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tv   The Late News  CBS  May 14, 2024 11:00pm-11:36pm PDT

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now at 11:00, one of the longest running pro-palestinian encampments on a college campus seems to be no more. but the protesters at cal that are packing up say they are far from giving up on their goals. and some of the most dedicated giants fans loved making a splash, and as lauren toms shows us -- >> sea faring fans say a new upgrade to their viewing experience is not only making it better to watch from some of the most unique seats in the
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mlb but making it safer to watch from the water. plus, a california family could not figure out how their dog ended up stuck inside a tiny hole in their wall. >> she was way too far inside already. i tried to get a fork with like chicken on it. >> and when traditional methods didn't work, firefighters had to break out a high-tech tool. from kpix, this is the late news with sara donchey on cbs news bay area. >> hello, i'm sara donchey. over the last few week, we've seen campus protests end in some pretty startling ways. fights between protesters and counterprotesters that led to police crackdowns. colleges authorizing sweeps with police arresting hundreds of demonstrators at a time in some cases, but today at uc berkeley we saw their demonstration end entirely differently with protesters taking down their own tents and packing up on
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their own. demonstrators spent weeks protesting the war in gaza in the heart of sproul plaza. this is what it looked like this afternoon as they tore everything down. they reached a deal with university officials. chancellor carol said cal agreed to look at whether companies it ins vests in align with its values. the focus will be on companies that might be involved in weapons manufacturing, mass incarceration, or surveillance, but the university didn't agree to everything. they rejected an zout right call for full divestment from israel and say they won't consider an academic boycott involving israel. a protester we spoke with says although they're packing up, it doesn't end here. >> so just today right before this actually we got confirmation from the school, this letter that we've been kind of building towards. >> now what? >> regents. follow us to merced. people are setting up there now. >> the uc regents make the
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final call. san jose state also reached an agreement with faculty. protesters there say the university has committed to divestments and have agreed to create a screening process to pinpoint future investments that violate human rights. sit a different story at usf. protesters had until 3:00 p.m. to leave without consequence. instead they held a rally at the deadline. the university says there are no plans to forcibly remove the tent, but any students that stay could be punished for violating the student code of conduct. all right, in other news, local sport fanses have a new team to cheer on, a wnba franchise is coming to the bay, the golden state valkyries. there has been a lot of interest in the wnba, and the name makes a statement. >> well, you know, in the old greek mythology, nordic world, centuries past, you better hope
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you never ran into a valkyrie. flying warrior women who had the power to decide if you lived or died. thankfully, this bay area newest edition hopefully will decide how badly opponent loses. the golden state valkyries launch for 2025. the announcement came this morning, which happens to be on the very day that the wnba season begins. headquartered at the dubs former facility in oakland, so let the buildup again. a whole year now, and look at the design. look at steve kerr. ripping the swag along with looney and trace jackson davis. that v-shaped logo with a sword, 13 lines from the top symbolizing that they are the 13th franchise in the league. valkyri es repping women's
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empowerment. >> . >> jan crawford reports on what could be its best season ever. >> here they come. what a moment right now. >> reporter: defending champion las vegas is looking for a three-peat as the wnba bets this will be its biggest season yet. with budding rivalries and some incoming stars hoping to build on a record-setting college season. >> to the wnba, i think caitlin clark just answered that a little bit. >> reporter: in indiana, superstar caitlin clark already is bringing in new fans and helping sell out arenas across the league. >> any time basketball is in the conversation, she's in the conversation too. >> i'm glad, you know, people are supporting the w and understanding how amazing it is, because it's been that way for years. >> reporter: chicago's got a new skyscraper, hoping to tower over opponents. and in washington, d.c., aaliyah
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edwards is bringing a new mystique to the mystics. >> this draft class is so special. we saw the impact in college. we're hoping to bring that same impact in the w and to change lives for those that are coming behind us. >> reporter: excitement and interest in the league is at all-time highs with increases in viewers and ticket sales already bringing change. last week commissioner kathy announced players would soon fly charter for this entire season, and new teams in the bay area and toronto are on the way. >> my name is breanna stewart. >> reporter: as stars earn millions in endorsement deals, all a sign that the wnba is about what's happening now. >> little girls are dming me, reaching out to me saying, i watched you play today. which is amazing, because i didn't have that opportunity. >> kind of a crazy moment right now in women's basketball. we're pushing the boundaries. we're forcing people to tune in and to watch us and what we bring just to people's lives. i think is the biggest thing,
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touching somebody in a way where it motivates them, which encourages them, inspires them to do things they wish to achieve. >> all right, vern will have more on day one of the wnba season and caitlin clark's big debut coming up later in sports. and sports fans here in the bay area, giants fans especially, have something to look forward to if they head to oracle park, particularly outside the ballpark in mccovey cove, which has a reputation as a floating party where the name of the game is to catch a splash hit home run baseball and it gets competitive. we've seen people fall overboard just to grab one. the only problem is from there you could hear the game, but you can't really see it until now. and as our lauren toms report, some of the team's most dedicated fans are pretty happy about it. >> reporter: baseball on the water only in san francisco and sea faring fans say a new change to their viewing experience is not only making it more enjoyable to watch from some of the most unique seats
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in the mlb but safer to watch from the water. every mlb season for 58 games -- to mccovey cove and comes back empty handed, but he says the two times he usually retrieves a splash hit are addictive. >> for a minutes you don't realize. two seconds later it's holy crap, i got a splash hit. we're sitting on 103. when 104 hits, you want to be a number. and the only way you become a number is to get a splash hit. >> reporter: it isn't just about chasing that goal. mark says his time on the water has helped him conquer a history of anxiety and depression. >> when i hop in that cove, i don't know -- if there was any worries today, this is gone for that three, four hours when i'm in the cove. >> reporter: for seven season, mark has listened to the radio, taking guidance on each left-handed batter, but thanks to an investment from the
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giants that reportedly cost $100,000 he now has a 12-foot screen to watch from the water. >> we're not used it to yet. it's like, i think, it's one of those things like, wow, this is so cool. at first we were like, oh, this is different. did it take the mystique away of not seeing it. we were all excited. at first it was like, eh, and then it was like, yeah. it changed real quick. >> reporter: another legendary kayaker is dave, better known as mccovey cove dave. he says it's taking the viewing experience into the modern era. >> it's like when i had a black and white tv at home and my dad bought a color tv in 1965, i couldn't live without it. >> reporter: it's also expected to attract more kayakers, adding another layer of safety for fans on the hunt for a splash hit. >> what's happening we're seeing already is the more casual fan that doesn't bring a radio, they're watching the tv. so it's kind of like an early warning system. >> reporter: both superfans are
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holding out hope for a big catch this series against the dodgers. a splash hit from left-handed japanese player and dodger shohei ohtani. >> we're all giants fans. we want ohtani's home run. if it goes out there, we have no control who hits the ball in the cove, but if ohtani's ball goes in the cove, boy, we're going to want it. >> reporter: keeping their eyes on the ball and the screen in the cove. this right here is what it's all about. most people don't have a 12-foot tv in their homes, but these guys tell me that mccovey cove has become like a second home and the excitement for these kayakers doesn't stop here. the giants are investing in a ramp down on pier 48 to make it easier for these kayakers to paddle their way into mccovey cove and keep doing what they love most. across the bay, the date was just set for the recall election to decide whether alameda county d.a. pamela price will stay in office. tonight the board of supervisors decided the recall vote will be rolled into the
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november 5th general election rather than a stand alone ballot. doing that will apparently save the county millions of dollars. price won her seat with 53% of the vote in 2022. her opponents didn't waste time kicking off a recall campaign, claiming that she's too soft on crime and keeping her in office longer will make crime rates worse, they say. the price campaign put out a statement saying it's happy with the recall date because more voters will be able to weigh in. hopes for a quick getaway came to a crashing end for robbery suspects in one bay area city. and the sun just shot out its biggest solar flare in decades. what that means for our chance of seeing another show like this in the sky. you would not be able to see that this evening, because the fog has spread back out across the bay area. to see tonight's beautiful sun sets you to get above the fog, like where our camera is atop mount diablo. it's going to be
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widespread tomorrow morning, how long it will take to make it back to the coast coming up in the first alert forecast. dogs can't help it but stick their nose in everything, but this one learned the hard way she just can't fit everywhere. signing an nda proves i'm innocent because it stands for not a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet.
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we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today!
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police say a robbery went wrong for two suspects who smashed their car right into the side of a building in san francisco. officers say this morning in the richmond district two men forced a woman to the ground and robbed her. police say they briefly chased the car but ended the pursuit
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for safety reasons. but they say the suspect's car ended up slamming into another car and then into this building on eighth and cabrillo. they abandoned the car but officers detained two men nearby. in oakland, it is a disheartening case of deja vu for a mom/daughter duo who run a clothing business. a break-in at one of their stores for the second time in six weeks. it's enough for them to join the growing chorus of business owners saying they have had enough. >> he came in and just walked straight to this rack. >> reporter: brenda traced the steps of the thief that smashed their way into her store this morning. >> he stole stuff off of here. he stole, you know, all these garments that were on this wall. >> reporter: it happened just before 6:30 tuesday morning at the taylor jay shop on college avenue. the business is named after her mom, the two of them own it together, but brenda says the thief stole dozens of
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outfits from them and jewelry. sadly, she and her mom are no strangers to being victimized. >> it's very sighlating for someone to come in and still, you know, on your property, steal what you work hard to create. >> reporter: we first met taylor on easter sunday. she was one of several business owners rallying in front of city hall to show unity and fight for a safer oakland. hours earlier, a thief ransacked her flagship store on broadway downtown. surveillance video showed them using a hammer to smash the glass and kick it open. >> on easter, and to be violated in this way just feels terrible. >> reporter: that morning she lost roughly $20,000 in merchandise and the ipad used to collect credit card payments. but her faith was restored by the community response. neighbors emailed her positive messages and donated to her gofundme. we were there as she held a special event at the store to say thank you.
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that hope made this second robbery extra painful, especially considering they had just put in alarms. >> this second break-in, it almost feels intentional. it does. it feels like it's intentional and that they are, you know, intentionally coming to make it hard for us. >> reporter: the most recent data from opd shows overall crime, including burglaries, is down in oakland, though robberies are still rising. brenda says she's not feeling a difference, and she thinks city leaders are out of touch with her reality. >> it doesn't seem like anyone is meeting us where we are. >> yeah. >> it's rough. >> yeah. >> and it's -- it just keeps happening. >> brenda also told us that she and her mom are trying to push through and have been hosting pop-up events to try and boost their business, including one set for this weekend all the way in atlanta. all right, paul, we just cannot get enough of the incredible pictures of the northern lights across the world. we saw them in the bay area during last weekend's
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solar storm. these pictures were taken in canada. >> yeah. >> now, today -- >> quite a view. >> yeah, that was significantly better than what we saw here, but today the sun just produced its biggest solar flare in two decades. noaa says the earth should be out of the line of fire, and we're not expected to see another display like this, that's so disappointing. >> yeah, too bad. but where the sun spot is on the sun kind of shifts a little bit, because the sun rotates and it's just not aimed at us. so we're not going to get that kind of energy directed towards the earth's atmosphere, and our corner of the earth's atmosphere is going to remain pretty tranquil for the next several days. it's far enough away from the coast that even though everything is flowing clockwise around it and the winds in the upper levels of the atmosphere over to bay area are offshore winds at ground level because this thing was far enough away, the onshore wind has kind of regained dominance. it's going to be with us as we head through the rest of this week. very few day-to-day changes just in
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general. a quiet weather pattern. plenty of fog out there. here's a look from the mark hopkins hotel. trust me, this is the mark hopkins hotel looking to the east. you can see the flag on top of the building, but even that is obscured in the fog. temperatures in the 50s across the board. and those numbers aren't going to drop a whole lot through the rest of tonight. only down to the low to mid-50s as the fog will continue to spread out, pushing across the bay and far into our inland valleys by early wednesday morning. like this morning, that fog isn't going to last long, backing up pretty quickly and making it back to the coast as we head towards about 11:00, maybe 11:30 or noon. today we did see sunshine peeking through along the coast. checking some of the webcams there, and blue skies were not guaranteed today. they're not going to be guaranteed again tomorrow. the may gray is tough to shake. a little bit of sunshine along the coast lets you recharge the mental batteries a little bit. temperatures tonight low to mid-50s. a few very cool spots dropping just barely below 50 degrees. that's as far as
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we're going to go. temperatures tomorrow like today depend where you are. inland, temperatures mild even warm. low 80s in the santa clara valley because the santa cruz mountains block that onshore flow from making its way in. low to mid-80s for the east bay. concord just short of 80 degrees. mid-70s for fremont. 60 degrees for coastal locations like half moon bay. san francisco up to the mid-60s. 70 for oak land. and temperatures in the north bay from 71 degrees in petaluma to the upper 70s for high temperatures in napa by tomorrow afternoon. not quite as warm as other inland parts of the bay area because the fog will take just a little longer to burn off. and the onshore breeze is going to pick up once again as we head through tomorrow afternoon. the computer shuffling the numbers for tomorrow and those are going to pick up during the afternoon and early evening hours. 20 to 25-mile-per-hour gusts we're likely going to experience. and the direction does not change even a tiny
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bit. straight out of the southwest. that isn't likely to change much at all as we head through the rest of this week, which means consistency in the seven-day forecast. plenty of sunshine for inland parts of the bay area. maybe a few more clouds monday. the coolest day of the seven-day forecast, but only a six-degree difference between the coolest day monday and the warmest day tomorrow. and it's even less of a difference around the bay. only a five-degree spread from the warmest day around 70 tomorrow to the mid-60s by sunday and monday. and you want real consistency? how about the coastal forecast, two degrees. that's all that separates the coolest day from the least cool day along the coast. plenty of cloud cover. again, cloud cover peeking through every once in a while. plenty of may gray and coastal drizzle in the late night, early morning hours as well. >> paul, thank you. remember the portal we told you about last night? this giant art installation meant to connect humanity on a deeper level via a two-way live feed between dublin and new york, why it had to be shut down.
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the regular season curtain raised on caitlin clark, we got it. and how strong was the giants connection when they wore the cit
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a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today!
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all right, let's talk about the giants. we did earlier, talked about mccovey cove. entirely different from what the team is going through. >> the dark cloud is so much over the giants head, soler, who's already hurt, hit himself in the head with his own batted ball when it ricochetted off the back wall. oh my goodness, giants just in a rough spot, and the numbers don't lie. five games against the dodger, they've been outscored 34-17 all losses. not even the excitement of brock purdy throwing out the first pitch could save them. little too high for kyle harrison to handle. no score, top fourth,
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keaton wynn served up shohei ohtani. and it landed 446 feet away. deepest part of the ballpark. ohtani's first career homer at oracle park opened the scoring. later in the inning, gavin lux hit a gapper that brought home another, made it 4-0. lux ended up on third with a triple. wynn left the game with tightness in his forearm. mri tomorrow. 5-1 in the seventh. ohtani again and he shot one down the left field line for an rbi double. the two-time mvp finished a triple shy of the cycle. dodgers cruise 10-2. giants record slips to 19-25. meantime, the a's gave houston a try again. astros starter blanco was ejected in the fourth after umpires found a foreign substance on his glove. game went to extras, tied at 1-1. houston's victor caratini lined it back for a walk-off single. astros won it 2-1. oakland, 19-25, has lost
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eight of their last ten. opening night, wnba and caitlin clark was the headliner around the league. suited up for indiana against the connecticut sun. college basketball's all-time leading scorer got off to a slow start, not scoring until the second quarter here. but clark led indiana with 20 points. knocked down four three-pointers. but ten turnovers, sara. clark and the fever lost to the sun, 92-71. nba playoffs. denver's nikola jokic received his third mvp trophy before the game against minnesota, and then jokic went out and took down the wolves. tough shot, bucket, foul, jokic scored 40, dished out 13 assists. nuggets won their third straight game of the series 112-972 final. they have a 3-2 series lead in the west. and in the east, things got
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heated between the knicks. dante, game five in new york. knicks up 17. brunson, the reverse lay-up and foul. brunson scored 44. new york blew out indiana 121-91. the knicks have a 3-2 series lead. now, folks, you at home, sara, right here, got an awesome jump shot. i've seen it. have you ever had like a wild basketball shot or even in volleyball, because we know you're a two-sport star. >> well, i didn't play basketball in high school. i played volleyball, and i was okay. but i had some good digs here and there. but i wasn't very good. >> one of those like level to the ground, bam. >> completely on the floor, parallel to the floor, sacrifice the knee, sacrifice the leg, a few. but you know, i wasn't that good. >> she is an athlete. >> i wish. we all wish. all right, vern, thank you. last night we showed you this art installation that allows people in dublin and new york city to see each other on
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a 24-hour live feed. well they just pulled the plug on the portal because people cannot behave themselves. we've seen videos on social media people flashing and mooning through the portal. we can't show you those because we all want to stay employed here and continue to be paid, but the creators of the art installation and even the dublin city council are trying to come up with a solution to bring it back to keep things more pg or pg-13, if you will. this dog was so curious it got stuck in a tight squeeze. she's probably giving her owners an
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♪ (ominous music) ♪ teacher: ...but it's still true. there are four states of matter. there are solids, liquids, gases... teacher: trevor? teacher: not quite? plasma. teacher: lights please. teacher: now, states of matter are comprised of relationships between molecules. teacher: molecules' relationships... nicotine's a neurotoxin that can escalate teen anxiety. teacher: saved by the bell!
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♪ (ominous music) ♪
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dogs get into all kinds of predicaments, just ask paul. >> yes. not our old dogs, though, they're too slow. >> we got an old fur baby, she gets in trouble.
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>> she gets in trouble, mine gets in trouble, but this little girl found herself stuck inside a very tight space. here's the story. >> reporter: the pair with the sledgehammer in a garden grove bathroom are on a mission. these firefighters with the orange county fire authority were called sunday to rescue a dog. 2-year-old faye was stuck in a tight space inside the walls in the nguyen home. >> i was getting my hand kneeling down and trying to reach my arm all the way through to pull her back, but she was way too far inside already. so then i tried to, like, i tried to get a fork with like chicken on it and reach out my arm, so i thought she would like turn around and try to eat it. but she didn't do that either, so i knew, like, something was wrong. >> reporter: faye climbed into this other access door about six months ago, but they never dreamed she'd be able to get
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inside of this one because it's so narrow and chock full of plumbing equipment. but somehow, faye managed to do it. >> we knew she was somewhere in between this corner here, and we can also hear her as well. we also used a thermal imaging camera, so we can see where she was at. we had two options. we were going to go through the dry wall was our number one option, but we could either use a sledgehammer or a saw to get access. >> reporter: hector jimenez was on the call. they told firefighters they tried for two hours but had no luck coaxing the frightened dog out of the hole. >> hey, hey. >> reporter: once the dry wall was removed, faye, who was already injured after being hit by a car a few weeks ago, was able to climb out. jimenez and fellow firefighters checked on the pooch tuesday. >> hey, faye. >> they went beyond, you know, duties and everything to really, you know, first of all,
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to get faye out safely. >> hit by a car and then -- >> a rough week for that pup. >> she needs to have a little bit of obedience training. you stay by my side, please. >> oh my goodness. >> poor thing. >> i feel bad for the wall. as well. i mean, i'm glad the dog is okay, but you know that's going to cost money. >> that's going to be expensive to fix. yeah, yeah. at least she's okay. >> pet insurance doesn't cover that. >> if you try calling your insurance company with that, what happened? dog got stuck in the wall. >> and we had to ke a >> we're gonna have some trump surrogates outside of court today, and we've got some big names. we've got vivek ramaswamy coming down. mike johnson's going to be here and vp hopeful doug burgum. >> tommy tuberville was here yesterday as well, along with j.d. vance. >> they are able to say the things that donald trump cannot because of this gag order.
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