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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 5am  CBS  May 17, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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wake upment it's friday you made it. good morning, everybody. thank you for joining us, may 17th. >> we are so glad you are here so let's get started. >> i was personally destroying our community. right? and now i have an opportunity to build up our community. and that's what i came out here to do. that's my mission to build up the community. >> a second chance in life to do the right thing. this man just one part of a new alternative to help the homeless in san francisco. anytime that i see developments in ai particularly as they relate to voice, it concerns me for independent artists.
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>> finding a balance between new technology and the irreplaceable human touch. can they coexist? everyone just put they time and work the community in me literally. what i want to be is be the community in me and bring it right back. >> they're role models recognized as leaders in oakland. plus have you ever thought with your dream job would be? you might be able to swim your way through the summer. those swimming pools look so refreshing and it's friday. maybe that's in your future. i'm gianna franco. >> six figures to take a dip and take pictures? i'm in from the neck up for me here. good morning, everybody, i'm reed cowan and let's take a live look outside on this friday morning. we are diving in for a friday swim so to speak. and look at that. it looks like that layer of ick is not quite as low the morning as we've seen it in other mornings and jess we're smiling back at mother nature. absolutely. when reed was in las vegas
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for the super bowl. and reporting live from that pool. that was probably my favorite coverage. >> that pool was heated. it was -- so warm. >> i love that. >> that makes so much sense and it's vegas they do everything extra there. all right. let's take a quick look outside real fast. they already mentioned it that fog layer is not as low. actually that marine layer is not as low as what we're used to during this morning's setup. usually around this time the past couple of days we've been dealing with it so low you can barely see salesforce tower but salesforce tower is 1,000 feet high and we can see the whole thing this morning. great news there. let's take a quick look around the bay area as we wake up and head out the door. we are dealing with 0s and 60s currently in the forecast. but just like yesterday, it's another beautiful warm day into the afternoon hours. cloud layer will continue to lift and it will move off to the coastline and breezy cool conditions along the coast into this afternoon to kick off the friday in style but for the friend in the east bay anywhere from concord into livermore all the way over into antioch too, it's another day of upper 70s
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in the forecast for us. a similar trend down into the santa clara valley too where as we wake up this morning that cloud layer is holding on tight above us, but surface level visibility, it's just fine. so getting to work or school this morning, before we head into a beautiful weekend is going to be perfect. there's plenty of events happening, for example, concord has the fair going on this weekend. in san francisco, it's bay to breakers this weekend and i have your forecast for you coming up for both of those in just a little bit. but for now, let's check the roads outside because at least it's clear in some spots. g. but is the fog impacting anyone? not necessarily on that ride along highway 1 or 280 which is good news but maybe on some of bay area bridges. i did are a little bit of that moisture this morning on my windshielding in to work. so a little bit of that happening on the roadways and just keep that in mind. san mateo bridge, looking good so far no delays there. and looking at the golden gate bridge, fog, not too bad. we're actually moving okay with good visibility heading into san francisco right now. so not a bad commute there and in fact it's friday light and most of the major
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freeways now. there's a lot going on this weekend. that includes a weekend closure along highway 37. we'll have more on that coming up in just a bit. but you have got that and you have also got bay to breakers happening in san francisco so there's going to be some street closures there as well. reed? traffic with g and g means go in the morning. the man convicted of attempting the kidnap former house speaker nancy pelosi and attacking her husband in that hammer attack will learn his fate in federal court today. david depape was already found guilty and admitted to breaking into the home in san francisco back in october of 2022. prosecutors asked the judge to lock him up for four decades which would mean that depape faces being a prisoner into his 70s. second trial in state court will start in coming weeks. in berkeley, police cleared out a group of pro palestinian protesters who occupied the so-called anna head complex. after an hour's long standoff riot police busted down the doors of the closed building and arrested 12. the building is now barricaded but this time
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by police. for a third time, uc regents kicking the can down the road to restrict employees from posting personal views on campus web pages. a t the meeting in merced while protesters camped outside, regents faced criticism by pro palestinian activists that to not allow professors to post is an incursion on educator free speech. well a vote to allow educators to post on so-called secondary sites will now happen in july. update in the world of tech. cruise reached a multimillion dollar settlement with a woman who was hit and dragged by one of the vehicles back in october. you remember this one. now the autonomous car company is paying as much as $12 million to settle that dispute. california dmv suspended the driverless taxi license in san francisco. cruise released a statement saying their hearts are with the pedestrian and they hope for her continued recovery. well, this week, the artificial intelligence company very tone announced a
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partnership to protect the digital asset of performers' name and image and likeness. now it comes after the growing reach of ai was a major concern during contract negotiations with the unions for actors and writers last year. >> wow, caa gets involved they mean business. shawn chitnis here with us now and you have the perspective of a voice actor based here in the bay. and the continuing challenges that ai presents to actors who need to have that autonomy in reality. >> reporter: it's something that we've certainly been following and on this particular week, we also want to emphasize that openai showed us the new developments with chatgpt where there are improvements in the voice. you can really have a conversation. and so that's why the actors that we are talking to particularly one voice actor based here in the bay area, says that whenever it comes to advancements in ai, she proceeds with caution. >> listen, well, well: i'll show you how to -- >> reporter: black top hoops is a vr video game now available and that's the voice of joy
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ofhudu you hear in one of the game's players. the full release the week for play on vr headsets comes years in the making. well after joy voiced this character. >> whether you are recording in-person or at home, voiceover takes time. >> reporter: as a professional voice actor based in the bay area, she's keeping a close eye on the latest developments for all things ai. >> i was interested and excited a little bit nervous. scared. and as someone who has publicly spoken about ai and my concerns as a voice actor, i now a lot of the alarm bells would be kind of winging as well. >> reporter: this week's announcement that very tone and caa have created the vault to store and protect digital assets caught he attention. she's optimistic about steps like this to secure any work that use hearse voice. >> they can come in and they can make sure that their scans and their recordings, everything is being done is theirs. >> reporter: the two companies say the vault will ensure an artist's voice is only used
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when they want it to be. and they're getting paid for it. >> i'm okay. >> reporter: but voice actors like joy say cyber security is a growing threat for her line of work. and it's too early to know if anyone can truly store voices safely. there are always legal and ethical concerns with ai and voice work. and now there could be an issue of access. who will be able to use this technology to protect their voice? >> anytime that i see developments in ai particularly as they relate to voice, it concerns me for independent artists. for those of us who are professional working artists and actors. sorry dude, i can't hear you. >> reporter: joy says she's fortunate in these uncertain times to keep getting more work. whether it's in the animated series "the sales off" or the independent hand drawn film "beverly bunny." >> murder, what murder? when was the murder? >> reporter: but beyond the concerns over ai creating an unfair landscape for voice artists, she also worries about it moving the craft away from the art of performing.
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>> we voice act not because we just want to receive a check. every now and again though the check is nice. voice acting isn't the most lucrative industry and not the most lucrative kind of acting per se. we do it because we love the performance. >> reporter: so some important take aways for all of us as we continue to follow these developments closely. we got to be more critical of all of the content we see now and question specifically what we are hearing. right? because audio is going to be the easiest to manipulate. but also artists like joy want to point out hey, i am able to thrive in the bay area doing this kind of work. so at least we can say that, you know, there's that entertainment scene here. we are not necessarily in l. a.'s shadow. there are so much opportunity for someone like here. >> voice work especially we saw the advancement happen during covid. when we were forced to do so much at home. voice actors now have their own studios and you used have to go somewhere to record all this stuff. i feel like that part of technology was great. adding the ai to it, makes me a little concerned. and i hope it works out because it really is a
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great industry and a lot of fun. >> i'm glad to see she's doing a little pushback and my goodness making it look good. talk about the '80s cool story. can we see the story once an how long. >> we will. >> thank you, shawn. coming up, opening doors in oakland. a story to fill up your heart and make you know and believe once again people are good. plus, storms sweep through the south. the frightening videos coming into the newsroom this morning from texas. and here's a look outside before we head to break. this is the -- ooh look at this the top of mount diablo looking over towards clayton and you can kind of make it out a little bit there. just underneath that cloud cover. we'll be right back. my psoriasis was all over. then psoriatic arthritis.
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locking live at oakland where we say good morning to our friends in the east bay and congratulations to the bridge builders who are opening doors to education for students. you know, more than 1100 students got oakland's largest scholarship giveaway. andrea nakano talked to one young man who will be the first from his family to attend college. [
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applause ] >> reporter: these young students are the future of oakland. they are leaders and role models in their community. you won't find a more positive and inspirational young man than 17-year-old royal hubbard. >> that goes for my mom, auntie. my family. my dad. because everyone -- everyone just put they time and work in me. the community in me literally. what i want to do is be the community in me and bring it back out to the world. >> reporter: royal is a senior at oakland tech high school and one of the recipients of the oakland promise scholarship and one of more than 1100 students who are getting a sure of nearly a $5 million to help them go to college. for royal it's a dream come true to be the first in his family to get a college education. >> my dad didn't have much. my mom doesn't have much and my family didn't have much. i just got -- i learned from their mace takes. >> reporter: only receive financial support but e resources like mentors to guide them in the next chapter of their lives. oakland promise
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was created in 2016 as a way to reinvest in the city's youth. >> really our students in oakland, they are the stars. they are excellent. and they have the opportunity to really change the trajectory of -- of their zip code. >> reporter: royal will be going to csu north ridge in the fall to study business and marketing with an emphasis on fashion. he's already had a chance to be a part of new york fashion week. and hit the runway. he's on his way to turning his dream into reality. but he also knows his journey is not just about him. >> i have been thinking about too much and make me want to shed a tear. my little cousin and nephew is going to look at me. >> reporter: and royal is creating the path for his family to now follow in his footsteps. >> and we can see and celebrate oakland promise. they tell us in keeping their promise to oakland, they've helped more than 1,000 families with infants lifted up and supported tens of thousands of elementary
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and middle and high school students and can boast more than 2,000 bridges built to college education and less than a decade of service. and that indeed, we say is keeping a promise. look at all the kiddos. >> i love it. >> that's the future right. >> so many are going to the next phase in their life but you do learn a lot about the amazing kids and organizations who you know, wasn't so easy to get there. but there are communities and people who help and look at that. >> yeah. now we just need the business world to look at that and see that asset and bring them on in. make a space for them. and i hope that happens. >> good kids out there. let's take a live look outside, hey, it's friday morning and yay. i'm so ready for it. and it was a little misty on my drive in. of course jess will have a look at what's in store for you for the weekend. but first, jessica, you have got some pretty incredible video coming out of texas this morning. >> absolutely. g, a powerful storm system pummeled the area of houston leaving trail of destruction. and the violent hurricane-force winds actually slammed the city. bringing in
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flash flooding and tornado warnings and knocking out power to thousands of people after pummeling power transmitters. and the building partially collapsed right behind me. that was just the site of it. that was just being torn away. we're hearing at least four people were killed in the storm and one of them died after being hit by a falling crane and check out this video behind me of the downtown skyscrapers. they were just complete lebron out. it was the side of building that had the damage too. two men were inside of that high-rise and they described this chaos and how they may say they actually saved a man's life. >> we're in the restroom and we hear everything screaming and coming towards the restroom and there's like dust blowing down from the ceiling tiles. >> a guy who came running in and had a gash on his arm about eight inches and we had to put a tourniquet on it. >> the a's were in houston playing the astros and the
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heavy rain somehow made it into the minute maid park. now it blew through the cracks of the retractable roof across the outfield and despite that happening the game was played as normal. so lots happening right now just in the region. that's one of the big weather headlines for statewide story but as we take a look -- statewide stories. but as we look at what's happening for us here in the bay area, our weather headlines are a lot more detailed when it comes to a calm and mild forecast for us right around the corner. now as we take a look outside on morning like this, it is a mild weather pattern for us. we have daytime highs once again sitting right where we should be for this time of year, 60s and 70s in the forecast widespread throughout the bay area. some 50s trickled in along the coastline. highs are going to remain right where they should be for this time of year heading into the weekend and we don't have a lot of changes around the corner. let's dive into the weekend's forecast and starting off with tomorrow and of course sunday too. beautiful conditions for us as we head into the next couple of days. for antioch if you are planningen heading over
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to the contra costa county fair, lots of things happening widespread throughout the bay area. like bay to breakers too in san francisco. so if you are thinking of heading out for that or trying to figure out what -- outfit to wear and plan ahead. keep in mind we're expecting 50s in the forecast on sunday just in the city of san francisco. today, we're sitting in the 60s. that's going to be a beautiful setup to kick this weekend off. it's still cool and cloudy right now throughout the bay area. but heading into the afternoon, just like clockwork, all week long, we've been seeing that cloud layer break apart just around 10:00, 11:00. pull back along the coast. and suddenly we're left with sunny skies and 70s and 60s anywhere from napa down into areas like livermore. live in the santa clara valley, this was what we're waking up to right now. see all the puffy clouds kind of just blanketing us right now? that layer is going to start pulling back just like the past couple of days and along the coastline as we head into the afternoon hours. we're left with sunny skies and 70s in the forecast for us. so with that in mind, we're heading into the weekend and as we gear up for next week too, we have some beautiful weather in store for us. we're talking about
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sunshine and 80s around the corner as we head all the way into our monday and tuesday forecast. of next week. what's happening is high pressure is moving its way in. slowly but surely and that will continue to warm us up into mid next week. we'll see some partly cloudy skies by late next week as well. g? i'm going send it over to you. all right, thank you. let's talk about the roadways right now. and if you are getting ready to hop on the golden gate bridge this morning, you have got plenty of time to have that extra coup of coffee. it's friday friends and friday light on the roadways. some good news there to report. if you are getting ready to make your drive into san francisco right now. things are pretty smooth through here. and really no fog to slow you down. the one thing i did deal with this morning though was my wind shield wipers were going. you might have a little mist on your wipers for your drive in. just be careful and all right, here's an overview and look at this. not bad at all and in fact, pretty quiet really our only spot where we're tracking some busy conditions and some brake lights is that ride as you work your way into the altamont pass. but no surprise there. supercommuters, you kind of know what to expect for that commute heading over from tracy on to 580. i'm showing highway
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37 right now. for now, it's open and it's moving along well in both directions. but there's a full weekend closure eastbound 37 between sears point and south of sonoma and mare island in vallejo. this is road work and starting tonight at 10:00 and extenduntil monday morning at 5:00. plan for that and detours gets really busy in and around there when we have the closures. we are a little over an hour away from part of highway 1 near big sur reopening. governor gavin newsom's office says that's eight days ahead of schedule. back in march if you remember a storm triggered a rock slide and left this section of the road impassable. the only way in and out has been two daily convoys but now with a temporary signal highway 1 will be open 24/7 to oneway traffic and that's happening at 6:30. reed? now a live look at hayes valley in san francisco. where work has been put in there. number 788 on that street. hayes valley right there in low
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income residents and seniors finally get to celebrate the grand opening of a new grocery store. it was much-needed. that fulton street location brings about 100 jobs to that area. and look at that. remember the days in high school when we -- many of us worked in grocery stores? they're stocking up and i know the sound of that cardboard and the smell of it this morning. congratulations to the friends in hayes valley. and by the way, get those key lime cookies. >> cookies. >> strawberry lemonade. >> delicious. oh. who doesn't love trader joe's? all right, time right now 5:21. a live look at o 8:00 park and running in the big leagues. chance for fans to get on the field tonight in base to breakers, here's another live look outside before we head to break. you you are looking at oracle but now we'll go down to san jose. hi, thanks
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vision changes, or eye pain occur. ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ [laughing] ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy for copd because breathing should be beautiful, all day and night. looking live this morning at oracle park. get ready to lace up the running shoes everybody. bay the breakers and the san francisco giants teaming up with an epic running challenge this weekend. the giants hosting runners night as they take on the rockies tonight. and coming up at 8:00 this will be exciting, director kyle myers of bay to breakers will be here to give us all the details to get you in the outfit and get the shoes on and get you teed up for a great run this weekend.
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>> have you been? it's a thing. >> it's -- i follow bay to breakers even before i moved to the bay. i was like -- what's the fashion? >> oh. it's fun. it is really fun to see. well, any 49ers' fan in san jose would have felt like a little kid with the star power at the fourth annual dwight clark legacy series. it raises money for the golden heart fund which helps formers 49ers' playest and a chance for the past and present to get together. we still had a chance to ask jeff garcia about the niners' current qb situation. >> very mature, very cool and calm and collected. some of that joe montana, feel to him and the sense of how joe was. so cool out on the field. the young man plays the game with somewhat of an effortless feel for what he does out there. he's got a composure that is well beyond his 24, 25 years of age that he is. all those things that he does out there
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are very special. and we hope we have him for a long time. >> wow. >> yeah. >> i hope for a long time too. >> nice compliments when you are put in the same sentence as joe montana. >> no big deal. >> you are making an impression. keep it up brock purdy. >> that's something they can't take away from you right? this to this, huge. you didn't want to close up of me. coming up a bay area job that really sucks. barge and a bay and a mission to be cleaner for the climate. itay hod will explain. also confronting homelessness with heart. new way in to help people when we come back. it's time to get away and cache in, at cache creek casino resort, to rock and to roll. to go all out or... go all in. with four stars and rising stars, northern california's premier casino resort is the perfect place... do as much
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-or as little- as you want. make your get away now and cache in at cache creek casino resort. we're still going for that nice catch. we're still going for that perfect pizza. and with higher stroke risk from afib not caused by a heart valve problem,... ...we're going for a better treatment than warfarin. eliquis. eliquis reduces stroke risk. and has less major bleeding. over 97% of eliquis patients did not experience a stroke. don't stop taking eliquis without talking to your doctor as this may increase your risk of stroke.
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eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. while taking, you may bruise more easily... ...or take longer for bleeding to stop. get help right away for unexpected bleeding or unusual bruising. it may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. the number one cardiologist-prescribed blood thinner. ask your doctor about eliquis. wendy's orange dreamsicle frosty, this takes me back man. blood thinner. it's like taking a trip down memory lane. i didn't know they sold dreamsicles on memory lane. for the flavor that takes you back, get wendy's new orange dreamsicle frosty. a perfect day for a family outing! shingles doesn't care. but shingrix protects. only shingrix is proven over 90% effective. shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen.
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the most common side effects are pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingrix today. 5:30 in the morning and taking a live look right now at the city of san francisco and all the twinkling lights as we await the sunrise that will confirm for us we're in for another day and it is a friday. which always makes it a great day. bay to breakers. concord. the fair going on up there. so many exciting things happening in the bay. jess, you are the one everybody wants to hear from today. what's the weather going to be like? microphone. >> be perfect. that's what i was trying to say just a second ago. oh. goodness gracious. it will be beautiful as we head into this weekend's forecast. kind of lake what we've had the past couple of days where it's been cool and cloudy in the morning hours like what we have right now. but then that cloud layer pulls back along the coast into the afternoon.
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it's exactly what's happening for us this weekend and thecloud layer is already pretty high for us right now. salesforce tower is about 1,000 feet high and you can see the lower ceiling of it right now in the next couple of hours and through the afternoon we'll continue to watch the clouds pull back. left with plenty of sunshine in the inland areas and daytime highs still near normal. meaning mostly 70s in our inland areas and 60s and 50s along the coast and peninsula and in the next couple of days it's going to be beautiful for us if you are planning on heading to the contra costa county fair with 70s and 80s for the daytime highs. today, tomorrow, lasting into the sunday forecast over in antioch. or maybe you are gearing up and getting ready for bay tobreakers. right around the corner folks one of the best things to do in san francisco with bay to breakers if you want good entertainment and people watching. we're expecting 50s in the forecast on sunday but let's take a quick look at the rest of the bay area starting off with today's forecast. live near petaluma or santa rosa, today beautiful sunshine in the afternoon and we're expecting 70s in the forecast there. if you live closer to antioch or
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concord, well, once again, upper 70s in the forecast and we have some low 80s throughout the bay area earlier this week. especially off in the east bay. and down into the santa clara valley. we'll see that again as we head into next week with sunnier skies actually around the corner as we head into next week's forecast too. more on that coming up. for now over to you, g. jess, thank you. pretty easy and in fact seamless commute for most of the bay area bridges and it's still quite early. and it's friday. so two good things to report right now as you commute out on the roadways. plenty of time to have a little extra breakfast or the extra coffee or maybe watch a few more minutes of us. why not? couple of things happening over the weekend to plan for. there's the closure eastbound 37 westbound lane will be open eastbound will be closed pretty much between sears point and mare island. that starts at 10:00 tonight and it extends all the way through the weekend. so do plan for that it gets very busy in and around there when they make these construction closures. reed? all right, g, taking a live look from the city of san
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francisco. you know, despite the city spending hundreds of millions of dollars to fight homelessness the situation is not getting better. in fact new numbers show the city's homeless population now stands at more than 8,000 people living on our streets. that's up 7% from 2022. now there's good news here too. more people are inside shelters and they're getting the services that shelters provide. we know we have a large portion of people also living in cars so not much improvement there. that reality only went down 1% in the homeless count that happens every two years. you know, the city gets an overwhelming number of calls about people on the streets who are homeless and sometimes it can take police weeks to respond. so lauren toms shows you a group called the heart team. they have the sole purpose of responding to non-emergency calls. >> reporter: kenneth franklin has been given a second chance at life. and he's using it to give others a second chance too. >> we pan out of my day -- the
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society, right? so i never look at it as me like -- giving someone something, it's more of me like -- giving them what i owe them. >> reporter: that debt comes from serving time behind bars. facing 59 days, eight months and four days for gang related activity he was released after 16 years. today, he's using that experience to offer a helping hand to people experiencing homelessness in san francisco. >> i was the person destroying our community. right? and now i have an opportunity to build up our community. and that's what i came out here to do. that's my mission. to build up the community. >> reporter: and he's doing that by giving people a little bit of heart. as part of the homeless engagement assistance response team. they're an alternative to police that has proved its worth in its very first year by responding to thousands of non-emergency calls that can take police days or even weeks to get to. >> it helps the police
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department to focus on things more intense. we get more of those because normally, nine times out of ten, it's -- someone that's homeless. right? or -- and we have that factor where we are more relatable and it's more of a -- calmer situation when we do approach. >> reporter: today he uses that experience to offer a helping hand to people experiencing homelessness and he responds to a trespassing call in soma made by a resident who called the non-emergency police line. but instead of an armed officer, kenneth responds with his partner rachel. armed with only narcan and snacks and compassion. and director of emergency management mary ellen carroll says it's one of the most successful response teams in the city, having responded to over 14,000 calls in the last year. >> they filled a gap that we didn't have before. with people to be able to answer these particular level -- what we would consider, you know, low priority calls. >> reporter: she's heard criticism over city spending on the handful of pricey response programs that according to a
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2023 city audit, don't always fulfill their promised metrics. but says each cater to a specific need for people who continue to face homelessness, substance abuse and mental hillness but for kenneth it's a cycle that's proving its effectiveness that a little heart goes a long way. >> i start understanding my value and my worth right and because i understand my worth now i can project that on to others, right? that love that i have for myself. i can show you look, i love -- i love myself so i can show you that i love you. right and you should love you. right? this is why i do the work that i do. >> well, that heart team is busy. of all the 911 or 311 calls that came in to first responders, they took 80% of the calls last year and because of their intervention hundreds ended upwith a roof over their heads. >> a little love and kindness. former president donald trump's historic criminal trial is getting closer to the finish line. yesterday, his
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former attorney michael cohen faced aggressive cross-examination over his history of lying under oath. trump has denied he did anything wrong as he faces 34 felonycounts closing arguments are expected early next week. another attempt to allow access to some psychedelics in california has fizzled out at the state capitol. the bill from san francisco senator scott wiener would have created guidelines for a psychedelic assisted therapy and who can become licensed to assist patients. well, the bill was placed in the suspense file and that means democrats leading the senate appropriations committee were able to kill the bill without bringing it to a vote. the justice department has formally moved to reclassify marijuana as lower risk. for more than 50 years, weed has been categorized as a schedule 1 substance. that classification is shared by drugs like heroin and ecstasy and instead, pot would move to a second 3 controlled substance. alongside drugs like ketamine and some anabolic steroids. california republicans are
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headed to burlingame for their spring convention and all things trump appear to be taking center stage. case in point, a north dakota governor thought to be donald trump's top choice to be his running mate is going to speak along with trump's daughter-in-law laura trump. so at 7:00 a.m. on pix+, the professor will give us a little bit of a primer on the republican drum beat to try and reclaim the white house. meanwhile, governor gavin newsom used high-profile speech on climate change out of all places, the vatican. and there he delivered some sharp criticism for former president donald trump. the governor blasted reports that trump met with fossil fuel executives and asked them for a billion dollars in donations to his election campaign. >> open corruption. a billion dollars to pollute our states, to pollute our country, and to pollute this planet. so i'm very proud of living in a state that's pushing back against that agenda to roll back
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progress. >> newsom was one of three u.s. governors invited to speak at that summit. he touted california's leadership regardless of what happens at the national level. meanwhile, concern but optimistic. that's how pope francis described the state of the world during a historic interview with cbs news airing this weekend. on "60 minutes." our own norah o'donnell anchor and managing editor sat down with the pope. this is the first time a pope has given an indepth one-on-one interview to a u.s. broadcast network. and when it comes to cutting down on pollution there's one that's overlooked but it has a huge impact. emissions from ports. as itay hod is about to show you, one man is on a mission to fight climate change and is making waves at the port of oakland and beyond with a device that's basically a giant vacuum cleaner. here's how it works. >> reporter: for more than two
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decades, mike walker worked his way to the top of the tech world. earning a mid six figure salary as the ceo of several successful start-ups. but even though he was living the dream, something was missing. >> super important to find the reason why you want to do something. >> reporter: his latest venture, stacks, might just be the holy grail of business. making money out of thin air while also saving the planet. for the last couple of years, mike and his team have been on a mission against emissions. his company builds green barges like this one that essentially serve as giant vacuum cleaners. capturing exhaust from container ships while they're berthed at ports. >> this is our boom. this is 245 feet. it's -- extends itself up and over vessel. where a long elephant-like trunk comes down and we put
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that over the top of the stack. and that's where the emissions are gathered. >> reporter: a 2020 study done in spain showed 265,000 premature deaths were attributed to global shipping emissions. state regulations require vessels to plug into an electrical grid known as shore power. which allows ships to turn off their engines while at berth. but that's not always possible. >> any given year, we see around over 8,000 vessel visits. >> reporter: angela is the air resources supervisor at the california air and resources board and she says the problem is many of these ships are too old and don't have the infrastructure to connect to a power grid. >> we do see, as a very good alternative, for vessels to use it if they don't want to invest into shore power. >> reporter: today, mike and his team are helping a vessel whose electrical outlet is too far to reach. a massive
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bendable arm is deployed from the barge and hovers over the ship. and an engineer then connects it to the smokestack like a giant range hood. within seconds, the black smoke is gone. >> we get to see in very clear terms the -- smoke going away from being distributed out into the air and being captured into these systems. so -- it's -- it's a really, you know, almost instant gratification. >> reporter: sailing towards a sustainable future while trying to keep our planet on course. coming up, chance to be famous while making six figures swimming. huh. g. >> curious. lurk later it's so much bigger than bling. a look inside
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novartis may help you save on your prescription. [ bell dinging ] time now for your money watch report. the dow briefly broke past 40,000 for the first time ever. it was fueled by an incouraging inflation report but despite the bump earlier in the day, all three major indexes ended the day lower. >> a lot of this is on the backdrop of an incredibly high interest rate environment. and uncertain path forward for the u.s. central bank. we don't know what the rest of their year is going to look like. we know they have five more
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meetings and we're seeing a lot more cracks in the consumer. >> well, the feds' next chance to drop interest rates is in june. but economists say a change is unlikely. well, here's a look at the closing numbers yesterday. the dow ending the day 130 points shy of 40,000. nasdaq and s&p off on the day as well. the supreme court says the way the consumer financial protection bureau is funded does not violate the constitution. the agency was formed after the 2008 financial crisis to regulate consumer finance such as mortgages and car loans. a conservative effort opposed his funding from the federal reserve instead of the annual budget process in congress. reed? all right, well, this might be the dream job that you have been waiting for. a company hiring a chief pools' officer. the job description swim in pools and all 50 states this summer. pretty easy. and what's even better, you can make up to $100,000 for the
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gig. swimply which allows the booking of private pools by the hour will pay the winners at least $50,000 to host pool parties and post on social media about the victim journey. the other $50,000 will be based on content engagement. i guess you have a pool, you can rent it out. >> i don't know if you are invited but people have a good time. this is interesting. because you get to travel across the states. and then you get to throw parties which you are making new friends along the way. a win/win for the summer. >> i'm going to be the old man. i get off my lawn guy. a neighbor to somebody who's renting out the backyard for a pool party, not sure about it. >> i'm in. a live look outside this friday morning but lots of fun get your -- you get the six figures just do it five doors down from my house. look at weather here. the flag is flying there. the left side of your screen. and that, jess, i would imagine helps to kind of
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get rid of that -- that low layer of fog and funk. >> reed come on. you would totally throw the best pool party ever. >> yes i would. i don't want my neighbors throwing it. that i have to listen to it. because you never know what's going to ham right? >> absolutely. you totally missed what i said. you'd be throwing a kiki right? >> let's have one. >> let's take a poll. if any of you watching know what it is, put the answer on social media. use the #kpix. let's have a kiki. >> just learned. >> all right. let's take a quick look at what's going on outside right now as we wake up and head out the door, maybe running in bay the breakers which props to you. looks like such a fun event. i'm always gone every year for military training during that weekend. but here's what's happening for us this weekend's forecast. high pressure sitting just offshore. that's been delivering this very calm, quiet weather pattern pretty much all week long. yes, we get that marine layer in the morning hours and reed mentioned the winds it's a little bit breezy right now
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near san francisco but lasting into this afternoon, we'll continue to see that onshore flow become a lot more apparent in areas like bodega bay and half-moon bay and breezy conditions are expected all the way up near napa and sonoma this afternoon. close to around 15 miles per hour. but winds went really that big of a concern for us. daytime highs are still staying right around average and 60s in the forecast for us today near san francisco. you head just north of the golden gate bridge, suddenly we're talking about 70s all throughout marin and all throughout sonoma and napa and some 60s actually trickled into napa as well. in the east bay a beautiful forecast this afternoon and really heading into this weekend. we're not seeing too much day-to-day changes. early next week, high pressure moves in just a bit more and that system sitting offshore. and that will warm us up just a smidge more and give us more sunshine too. for example, right now we're still waking up to the cloud layer all throughout the santa clara valley. it's going to start lifting and it pulls back along the coast as we head into the afternoon hours leaving us with sunshine and 70s today. but by early next week, we won't even have clouds to be talking about. here let me show you what i mean by that. like i
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said high pressure will be moving in and it dries and warms us up. in the 80s as soon as monday and tuesday and wednesday of next week. with plenty of sunshine in store for us as well. that's our inland areas though. if you live closer to the bay, for example, san francisco, oakland, daly city, a little bit cooler when it comes to our daytime highs and we're still sitting in the 60s for now and we return into the 70s as soon as monday and sunday of next week and holding on tight to the monday forecast -- excuse me, tuesday forecast actually with mid 70s in the forecast for us there. plenty of sunshine and no rain in sight for now. the climate prediction center showing above normal conditions for our daytime highs and below normal conditions for rainfall. but we'll have more on that in a bit. for now over to you, g. jess, thank you. a couple of things to look out for now this morning. live look here at the bay bridge, metering lights just turned on about ten minutes ago. so you might see some slight delays once you are past this point as you get through the metering lights and on to upper deck but still safe to say it's friday light and typically this already backed up to maybe the first overpass. not the case today. so some good news there. now i want to
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focus your attention on your drive if you are headed along 680. your route this morning. northbound between mission boulevard and auto mall parkway. a road closure. this is due to a crash and chp has a traffic alert that has been issued through there. all lanes are blocked. so stick with 880 or surface streets until things open up. it's been out there for about 30 minutes now. and they just closed the lanes to clear everything out of the way they've got tow crews arriving on scene and hopefully that will help in the meantime though we're seeing a bit of a backup. so try to avoid 680 again this is northbound between mission and auto mall parkway and don't forget the closure this week on 37. eastbound sears point to mare island. it's starting tonight and extends until monday morning. well, g, how about ending the week with a lesson that's filled with heart? kindness 101 with steve hartman is back on cbs morning. they explore the idea of kindness as a continuous loop of appreciation and one student is a perfect
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example of that. >> you didn't realize how unseen you were until you were seen and then all of a sudden you are like oh, this is kind of nice. >> yeah. that's what it feels like right? a lesson in reciprocity and kindness 101 on "cbs mornings" at 7:00 right here on kpix. g? 5:51. behind the gems that connect a culture, the spotlight on the stunning piec
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relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya. welcome back and happy friday to you. well, stunning pieces of jewelry can be a common sight in some of the nation's biggest museums, but a new exhibit and this is in new york, is putting a spotlight on the jewels that trace the history of hip hop. jarred hill takes us inside the ice cold display from new york fresh off the genre's 50th anniversary. >> reporter: from the gold rope chains of the '80s to the candy colored drip of today. hip hop jewelry has a new home. >> everyone always points to the biggie line? you never thought that hip hop would take it this far and here we are in the american museum of natural history. >> reporter: journalist vicky tobak literally wrote the book on the 50 year relationship between the genre and the jewelry. what are you hoping people take away from the show?
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>> i hope people walk away from this show understanding that it's so much bigger than bling. it really is -- showing the world who you are. >> the connection between hip hop and jewelry has always been to be able to show your success. >> reporter: a hip hop icon by just 15 after her hit roxanne's revenge became part of one of the first great rap beefs has one of the smaller pieces in the exhibit. but it means a lot. >> only given to someone who did good deeds in the community and i wanted it to show something a little different than just the wealth of hip hop. >> reporter: but whether it's custom grills, blinked out watches, flavor flav's clock or the iconic jeer sis produce, the opulence is still on full display in the museum's hall of gems and minerals. >> jewelry tell asset of culture stories. >> reporter: stories like the link between the artists who wear these works of art and the mostly immigrant jewelers who
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made them. >> that concept of the american dream. transcending your circumstances. hustling. not really adhering to any kind of limiting things. that's very hip hop. >> reporter: many in the culture say hip hop never needed broader validation but this is something different. >> just shows the appreciation for all that's been done with hip hop. >> we see you the beauty and the jewelry it's really great to learn the story behind the people who make it. >> i knew flavor flav in las vegas. it's pretty cool. >> i would love to see that. all right, 5:57. protecting voices in the new age of artificial intelligence. can the entertainment industry find the right balance? plus, coming up at 7:00 a.m., california republicans gathered this weekend ahead of 2024's election. we're chatting live with political analyst david mccuan about what to expect to hear from republicans. here's a live look outside before we head to break.
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thank you so much for joining us this morning. it is friday, we made it. may 17th. >> yes we did. so let's get started. >> i was personally destroying our community. right?


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