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tv   CBS News Bay Area 7pm  CBS  May 13, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm PDT

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difference. that is what needs to change here. and a big scare for this 1-year-old husky and its owner. >> his face started puffing up, his neck area started puffing up. he fell to the ground. >> the warning for pet owners about hidden dangers as the weather heats up. this is cbs news bay area with juliette goodrich. >> good evening, thank you for joining us. >> if is where a lot of us work or play. it has been four years since the pandemic upended our downtown. it is considered the engineers of our community. >> during the worst of it, restaurants were boarded up, bustling areas looked like ghost towns, we have come a long way since then. and this week digging into you on the pay area's biggest city is bouncing back. >> a major challenge for the
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bay area's major cities especially for san francisco. according to commercial real estate firm cbre, the vacancy rate reached nearly 37%. while downtown is coming back, there is a bigger piece to the recovery. it is not the only one. >> there are two people here and it is crowded. >> perhaps it is just her bus stop or perhaps it is indicative of the bigger picture in san francisco. >> hi, good morning >> her commute across the city to downtown office is a breeze. when she goes to the office that is. >> i am here two days a week. my shoves open three days. >> reporter: in the prepandemic world she would of done this commute every day, working and spending a lot of time downtown. but the
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pandemic-induced hybrid work model stuck around and adapting to that in downtown >> i think the town is quiet, sleepy. not everyone is office on monday morning. wednesday is the most crowded day to be in offices and to go. >> her assessment is spot on. the school of cities has been tracking downtown recovery progress for several years now by utilizing cell phone data, not just office vacancy rates to compare them to prepandemic numbers the of the cities they track, downtown san francisco area remains one of the slowest to recover during the monday-friday working hours between 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. t. is at 56% of prepandemic levels. doctor chapil puts it as the norm and not a band-aid. >> it is why we need to keep studying it. it is still in flux. >> reporter: when the evening rolls around, something
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changes. the activity downtown, for the cell phone data surges from 56% to 94% of pre-pandemic activity. painting another part of the picture of downtown's recovery. like the picture of john's experience in union square on weekday evenings. >> john's grill has seen a massive influx of foot traffic. locals and tourists alike. >> on these nights, people were in and out of his restaurant all night. there were walk ins to the classic restaurant. but also, plenty of resser reservations on the books >> a lot of business meals, a lot of couples and large parties. >> reporter: he noticed things beginning to change last year. we had one of the best years on record last year. our sales
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have gone up, actually. here at john's grill. >> reporter: he can only speak to his experience seeing a major uptick here. i am here six to seven-days a week and people are asking where do we go next? where is the next stop on the list. people are excited to go out and experience san francisco and downtown. >> some of them tourists, some locals. on the days that she is in the office. >> people staying lingering passed 5:00, 6:00 in the office because we don't get together often. >> reporter: the workday activity in the downtown area is slow to recover, she says it is slowly trending upwards. >> the streets are more crowded, buses are more crowded in the middle of the week point. >> we have people coming in from our marin area or south pay area. >> reporter: she is a fan of the hybrid work model and works well for her. she is aware it poses challenges for businesses that once relied on the office
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crowd. living with that reality, she sees this moment as one ripe with opportunity for san francisco. >> it is an incredible place to be. happy everyone is getting back and can not wait for more people. >> a key ingroad yent. >> reporter: -- ingredient to coming back. >> reporter: a year ago i talked to her about the recovery, she said san francisco was stuck. i asked her if she still think that is the case now and here is what she said. >> i don't think san francisco is stuck. i think we are seeing the feeds of the comeback and a hint of what san francisco will be 10 years from now. >> reporter: tomorrow, we will take you to downtown oakland where we will introduce you to a downtown restaurant owner who says opening follow-up does not make sense but dinner and drinks, that is a different thing. >> they are trying to attract people back into the city. a
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lively monthly night market features south asian music, food, pop up shops, one held in the financial district. it was quite the turnout. that is in addition to the chinatown markets that happened every second friday in the historic neighborhood. then, first thursdays, another event on market and second street where people can eat, drink, dance for free. >> they are making part of the financial district an entertainment zone >> the proposal would allow alcoholic drinks to be sold and consumed outside on front street between california and sacramento. it was proposed by mayor breed last week but it still needs approval from the board of supervisors. now, to oakland, the first day in office for the city's new top cop. we were there as chief floyd mitchell made his
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rounds. meeting with staff across the department. he addressed the latest class of recruits. >> you and i both started right here. i was in your seat thrive years ago. and over time i have learned how to be a good police officer, a good police supervisor, manager and leader. >> mitchell comes to oakland from texas where he was also police chief. he said this week will involve getting up to speed with what is happening in the department. he did not answer questions today but he this message for the public. >> i am looking forward to working with you and with the members of the community to make oakland safer. >> crime and safety, they are top concerns for many in oakland. especially the business community. wilson walker spoke to oaklanders about what they are hoping for in the new chief as he gets to work. >> oh, my goodness, you know,
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be sides the litter and the robbery, you know, i had a lot of employees quit. >> reporter: he has been frustrated for awhile. when we first spoke he was talking about the state of the neighborhood and the crime that surrounded his business, his thoughts on the new police chief. >> i think, you know, we have been needing one. somebody permanent. that we needed one a long time ago. and, maybe we should not have had the other one removed. but, it is what it is now. >> unfortunately our situation is so needed of him. especially our business community. so, he has had to hit the ground running, flying right away >> charl khan is the chamber of commerce. he, too, sounding alarm bells on crime in recent
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years. >> and, so, in order for him to be successful i think he needs to build a good relationship within the department and also within the entire community from east to west oakland. the hill to the flatland. >>. >> reporter: the top concerns for the police chief political mind fields and oakland's looming budget deficit. >> we are realizing that, you know, the resources may not be there for him. >> no one would scribe the roll of oakland police chief as an easy job. many agree that the budget challenges and the recent surge in robberies could make it as difficult as ever but rodriguez is still hopeful. >> i say one guy with a proper attitude will always make a difference. it always takes that one guy, okay. changes people's attitudes. that is what needs to change here. >> when up and down international boulevard today asking people about the new chief and most were not aware
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that oakland had one and virtually no one was familiar with the new chief. so, if nothing else, floyd mitchell had a blank slate as he takes over the reigns of the oakland police department. >> so far in 2024 robberies are the only type of crime that is up from last year. opd data through may 5th shows overall crime is down 32%. 16% drop in homicides and a 49% drop in burglaries. but, robberies are up 6%. >> all right o to developing news in san jose. firefighters working on a three-alarm fire that you see there. a photographer capturing the flames coming from the building on fernando street. no word on the cause of the fire. we will continue to follow it and bring you updates. still ahead, cords cut and stolen. the unwelcomed surprise for tesla owners hoping to charge up in vallejo. also with the weather
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warming up it might be the time to hit the trails with your pets. we do have some warnings from vets. the warmth from last week taking a break. temperatures today back in a may pattern, 50s, 60s, 70s, far cry from the 80s and 90s. how long will the normal when i was your age, we never had anything like this. what? wifi? wifi that works all over the house, even the basement. the basement. so i can finally throw that party...
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. a new campus encampment popped up in the bay area. students wants the college to cut ties with israel. we have seen them at stanford and san francisco state among others. so, rows of tesla chargers vandalized. it is leaving drivers stranded without a large. the question is who was behind it and why? this now
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viral tiktok video shows the cords clipped at a super charging station. it is suspected whoever did this may be cashing in on the copper that is used in the cords. we reached out to vallejo pd and have not heard back yet. it is that time of the year, the weather is warming up, officials are warning us about snakes and, snakes want to feel the sun as well. a rattlesnake advisory has been issued for parks and parkgoers should be cautious with their pets as well. this 1-year-old husky named rocky is recovering after being bitten in the face. rocky's owner did exactly what she was supposed to do. brought rocky to the vet immediately. >> his face started puffing up, his neck area, he just fell to the ground. and, as soon as i saw that my heart completely sank. >> oh, my goodness, oh, geez, look at that. let's go back to rocky video, thanks. that is is off of a rattlesnake vaccine as a measure. they say the vaccine
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is not a full proof solution. oh, all right, we are dog lovers here especially paul heggen. we don't want any pets hurt by the rattlers >> no. exercise caution in the morning as the temperatures are cool. the snakes come out and find a sunny spot to warm up. you got to make sure you watch where you are putting your feet and pets are putting their feet. a lot of sunshine. we are in for a quiet weather pattern heading through the week and likely most of next week as well. just typical may. oh, fog and low cloud cover a factor through the rest of the week. may gray, tough along the coast. we should see plenty of sunshine in the afternoons across the rest of the pay area and near normal temperatures over the next several days as well. switching perspectives and you will see the fog swallowed up on salesforce tower. it is 55 degrees downtown, 56 across the pay in oakland. inland temperatures, cool in santa rosa, 63 degrees,
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the marine air making its way there. others are mixing upper 60 exps 70s. the fog will be widespread pushing into the inland valleys to begin the day heading through the overnight and evening hours. where it makes the biggest push it will not last long. backing up inland valleys by 9:00, 10:00. taking longer to retreat. heading towards lunchtime, not going to shake the fog to any extent. an hour or so peaking through every once in awhile. the temperatures, dropping down, upper 40 exps 50s, normal for this time of the year. even playing field, a wide variety of temperatures, 23 degree difference between the cool spots and the warmest locations and the warmest in the santa clara valley. the marine air blocked. the westerly wind, pushing some of it inland in the east bay, temperatures
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there, upper 70s there. the temperatures on the coast, upper 50s for half moon bay. a couple degrees warmer than today. we will take what we can get. temperatures in the lower 60s. a few degrees warmer than today. the north bay not as warm. the fog will hang on longer, sun's energy dissipating the fog. highs there, only in the lower to middle 70s by tomorrow afternoon, similar conditions in store for us as we head through the next several days, looking at the wind gust in the next 24 hours you see it pick back up pie tomorrow afternoon. repeating theme, the winds out of the southwest. that onshore breeze, keeping things cool, gusts, in the evening in the 20-25 mile-an-hour range. disbursing a fair amount of pollen. we dropped down a little bit out of the medium high category to just the medium category through the rest of the week. if you are sensitive to oak or mullberry or grass, all kinds of grass in the area. you might be
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sniffling and sneezing. we don't have a hint but coastal drizzle over the course of the next seven-days and beyond that. we reached the end of the rain chances around the bay area. the temperatures inland, 70s, more of a cool down by early next week. we will be exactly normal for the high temperatures but in the valley, running a few degrees above average goes through the week and into the weekend. temperatures around the bay, close to normal. more of the cloud cover than giving way to afternoon sunshine. the sunshine will be in a much shorter supply along the coast. that has an impact on the temperatures, upper 50s to around 60 degrees, the best, 61 degrees on thursday. even cooler by early next week. looks like a ripple in the atmosphere allowing them to drop to below normal temperatures. that system will not have the moisture to work with. the clouds, no rain chances headed our way. >> okay, paul, thank you. sick pelicans are turning
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up along the coastline. workers are just overwhelmed with birds. ♪ (ominous music) ♪ teacher: ...but it's still true.
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. in san jose there is a new exhibit celebrating south asian art, music, history. south asians in silicone valley. you can find it at the king library. 20% of the population in santa clara county is south asian. it focuses on the music and the food and the many contributions of the community. >> people are aware of the presence of the community but not engaging with the communities at a level to which they can get to know the communities. and i think the more we know of each other the less bias will persist. >> the exhibit covers the hate crimes that targeted 6, their popular pastimes like cricket. scientists are baffled by a wildlife crisis up and down california's coastline. thousands of brown pelicans are starving to death and no one can figure out why. so, over the past few weeks the international bird rescue
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center in fairfield is overwhelmed by the pelicans, they are not sick but they can not find enough fish. it is only pelicans brought in on a large scale even though they eat the same diet as other birds. >> they are all going back and forth, is it a thing? not a thing? over the past four or five days things cratered. >> some of them are coming in. less than half of the body weight. imagine a human going through that. the crisis is putting a drain on the center's resources. they are going through 500 pounds of fish a day to keep the pelicans fed until there is a food supply for them. so, they are asking for donations and for volunteers to help care for the birds. hundreds voted. so, what is the name of oakland's newest giraffe? we voted. we even had an idea. we will reveal it. they did not pick ours. we'll be right back.
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. voting is over and the name of the oakland's newest giraffe has been decided. last week we suggested mardi, so, we thousand dollar, mardy, short for mardi gras. but, meet nuru, it means the light inside. the zoo says he is still getting used to his new home, of course, he will meet his five other giraffe mates soon. well, welcome to the bay area. hope you like it. thanks for watching. see you right back here at 11:00. have a wonderful evening. i like that.
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announcer: it's time to play "family feud"! give it up for steve harvey! [cheering and applause] steve: how y'all doing? i appreciate that. thank y'all. thank you, everybody. i do. i appreciate y'all. well, welcome to "family feud," everybody. i'm your man steve harvey. [cheering and applause] well, we got a good one for you today. returning for their fifth and final day, with a total


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