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tv   CBS News Bay Area 7pm  CBS  May 15, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm PDT

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with an international following is doing just that. remote work is still posing big challenges for the bay area's biggest city. it is about 50% of the time that i go into the office. >> why downtown san jose is actually further along in the post pandemic recovery than oakland and san jose? , dramatic scene as cops move in on a campus protest and detain several people. this is cbs news bay area with juliette goodrich. >> thank you for joining us. it is graduation season. when students are facing a lot of uncertainty about college and finances, a group of small businesses is stepping up big time to help pay the bills. despite falling on tough times themselves, they are giving away scholarships to some very
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deserving high school graduates. but in a twist, one of those recipients, tyler, he decided to pay it forward and give his check away. we have the story. >> started so small, it has to grow bigger and bigger . >> reporter: a small gathering giving them $1,000 scholarships to help them jump-start their futures >> i will be studying at uc davis. >> they were sponsored by small business owners. >> we need to help each other out. >> reporter: one of the recipients tyler gordon told the organizers to give his money to another student. >> i feel like he can benefit more. >> that is because at 17, tyler is already a millionaire. >> reporter: he is an internationally known artist. his portraits done in a matter
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of minutes are sought-after by famous athletes, top celebrities and politicians, his mother, nicole kindall says his talent turned on like a switch when he was 10. >> he woke me up and said he had a dream and god told him he could paint. i told him to go to bed. >> despite the fame, the fortune, he remains humble. due to his background as one of five kids raised by a single mom and partly because he stutters and was bullied throughout his childhood. he still has a difficult time expressing himself with words. he wanted to say something about the scholarship. >> it feels amazing to be recognized by my community. >> it is a community that has struggles of its own. one of the sponsors runs a dress and tuxedo shop. working two other jobs as a delivery driver and
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overnight assembly line worker at tesla to keep his small shop open during covid. he did not stop supporting the students because he remembers what it was like when he got scholarships in yuba buana high school. >> every since that time i have been with there program. really good. i feel happy that i am doing something for the community. not just something like that is giving to me but i am giving it back to them. >> reporter: awarding scholarships, not their final gpa. >> how do you push that child to go to college and help him become more productive and more educated person in the society that will help him and his family in the future.. >> reporter: tyler wants to take a gap year before moving to college to work as a full time artist and support his mom
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and siblings. >> he told me mom you do not have to work another day in your life. >> reporter: the program, local community heroes was named for the students like tyler. it could describe the small business owners who keep sponsoring and giving even during hard times. >> reporter: since 2017 the scholarship raised $55,000. 100% of the funds go directly to the students. small businesses, four years after the pandemic shutdown hybrid work is a challenge for the city. diving into low the bay area's cities are bouncing back. he is here in the studio. you have been all over the bay area checking things out. now it is an jose. >> san jose's turn. each one has a strategy and roadblocks they have to go over. when
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describing the vibe at night, business owners told me a word you would not expect to hear. [ bell ringing ] >> reporter: with this train rolling into the san jose station, allison is on her feet for the final leg of her commute to her downtown office. >> it is about 50% of the time i go into the office. i always take the train. >> reporter: she has commuted from pleasanton to san jose for a year now and hybrid work works for her. >> good for the flexibility than coming in every day. >> reporter: however, it posed many challenges for downtown san jose's post pandemic recovery since fewer people are here during the monday through friday working hours of 8:00 a.m. through 6:00 p.m. >> it is quiet. >> reporter: the problem here is less pronounced than it is in san francisco and in oakland. the university of toronto school of cities
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tracked down recoveries for several years now. to measure activity levels and some of the areas, it shows downtown san jose further time for recovery t. is still not back to pandemic levels during the day it is almost there at 85%. they say they are on the right track. >> san jose is an easier one, actually. it is, it has not been as volatile. it has been -- it came back steadily. >> reporter: do not be fooled. it is still quieter than the businesses are used to. >> we have a group of 40 coming in. >> reporter: randy is leaning into hosting more events at his restaurant, shushy confidential, because he is still missing out on the lunch rush. >> you can not just open up your doors any more and hope people come in. you have to be creative. >> however, on weeknights in downtown san jose, it is a different story. >> dinnertime and then the bar
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and nightclub industries are thriving down here.. >> reporter: thriving, not a word you would expect to hear. but it adds up for the school of city cell phone data showing downtown san jose weeknight recovery rate is at 116%. he says their weeknight sales peak between 7:30 and 9:00 p.m. >> a lot of time, money, energy put into the downtown core. >> reporter: however. >> the cost of everything is going up. even though now our sales are at pre-pandemic levels it does not mean profitability is there yet. we are striving for that. >> reporter: the obvious solution, more people downtown. >> probably the biggest thing is having more people working down here. i know that there is a big push with downtown san jose trying to become the ai hub of not only the silicone valley but of the world. >> reporter: he thinks activity levels could continue to rise
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if the city continues to tackle the homelessness crisis. >> and actually right here, there used to be a huge homeless camp. and, they have done a great job. much different than when i first moved here and started. you don't have to worry so much about your safety. >> on the days she is there. she enjoys being in downtown san jose. >> this area it feels, it is great. >> even though she does not live there and it is not her downtown. she is invested in the future of downtown san jose and its place in an always evolving bay. >> i like these glass half full stories we are doing. now i want spicy tuna sushi with avocado, please. at sushi confidential. >> good spot. >> very. >> now, you toured around. looking at all of the cities. what is the difference between san francisco, oakland and san jose? >> a different set of challenges going through recovery. san jose at least according to that professor in
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charge of this, you know, program and the study there, it is a different place in the entirety of the city. not as big of a downtown area as you would see in san francisco or oakland. less centralized. still a big part of the picture. i want to show you the rates overall. this is the cell phone data. san francisco, 67%, oakland at 74% and san jose, really, far ahead, almost back at 100% activity. >> it is nice to see. any solutions, though, to revitalizing the downtowns? >> that is the million dollar questions. >> okay, here is the million. >> okay. we see the city leaders trying things during the day time and the nighttime. san francisco we have seen new kind of initiatives at night to get people downtown. >> right. >> but there are still so many things that need to be addressed to hopefully find a way to help the businesses during the day time that are struggling, many of them, to hold on. >> thank you. >> all right, thank you.
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next, in oak land, community leaders celebrated the tourism day. shouting out plane of the city restaurant owners, small businesses, artists, oakland's police chief made an appearance. his first public showing since taking the job. the mayor announced a new film attraction initiative to incentivize more filmmakers to make movies in the area. >> this administration is investing alongside oakland and the film collective to aid and attract filmmakers to boost our local revenue.. >> she hopes events can highlight the good happening in oakland. all right, we want to take you to uc irvine right now. the school telling people to get off campus right now. the police are clashing with protesters. the school says it all started around 2:30 at the sciences building. we have seen the police tearing down signs and barricades and throwing them in a large pile. multiple people have been arrested. the
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group students for justice in palestine posted on their instagram they were taking over the building after protesters were suspended. they told teacher to work from home tomorrow. students are holding a rally at their campus encampment. they are protesting near the victory salute monument. the statue shows olympians tommy smith and john carlos and there you go, live pictures right now. our photographer telling us the protesters marched away. unclear where they are going right now. san francisco state, the school agreed to form a working group of students to come up with a new strategy. the school agreed to divest from weapon manufactures.
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the date is set for the recall election for alameda county's da. her reaction, next. she say nurse by day but just made history and the chilly bay waters, we will show you how. fog already spreading away from the coast. over san francisco. it will make its way far inland. we are seeing it in the distance. the temperatures today, pretty close to average this time of the year. close and consistent for a norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line...
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i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc?
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. in alameda county we have a date of the recall election of da pamela price. they chose to add it to the november election. today, price called the decision a win for voters and democracy. >> the people of this county have the right to elect a district attorney. they did that. we should not have to do
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it again. but we will. we will do it again. >> reporter: price won her seat 53% of the vote. supporters of the recall were pushing for a special election but would of cost the county $15-$20 million. >> check this out. engineering business in concord rammed in a failed burglary attempt. it happened on monday night. he says it will cost him about $2,000 to fix the roll up door. he is offering a $500 reward to track these guys down. concord police say just before this incident the same crew tried and failed to hit a similar business nearby. a bay area nurse makes history by becoming the first person to make the challenging swim from the golden gate bridge to the islands off of the coast of san francisco. 55-year-old amy started her journey under the golden gate bridge at 3:00 a.m. on side. she swam nearly 30 miles in the
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cold shark-infested waters without a wet suit, mind you. she reached the remote islands 17 hours later. she is the first person to swim from the mainland to the island. not only that, when she is not swimming she works as a nurse at ucsf children's hospital in the fetal cardiac unit. a swimmer in college. stopped to focus a nurse. eventually she started to swim again. oh, my goodness, paul, what have we done lately? [ laughter ] >> let's go over to weather. >> without a wet suit that is what -- that floors me. >> the guys in the studio here are swimmers in the area, they know her, you have to keep your mind going the entire 17 hours with like math equations or songs or something, right? >> reporter: keep your mind going but, 55 degree water is still 55 degree water. that is quite a feat. for those of us that are not super heroes, let's look at what the weather has in store for us. the
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overall pattern will not shift dramatically. the storm track is well to our north. any of the late spring storm systems are aimed at the pacific northwest and western canada. shifting in the upper atmosphere just slightly as they are going to take over. near normal temperatures are going to prevail across the entire bay area. really, the change in the wind direction in the upper levels of the atmosphere will result in a subtle shift for the north bay and the santa clara valley. you are not going to notice too much of a difference. there is the fog taking over. looking from downtown to treasure island. lower 60s in santa rosa, cool day in the north bay. cool wind, you will warm up to a greater extent. still running in the lower 70s the fog, widespread, heading through the rest of tonight. future cast shows spreading away from the coast and well into the inland valleys by early tomorrow morning, a gray start to the day for most of the bay area unless you get up
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in elevation above the fog that will retreat out of the inland valleys and making its way back to the coast. the may gray, though, tough to shake along the coast as we head through the next several days. let's take a look at the forecast, low temperatures, the fog, the low cloud cover, keeping the temperatures near or slightly above average in most spots, lower to middle 50s. lower to middle 50s inland in the east bay. antioch, warmer spots, 57 degrees, most of the temperatures will be lower 50s. does not matter if you are along the coast, farther inland. across the board. high temperatures, entirely different story. the temperatures in the north bay, a tiny bit cooler, dipping barely below 50 degrees in petaluma and santa rosa. they are efficient at collecting the cooler air even on foggy nights. let's take a look at tomorrow's forecast. high temperatures and those, quite a bit of a variation, 50s on the coast and 60s around the bay. 70s along the peninsula. and then a mix of mostly 70s and lower 80s inland, right at 80
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in san jose for one more day. lower 80s for antioch, livermore. cooler, middle to upper 60s to 70 degrees. evening out the differences heading out towards the end of the workweek and into the weekend. the winds picking up tomorrow. not until late afternoon. stronger gusts, 25-30 mile-an-hour range. there are the numbers popping back on the map. the winds out of the southwest. a pivot is possible as we head towards the end of the workweek and into the weekend. speaking of the weekend. a typical may day in san francisco on sunday for everyone making that 7.5 mile run across the city. the temperatures in the 50s throughout, lower 50s in the start. wrapping up, sunshine peaking through the clouds. it will be a day to layer up or have the layers waiting for you if you choose to make the run in some different attire or the lack thereof. let's take a look at the seven-day forecast. temperatures running in the 70s consistently. if we had three
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more days, 10 day outlook, i don't think we would see a lot of change. consistent temperatures around the bay as well. just about 10 degrees cooler in the middle to upper 60s on the widespread bases heading through the next several days, morning fog, giving way to sunshine in the afternoon. for the coast, the morning fog, it will give way to afternoon fog and low cloud cover. maybe a little bit of sunshine going through every once in awhile. talking about consistent temperatures each and every day. the high, 58, 59 degrees, not much change there. just a little bit of coastal drizzle when the fog gets thick, jules? >> paul, thank you. worldwide
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unwind in our luxurious hotel rooms . happening now in san francisco. remembrance for bicyclists injured or killed in san francisco. it is all part of the 22nd annual the ride of silence. a group of cyclists are getting ready to ride around the city streets to honor the lives lost. they met up at the mission district before heading out. similar rides of silence are happening across the world today. the goal of the event raises awareness to share the road with other cyclists. the city has rolled out new safety measures to try to keep them and pedestrians safe. improving insulation of 30 cameras that were automatically ticket speeding drivers. they lowered the speed limits and installed new protected bike lanes. ahead of the summer rush, a
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sneak peek inside of sfo's newest terminal. you can see the special features, up next a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today!
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my late father-in-law lit up a room, but his vision dimmed with age. he had amd. i didn't know it then, but it can progress to ga, an advanced form of the disease. his struggle with vision loss from amd made me want to help you see warning signs of ga, like: hazy or blurred vision, so it's hard to see fine details, colors that appear dull or washed out, or trouble with low light
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that makes driving at night a real challenge. if you think you have ga, don't wait. treatments are available. ask a retina specialist about fda-approved treatments for ga and go to
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. fog moving in. the renovations at sfo's harvey milk terminal one. they are almost complete. we got a sneak peek to show you this morning. ticket counters, new security checkpoint, two new gates, linking all of the terminals after security the officials say it will be the most substantial airport terminal in the entire world. scheduled to
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open june 11th. sounds wonderful. flights on time, way to go. thanks for watching the new continues on pix plus or 44 cable 12. see you back here at 11:00. you just ♪ (ominous music) ♪ come on. what can i do to help you? dad: come on buddy. headphones. what! dad: hey! dad: ok all right. what do you wanna do? i said i don't wanna talk about it! dad: trey! what are you doin'? ♪ (ominous music) ♪ ♪ (ominous music) ♪ it's ok.
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announcer: it's time to play "family feud!" give it up for steve harvey! [cheering and applause] steve: how y'all? how's everybody? i appreciate y'all.


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