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tv   The Late Show With Stephen Colbert  CBS  May 16, 2024 11:35pm-12:38am PDT

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suckers. >> yeah, suckers. they use that to scare off the prey. show that a million times over before you sleep. >> it's 11:34, sweet dreams. >> then they completely smother it. something to think of the next time you want to order calimari. >> the squid are coming. >> usually we end with something funny. >> the five-year-old that crawled out of bed and is looking behind the couch at mom and dad watching the news probably wishes he stayed in bed. >> go to bed! thanks for watching. the late show with >> make my day, pal. >> it began with a taunt from president biden, challenging donald trump to two debates. it didn't take long for trump to accept. "let's get ready to rumble!" he wrote. >> the first of multiple 2024 presidential debates between biden and former president trump will happen on cnn june 27th.
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>> this june, cnn will host the first 2024 presidential debate between president biden -- >> i could take him behind the gym -- >> and former president trump. >> i'd like to punch him in the face. >> it's the showdown between the men a breeze can blow down. and cnn has a preview of all the geriatric geri-action. >> the two candidates are really going at it. wolf blitzer in the white shirt desperately trying to moderate. oh, and trump is down! and now biden on the attack. biden is down! and blitzer is down! >> and before biden and trump go toe-to-toe, tune in early to watch the undercard to be between 70-year-old rfk jr. and an escalator. >> rfk jr. coming in hot, and down goes bobby! >> announcer: it's "the late show with stephen colbert"! tonight...
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cohen out with a bang! and david letterman takes the colbert questionert. plus, stephen welcomes claudia jessie! and musical guest norah jones! featuring louis cato and "the late show" band. and now, live on tape from the ed sullivan theater in new york city, it's stephen colbert! [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ >> stephen: ports 'em up ! offer it out. offer it up. have a seat, everybody, thank you. oh, you lovelies, oh, my brothers and sisters, welcome one and all in here, out there, all around the world to "the late show." i'm your host, stephen colbert.
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donald trump is back in court today. the trial is in session and it continued today with the defenses cross-examination of former fixer and wet sock watching you leave it behind at the laundromat, michael cohen. trump's team went after cohen hard in the cross examination, trying to depict him as a serial liar out for revenge. "michael, we have so much in common: serial lying. lying about cereal. you know, i met the late, great toucan sam. they say he followed his nose, it always knows, but guess where it took him? straight into a windmill. windmills kill, my friends. his friend sonny went cuckoo with grief. they claim, they always say cuckoo for cocoa puffs, but i say mr. toucan sam and mr. cuckoo were lovers. who knows the truth? all we know for sure is that they will forever be part of
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this complete breakfast." [cheers and applause] i knew two cans ham down in miami. he knew how to use that knows, my friend. to try to prove that cohen was deeply biased and eager to see trump punished, trump's lawyer played a clip of cohen's podcast in which he celebrated trump's indictment. reportedly, on the clip, cohen sounded giddy, high-pitched, and he was speaking so fast that if you didn't know better, you'd think the tape had been artificially sped up. [high-pitched] i know how he feels. i, i've been pretty excited about this whole trial. boy, oh, boy. what if trump's convicted? but on the other hand, if we treat this trial as a silly diversion, we risk overlooking what it signifies about the underlying root rot of our political system as we teeter on the brink of dictatorship! ♪ we represent ♪
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♪ the lollipop guild! ♪ ♪ the lollipop guild! ♪ ♪ the lollipop guild! ♪ and in the name of ♪ the lollipop guild! ♪ the defense rests. now, as motivation. [exhales] [deep voice] as motivation. for cohen's vindictiveness, the defense tried to show that cohen felt rejected by trump, including getting him to confirm he had a hard time getting tickets to trump's 2017 inauguration. wow, that had to sting, because we all know there were plenty of seats available. [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ before the trial this morning, trump spoke to reporters from the national echo reserve, complaining about the prosecution. >> this trial is a scam and it's a sham and it shouldn't
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happen. >> stephen: coincidentally, scam and sham? also the secret service code names for eric and don jr. we also learned what the defense ordered for lunch today. 14 pizzas: four cheese, five pepperoni, four sausage and pepperoni and one chicken, bacon, and ranch. no word yet on what trump's lawyers ordered. all week, trump has been getting support outside the court from his little congressional minions. today, we saw florida representative matt gaetz, seen here achieving maximum douche. he summoned the specter of violence by tweeting a reference to the far-right hate group, the proud boys. "standing back and standing by, mr. president." well, of course he's standing back. after all that pizza, you do not want to be in the blast radius. trump also got moral support
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from congresswoman lauren boebert. that's right, lauren boebert was in the audience. so whoever sat next to her may end up with their own hush money trial. this afternoon, things got a little dramatic. cohen had previously testified that after paying off stormy daniels, he called trump's bodyguard, and the prosecution had the phone records to back that up. but today, trump attorney todd blanche pointed out that the call was only one minute and 36 seconds. so, only slightly longer than the sex with stormy. [applause] sex with stormy, sure. blanche said that just wasn't enough time to have the discussion of paying off stormy. cohen said it was enough time but blanche raised his voice, saying to cohen, "that. was a lie!" while jabbing the pen in his right hand accusatorily at cohen. adding, "you can admit it!" cohen replied:
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"no sir, i can't." ooh, so close. that wa kind of a weak way to try to get a confession. it'd be like a detective gathering everyone in the room at the end of a murder mystery and saying "and the murderer is... any volunteers? it would really help me out." anybody? do me a solid. confessions? trump's gotta get this trial over with. he has a busy summer ahead. he's already agreed to debate joe biden twice. for months now, trump has been the aggressor, taunting biden to debate him. but yesterday, biden turned the taunting tables. >> donald trump lost two debates to me in 2020, and since then, he hasn't shown up for a debate. now he's acting like he wants to debate me again. well, make my day, pal. >> stephen: trump better watch out, man. because biden's a biter. his bones may be 81, but those teeth are
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in their teens, and joe i am telling you joe biden... joe biden will gnaw trump's flesh like... who? >> the late, great hannibal lecter. >> stephen: thank you, sir. thank you. once the debates were set, trump's surrogates immediately attacked their legitimacy, like entrepreneur vivek ramaswamy, seen here watching two squirrels do it o a windowsill. ramaswamy immediately weighed in on twitter with his take. "call me cynical, but why is biden suddenly so willing to debate? it could be because he's desperate, or it could be because it's a set-up." oh, grow up. if biden really wanted to trap trump, he could just leave a trail of chicken nuggets to a cliff with a sign that says, "honey mustard below." [applause]
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ramaswamy might be skeptical, but south carolina senator tim scott is feeling confident. >> america loves president trump because he's plain spoken, easy to understand, and he is clear as a bell. >> stephen: that part is actually true. when trump talks, it's as clear as a bell. >> bing, bong, bong, bing, bing, bing, bing. [laughter] >> stephen: i've never seen that one before. that's a new one. it's been yet another terrible week for new york mayor and guy whose chicken caesar wrap just told him a hilarious joke, eric adams. yesterday, mayor adams announced that new york will host its first rat summit this fall. to prepare, the city has been hosting practice rat summits on every subway platform for the last 120 years. adams is summoning some of
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the nation's leading experts and researchers for the multiday event. we know there's only way to summon rat experts. come, follow me to the cave! ♪ ♪ [clapping] [cheers and applause] would you believe i've never had a lesson? anyone have a cobra? they love me up in the sound booth. [laughter] last year. don't go away.
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last year, adams also hired a "rat czar." i understand the urgency, but the mayor might want to keep that on the dl. tourists are gonna think that new york is a whole rat city, run by rats, feasting on other rats, which is totally... true, but! we also have times square. and i'm being told the times square elmo has been eaten by rats. no great loss. now... turning to the world of sport. yesterday, at a major league soccer game in philly, the field got an unexpected visitor, unless you expected a raccoon. jim. >> then they find ojeda, change the point of attack. >> now we have... what seems like a once-in-a-lifetime occurrence here, or at least once every so often. a raccoon has found itself on the field.
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>> stephen: that is fantastic. i say get raccoons in every sport! they have opposable thumbs. i wanna see them dunk! after the raccoon streaked for about a minute, they sent out a crack team of raccoon catchers to try to contain the critter. so, even professional pest control is just your dad with a trash can. "kids, try to scare him into the corner! darlene, my flute! [sharp notes] get the hammer." ♪ ♪ [clapping] eventually, through the power of teamwork, they were able to stop this menace. >> raccoon now evading even more of the individuals trying to capture him. there's three or four people around him and still the raccoon goes on. this is marvelous entertainment. >> at what point are we just rooting for him? >> very nearly got away. go on, raccoon!
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very nearly got away. you can get out! don't hurt him. they got him! >> stephen: goooaaallll! we got a great show for you tonight! "bridgerton's" claudia jessie is here, plus musician norah jones, and david letterman takes the colbert questionert. but when we come back, "meanwhile"! join us, won't you? >> announcer: "the late show with stephen colbert" sponsored by the farmer's dog. real food made fresh, delivered.
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♪ ♪ [cheers and applause] >> stephen: give it up for louis cato and "the late show" band, everybody. i mean, it's just one of those nights. >> louis: one of those nights. >> stephen: one of those nights. the band is hot. the audience is hot. >> louis: whoo! >> stephen: the guest list,
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the guest list is amazing. the one, the only, the beautiful, the talented norah jones will be out here just a little while. you ever see that show, this bho? they've got that show, "bridgerton." claudia jessie will be out here just a moment. that show intimidates me because it's got that sexy man butt on it and i don't like the comparison. one of the great honors of doing a show like this coming just a little while, the colbert questionert will be faced by mr. david letterman will be here in just a moment. come on. >> louis: what more could you want? >> stephen: i say this is the last show. let's just get out. let's get out after the show. we are peking right now. and you can watch dave chatting with john mulaney on his show "my next guest" out on netflix right now. folks, if you watch the show,
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you know i spend most of my time right over there in the news workshop, building the most topical 800 cc liquid-cooled 4-stroke story engine with a magneti marelli ignition, dry multi-plate slipper clutch and termignoni exhaust all on a carbon fiber chassis to present to you the spectacular ducati desmosedici my monologue. but sometimes, sometimes, folks, i wake up in an abandoned middle school where i snap the wheels off a discarded roller skate and slap them onto a shard of broken chalkboard, then jam the busted handle of a gardener's rake into the top so i can wobble off on the janky outlaw's push scooter of news that is my segment... >> "meanwhile"! >> stephen: it's a magic carpet is what it is. it's a magic carpet ride. meanwhile, in news from down under, a billionaire has called for the removal of an unflattering portrait of
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her from the national gallery of australia. the woman in question is a controversial australian mining billionaire named gina rinehart. seen here. and i mean, come on. how unflattering could this portrait possibly -- okay. okay, okay. i gotta say, in this portrait i believe the artist really captures her expression at the moment she saw this portrait. meanwhile, while settling a zoning dispute over what types of restaurants are allowed in a local mall, an indiana judge has ruled that tacos are "mexican-style sandwiches." "mexican-style sandwiches?" that has big "grandpa ordering tortillas for the first time" energy. "just bring me a bowl of those hispanic crackers with some of that green cream cheese."
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maybe some of that angry ketchup. those really thin grilled cheeses you've got. meanwhile, a florida man accused of stealing $30,000 in pokemon cards was foiled by a topless mma coach." and i'm being told that, legally, i cannot continue this because this story has been deemed "too florida." [applause] meanwhile, "a gene editing breakthrough could soon cure herpes for good." in experiments, it "eliminated up to 97% of herpes virus infections in mice." which is fantastic news. just in time for summer, it's finally safe to again bang mice.
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[recorder notes] ♪ ♪ i know what they like. meanwhile, "your attention span is shrinking, studies say." heh heh heh. cat in a milk jug. oh. meanwhile, up in maine, aka newfoundland's mexico, most of 15 million bees have been contained after a bee-laden truck crashed. most of 15 million bees? i'd hate to be the pr guy for that trucking company. "great news, everybody. 15 million bees escaped into your neighborhood, but we've caught 8 million of them, so all you have to worry about is 7 million bees. so just don't go out this summer and you'll be -- oh, god! the bees!" meanwhile, the paris olympics are coming up soon
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and flavor flav is the new official hype-man for the u.s. women's water polo team. okay, it's kind of weird that they have a hype man. but even weirder that he's supporting the girls. i would have thought flavor flav would be supporting the "boyyyys!" [applause] thank you. thank you. we'll be right back with david letterman and the colbert questionert. t-mobile “savings”, take one. focus. here's the line... “at t-mobile, you get tons of benefits, and you can still save versus the other guys.” ok, i'll just do it. check out the t-mobile savings calculator to see how much you can save. and right now, we'll even pay off your phone when you switch!
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12:03 am
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♪ ♪ >> stephen: look at that, everybody. >> david: like that sphere thing in las vegas. >> stephen: lovely. as you all know, as you can tell, i'm here with mr. david letterman. david, thank you so much for being here. >> david: it's of pleasure and thank you for inviting me and i'm sorry it took me so long to get back. >> stephen: i think this is just the right timing. i don't think i would have been ready before this. david, you know. i was on your show ten times. you now have been on my show and we've had a chance to talk off the air. we've done podcasts. even with all that experience,
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deep intimate experience, it's hard to get to know someone in a pure interview situation. >> david: i understand that. >> stephen: i do want to know the heart of all my guests so we here at "the late show" labs have come up with something we call the colbert questionert which has been home to aerospace tolerances to penetrate the defenses of any guest and person and have them be fully known to the american people. are you ready, are you prepared, do you have the courage to take the colbert questionert? >> david: i admire you overselling the bit. >> stephen: i learned it from you, dad. i learned it from you. >> david: i'm ready. ♪ ♪ >> stephen: okay, first question, brave man, first question. best sandwich, dave. >> david: i love sandwiches. >> stephen: where do you find the courage? to say something like that? >> david: when i was a kid on saturdays, my mother would make
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fried bologna sandwiches. >> stephen: quality. >> david: she would fry the baloney and butter. you wonder why i had heart surgery. >> stephen: what was your first concert? >> david: beach boys. >> stephen: what year? >> david: i don't know it probably would've been early 60s, mid high school, the >> stephen: that's quality..- >> david: they were than the original age boys. it wasn't add-ins. >> stephen: zeppo. >> david: [laughs] >> stephen: what is the scariest animal? >> david: wolverine. >> stephen: apples or oranges? >> david: oranges. >> stephen: have you ever asked someone for their autograph? >> david: yes. >> stephen: may i ask who? >> david: phil swift. >> stephen: did you get it and where did this take place? >> david: i lied.
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[laughter] [clears throat] i thought phil swift would get a laugh. he's the glue that i make his bt out of a screen door and some glue, phil swift. >> stephen: what do you think happens when we die? >> david: uh, people won't quiz me with nonsensical questions. >> stephen: wait a second. what about st. peter at the pearly gates question mike that's all he has, just a list of questions. >> david: oh, okay, again i stand corrected. >> stephen: favorite action movie. >> david: "once upon a time in the west." fantastic. >> stephen: window or aisle? >> david: window. >> stephen: tell me why. >> david: i enjoy aviation and is much as i can get as a paying
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customer, i feel that would be window. >> stephen: do you ever tried to get your pilots license or anything? >> david: no. i'm the kind of fellow. [bleep] where are my car keys question mike you can't do that if you're a pilot. you have to know where your car keys are. >> stephen: do you do any race car racing? >> david: we have a team. ray hall, letterman, lanigan. i know better than to do that. >> stephen: favorite smell. >> david: cigars. >> stephen: you still occasionally indulge? >> david: neu don't. i had to stop when we have the child. [laughs] >> stephen: but you're an empty nester now. >> david: i know but i used to have to -- go outsde and smoke in the car, coming to take a shower before i could say good night to my sons i had to quit. >> stephen: fair enough. least favorite smell. >> david: oh, god, i guess
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that would have to be the dressing room i was just in. >> stephen: earliest memory. >> david: getting my driver's license. [laughter] that can't be right, can it? >> stephen: cats or dogs. >> david: doggies. [cheering] i like kitties but i really, really, really have grown to love and admire dogs. >> stephen: the day it was announced i'd be taking over at 11:30 on cbs, you were kind enough to call me and i said, what are you doing, dave? you said, stephen, i'm in the backyard throwing a frisbee to my dog and this is the extent of my involvement in show business at this point. >> david: yeah. by the way, that's not a bad gig. because that was sully. sully was a champ. plenty of air. would bring it back, drop it
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right at your feet and knew could do that all day every day. >> stephen: wow. lovely. [applause] you only get to listen to one song for the rest of your life. what is it? i don't mean you have to listen to the same song continuously but when you go to listen to a song, this is the song. >> david: i'm going to amend my answer, two songs, the national space invader, foo fighters ever long. [applause] >> stephen: there have to be rules. i said one song. >> david: it ain't my show. >> stephen: what number of my thinking of? >> david: 6. >> stephen: no. >> david: [bleep] i was told six. >> stephen: it isn't quiz show. describe the rest of your life in five words.
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>> david: do everything i possibly can to stop people at intersections from motioning me to go first. is that five? >> stephen: yes. david, congratulations. you are known. >> david: what do i win? >> stephen: david letterman, everybody. we'll right back. and i use this. febreze has a microchip to control scent release so it smells first-day fresh for 50 days. 50 days!? and its refill reminder light means i'll never miss a day of freshness. ♪ detect this: living with hiv, craig learned he can stay undetectable with fewer medicines. that's why he switched to dovato. dovato is a complete hiv treatment for some adults. no other complete hiv pill uses fewer medicines to help keep you undetectable than dovato. detect this: leo learned that most hiv pills contain 3 or 4 medicines. dovato is as effective with just 2.
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♪ ♪ >> stephen: hey, there you go. come on now. come on. hey, welcome back, everybody. ladies and gentlemen, you know my next guest as eloise in the hit series "bridgerton," which just returned to netflix for its third season. please welcome to "the late show," claudia jessie. [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ >> claudia: do i stand? >> stephen: use it. so lovely to have the wrong, so nice to have you here. welcome to new york.
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you live in the u.k. i know, do you like new york? have you spent much time you're? >> claudia: my first time in america ever was in january in new york. >> stephen: this year? >> claudia: this year. >> stephen: wow. it's great here. >> claudia: when me and my fellow are coming over here, wet to hear this stuff. hey, you jackass or something like that. >> stephen: kept the [bleep] out of here. >> claudia: that's exactly what i wanted. >> stephen: did you get it? >> claudia: i grabbed a coffee from near the hotel and i was standing outside and three construction workers walked past. one of them went "i would have choked the guy and watched him turn blue." i thanked god that day. >> stephen: you don't hear that in london? people don't talk that way over there? >> claudia: not with a big new york accent.
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>> stephen: as a star of "bridgerton," one of the most popular shows ever on netflix, your back for season three. your eloise. was it like making the season? you must be relaxed into the character now and everybody knows each other. was it easy this time? >> claudia: i don't feel like i have gotten there with enough self-esteem to become lately confident every time i go back to work. i'm not quite there yet. i still get nervous before a take. the season was interesting because i actually broke my wrist during season three. >> stephen: what? >> claudia: i do all of my own stunts. >> stephen: did you literally hurt yourself onset? >> claudia: yeah, but i'm an idiot. i'm at some -- it's my own fault. it's a friday morning. i love being at work. i love getting there. i'm quite an excitable person, as you can tell. i got there. we hadn't even started filming. i felt so bad.
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to celebrate everybody's good moo, i did a high kick, celebratory high kick. >> stephen: are you a dancer? >> claudia: i'm not a dancer. also. the circumference of the dress, it's finite. it ends. i wasn't in the tracksuit. >> stephen: it is not like a can-can scurry. >> claudia: that's right. when i put my leg up, i was restricted immediately and then i went back. >> stephen: the bottom of the skirt took your legs out. >> claudia: you better believe it. >> stephen: you swept your own legs. >> claudia: that's right. i remember looking at one of my costars all the way down. being like "oh, no." i landed on my wrist and then i remember being like [chokes] everybody was laughing, i was
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glad. i would've hated silence. it's fine. then i heard ringing from this year to this year. i was like oh, i'm going to have. i'm going deaf. no, i have broken my wrist. i did two rehearsals. i was in so much pain. >> stephen: you are going into shock. >> claudia: have a medic on set for idiots like me. there was a section she had to fill out which i only saw once i was in the hospital. it said reason for accident or incident. and she said "patient was high kicking onset." i did one. i wasn't an unstoppable high kicking machine that they have been trying to stop at all costs for hours. >> stephen: this hand. >> claudia: shall never be the same again. >> stephen: which bone? >> claudia: one went like this.
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>> stephen: i broke this wrist wants. >> claudia: is she never the same again? >> stephen: i have to do push-ups on those things that you hold. i have to do it on fists. it's like looking at a mirror. >> claudia: is intent? >> stephen: did you have a cast? they didn't have cast in regency england. >> claudia: they had to make a muff. that's what we have to call the summer muff. >> stephen: normally to warm your hands. >> claudia: but as you can say, a beautiful day, they had to make -- >> stephen: is there such a thing? >> claudia: we made it up. we were like, it's the summer muff of course. i'm actually. i am elbow deep in summer muff right there, if you will. [laughter]
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>> stephen: i believe, if i'm not mistaken, that's one of the titles of a stormy daniels movie. >> claudia: yeah, nice. >> stephen: we have to take a quick break but don't go away. we'll be right back with more claudia jessie, everybody. stick around. good to go off the grid. good to go nonstop. with cabenuva, there's no pausing for daily hiv pills. for adults who are undetectable, cabenuva is the only complete, long-acting hiv treatment you can get every other month. it's two injections from a healthcare provider. just 6 times a year. don't receive cabenuva if you're allergic to its ingredients or if you're taking certain medicines which may interact with cabenuva. serious side effects include allergic reactions, post-injection reactions, liver problems, and depression. if you have a rash and other allergic reaction symptoms, stop cabenuva and get medical help right away.
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>> stephen: more on that end a minute. we are back with "bridgerton" star claudia jessie. so you're on the show that just blows up in his first season. what was it like for you? what was the moment like when you first, people started recognizing you? how long did that take? >> claudia: the first season came out and then the world broke. the world was broken. >> stephen: oh oh, oh that was during -- >> claudia: we finished filming two weeks before the world broke. nothing really happened. it wasn't until season two we started filming that oddly and then i was in london working. that felt a bit weird. i was about to say -- i don't know if my encounters can be classified as fan behavior. it's a bit weird. it's happened a few times. i was on a train going down to london. i live in birmingham in the u.k. there was a girl in front of me who i could clearly see through
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the gaps in the chair and she was on her phone and she was googling me. and then she was like, screen shot my face and sending it to a whatsapp group. i could see something happening in the group. this is so weird. she literally turned around me and went, are you claudia jessie? and i went yeah. and then she went... >> stephen: no judgment, no praise. >> claudia: i'm not asking for her to be like -- i wouldn't even mind if she was like, it's not for me. >> stephen: have ever said, no i'm not? are you claudia jessie? no i'm not. i sometimes will say, i know, i get that a lot. >> claudia: if they are like, you claudia jessie, i feel bad and i'll say yes.
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if they are like, has anyone ever told you you look like the girl from "bridgerton," i'll be like no. >> stephen: claudia, thank you so much for being here. [cheers and applause] the first four episodes of "bridgerton" season 3 are on netflix now. claudia jessie, everybody. we'll be right back with a performance by norah jones.
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>> stephen: performing "paradise" from her latest album, "visions," norah jones. [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ ♪ la la la la la la la la ♪ la la la la la la la la ♪ take me back to paradise ♪ ♪ i could make the sacrifice ♪ ♪ i'm trying to save you ♪ ♪ what else is there left ♪ ♪ to learn? ♪ ♪ watching all these fires ♪ ♪ burn ♪ ♪ i'm waiting, it's true ♪ ♪ i watch you fall ♪ ♪ i try to stop ♪ ♪ waiting for the pain to drop ♪
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♪ i know i've got to ♪ ♪ let you go again ♪ ♪ although, i never wanted ♪ ♪ this to end ♪ ♪ i know it's time ♪ ♪ to let you go ♪ ♪ la la la la la ♪ find a place to calm ♪ ♪ your mind ♪ ♪ i'll take yours ♪ ♪ and you take mine ♪ ♪ i'm begging you, please ♪ ♪ conversations, pleading ♪ ♪ hearts are always beating ♪ ♪ i'm down on my knees ♪ ♪ i watch you fall ♪ ♪ i try to stop ♪ ♪ waiting for the pain to drop ♪
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♪ i know i've got to ♪ ♪ let you go again ♪ ♪ although, i never wanted ♪ ♪ this to end ♪ ♪ i know it's time ♪ ♪ to let you go ♪ ♪ ooh ooh ooh ♪ ♪ ooh ooh ooh ♪ ♪ la la la la la ♪ la la la la la ♪ ♪ la la la ♪ ♪ la la la la la la ♪ ♪ la la la la la la ♪ ♪ la la la la la ♪ ♪ i watch you fall ♪ ♪ i try to stop ♪ ♪ waiting for the pain to drop ♪
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♪ i know i've got to ♪ ♪ let you go again ♪ ♪ although, i never wanted ♪ ♪ this to end ♪ ♪ i know it's time ♪ ♪ to let you go ♪ ♪ oh, oh, oh ♪ ♪ oh, oh ♪ ♪ la la la la la ♪ [cheers and applause] >> stphen: thank you, nora. that was beautiful. norah jones, everybody. that's it for "the late show." good night! [cheers and applause]


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