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tv   CBS News Bay Area  CBS  May 15, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm PDT

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bay area shelters packed, all sorts of animals needing a home . >> last year we had over 800 and this year we are on track to eat that number. >> we should have a steady supply of felines from hawaii. >> how can our shelters keep up? >> we are packed full of stray animals and a group called custody animals. >> you get to help a lot of san francisco animals and in conjunction you also end up helping a lot of people.
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this is cbs news bay area with elizabeth cook. >> hi there, thank you for joining us today, we have a really special so in store for you today. all across the bay area, animal shelters are dealing with the same challenge, they are at or over capacity with more dogs and cats and other animals coming in each day . today we look at what's behind the influx of how shelters are leaning on each other and on community members in order just to keep up. we will have that conversation in a few minutes but first a look at the headlines. homelessness is down in alameda county overall but in oakland the most recent point in time count was done in january, and the numbers were just released today. found there were close to 9500 homeless people in alameda county. that's down 11% from 2022. most of them were in oakland and only a third of them lived in a shelter. in san francisco, mayoral
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candidate daniel lori is pitching his plan to tackle almost. -- homelessness. lori said it takes the permitting and building process, it just takes too long, leaving more people on the streets. today is peace officers memorial day, the santa clara county sheriff's office held a memorial for the 43 fallen officers. law enforcement radios went silent in what is called a code 33 to pay tribute. the renovations at terminal one are almost complete, we got to speak peak at the harvey milk terminal, there are new ticketing counters and two new gates plus the project links all of the airports terminals after security. it's scheduled to
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open june 11. the oakland followers are hoping an old piece of the coliseum can complete their new stadium. the team has asked the commission to sell them about 5000 bleacher seats. they've been sitting dormant for years in the coliseum parking lot. the seats were originally removed after the raiders left for vegas back in 2020. the bollards home opener is june 4th. we will bring you some of the games this season . part of highway one is set to reopen friday morning, governor newsom's office said that's nearly 8 days ahead of schedule. back in march, a storm triggered a rockslide and left the section of the road impassable. the only way in or out has been to daily convoys. but now, with a temporary signal, highway one will be able to open to one-way traffic 24/7. it's cool and gray in some
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spots but not too far away, it's sunny and warm, typical bay area. >> it's a old conundrum, it depends which way you are looking, and that's what we are doing right now, got our camera on top of mark hopkins, a time-lapse to show you how the clouds have been behaving over the course of the last hour or so. that will grow, you will see a lot more gray fill in the view as the marine layer starts to build back in and cover much of the bay. got a couple of things happening this evening. a couple of events to talk about, one of them happening this evening and that's the doctors, they are in town. the forecast is pretty typical for this time of year, mid-50s but it's that breeze, it's the grade that will overtake oracle park . just be aware of that, it'll be a may evening game, a classic evening.
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we will start off the day on thursday, and it will be marine layer gray, just about everywhere, we will see more of this sneak over into the tri-valley and likely through contra costa county. a little bit further extent but it doesn't last long and it won't last long for most of us. this is your thursday afternoon. you can see all the clouds just melt back. we will put some daytime highs on tomorrow and the nice thing about looking at tomorrow's daytime highs are, at this time of day anyway, this also happens to be pretty much spot on the mark for what the current temperatures are outside. we are in this holding pattern, each afternoon we are pretty much doing the same number, there's a subtle cooling trend that will show up, really subtle, but we can see it
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if we use this map and instead of looking at tomorrow, let's advance this to sunday and you will see the shades change a little bit a lot more green that starts to fill in, that is saturday actually where we are technically doing better. there's little weekend difference between the days. but the marine layer will still be doing its thing. just a heads up on the forecast, it'll be gray, it'll be breezy, it's going to be just like the weather that we experience for anybody who is at oracle park to watch the doctors in town to play the giants. we are still keeping an eye on the national picture, this is the forecast showing us how to areas of smoke are infiltrating the country. we talked about the one from canada but we haven't talked about the one from mexico and there are large enough fires in mexico already this season that looms of smoke are coming out, there's a visible call ,
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so as focused as we've been on canvas issues, mexico is also experiencing what is a fairly extreme measure of drought and warmth and dryness and the fires have taken off their already. so we see that it's an issue for the midsection of the country. all right let's get into the seven-day forecast. inland valleys, you will cool down a little bit, low 70s by the time we get to saturday. may be a warm up by the time we get to the early and middle part of next week. you can see your numbers on here, holding the line, i don't think you notice as much of a difference in terms of a cooling trend, i think the marine layer will be large and in charge and you know how that goes, all right, liz, back to you. right now, shelters all around the bay area are dealing with overcrowding, and one of the big reasons has to do with
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delays and drops in care from during the pandemic. sean takes us to san francisco animal care and control for a look at the overwhelming need. >> it's easy for these faces inside san francisco animal care and control to steal your heart, but right now, they need some extra love. >> we are over capacity. so we have animals that are available for adoption and we would love for people to come and adopt them but we are also packed full of stray animals and the group called custody animals. >> virginia donahue is the executive director of sf animal care and control, she explained that custody animals are those at the shelter because of a family emergency. >> we handle about 500 of those cases every year, last year we handled over 800 and this year we are on track to repeat that number. so that's way more animals than we are used to.
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>> that adds to the increase we are seeing from a drop in the number of spayed and neutered animals. it's not just affecting dogs, they are taking in twice the number of bunnies that they would see over six months, even more guinea pigs as well. so they are asking anyone thinking of surrendering an animal to check for additional help first. >> we are jam full. but if you are having difficulty like maybe there's some way we can help you and your pet stay together. >> it's worth remembering the animals are here because there was an issue with the people who were taking care of them. virginia says there's nothing wrong with the animals, and you can take the word of any of her employees who brought at least one of them home. >> i don't think you can find anyone in this building who hasn't adopted from here. you get to help a lot of san
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francisco animals . still ahead, guests from berkeley humane join us
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this afternoon we are putting a spotlight on bay area animal shelters, filling up and fast, and they are looking for solutions to help these precious dogs and cats and other potential pets find homes. joining me is emily murphy that director of development and communications for berkeley humane, and this is angela. and i've got to say, it's impossible to not fall in love with this little girl. >> she looks very happy in your arms. >> i'm in bliss, she's looking at the doggies behind me going, do i know them? >> tell me about her. >> angela is two months old, she's probably a hound mix. she will be available for adoption at berkeley humane this weekend. she's one of the dogs that came to us through our a little hot
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dog program, hawaii is struggling with overcrowded shelter so we help out with a volunteer network of travelers that bring dogs home with them on the airport -- airplane, we give the medical care, get them ready for adoption and they get a new loving home in the east bay area. it's a fantastic program, so she's only been in the bay area for about four days. >> amazing and she's already charming everybody in our newsroom. you talked about overcrowding, what you are seeing in hawaii but how about in the bay area? >> it's a struggle, we are seeing overcrowding in the shelters due to the high cost of spaying and neutering, high medical costs overall, that's leading to the problem but there are efforts that can combat it. you can adopt from a shelter,
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you can adopt a dog like elena. it's really community support that gets dogs into loving homes. we have a major event coming up, a fundraiser called pints for paws, it's a beer festival that comes together to support berkeley humane. when you buy a ticket, 100% of the proceeds benefit our shelter. >> it's such a great cause. i think when folks come to the shelter, they see these wonderful dogs and kitties and it's impossible not to fall in love when you see little ones like her but it is a big responsibility to take on a dog or cat. what types of things should they expect? >> you can't leave a puppy alone. we see that a lot with potential adopters, we have amazing adoption counselors who will walk you through the process. if you come to berkeley humane and you want to adopt ,
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we will get to the heart of what it takes to take care of a puppy but you can't leave a puppy alone, you have to be ready to care for the puppy. >> they are like a little baby when you first bring them home. >> she's falling asleep. >> i think a lot of folks are wondering, how big is she going to get? >> we never answer that question, elizabeth, because we are not sure. she could end up being 40 pounds but she could end up being upwards of 65. >> look at these pause. >> she has big feet which makes me think she could be larger. >> in terms of preparing your home and your family, some tips for future pet owners? >> just be ready. it's a decision that you have to think about and make sure that everybody in the family is on board with the decision and you also have to consider if you have other pets, let's say you have cats in the home or an older dog, those are things to
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bring up. >> i know you are saying that you were helping other shelters both in hawaii and other states, and here in the bay area. is this a widespread issue that shelters are having to pitch in to help share the burden of all of these pets? >> we tried to help with overcrowding by taking in animals from other shelters all over the bay area and the state and as far as kona, hawaii, and the thing that works for berkeley humane is we have a medical team on staff, so we can bring in medical cases that other shelters can't deal with or don't have the capacity for. we get them into new and loving homes. >> i know folks are wondering a little more about angela, so she's going to get spayed? >> she will have her surgery on friday, she is here with her brother, she has her brother that looks like her but is a little more rambunctious and
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they're going to have their surgeries on friday and they will be available for adoption on saturday and for the month of may, berkeley humane is waiving all of our adoption fees so it's a great month to adopt and we are doing that in support of our big fundraiser, pints for paws. they can go to our website and you can see all of our adoptable animals, not just dogs but cats and we update our website constantly with new available pets that are waiting to find their new and loving homes in the bay area. >> angela means my angel and i am in absolute heaven. i think she fell asleep. >> i think she might feel like she is home. >> it's not that much of a push, my husband is going, what? emily murphy, thank you so much
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for being here and angela, she is just an absolute dream. it's impossible not to fall in love, right? coming up, we look at the need coming from all over as far as hawaii as we just mentioned, for loving homes for these gorgeous animals, we talk live with humane society silicon valley about these cats. you can watch us anytime anywhere on our streaming service, cbs news bay area. you can find us on the free cbs news app or
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humane society silicon valley just welcomed 50 new cats that were displaced last year by the deadly wildfires on malley. shelters have been overwhelmed in the wake of the fires last august so moving some of the adoptable cats here to the bay area opens up more space for the nearly 200 feral cats in the hawaiian shelters that they had to take in. joining me live is kate, the adoption supervisor for humane society silicon valley, thanks for joining us. >> thank you for having me. >> let's start with the adorable cats and kittens, are they still available and what's the process for adopting them? >> yes, we as you know, brought in about 50 malley cats, 12 of them right now are available for adoption and 16 have already
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been adopted . come check them out . no appointment needed, please come down and say hello. >> i'm sure a lot of people will line up to do that. we've been talking about overcrowding at bay area shelters so how crowded is your shelter right now and how does it compare to years past? >> you know, we are experiencing overcrowding across the bay area in general, but also across the nation. we are fast approaching kitten season, we are already here, actually, so we are expecting dozens if not hundreds, i'm sorry, there's a kitty cat walking around me. anyway, in the next coming weeks, we are expecting quite a few kittens to be coming in, so we are asking for the communities help to get these rescue cats out and adopted so we can make room for the kittens
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coming up. >> why do you think you are seeing so many animals in your shelter right now? >> so we experienced a problem of large dogs, and senior animals that tend to have long lengths of stay in the shoulder, lots of housing restrictions for larger breed animals, or medical case animals, so we are seeing those types of things impacting our overcrowding issues. >> there might be somebody at home that's thinking i could use a little kitten or a cat to keep me company at home. what should folks know before bringing in a new animal to their home? >> especially for the humane society silicon valley again, you can come down, meet the animals, they all have their different types of personalities, you can see what meshes well with you. there is a pet i believe, for every home that suits your lifestyle, earlier on your news segment,
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things like puppies take a little more work than say, a kitten, but definitely come down and an adoption counselor will talk to you about what is best for you and your family. >> i can tell from personal experience, there's nothing more wonderful than having a kitten in your home. that is precious. >> wonderful, we hope to see you here for your third kitty cat. >> all right, kate, with humane society silicon valley, it'll be hard to resist. thank you so much. we will be right back.
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i'm still thinking about that little puppy, wasn't she adorable? thank you for joining us for today's conversation about bay area animal shelters at or above capacity, we love to hear what you are seeing in your communities. the cbs evening news >> make my day, pal. i'll even do it twice. >> norah: the debates are on. after months of back and forth between joe biden and donald trump. >> anytime, anyplace, we'll do it anywhyo


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