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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 5am  CBS  May 9, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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ngs, you can du more with less asthma. and isn't that better? ask your doctor about dupixent, the most prescribed biologic in asthma. >anc1 mic>we let's get started. >> they could have been just named an oakland bay area international airport. you know. i feel like that might have been -- yeah. more clearer than this current change. >> travelers landing in oakland as travel bosses on two sides of the bay prepare for battle over changing the name of oakland's airport. the vote today could decide whether travel titans square off in court. our superintendent was the only person testifying that could not just flat out say we
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have anti-semitism problem. she couldn't do it and that was just -- that was a punch to the gut. >> call to testify. the head of berkeley's schools grilled on a national stage. over claims of anti-semitism. we hear from bay area parents concerned about their children's safety. perfect opportunity to build a really cool product for an app that we all love. >> x marks the spot for young developers taking an open door to make the platform formerly known as twitter a better experience for all of us. their ideas ahead. >> whole thing is a pure adrenaline rush. and fighting flames as a leap of faith. a team of firefighters taking you into a hero's journey in fire country. good morning, everybody. when i turn 50. people are jumping occupy a plane to go fight fires. >> i'm gianna franco and incredibly brave that you do that as your job. >> big deep breath because it's going to be hot outside. yes it is. a live look outside on this thursday morning. let me say it again. it's thursday morning. we are
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so much closer to the weekend. and look at this gorgeous view of the twinkling lights in san francisco from our mark hopkins cam and hi jess, good morning. so the theme of the day is, hot, hot, hot. >> it really is. that's totally the theme. today and tomorrow going to be some of the warmest days we've seen so far this year has high pressure continues to move its way in. we're getting really close to the moderate heat risk widespread through the inland areas and hold tight to the same trend for the forecast for saturday. but this weekend, all of the microclimates are going to do something a little bit different. it will be cooler by the shoreline but it still stays hot in the inland areas, here's what's happening. still dealing with the offshore wind this morning lasting into this afternoon. i want to talk about that in further detail because as we take a look this morning in current conditions, we're seeing wind gusts anywhere up to around 35 miles per hour up near napa and angwin. a similar trend all the way over near calistoga. even stronger in the 6:30 hour and certain communities in the north bay and it starts the die down just after that 8:00 hour
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but it takes a while for that to actually happen. it's at 8:00 hour that's when the wind advisory expires so big changes around the corner for us into the afternoon hours. but this is really just isolated in those higher elevated areas near napa and sonoma. with that in mind let's take a look at the hot temperatures that gianna just mentioned. san francisco, just two days ago, we were sitting in the 60s and yesterday we jumped to the upper 70s. today, holding on tight to the 80s. all throughout the bay area. we're warming up a lot. low 80s near redwood city along 101 down into the santa clara valley, we're holding on tight to upper tee in areas concord and antioch into livermore. today is definitely going to feel more summer-like this afternoon. more on that and how that could impact you getting closer to the beautiful and sunny weekend. pretty quiet jess, a good start on the roadways for the most part. an overview and show you all that green out there on the sensors which means you are traveling up to speed. up to the limit on 880 and 101 along
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the peninsula. if you are come out of the south bay no delays to report. now we are tracking brake lights for supercommuters as you get out the door this morning. it's already slow. 205 on to 580. into the altamont pass windy there too. taking 238 trying to connect near newellen over to the 580 castro valley y area, looks like we have a crash blocking at least one lane so traffic is slow heading through there. once past that connecting on the 880 is not an issue. but seeing few brake lights now. westbound 580, 205 over to 680. with a 35 minute travel time. reed? all right, g. let talk about people taking air travel directors for the port of oakland will hold a final vote today about renaming oakland international airport to san francisco bay oakland international airport. that's a mouthful right? looking live at oakland airport this morning, we know if the airport gets that new name, san francisco city attorney will sue for trademark infringement. airport bosses in the east bay want the change saying the travelers really don't know where oakland is and adding san francisco bay to the airport's name would make things clearer
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for passengers. soogees what? we asked the passengers themselves . >> they could have been just named it oakland bay area international airport. you know? i feel like that might have been yeah, more clearer than this current change. >> i also don't know if people are making decisions about where to travel to based off of the name of the airport. so like at the point of which you are looking into the name of the airport, you are probably already decided that you are going to oakland. and so i'm not sure that's the most like important feature of like -- the decision making for where you are going to travel to. >> some smart thoughts from travelers there and by the way welcome to the bay. they're visiting from chicago. for now, san francisco's attorney wearing kid gloves on matter signaling they will collaborate with oakland on a different name. we will have the result of the oakland vote and any ramifications or lawsuits that
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might add up tonight at 5:00. the head of berkeley' school district testify in the first ever hearing on anti-semitism in k-12 schools. the superintendent faced hours of scathing criticism and scrutiny over the handling of alleged anti-semitic incident in the district. our john ramos spoke with parent who traveled to washington, d.c. where she says her son has felt threatened at school. only three people testified at hearing on school anti-semitism and berkeley unified superintendent ford morthal was bun of them. >> since october 7th the district has had formal complaints alleging anti-semitism arising from nine incidents in our jurisdiction. however, it's not pervasive in berkeley unified school district. >> our superintendent was the only person testifying that could not just flat out say we have an anti-semitism problem. she couldn't do it. and that was just -- that was a punch to
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the gut. >> reporter: elaina pearlman has a jewish student at berkeley high who had to leave the art dallas when art was being displayed ott students. >> dozens of students have been pulled out of berkeley unified school district classrooms when they have complained about anti-semitism and that's wrong. my son included spent a week in the student health center and library because there was nowhere to put him. >> reporter: across the bay area, there have been attempts to hold so-called teach ins about gaza. that are usually pretty condemning of israel's actions. but some say the anxious towards israel is extending to outright hatred of jews and at one walkout in berkeley high. some students were alleged to have chanted kilt the jews but another parent in the district rejects that as a lie. liz jackson who is also jewish and supports the palestinians says the complaints of anti-semitism are coming from a small vocal group of parents. >> we completely reject the notion that there's an anti-semitic climate here. yes, of course there are instances
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of hate that happens. that happens everywhere and it happens here too. but what these -- this small handful of parents are complaining about is political discomfort. and political discomfort is completely different than unsafe. >> reporter: jackson says she is comfortable leaving instruction about the conflict up to the teachers. and says she is confident that students can process information without it turning to hate. >> the hearings this morning had absolutely nothing to do with the well-being or safety of jewish students. it was a right wing attack on education and about a right wing attempt to censor information. >> reporter: they say the first casualty in any war is the truth. but where the truth actually lies in gaza is a matter of perspective and isn't something that's likely to come out of a classroom. >> another civil rights complaint was filed against busd. this one alleging discrimination against palestinian muslim and arab students and also accuses the district of punishing teachers
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who publicly support palestine. we reached out to the school district for comment. but did not hear back. all right, g, well, as president joe biden arrives in the bay area today, his administration is pulling back on sending some weapons to israel. this prime minister benjamin netanyahu remains resolute this morning about a ground attack in the city of rafah. so this is a very clear message by biden to israel while he remains committed to israel's defense, he does not support that rafah ground invasion. in fact, more than a million palestinian civilians are sheltering in rafah. which is also the last major stronghold of hamas. so it's unlikely reporters will be able to ask the president about these developments. this trip is really to raise money for biden's re-election efforts. people with deep pockets hosting the president and first lady. one event at the home of a former yahoo ceo in palo alto and another at the home in the portola valley. this is the second time that mr. biden will stop in the bay ahead of november general election.
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the man who is the presumptive republican nominee for president will be in court listening to testimony by former adult film actress testifying against him. the hush money trial for former president donald trump ongoing in manhattan again today. now despite trump's defense team calling for and not getting a mistrial, stormy daniels' testimony is a build up to hearing from trump's former attorney who says he was part of getting daniels paid to keep quiet about an affair between trump and daniels something donald trump flatly denies. now to a headline about another candidate for president. robert f. kennedy jr. had brain worms. it's confirmed by his campaign. worse, the "times" reporting this morning it was some sort of a parasitic worm that ate a portion of kennedy's brain before the parasite died. now while this is just now coming to light, kennedy's team wants us to know this was a decade ago. their candidate is now in robust physical and mental health despite early cognitive inns. you know, kennedy making
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light of the revelation. he posted quote i offered to eat five more brain worms and still beat president trump and president biden in the debate. back in the bay two san jose students went to the hospital after carbon monoxide exposure after sunrise high school. they started having issues. luckily northeast of them recovered quickly and there's no ongoing threat of exposure. g? 5:10 on a thursday morning. taking a leap of faith while fighting wildfires. still ahead, meet the team of firefighters jumping into the flames. and the platform formerly known as twitter taps into the brain power of some bay area students to make x a better place for social media. let's take a peek out the window. it's still pretty early but a lot of lights
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every month. that averages 1.5 million signups a day. those stats were around the one year mark that the chairman of tesla took over the company. and multiple reports have cited data showing that in the time since then, users for x have actually dropped. >> well, still the platform remains a place for millions to get news and opinions this we know. shawn chitnis joins us now with the story of x tapping into bay area brain power. young people working to make x better and you know this is where people are going to go as we lead up to the election, shawn. >> reporter: right. as we like to say people are talking. and they're talking about some serious issues right? we're dealing with some of the most divisive topics of our time and wars overseas and presidential politics and social issues. so when x challenged developers last month, if they could create a cool feature or app that improves the experience for users, the winning team four students from santa clara university got to pitch their idea to elon musk. >> so when we saw this challenge, it felt like the
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perfect opportunity to build a really cool product for an app that we all love. >> reporter: four friends all studying computer science at santa clara university got an incredible opportunity well before they start their careers in tech. a challenge to make x the platform formerly known as twitter, better for the average user. and then they would later learn present the idea to the company's owner. elon musk. >> it was amazing. it was a great experience. he's an extremely down to earth nice guy and asked a lot of questionsn't our product and he's extremely understanding. so i was extremely grateful for that. >> reporter: they spent 30 hours working nonstop during the competition to come up with a product they called "insight x." the idea is to give users more perspective and information. so when someone post on the platform, you can easily get access to their history of posts and learn how truthful their post is. you also get presented with other posts with different views to give you all angles on a topic. >> we didn't know how it would play out but we built a tool
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that we thought really at its core functionality addressed the need of user. >> reporter: a chance to work on a platform for they already enjoy and be in the room when elon musk joined them over video call that has as they explained their idea to him and company leaders. >> i actually -- was really surprised. he's a very humble guy and he's very -- down to earth. >> he made it a very pressure free environment for us. he just came in and he's making jokes and trying to understand our product. >> reporter: this team of juniors and seniors hope their work is a sign of the change that can come with a new generation of tech workers and leaders to make social media more accurate and more meaningful for everyone. >> they're trying and they're making lots of positive progress towards -- towards where they want to be. >> reporter: so it's important to note that while they won the competition with this idea, it's unclear if x will execute that. and it's also something that we want to point out that while we're seeing this as a
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positive sign forward on what can be possible with the app, there are still many concerns about how algorithms work and of course if the company is actually doing what is necessary to get the honesty and accuracy and depth of perception they want to see. >> will people dig for it? people want fast information and how many of us really dig for the right information all that perspective? >> reporter: there's a cool anecdote they gave us though. let say i say michael jordan is the greetest player of all time. under their feature you would then be shown posts that say no, it's actually lebron. no, it's actually steph curry. at least it would encourage that kind of discourse, the question again is will x use that type of technology. >> the algorithm is a important to so many of the social media platforms and that's how they generate advertising revenue based on what people are looking for. this is tissue with tiktok. not wanting to give up any functions. >> so smart. by the way pay kids if you use it. thank you,
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shawn. a live look outside on this thursday morning. yes, we got a lot of sun on tap today. which is going to be nice. i'm going to enjoy some of this nice warm weather and it's already looking like beautiful day. just going to guess that because even though the sun is not up yet. that picture looks very pretty. we know that here in the area it's going to be lovely but they're not having the best weather in other parts of the country. >> absolutely explain. this is the third straight day moving across the country. more than 51 million people are in the path of today's massive storm that's expected to stretch from texas all the way over into virginia and this morning follows a night of devastating storms that demolished parts of the midwest and ohio valley. just yesterday. what you are seeing right here behind me is the wreckage of at least 16 tornadoes that tore through seven states last night. that storm is continuing to develop and will continue to keep you updated here in the weather center regarding that and i know many of our loved ones live off in the areas and i mean that's a huge storm path. anywhere from like i said texas
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all the way over into virginia. and over here in california, we've been dealing with some active weather too specifically here in the bay. we're dealing with warm, hot conditions. just going to say it. it's hot. in the next couple of days we're going to be dealing with a system of high pressure sitting over us creating almost a heat dome and that's allowing for moderate heat risk in areas like the east bay and stretching down into the santa clara valley into the wine country too. take it slow today. before you head outdoor start hydrating now. right? heading into this afternoon, you are going to want to keep that trend and if you work outside wear sunscreen and wear the light colors today. of course find a shady spot as much as you possibly can and give yourself breaks through the day. to add to the heat though, before we get to ttemperatures also want to talk about the winds. in the higher elevated areas still dealing with gusty conditions. a look at current wind speeds right now. similar trend all the way up into areas like sonoma and
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calistoga and 35, 40-mile-per-hour winds in those regions and we're going to continue to watch that develop until the 8:00 hour when that wind advisory expires. at that point we're still left with breezy conditions and those offshore wind have been the story for us all week long. really drying us up in the forecast for us as we head into the next couple of days but other than that at least the winds die down nicely in the evening hours and i want to dive straight into the temperatures too. those areas, like calistoga, napa, it's gusty right nowment hitting the upper 80s today. mid- to low 80s near napa and sonoma over into san francisco today we're topping off in the low 80s. think about it. just to days ago we were in the 60s. so this is a big jump for us all throughout the bay area and as we wake up this morning to some clear skies over the santa clara valley, this is preparation for us as we warm up into this afternoon with 80s and clear skies continuing into the afternoon's forecast there. now throughout the next seven days we continue to see plenty of sunshine especially in our inland areas. today and tomorrow, some of the warmestties we've seen so far this year and we start to
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average out heading into the sunday forecast and by monday partly cloudy skies return into the inland areas and we'll see the cloudy skies develop a lot quicker along the coast and the peninsula. as early as sunday. more on that in bit. though for now over to you, g. let's talk about that traffic this morning. because there's just a little bit of it. not at the golden gate bridge thankfully. that's an easy commute as you head into san francisco this morning. but a good perspective of that ride out of marin county heading into this city. i'm going to zoom in here though on 580 westbound, that's quite busy for anyone coming out of tracy getting p to 580. into the altamont pass. little windy there as well this morning. tapping the brake light once again due to the crash. so unusually slow through castro valley this morning. westbound right at the 238 and castro valley y trying to get over towards 880. typically take area early in the morning you are going to see extra busy conditions heading to the nimitz. now with that said that's the only really busy spot so far this morning. all clear with no delays and in fact that south bay commute is off to a great start.
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time right now 5:22. life is just better when we cheer for each other right? we're going to take you to oakland for the cheering is music to the
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watchlations and good morning to you graduating senior waffling this morning. we know this is an exciting time of year when you open up the college letters and then you decide. what is going the happen. where the future is going to go for you right? >> i remember this. with lila our college student right now. students in oakland got together to celebrate one another as they made their decisions. >> i'll be going to san jose state. [ cheering and applause ] >> he loved it. high school seniors lighthouse community charter school cheered each other on as they announced where they'll be pursuing a higher education. >> one of the students is east oakland native ya fit. he is a first generation american and a first generation college student. >> when i got that news, i was -- my jaw dropped and i was just superexcited and so were my family. means a lot for me and my family because my family are immigrants from ethiopia who worked really hard day and night for you know, for me and
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my sister to receive higher education. just being able to go to the best public university in the world is really meaningful to me. >> by the way mom and dad if you are watching, we salute. we honor your journey as well. look at this. he's the blossom. from trees you planted years and years ago. in fact, he says over the last 13 years the moment of walkings up on stage and announcing he'll be attending berkeley felt like distant dream until now. >> congratulations to all of them. oh. for sure. for sure. >> well. #:26 in the morning. seeing and celebrating a bay area story and an overlooked civil rights battle led by a little girl. ryan yamamoto shows you the story of the 8-year-old chinese american child who fought the system and won.
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and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪ right now on cbs news bay area at 5:29. taking a live look outside at the twinkling lights as we await a sunrise and we hope you are ready for a new and beautiful day. you know, temperatures are heating up and you probably felt that yesterday. that means fire season and being ready. and jess, you have got to see itay hod's story about not not only the technology but heroes jumping from airplanes. how do you top that in the morning? i know right? reed? fighting california wildfires is a science. fires sometimes burn in dense forests and other areas that crews just can't reach. and they need people to
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get on those grounds and that's the reason why they call this team in. the -- that jumps out of the planes for a living. now itay hod rode with the smoke jumpers and this is his story. >> reporter: when 33-year-old cole skinner says he'll be dropping by his workplace, he means it. little. >> the whole thing is a pure alen drip lush. >> reporter: for the past four years this has been his commute. a 3,000-foot death-defying dive with views that are hard to beat. >> check my canopy. >> and connected. >> reporter: cole is part of an elite group of firefighters that's been operating in places where roads don't exist. >> reserve, lower rsl. >> reporter: called smoke jumpers, they parachute
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directly into the flames. when the sirens sound, smoke jumpers pack on their gear and load on to a short c-23 sherpa plane. >> once the horn blows we have about two minutes to get the jump gear on and then we're boarded on to the planes in less than ten minutes. >> reporter: becoming a mobiumer isn't for the faint of heart. rookie candidates are expected to be in top physical shape and have some fire fighting experience. the group's missions are often miles away from civilization. which is why they bring everything they need with them. their gear can weigh up to 120 pounds. >> looks good. >> reporter: as we learned, wearing it all in the middle of summer isn't exactly a breeze. how hot does get in one hof these things? >> incredibly hot. yeah. on the tarmac sitting out there the tarmac can be well over 110, 120 degrees. it doesn't breathe. this is made of kevlar material. >> reporter: smoke jumping dates back to 1939 when the
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u.s. forest service realized it needed to stop remote fires before they became too big to handle. in all, there are about 400 smoke jumpers in the u.s. but as climate change intensifies, their job has become more in demand. >> i experienced stuff that i had never seen before. >> reporter: mitch is the redding based manager and a smoke jumper for 25 years. he says these days, fire seasons are getting longer and longer. >> and instead of getting laid off in october, we are working till december. and we were starting earlier. normally fire season wouldn't start till june. now it's starting end of april. >> reporter: the daily grind can be both dangerous and physically demanding. and that's exactly why cole says the moment he heard about the program, he jumped at the chance to join. >> no one else gets to parachute out of a plane to go fight fire and that's what we do here. it was a dream and when it came true, it was -- it
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was everything. it was supposed to be. >> reporter: and now that he's landed the perfect job. >> oh, yeah baby. >> reporter: the sky is no longer the limit. >> let's get it. >> oh my gosh, such an adrenaline rush. well, let's take a quick look at what's going on for us today if you are thinking of sky diving and jumping out of a plane, it is going to be a warm everywhere here in the bay area. daytime highs today are continuing to warm up to the point we're under a moderate heat risk in the inland areas, 80s near san francisco. keep in mind just two days ago we were in the 60s. 80s all the way across the bay bridge with clear skies above us right now over into oakland. and we're holding on tight to upper 80s close to the 90s in communities near antioch and livermore and fremont and all the way down into the santa clara valley too. it's a very, very warm day all throughout the bay let's just say it. t hot in certain pockets of the bay area. if you live near half-moon bay you are in for the best weather all day long. 71-degrees this afternoon just
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alang the coastline. and the other big weather story for us of course has to do with the wind. this morning still under a wind advisory in the north bay until 8:00 a.m. with some gusts anywhere up to around 40 to 45 miles per hour. now heading into the rest of this week, we will cool down a little bit more as we head into our friday forecast along the coastline but for the rest of us, we still hold on tight to the warmth. here's that wind advisory that's in effect this morning. it's mostly up in the higher elevated areas near napa and snow that. stretching close to the sacramento valley too. downed trees and power outages are possible in scenarios like this but luckily looking at the winds they start to die down. anywhere up to around 40 to 45-mile-per-hour winds there and notice along the coastline. just along mill valley, all the way over those mountains over into stinson beach. we're also seeing gusty conditions too. at the 12:00 hour, that's when we see a shift and it continue to die down in the evening hours tonight. but other than that let's actually take a look at the next seven days. this is
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the big weather story for us. daytime highs above average on friday and saturday. we start to school down a little bit monday of next week. partly cloudy skies just into monday. then we average out in the 80s all throughout the inland areas into tuesday and wednesday. notice how there's not drop of rain in sight. this is a very dry setup for us as we head into the next seven days. for now over to you, g. jess, thank you. you get ready to hop in your car and maybe get out the door. and here's a look at the mapping system. we're going to zoom in on to a couple of spots where we are seeing some red. now when i talk about led it means slow speeds on the freeways and that's what we're getting as we update those sensors right now. down the about 14 miles per hour coming out of tracy getting on to 580. so a bit busy there as you head westbound. little windy there as well this morning. so just be extra careful as you head through there. now you will get bit of a break most of the way on 580. after north flynn through the dublin interchange. however, it does slow down into castro valley. that's because of a crash right at that y. it's still blocking at least one lane and so making a little
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bit difficult for commuters trying to connect over on the 880. south 880 also seeing some brake lights as you head out of san leandro into hayward this morning. time now for a look at this morning's other top stories. a north bay cold case team used dna to identify a homicide victim after more than five decades. snow that county investigators say it started with a discovery of a woman's body at the bottom of a steep cliff. this was back in 1967. her cause of death was never determined. in 2009, with the help of an sf state professor, the case was reopened and it was determined the woman was murdered. then finally in 2023, she was identified. her name is lilian marie carquinez of san francisco. police have arrested one of the with suspects who each stole a porsche from a car dealership showroom. this happened last month and police say suspects drove the stolen cars through the glass window of the dealership and got away. they combined total -- the
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combined total value of the cars was over $500,000. congresswoman taylor greenefollowed through with her threat to oust house speaker mike johnson. her vote was quickly killed and a bulk of house democrats voted it down by a count of 359-43. the biden white house is looking to make changes to the u.s. immigration system. according to two sources, the administration is likely to propose a rule that cracks down on immigrants who -- migrants rather who are ineligible to claim asylum. now this would give immigration officials the ability to quickly deny those who are not eligible to remain in the u.s. republican critics of president biden in particular have sharply criticized his immigration policies in the runup to the election. former bay area congressman pete mclou ski has died at the age of 96. he ran as a republican challenging
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president richard nixon in 1972. and represented san mateo county from 1967 to 1980. he was the co-found of earth day and supported abortion rights and stem cell research. he eventually changed to democrat in 2007. his family says he died of congest iheart failure at his home in winters, california. well, we proudly call our aapi stories this month stories of roots and resilience. and this story is definitely about resilience. you know, 142 years ago president chester arthur signed something called the chinese exclusion act of 1882 and devastated san francisco's proud chinese immigrant community. denied adults the right to work and chinese children the right to go to school. but one 8-year-old chinese american girl she fought the system. her story now is found in the pages of a children's book written by bay area attorney turned author. ryan yamamoto spoke to the
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writer about teaching our younger generations about one overlooked civil rights battle. the brave little girl who led it. >> reporter: with the prized work in hand, a moment of butterflies for tracy hah no whose journey as a children's book author coming full circle. >> yeah, i'm a little nervous. [ laughter ] but i'm excited. >> reporter: taking the floor and reading to the more than 200 students at san francisco's spring valley elementary school. >> san francisco didn't allow chinese children in its schools that ma and i went anyway. >> reporter: that moment four years in the making putting passion to paper titled "ma'ammy tape fights to go the school." >> mama always said a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. >> reporter: the book more than just a story, but a critical piece of san francisco history. >> local history, but more than
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that, it's -- really american history. >> reporter: the pages following the true life story of 8-year-old mammy tape a chinese american girl who in the year of 1885 tried to enroll in school but was denied because of discrimination. >> papa said most americans didn't want chinese people working here and settling down and raising children who would need to go the school. >> reporter: it is a case tracy discovered while working as an attorney. >> and i was researching asian american civil rights cases. and i came across her case. tape v. hurley and i was really, really surprised that i had not heard of it or heard of her before. >> reporter: that's when she started down the archive rabbit hole. >> we are talking months and months of research. >> reporter: even in the 1880s she was well covered by local newspapers, her case eventually making it to the high court. >> so this is a copy of the
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actual california supreme court decision in her case tape v. hurley. >> miami won her case and the court actually ordered the school to admit her into the school. but they were still able to find ways to circumvent that and prevent her from attending school there. >> reporter: that school, spring valley elementary. where nearly 140 years after an 8-year-old chinese american girl was denied enrollment,. >> so that's tape when she was 8 years old. >> reporter: students a at the same school listening with ears wide open about mamie tape's story. >> if she was not here, most of us wouldn't be here. >> it tells about the history of our school. how the chinese couldn't come but now because of tape, they can. >> reporter: for tracy, piece of history with a personal connection. >> so i kind of felt almost a duty to tell her story. and so i -- i feel like, you know,
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hopefully she'd be glad and proud of being able to share that here at the school today. >> reporter: the story coming full circle at the school where it all began and hopefully where the fight for justice will finally come to an end. >> our stories define us right? that's what we say all the time at your community station. we thank her and her legacy for the story, although she was denied enrollment because of quote technicalities, it forced the city to open the segregated chinese primary school in 1885 and because of that ruling it was a partial victory for tape and for that school it's still standing today and now called gordon lou elementary. it is home to 700 plus students. congratulations and a legacy. that's using your life for good right? we'll be bringing you special stories like this all month long and you can find them all on and remember to join us for a one hour special may 234th at 4:00 p.m. featuring your stories. time right now 5:43. power
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bill based on your paycheck? take a deep breath, bay area. ahead of both it could actually change what you see when you open your utility bill. and teens sharing their skin care routine has become a popular trend on social media. why one california lawmaker says they could be >> tech: does your windshield have a crack? trust safelite. this customer had auto glass damage, but he was busy working from home... he scheduled with safelite in just a few clicks. we came to his house... then we got to work. we replaced his windshield...
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welcome back time. now for a look at this morning moneywatch report. today. the state public utility commission will vote on whether to let state power providers decide on a fixed rate. now the idea is to establish a base monthly fee depending on household income. almost like a subscription service. prices range from $24 for high income earners to $6 to $12 for lower income households and now those bottom two fees are only for those enromed in the state's alternate rates for energy program. this means millions of middle and working class ray y januaries who are not in the programs could actually see their bills two up. so look into that. ftx says nearly all its customers will receive the money back that they're owed for more than two years after the cryptocurrency exchange collapsed. now it's part of a bankruptcy plan filed in a delaware court. ftx founder and former ceo sam bankman-fried is now serving a 25 year sentence connected to the collapse reed. the california lawmakers
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wants to ban stores from selling certain anti-aging skin care products to children under 13. yes, children anti-aging. south bay member alex league told us if the bill passes it could force stores to post warnings or even require id checks to buy. doctors say some of the products like retinol based creams can be damaging to younger complexions. and just also aren't necessary for kids. >> when you are a kid, everything in your skin is working perfectly. it has a mechanism in place to exfoliate and to turn over and to do all the things that it's supposed to do. and so you don't need any expensive fancy skin care. >> well, this proposal is a first for california but just a few months ago, a swedish pharmacy chain actually restrict customers under the age of 15 from buying certain skin care products. and by the way, my buddy here gianna franco covered the risks and safety issues in teens' skin care. you met a local bay area teen this year g. your story is on but fascinating to
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see network now picking up on this. cbs news tweeting out the story this morning and it's getting bigger and bigger. >> it's a big concern for a lot of parents just knowing that we all want to look at young as possible for as long as possible but you can't do it at young ages like that because it's just not safe for these kid. and they're so influenced by social media. so -- i saw that trend building and i spoke to a few moms and i'm thinking this needs to be told. >> the best reporters find their stories through life and what's happening on the ground. >> thank you. >> you are one to best. well, hopefully parents and teens pay attention to that. and glad to see someone is doing something about it. all right, let's get a live look outside on this thursday morning. oh, the weekend is almost here. i get very excited when it's friday jr. aka thursday. here's a live look outside and sun not up all the way just yet. but it's going to be a hot one today. get the sunscreen and drink water and maybe you will have some time to spend outside though. >> absolutely. and just you know, find that shady spot throughout the middle of the day especially if you work outside. let's take a quick look at what's going on for us
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this morning. as we wake up to a beautiful sunrise with a promisingly hot afternoon ahead of us. taking a look at the daytime highs today, if you live near san jose, we are getting close to the 90s. and to be honest it's going to feel like it. san jose topping off 86 degrees today. a similar trend all the way into livermore. for our communities near fremont 85. all the way over into the peninsula, low 80s this afternoon. stretching up into san francisco as well. i mean just along the 101 stretch from redwood city into san francisco. we're not breaking that heat at all. even in the 70s along the coastline today which is just beautiful there. so hey today is the beach day if you ask me. i'm sure they're going to be crowded actually and san francisco they're topping off at 81-degrees and warming up in the upper 80s near santa rosa and a look at what's happening for us through the rest of the week, we're still going to continue the see that heat kind of stick around especially in the inland areas. where today we're under a moderate heat risk and anywhere highlighted in the orange this is a reminder now, start hydrating this morning before you head out the door. take it slow. give the kids an extra, you
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know, water bottle in the backpack before they head to school too. it's going to be a dry, warm day for us all throughout the bay area. no one is excluded with this. north bay about 45-mile-per-hour winds near sonoma and about 8-mile-per-hour winds near hayward. so if you live in the east bay or the south bay give me within second and i'm talking to people up in the north bay right now. still under a wind advisory until 8:00 a.m. this is just around 7:15. all the way up into healdsburg too. gusty conditions lasting into the -- and the winds are moving offshore. this is dry condensed air from the higher elevated areas to the lower areas that are still sticking around for us until around that 9:00, 10:00 hour. that's when it starts to lighten up just a bit but other than that we'll see dying wind in the evening hours tonight and taking a look at tonight and tomorrow, and all the way into the rest of this week for ma matter, we're going to sigh a lot of warmth kind of sticking around. lots of sunshine as we head supply the weekend's forecast. partly cloudy skies in the inland areas returning into the monday forecast. and speaking of partly cloudy skies, we're going to see similar trend just
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a little bit sooner for the friends along the coast and bay as soon as saturday. start to cool down back in the 60s by sunday and flirt back and forth with 60s and 70s into next week. let' s talk about the freeways this morning. especially for the ride along 580. but let's get you through the backup at the bay bridge toll plaza first. live look here. the metering lights are on. and it's getting a little slow for that ride into san francisco this morning. and we're starting to see some of our east bay routes also seeing more cars out there as you get out and about on this thursday and we're going to zoom in here on 580. specifically. because this is where we're tracking a pretty slow commute this morning down to about 11 miles per hour. so checking in on the sensors, clocking in pretty slow speeds heading into the altamont pass. and it doesn't get much better past that point. at least as you get into the castro valley area, we have a crash at lieu ellen boulevard at 238. you connect on to 880 through castro valley. so pretty busy conditions there and early on we don't see the kind of brake
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lights until a little closer to that 6:30 time. so south 880 a little slow. but again, westbound 80 and highway 4 and 101. looking good. westbound 880 is the only slow spot this morning. keep an eye on that. all right, time right now 5:52 in the morning. daredevils pa realing down the side of a san francisco hotel? they are a couple and they're talking about saying i do before they i jump. >> i don't. [ laughter ] thanks. well, here's a live look outside before we head to break. some very brave people out there clearly. doing some fun things. and look at that. the sunr
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serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ♪♪ show off to the world. ask your child's eczema specialist about dupixent. all right, so we've all heard of tying the knot but how about tieing a harness? like a rappeling harness. >> oh. >> one bay area couple is doing just that. you see them gianna? rappeling right downside of the grand hyatt at union square before saying i do. >> good for them. climbing down all 36 stories on a rock wall in a wind tunnel. it was put on by the group outward bound to raise money for school scholarships here in the bay area. they were joined by a
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professional rock climber from the sisters of perpetual indulgence and local internet influencers. the young couple says after this level of stress, the wedding will be a piece of cake. >> little tom cruise moment. [ laughter ] "mission: impossible." but yeah, it did get a bit windy. we kind of bounced a lot. but -- loved it. but wedding? is a-ok. but this? i was most nervous for. >> yeah. >> well, wedding day is friday. first marriage. third hotel rappel adventure for tess there. congratulations and many happy returns just safe returns to the ground. terra firma. >> great for them. feet on the ground for me. uh-huh. >> you sound like my grandmother when she says oh bless their hearts. >> exactly. i'm going to use that from now on. thank you. 5:57. it's college graduation season and graduates soon need to figure out their student loans and jill schlesinger will join us live with advice for graduates.
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coming up at 7:00 on pix+ 44 cable 12. the first aid shipment is now on its way to the pier built by the u.s. mili
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pnc bank has been brilliantly boring so you can be happily fulfilled... which is pretty un-boring if you think about it. thank you for joining us this morning. we're punchdrunk. it's thursdma


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