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tv   CBS News Bay Area  CBS  May 14, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm PDT

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>liz>thank you so much for joining us. today. retail sales. is cause stores across the country. tens of billions of dollars. thieves are getting bolder and some of the biggest operations are right here in the bay area today we look at the increase in thefts even when the cameras are rolling and we'll talk to a state senator proposing a potential solution involving self checkouts. we'll have that conversation in just a few minutes, but 1st here's a look at your news headlines. we're keeping an eye on the usf campus where student protests has faced a 3:00 pm deadline to clear their pro palestinian encampment or face potential sanctions. the demonstrators told us this ultimatum came after the latest closed door negotiations did not go well. the university told us the
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deadline refers to an internal disciplinary process. and that it has no plans to clear the encampment as long as protesters. remain peaceful. meanwhile, san jose state is the latest university to see pro palestinian encampments pop up on campus. the demonstrators are echoing demands calling for a ceasefire fire in gaza. and for the school to cut any financial ties with israel. they joined demonstrators on college campuses around the bay, including uc berkeley. stanford. of state and sonoma state. pro palestinian protesters also rallied today outside google's annual developers conference our chopper was over the protests at the shoreline amphitheater in mountain view. the group wants google to break its deal with the israeli government. the company provides cloud a i tech israel but claims it's not being used for weapons or intelligence gathering. san francisco board of supervisors. band, the fire department from using firefighting gear that contains forever chemicals known as p f a s t e p a. has
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linked those chemicals to higher cancer risks and decrease fertility. the department will have until 2026 to get new firefighting gear. that does not contain pf pfahs half moon bay city leaders are voting today on a proposed affordable housing project for farm workers. are working conditions were brought to light after the deadly mushroom farm shootings. governor gavin newsom has threatened legal action for delaying the approval of the housing project. waymo is under federal investigation due to crashes. involving itself driving vehicles. federal regulators received 22 reports of the cars crashing or violating traffic safety laws, waymo told us they are confident in the safety of their vehicles and committed to transparency. and the bay area's w. nba. franchise now has a name. the team will be called the golden state back. valkyries. they are the 13th team in the w. nba, marking the 1st expansion in the league since 2008. the valkyries
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inaugural season begins next year at chase all right, let's go to our 1st alert weather now our conditions today really depends on where you are in the bay area meteorologist darren peck is in our virtual view studio to break down our micro climates, darren all right.
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all right, darren. thank you so much. retail theft. is a problem hitting cities. across the bay. area and across the country, for that matter. thieves. ransacking shelves and then just running out, leaving
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the stores. law enforcement and city leaders looking for solutions, to fight it. the national retail federation says san francisco and oakland are among the city's most impacted by organized retail crime. along with los angeles. houston and new york. in fact, just today, san francisco's d. they announced charges against a 20 year old man from daily city involved in organized retail theft. he's accused of helping steal over $100,000. worth of stuff from a number of stores. and causing thousands of dollars in damage. but still thieves have been getting bolder and bolder when it comes to retail theft. in san francisco, recently. 1 of our producers saw group ransacking a wall graves. and he caught it all on camera as julia goodrich shows us the recording. didn't stop them.
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now. san francisco has tried a number of of strategies to fight. organized retail crime. like carrying out blitz. operations, to arrest shoplifters. at stores that are constantly hit back in march. police touted a 30 drop in property crime compared to last year. still ahead, could self checkout lanes be part of the problem? we talked live with a state senator proposing new rules to help stop retail crime and keep workers safe.
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welcome back. we are focused. today on reed. theft and potential ways to fight it across the bay area. the organized theft operations seem to be getting bigger and bigger in alameda county piles and piles of clothes eight truckloads worth were part of a haul of stolen merchandise. recovered by police at a home in oakland. back in march. they also recovered 10,000. in cash and several vehicles. police caught wind of the operation after a february 9th match. asked shoplifting. at an old navy store in alameda. the
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stories security teams spotted a pattern of other thefts that at stores in the shopping center and help police police identify the people involved. and where they were dropping it off. increases. california attorney john rob bonta says. it's not only being committed by people in need
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discussing a pack. of bill aimed at stop organized retail theft. the measures include increased penalties and a requirement for online retailers. to have records to prove their goods. are legal. and 1 proposed solution to fight. retail theft includes changes to the way we shop at grocery stores. a new state bill could force grocery and drug stores to remove self checkout machines unless they follow certain rules like having an employee monitored the lanes and limited customers to 10 items or less in those lanes. supported by organize labor. unions. but business groups and including the california chamber of commerce. are against it. some bay area stores have already removed those self checkout lanes because of shoplifting like the safeway in san francisco's fillmore neighborhood last
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year, they added gates designed to deter theft along with more guards. this time store in san francisco told us the screens at the self checkout area where deactivated due to shoplifting. joining me live now in state senator lola smallwood cuevas, who is behind that bill to regulate self checkout. thanks so much for joining us today. all right. so how big of an issue are those self checkout lanes when it comes to retail theft?
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now opponents of the bill worry that a lot of the story of already limit the self checkout. lanes and these regulations are really unnecessary because they've done it on their own.
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hmm. awesome. speaking of shoppers, though, there is a concern that if this bill goes through, it could be
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an increase in labor costs, which could then trickle down. down to the consumer who are already paying more at the grocery store. what do you say to them?
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experience but also yeah. it's impacting all of the consumers. no question. we're going to stay on top of this really important conversation. thank you so much. state senator lola smallwood cuevas. hmm. all right, still ahead. we look at other cashier less options that retailers have tried here in the bay area and how they've actually done in the last few years. stay with us.
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it's time to get away and cache in, at cache creek casino resort, to rock and to roll. to go all out or... go all in. with four stars
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and rising stars, northern california's premier casino resort is the perfect place... do as much -or as little- as you want. make your get away now and cache in at cache creek casino resort.
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this half hour we're talking about retail. theft and a push for new rules on self. checkout. lanes. to make them more secure. while a lot of customers like the self checkout, saying it's more convenient another cashier less option didn't quite catch on, at least not here. take a look. we're talking about amazon. go remember that. the idea was you just scan your items. use your app and then you're done takeoff. or the goods were charged your amazon account in theory, the online retailer opened its 1st amazon go store here in san francisco in october of 2018, but by spring of last year had closed all 4 of its sf locations. amazon says it was to cut costs. the company was accused of discrimination. since the shop required having a bankcard.
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card and a smart phone to shop. meanwhile, san francisco's other cashier last store chain zipping beat amazon go to the punch back in 2018. opening the city's 1st cashier less store near salesforce tower. now the company is offering their scanning go. go technology, to retailers looking to go cashier less with partnerships, including david busters coca cola and several major sports league stadiums across the country. we'll be right back.
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coming back coming up tonight at 5. san francisco. teachers. hoping for a lottery. win. not a windfall of cash, but a place to live the project to help some of our educators find their next home. that story and more with ryan yamamoto and myself coming up tonight at 5. and thank you so much for joining us in today's conversation about the safety of self checkouts amid growing retail theft in the bay area and beyond. we love to hear what you think. our new rules on self checkouts the answer >> norah: tonight, the combative cross-examination of donald trump's former fixer. >> mr. trump, are you directing surrogates to speak on your behalf? >> norah: trump's team attacks


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