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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 6am  CBS  May 16, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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and thank you for joining us this morning. we are so glad you are here and it's thursday, may 16th. >> let's get started.
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>> every single person who has died in san francisco on a bike deserves to be remembered. they're not just a number or a name. they're a whole person. >> moving memorial honoring the victims of bay area bikers killed on our roads. to see what's going on in san francisco or the picture that's painted of san francisco versus the reality of san francisco, i know i'm actually putting the paint to the canvas as a testament to what's really going on. >> outsiders painting san francisco with a broad brush. how an artist builds bridges to understanding about his neighborhood. ♪ ♪ it is something very loud. very powerful. very much in your face. [ laughter ] as far as being -- reclaiming their voice, claiming their heritage. >> and in the south bay, ancient sounds and modern times claim a space for future generations. so fantastic to
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hear that this morning. good morning, everybody, i'm reed cowan. we hope the drum beat in your heart says you can. we're glad you are with us. >> i loved how in sync they werewhen they were doing the drums. i'm gianna franco. a live look outside on what you can expect as you head out and get the thursday started. and you know last hour we showed a couple of different cameras where you can see the clouds and hovering over the bay. and it's still kind of the same thing. i'm kind of hoping that they sort of drift away, jessica. clouds, clouds, go away. like the rain. right? but it is cool and it is cloudy out there. you can barely see salesforce tower. keep the mind salesforce towertops off around 1,000 feet and right now the cloud layer is right around there hanging out. luckily visibility at the surface level is not bad. this morning no issues on roads. getting into the city. however, i will say these cloudy skies definitely don't make for the most beautiful photos by any
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means, this is may gray in full force. for anyone who's visiting from out of town, this is a very normal thing during this time of year for us. to see the cool and cloudy mornings and the cool and cloudy conditions last into the afternoon hours along our coast but we will dry up a lot more in our inland areas seeing plenty of sun into this afternoon. so small day-to-day changes are expected for us and as we head into the weekend which is actually good news in case you have any outdoor activities that you didn't want canceled. keep in mind, gosh, the past couple of months it was weekend after weekend of rain or storms moving in from the gulf of alaska. now just dry and clear conditions. sunny skies into the afternoon hours. for bay to breakers on sunday. for all of the friends going out there and other than that, a similar trend for us today. this morning lasting into this afternoon. we warm up into the 50s and 60s. in san francisco. along the peninsula, down into half-moon bay. and redwood city. yesterday we topped off in the 80s all throughout the east bay near antioch and concord and today mid- to low 70s in the forecast near
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concord and walnut creek. it's a beautiful sunrise just above this cloud layer and we cannot see it right now but here's the black mountain cam. kind of shaky right now. little bit breezy in the higher elevated areas. the more south we go down into san jose and los gatos. beautiful day with 70s in the forecast. over to you, g. taking a look at the roadways as you get ready to head out the door. and here's a live look at the bay bridge toll plaza. already backing up for a think drive heading into san francisco. 6:03 metering lights are officially on and you can see it's pretty slow for that commute through there. now we are seeing some slow and go conditions across westbound 80 into richmond and a crash southbound 880 right at whipple and that's causing a pretty big backup for commuters coming out of hayward this morning. so keep that in mind if you are working your way towards the san mateo bridge. you are going to see some extra busy conditions. well, developing overnight. uc berkeley a group of protesters faken over this. it's a condemned building on campus. the university claims they are a group of activists that are separate from the free
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palestine encampment that lasted for weeks on campus and reportedly disbanded yesterday. shawn chitnis is live this morning on the uc berkeley campus and shawn, what do we know about the people in the building and are they still there? >> reporter: hey reed, good morning, we can start to see some folks coming out of their tents and we are still trying to learn a little bit more about what has brought them out here. but i will tell away so you can see the situation this morning where not only are there the tents but there are also signs that have been put up on the building as well as palestinian flags. now this is all a block away from people's park. which remains closed with shipping containers and security on all sides of that location. but you can see here what has developed just a block away. now we're told about 20 people set up on the lawn of this burned out building overnight. it's the alumnae hall. the university says they
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appear to be people's park protesters because it's to a 55th anniversary of a protest that happened at the park and that's why they decided to move on this particular building. this coming though as the encampment at uc berkeley related to israel-hamas war was taken down on tuesday. protesters reached an agreement with the school. the university saying that they would look into their investments to see if they align with the school's values. and the chancellor also saying that she would personally call for a ceasefire in gaza. so again, while we wait to learn more about exactly what has happened here, it's important to note that while the university has explained that this would be separate from that encampment, we do see those palestinian flags throughout the positioning of those tents and the building behind me. reed, back to you. >> all right, shawn chitnis reporting the story up north. now let's look at what's going on down south. the sights and sounds of a
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clash at uc irvine after protesters there in southern california clashed with riot police. they were trying to stop a takeover and a barricade situation inside a science lecture hall. uc irvine canceled all classes following the protest yesterday and they're angry about word the university suspended protesters who were on a negotiations team and authorities broke down an encampment housing hundreds of protesters on campus. the school described the protest as violent but did not say what type of violence they are citing. protesters wanting to get the attention of the university regents meeting at uc merced inside those meetings, regents are debating whether professors and staff should be barred from posting their views about the war in gaza on campus websites. university officials across the nation face congressional pressure to set boundaries on political speech that could appear to represent the official stance of universities. also monitoring an encampment at the university of san francisco. you see it here by hind me where graduation
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ceremonies are slated to start on campus this afternoon. so a deadline to disperse came and went and protesters dug in their heels and held a rally and they're not moving. administrators say they are not planning though to remove the protesters by force. but they do warn students in this crowd could face academic repercussions. and now in the south bay, the artist who created that famous statue the black power statue on the campus of san jose state, is showing his support for protesters who set up an encampment in the is that doe of the statue. the artist rigo 23. he's known for murals and political art there in statue area. and he had this to say about those protesters gathering at the victory salute statue. >> i wanted san jose students, you know, from 2005 into the future, to know that their backs were -- by the two giants. [ applause ] >> and there are new developments at sonoma state university this report this morning. the university president mike lee put on leave
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after an agreement he made with pro palestinian protesters on campus. among other things hagride to a boycott of academic and research institutions with ties to israel. chancellors said lee made the announcement out without approval. in a campus wide email. the move is now under review and lee is on administrative leave. however, the california legislative jewish caucus says they support the suspension. said in a statement that lee's endorsement of the academic boycott was unaccept and they say is evidence that he's unfit to lead the university. so a lot of things happening as we watch one graduation happen this afternoon for continuing coverage on all of the bay area university encampment developments and protests, and occupations of that building in berkeley, stick with us online at and streaming on the cbs news bay area app. well, right now, hundreds of thousands of palestinians have already fled rafah and it could be days until humanitarian aid arrives.
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meanwhile israeli tanks moved deeper into the city where a bay area doctor is stuck. she's one of at least 20 u.s. doctors who have been unable to leave gaza. dr. haleh sheikholeslami practices in palo alto and left her family at the beginning of april but now the crossing to egypt is closed. her brother has been fighting for her return home. >> she wanted to be able to do more. i think the -- you know, just the advocacy from here really wasn't enough. yesterday when i was talking to her, it was really -- you know, we had some texts back and forth. and one thing she was worried about was that she was not so worried about herself. her spirits were good. but she was worried about that they were running out of supplies and medical supplies because of the border crossing and that they couldn't help the people. and she was also worried about she was going to be late back to work so she
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couldn't see her patients here which i kind of find ironic because we're worried about her safety. >> the big challenge is safety getting her out and moving around rafah and also says his sister has been treating a lot of children. >> there's a scarcity of food and there's dehydration, there's you know, all of this sicknesses that comes with being homeless. and, you know, being displaced. and so that is i think what she is seeing. they had to get relocatedbecaus e of the intensity what's gain on in rafah and i think she's been very careful about what she shares with us. >> because of frequent blackouts it's been hard to communicate and that his family has contacted congresswoman anna eshoo's office for help in getting his sister back home. time right now 611 in the morning. embattled da is ready for a fight. how pamela price plans to make her case to voters yet again in the face of a recall effort afternoon live look right now at sfo this
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morning. you are about to get a new experience at terminal 1. we've got a sneak peek of the renovations. elizabeth get another look outside on this thursday
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let's go to alameda county. da pamela price gearing up for a dwight after a successful effort to get her name back on the ballot in a recall election took place. it's her newest mountain to climb. listen. >> the people of this county have the right to elect a district attorney. they did that. we should not have to do it again. but we will. we will do it again. >> she's resolute. in 2022 price won her seat with 53% of the vote. but a group of people angry at price's decisions in high-profile cases led a victims' rights group to get the signatures needed to drive a recall effort. once they got the signatures, supervisors chose to add the recall to the november general election ballot instead of calling for a very expensive special election. after the in custody death of a 30-year-old man police were accused of excessive force killing angelo quinto in 2020 and now four years later to
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city of antioch will pay $7.5 million to his family. he died while forcibly restrained during a mental health emergency. despite his cause of death ruled as excited delirium the american medical association and others said that was not a legitimate medical diagnosis. to concord now. a failed burglary attempt leaves an engineering business rammed. this happened monday night on solano way. the owner says it will cost him about $2,000 to fix that roll up door. concord police say just before this incident you can kind of hear the ramming there. they tried and failed to hit a similar business nearby. taking a live look outside as we wake up on this thursday morning. to this gorgeous view of san francisco. you can see grace cathedral there off to the side. let's check in with first alert meteorologist jessica burch to update us and ready to go as we head out the door and jess i'm not loving all the may gray we're getting. >> that's because you live along the coast, g. i'm sure it was sunny as can be just
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around the same time it was cool and cloudy along the coastline. luckily this mornings that what we have outside. that marine layer kind of holding on tight to us right now throughout the santa clara valley and waking up and heading out the door in the afternoon hours just like yesterday we'll warm up into the 70s off into the east bay. 60s and 350s along the coastline and the peninsula. and the reason why we've been dealing with this nice quiet weather pattern, like 70s down into san jose for quite some time, is due to high pressure sitting directly offshore. high pressure has been keeping the storm track well to the north of us closer to the canadian border actually. they've been receiving some activity this week. but other than that, back here in the bay, it's just cool and cloudy and mild for us along the coast with sunny afternoons all throughout the santa clara valley up into wine country. we're all going to see a little bit of the onshore flow this morning. wind gusts anywhere up to around 15, 20 miles per hour lasting into the 9:00 hour. watch what happens as we head into the afternoon it gets a little bit stronger in areas like fairfield and san francisco a similar trend. this is just around dinner time. then other than that it's calm weather for us as we head into
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the overnight hours. gearing up for a beautiful and mild forecast the next couple of days. speaking of the next couple of days let's actually take a look at that. as we head into this weekend, we're going to get mild weather for us in time for sunday for anyone going out to bay to breakers, lots of people come out into san francisco. but a lot of us also deal with beautiful warm weather into the afternoon and we're not getting that necessarily if you live or operate closer to san francisco. what we're going to get is 50s in the forecast as that run kicks off and then also going to hold on tight to 60s for our daytime highs. heading into our saturday forecast right around the corner. i'm going to have more on that coming up in a bit. but for now over to you, g. jessica thank you. let's talk about those roadways now and rolling on the bay area bridges and freeways. tough to do at bay bridge toll plaza right now with all that back appeasement almost to the foot of the maze. already this morning. no crashes in the area so that will help. however, it's still pretty slow. so one of the headlines is you head out the door, a busy ride coming out of the east bay
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freeways. plus we're tracking some brake lights we've got two trouble spots now out of hayward, first off southbound as you work your way towards that whipple area this morning. there's a crash blocking the couple of lanes and you are backed up almost to the 238 and 8808 connector. so in that area, as well we're getting word of a trouble spot. this whole section heading over to the san mateo bridge really starting to slow down this morning. and we are still tracking a very busy ride for commuters coming out of tracy. that's because of a crash still stuck westbound 580 at grant line road. so those are two hotspots this morning where we're seeing most of the brake lights and issues. as we look at the travel times, you will get a better perspective as you get on the favorite app in the car. but i can tell you 101 out of san jose still looks pretty good overall. only 38 minutes hellyer to sfo and highway 4 and 80 starting to slow down though. well, we got a sneak peek at the nearly complete renovations at sfo's harvey milk terminal 1. there it is there. there are new ticket counters and new security checkpoint and two new gates. the project links all of the airport's terminals after security. officials say it will
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be the most sustainable airport terminal in the entire world. when it opens up on june 11th. congratulations and welcome to all of the visitors. let's go live to the south bay now. downtown san jose hosting a series of block parties working for a bay area bounce-back there. the first one tonight is in the historic district called nonprofit urban vie bransy. more than 60 businesses souped up to participate and should be fun and it's expected to bring thousands in. then of course the fair in contra costa county starts today with ride and animals. they're ready to entertain and getting introduced up for visitors, watch this. >> translation in pig. come to the fair. right? those pigs are prancing and the sheep are getting ready. even cows are packing on a smile for everybody. the llama, he says who's your ma many? i'm going
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to end there. the fair opens t noon and runs through this sunday. who doesn't love the good llama joke? at 6:20 in the morning. >> was that a llama? >> you might call it a superhuman feat. how this summer -- swimmer rather made history in the buy. how about a live look outside before we head to break? we'
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a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today!
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let's get a live look over
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at levi's stadium in santa clara this morning. the full niners' schedule is finally out. we know already they're going primetime in week one playing against aaron rodgers and the new york jets on september 9th on top of five other primetime games they've been given. so it's possible the niners could play a seventh primetime game through flex scheduling between week 12 to 17. so one of their games you may want to keep an eye on. is week seven when they play against the defending super bowl champs the kansas city chiefs and we know how this went down. the chiefs beat the niners last super bowl? overtime. 25-22. how can we forget? the baseball now. the giants were looking to stop a dodgers' series sweep last night. well, mike yastrzemski had something to say about that. helped set the tone early on with the two run blast in t 3rd. not bad. offense maybe hot and cold but the defense is always looking pretty good. that next half inning, oscar hernandez at the plate and
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watch louis matos, he crashed into the wall and took a homer away. so everyone pretty happy about that. giants hang on to the win and prevent the sweep 4-1. san francisco in colorado tomorrow to take on the red hot rockies. pga championship happening 4:15 a.m. it's the second major golf championship this year following the masters tournament which aired right here on kpix and a lot of eyes on tiger woods. because this is the first time he's competed since finishing number 60 at the masters. that was an ouch. scheffler took that tournament. his wife meredith gave birth to their first son earlier there week and by the way you have to hear this. fellow player and former cal bear max houma gave him sound parenting advice. >> be really nice to your wife. find a thing that you are -- you are good at. you can help as best you can. watch your back. dad back is a real thing. but i think -- i mean i'm sure
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he'll just be giving me advice soon because he's so good at everything. >> all right, so dad back. we did a little journalistic research. he was not like talking about somebody like coming for him. it means like -- you know, he's got to watch his back because carrying a baby causes back strain. >> okay. [ laughter ] i'm sorry. that -- that just bugs me. >> that's dad back. >> carrying the 8-pound baby is tough but get up every couple of hours and nurse that baby and when the baby cries get up with the baby again. you want to talk about bad back hunched over for hours, we birthed them too. dad back it hurts. >> what she said. >> i do love you dads. >> what she said. a pacifica nurse took on the shark-infested waters to be the first person in history to swim from the golden gate bridge to the remote island off the coast of san francisco. 55-year-old amy gubser swam nearly 30 miles without a wet suit to the farallon islands on saturday. her team was by her side in a boat as she swam
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through strong currents and frigid temperatures. it took the grandmother 17 hours to get to the island. other swimmers have previously made the swim from the island to san francisco. she was actually a swimmer in college. and when she is not in the water she works as a nurse at ucsf benioff children's hospital in the fetal cardiac unit. how about that? >> i hope nyad calls her and says good job. >> i was thinking about this during this too. incredible and good for you and congratulations, this woman now a grandmother. i bet she has a lot to say about dad back. >> even we say dad back to her. >> no. no. no. it is 6:26. battling the san francisco stereotype. this new business owner destined to show why his neighborhood is the heart of the city. and a ride of silence. the touching tribute from a local community group
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6:29 in the morning and just teetering on 6:30 and in fact if you watch that clock, bottom left hand of your screen, you are going to see the clock change in three, two, one. but then over there on the right hand side of your screen, that is what a breath of fresh air looks like. hey yes, there's clouds but there's always light coming through right and you know what i'm grateful for this morning? my daughter. it's her birthday this morning. >> it is? >> ryan, a miracle child who came to our home through the miracle of adoption. we were
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told look this little girl may not walk or run and may never see and guess what she does all that and she gets straight as. i love you happy birthday ryan. >> i hope she has a wonderful day. >> a ray of sunshine just like she represents in my life. good morning, jess. >> we're doing going to continue to see more of the sunshine last through the afternoon hours and actually a beautiful day for us today and happy birthday this morning. and let's take a quick look at what we can expect as we head into this afternoon. it is still cool and cloudy near san francisco. we're going to see small day-to-day changes in the forecast for us as we get closer into the weekend. actually that's our -- another big weather headline for us. more of the same this weekend. with cool morning clouds that pull back along the coast into the afternoon hours. leaving us with sunshine all throughout the east bay and up into wine country and for our friends in the santa clara valley, and then cooler conditions closer to pacifica where g is at. high pressure is sitting directly offshore. that's driving in dry weather for us. right now actually what it's doing it's keeping the storm track well to the north of us. so we're
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remaining dry as we head into the weekend's forecast and early next week just dealing with the stubborn morning fog. may gray in full force for us in the bay area especially along the coastline and along the peninsula as we head in the afternoon hours. over to the peninsula real fast and i want to show you what's happening for us today. cool and cloudy right now in san francisco and later this afternoon warm up in the 60s. anywhere from san francisco across the bay bridge right behind me. all the way over into oakland. we warm up into the 80s -- excuse me 70s today and we're dropping the 80s in area like antioch all the way down into los gatos. it's been a mild forecast for us all week long. the biggest story for us too into the afternoon hours has to do with the wind. we've been seeing breezy conditions move in from offshore anywhere up to around 20, 25 miles per hour at times and i'll time that out for you coming up in the first alert weather, for now over to you, g. taking a look at the roadways right now because they're getting quite busy this morning. bay bridge, it's still pretty slow heading into france and in fact now the backup extending past the foot of the maze. all approaches
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starting to slow down a little bit especially off the westbound 80 commute towards eastshore freeway there. now looking at the overview as you take a look at the map here, the peninsula looks pretty good. the south bay still not seeing any major issues. it's the ride out of the east bay two spots in fact taking south 880 to whipple there's a crash there. also westbound 580 as you head into the altamont pass, coming out of tracy from 205. some brake lights there as well. so those are our hotspots for now. well, today is bike to wherever day. cities across the bay area celebrating pedal power and biking. now silicon valley bicycle coalition is offering snacks and gifts to bikers at energizer stations like the one in san jose right now. and san francisco mayor london breed will be rolling into city hall this morning for a rally. well, also in san francisco, cyclists came together last night to honor people who were killed or injured while biking in the city. now roughly 50 bikers took part in a ride of silence. andrea nakano was there and talked to one survivor about a horrific hit and run who says
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the people who lost their lives on bicycles deserve to be remembered. >> reporter: alex tamez is embracing her second chance at life. >> i'm super grateful that my friend paul didn't have to make a ghost bike for me. >> reporter: in 2022, tamez was biking home from work when she was hit from behind while stopped at a red light. as a result, she suffered a traumatic brain injury. >> i luckily don't have any memories of the accident at all. >> reporter: tamez says the accident also wiped out a year's worth of memories from her life. she also has physical scars from her injuries. >> i had a tracheotomy and a feeding tube and i still have pain from the feeding tube, even though it's gone. it's been gone for two years now. >> reporter: for tamez, this ride of silence is a way for her to honor the victims. the ride has seven stops where bikers lost their lives. but every single victim since 1997 is remembered. >> this was someone's daughter. a son. a pedicab operator.
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>> reporter: paul valdez is considered the unofficial bike mayor of san francisco and helped to organize the event. he mourns every life lost, but there is one day he will always remember when two people were killed on their bikes just hours apart. >> i will never forget that day. i'll never forget where i was and how painful that was for me personally and our community. we just did not know what -- why did that happen? you know? >> reporter: one of the stops was here at 3rd and mission bay where clark gashaw was killed in 2017. every year, his mother comes out to greet the riders. >> i'm grateful. i am -- to me, culturally, we honor people's family. and this is -- he's creating his own friends. and honoring those who come to honor him, i honor. >> reporter: the goal of this ride is to remember. >> every single person who has died in san francisco on a
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bike, deserves to be remembered. they're not just a number or a name. they're a whole person. >> reporter: but also to raise awareness about bike safety in hopes of saving a life. >> well, the city rolled out new safety measures to try to keep bicyclists and pedestrians safe. now recently, the city approved the installation of more than 30 cameras that will automatically ticket speeding drivers. they also lowered speed limits in the tenderloin and installed new protected bike lanes. president joe biden and former president donald trump have agreed to two debates. one on june 27th the one in september on the 10th of month. debates not expected to include a live audience. and the biden campaign wants moderators to be able to cut the mic to limit interruptions. meanwhile donald trump will be back in a new york courtroom listening to the prosecution's star witness in the hush money trial today. defense lawyers are going to try to chip away at the credibility of trump's former attorney and fixer in chief,
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michael cohen. mr. trump faces 34 counts of falsifying financial documents to illegally influence the 2016 election something he has denied. in fact he denies any wrongdoing in the case. the prime minister of slovakia has survived an assassination attempt. someone shot prime minister robert fico five times while he greeted a small crowd outside a government meeting. police quickly caught the shooter. so who is he? one news making item about him is that he's repeatedly opposed aiding ukraine and its war against russia. let's go the texas now. where a fuel barge crashed into a bridge and spilled oil in the water and you see that there. no injuries though reported but this is the only bridge that connects pelican island to the city of galveston and the rest of the state. investigators in the epa are there as the sun comes up. g? well, today another business opens up in san francisco's mid market neighborhood. it's a chance to not only sell locally crafted products, but also provide
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young people with the skills to enter the work force. holy stitch! mikes custom garments and has a fellowship program along with its retail store all in one new location. our shawn chitnis shows us what this could mean for the neighborhood in the center of the city. >> reporter: there's always something for julian prince dash to do at holy stitch!, whether he's working on one of his creations or helping his students to make their own and his job is only about to get busier. >> to see what's going on in san francisco, or the picture that's painted of san francisco versus the reality of san francisco, i know i'm actually putting the paint to the canvas as a testament to what's really going on. >> reporter: the painting he wants people to see along market street starts inside the new location for his business and nonprofit. a retail store, tailor shop and school. holy stitch! will be a place to sell
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garments, but also offer classes and workshops. >> i say nature is the best designer and most of the things we love and derive from are nature. >> reporter: a lover of fabrics and what a designer can do with them, julian's work often focuses on denim because he says it's the great equalizer in fashion. everyone can and does wear it, regardless of their background. >> it's a common denominator for me to communicate my ideas, art, ethos, and to get that to the people. >> reporter: his new location joins a block that has embraced the street with culture in recent years and hopes to give people one more reason to visit the neighborhood. >> i think as mid market goes, so goes san francisco. this is the heart of this city. >> reporter: it's all part of the mid market arts initiative from the mid market foundation, which is trying to activate more spaces along this major san francisco street. the foundation receives funding from the city. >> so this neighborhood is unique and it's beautiful and
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it's wonderful. and as it continues to thrive and improve, so will san francisco. >> reporter: julian believes there's an opportunity for the city in this crucial moment with a disappearing work force in san francisco and a new generation of young people looking for jobs. as someone who was once homeless and built a business that allowed him to bring others off the street, he hopes his fellowship program here can give creative minds the chance to design their own work and pick up skills to take to future employers. >> we all know that sharing and helping others is fulfilling. so i just -- i live by that. >> well, the store will open this afternoon and yule january hopes he can grow the business to have a larger location on the san francisco pier with a solar-powered factory one day. ♪ flush ♪ don't you just love that? in the morning. an ancient japanese art form very much alive today in the south bay.
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the meaning coming up behind the music. plus -- ♪ ♪ all right, we are taking you back to 2003 with "hey ya" by outkast, andre 3000 is coming to the bay this summer and today is your norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? -but the good news is...
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xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... i know... faster wifi and savings? ...i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc?
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time now for the money watch report. signs of tech tensions overseas. okay, so here's the back story. microsoft is asking some of their employees in china to consider moving out of the country. the "wall street journal" this morning reports 700 to 800 microsoft staffers have received offers to transfer to other countries including the u.s., ireland, australia and new zealand. most of them are engineers working on artificial intelligence and cloud computing. well, this comes as washington and we know this, given the whole tiktok mess, crks down on beijing's access to advanced technology. genel motors is opening the new hub in sicon valley. this new operation will in mountain view aimed at driving tech innovation for gm employees. and vehicles. it will employ more than 200 software engineers and research and development staff. let's go to downtown san francisco where ted baker is the latest casualty at the san francisco center. the british
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clothing chain declared bankruptcy last month. they're shutting down all of their north america stores and that hurts. love ted baker clothes. early this week american eagle announced it was closing its location at the downtown troubled mall. well, time now for a look at what's coming up later on on cbs mornings. we check in with nate burleson who joins us live from new york. hi nate. good morning. >> hey gianna, hope all is well on this thursday. let me tell you what's coming up on "cbs mornings." a cbs news investigation veals alarming number of weapons once used by law enforcement are involved in crimes. find out why so many guns are ending up in the wrong hands and back on the streets. also, prices continue to rise and that includes fast food. joeling kent hit the drive-thru to see why we're paying so much more for our happy meals. and did you know chrissy teigen has her own baking line? she'll be here to share some sweet recipes that may or may
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not involve cookies. i hope there's cookies. we'll have everything you need to know and more on the show. we'll see you at 7:00. >> really quick the favorite cookie. >> called the all of you. loves all of me cookie. >> i am a snickerdoodle guy. snickerdoodle cookie guy. >> oh. good choice. good choice. >> all right. nate, we'll see you in just a bit. thank you. well, royal watchers are seeing red. the first official portrait of king charles iii was just unveiled and there's a whole lot of red. the king's entire body is covered in a sea of crimson. apparently the king and queen consort are happy with the painting but re action online is deeply guided. check out the responses on the royal family's instagram page. one person commenting quote, i'm sorry, but his portrait looks like he's in hell. also inspired others to post memes of the late queen elizabeth ii looking very disapproving. but others saw the portrait as a welcome change in place. one person posting quote, i think
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this is a beautiful and a break from the traditional portraits. well, yes. that is true. it is certainly different than all the other one which is a okay to be different. it's a little -- odd. >> okay. i have got it and i know what it looks like and everything google this. the painting of the destroyer in ghost busters 2. remember this? i wish we could show this to you. we'll continue the conversation. that's what it looks like. >> it has a little bit of resemblance although more king in this version. >> spooky. >> strange. now let's take a live look outside on this thursday morning. that is the way you paint a beautiful picture out there. and let's talk now to jess about the weather. good morning to. >> good morning to you. all throughout the bay area this morning, we're seeing a very similar setup as to what we had yesterday and the day before. cool and cloudy to start off this morning. high pressure sitting just offshore that's the big reason why we've been
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seeing dry conditions all week long and we'll get a similar setup in the weekend. the storm tracks are staying well to the north of us all the way up closer to the canadian border and seattle but back here in the bay, it's been may gray all week long. so near normal conditions are going to last for us as we head into this weekend's forecast. it's thursday it feel like it should be friday. and once we head into friday a similar setup in the sense that that marine layer pulls all the way over into areas like concord up near napa along the carquinez strait and moves back along the coastline in the afternoon hours leaving us with sunny skies and beautiful conditions all throughout the inland areas in the afternoon hours. now our pollen count still sitting at a medium category. we've seen worse conditions earlier this season and it's actually starting to improve a lot for us here in the bay area. as we take a look throughout the bay area today, we have some nice weather in store for us like i mentioned, still cool and cloudy along the coast. but that marine layer pulls back in our inland areas closer to around 10:00 today. at that point we're going to be left with sunshine all throughout the afternoon with 60s and 70s anywhere from san francisco
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over into oakland. all the way off in the east bay. wine country today cooler than yesterday. yesterday also in the 80s near los gatos all the way over into antioch and today we're sitting in the upper 70s. we'll continue to see more of that as we head into the next seven days. watch what happens in our inland forecast. we actually have high pressure that system you saw just offshore. moving in closer to us as we head into early next week. so 70s turn into 80s by monday and tuesday. we'll actually be able to wake up with some beautiful sunrises around the corner once we head into this weekend's forecast. as early as saturday. but if you live along the coast or going to bay to breakers in san francisco this weekend. dress warm and now people decided to dress in all the crazy things possible. but it is going to be a cool one for us in the early morning hours on sunday. we do warm up into the upper 60s on sunday luckily which is great news for us. because then we can continue to warm up just a hair more into our monday forecast. sunny skies at that point to kick off next week. beautiful mild weather not a rain drop in sight and like i said the storm track is well to the north of us. for now over
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to you, g. let's talk about the bay area bridges right now getting ready to head across the san mateo bridge this morning. getting a little crowded. westbound commuters heading over towards 101 those are those taillights on the right hand side of screen and you can see a little bunched up there gets even busier once you get on to that foster city area. over towards 101. making that connector. bay bridge toll plaza, still backed up and busy ride and it will stay this way for the next couple of hours at least. at least till about 8:30 is when we start seeing things winding down. but not right now. so pretty slow there. westbound 80 still your slowest approach and then our other hotspots are along 880 right now. southbound hayward, you have got a crash heading towards the san mateo bridge. another one south of there in the clearing stages near whipple. a bit of a busy cute there. 680 southbound not looking too much better as you head into the grade and the westbound 580 commute that's still pretty busy for supercommuters. good morning to you as you get ready to make that ride out of tracy over into the altamont pass. it is pretty slow and go as you work your way through there. we'll
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check in on the golden gate bridge in my next report. what i can tell you traffic is pretty quiet on that side as you head over into san francisco. ♪ ♪ celebrating heritage with each drum beat. listen to that. this ancient japanese art form was recently on display at the 46th annual festival in san jose's beautiful japantown. and you know as we celebrate aapi heritage month our len ramirez went behind the scenes with san jose taiko to hear more about the meaning and what's behind the music. >> reporter: when franco imperial hits the ancient taiko drum -- >> i feel like there's a relationship happening in terms of connecting with the instrument. >> reporter: -- it creates a certain sensation. >> and that translates to what the audience hears and feels.
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>> reporter: and whether it's a single drum in the studio -- or a group of them in the street, creating something people can hear and feel is what san jose taiko has been doing for the past 51 years. >> we all have a heartbeat. and i think that pulse is something that we all tap into when we're doing any kind of drumming. >> reporter: franco joined the group 26 years ago and is the group's longtime artistic director. >> when i am drumming, i feel pure joy. bliss. >> reporter: those are some of the feelings the founders of san jose taiko tapped into back in 1973 when a new japanese american cultural pride emerged decades after world war ii and the hardship of internment. >> that generation i think really struggled and fought to reclaim that identity with
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pride and with honor. >> reporter: wisa uemura began playing taiko as a stanford student in 1993 and is now executive director. >> and taiko, for our select group of founding members, really was a way for them to say this is a japanese art form. and it's not a quiet, passive art form that so many people associate with the japanese culture. it is something very loud. very powerful. very much in your face. [ laughter ] as far as claiming their voice, claiming their heritage. and that really spoke to that -- those individuals. and continues to to this day. >> reporter: although permanently a part of san jose's japantown, the group has evolved into one of the premier arts organizations in the city, attracting students and players from all backgrounds. >> hey, it's the kata musical technique. attitude and key. if you can embrace those four
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principles, then it doesn't matter the color of your skin or your gender or anything about you. as long as you can embrace those principles, then you can be a part of this group. ♪ >> reporter: the drum beat goes on for san jose taiko, keeping culture and tradition alive while reaching out to new artists and new audiences every day. >> hey, we're so proud of this. you can watch our hour long special roots and resilience anaapi celebration on the community station friday, may 24th at 4:00 p.m. kpix and streaming on cbs news bay area. now this. ♪ ♪ superstar is going to be in the bay this summer. and here's how you can get tickets. we're going to tell you, we should listen to this a little bit longer though.
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it's time to get away and cache in, at cache creek casino resort, to rock and to roll. to go all out or... go all in. with four stars and rising stars, northern california's premier casino resort is the perfect place... do as much -or as little- as you want. make your get away now and cache in at cache creek casino resort.
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welcome back. we got a sneak peek at the nearly
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complete renovations at sfo's harvey milk terminal 1. there are new ticket counters, a new security checkpoint, and two new gates. the project links all of the airport's terminals after security and officials say it will be the most sustainable airport terminal in the entire world. and it will open up on june 11th. where's the snacks? you might need a few snacks as you head out the door this morning for your drive to work. in some spots. not at the golden gate bridge. it's looking pretty good working your way over into san francisco right now. just checking in on the golden gate bridge with the fog this morning and some clouds. bay bridge looking good so that commute out of the east bay is not too bad. at least coming off of westbound 580 and west and northbound 880. now it's busy here it looks busy here but the backup is not quite to the foot of the maze. so you do have a little leeway once you are past this point. it get a little bit bitter across the rest of the way over into san francisco. it's just slow there at the toll plaza. to just almost the foot of the maze. over at the san mateo
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bridge, this is crowded for folks working their way over to # 1. gets busier over towards foster city and there was that broke down vehicle there off to the side. and 880, getting there. pretty busy as you head into hayward. ♪ ♪ john legend is teaming up with hip hop legend andre 3000 for the new festival in napa. the black radio experience is a three day event at the meritage resort and spa that celebrate black culture and the power of music. along with legend and andre more than 30 artists will perform on three stages including common, jill scott, mad lib and more. tickets go on sale this morning. and we've been taking a lot about john and chrissy this morning. chrissy going to be on -- she's going to be on "cbs mornings." >> yeah. coming up at 7:00 a group
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of bay area students helping firefighters solve a problem they face every single day. the breakthrough device they're keeping close to their heart. >> i had a chance to see the story, it's super cute. you have to watch it. weight loss drugs exploding in popularity in the u.s. and that has scammers setting their sights on new targets. how some are using tiktok to take advantage of would be customers. taking a live look outside on this thursday morning. this view of looks like -- was that alcatraz off in the distance there and you can kind of see the golden gate bridge off to the side as well. kind of. a little gray out there today. so just grab that jacket as you head out the door and little more sun coming through as we take a look at the city skyline this morning. join us over ♪ hey there. welcome to "cbs mornings." hello to our viewers


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