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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 9am  CBS  May 13, 2024 9:00am-9:31am PDT

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that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? we just just can't wait for more people. well. in some ways, the bay area is seeing a bounce back, but office vacancies in san francisco are a real obstacle. we have a look at how things might be improving downtown as we innovate plus we're celebrating bridge builders in
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our community, a 2nd act for retiree in the south bay. first, though, your morning headlines. despite us warnings against the ground offensive, israel's military appears ready to continue. to root out hamas in the city of rafah, where more than 1 million million palestinians are in shelter right now this morning. more than 100,000. palestinians. have evacuated israel's invasion, raising tensions between president joe biden and israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. biden stopped shipping bombs to israel, for example, something reportedly a us president has not chosen to do since the reagan administration. and you know we continue watching. protests on u. s soil at college campuses in southern california. look at this pro palestinian protesters. interrupted pomona college is commencement at the shrine. auditorium. this after the college paid $100,000 to relocate their ceremonies when demonstrators refused to leave the encampment at the main campus. san francisco now we're prosecutors want the maximum sentence for the man convicted of attacking former house
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speakers. nancy pelosi's husband, paul, with a hammer in their san francisco home. his name is david deep app. you might remember last year, a federal jury found impact guilty of attempted kidnapping of a federal official. the justice department of as filed a sentencing memorandum saying the paps should be held in prison for 40 years for his crimes. federal prosecutors argue that the crimes constitute an act of terrorism. under us law. well, congratulations. in order for san francisco's why amc a just got a 50,000. donation to its swim safety program and bayview hunters point the initiative brings free swim lessons. to local children. it. arms kids with life saving swim skills, allowing them to be confident and safe in the water. the goal really is to address the disparity. that drowning rates are vastly higher in communities of color. so far, the program has served nearly 400. young ones in its 1st 2 years. now. time to get on your bike and go for a ride its national bike to work week, everybody, according to a report from coworking. cafe,
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san francisco is number 2 on the list of top bike friendly cities in the nation oakland ranked number 5 san jose number 12 back to work week has a history dating back to 19? believe it or not in the uk the league of american bicyclists adopted that program here about 30 years after it started in the uk and established national bike month. now if we look across the bay this morning, happy monday, everybody but as you open up the windows, you might see some of that dunk in the air. not as bad in oakland or san jose, but smack dab in the middle in san francisco. well, this guy's need to clear let's talk to jessica about that. >
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today, but the winds are a lot lighter down your san jose this afternoon topping off at 75. degrees of beautiful weather lasting all throughout this suijk. now it's interesting antioch, for example, we're hitting the 80s today. so micro climates off into the east bay are warming up a lot, but we still stay mild along our coast. averaging out mostly in the 70s and our inland areas all week long with some more sunshine into this weekend forecast. we see a similar trend along the bay and along the shore line of the bay, too. but we could see some 70s trickled in there as early as thursday. 60s and 70s back and forth all week long along the bay will keep you updated on this forecast as we get closer to that, sunnier weekend. >reed>yeah. well since the pandemic upended life as we all know it cities across the country have had to get creative in finding ways to get people back into downtown areas. it still remains a struggle, especially during the daytime. you know, here in the bay, there is a change at night, and it's for the better and it might be an indication of some hope. this week. we're going to show you how san francisco, oakland and san jose
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all experience baxley different realities. and let's begin in san francisco, where the permanence of hybrid work has really been a major challenge. according to commercial real estate firm cb ari. the 1st quarter of the year office vacancy rate in the city reached nearly 37. it's not uncommon to hear things like downtowns, a ghost town because quite often, especially go out to lunch. it kind of feels that way, right? but the discussion of office vacancy rates really dominate. the narrative. it is integral it's 1 of the biggest pieces of the puzzle, but as our max darrow is about to show you, it's not the only piece of the puzzle watch. >perhaps it's just mary fitzgerald's bus stop. >>perhaps it's indicative of the bigger picture in san francisco. >good morning commute across the city to her downtown office is a breeze. when she goes to the office that is >
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>in the pre pandemic world. fitzgerald probably would have done this commute every day. working in spending a lot of time downtown. but the pandemic. induced hybrid work model has stuck around. and adapting to that. continues to be a challenge for downtown san francisco. during the monday to friday work hours, at least >for assessment. assessment is spot on the university of toronto school of cities has been tracking downtown recovery. progress for several years now by utilizing cell phone data, not just office vacancy rates to compare recent population patterns to creep in. endemic numbers. and of the city's they track the downtown san francisco area remains 1 of the slowest course to recover during the monday to friday, working hours of 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.. it's at about 56%. of pre pandemic activity levels. dr karen chappell chalks a lot of it up to hybrid work becoming
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the norm and not a band >but when the evening rules around something changes the activity downtown per the cell phone data surges. from 56%. to 94%. of pre pandemic activity painting another part of the picture of downtown's recovery. like the picture of john constance. experience in union square on weekday evenings. >on this week nights >>people were in and out of his restaurant on i. they were walking to the classic san francisco restaurant. >
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>constant says he noticed things beginning to change last year. >welcome. constant can only speak to his experience. >some of them tourists. some locals fitzgerald says on the days she is in the office. >although the workday activity in the downtown area is still slow to recover. she says it is slowly but surely trending upwards. >
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marine area. or south like south bay area, >fitzgerald is a fan of the hybrid work model. it works well for her. however. she is away. that it does pose challenges for businesses that once relied on the office crowd. but living with that reality. she sees this moment as 1 ripe with opportunity for san francisco. >
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>>all right. this just in an were able to take you right there into a hallway on your live. side. yeah. that is the hallway leading to the courtroom. where right now some big testimony is happening. on the donald trump hush money trial. what is happening just behind those doors with his former attorney, michael cohen testified about he and trump setting up separate companies. in order to buy the rights to a story about an alleged affair. playboy model had with trump years earlier. trump denies that affair. prosecutors could use this information as evidence that arrangements were made to protect trump's
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electoral chances. it's all part of their claim that trump falsified business records to cover up a payment of 100. about stormy daniels. that cohen apparently made to stormy daniels, they argue that that money was used to silence her from publicizing her affair with trump. cohen will likely be the final key witness. with this testimony, spending several days we'll be watching. it is 912 in the morning time now to take a look at your work week starting here around the bay today, san francisco lawmakers will consider the possible impacts of artificial intelligence. on our upcoming elections. supervisor. dean preston will hold a hearing on the city's regulations and oversight of a i. we're told it will focus on proposals to address concerns about faults and misleading. a. i generated election material. and how the city can adopt new policies to address a eyes growing role. and taking a live look at oakland, new police chief floyd mitchell will have his 1st monday and in office today. mitchell comes to the bay following an exhaustive search to replace former chief iran armstrong. the previous chief
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of police in lubbock, texas. mitchell will be on a communication and get to know your tour of the community and the department. and he replaces opd s former chief laurent armstrong, whom mayor sheng thao fired. in february of last year. the city has been since then without a chief for about fifth months. taking a live look across santa clara county, where we see and celebrate bridge builders at the sheriff's office. specifically, someone putting retirement on hold. sworn in as a new reserve deputy today in his 60s. the former marketing executive turned peace officer tells our dot lynn why he decided to start a new career in law enforcement. at this age. >yeah. on most days you'll find this man on the move working on something even though he retired 4 years ago. marketing executive for over 35 years in high tech, bobby is about to come out of retirement. and do something quite different from his previous career reserve deputy
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sheriff santa clara county will join the reserve unit on monday. serving as a part time deputy for santa clara county. finishing my business career. i felt a different calling. bob says it wasn't an overnight decision. the 1st volunteered as a safety. ambassador in oakland, chinatown. after hearing of attacks on asian seniors during the pen. pandemic. he then organized the workshop. to train people on how to use pepper spray to defend themselves. he also attended events to support crime. victims and this journey with helping the community out advocating for victims of violent crimes. it has been much more fulfilling for me. and i want to continue this journey in law enforcement. 66 years old bob was the oldest in his police academy as his youngest colleague was 23 years old. since the exercises routinely, he says, it's good shape and physical health helped them get through the academy. control techniques we learned about vehicle operations. we learned about
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shooting. after monday he'll begin months of field training and chances are bob will not be doing felony search warrants or sprinting full speed to chase after bad guys. he says he would like to do more community policing. where he can use his life. experience to engage with the community and businesses. he also wants to incorporate more technology to prevent and soft crime. involves taking a lot of business skills that have already had in my prior career and applying them towards law enforcement. his wife, joe. says she's seen bob's transformation and that is is much happier in this new career. i actually thought he would have re career. or hobby. that was building things. i didn't think he would be like building community. was so i was very pleased to hear that, i think it's a noble thing to be doing his entire family. supports his work, and bob says he's excited to serve the community. committed to the 2nd career. in fact, i'm awaiting
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anxiously. the pending on the badger by my wife. >reed>well yesterday, san francisco honor the life of pastor. community leader and social justice activist, reverend cecil williams. reverend was the co founder of san francisco's iconic glide memorial church. >reed>pastor amos there leading that reverend williams took over a struggling glad methodist church in 1963. he brought music to the tenderloin and messages have compassion and connection. he was both a preacher. and respected. civil rights leader and when homelessness and poverty took over in the tenderloin reverend williams he was right there. boots on the ground became a leading advocate and a source of comfort for so many in need. his legacy will live on as glide continues to serve the community. >
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came about out of that that means you must be a heck of a got always talked about changing the world. and i really believe it. that we have touched people from all over them. >reed>reverend williams retired from glide. in 2000. but was given the title. minister of liberation so he could continue to serve his church and serve his community. we, see, celebrate and honor. and no weather. >
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you're half moon bay in san francisco. the peninsula is going to get split in half today. some of us will see sunnier skies. some of us not so much, but we're here to keep you updated, and here's the thing. at least we're staying dry when it comes to rain, no rain inside anytime soon, especially in the next 7 days. so dry conditions are going to last into this weekend forecast, but these temperatures are definitely going to stick around for some time. we're expecting upper 50s today near san francisco. upper 50s all along our coastline. with some 60s trickled in along the peninsula and your redwood city. we warm up into the 70s today with sunshine into this afternoon, your napa. as we head into this afternoon that marine layer really starts to dissipate, of course, down into communities like san jose and love scotto, hitting the 70s today, there eighties, all the way over into anti oxus still some warm spots for us here in the bay area all of our micro climates continuing to do something different all week long. we'll see mostly 70s and partly cloudy skies in the forecast for us and our inland areas until this weekend. were suddenly it's just sunny as can be, so get ready with all that sunscreen and, of course, continue to hydrate. despite the fact that this is not record breaking heat, it's
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still warm out there and we're going to see 60s and 70s flirting back and forth this week in the bay with sunny skies also around the corner heading into this weekend forecast. >reed>next in our money watch report paying for reminder that local tech companies are looking for ways to cut costs. the latest job cuts what makes a medicare supplement insurance plan, like an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan from unitedhealthcare a good choice for people on medicare? it's smart for you to have now... i'm 65. and later on, for the future you...
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i'm 70-ish. it's really smart. hey, looking good. you made a great choice for us. with this type of plan, see any doctor or visit any hospital that accepts medicare patients. there are no networks. your healthcare future will have more freedom. i kept our doctor. and when i needed a specialist. no referrals needed, right? bingo. in fact, see any doctor anywhere in the u.s. really smart to have when you travel. when i visit this little cutie in arizona my plan goes with me. ahhh...grandkids. i can't wait. don't worry about surprise medical bills, either... you'll know up front about how much your care will cost. and knowing your expenses makes planning your financial future easier. i'm glad my husband and i can use our savings to do the things we want to do. i'm glad i don't have to shop for a new plan every year. that's right. once you enroll, your coverage is guaranteed for as long as you keep this plan. have questions?
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call unitedhealthcare now to talk with a licensed insurance agent or producer. they know a lot about what makes these plans smart now and really smart later. or just ask for this free guide. benefits and rates in one place so it's easy to compare options. year to year, 94% of members renew their plan. and medicare supplement plans with the aarp name are the only medicare supplement plans endorsed by aarp... meeting the high standards of service and quality. so give unitedhealthcare a call today. and set yourself and your future self up with an aarp medicare supplement plan from unitedhealthcare. [dogs bark] winnie! look at you! thanks again for looking out for me. hey, we're in this together. an aarp medicare supplement plan from unitedhealthcare. smart now, really smart later.
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time now for your money watch. report. okay, so a new week. began early. in the green because of reporting that came out earlier on the east coast about the inflation situation here in our country that headline likely cause stocks to move a little bit. but as we see where the markets are today, you can see we are now in negative territory. the chances are the market and other markets that affect our markets are reacting to our inflation report. report. we'll watch to see how much weight that has as numbers and a little bit later today, we'll have a full wrap up on our 3:00 broadcast, but you know, here in the bay area a lot to talk about where layoffs are concerned, especially the tech industry. the chronicle reporting that official filings show both google and even the manufacturers. rivian automotive are set to cut dozens of employees. by next month in a war notice. google, says 57 various positions will be eliminated in san francisco. you know, just a few weeks ago, the bay area tech company got rid of 50 other positions. across their development team.
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meanwhile, rivian will be cutting 28. jobs and its palo alto office. in addition to 92 roles at its southern california facility. earlier this year, the company cut about 150 workers in the bay after they said they had a plan in place to lower its salaried staff. by 10%. coming up. we recognize the resilience of our asian american community and the difference they make here in the bay. in the world of politi ♪ rise ♪ ♪ rise ♪ ♪ rise ♪ (alarm beeping) ♪ rise ♪
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♪ and thrive! ♪ (♪♪) belvita!
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apart. of a aapi heritage month means highlights. the resilience. of our asian community. something showing up in the power of the asian vote in the bay concerned about the rise of a p i hate and attacks on the elderly community members decided to become a part of the solution. they felt they were ignored. largely so in 2022, the power of the asian vote led the charge to the recall of former san francisco dhs, aberdeen and in that same year they recalled 3 of the city's unified school districts school board members. >reed>so members of that community say these movements have 4 city hall to take notice, and now mayoral candidates from mayor london breed to those looking to take breeds seat are all according to asian american vote with major upheavals behind the scenes to represent the
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community and tonight at 5:00, ryan yamamoto showcases more on the power of the asian vote. and all of our a api stories are celebrated on kpi by - lift the clouds off of... - virtual weather, only on kpix and pix+. we love being outside, but the sun makes our deck and patio too hot to enjoy. now thanks to our new sunsetter retractable awning, we can select full sun or instant shade in just 60 seconds. it's 20 degrees cooler under the sunsetter and we get instant protection from harmful uv rays and sun glare.
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