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tv   CBS News Bay Area Evening Edition 6pm  CBS  May 7, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm PDT

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friday night games. and we are here live where the breeze is kicking up and it will be windy. the ballers who play their first home game four weeks from tonight and their first game on pick plus a month from tonight. an update on what to expect coming up live. a new had vision for public transit in contra costa county. >> this is something that you could actually see and feel that reality in eastern contra costa county. >> how these robotaxis could help ease the gridlock in growing suburbs and cities. the police chase will take a scary turn when the suspect on the run hits a middle schooler on her way to class. >> and a witness describes the chaos in school drop off. >> my heart dropped and i just broke down crying. >> the new name and the new image. hear from a teen helping
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pave the way for a more inclusive future. >> i'm really glad that i joined and got to experience the things that i wouldn't have been able to experience otherwise. good evening, thanks for joining us at 6:00. think about what your commute might look like in five years. we've seen self-driving cars in action on city streets, but if you live in the bay area suburbs, that might feel like a distant reality. well, it turns out that it might not be as far off as we might think. right now nearly 300,000 people live in the county. so that means that a lot of traffic on highway 4 and it is only expected to get worse. but today we do get a glimpse at a new transit experiment. now imagine a network of these robotaxis that you basically summon like an uber to get you to where you need to go as they will show us how to take a part of the
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vision and the transit system of the future. >> it is clear that the future of the autonomous vehicles and what is revealed across the county today is taking that idea a huge step further. the county sponsored a technology fair, which already has autonomous shuttles cruising through their parking lots. on display is a driverless van for wheelchair bound people, and their self-driving semi truck. but the star of the show was kept under wraps until the big reveal. >> and imagine that this is going to be your daily commute. >> reporter: it's called the glide car, the autonomous rolling pod that could fit four people comfortably. it's been under development for several years in the testing facility at the old concord naval
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weapons station. on this day, they got their first look. >> and the experience is fantastic, and that will mean we start reversing this trend that is there and that decline has occurred as the pandemic has turned away from trains and buses that will smell bad and feels unsafe that is known as aggregating. it has been around for a long time and what is happening is that we're taking the concept and revolutionizing it with autonomy. >> reporter: it's a major infrastructure project and a long enclosed roadway for the glide cars, stretching from brentwood through antioch and ending in pittsburg. they are summoned by riders. because the cars are only five feet wide, the travel route could run alongside trails, railroad
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tracks, streets without removing any existing lanes. >> and it should be about moving a lot of people in a short period of time and in a very small footprint. >> reporter: they are designed to get people to and from major points of interest such as downtowns and commercial centers, they would see this in the transportation system as the systems will grow. >> and they don't have access to bart where they need to drive to the bart station. we can extend bart. >> reporter: as demand grows, the system could be expanded by adding more cars. so we might start with five cars and as the system will continue to expand, then we might end up with 75 to 100 to meet the demand in that network. >> and they really have no choice with all the new housing that is being built, it is the way to keep the crowded highway from becoming a gridlock parking lot. and while the public transit has been an idea
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that is coming in east contra costa, it has arrived. and this is something that you could actually see and feel that will be a reality in eastern contra costa county. >> the first section is expected to be finished by 2027. a similar project by the same company that's underway in san jose, but contra costa will probably finish first because of the roadway construction that is less complicated in those open spaces. >> okay, so where is this money coming from? right now that's unclear, but transit planners say it will be a partnership combining funding with private investment. in san francisco, a teen was hit by the car during the police chase that happened just outside francisco middle school this morning where they struck another pedestrian earlier at jones and market and then took off. officers pursued the suspect to north beach when they hit that 14-year-old girl.
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police finally stopped the driver at embarcadero and green and took him into custody. both victims were taken to the hospital were non-life threatening injuries. we spoke to one witness outside the school that saw the accident happen while dropping off her grandson. >> my heart dropped. i just broke down crying because of the way he hit her. i thought, you know, maybe she wouldn't make it. i just put in the thought what if it were my grandchildren? >> the driver was taken to the hospital for injuries unrelated to the accident. flames ripped through an apartment building and spread to a home next door on the corner of sixth avenue and east eighth street near laney college. took over an hour to get it under control. so far no one has been hurt. all right, on to some great news. a great new story for the city of oakland. the ballers are hard at work, building their field of dreams. it's a new stadium in the historic
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raimondi park. oakland's new pro baseball team is hoping to keep the sports legacy alive in the town, as we do have some exciting news to announce today. cbs news bay area is teaming up with the ballers in an exclusive partnership. a live look at the park in west oakland where starting next month, we'll broadcast nine friday night home games on pix+ 44, cable 12. we are counting down for the first televised game on friday, june 7. by watching on pix+, you'll get the chance to see friday night games and also enjoy the expert commentary, in-depth analysis, and also behind-the-scenes access. we have been there every step of the way as the ballers get ready for their first season in the pioneer league where they are making a lot of progress. our chopper was overhead as they were installing the bleachers. there will be 4,000 seats for fans. you can see the new grass on the field as a part of their
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plan to renovate the new home. including new dugout, lighting, fencing, concession stands. the city signed up on the upgrades last month, which is being paid for by private investors. rodney harrison says the baller's arrival is great news for the area >> this is a good positive step for especially this time where it has been neglected. >> the ballers will play a total of 48 games in west oakland. so i'm now joined by bryan carmel, cofounder of the ballers. boy, good evening to you. thanks for being here. you're on the stage that's being set, that's being built right now as we speak. how are things looking? >> reporter: things are looking good. they are putting up the
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bleachers over on the first base side. and things are coming up, which is really comforting because opening day is, you know, what, 28 days away. 27 degrees away. >> i know you made it a huge point that this is not just a ball game or a ballpark, but a community network. let's talk about that >> yeah, i mean our theme is built by oakland, right? this isn't about us. it's about a community that's coming together to do something to turn a new page and start a new chapter for baseball in a town that has lost their pro sports teams, ready to turn the page. so that has been a community effort. that's taking a village where we have seen the support across the boards. it's pretty exciting. >> that's so great and that of course, we are talking about
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the a's, a tough time for fans in the area. but obviously with the team leading next season and us having a new thing with the ballers. how have you been joined in by the community? what have they been saying to you? >> they have been saying that they are ready, speaking with their actions where they are starting to buy tickets, which is really exciting. opening day tickets, there is not so much inventory last time i checked. so tickets are starting to go so it is really nice to see that, you know, people are going to come out to support us, you know, that honestly, we are overwhelmed every day by outreach, on social media, all across the board. how can i help? so it has been a positive story. >> it's so great for the kids and the community as well to have a ballpark. how can we get some of that swag?
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>> you can get some swag at ask the team merch for the folks who work for the team. the hats are available, i think this color might have sold out, but oaklandish is constantly updating with new color wheels. all of our hats are tributes to past oakland baseball teams. the response on the merch has been pretty amazing. if you ride a bart train, you're seeing baller hats and baller shirts, which is a good feeling. we are going the right direction. thank you so much for your time. we can't wait. >> that's right. >> we can't wait as well. thanks again. >> thank you. a look at important dates for the ballers. the team reports spring training next monday, the 13th. this is
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opening quicker. and their first home game, at 6:35. mark that down. a look at the broadcast schedule as you can watch their first game on pix+, friday the 7th at 6:35. the season wrapping up on friday, sought 30. so if you would like to see the ballers game in person, you can find all the details. the upcoming televised games all on pix+ and on our website we are gradually getting warmer and warmer. but before things start to heat up, the winds will pick up in parts of the bay area. let's bring in chief meteorologist paul heggen who is a look at how things are right now, paul. >> looking good. we needed to wait four weeks for the home opener, one month for the first televised game on friday evening and the first friday in june. the wind is coming and that will be pivoting for
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inland parts of the bay area with a wind advisory that will go after effect tonight and continue through eleven o'clock a.m. tomorrow and sustained winds. some gusts up to 45 miles an hour. usually the offshore wind, we'd be concerned about the elevated wildfire threat, but we added all the moisture to the fire fuel, so that won't be the primary concern. we will just make sure that the patio foreignture doesn't blow away. parts of the north bay and to the santa clara valley. and even folks who are more susceptible to the heat neighborhood. that we should stay short of the hottest temperatures inland on friday and for friday, may 10. take a look at the seven-day forecast. still ahead, at first she
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was one of the only girls in the boy scouts. how is how they will live up to their new inclusive message. >> what will teach you in ( ♪♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪
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a major rebrand for the boy
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scouts of america for the first time in history. the organization has announced it is changing its name to scouting america. it's a part of a commitment to being more inclusive. in recent years, the boy scouts embraced lgbt youth, women, and our amanda harry spoke to a female scout who has been an early part of the change right here in the bay area. >> reporter: the boy scouts of america has allowed girls to become scouts since 2018. but many people still don't know. the hope is with the name change, it will become more clear that anyone can be a scout. >> i have like 43 merit badges total. >> reporter: completely filled with merit badges, but this sash belongs to a young lady. 17-year-old sydney yee. she started with the boy scouts of america or bsa back when she was 12 in 2019. shortly after the organization allowed girls to join. she found out through her neighborhood troop. yee says initially she was one of
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the only girls. >> when i joined, there was obviously a bigger ratio of boys to girls. but as the years have gone on, like our girls troops have expanded and there are almost equal amounts of people. >> reporter: she has even recruited some of her friends. she likes the rebranding, scouting america. she thinks the new name could attract different people. >> i believe it is more inclusive. >> reporter: in her five years with the organization, she's achieved the high status of eagle scout. the eagle scout slide and many of her patches have the word boy on them. she says she wanted to be a scout because she likes the outdoors and enjoys learning about camping, hiking, boating among other skills. >> and teaches you like good life lessons. it will teach you a lot of life skills and like survival skills, which i think is good for more females to get
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introduced to and for more to know. >> reporter: the scout executive of the bsa golden gate area council, mike hale, says he has been waiting for this change. >> it was a little awkward still being the boy scouts. >> reporter: since 2018, the number of girls who are a part of the organization continues to grow. >> at least in our counsel, 20% of our memberships are girls and young ladies. so it just made a lot of sense for us. and nationally it's about the same. >> reporter: at first the majority of the girls who joined already had brothers who were a part of it. now girls are joining on their own. yee does not have a brother in boy scouts. she says there are times she's the only girl at certain bsa active i its, but she's learned to embrace it. >> i'm representing like girls and maybe inspiring other girls to also partake in these activities. >> reporter: the name change will go into effect on february
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8, 2025. the organization's 115th anniversary. we're live at raimondi park in oakland where the field is coming together and soon less than a month, the fans will be coming together. before the boys of summer take the field, it will feel like summer
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first alert weather time, and i'm live here at raimondi
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park in oakland. home of the oakland ballers. they'll be taking the field one week from now. one month from now is the first televised game on pix+. the first of nine you'll see on our sister station. you can see the field is still coming together with the sod. and most of the base pads are in. but the third to home line and the first to home lines will have to be installed. the pitcher's mound, they have four weeks to get all that stuff together. the weather is looking very cooperative for all the construction crews that are out here. take a look at what we are doing with some changes over the course of the next few days. and onto the big blue gusty offshore winds that are certainly going to be noticeable, combined that and
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we do have to monitor the wildfire. there the strongest winds will be tomorrow morning. that's not when the lowest humidity levels will be in place. they are not going to overlap with humidity. the winds won't be as strong and they are strongest and the really the major wildfire threat is all the moisture that we added an inch and a half. it will not be as blustery. take a look outside right now where we are looking out over san jose. and the temperatures are still in the 60s and the 70s. anywhere from 62 downtown to 74 degrees in santa rosa. 76 in oakland with a noticeable breeze, but still an on shore breeze. thatwind has not kicked in just yet. temperatures not dropping down in the mid to upper 40s. pretty close to what's normal. those will be quite a bit warmer as
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we would take a look at the fog walking forecast for tomorrow and ready to get out to take advantage. temperatures will top out above 80 degrees. and that it might be more sensitive to the heat and a little more sensitive to the heat where the temperatures will be warming up into the 70s and the 80s in oakland on the widespread basis inland. let's zo in foa closer look and around the coast in the upper 60s. a couple of warm spells that did not settle in for parts the bay area and tomorrow, you'll get temperatures about five degrees above normal. for inland parts of the east bay above normal with the temperatures around the bay above average. again, upper 70s in san francisco and the low 80s in oakland will mix up the 80s inland in the north bay with some of the warmer spots
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around windsor into the mid-80s already tomorrow. but the warmest weather won't arrive inland until thursday and friday and the peak of temperatures will be tomorrow and thursday and the temperatures at their warmest on thursday and even above 80 degrees in san francisco and low 80s for england. temperatures hitting the mid to upper 80s in the santa clara valley for thursday and friday and backing down just a little bit on saturday and closer to normal temperatures by sunday, monday, tuesday, but still running a couple degrees above normal. definitely counts with the above normal temperatures that are lingering through the weekend. and the parts of the east bay with a hot spot on friday with temperatures approaching 90 degrees. but as we showed you earlier, give it up. that will leave us short of record territory for the tenth day of may on friday. >> we'll take it, paul, thank you so much. raimondi park. still ahead, they have some of the best views in san francisco and the iconic rooftop bar the top of th
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every day, great views of san francisco when it comes to views, it is hard to beat the top of the mark. but guess what? the top of the mark is celebrates 85 years. they're marking the occasion with a
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live band, great drinks, bubbly. great vibes. it was in 1939 when top of the mark became san francisco's very first rooftop bar. >> it was a bold idea. nobody had done it before in the city. and he was concerned with two things. one he didn't know what name he would give it and two, he was scared that people would take an elevator up. times have changed, right? >> we do. we take the elevator and celebrate our 75th anniversary on the air at the top of the mark. we'll have much more on its history and some of the special traditions coming up at 7:00. so happy to be a part of its history. cbs evening news with norah o'donnell is next. we're back in 30 minutes with more ♪ ♪ >> norah: adult film actress stormy daniels takes the witness stand. >> mr. trump, is this true? >> did you sleep with stormy? >> norah: the combative cross-examination by donald trump's legal team as the porn actor says she hates the former president and wants him held accountable in se


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