the video is from the right, showing you all that progress and all that dirt that's turning into a baseball diamond. a live look over the park right now. our chopper right over it as we would play ball and that is where we find our very own wilson walker. >> and what it takes to build a baseball team from scratch and how the community will benefit from the baller's presence. hey, wilson. >> reporter: good evening, liz. i'm standing out here on the right field bleachers, which weren't even here a couple of days ago. it seems like it's happening very fast and it is. >> the hardest thing that we have to do is get the field done that you can see the field is entirely done. now we have some time. >> reporter: from the outside grass to the infield dirt,
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baseball is taking root in west oakland again. >> so many little parts. this is the guardrail for the dugout. >> and for paul freedman, seeing the vision become reality has to happen in a hurry. final approval came just last week. so just about everything that you would see here has been done in a matter of days. >> and they have done this before and it is the introduction and the company that turned all of las vegas into an f1 race. for them, putting together 4,000-seat ballpark in a month, they feel like they got plenty of time. >> and that task is an enormous one with just over four weeks to pull everything together. >> we don't have a lot of extra time for things to come up, so we need to keep chopping away and make sure that it is a success, which is 28 days away. >> reporter: it is warp speed on every level, and that is not
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just the ballpark itself. the city has committed to resurfacing nearby roadways. if you're familiar with the area, you know some of them were nearly impassable in recent years. but oakland, they are now paving away on surrounding streets and sidewalks. >> this project proves that oakland could get stuff done and faster than anybody expected. >> the brothers, and some of the greats that have played down here, frank robinson, got it? >> reporter: rodney harrison was born and raised in this neighborhood. he said the baller's arrival is great news for an area that has faced tremendous challenges. and this street was home to one of the largest homeless encampments on the west coast. well now affordable housing is rising on that site just as the park is redeveloped for the ballers.
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for harrison. >> this is a good positive step for especially this community. it seems like it's been neglected. hopefully oakland ballers will be a real success here in west oakland. >> this is a historic community. it's a park that saw some tough times recently. we think the best times for this park, for the community is in front of us. >> reporter: so the transformation reaches beyond the park and beyond baseball, but it will have to happen fast. and that means staying focused on every detail and trying not to think about that first pitch. >> you know, i can't let myself start thinking about baseball happening because i get emotional and i start to get excited. but i'll tell you the first hope of opening day when the first let's go oakland chant starts to break out, i don't know how i will start. it will be an emotional event and very energetic. people will want to be here.
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>> reporter: all right, the question is can they get this all done for the first game here? yeah, they will do it. they might not have everything that they wanted, maybe not everything in this right place, but they will be ready to go and how about the view from up here in the right field bleachers? pretty nice especially on a day like this. for more i'll throw it over to my colleague, vern glenn, who is over behind home plate. vern, take it away. >> all right, there. hey, say hello to the skippers. how about it? just a few weeks, you'll get it going out here. >> i came down here a month ago. now all of a sudden, it's getting going, we are about to start. they follow the team,
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right? >> no doubt. that will be pretty cool. four, five, six years, ten years from now. that's pretty cool. >> 48 home games here with an agreement that they will air nine of them. before that happens, you've got training camp coming up. are you ready for the speech coming up this weekend? >> i'm ready now. >> what is your message going to be? what will you demand? >> i want to come out and i want to kick some butt and have fun. number one is the fans here. >> you're going to get the fans and the curiosity fans. what brand of baseball will you bring in this game? >> we're a little new school, but at the same time, i'm old
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school with hit and run, stealing bases, non-stop with the old ricky. you're alts going to see them in the world, you know, when you hit that home run, we're going to celebrate. we'll have fans celebrate with us. we'll bring them in with us and they will be on the field with us participating with us right here. >> and i know it's flying off the shelves? >> they will fly off the shelf, no doubt. they did a hell of a job putting it together and it's sweet. >> aggressive brand of baseball where you will make it fun and have fun and make it fun for the crowd out there. oakland ballers baseball. >> oakland ballers baseball. come out and watch us. we'll put the show on for you and we'll be here for you. we are here in the town. >> you heard it. hey, back to
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the studio. and she got hit a little bit. >> hey, we do have them there in the pioneer league. >> go get him, liz. >> i don't know about that, but this is such a great story. you can really feel that passion and the love that they have not only for the game of baseball, but the fans, that it is heartwarming and it is so great to see. it's what everybody needs right now. go get them. all right, thanks, vern. not too far from the ballers home field, the three-alarm house fire that broke out in oakland. >> you can see the black smoke from the flames across the city that happened on the intersection of sixth avenue and east 8th street. >> yeah, fire crews responded to the scene around 1:30 this afternoon about 30 firefighters were at the scene battling that fire that had spread to the next door building. >> so far no injuries were reported. we'll have more on this for you as the story develops. in san francisco, police
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arrested a driver who hit a 14-year-old girl during a car chase this morning. police say the driver struck another pedestrian earlier at jones and market and took off. the suspect, when he hit the teenage girl near powell street. police finally stopped the driver and took him into custody. both victims were taken to the hospital, but expected to recover. we spoke to one witness outside the school who saw the accident happen while she was just dropping off her grandson. >> i broke down crying. because the way he hit her, i thought, you know, maybe she wouldn't make it. >> and police say the driver was also taken to the hospital for injuries unrelated to the accident. and in march, san francisco voters approved proposition e, loosening restrictions on when san francisco police are allowed to chase suspects. >> and we are tracking some big
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changes to the weather. a wind advisory is about to take effect and then the heat will arrive. >> let's get back out to oakland where the chief meteorologist paul heggen enjoying the sunshine today. feels like baseball weather out there. >> just gorgeous. >> yeah, it does. i can tell you with the way the prevailing winds will come across the bay, balls will be flying out to left field. i would want to be a right-happenedded batter in this stadium because that's going to be the action area. i would not park on the street if you're coming up once they would start 31 days from today. let's talk about the wind and how that's going to be kicking up over the course of the next 24 hours or so. the wind advisory goes into effect after midnight tonight. that will go until 11:00 tomorrow morning. this is for most of the north bay except the immediate coastline that will include solano county as well as the central valley. wind gusts in the 20 to 30 miles an hour range, and it will be rearranging your patio
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furniture for you. ordinarily the offshore winds that we're concerned about the heightened wildfire threat with so much moisture over the weekend. it's not going to be the primary concern this time around. temperatures are going to warm up beginning tomorrow, there are pockets of the bay area that will have a moderate heat risk. that means only folks who are especially sensitive to the heat. the elderly, the ill, the very young, may have concerns especially with the weather whiplash. and to warm temperatures beginning tomorrow. even the warmest day tomorrow for inland parts of the bay area, not likely to set any records. five to ten degrees short and then temperatures will go down the other side of the roller coaster throughout the weekend into early next week. take a look at your seven-day forecast. coming up live from oakland in a few minutes. >> thanks, paul. still ahead the woman at the center of donald trump's criminal trial will take the witness stand. the revealing testimony from stormy daniels. and amid this high-profile feud with kendrick lamar. the shooting at the mansion of
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rapper super star drake. what investigators are revealing of the violence that sent a security guard to the hospital. a bay area city was ranked as the worst in the
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drake's security guard was shot this morning standing guard outside his home in toronto. he's suffering some serious injuries and the shots rang out around 2:00 a.m. authorities there say the guard was standing outside the home's front gate when the unknown number of suspects approached in the car and then opened fire. police would not say if drake was home at the time, but they have been in touch with members of his team as they say they are cooperating with this investigation . and the two spent this past weekend
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resulting in six songs in 72 hours. at the courtroom in new york with a key testimony from stormy daniels. donald trump spoke out following stormy daniels in his hush money criminal trial. >> this is a very big day in the center of the case that told them about the alleged sexual encounter in lake tahoe in 2006 where they invited her to the room where they spoke for two hours and then sex. trump denies any such encounter took place. >> and they have to show they would have been the compelling situation. >> and the defense attorney accused fabricating key portions of their account,
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trying to extort the former president asking daniels if she hates trump, to which she replied yes. detailing the financial arrangement. testifying she signed the contract in exchange for her silence and the payment was late. the nominee has called the criminal trial unfair and said there is no smoking gun. >> i'm stuck. i'm here. and i'm sick of being in georgia where they claimed they were trying to embarrass trump, but the request was denied. daniels is expected to return to the stand on thursday. >> the jury also heard from sally today, which published two of trump's books. developing now in the middle east, the israeli military official says israel has captured the side of the rafah crossing. it's a vital entry point for much needed aid
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in that region. rafah is the last stronghold where the israeli army released this video showing tanks rolling into the border crossing, connecting both rafah and egypt despite their new cease-fire offer. but the white house says the movement and the air strikes aren't necessarily the start of a major offensive. >> this does look like the prelude of the military operation that we have not yet seen that commence. >> and the military operation in rafah unfolds. >> cbs news confirmed they postponed the delivery to israel with what officials say the hold up is designed to send a message about the opposition to the rafah operation. in the meantime protests continue for college campuses across the nation over their war on gaza. this is video of the demonstrations that are happening in san francisco state, uc berkeley, and uc davis. the main sticking point fueling protest, students are demanding for the university's financial ties with israel. and
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the system has $23 billion and the cal state system has $2.5 billion in their investment. >> the universities that are complicit and they are investing, businesses and so on and it is a terrible business decision for them. >> california, uc, both released a mission statement saying they don't have plans to change existing policies when it comes to israel or the conflict in the middle east. and it is not unprecedented for them to divest and it is not easy. >> and if that means they were to agree to that, it would be preempted by federal law. so it is really them yelling on this one. launching an investigation into the unified school
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district has failed to address anti-semitism in their schools where the students have been subjected to bullying where they were called to testify that the congressional hearing on the anti-semitism tomorrow. california second largest reservoir has reached full capacity for the second year in a row. the department of water resources is expected to release more water to make room when the snow melt will pick up. >> let's check back in with paul heggen who is live in oakland. paul, it is just amazing because only a few years back that reservoir was empty? >> feels like we're always talking about needing more water and the drought and they are not going now? >> yeah, we're in pretty good shape where we will need more and a number of projects that
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are underway if that regard, taking a decade before they become useful for the state of california. we won't have any additional water over the course of the next several days, where we will experience some gusty winds. so let's talk about how things are going to change. i'm staying out here in oakland where the temperatures are cool and as we head to the middle of the weekend and really through the rest of the workweek as well even for bayside and coastal locations. here is the big picture perspective where they will be picking up beginning tomorrow. overnight tonight for the north bay and off to the east in the central valley, the winds will be accelerating for the north bay just after midnight until just before noon tomorrow. as we wind the clock forward, the area of high pressure and that big area will be producing those gusty winds, shifting you around just a little bit where they should lessen by thursday and friday and not as strong and pictures will still be well awest virginia normal. not just at
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winds, but the humidity level, pretty low especially through the central valley. those numbers will be low, but when they're at the strongest, the humidity will be low and the lack between the strongest winds and the strongest humidity combined with the fact that we would have so much rain over the weekend will help mitigate the fire threat. when they're at their lowest, the winds won't be as strong. by the time the winds will start to die down to a greater extent, the humidity levels at that point won't be impactful. the wind is not moving quickly in the background. as we would look outside and check our current temperatures, we are looking to the north towards the bridge. temperatures in the 60s and the 70s. anywhere from 63 to san francisco and 74 degrees in concord and santa rosa and those numbers are very close to what is normal for early may. but the above normal temperatures will start to kick in as we head into tomorrow. start off pretty close to average in the mid to upper 40s
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by early wednesday morning. then temperatures are going to climb, and ranked several degrees above normal. the good 13, 14 above average for san francisco and oakland, a little taste of suertime here in early may. a closer look, even along the coast where the temperatures have been in the upper 60s for the past few weeks. yo'll hit the upper 60s tomorrow, now the peninsula into the lower 80s. and also make it inland in the east bay and those numbers are not quite as far above average and still toasty for early may where you're not done warming up. they won't arrive until thursday and friday. and the 70s and the 80s into the north bay as well with the temperatures in the cooler start. and temperatures to our north reaching up into the mid-80s already around windsor. your seven-day forecast, temperatures peeking around the bay. even into san francisco, we'll go for it and the forecast high temperature of 81, which is not record setting. on thursday, it's 91.
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so we will fall 10 degrees short of that. temperatures inland will continue to run very warm through the end of the workweek on friday. mid to upper 80s in the north bay and then backing down just a little bit through the weekend. but still above normal temperatures at least a couple of degrees above average. the fog along the coast will return to some extent beginning thursday night into early friday morning, but even coastal parts of the bay area once you cool off will drop down to near normal temperatures by the second half of the weekend into next week. and a part of the normal temperatures as we would head towards the middle of may. something that we're going to continue to monitor throughout the next couple of days. but again, the bad news with the weekend rainfall is that it would rain on the weekend. the good news is it added all the moisture to the fire fuel to keep us out of the fire threat even with the gusty offshore winds. >> we will take every drop we can get. thank you, paul. still ahead here at hack, the fallout from cinco de mayo.
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the bay area city reporting dozens of arrests and more. the future of self-driving cars on display today. how a new shuttle system could provide a critical link between communities. when you have to spend outwards of them commutin
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san francisco school board is meeting tonight to discuss tough financial decisions, which could include closing some schools. a drop in enrollment over the years is making it harder for the district to pay its bills. more empty classroom and overstaffing at schools could be the district. we'll have to make some tough cuts. the school board is expected to vote on which school would close by the end of the year if they decide to move forward with those cuts. a live look at downtown oakland. we know the bay area traffic could be frustrating, right? we all know that. a new study finds that oakland is the worst city in the nation to
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drive it. that's according to the adviser as they would look at the metro areas and they considered a number of factors. oakland was given the top spot because of the high number of deadly crashes. the high gas prices and long commute times. miami came in second, followed by san francisco. well the autonomous vehicles are on display across the county tonight. >> the redefining summit showcased a number of avs between companies and local governments. >> one project in the works is a self-driving shuttle system from the company called glide ways. that'll connect four cities in east contra costa to bart stations. >> we believe strongly that when you have to spend outwards of your day commuting to do your work, that is not access. that's not social equity. we need to change that. coming up tonight at 6:00,
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jen ramos has a look at more. ahead at 5:00, a look at the program to get people off streets and hotel rooms. why they say it was a huge success. >> everything changed once you get housing, like it's crazy how much your attitude changes and your outlook on life. it gives you so much hope. >> pets in desperate need of adoption. where these cats and kittens just arrived from, hoping to find their forever homes. >> i have been using this as an experiment to see what would happen if i relinquish all control to ai to travel the world. >> yeah, what
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