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tv   CBS News Bay Area Evening Edition 5pm  CBS  May 12, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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added them together, and divided by 2. judgment for the plaintiff in the amount of $3,125. th'sat's all. >> byrd: partiesre are excused. you may st oep out. >> announcer: "judge judy" continues ain a moment. and ton the next "judge judy".. >> as mmy mother, she just say i'hem her baby, but to this day, she hasn't asked me was i all right in the accident. n>> no way will he borrow a car again that iwn own. >> jt ust hope we can put this behind us and work on building us back. us back. >> i love him. -- captions by vitac -- now at 5:00, the black cloud of smoke hanging over the bay. why it is still there long after the fire went out.
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and what inspired a san jose man to trade in retirement for a share speck. it is a day to celebrate moms and moms who are all for it. >> having a drink and getting pampered. life is good. and glide celebrating the life of civil rights leader, reverend williams. the lasting impact he's had on san francisco. thank you so much for joining us on this mother's day, i'm andrea nakano. >> i'm brian hackney. we'll begin in alameda county where a large fire sent smoke into the bay. >> this is near the port of oakland. you can see stacks of containers are not too far from the dark black smoke. this fire also caught the attention of people driving on the bay bridge. oakland fire says it started from a large pile of lithium ion batteries. the fire was clearly visible from across the bay in san francisco. here
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is what it looks like during the giants game at oracle park. here is video from the salesforce camera. you could get a better idea of where that dark smoke was coming from, burning close to the containers along the port. you can see smoke was still hanging over the area. there is another angle of the dark smoke that's looking flat, hovering over oakland. well now for more on the weather, it didn't have a great impact on the air quality, but you could definitely see it behind the blue sky. >> it's having a definite impact on how that smoke is dispersing. we could still see it from the windows here on the virtual set, so let's go straight to that. when you take a look out behind me, it's subtle out there, but you can see a clearly defined black line on there. and that is looking out over oakland. when we follow this all the way over, you can still see it is out there and you can see the port that will sit right there,
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but you could still see that black line there. now let's take in a couple of different vantage points on this in terms of how the smoke is behaved. a time lapse from the camera looking down on top of the salesforce tower. let's play this now. you'll watch the smoke rise the fire stops and it just kind of sits there and drifts around for a little bit. the weather computer now as i could show you the weather time line there and this goes back to 3:30. it does disperse, but it looks eerie, just kind of sitting there and it is not dispersing fast enough, i'm sure, for a lot of people, that air quality is okay as you look over the course of the last several hours from oakland. definitely a spike out there for when we went out momentarily to unhealthy air quality for sensitive groups at the port of oakland. on the edge of that, you can see it
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right back down again and as they sat there for a few hours. the good news about that, almost all of that smoke rose with it and just stayed there like some alien spaceship and floated on top of the marine layer and away from the ground. and now even that is starting to disperse, so good news there. i'll be back with the rest of the forecast. thank you. move over valentine's day and new year's for that matter. mother's day is the busiest weekend for restaurants all year long. the national retail federation said that nearly 60% of the people celebrating mother's day will be going out to eat. americans are expected to spend more than $33 billion today. that is down from last year's record of $36 billion, but not bad. perfect weather to be outdoors and some moms were spending the day getting pampered at a nearby
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nail salon. we talked to a mother and daughter getting manicures. >> the only two moms in the family and so we escaped for the morning where it has been beautiful. >> i'm treating my mom. this woman does so much for us and my mother-in-law and my mom helped take care of our kids at home. and there is no one i would rather spend the day with. >> they usually have a big brunch with the family, but they decided to do something more low key and relaxing for this mother's day. the santa clara county sheriff's office says they can be hard to recruit new deputies. but one man says he is excited to join the force. da lin talks to the former marketing executive on why he started a career in law enforcement in the mid-60s. on most days, this man retired four years ago. >> and i was working for over 35 years.
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>> and bob yee is about to come out of retirement and do something quite different from his previous career. >> the deputy sheriff, santa clara county. >> reporter: he'll join them on monday, serving as a part-time deputy for santa clara county. >> finishing my business career, i felt a different calling. >> reporter: it wasn't an overnight decision where he first volunteered as a safety ambassador after hearing attacks during the pandemic. and he organized them to show people how to use pepper spray to defend themselves. he also attended events to support crime victims. >> and this journey with helping the community out and it has been much more fulfilling for me and i want to continue this journey in law enforcement. >> reporter: at 66 years old, bob is the oldest in the police academy. the youngest colleague was 23 years old. since he exercises routinely, he says the good shape and physical help will help him get through
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the economy. >> we learned about vehicle operations. we learned about shooting. >> reporter: after monday, he'll begin months of field training. chances of bob will not be doing felony search warrants or sprinting full speed to chase after bad guys. he says he will like to do more community policing, where he could use his life expectancy to engage with the community and businesses. he also wants to incorporate more technology to prevent and solve crime. >> and they are taking a lot of the business skills and applying them towards law enforcement. >> his wife has seen bob's transformation and that he is much happier in the new career. >> i thought he would have a retirement career or hobby that's building things. i didn't think that he would be building the community, so i was pleased to hear that. i think it is something to be doing. >> reporter: the entire family will support his work and bob
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says he is excited to serve the community. >> i'm committed to the second career and and the badge of his wife. >> to the north bay now, traffic stop will turn into a firearms arrest in santa rosa. officers pulled over the driver near santa rosa and early this morning. they searched the car who found an unregistered gun. today the bay area is honoring the life of the legendary cecil williams is the co-founder of san francisco's glide memorial church. as john ramos reports, he made his mark giving back to communities in need. >> reporter: it is fitting that the final tribute for cecil williams should spill out into the streets. not be confined to a church because he never was.
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>> so it is fitting that the memorial tribute was led off by the jazz band leaving the famous ensemble of the aisle. >> 60 years ago, he knew, to transform people's lives, you've got to have some music. >> reporter: san francisco first heard the music in 1963 when he took over a struggling glide methodist church. he brought powerful music to the tenderloin, attracting young people with the hip style and his signature call of right on. >> right on. right on! that you are in the world and you understand what's happening in the world, and you relate to it, baby. >> reporter: that world saw him first as a radical and later as a respected civil rights leader, taking up causes that
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always ended up on the right side of history. gay rights, aids compassion, the par tide war, whatever the issue. he and his long-time partner, the late janice were not afraid to take to the streets for tear beliefs. dr. angela davis, another fiery 1960s activist leader, spoke of the true power of the couple. >> and in doing this work, cecil and jen, always stood on the front lines against racism, against home phobia. homophobia, against war. they always stood for love. >> and later when homelessness and poverty took over the tenderloin, he showed that love again by becoming a leading voice and source of comfort for the down and out. outside the memorial service, marvin cox enjoyed yet another meal provided by glide. >> everybody is focusing on themselves, yes. but when you
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come up out of that, that means that you must be a heck of a guy. that's about it. just helping each other, so we could all prosper. >> reporter: back inside, the politically powerful sat in attendance as they would listen to his daughter, kimberly sum up their father's legacy. >> his life was and still is a profound and powerful demonstration of living one's purpose and truth with conviction and commitment. he is still reverberating and echoing like a musical note that will live and vibrate inside of me and all of us. >> reporter: the theme is music. he knew their power to capture people's attention and imagination and to make them believe that a better world is possible. that's what he talked about in his 90th birthday celebration in 2019. >> i have always talked about changing the world. i really believe that we have tested many people from all over the world. >> reporter: and so with music
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as a symbol of a life spent helping others, he'll take the jazz song with him on his next journey. >> when the saints go marching in. he will be in the number. yeah, yeah, yeah. and still ahead here tonight. the northern lights were faint in the bay area last night, but the central valley got quite a show. plus their chances of seeing them tonight. and later it is moms, motors, momentum in san jose. how the car show is honoring mothers and helping their kids. straight ahead in sports, you're going to hear from the 49ers great john taylor. what is up with the local star golfer and the state of new jersey? and the giants, boy, wait until you see and hear the late
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( ♪♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪
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an aurora borealis. >> we call them northern lights. and that northern part of the globe is something. california got a rare glimpse of the hues that were stretched across the sky that left them speechless and according to noaa, the event caused a bias series, resulting in the storm directed at earth and the rest is history. that is when they act up and occasionally will
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send out pretty strong flairs and the results that you're seeing before your very eyes. >> and let's go over with darren peck as we talked about the smoke. do you have anymore nice pictures of the northern lights? >> the show wasn't that good for us last night and i can show you why. it wasn't as good as last night and why we shouldn't expect it to be all that spectacular for us tonight either. and they have taken a little bit of a break, to put together the cool forecast for the visualization to help show what the expected intensity of any aurora show might be and that is what it was for friday and this is when it was pretty good and last night. and you would get into the deep shade there and it is showing you how high the likelihood is and the probability that you will be able to see the northern lights. and a small chance,
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friday, we were not in this and we still got a subtle show. and 98% of every photo that you have seen from this is overcomposed and you can see it. it wasn't as extremely dramatic as they would make it look any way and i digress. that is what it was like for last night and that is very similar to what it would be for tonight and that is the forecast showing you that it is not quite as intense. and it won't be too overwhelming. let's come back to earth, the air quality right now. and at the top of the newscast, you can see that hanging out over there and over the east bay. that's the good news take away from that and using the air quality on it and they returned to good. there is a time when you spiked into the moderate level on there especially towards the port of oakland. so we've got a view of it from
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our virtual set and it is very settle on that and what is the black line that is still out there and still able to see it on there from the window of our virtual set and it is not intense at this point and elevated. good news in terms of breathing in and that is what we care as you can see the onshore breeze has come through to clear things out. you can see the winds going back up there now. i'll show you how that has worked coming through the golden gate and that is really what helped to clear out most of the smoke that took a while because it was not a strong onshore know coming out through that time of day. it is starting to get stronger now with an impact on the daytime highs. you are not getting out of the 60s tomorrow and even for those valleys, take a look at antioch out there in the low 80s tomorrow. no more of this
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near 90s stuff. what's happening in the forecast now, enough of a flow is returned that you'll see it with the marine layer in the morning and fills in through the morning hours and then melts back and everybody will get sunshine. that's classic may. and as a matter of fact and a result, the temperatures are behaving accordingly. these are pretty much in the mark for average for this time of the year. and the seven-day forecast now where the numbers will play out for the micro climate first and you can see where we are starting back out here with the temperatures still in the average rain and staying in there and maybe a little bit warmer on tuesday and an up and down and no real significant shade to any of these guys. now back to you.
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atkins hosting the first mother's day. but then this incident right here would injure his shoulder. what happened then? they were down in the fifth and skyed one just inside the right field pole and the two-run shot would tie the game. three batters later, the two out single to center and he loved it. 5-4 san francisco in the 8th. the first pitch swinging. mike ford, he tied the game. the 0-2 pitch, he drove it to left center. let's call this a double to win the game. giants win it 6-5 to take the series. san francisco now has a record of 19-23, 12-0 when scoring five or more runs.
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the dodgers, they will come to town on monday. making a rehab start in san jose this afternoon and they threw like he was ready to return. an immaculate inning in the first. that means nine pitches. nine strikes, three strikeouts. retiring all 12 batters you face and it is a good chance that he'll be back with the big club next weekend. now dallas, the perfect game on mother's day back in 2010. he gave it up to the mariners, julio rodriguez in the second. the second homer of the year and he would struggle, lasting only a couple of innings where they would beat them 8-4. oakland record of 19-23 and they head to houston tomorrow. the nba, the warriors will not have a first round pick in next month's draft. that's the result of finishing in today's lottery. and that pick will go to portland as a part of the trade in 2019. where they will have the number one
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pick for the first time since 1975. did you know, the coach and i were classmates? and the squad would have it rolling against the knicks. putting up 30 before half time. and second half of the east region game four and that impressive jam and as tay say there is no stopping, topping, blowing out the knicks, 121-89 and evened up that series at two in new york. switching over to golf, rose zhang won her first lpga tournament in new jersey. return and won her second title. the founders cup by two shots with five holes to play and finished with four birdies to earn that trophy. moms, moms, even more moms in charlotte, north carolina, for the pga wells fargo
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championship. let's pause to watch rory mcilroy and the lead in the tenth green, 44 feet and boom for a two-shot lead. and then at 15 from that cat box, how do you extend the five-shot lead? like that. and the eight-hole stretch that they shot 8-under and won this tournament for the fourth time as he would head to next week's pga championships. and in the meantime the hall of fame induction that made the 2024 class and patrick marlow, the olympic swimmer from stanford. earthquake star and danville native. long-time giants general manager and three-time super bowl champion john taylor, how did they react when they got that call? >> it was almost like the day i got drafted. i was upstairs asleep. you know, maybe you weren't thinking about being
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drafted that it was so funny and i remember my rookie year when i came out here in '86. and you will see this display and i'm walking by, look, i'm looking. i guess now when i come through the airport, i have to look for myself, right? >> that is a great one from the 80s. >> all right,
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choice hotels is a family of brands with a hotel for any traveler you want to be... like quality inn, for the dad that gets every dollar and minute outta this family road trip!
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the day is upon us! book at hellllllooooooooo! is that our luggage rack? booi fixed that ah! ahh! gorilla tape. of course. double thick adhesive with a rugged outer shell, for a hold that lasts. for the toughest jobs on planet earth
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welcome back. a special mother's day celebration in san jose. celebrating moms with a low rider car show. it is the 15th anniversary as they decided to share the festivities of the day with local moms, bringing cars, dancing food and fun. >> we made it and it is so beautiful and i'm so happy. and then to all the moms and my mom over there, happy mother's day to all the moms in the world. >> and it is a non-profit providing higher education to adults with disabilities. welcoming up next, the
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( ♪♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪
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how would you like a record store? the record collector is up for sale for just five million. it's home to more than half a million records from different genres. >> frank sinatra and michael jackson were both customers. it's time to pass on the torch. >> we will see who picks it up. >> that's it for us at 5:00. we'll see you back here at 6:00 for tonight, israel expands its military operation in rafah to root out hamas. palestinians flee, fearing a full-scale invasion of the city. the world food program warning th


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