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tv   CBS News Bay Area Evening Edition 5pm  CBS  May 14, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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choke u.s. cities. the widespread impact. we begin tonight with breaking news. protesters who set up a sprawling encampment at a bay area university several weeks ago are now voluntarily packing up and heading home. good evening, i'm elizabeth cook. >> i'm ryan yamamoto. yeah, liz, this is a big change with a live look over uc berkeley. in the past 30 minutes, we have seen protesters taking down their tents along the plaza. it is still a protest scene, but we are now seeing a dramatic change in what's happening on the ground. we are still working to understand what has led to this. the university says it will not comment until the remaining tents are taken down. but this does appear to be a decision that has been made by the protesters themselves without the involvement of campus police. and it is worth noting they held commencement ceremonies over the weekend. we are staying on top of this story for more information as we get it.
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meanwhile protesters at the other bay area university, facing an ultimatum within the last two hours. clear out or face possible punishment. >> yeah, the administration is taking a different approach than some other schools, hoping to avoid this. these are demonstrations at ucla and elsewhere, spiraling out of control when the police did move in. our wilson walker is live at usf with the school's message to protesters with commencement ceremonies less than 48 hours away. wilson? >> there have been some conversations behind the scenes here as the folks will be negotiating with the administration. and what happens next. >> we asked and request and
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demand that usf disclose all israeli partnerships and affiliation and investments with these occupations. >> the list of demands from the encamped protesters in san francisco is not unlike those at other schools and like many other encampments. this one has now run into a deadline. the administration has asked that the tents be dismantled by 3:00 and that hour came with a defiant protest. >> i'm a little concerned that we've got people on top of the buildings and some concerns that maybe the administration might decide to come in and forcibly remove the encampment and that is why i'm here out of concern for the student safety. >> reporter: in a statement, the school says they have no plan to forcibly remove the protest, but it has also informed students that being
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here beyond 3:00 could result in possible violations of the student code of conduct. >> but these student conduct problems are vague and vague for a reason, and it is to scare students or demonstrators and protesters to think any action they take will be reprimanded with consequences. >> reporter: a spokesperson describes talks with the administration as not going well. the school president was said to have raised the issue of graduation. >> i reminded them that commencement was going to happen and that seniors were graduating in that church right there and i would want to celebrate the beauty of the field, hinting at the encamp the. but we made it clear to fitz that we will stay until our demands are met.
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>> reporter: all right, the calendar becomes interesting here. we're currently on the next to last day of exams, so the school year is effectively over. some folks who have not taken the test as you heard they start on thursday and they run through saturday. so i guess what we're talking about is whether or not this protest, this encampment will stretch beyond the school year and into the summer. you know, again, it is sort of a quiet interface between protesters and the school here. it's hard to determine exactly what's going on, liz, as the administration really has decided what to do next. >> i'm interested to see what happens next after graduation. no question. thank you so much. this morning our chopper also checked out encampments including those at san jose state and stanford. camp went up yesterday. they have been standing for creeks. unlike other schools across the country, we have not seen any
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violent clashes so far. in mountainview, protesters demanded google break their contract with the israeli government. google provides ai technology to the israeli government. but google has claimed the tech is not being used in weaponry or intelligence gathering. protesters say they are not buying it. >> they want to have a conference uninterrupted, absolutely not. the bay area is saying no. >> now this all comes on the heels of google firing more than 50 employees over recent protests, and sit-ins related to the project. we have reached out to google for a statement on today's protest. we'll let you know when we hear back. as for the war, the united nations says more than half a million palestinians have been displaced. many of them fleeing military strikes around the city of rafah. last night the israeli air strike killed dozens of people including at least nine children. the idf says hamas militants have been moved into some areas that have already been cleared. israel is
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also putting a strangle hold on aid flowing through rafah crossing with only 50 aid trucks that are making it through on sunday. he is appalled by the idf escalation in and around rafah. we will keep you updated on the invasion of rafah. stay with us on the air and on the free cbs news app. right now, alameda county supervisors are said to make a key decision, when to hold the recall election for district attorney, pamela price. recall supporters collected enough signatures to force the recall. now it's a matter of when. it will be cheaper for the county to include the recall on the general election ballot. a separate special election would cost between $15 to $20 million. recall supporters say that is just too long to wait. officials gave other possible dates including april 10. and
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we will keep you posted. funding the construction of mental health treatment center throughout the state. and it is in an effort to tackle the crisis, where it will be available to the counties to build more mental health treatment beds and supportive housing all across the state. he urged counties to act quickly as well. >> we are asking the counties to match that ambition. you don't have to wait until december. let's go. let's move forward and get ready. get those applications going and let's move these projects forward. >> a live look at san francisco now, where the fentanyl crisis continues to be an uphill battle. doctors rally today on the steps of the city's medical examiner's office, demanding more government action. it all comes amid a grim benchmark in the city. more than 3,000 people in san francisco have died from accidental drug overdoses since january of 2020. the group of health experts are calling for more investment in prevention
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and treatment and they say punitive measures are not the answer. >> establish wellness is the corner stone of the efforts, which will provide the convention services and resources. services to approve health. it was such a linkage center. the fact it was closed at nine months is a shame. >> data shows more than 300 overdoses r with reversed. today the lottery was held for staff in the san francisco unified school district, seeking housing in a highly anticipated new complex. >> they can see you in your normal routines. >> coming up today, one teacher who says getting a spot could help him remain in the city he loves, and why the students would also benefit. and in just a couple of hours from now, the city is expected to vote on the affordable housing project for farmworkers. poor living
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conditions were brought to life after last year's mass shooting at two mushroom farms. but there's been disagreements over the size of the projects and parking. governor gavin newsom threatened delay of approval. they will take up the issue at a meeting tonight at 7:00. the chase center will be home to the newest franchise along with the warriors next summer. and now we know what the team will be called. vern glenn joins us with the big announcement. >> reporter: you better hope you never ran in to these. they decide if you live or die. now the newest franchise by that name hooked to the side of how much an opponent loses. the golden state team launched for the 2025 season. the announcement came this morning, which happens to be the very day the wnba season begins. games will be played at chase
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center. headquarters at the former facility in oakland. let the build up begin. we've got a whole year before the 40-game season unfolds. warriors coach kerr was repping the swag along with loney and trace jackson davis. so you just wait until the wnba draft gets here. wait until the great ones come in here. caitlin clark, sabrina, and angel wilson. the two-time defending champs, las vegas ace las vegas aces, this is going to be huge. >> i love the logo. i really want a sweatshirt. i've got to get one. thanks, vern. all right, still ahead, a small measure of justice for loved ones of a bay area murder victim as a jury finds her accused killer guilty. how investigators managed to unravel this complicated case.
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>> it was one of those cases where we had to figure out from scratch exactly what occurred. >> we will hear from the california lawmaker attempting to put tight new restrictions open the use of self-checkout registers. her explanation. the on shore breeze is going to be pushing the low cloud cover into the inland valleys by early tomorrow morning. a lot of the fog is streaming through the golden gate. temperatures and the rest of your week coming up in your forecast. a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile.
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the prosecution star witness was back in the criminal trial. a high-profile republican ally made a support in the program including mike johnson who attacked the credibility of the star witness. trump's former lawyer, michael cohen. they tried to undermine them during
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the cross-examination. earlier he had testified that payments he received from trump were reimbursements for the $130,000 he paid to stormy daniels to keep quiet ahead of the 2016 election. they insist there is nothing wrong. in san francisco, two robbery instructors are behind bars. they say the two suspects robbed a woman at 26th and balboa and then drove away. they crashed into another car and then a wall. what witness told us he went to help and didn't realize what was going on. >> the two young men jumped out and they ran in different directions. i gave a brief chase after one, and i felt better about it. i turned around to make sure they were okay. >> and another witness told us they spotted that suspect a few days away to go arrest them. police say both the robbery victim, the woman whose car was hit were treated on the scene. and it was a case that
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rattled the alameda county community and even mace. now they are convicted 42-year-old joseph roberts of killing and dismembering their fiance. we spoke to them about why the case was so difficult to solve. >> a dismembered body found off the side haunted investigators. a conviction brought some closure to the families of the graduate, rachel buckner. >> which ms rachel buckner lost her life was horrific. she was dismembered. you know, the shear anger and evil that i felt as i became more and more aware of what happened is more disturbing to me. >> the afternoon, officers
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found a woman's remains inside a black trash bag sealed with duct tape with their hands and feet removed. >> it was one of those cases where we had to figure out from scratch exactly what occurred, down to who this person was. >> the body was determined to be the 27-year-old. prosecutors say the dna evidence on the tape linked her fiance, joseph roberts to the keys. they first met at golden state university in 2019 and lived together in an apartment in pleasanton. the alameda county district attorney's office said police were called to their apartments multiple times for welfare checks and domestic violence calls. when buckner vanished, they never reported her as missing. he actually gained national media attention in 2018. he claimed he was sexually accused, denied due process, and kicked off the campus of savannah state university in georgia of 2013.
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>> you are hereby suspended, a couple minutes later there was a campus e-mail alert with my picture as a mug shot. >> reporter: he lobbied for title ix reforms. in 2020 he was elected to the central committee. >> title ix is suppose to protect students and if you're accused, you're suppose to be given certain rights that i wasn't given. >> reporter: tonight he sits behind bars awaiting his sentencing. >> in addition to ms buckner herself, the people i feel sad for are her family, her mother to look into her eyes and to see the pain. no parent should have to go through something like this. >> and roberts faces 15 years of life in prison. he'll be sentenced in june. well, judge judy filed a suit against the national enquirer, claiming she tried to help the menendez brothers get a new trial back in 1989. in
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that suit, judge judy claims the magazines falsely attributed statements to her never made by one of the alternate jurors who happened to be named judy. it did not specify how much she's seeking in damages. smoke from wildfires in canada is pouring into the u.s. this is video from calgary in western canada, where you could barely see the skylight. dozens of active wildfires are burning in alberta and british columbia, sending that thick smoke across the border south into the u.s. and there are air quality alerts on both sides of the border, issuing the first quality of the year with parts of wisconsin and iowa also facing issues. paul, this brings back some kind of a memory with that air and there is no way they will be impacted, but yes, we could. >> east of the rocky mountains is where that air will get funneled down. so the eastern
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two-thirds of the country will be in for potentially another smoky summer like they would have last summer. around here, they would try to put that off for as long as possible. and in other parts of the country, we will return to the bay area forecast. the air quality map is from online and all the sensors across the entire country as you can see the plume of smoke, you can see the great lakes there all the way down to the southern plains in all of these yellow and orange indicators, indicating the decreased air quality. it's not as bad as it was yesterday, but that smoke will continue to make a southern intrusion further and further down into the central u.s. things are not going to improve rapidly because those fires, they are still burning in british columbia and alberta and whatever the winds will direct that smoke down into the northern half of the united states. the air quality is going to deteriorate, so you can track that as we go through the next several days. of course the most densely concentrated smoke is in the vicinity of those fires, which are not new fires. this is what we call a holdover or the
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zombie fires. as soon as they become dry and the winds pick up, those fires emerge aboveground and will begin to produce copious amounts of smoke once again. impact climate change for because this is really in the middle of significant drought conditions in canada and those fires will continue to burn for the foreseeable future. let's take a look at the big picture pattern around the bay area. a small day-to-day change for us. offshore winds in the upper levels of the atmosphere, but not at ground level with the cooler conditions along the coast. there is the fog, hanging out. just behind downtown san francisco. temperatures, they are in the 50s, the 60s, 70s, 80s. typical may conditions in the bay area. 57 in san francisco and to 80 degrees right now in livermore. and let's take a look at the fog as we would head through tonight and for the giants game as they would take on the team from down south. temperatures in the upper 50s at game time. it will be cool to begin with and cooling off even more throughout the rest of the evening down to the low 50s by 10:00 and the fog is going to
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be spreading out. here it is on futurecast. the fog is showing up in the bright light with other clouds further up in the atmosphere, showing up with the shade of gray. it will push well into the inland valleys by early tomorrow morning. then retreating from those inland valleys as we head towards the morning, all the way to the coast by late morning. an hour or two along the coast or sunlight along the coast during the daylight hours. we won't see much more than that though. temperatures tonight dropping down to the low to mid-50s in most locations. just the coolest spots. a part of the influence of the layer of low cloud cover and fog. temperatures will be warmest in the santa clara valley. they will warm up to the greater extent with the low 80s there. temperatures are flirting inland in the east bay. temperatures, of course, along the coast will be nearly as warm from 80 degrees in redwood city until the 60 degrees for half moon bay. even that might not be optimistic. mid-60s in san francisco. close to 70 in oakland. that's not bad for this time of the year. now temperatures are not quite as warm as other parts of the bay
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area because that fog and low cloud cover is going to hang on just a little bit longer. the winds won't change a whole lot in terms of direction. just straight out of the southwest and that breeze will be with us for a while and the same pattern will repeat itself with the lighter winds in the late night and early morning hours, picking up with the gusts during the afternoon. still distributing a decent amount of pollen across the bay area. in the medium category for the next several days. all the way into the first half of the weekend. a look at your seven-day forecast that will start inland. at least mild weather is going to be sticking around. a little bit of the cool down by early next week. talking about the 6 degree difference between the coolest day and the warmest day in the seven-day forecast. then that range is even narrower as you make your way to the bayside locations where it is only a 5-degree difference between the warmest day tomorrow and the coolest day on monday. then the morning cloud cover is giving way to plenty of sunshine around the bay. but the clouds will be tough to shake and keeping things cool with that 6-degree difference once much. only a 2-degree difference, the warmest day and the coolest day for parts of the bay area. just
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a very consistent mid-may forecast. it's not a lot of change over the next seven to ten days as we would get closer to memorial day weekend. >> all right, paul, thank you so much. up next is the bay area communities that will battle with the driverless car companies. the feds have launched a new investigation into waymo. what is prompting the concerns. and president biden announcing
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unlike those other messy whole body deodorants, native whole body deo dries on contact, doesn't leave white residue on clothes, and fights odor for 72 hours. for your pits, privates, chest, thighs, and feet! how do they do it? get native.
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we're learning more about what may have caused that cargo ship in baltimore to crash into the francis scott key bridge, leading to its collapse. the ntsb preliminary report says the cargo ship had two catastrophic electrical failures minutes before the crash. they were triggered by the tripping of two power breakers and the ship also experienced two blackouts the day before the crash. the ntsb has not released a probable cause of the crash. that will be in the final report, which
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could take up to two years to complete. well the feds are investigating waymo due to crashes involving their self-driving vehicles. the national highway traffic safety administration received 22 reports of crashing or violating traffic safety laws. waymo told us they are confident in the safety of their vehicles, committed to transparency. this comes as they will start testing autonomous rides on the peninsula. at first though it will be waymo employees that could ride as far south as san mateo who plans to expand. so far waymo does not have a timeline, but they say it will take time. in central florida, eight people are dead and 40 others are hurt after a pick up truck collided with a bus carrying farmworkers. the drive of the pick up truck has now been arrested on charges of driving under the influence. they say the crash happened around 6:30 this morning. the pick up truck
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crossed the? line and sideswiped the bus, causing the bus to crash through a fence, hit a tree, then overturn. >> we're conducting a massive homicide investigation. we have a full team and then some here on the scene. this will be a very long and lengthy and thorough investigation. >> 53 farmworkers were on the bus. up next at 5:00, life for the educators that are dealing with the sky high cost of living. the new housing complex that could help them stay connected with their students. >> and we will hear from the lawmaker who wants to put some new rules on the devices. and how a single image on social media is
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>anc2 mic>yeah. righ google unveiling new advancements in artificial intelligence. today's announcement as tech companies battle in the field. new protections for airline passengers may not happen after all. the new developments. a live look from san francisco where the school board could take drastic measures tonight. projected to run out of money by next year.


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